Which screen is better TFT or LCD. Everything about monitor matrices: tn, ips, pls, va, mva, oled

The image is formed using individual elements, usually through a scanning system. Simple devices (electronic watches, phones, players, thermometers, etc.) can have a monochrome or 2-5 color display. The multicolor image is generated using 2008) in most desktop monitors based on TN- (and some *VA) matrices, as well as in all laptop displays, matrices with 18-bit color (6 bits per channel) are used, 24-bit is emulated with flickering and dithering .

LCD monitor device

Subpixel of color LCD display

Each pixel of an LCD display consists of a layer of molecules between two transparent electrodes, and two polarizing filters, the planes of polarization of which are (usually) perpendicular. In the absence of liquid crystals, the light transmitted by the first filter is almost completely blocked by the second.

The surface of the electrodes in contact with the liquid crystals is specially treated to initially orient the molecules in one direction. In a TN matrix, these directions are mutually perpendicular, so the molecules, in the absence of tension, line up in a helical structure. This structure refracts light in such a way that the plane of its polarization rotates before the second filter, and light passes through it without loss. Apart from the absorption of half of the unpolarized light by the first filter, the cell can be considered transparent. If voltage is applied to the electrodes, the molecules tend to line up in the direction of the field, which distorts the screw structure. In this case, elastic forces counteract this, and when the voltage is turned off, the molecules return to initial position. With a sufficient field strength, almost all molecules become parallel, which leads to an opaque structure. By varying the voltage, you can control the degree of transparency. If a constant voltage is applied for a long time, the liquid crystal structure may degrade due to ion migration. To solve this problem, alternating current is used, or changing the polarity of the field each time the cell is addressed (the opacity of the structure does not depend on the polarity of the field). In the entire matrix, it is possible to control each of the cells individually, but as their number increases, this becomes difficult to achieve, as the number of required electrodes increases. Therefore, row and column addressing is used almost everywhere. The light passing through the cells can be natural - reflected from the substrate (in LCD displays without backlighting). But it is more often used; in addition to being independent of external lighting, it also stabilizes the properties of the resulting image. Thus, a full-fledged LCD monitor consists of electronics that processes the input video signal, an LCD matrix, a backlight module, a power supply and a housing. It is the combination of these components that determines the properties of the monitor as a whole, although some characteristics are more important than others.

LCD Monitor Specifications

The most important characteristics of LCD monitors:

  • Resolution: Horizontal and vertical dimensions expressed in pixels. Unlike CRT monitors, LCDs have one, “native” physical resolution, the rest are achieved by interpolation.

Fragment of the LCD monitor matrix (0.78x0.78 mm), enlarged 46 times.

  • Point size: the distance between the centers of adjacent pixels. Directly related to physical resolution.
  • Screen aspect ratio (format): The ratio of width to height, for example: 5:4, 4:3, 5:3, 8:5, 16:9, 16:10.
  • Apparent Diagonal: The size of the panel itself, measured diagonally. The area of ​​displays also depends on the format: a monitor with a 4:3 format has a larger area than one with a 16:9 format with the same diagonal.
  • Contrast: the ratio of the brightness of the lightest and darkest points. Some monitors use an adaptive backlight level using additional lamps; the contrast figure given for them (the so-called dynamic) does not apply to a static image.
  • Brightness: The amount of light emitted by a display, usually measured in candelas per square meter.
  • Response time : minimum time, necessary for a pixel to change its brightness. Measurement methods are controversial.
  • Viewing angle: the angle at which the drop in contrast reaches a given value, for different types matrices and different manufacturers are calculated differently, and often cannot be compared.
  • Matrix type: the technology used to make the LCD display.
  • Inputs: (eg DVI, HDMI, etc.).


Clock with LCD display

LCD monitors were developed in 1963 at the David Sarnoff Research Center of RCA, Princeton, New Jersey.

The main technologies in the manufacture of LCD displays: TN+film, IPS and MVA. These technologies differ in the geometry of surfaces, polymer, control plate and front electrode. Great importance have the purity and type of polymer with liquid crystal properties used in specific designs.

Response time of LCD monitors designed using SXRD technology. Silicon X-tal Reflective Display - silicon reflective liquid crystal matrix), reduced to 5 ms. Sony companies, Sharp and Philips jointly developed PALC technology. Plasma Addressed Liquid Crystal - plasma control of liquid crystals), which combines the advantages of LCD (brightness and richness of colors, contrast) and plasma panels (large viewing angles horizontally, H, and vertically, V, high speed updates). These displays use gas-discharge plasma cells as brightness control, and an LCD matrix is ​​used for color filtering. PALC technology allows each display pixel to be addressed individually, meaning unrivaled controllability and image quality.

TN+film (Twisted Nematic + film)

The “film” part in the technology name means an additional layer used to increase the viewing angle (approximately from 90° to 150°). Currently, the prefix “film” is often omitted, calling such matrices simply TN. Unfortunately, a way to improve contrast and response time for TN panels has not yet been found, and the response time for this type of matrix is currently one of the best, but the contrast level is not.

TN + film is the simplest technology.

The TN+ film matrix works like this: When no voltage is applied to the subpixels, the liquid crystals (and the polarized light they transmit) rotate 90° relative to each other in the horizontal plane in the space between the two plates. And since the polarization direction of the filter on the second plate makes an angle of 90° with the polarization direction of the filter on the first plate, light passes through it. If the red, green and blue sub-pixels are fully illuminated, a white dot will appear on the screen.

The advantages of the technology include the shortest response time among modern matrices, as well as low cost.

IPS (In-Plane Switching)

In-Plane Switching technology was developed by Hitachi and NEC and was intended to overcome the disadvantages of TN+ film. However, although IPS was able to increase the viewing angle to 170°, as well as high contrast and color reproduction, the response time remained at a low level.

Currently, matrices manufactured using IPS technology The only LCD monitors that always deliver full depth RGB colors- 24 bits, 8 bits per channel. TN matrices are almost always 6-bit, as is the MVA part.

If no voltage is applied to the IPS matrix, the liquid crystal molecules do not rotate. The second filter is always turned perpendicular to the first, and no light passes through it. Therefore, the display of black color is close to ideal. If the transistor fails, the “broken” pixel for an IPS panel will not be white, as for a TN matrix, but black.

When a voltage is applied, the liquid crystal molecules rotate perpendicular to their initial position and transmit light.

IPS is now being supplanted by technology S-IPS(Super-IPS, Hitachi year), which inherits all the advantages of IPS technology while reducing response time. But, despite the fact that the color of S-IPS panels has approached conventional CRT monitors, the contrast still remains weak point. S-IPS is actively used in panels ranging in size from 20", LG.Philips, NEC remain the only manufacturers of panels using this technology.

AS-IPS- Advanced technology Super IPS(Advanced Super-IPS) was also developed by Hitachi Corporation in the year. The improvements mainly concerned the contrast level of conventional S-IPS panels, bringing it closer to the contrast of S-PVA panels. AS-IPS is also used as the name for LG.Philips monitors.

A-TW-IPS- Advanced True White IPS (Advanced IPS with true white), developed by LG.Philips for the corporation. The increased power of the electric field made it possible to achieve even greater viewing angles and brightness, as well as reduce the interpixel distance. AFFS-based displays are mainly used in tablet PCs, on matrices manufactured by Hitachi Displays.

*VA (Vertical Alignment)

MVA- Multi-domain Vertical Alignment. This technology was developed by Fujitsu as a compromise between TN and IPS technologies. Horizontal and vertical viewing angles for MVA matrices are 160° (on modern monitor models up to 176-178 degrees), and thanks to the use of acceleration technologies (RTC), these matrices are not far behind TN+Film in response time, but significantly exceed the characteristics of the latter in depth of colors and accuracy of their reproduction.

MVA is the successor to VA technology introduced in 1996 by Fujitsu. When the voltage is turned off, the liquid crystals of the VA matrix are aligned perpendicular to the second filter, that is, they do not transmit light. When voltage is applied, the crystals rotate 90° and a light dot appears on the screen. As in IPS matrices, pixels do not transmit light when there is no voltage, so when they fail they are visible as black dots.

The advantages of MVA technology are the deep black color and the absence of both a helical crystal structure and a double magnetic field.

Disadvantages of MVA in comparison with S-IPS: loss of details in shadows when viewed perpendicularly, dependence of the color balance of the image on the viewing angle, longer time response.

Analogues of MVA are technologies:

  • PVA (Patterned Vertical Alignment) from Samsung.
  • Super PVA from Samsung.
  • Super MVA from CMO.

MVA/PVA matrices are considered a compromise between TN and IPS, both in cost and consumer qualities.

Advantages and disadvantages

Image distortion on the LCD monitor at a wide viewing angle

Macro photograph of a typical LCD matrix. In the center you can see two defective subpixels (green and blue).

Nowadays, LCD monitors are the main, rapidly developing direction in monitor technology. Their advantages include: small size and weight compared to CRT. LCD monitors, unlike CRTs, do not have visible flicker, focusing and convergence defects, interference from magnetic fields, or problems with image geometry and clarity. The energy consumption of LCD monitors is 2-4 times less than that of CRT and plasma screens of comparable sizes. The energy consumption of LCD monitors is 95% determined by the power of the backlight lamps or LED backlight matrix. backlight- back light) LCD matrix. In many modern (2007) monitors, to adjust the screen brightness by the user, pulse-width modulation of the backlight lamps with a frequency of 150 to 400 or more Hertz is used. LED lights It is primarily used in small displays, although in recent years it has been increasingly used in laptops and even desktop monitors. Despite the technical difficulties of its implementation, it has obvious advantages compared to fluorescent lamps, for example, a wider spectrum of radiation, and therefore a wider color gamut.

On the other hand, LCD monitors also have some disadvantages, which are often fundamentally difficult to eliminate, for example:

  • Unlike CRTs, they can display a clear image in only one (“standard”) resolution. The rest are achieved by interpolation with loss of clarity. Moreover, resolutions that are too low (for example 320x200) cannot be displayed on many monitors at all.
  • Color gamut and color accuracy are lower than those of plasma panels and CRTs, respectively. Many monitors have irreparable unevenness in brightness transmission (stripes in gradients).
  • Many LCD monitors have relatively low contrast and black depth. An increase in actual contrast is often associated with simple amplification backlight brightness, up to uncomfortable values. The widely used glossy coating of the matrix only affects subjective contrast in ambient lighting conditions.
  • Due to strict requirements for constant matrix thickness, there is a problem of uneven color (backlight unevenness).
  • The actual image change speed also remains lower than that of CRT and plasma displays. Overdrive technology solves the speed problem only partially.
  • The dependence of contrast on viewing angle still remains a significant disadvantage of the technology.
  • Mass produced LCD monitors are more vulnerable than CRTs. The matrix unprotected by glass is especially sensitive. If pressed hard, irreversible degradation may occur. There is also the problem of defective pixels.
  • Contrary to popular belief, LCD monitor pixels degrade, although the rate of degradation is the slowest of any display technology.

OLED displays are often considered a promising technology that can replace LCD monitors. On the other hand, this technology has encountered difficulties in mass production, especially for large-diagonal matrices.

see also

  • Visible screen area
  • Anti-glare coating
  • en:Backlight


  • Information about fluorescent lamps used to backlight the LCD matrix
  • Liquid crystal displays (TN + film, IPS, MVA, PVA technologies)


  • Artamonov O. Parameters of modern LCD monitors
  • Mukhin I. A. How to choose an LCD monitor? . "Computer Business Market", No. 4 (292), January 2005, pp. 284-291.
  • Mukhin I. A. Development of liquid crystal monitors. “BROADCASTING Television and radio broadcasting”: part 1 - No. 2(46) March 2005, p.55-56; Part 2 - No. 4(48) June-July 2005, pp. 71-73.
  • Mukhin I. A. Modern flat-panel display devices."BROADCASTING Television and Radio Broadcasting": No. 1(37), January-February 2004, p.43-47.
  • Mukhin I. A., Ukrainsky O. V. Methods for improving the quality of television images reproduced by liquid crystal panels. Materials of the report on scientific and technical conference « Modern television", Moscow, March 2006.

It always comes down first of all to choosing the type of monitor matrix. And when you have already decided what type of matrix you need, you can move on to other characteristics of the monitor. In this article we will look at the main types of monitor matrices that are currently used by manufacturers.

Now on the market you can find monitors with the following types of matrices:

  • TN+film (Twisted Nematic + film)
  • IPS (SFT – Super Fine TFT)
  • *VA (Vertical Alignment)
  • PLS (Plane-to-Line Switching)

Let's consider all types of monitor matrices in order.

TN+film– the simplest and cheapest matrix creation technology to produce. Due to its low price it is most popular. Just a few years ago, almost 100 percent of all monitors used this technology. And only advanced professionals who needed high-quality monitors bought devices based on other technologies. Now the situation has changed a little, monitors have become cheaper and TN+film matrices are losing their popularity.

Advantages and disadvantages of TN+film matrices:

  • Low price
  • Good response speed
  • Poor viewing angles
  • Low contrast
  • Poor color rendering


IPS– the most advanced type of matrices. This technology was developed by Hitachi and NEC. The developers of the IPS matrix managed to get rid of the shortcomings of TN+film, but as a result, the price of matrices of this type has risen significantly compared to TN+film. However, every year prices decrease and become more affordable for the average consumer.

Advantages and disadvantages of IPS matrices:

  • Good color rendering
  • Good contrast
  • Wide viewing angles
  • High price
  • Long response time


*VA This is a type of monitor matrix that can be considered a compromise between TN+film and IPS. The most popular among such matrices is MVA (Multi-domain Vertical Alignment). This technology was developed by Fujitsu.

Analogs of this technology developed by other manufacturers:

  • PVA (Patterned Vertical Alignment) from Samsung.
  • Super PVA from Sony-Samsung (S-LCD).
  • Super MVA from CMO.

Advantages and disadvantages of MVA matrices:

  • Large viewing angles
  • Good color rendition (better than TN+film, but worse than IPS)
  • Good response speed
  • Deep black color
  • Not a high price
  • Loss of shadow detail (compared to IPS)


PLS- a type of matrix developed by Samsung as an alternative to expensive IPS matrices.

Just a few years ago, the choice of a monitor for a personal computer was based on the price category, where it was clear that a more expensive device had a high-quality matrix, and a cheap monitor did not shine with characteristics. On this moment In the monitor market, the division occurs by screen size; each manufacturer produces devices with different technologies matrices. Because of this, the purchasing choice has become more complicated. This article will help users choose the right monitor matrix type. Which better screen purchase on the market, for what purposes and how it differs from competitors, will be presented in an accessible form.

To make it clearer

Before choosing the type of monitor matrix, you need to understand the principle of its operation, as well as identify all the advantages and disadvantages. Having compiled a list of needs (for what purpose is it purchased? this device), it will be very easy to compare the actual with the desired. If you do not affect the screen size, the use of the monitor is distributed according to needs into several groups:

  1. Office monitor. A high contrast level is the only requirement.
  2. Designer's computer (photo, pre-press). Accurate color reproduction is important.
  3. Multimedia. Watching movies requires wide viewing angles and true black color on the screen.
  4. Gaming computer. Important indicator- matrix response time.

The production technology and the movement of electrons between matrices is unlikely to be of interest to anyone, so this article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages, and also use data from the media - reviews from owners and recommendations from sellers. Having found out what technologies exist, all that remains is to combine them with the stated requirements and the funds allocated for the purchase of the monitor.

The state employee does not give up positions

The TN (Twisted Nematic) monitor matrix type is considered a long-liver among its competitors on the market. Due to the low price and availability, monitors with this matrix are installed in all government and educational institutions, offices of many companies around the world and large enterprises. According to statistics, 90% of all monitors in the world have a TN matrix. Along with the price, another advantage of such a monitor is the short response time of the matrix. This parameter very important in dynamic games where rendering speed is of paramount importance.

But the color rendering and viewing angle of such monitors did not work out. Even upgrading the TN matrix by adding an additional layer to increase viewing angles did not give desired results, just added “+film” to the name of the screen type. We must not forget about energy consumption, which significantly exceeds the operating mode of all competitors.

But still

Apart from office use, TN+film is the best type of monitor matrix for gaming. After all, most gamers prefer to overpay for high-performance components such as a processor or video card, but they can save money on the screen. However, do not forget about color rendering; in modern games, developers try to make the plot as realistic as possible, and without a real rendering of all colors and shades, this will be very difficult to achieve.

As a result, apart from the low price and short response time, the TN matrix will not be able to surprise a potential buyer with anything. After all, it’s very hard to ignore the shortcomings:

  1. Low color rendering with the inability to display perfect blacks. The defect is visible when watching dynamic films where all the action takes place in the dark - “Van Helsing”, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, “Dracula” and the like.
  2. Low cost of production leads to a high probability of acquiring a defective matrix, dead pixel which is immediately visible, because it is painted white.
  3. Very low viewing angles do not allow you to contemplate the picture on the screen with a large family.

A step in the right direction

The monitor matrix type VA (Vertical Alignment) uses technology with vertical ordering of molecules, and in the post-Soviet space is better known under the MVA or PVA markings. And more recently, the suffix “S”, which stands for “Super,” was added to the existing modifications, but the monitors did not acquire any special characteristics compared to their competitors, except that they became slightly more expensive.

VA technology was intended to eliminate defects in TN+film matrices, and manufacturers were able to achieve certain results, but when comparing these two screens, the user will find that they have opposite characteristics. That is, the disadvantages of VA matrices are the advantages of TN, and the advantages of VA are the disadvantages of cheap matrices. What the manufacturers were thinking is unknown, but the situation on the market has not yet changed for these matrices, even with the introduction of the “Super” label.

Advantages and disadvantages of VA technology

If VA technology is compared with the cheapest matrix on the market, TN+film, then the advantages are obvious: excellent viewing angles, very high-quality color reproduction with deep blacks. Essentially, this type of photo monitor is the best in its price range. The only thing that confuses me is the response time. Compared to a cheap TN screen, it is several times higher. Naturally, a device with such a matrix will not be suitable for game lovers, since the dynamic picture will be constantly blurred.

But designers, layout designers, amateur photographers and all professionals who need to work with real color and its shades will like monitors with VA technology. In addition, the wide viewing angle, even with a strong tilt, does not distort the image on the screen. Such monitors are suitable for multimedia - watching any movies with your family will be interesting, because the screen provides the opportunity to see real black color, and not its semblance in the form of fifty shades of gray.

No flaws?

IPS matrices and their various modifications have been on the market for quite a long time. However, their cost is not as attractive to buyers as the impeccable characteristics of screens that use an expensive type of monitor matrix. Only Apple knows which screen is better for a businessman and designer, the president of a company or a traveler, because all of its devices, without exception, have IPS (In-Plane Switching) matrix technology.

From year to year, all kinds of technologies appear, experts are trying to improve the quality of an already expensive and high-quality matrix, as a result of which there are a number of modifications on the market: AH-IPS, P-IPS, H-IPS, S-IPS, e-IPS. The difference between them is minor, but it is there. For example, e-IPS (Enhanced) has technology that increases screen contrast and brightness, and also reduces response time. The professional P-IPS series can display 30-bit color, but it’s a pity that the user will not clearly notice this.

Reach your dreams

Without going into deciphering the modifications of the IPS matrix, you can notice that this technology represents a kind of symbiosis of VA- and TN+film-productions. Naturally, only the advantages were selected that were embodied in one device. For example, the monitor matrix type is AH-IPS ( Advanced High performance) is a direct competitor to plasma panels, which in terms of picture quality high definition have no analogues in the world. Such a serious statement was made back in 2011, but apart from the inflated price for a device with an AH-IPS matrix, it has not yet been possible to prove its superiority.

And yet, if a game lover has a question about which type of monitor matrix to choose - IPS or TN, then the right decision would be to purchase a more expensive and high-quality screen. Even though the price of the device is several times higher than its cheap competitor, spending time with your favorite toy will be more interesting. After all, realistic picture quality will always remain in first place.

Fun games manufacturers

We will talk primarily about Korean giant Samsung, who constantly strives to invent a new technology, but he does not always succeed, because along with the quality, the buyer is also interested in the cost of the device, which for some reason tends to increase disproportionately.

Introducing single pixel separation technology Samsung managed to achieve better image clarity. First of all, this is noticeable on the screen when typing small print multi-colored text. The technology was approved by many layout designers, and monitors with PVA markings quickly found fans.

The WVA monitor matrix type was an improved version of technology from Samsung, and, judging by the low cost of the devices, it competed freely in the market. The shortcoming with the matrix response speed in all devices created using VA technology has not been eliminated.

Radical solution

The type of monitor matrix AH-IPS was of interest only to buyers in developed countries of the world. After all, for best quality you have to pay a very large sum, which is beyond the means of residents of the post-Soviet space. And there is no point in purchasing a monitor that is slightly more expensive than a modern assembled personal computer. Therefore, manufacturers of expensive devices had to reduce the cost of technology by reducing the quality in the production of components. So it appeared on the market new type PLS (plane-to-line switching) monitor matrices.

After analyzing the characteristics and studying the operating principle of the new matrix, you might think that this is just an improved modification of the PVA matrix from Samsung. This is true. As it turned out, the manufacturer developed this technology a long time ago, but its implementation occurred quite recently, when there was a huge price difference between middle-class and expensive devices, and there was an urgent need to fill the empty price niche.

Who won?

Apparently, this is the only case when in the war between manufacturers for the sales market, the buyer wins, who receives a worthy device in terms of its characteristics at a price that is quite acceptable to him. The disadvantage is the small selection of manufacturers, because Samsung has not released the technology beyond its concerns, so the Korean brand has few competitors - Philips and AOC.

But, faced with a choice, which better type monitor matrices - IPS or PLS, a potential buyer who decides to save money will definitely give preference to the latter. After all, in fact, there is not much difference between the devices. And if you pay attention to the fact that the majority mobile devices, including tablets, have PLS matrix, which is very often presented by the seller as a more expensive IPS, then there is only one conclusion.

In pursuit of perfection

Not long ago, Sharp introduced a type of monitor matrix made using IGZO (indium, gallium and zinc oxide) technology. According to the manufacturer, the material has very high conductivity and lower power consumption, thanks to which it was possible to achieve more high density pixels per square inch. Essentially, IGZO technology is suitable for the production of 4K resolution monitors and all mobile devices produced in Ultra HD format.

The technology is far from cheap, and prices for monitors and TVs with IGZO matrix are breaking world records. However, the well-known company Apple got its bearings very quickly, concluding contracts with the matrix manufacturer. This means that this technology is the future; all that remains is to wait for the price to drop on the world market.

Best choice for gamer

Having studied existing production technologies, you can without hesitation determine which type of monitor matrix is ​​better. For games, response time and color rendition are a priority, so the choice here is limited. For those who want to save money, a device with a PLS matrix is ​​quite suitable. Although the choice among manufacturers is small, it is possible to decide among the modifications. Besides standard type matrix, the manufacturer offers an improved Super-PLS model, in which the brightness and contrast are higher, and the screen allows you to display a resolution exceeding FullHD.

But if the price of the issue is not critical for the buyer, then an IPS screen will allow you to enjoy the most realistic picture. You won’t be able to get confused by the markings, because they all boil down to improving the viewing angle and dynamic contrast. The only difference is the price - the better, the more expensive. By giving preference to a device with an IPS monitor matrix type, a gamer will not go wrong.

Photo processing and graphics are a priority

It is clear that an IPS device is suitable for designers and layout designers. But is there any point in overpaying? After all, photo processing and layout involve working with colors and their shades. The response time of the matrix is ​​not considered at all. Professionals recommend not to waste money and choose a VA type of monitor matrix. Yes, this is old technology, yes, this is the last century, but in terms of “price-quality” criteria, matrices of this type have no competitors. And if you want to purchase some of the new products, then you can opt for a PLS matrix.

If there is a need to work behind a monitor with high resolution, for example 4K, then professionals recommend giving preference to IGZO devices. Their price is not that far from popular screens IPS, but they are undoubtedly better in quality.

Multimedia lovers can save money

Oddly enough, but for those who like to watch movies on a monitor screen and surf the Internet, purchasing a device with a TN+film matrix is ​​quite enough. Inexpensive gadget with an improved screen will easily replace a small TV. The problem can only appear in dark dynamic scenes, where instead of a black background the viewer will have to observe a gray cloud. If this is critical, you need to look towards VA matrices. Yes, the price is higher, but the problem with color rendering will be solved. In addition, the buyer will receive very high contrast and large viewing angles. Don't forget about the physical resolution of the matrix - the higher it is, the better the picture.

Office option

It would seem that the universal type of TN+film monitor matrix would be perfect for working with text. But, as practice shows, working with small print behind such a screen is extremely inconvenient. And if the monitor is purchased directly to work with large volumes text, then you should worry about your vision. The closest technology to TN at an affordable price is VA. Regardless of the manufacturer and screen size, such a device will allow you to sit at the computer for more than one hour without any problems.

When choosing a monitor for office work, attention should be paid to both the size and physical resolution of the matrix. The diagonal of the screen for working with text should not exceed the distance from the user’s eyes to the matrix. It is also recommended to select office monitors with an aspect ratio of 4:3, because in this ratio more readable information is placed on the screen.

New trend: for your loved one

Having studied all existing technologies of liquid crystal screens, before choosing the type of monitor matrix, a potential buyer should get acquainted with the information obtained through user surveys in the media.

  1. The monitor is a durable purchase. That is, the next acquisition, with a high probability, will not be earlier than in 10 years.
  2. In 99% of cases, the stated requirements for equipment do not coincide with operating conditions. That is, gaming battles are taking place on an office monitor, while only news feeds are viewed on elite devices.
  3. Multi-connection. For convenience, 25% of users in the world connect several monitors (2, 3, 4) to one computer, and the number of such owners is constantly growing. The convenience is that each connected device has a specific role - games, movies, office, etc.

The above information allows you to rethink your earlier knowledge. It is recommended to make a purchase based not on needs, but on desire and capabilities. Essentially, you should focus on the most expensive and high-quality device that the user can afford. You can't save money here.


Having found out which type of monitor matrix is ​​best for the user, what the letter markings on the device’s display mean and how it affects price and quality, you can begin to select the diagonal. However, many IT experts recommend paying attention to the resolution of the screen - how many dots per square inch it can display. Very often, the correct choice of the required resolution leads to the purchase of a monitor with a smaller diagonal, and, accordingly, to significant savings in money. An important role is played by the manufacturer of monitors - the matrix is ​​of its own production, the presence of a service center at the place of residence and a large guarantee period hint to the future owner that he is purchasing a worthy device that will never let you down.

It’s worth noting right away that each technology has enough fans, and therefore fierce debates on the Internet do not subside for a moment. This mainly concerns the topic “AMOLED vs IPS”, since TN matrices stand somewhat apart and do not claim the laurels of “the coolest technology”. After reading several reviews, we still formed our opinion, which we will share with you.

Comparison of IPS and TN matrices

The fact that screens created using TN technology have not disappeared from the market suggests that they are still in demand. Their main advantage is considered to be price, since the cost of TN displays is on average 20-50% lower than that of equivalent IPS devices. Second competitive advantage called low response time: modern screens with a TN matrix have a response time of about 1 ms, while IPS monitors have a characteristic of 5 - 8 ms. However, the latter is quite sufficient for displaying movies and even 3D games with a large number of dynamic scenes, and therefore you can ignore this parameter as long as it is in the specified range.

Asus tablet MeMO Pad ME172V with TN screen

Contrary to the above, IPS screens show higher contrast, as well as picture brightness and, most importantly, excellent viewing angles. In addition, the thickness of devices with IPS matrices is slightly lower than that of TN opponents, which is sometimes important for smartphones and tablets. Another advantage is better image quality when the IPS screen is exposed to direct sunlight, which is again important for wearable devices. Agree, constantly covering the smartphone screen with your hand in order to at least see something on the street is not very convenient, and therefore phones with TN screens are gradually fading into oblivion.

Conclusion: Screens with TN matrices are suitable for the corporate sector, as well as for monitors and tablets of not too demanding clients who do not mind saving money. For smartphone owners and those who are not strapped for cash, it is worth choosing devices equipped with IPS screens.

Comparison of AMOLED and TN

People who do not delve too deeply into screen production technology sometimes call displays with TN matrices nothing more than TFT. They ask salespeople questions like: “What better than AMOLED or TFT?”, forcing the latter to smile forcedly and explain the hardware to curious clients. We will assume that there are no such people among our readers, and therefore let’s move on to the topic of the title.

Ramos W30 tablet with ISP screen

In general, it is difficult to compare these two technologies, since devices made using them are designed for different categories of clients. AMOLED is primarily a tribute to fashion and a step towards innovation. Customers considering the purchase of equipment with an AMOLED screen expect to purchase a modern device with top-end characteristics and only secondarily study the price tag and make a decision. Buyers of equipment with a TN screen, on the contrary, are looking for the most for their money, and the budget here is the primary factor when purchasing. In terms of characteristics, AMOLED is closer to IPS, and therefore appropriate conclusions for comparison arise.

Conclusion: Since AMOLED displays are even more expensive than IPS, you probably shouldn't look at them when choosing a budget or mid-budget option. If your goal is a device with high level image quality, then you are straight to the next subheading.

Comparison of AMOLED and IPS

So we get to the main question of the article: “Which is better AMOLED or IPS?” And, of course, in order to draw a conclusion, we need to consider the strengths and weak sides each technology.

Viewing angles. Both technologies have excellent viewing angles, and owners of smartphones and tablets vying with each other to say that their AMOLED/IPS screen is definitely better. There really are no big differences, but users and experts note that at large viewing angles IPS difference from AMOLED screens manifests itself in a bluish or greenish tint to the image in the latter.

Energy saving. The point is that it needs to be said here about one feature of these two technologies. Screens with IPS matrices produce the best white color among competitors, while AMOLED displays are leaders in displaying black colors (by the way, because of this they are called even more contrasting). If an AMOLED screen often has to display white colors, for example, when using a browser, then its energy consumption increases by about 5 times.

Hybrid samsung tablet ATIV Smart PC with AMOLED screen

Image clarity. Most AMOLED displays use a PenTile subpixel structure. Although the developers claim that this does not affect the image, many users, when comparing, call the picture of IPS screens clearer. On the other hand, maybe they are just suspicious?

Screen thickness. Here the advantage of AMOLED displays is undeniable. The absence of a separate backlight layer makes such screens really thinner.

Brightness and contrast. These characteristics of AMOLED screens really higher than competitors. On the other hand, many people find them oversaturated and tiring for the eyes, especially with prolonged use. It seems that this item remains a matter of taste for each individual user.

Screen burn-in. This point concerns mainly organic displays. The sad fact is that when a static picture is displayed for a long time, “traces” of it remain on the screen. For example, “images” of constantly displayed icons appear on smartphone screens.

Response time. AMOLED screens are said to have lower response times than IPS screens. In practice, this difference is insignificant and is only suitable for marketing techniques.

Conclusion: Let fans of AMOLED technology throw tomatoes at me (that is, the author), but my subjective opinion leans in favor of IPS. The technology has more advantages, but the price of the devices is still lower. We believe that organic displays will still show themselves after several years of improving the technology in all their glory, but for now, their characteristics are inferior in the price-quality category.

This technology for manufacturing matrices has already become firmly established modern world. She has enough competitors.

But in order to understand which technology is better, you need to understand what IPS matrices are and why they are better.

The name “IPS” itself stands for In-Plan-Switching, which can be literally translated as "intra-site switching".

Simply put, this technology allows you to display a picture on a monitor with a more active matrix.

IPS matrices mean a type of liquid crystal screen. This type was discovered by Hitachi and NEC as a result of research in 1996.

At the moment, LG has also taken up improving this technology. We developed this technology as an alternative to TN+film LCD displays.

Quite a lot of manufacturers use equipment with this type of display manufacturing technology, since it can significantly improve color rendition and image quality.

The operation of liquid crystal screens is based on polarization.

Typically, the light we see is not polarized. This means that its waves lie in many different planes.

There are substances that can bend light into one plane, and such substances are called polarizers.

Light will not be able to pass through two polarizers whose planes are located 90 degrees relative to each other.

When another substance is placed between them, capable of changing the vector of incidence of light to the required angle, then we will be able to control the brightness.

The simplest LCD screen matrix contains the following parts:

  • Backlight lamp, mostly mercury;
  • Reflectors and polymer light guides, which in the system provide uniform illumination;
  • Polarizer filter;
  • Glass plate substrate with contacts applied to it;
  • Liquid crystals;
  • Another polarizer;
  • Covering glass substrate with contacts.

In addition to the standard filter, the color matrices have a built-in color filter. Each pixel consists of dots of three colors, collected in cells - red, blue and green.

Each of the cells is either on or off, thereby forming shades and colors. If you turn on all the cells at the same time, it will give white color.

Matrices can be divided into passive and active. Passives are otherwise called simple.

In them, control is pixel-by-pixel, which means from cell to cell.

When manufacturing liquid crystal screens using this technology, a problem often arises that as the diagonal increases, the lengths of the conductors that transmit current to the pixels automatically increase.

This problem is expressed in the fact that if the conductors are too long, during the transfer of changes to the last pixel, the first one will already be discharged and turn off.

Also, due to the long length, the tension deteriorates.

This problem was solved by the creation of active matrices. The main technology was TFT (Thin Film Transistor).

This technology makes it possible to control pixels individually, which significantly reduces the response time of the matrix.

Thus, it became possible to create monitors and televisions with the largest diagonals.

The transistors are located separately and do not depend on each other. Each pixel cell has its own transistor.

To prevent cell loss of charge, to pixels there is a capacitor, which acts as a capacity buffer.

Thanks to this, the reaction time is significantly reduced.

Types of IPS matrices

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For all the time that this technology has existed, many types of IPS matrices have been created. They were improved for clearer and higher-quality image transmission.

Today there are 7 types of matrices:

1 S-IPS (Super IPS) – This type was created in 1998. It has significantly increased image contrast and reduced response time.

2 AS-IPS (Advanced Super IPS) – This technology was discovered in 2002. It has increased brightness and further increased contrast, due to which the quality of image transmission has significantly improved.

3 H-IPS (Horizontal IPS) – This type was created in 2007. In it, the developers optimized the transmission of white color, and also further increased the contrast. This improvement made it possible to make pictures with more naturalness. Photo editors were most pleased with this improvement, since many details became more visible when editing photo elements.

4 E-IPS (Enhanced-IPS) - This type was developed in 2009. The innovation has reduced response time and improved transparency. Also, such matrices have lower power consumption. This is achieved by installing low-power and inexpensive backlight paws in them. Accordingly, image quality is slightly reduced due to lower power consumption.

5 P-IPS (Professional IPS) – In 2010, more than the new kind IPS. The number of colors and shades was significantly increased, making the image even more colorful and detailed. This type of matrix is ​​used in more professional equipment, so it is more expensive.

6 S-IPS II (Super IPS II) – An improved version of the first type. It was developed immediately after P-IPS.

7 AH-IPS (Advanced High IPS) – Today, this is the most best view IPS matrix, which was developed back in 2011. It has greatly improved naturalness, brightness and clarity transmitted image. At the moment, this type is the main one in the manufacture of modern technology with displays.

Types of backlighting for IPS matrices

Absolutely any matrix has a built-in backlight. In IPS, the main backlight types are fluorescent lamps and LED backlighting (LED).

Fluorescent is a more outdated type of lighting. Today it is quite rare to find her. This type of lighting began to disappear from the market in 2010.

LED backlighting is found in 90% of matrices. It improves color reproduction and brightness of screens.

When choosing a matrix, you should undoubtedly give preference to screens and monitors with this type of backlight.

It will also increase the contrast and clarity of the image on the screen and prevent your eyes from getting tired when working on a computer or tablet for a long time.

Advantages and Disadvantages of IPS

This type of matrix has a large number of benefits.

The main one is improved color rendering and brightness.

You can also note the increased viewing angles, thanks to which the image will be clearly visible from any angle.

Another integral advantage is that the pixels are very clearly visible on this type of matrix.

Users note that the black color on the IPS matrix is ​​blacker.

Other colors are more saturated on the screen.

Among the disadvantages, one can note the high cost.

Despite the fact that the technology has been on the market for quite some time, its cost is still high.

This is due to higher performance, as well as the high cost of raw materials.

Another disadvantage is low performance. While for TN matrices the image switching time is 1 ms, for IPS this figure is 8-10 ms.

Users also noted high inertia, which slightly slows down the frame rate when watching movies in 3D format.

Comparison of IPS and TFT displays

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TFT displays are a type of LCD display that uses an active matrix controlled by thin film transistors. She enhances every pixel, improves performance and contrast.

The most advanced creation is considered to be TFT IPS (IPS is a type of TFT), this is manifested in the fact that the liquid crystals in it are arranged in parallel, when current passes through them, they slenderly and quickly turn in the other direction.

The viewing angle of such displays reaches 180 degrees, and the picture has high contrast and good color rendition.

The latest models of iPhones and iPads have chosen the IPS version, but the number of pixels per specific unit of area.

This may be an indication of which of these options is more worthwhile, reliable and has the potential for development.

TVs with IPS

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The screen diagonal of this TV is 40”. It is also equipped with an IPS matrix.

The screen is thin and the design is very high quality. Resolution 1920x1080 pixels.

The backlight is LED. Since the matrix is ​​installed with IPS technology, the viewing angles are corresponding – 178 degrees.

This model has the same diagonal as the previous one – 40”.

Equipped with an IPS matrix, which is illuminated using strip-type LED backlighting.

The resolution of this TV is standard – 1920x1080 pixels. Viewing angles correspond to the standard matrix type and are 178 degrees.

LG 32LF510U

Since LG has been improving IPS matrix technology in recent years, they undoubtedly supply their own equipment with this type of matrix.

This TV model has a diagonal of 32” and a resolution of 1366x768 pixels. However, this does not affect the image quality in any way.

The viewing angles, like all devices with an IPS matrix, are 178 degrees.

The screen of this laptop model has a diagonal of 14” with a built-in IPS matrix.

The matte finish of the Acer SWIFT 3 screen does not reflect when exposed to direct light.

The viewing angle is 178 degrees, which is the standard for this type of matrix. Resolution - 1920x1080 pixels.

This laptop model has IPS matrix, with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, or 3840x2160 pixels (depending on modification). Screen diagonal 15.6“.

The viewing angle is standard for IPS 178 degrees.

2024 gtavrl.ru.