What is the best internet for a tablet? Internet for a tablet - which one is better?

Should I choose 3G or Wi-Fi for my tablet?

There are only two options for connecting a mobile device to the global network - 3G or Wi-Fi. Some tablets can connect to the Internet in both ways. When buying a tablet, you should pay attention to this aspect Special attention. If you plan to use the Internet primarily at home or at work, where there is a wireless access point Wi-Fi networks, then it is not necessary to buy a device with a SIM card. But people who are mobile and constantly travel cannot do without 3G.

Naturally, the Internet speed when connected via Wi-Fi is much higher, and you don’t need to pay for traffic at home. But since the cover wireless network in Russia it is still quite small; on the road without the ability to connect to 3G you can be left without access to the global web.

Which mobile Internet is better for a tablet - MTS, Beeline or Megafon?

So, you need to connect to the network via 3G. And it’s quite natural that you don’t know which one. After all, different operators The quality and speed of data reception and transmission are not the same, and tariffs and prices can generally get confusing.

The three largest mobile Internet providers in our country (MTS, Beeline and Megafon) sell special SIM cards that provide access to the network.

To choose a tariff that will best meet your requirements, you need to decide how often and for what purposes you will use the Internet.

If you are going to spend a lot of time online, download all kinds of files, view photos and videos, then you are better off choosing an unlimited tariff. And if you only need to check your email, look through the latest press and view friends’ news on social networks, then the Internet with a limited amount of traffic will be enough. The fact that the tariff is not unlimited does not mean that after downloading a certain amount of data you will be left without access to the Internet; as a rule, in such cases they only limit the speed. But these will help save money for not very active users.

To understand which operator’s Internet is better, you need to take into account one more nuance - the quality of signal reception at your location. If, for example, you are going on vacation, then be sure to clarify this point.

You should also note one more feature of choosing a tariff, the SIM card of which for accessing the Internet from a tablet is roaming. So, if you are going to use a device with network access within one region, then no problems will arise. But if you often travel around the country, then it is better to purchase unlimited tariffs, operating throughout Russia. The same applies to international roaming. To save money, before leaving you need to check with the operator about the possibility of connecting additional options.

All telecom operators currently have special rates to access the network mobile devices, so you can choose which Internet connection is best for your tablet in your particular case.

All operators cellular communications There are specialized plans that are intended for use only on tablets. This is understandable: demand creates supply. Let's try together to choose the Internet for a tablet: which is better in 2018?

We went through the websites of cellular operators and collected several offers. We'll tell you about the nuances of using tariffs for a tablet, and also figure out who has the most profitable internet in tablet format.

Internet for a tablet: what are its features?

To begin with, let’s say a few words about how the tariff intended “for a tablet” differs from the usual tariff for a mobile phone.

  • The “tablet” tariff is designed for the SIM card to be used for surfing the Internet, and not for making calls. Therefore, minute packages are not connected to it mobile communications and SMS.
  • As for the Internet, for a tablet it is paid for by traffic: a package of gigabytes of a certain volume is connected to the SIM card. As a rule, it varies from 7 to 30 GB.
  • In addition, on “tablet” tariffs it is possible to connect unlimited Internet for certain services - instant messengers, social networks, YouTube, watching television. The range of offers varies greatly from operator to operator.

The best internet plans for a tablet

What conclusion can be drawn from this? The profitability of an Internet tariff for a tablet is determined by two factors: how much does a gigabyte of Internet cost and how much unlimited options can be connected to the tariff. Let's see what mobile operators offer us: from the most profitable to the most unfavorable offer. Prices are indicated in Moscow.

Yota for tablet

Price per GB: 19.6 rubles

And we won’t start with the “big three” at all: the cheapest “tablet” tariff in Russia is currently offered by Yota. Within the tariff "Yota for tablet" you can get 30 GB internet for 590 rubles per month.

The tariff itself is quite tasty: it works on the principle of a designer. Depending on your preference, you can connect 0 or 500 minutes of calls, 7, 15 or 30 GB Internet, as well as a number of unlimited options:

Empirically (in the picture above), we have collected the best tariff for a tablet from the point of view of the average user from Moscow and the region. No calls (there is a phone for calls), but a lot of gigabytes, music, social networks, instant messengers and, of course, YouTube. It cost us 750 rubles per month. There is only one disadvantage of this proposal: Yota has a small coverage area.

Internet M

Price per GB: 25 rubles

Megafon offers a wide range of Internet options for the tablet. Several such options at once - Internet S, M, L And XL - available on tariff "Megafon-Online". Depending on the selected option, you can connect for your tablet:

  • 7, 18, 25 or 30 GB internet + unlimited internet at night (for option XL);
  • unlimited internet for navigation services, email, cloud storage, social networks, music and video (for option S - only the first three);
  • access to content Megafon-TV.

The middle option from this line is Internet M. 18 GB of traffic, all unlimited options, as well as 1 movie and 50+ TV channels from the Megafon-TV collection all this will go to the user for 450 rubles per month. But calls on the Megafon-Online tariff are not available in principle - although, perhaps, this is for the better.

Megafon has another tablet tariff - “Worry-free Internet for your tablet”. A SIM card with this tariff will most likely be inserted into your iPad.

The meaning of its existence is not entirely clear. The essence of the tariff is that you are given a tiny limit of 600 MB Internet per month - but completely free.

Every day you can spend 20 MB, after which you are connected paid packages By 150 MB cost 20 rubles every. The number of connected packages is not limited. In a word, everything looks like a well-veiled game on the technical illiteracy of tablet users - after all, Lately they are increasingly gaining popularity among the older generation.

EVERYTHING 2 for tablet

Price per GB: 31.5 rubles

In third place in terms of price is the tariff from the “stripe” operator. Within the tariff “EVERYTHING 2 for tablet” Beeline gives subscribers 19 GB Internet for a fixed subscription fee 600 rubles per month.

In addition, within the tariff you can free of charge and without restrictions:

Connect package free minutes You can’t, SMS too. One minute of a call and an SMS from a Beeline tablet tariff will cost the same 2 rubles per home region. The offer, in a word, is quite poor, although relatively cheap. Another caveat is that the offer is not available in all regions.

Internet on a tablet from Tele2

Price per GB: 33.2 rubles

The young operator Tele2 also offers a pretty good Internet option for a tablet compared to Beeline - which one is better is up to you to decide. As part of the service "Internet to tablet" from Tele2 15 GB Internet will cost you 499 rubles per month.

In addition to this, the operator offers its own range of interesting unlimited options:

In addition, the remaining unused traffic for the month is carried over to the next month. Unburnable gigabytes are a proprietary promotion of Tele2, which is not offered by any other operator.

The service is available when connecting to a tariff "Internet for devices". One call and one SMS within this tariff will cost 1.8 rubles, respectively. Connection of packages of minutes and messages is not available.


Price per GB: 33.2 rubles

Rostelecom, known as a broadband Internet provider, has been selling SIM cards for a long time and has its own mobile tariffs. On two such tariff plans - "SUPERSIMKA FREE" And "For the Internet" option available SIMPLE INTERNET on a tablet.

Within the tariff, users do not receive anything special - just 15 GB internet traffic per 499 rubles per month. Like Tele2, whose capacity is used by Rostelecom, now you will see that their tariffs, in general, are no different.

Internet use is not charged on the social networks VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki, as well as when using Yandex.Maps and Yandex.Navigator. The remaining unused gigabytes are carried over to the next month.

At the end of the 15 GB package, you can purchase one of three additional ones - 500 MB for 50 rubles, 3 GB for 150 rubles, or 5 GB for 250 rubles. Really, just the internet.

MTS for tablet

Price per GB: 55 rubles

The worst thing about mobile Internet for a tablet is with a “red” operator. In the case of MTS, Internet tariffs are prohibitively high. Behind 550 rubles per month you will receive only 10 GB Internet on a tablet is a sad picture.

In addition to this, the operator offers to choose one of the unlimited options, which will be included free of charge in the “For Tablet” tariff:

You can add only one option for free - you will have to pay for the second one 75 rubles per month (and for MTS-TV - all 150). One call and one SMS - 1.5 rubles, respectively. What if you spend your 10 GB ahead of schedule, the operator will automatically connect you to an additional 500 MB package, and will not hesitate to charge 95 rubles for it.

In a word, MTS excuses itself only for the fact that it has , which, in general, no one bothers to use on a tablet. By the way, other operators do too. Check out our selection and choose your mobile Internet for your tablet - you already know which operator is better.

Since the puzzling presentation of the first Apple iPad and cries of “no one needs this gadget”, four years have passed, and today no one doubts the market success of tablet computers. Diametrically opposed views have become fashionable, and a crowd of “independent analysts” zealously agree with Steve Jobs’s predictions about the advent of the post-PC era and the predominance of smartphones and tablets over all consumer electronics.

True, in Russia the significant advantage never happened - total sales desktop computers and laptops still exceed the number of tablets sold. The tablets themselves are steadily growing in sales - compared to 2012, 53.5% more were sold. Despite the high-profile premieres, Apple tablets only own a third of the world market. And the most representative manufacturer of Android devices, Samsung, has even less - 17.4%. At the same time, it is impossible not to notice the advance of Chinese devices, whose sales in the world amounted to 33.8% of all tablets sold.

As we see, the image “corridor” has closed on two brands, and the majority of manufacturers are fighting hard for every percentage in a crowded market. This picture puts buyers in a very advantageous position, and the technology race in the tablet and smartphone segment leads to the fact that even budget devices begin to exceed user expectations. But global trends must be confirmed in practice, so we will focus on the products of local online stores and try to highlight the most remarkable tablets in terms of price-quality ratio.

What guides us in selecting models?

Talking about buying affordable tablet, one cannot help but mention the cheapest and most extreme option for ordering such equipment - Chinese online stores. It's no secret that most budget tablets Russian market- original Chinese models that have undergone minor localization for the domestic market and changed the brand icon. Therefore, buying a Chinese tablet via direct delivery from China seems quite logical.

True, in reality this path often turns into difficulties and begins to resemble scenes of the extraction of scarce goods in Soviet times. The tedious process of waiting for goods after local retail, the long and troublesome sorting out of relations in the event of assembly flaws or partial inoperability of the tablet, abnormal processes in the work of customs or the delivery service - buying original Chinese budget electronics does not always become the same civilized “shopping”.

Therefore, let’s leave this one for enthusiasts who are able not to despair in the event of force majeure and not to be embarrassed if the new gadget has to be “finished with a file” on the spot, avoiding red tape with a Chinese warranty. Laws on online trading, judging by recent events, will become stricter, and the markup on gadgets minus the cost of delivery and duties does not look particularly serious.

And, of course, in addition to trading criteria in the selection of recommendations, we also paid attention to technical nuances.

Minimum Required

The tablet segment is gushing with the most different models: shamelessly expensive new products from Korean, Taiwanese and Japanese brands sit side by side with ridiculously cheap ones e-books based on ancient processors, resistive displays and Android 2.3. When they see ultra-budget models, many buyers widen their eyes and exclaim, “So cheap? I’ll take it!” and take out the wallet. Taking into account the insidiousness of “cheap cheese,” we consider it necessary to highlight the minimum acceptable characteristics for modern tablets. Devices that do not meet these requirements are likely to undermine your faith in the usefulness of modern mobile technology.

The concept of “tablet” today starts with a 7-inch display, and we consider 1280 x 720 pixels to be the minimum adequate resolution for a budget device. Those who love web surfing and reading much more than videos and games can, with some stretch, afford 1024 x 600 pixels at 7.85 inches, but let's be honest - what can be forgiven for a smartphone for 4,000 rubles with a 4-inch display, in the case of a tablet it looks Hello from the era of tube TVs. Numerous clones of the first Apple generation The iPad mini should remain a thing of the past, or change like its role model.

Two computing processor cores and support for microSDHC memory cards are a dire necessity today. But the availability of 3G and GPS modules is an individual question. A tablet whose wireless capabilities are limited only to Wi-Fi is perfect for thrifty people who always have something to watch and read on a 32 GB memory card. For everyone else, support for mobile Internet and navigation will not hurt - a SIM card with an affordable tariff will allow you to communicate with friends in a timely manner and stay up to date with the news even on a long journey.

By the way, only fans of exciting 3D games should focus on the amount of built-in memory. Such buyers should consider models with at least 16 gigabytes of internal memory. The Android system is characterized by a pathological distrust of memory cards and in most cases does not allow the use of microSDHC to store game and application files. All this data is recorded along the path /mnt/sdcard and stored in the tablet’s memory. Such “rudeness” can be corrected, but requires skills in flashing devices and a little courage. But books, videos, music and images can be easily used both internally and externally. external memory.

Proven processor - 50% success

To the uninitiated buyer, it seems that there are countless types of tablets on the market and you can only understand the models if you are armed with a technical encyclopedia. In fact, the number of manufacturers of chipsets (or SoC - System-on-a-Chip) for tablets and smartphones is quite tangible and can fit on the fingers of one hand. The heart of each tablet is a microcircuit that includes a processor, video accelerator, RAM, wireless modules, and sometimes slots for SIM and a memory card. Truly original chipsets can be afforded by Apple, Samsung and, in isolated cases,Huawei. Other manufacturers are content with ready-made engineering solutions, and the entire work of the “brands” consists of selecting a case, display and battery for the chip, implanting drivers from the chip manufacturer into a ready-made Android build from Google and, sometimes, equipping the gadget with interesting wallpapers and screensavers when turned on.

Equipped with the same SoC, tablets running different brands, with different amounts of memory, equipment, cases and packaging, behave almost identically. However, there are differences, but they are determined by the “genius” of the case designers at the time of placing an order for a particular brand. It is at this stage of creation that tablets receive wonderful innovations in the form of fastening buttons to the chip with double-sided tape, or an audio speaker singing somewhere inside the battery, or an internal Wi-Fi antenna carefully suppressed by the back aluminum cover of the tablet.

For example, you see a very attractive new tablet model and are in the throes of choice: buy a “dark horse” that you didn’t have time to review in Russia, or pay attention to older models with a bunch of reviews and, perhaps, miss out on an excellent purchase at a modest price? In such cases, be guided by three “deductive” methods.

1) Pay attention to the chipset. Copy the processor code into a search engine and find previously released models on the same platform. The tablet you like will have identical performance, GPS, Wi-Fi and GSM sensitivity, and, most likely, the same camera module. Based on existing reviews of tablets with the same SoC, you will get more than half of the characteristic properties of the new co-platform model. A good sign in terms of platform quality is the presence of ASUS, LG, Samsung, or Sony models in the list of devices - if first-tier brands use the same SoC, it is definitely not bad.

2) Search for the Chinese “progenitor”. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It is enough to enter key characteristics into the search, and many twin brothers will pop up in godforsaken Chinese stores and forums. For example, you entered “RK3066 7.85" IPS 16Gb GPS microSDHC” into the search - and already on the third site in the search results you see photos of a “Russian” tablet among hieroglyphs and with a price in yuan. Enter the original name of the tablet and the query in the search to reviews and testimonials, for example “Chuwi V88 review” or “Chuwi V88 review” and you get an exhaustive list of advantages and disadvantages of what seems to be the newest model on the Russian market.

3) SoC manufacturer - very important factor at the time of buying. And it’s not even a matter of performance: a modern four-core Chinese processor can be faster than a premium American single-core processor. The difference lies in the stability of operation, the level of heating and battery consumption, the level of reception wireless modules and guarantees of compatibility of new programs and games with your tablet. Based on testing experience in our laboratory, we highlight the following preferences (in descending order of manufacturer reputation):

  1. Qualcomm
  2. Samsung
  4. Intel
  5. HiSilicon
  6. MediaTek
  7. RockChip
  8. Allwinner, BoxChip
  9. AMLogic

Mixing and shaking priorities with compromises

The vast majority of modern tablets will provide you with comfortable correspondence on social networks. Almost all tablets in 2014 work effectively with websites of any complexity and are capable of playing video in the 720p standard. And you can run many more games on your budget tablet than you ever imagined. But perfection is unattainable, and priorities will have to be set. And we will suggest you successful models for a wide variety of needs.

Prestigio MultiPad PMP5870C

With average retail price For about four thousand rubles, a tablet from Prestigio offers a good set of characteristics. The device is based on the RockChip RK3066 platform. This dual-core Chinese processor is not new, but it performs adequately as an economical base model. Productivity in terms of well-known models will be equal to Samsung Galaxy S2. In 2011, only flagship smartphones, and today the quad-core Mali400MP4 video accelerator, coupled with two 1.6 GHz processor cores, have become an economical, inexpensive solution for watching high-quality video, convenient web surfing and running many 3D games with reduced graphics detail.

Prestigio MultiPad PMP5870C

Of course, Prestigio products began to lose their price attractiveness - the brand’s advertising budgets need to be compensated somehow. But the model looks nice and promising: a high-quality 7-inch IPS display with a resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels, stereo speakers with a decent volume level, 1 gigabyte random access memory, 8 gigabytes internal memory, Android 4.1, USB-OTG cable And Leather Case included in the kit give the tablet status bargain purchase. In addition, the gadget is open to enthusiasts - there is a simple recipe for it getting root-right, the ability to change the id of the internal memory and memory card for installing bulky games, and several custom firmwares have already been developed for the tablet, among which there is the famous CyanogenMod 10.1 on Android based 4.2.1.

The fly in the ointment was the extremely low quality of the rear and front camera and lack of support for all wireless protocols except Wi-Fi - the RK3066 chip does not even include Bluetooth.


3G support in budget tablets is still an expensive option. The presence of an SoC with support for SIM cards, as a rule, inflates the price of the device to obscene heights. Therefore, get ready for the fact that our “travelling” tablets will be deliberate compromise options. And in the case of a budget compact version, the M741G model so far promises the greatest technical justification for its price. The quad-core MediaTek MT8389 chip with support for dual SIM and GPS, coupled with a 5-megapixel rear camera, brightens up the impression of an average price of about six and a half thousand rubles.

In other disciplines, the tablet is not amazing. The 1024 x 600 pixel resolution based on a mediocre TN matrix is ​​slightly compensated by 1 gigabyte of RAM, and again offset by a 3000 mAh battery capacity. Despite the energy-efficient Cortex-A7 architecture, the processor with radio and Wi-Fi enabled consumes quite a lot of power.

Wexler TAB 7t 16GB

Once again we can’t ignore one of the most powerful budget tablets on the Russian market. Based on the still formidable gaming architecture of NVIDIA Tegra 3, the tablet from Wexler has modifications with an amount of internal memory from 8 to 32 gigabytes and with an optional 3G module. The IPS display of the device has a diagonal of 7 inches and a resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels, the resolution of the rear camera is 5 megapixels, there is GPS and high quality sound from stereo speakers. And all this - at the average market price of six thousand rubles.

Wexler TAB 7t 16GB

There was also a fly in the ointment. Each of the four processor cores operates at its assigned frequency of 1300 megahertz, but the operating frequency of the graphics accelerator differs from what we are used to in premium brands, and not for the better. At the time of its release, the tablet was surprising in its features that were atypical for devices based on Tegra 3 software glitches, which is why the manufacturer was forced to regularly release minor firmware updates.

Despite its positioning as a device for gamers and enthusiasts, the tablet leaves very little room for users to customize the software. Replacing internal memory and sdcard paths is done using third party programs, namely, scripts and manual redirection of each folder to its counterpart on the memory card. There are no third-party firmwares and are not expected. Phone functions remain unfinished - for example, you won't be able to check your balance using the USSD command.

However, even in this implementation, gaming functions and GPS and Wi-Fi modules work better than in budget chips from less famous processor developers, and the price of the device is becoming more and more attractive.

ASUS FonePad HD 7 ME372CG

First-tier brands rarely deign to produce budget devices - making money on the difference in market price and the cost of premium models is much more profitable. But, fortunately, there are exceptions, and the FonePad HD 7 is one of them.

ASUS presented a real exotic in the budget segment - a tablet running an Intel Atom processor! The Atom Z2560 model appeared in the second quarter of 2013 and has 2 cores of 1600 megahertz and 4 computing threads. The seven-inch display is based on an IPS matrix and displays 1280 x 800 pixels, has stereo sound and 3G support. The device can be called budget only relatively - its average price is about 10,000 rubles. But you can find quite a few copies on sale, selling at prices ranging from 8,800 to 9,500 rubles, respectively.

ASUS Fonepad ME372CG

Here is one of the newcomers to the market - the Venue 7 model. Enterprising Americans did not waste energy searching for a chipset and turned to their faithful partner - Intel. As a result, the seven-inch tablet received an Intel Atom Z2580 processor with two 1600 megahertz cores and Hyper-threading technology. The device received an extremely affordable price - the average price on the market does not exceed five and a half thousand rubles. For this money you will receive an IPS display with a resolution of 1280x800 pixels, 2 gigabytes of RAM and 16 gigabytes of internal memory, support for memory cards up to 128 gigabytes and satellite navigation. The performance of the Intel chip is very close to the level of the recent flagship Sony Xperia Z.

The fly in the ointment is the useless rear camera with a resolution of only 3 megapixels, mediocre battery life and poor performance in games - the PowerVR SGX544MP2 video accelerator is designed more for FullHD video than for 3D polygons.


In the segment of budget tablets with a diagonal from 7.85 to 9 inches, there is a terrible stagnation - a technological lag Chinese manufacturers such is that attempts to “catch up and overtake the iPad mini” in relation to the second generation of the American tablet have not been made. The promised “FullHD tablets to the masses” effect, which many predicted after the arms race in smartphone displays, is also not observed.

Among the usual models, tablets can be divided into two camps - multimedia and gaming. Representatives of the second trend are distinguished by the disdainful implementation of cameras, unimportant microphone sensitivity and speaker power, but they demonstrate good results both in synthetic 3D tests and in real games.


NETTAB SKAT RX is equipped with the pride of Chinese processor manufacturing - the RockChip RK3188 model. Four cores based on the powerful Cortex-A9 architecture, each operating at a frequency of 1600 megahertz, allow the IconBit tablet to confidently handle games and demonstrate performance equivalent to the Samsung Galaxy S3. Optimization of games for Mali400MP4 allows the tablet to produce a decent number of frames with high quality graphics. Everything is overshadowed by the outdated display with a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels and the terrible quality of the rear camera.

But, taking into account the average market price of five and a half thousand rubles, SKAT RX remains a very attractive offer for those who expect good graphics in games and comfortable work in browsers using Wi-Fi. In the Chinese market, this model is known as the Cube U35GT, but, unfortunately, it does not have wide potential for enthusiasts. Root rights and minimally modified standard firmware - that’s all the scope for “homemade” ones in the case of NETTAB SKAT RX.

Starway Andromeda S8

One of the first “prophets” of high-quality images on budget tablets. Starway Andromeda S8 (in the Chinese market - FNF iFive x2) captivates with a high-quality IPS display with a diagonal of 8.9 inches and a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. A battery with a capacity of over 7000 mAh, 2 gigabytes of RAM and support for memory cards with a capacity of up to 64 gigabytes make it possible to understand the price tag of nine thousand rubles. In the end, the number of competitors with such a high-quality display is vanishingly small, and watching video in BDRip-AVC format will finally make the proper impression, and not be a fiction at a ridiculous resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels.

Starway Andromeda S8

The technical platform of the Andromeda S8 is the same as that of the above-mentioned IconBit NETTAB SKAT RX, namely the quad-core RockChip RK3188. Performance in browsing and watching videos has remained virtually unchanged, but in 3D disciplines the tablet can no longer be called a gaming tablet - the increased resolution has led to deteriorated graphics detail in games, and at times promises some slowdowns in the gameplay. As usual, someone will complain about the lack of a 3G module in the RK3188.

But the wide popularity of the Chinese progenitor opens up an unplowed field for software modifications for enthusiasts - there are several custom firmware for the tablet, including even a ported Android 4.4.2 KitKat (at this point, HTC owners curse and hit the table with their fists in frustration). Easy to obtain root rights, CWM installation, custom kernels, adjusting speaker volume using ALSA, changing the path for internal and external memory - many more famous tablets can envy such software flexibility.

You shouldn’t expect premium quality from this model, but at the beginning of spring 2014, the Andromeda S8 looks like quite a good deal.

Explay sQuad 9.72 3G

Who said that Retina displays are the privilege of luxury tablets? Explay offers a model with a classic 9.7-inch diagonal and a resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels based on an IPS matrix. With an average market price of nine and a half thousand rubles, the tablet boasts 2 gigabytes of RAM, 16 gigabytes of internal memory, and an astronomical 10,000 mAh battery and support for 4K video playback. The model will certainly appeal to those who would not like to give up the convenient 4:3 display proportions for printing and web surfing, and at the same time cannot stand the blurry pixels in the mass resolution of 1024 x 768.

Explay sQuad 9.72 3G

The progenitor of the sQuad 9.72 on the Chinese market is the Onda V972, although the Chinese tablet, although based on the same Allwinner A31 platform, is not equipped with 3G support. The platform itself, although it does not shine with performance, is one of the most modern and stable developments of the “Chinese people’s” Allwinner. Actually, the tablet from Onda has an outstanding community, ready-made recipes for getting root, cwm, twrp and other scary words, as well as a scattering of ported firmware, including Cyanogenmod up to the version based on Android KitKat. WITH official firmware At first everything was sad - the same 3G did not work in firmware version 1.0. But today the tablet has been updated from Android 4.1.1 to version 4.2.2, which is the most stable. Root rights are easy to implement, but porting the variety of Onda V972 modifications is questionable until drivers for the 3G module are received.

Lenovo IdeaTab S6000

The device appeared on the market relatively recently and is still slightly overpriced by retailers - the average price for this tablet is close to ten thousand rubles. But in terms of reliability and quality of implementation, the IdeaTab S6000 is not inferior to its more prestigious competitors. Slim body, good performance for everyday tasks, high-quality display, stable Wi-Fi module with decent sensitivity, good sound - for many buyers these qualities will be more important than the lottery and “file modification” of Chinese tablets with good characteristics and their disgusting implementation in practice.


Chinese localized tablets are devices for strong-willed people. Starting with defective speakers, continuing with low Wi-Fi sensitivity and overheating, and ending with mystical incompatibility with familiar programs, budget tablets can disappoint you completely. Many buyers, inspired by the characteristics and low cost of the new models, have already become disillusioned with the idea of ​​​​buying such devices. On the other hand, branded tablets offer display resolutions that are completely outdated, processors with low performance, and all this at a shameless price compared to smartphones and “plafonds”.

The ZT-10003G has a 10.1-inch IPS display with a resolution of 1280x800 pixels, 2 gigabytes of RAM, support for Bluetooth, GPS and 3G, and a 5400 mAh battery. The disadvantages are the outdated Android 4.0.4 operating system, a relatively small number system memory(not to be confused with internal storage 16 GB), poor quality of the rear camera, lack of popularity among the geek community - the prospect of new firmware releases, fixes for software flaws and software improvements is very low.

But the quality of the Samsung chip in working with Wi-Fi, 3G and, especially GPS, is a cut above budget solutions Allwinner, MediaTek and RockChip, and the performance and compatibility of the former flagship with new technologies will be enough for long-term use.

The path of the maximalist: used and refurbished tablets

For everyone who prefers outdated premium models to new Chinese devices at a reasonable price, there are two options left - message boards selling used devices and discounted goods in large retail chains.

The used market is replete with an exorbitant number of scammers selling counterfeit iPads and Galaxy Tab and proud owners of old gadgets who put up an inadequate price tag for the reason “I paid a lot of money for this tablet at one time.” And, nevertheless, meticulous buyers will be able to find among this flea market, for example, the third generation Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0, ASUS Transformer Pad TF300TG or Sony Xperia Tablet S for less than 10,000 rubles. True, to do this you will have to arm yourself with a smartphone, open a Wi-Fi access point from it, download Antutu in front of the seller, make sure the authenticity of the filling, check the display, sound, navigation, functionality of the SIM and microSD connectors, integrity of the charging connector and much more.

Discounted goods from retail chains carry much less risk, but are mainly represented by current models with minor discounts. And, nevertheless, getting a discount of several thousand rubles for a refurbished tablet in perfect condition with a guarantee is a good investment. Refurbished devices are tested by the retailer to ensure they work and rarely cause problems later. And the discount on tablets with minor traces of use is so high that all buyers who have suffered from the mania of wrapping their equipment in cases, films and other clutter will find it difficult to resist purchasing.

The tablet computer has found use among people of all classes and ages. In this regard, a logical and fair question arises among users: what parameters are used to select the Internet for a tablet, and which service should be preferred, because modern market rich and varied. In fact, there are several parameters that you should pay attention to when searching for the best deal.

Communication standards supported by the device

Paying attention to the coverage map offered by any operator, you can see that there are three mobile communication standards operating on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  1. 2 G/ EDGE. This option is now considered obsolete because it cannot guarantee high-quality communications. The maximum speed limit is 236 kbits per second, but in practice this is far from true (maximum 100-150 units).
  2. 2 G/ HSPA. This option is standard. Maximum speed equals 63 Mbit. If you believe practical statistics, then this figure is much less and is equal to only 10-15 megabits. However, the coverage area within this proposal is low; nevertheless, the Internet is present in almost any populated area.
  3. 4 G/ LTE. This type of Internet is the most modern and progressive. Thanks to innovative communication technologies, the population is provided with high-quality services at speeds of up to 300 megabits. Operators have established this type of communication in a large number of relatively large settlements, this also includes the regions of the Far East and the Far North.

Now is the time to choose the optimal tariff for your tablet, which will provide decent communication at affordable prices. Each operator offers its own set of services, and it will not be difficult for the user to choose the appropriate option from a huge variety of tariff programs. Let's look at the offer lines in detail.


The optimal option is Megafon ONLINE. This - basic program, allowing you to work not only with tablets, but also with modems and routers.

By choosing this tariff, the user agrees to make a minimum advance payment (201 rubles), which will be debited from the account during the connection process. There is no need to pay for the transition. In accordance with the terms of the user agreement, the price for 1 MB is approximately 2.5 rubles. in the territory of the DR, in other areas the service increases the cost to 9.9 rubles.

If you want to get the optimal set of services, you can use a service that offers additional gigabytes.

Laptops can be connected to any of the following packages to choose from:

  • “S” - for a price of only 400 rubles. you can connect 4 GB of Internet;
  • “M” - by paying 590 rubles, the user can count on an additional 16 GB of traffic;
  • “L” - for only 890 rub. 36 GB of traffic will be available.

If suddenly the proposed volume is not enough, you can activate additional gigabytes of traffic in the amount of 1 and 5 units for 175 and 400 rubles. respectively.

Among the common tariffs for tablets, one must definitely highlight “no worries”. Every month – 600 MB of traffic on a free basis with the possibility of spending throughout the country. But there is a limit - up to 20 MB per day. The main benefit of this package deal is the options. Therefore, the offer is suitable for more passive Internet users.


If you are in search, you should pay attention to the MTS Tablet package offer. For just 400 rubles of the mandatory subscription fee, the user will be able to watch mobile television without a limit. Along with this, the operator offers a couple more optimal features:

  1. "Mini". For 500 rub. the user will receive 7 GB of traffic. After the quota has been exhausted for 30 days, you can connect to a package containing 500 MB of traffic for literally pennies (75 rubles).
  2. "Maxi". During the daytime, the user is allocated 15 GB during the day, and at night you can count on the absence of any limit. Everything will cost 800 rubles per month. In addition to the main one, a package equal to 1 GB will be available, its activation is available 15 times within 30 days, and the cost is 150 rubles.
  3. "VIP" You will have to count on 30 GB during the daytime. At night there are no boundaries in using the network. The monthly price you will have to pay for this convenience is 1200 rubles.

The effect of these proposals is observed throughout the country. Unlimited Internet for a tablet requires payment only for use world wide web outside the home region.

If desired, the user can set up automatic payment, as well as connect a number of additional options.


It is this operator that offers the subscriber the maximum number of opportunities at an affordable cost. The main one is the “Everything is possible Tablet” tariff offer. The mandatory subscription fee is 600 rubles. There is a prepayment system, which can be used due to the free transition to tariff package. There are plenty of ways to purchase a SIM card.

Another Beeline service for a tablet is “Internet forever”, which includes the “Highway” option. Thanks to it, the user can count on 200 MB of traffic for free. The cost of services depends on the volume of traffic provided to the user:

  • 600 rub. – how much will 8 GB of network access cost?
  • 700 rub. – this price will have to be paid for 12 GB;
  • 1200 rub. – this is the cost of 20 GB of Internet.

If the megabytes have come to an end, and the user has not had time to satisfy his traffic needs, he can order additional “meters”. The operator offers 3 options at once to stay in touch:

  • 20 rub. for every subsequent 150 MB;
  • 20 rub. for automatic extension of the Internet speed limit;
  • using the “extend speed” service, which involves using 1 GB of network for 250 rubles. or 4 GB for 500 rub.

Along with this, Internet for a tablet from Beeline offers many additional features:

  1. "Simple Internet". Within this package we have selected the maximum profitable terms. The offer is designed for network use and is not suitable for making calls.
  2. “Internet Forever” + Highway 12 GB. This option is especially attractive for active Internet users. It is suitable for people who use tablets to surf websites and communicate in mass media.
  3. “Internet Forever” + Highway 8 GB. This service designed for those who prefer to regularly log into the Internet, check email and messages on social networks.
  4. “Internet Forever” + Highway 4 GB. This offer is an ideal choice for people who use tablets for limited needs in the form of surfing web resources.

Modern devices provide instant and trouble-free access to the network; the main task of the subscriber is to choose a favorable tariff. Fortunately, we have presented a dozen current options that can please the user with variety.

Tele 2

The Tele2 operator is ready to offer a package called “Internet for Devices,” which includes a set of the most necessary services. There are exclusively mobile traffic and the option to send a message.

This offer is relevant for modern devices and can be connected as long as the device supports 4G mode.

The user has access to only 3 volumes of services:

  • for 299 rub. you can easily purchase 7 GB of traffic;
  • for 500 rub. the subscriber has the right to acquire a portfolio of 15 GB;
  • for an increased amount (899 rubles), the client has the right to count on 30 GB of use of the World Wide Web, and this is a whole suitcase of the Internet.

The tariff allows the user to transfer the remaining gigabytes to the next billing period. If the subscriber does not use the number, the operator reserves the right to block it. Therefore, if there is no activity for 4 months, you will have to say goodbye to the tariff.

Thus, after evaluating and analyzing offers from modern operators, you can choose your ideal option, which will suit you not only in terms of price, but also in terms of quality criteria.

Today laptop For many, the smartphone has completely replaced it: you can use it not only to watch movies or read. Conduct work and personal correspondence, call colleagues and family, and use worldwide network It is sometimes no less convenient than on a regular phone. At the same time, the Internet on tablets is in demand. In this review we will try to figure out which operator offers the most favorable tariff for use on a tablet. Before choosing the best Internet plan for your tablet, study the offers of leading providers.


For these purposes, a special tariff plan " ", which is described below. This basic offering is better for tablets than others from the same operator. In addition, routers and modems work on it.

Choosing "Megafon-Online", you must make a minimum advance payment of 201 rubles, which will be debited from your account upon connection. There is no need to pay for the transition. According to the connection conditions, the cost of 1 MB ranges from 2.5 rubles. in the home region up to 9.9 rubles. in others.

But more best option– activate a special option that provides a certain number of gigabytes for a fixed fee. For owners different devices provided different conditions. For laptop computers there are three different packages to choose from:

  • S - 4 GB for 400 rubles;
  • M - 16 GB for 590 rubles;
  • L - 36 GB for 890 rub.

If this volume is not enough, activate spare megabytes:

  • 1 GB for 175 rubles;
  • 5 GB for 400 rub.

Unfortunately, unlimited Internet is not available in this case. It can only be purchased upon activation XL package when using a SIM card for distribution through a router or modem.

Of the minuses Megafon is worth noting restricting network access. For 16/36 GB there is a partial connection: from 7 a.m. to 00:59 at night, and then from 01:00 to 06:59, you can not use the entire volume, but only half of it.

Be aware of coverage area limitations: high speed does not apply in the Far Eastern region, Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. There, payment is made at roaming prices: 1 MB – 9.9 rubles.

On the plus side: if you are just about to purchase a laptop computer and are already thinking about a SIM card, you should look into Megafon partner stores and communication stores.

Then you will receive a free SIM card with the “Internet for tablet without worries” tariff.

Every month you will be provided with 600 MB for free, which can be spent throughout Russia. But again there is a limitation: you can use no more than 20 MB every day. The benefit of this tariff plan– in options. You can buy 300 MB every day for 30 rubles. Under these conditions, expenses will be about 900 rubles. per month.

Bottom line: the offer is not suitable for active users who do not part with social networks and regularly watch movies online. Good for those who need stable access and medium volume.


The most advantageous option- This « » . For 400 rub. you will get 4 GB and the ability to watch mobile television no limits. There are also several tariffs that have a postpaid payment system, which includes a monthly fee and a variable fee.

  1. "Mini"— 7 GB for 500 rub. After the quota is exhausted, you can activate a package that includes 500 MB for 75 rubles 15 more times in 30 days. Disable: *111*160*2# / Personal Area.
  2. "Maxi"— 15 GB during the day + unlimited Internet at night for 800 rubles. A 1 GB package is available on top of the basic one; you can also activate it 15 times in 30 days. It costs 150 rubles. Disable: *111*161*2# / Personal account.
  3. "VIP"— 30 ​​GB during the day + unlimited at night for 1200 rubles. Upon exhaustion of the quota - 3 gigabytes for 350 rubles. Disable: *111*166*2# /Personal account.

They operate throughout Russia. When used outside the home area, in in this case Moscow and the Moscow region, a fee of 50 rubles/day is charged. You can also set up automatic payment.

You can activate the service " Unified Internet"to use the same package on different devices at the same time.

You can add up to five members to a group, who must have a common connection address.

To know, how much traffic is left, you can use the command *217#.

Result: average volume of supply at average market price. It’s worth choosing because of the service that allows you to share gigabytes among all your devices, and unlimited television.


The main proposal is #EVERYTHING is possible. Tablet. He just offers unlimited for a subscription fee. In Moscow and the Moscow region it is 600 rubles using the prepaid payment system. You can use it during the transition, which will be free, or after purchase new SIM card. You can save the old number.

Purchase a SIM card at a communication store by pre-ordering it on the website. If you are going to change your plan, go to your Personal Account at mobile application or on the operator’s website - this can be done by dialing 0674 10 888 or *115*4888#.

New clients receive a bonus: the first month will cost half as much, since subscription fee at 10 r/day.

How to connect: dial 0674 10 888 or *115*4888#.

The best suggestion would probably be “ ” with the “ ” option. With it you will get 200 MB of traffic for free. Payment depends on the volume that is connected within the Highway:

  • 8 GB for 600 rubles;
  • 12 GB for 700 rubles;
  • 20 GB for 1200 rub.

When you run out of megabytes, extra ones come in handy. Beeline offers three options to stay in touch:

  • every 150 MB will cost 20 rubles;
  • “Auto-renewal speed” - 70 MB for 20 rubles;
  • “Extend speed” - 1 GB for 250 rubles, 4 GB for 500 rubles.

If you decide to connect, dial required code and press the call button:

  • 8 GB: *115*071# ;
  • 12 GB: *115*081# ;
  • 20 GB: *115*091# .

You can go for free by dialing *110*999#.

When choosing a SIM card with 4G/LTE, check whether this speed is valid in your region.

Study the operator's coverage area map: http://moskva.beeline.ru/customers/beeline-on-map/.

Bottom line: good rates with the most thoughtful conditions and more flexible prices. If you don’t know where to choose, Beeline certainly won’t disappoint you.

Tele 2

When minimalism The best decision: Tele2 offers a plan , where there is nothing superfluous. Only mobile traffic - and the function of sending SMS. This offer is for modern devices. You can connect it if your device supports 4G.

Three volumes available:

  • Package (7 GB for 299 rubles);
  • Briefcase (15 GB for 500 rubles);
  • Suitcase (30 GB for 899 RUR).

Some characteristics:

  • RUB 1.80 – 1 message and 1 MB in the home zone;
  • SMS to other phones throughout the country – 10 rubles;
  • RUB 2.50 – SMS within Russia;
  • 6.50 rub. – sending MMS.

In some regions, a special “Internet for tablet” option is available for connection.

For example, in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region for 99 rub. You can spend 2 GB within 30 days.

Tele2 transfers the remaining gigabytes to the next billing period. You can spend it calmly at another time.

Don't forget that your operator can block your number if you don't use it. So, if you don’t perform any actions and don’t pay for them for 4 months, then after 180 days you can say goodbye to the card. But before that, all funds will probably be written off from your account, since every day you will pay a fee of 3 rubles / day.

Result: big package for the lowest price on the market. The most favorable tariff for a tablet.


In this review we looked at the main tariffs that we have developed Russian operators especially for portable device. Which tariff to choose is up to you to decide. Most profitable plans- from Beeline and Tele2. The first one will connect #EVERYTHING is possible. Tablet with unlimited for 600 rubles, the second – 7 GB for 299 rubles. For comparison, 8 GB of Beeline on a different tariff will cost 600 rubles. Another option for unlimited connection, but only at night, is with MTS. Combined with 15 GB daytime traffic and a price of 800 rubles. looks very attractive.

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