Which avast is better? Detection of virus threats

There has long been a debate among users about which of the existing antivirus programs is the best today. But this is not just a matter of interest, because a fundamental issue is at stake - protecting the system from viruses and intruders. Let's compare free antivirus solutions Avast Free Antivirus and Kaspersky Free among ourselves and determine the best one.

Avast Free Antivirus is a product of a Czech company AVAST Software. Kaspersky Free is the first free version of the famous Russian software, released recently by Kaspersky Lab. We decided to compare the free versions of these antivirus programs.

First of all, let's compare what first catches your eye after launch - this is the interface.

Of course, Avast's appearance is more visually attractive than Kaspersky Free. In addition, the drop-down menu of the Czech application is more convenient than the navigation elements of its Russian competitor.


Avast 1:0 Kaspersky

Antivirus protection

Despite the fact that the interface is the first thing we pay attention to when turning on any program, the main criterion by which we evaluate antiviruses is their ability to repel attacks by malicious software and intruders.

And according to this criterion, Avast lags significantly behind Kaspersky Lab products. If Kaspersky Free, like other products of this Russian manufacturer, is practically impenetrable to viruses, then Avast Free Antivirus may well miss some Trojan or other malicious program.


Avast 1:1 Kaspersky

Directions of protection

Also quite an important criterion are the specific areas in which antiviruses protect the system. Avast and Kaspersky call these services screens.

Kaspersky Free has four protection screens: file antivirus, IM antivirus, mail antivirus and web antivirus.

Avast Free Antivirus has one less element: the screen file system, mail screen and web screen. In more earlier versions Avast had an Internet chat screen similar to Kaspersky’s IM antivirus, but then the developers abandoned its use. So, according to this criterion, Kaspersky Free wins.

Avast 1:2 Kaspersky

Kaspersky Anti-Virus has long been the most resource-intensive among similar programs. Weak computers they simply couldn't use it, and even the average ones had serious performance problems when updating databases or scanning for viruses. Sometimes the system simply went down. Several years ago, Evgeny Kaspersky stated that he had managed to overcome this problem, and his antivirus was no longer so “gluttonous.” However, some users continue to complain about the heavy load on the system that occurs when using Kaspersky, although not on such a scale as before.

Unlike Kaspersky, Avast has always been positioned by its developers as the fastest and easiest of the full-fledged antivirus programs.

If you look at the task manager readings while antiviruses are scanning the system, you can see that Kaspersky Free creates twice as many heavy load per processor than Avast Free Antivirus, and consumes almost seven times more RAM.

In terms of the load on the system, Avast is a clear winner.

Avast 2:2 Kaspersky

Additional features

Even the free version of Avast antivirus offers a number of additional tools. Among them are the SafeZone browser, the SecureLineVPN anonymizer, a tool for creating rescue disk, a browser add-on for Avast Online Security. Although, it is worth noting that, according to many users, most of these products are damp.

The free version of Kaspersky offers much fewer additional tools, but they are much better developed. Among these tools, it is worth highlighting cloud protection and on-screen keyboard.

So, according to this criterion, a draw can be awarded.

Avast 3:3 Kaspersky

Although, in the competition between Avast Free Antivirus and Kaspersky Free on points, we recorded a draw, but Kaspersky’s product has a huge advantage over Avast in terms of the main criterion - the degree of protection against actions malware and intruders. According to this indicator, the Czech antivirus can be knocked out by its Russian competitor.

AVAST Software products are considered one of the most popular in the IT world. According to know-it-all Wikipedia, free antiviruses under this brand rank first in popularity among users. At the same time, the company's developments themselves often compete with each other.

In this article we will find out who would win the battle Avast Free Antivirus vs. Avast Internet Security, and also how Avast Free differs from Pro.

By the way: Find out which free antiviruses are the most effective.

Based on the results of the comparison, it turned out that Avast is the best for use on home computer- this is Avast! Free Antivirus. This version perfectly detects and neutralizes viruses, spyware and rootkits. In addition, the antivirus evaluates the reputation of downloaded files and blocks potentially dangerous downloads. Viewing sites in a “virtual sandbox” before loading them onto your PC also significantly improves security.

According to the test results, the most reliable protection provided by Avast! Internet Security. But it is advisable to install this program only for commercial purposes, on servers or work computers. If the likelihood that your machine could become a target for hackers is low, you do not conduct monetary transactions through it and do not store top-secret files, then we recommend downloading and installing free Avast.

Data on three popular versions of AVAST antivirus! we presented in the table:

So, we have decided on the arsenal of possibilities. Now let's figure out what of all this functionality you really need.

Protection against viruses and spyware

All three versions are equipped with the famous avast antivirus engine! with integrated anti-spyware technology. By and large, it was the effective defense against viruses and spyware with a quickly updated database that made the free Avast (the “native” name of which is “Avast”) Home Edition") the No. 1 antivirus in the world - it has been installed by more than 200 million users. The same core is found in Avast Pro Antivirus and Avast Internet security.

Blocking rootkits

It is worth saying that not every antivirus can boast of a highly effective anti-rootkits module. But it is this thing that prevents it from getting onto the computer. malicious applications through hacked websites and vulnerabilities in Internet browsers. Therefore, the visibility of such a “feature” is demonic. paid version- a good argument “for” Avast.

File reputation assessment

An innovative cloud-based service called FileRep scans the downloaded file before it reaches your computer. Data about him is sent to the reputation service avast files!, and if it turns out to be suspicious, the download stops. Of course, such a check is very important, because the average user on average downloads up to 10 pictures, up to 20 audio recordings and about 3-4 videos per day.

Automatic sandbox

The developers included latest version avast! Free 7 AutoSandbox Virtualization technology, which allows you to open sites in virtual environment, not on the computer. Avast also has it Pro antivirus and Avast Internet Security. Autosandbox allows you to view suspicious web pages in a “cloud environment” without passing them on your PC. Undoubtedly, this will be useful, because many sites are teeming with incoming advertising offers, porn links and spies.

Customizable sandbox

What distinguishes Avast Free from Pro and Internet security is that in the latter two, if desired, the user will be able to set up a protection configuration defined by himself using command line. A customizable sandbox allows you not only not to skip “stupid” files on your computer, but also to run programs in the “cloud”. However, this advanced option will most likely be of interest to system administrators and testers.

Secure online shopping and financial transactions

The SafeZone function will be useful for businessmen who prefer to carry out complex and expensive financial operations safe and confidential. Such actions can be performed in “isolation” virtual window" However, at home, the need for SafeZone is unlikely to arise.

Protection of personal data and information

The script shield, which intercepts suspicious scripts and blocks programs that can be launched from outside, is present only in Avast Internet Security. But this shield will only be useful for commercial companies that protect confidential information and data on accounting fraud.


Only Internet Security has built-in anti-spam protection. It prevents phishing attacks and annoying pop-ups - but a similar feature can be implemented free programs or browser plugins, for example AdBlock plus.

Built-in firewall

Integrated firewall that blocks by default unauthorized access to PC, duplicates in almost everything Windows firewall, installed, as a rule, on every home PC.

Sergei Medvedev

First, I’ll ask a question: what guides you when choosing an antivirus program? What parameters do you choose?

  1. Reliability? (will not miss a single enemy!);
  2. Ease? (even if it lets someone through, but it doesn’t slow down the computer);
  3. By recommendation? (everyone says he’s just super!);

I'm sure most people reading these questions will choose the first option! Although they will be sure that they are guided only by this, it will not be entirely true!

In fact, most PC users choose antivirus program by recommendation only! This is especially true for beginners and inexperienced people...

But how to make the right choice?

What is the best antivirus?

Three years ago I was like that myself! For me, Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 was the height of perfection and I didn’t even want to think about any other anti-virus program! It couldn't be more reliable!

Even now I don’t want to hear about all sorts of Avira, AVG, Nod, etc.

And I used it until mid-2010. Until the computer reached such a state that I had to call an adjuster from the legal guide! I then blamed the provider for not giving me the promised Internet speed!

It turned out that everything is not so simple...

Do you know what he did first? Disabled Kaspersky! And after that we had an interesting conversation...

Why does Kaspersky antivirus suck?

He said that he has not used Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 for a long time and does not even think about installing the new one, 2010!

And he told about the experiment that they carried out out of curiosity.

He and the guys wrote their own virus, put it on a flash drive and began to stick it into computers with different anti-virus programs one by one...

On one there was Kaspersky, on the other Dr.Web, on the third Avast. Free Avast!

Interestingly, the first two (Kaspersky and Web) did not react at all. Avast said that this program was performing some suspicious actions and sent it to quarantine.

The databases were updated according to schedule, as if nothing had happened...

This is where I first thought...

Which antivirus program should I use?

They told me before that Avast is better than Kaspersky, but I didn’t believe it! How can free be better than paid?

But after all this, I reinstalled the system and installed free Avast! There were a lot of concerns!

The first thing I liked was the computer, as if the handbrake had been taken off! Or the clutch was repaired (motorists will understand me!)

Second, I stopped getting bothered by all sorts of stupid warnings about suspicious program and actions!

And third, after some time I realized that if viruses penetrate me, they are not serious...

There is a good utility Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware. It finds all sorts of spyware, Trojans, worms, etc. on your computer.

Free version to a simple user Enough for the eyes! Use better times per week... You can download Malwarebytes" Anti-Malware for free

By the way, while I was writing, she was scanning the computer. Result - 28 spy objects!

Upon closer examination, you can see that four of them are registry keys responsible for updating the system, archiving files and checking programs at startup, which I personally disabled!

Two registration keys and 22 cracks and keygens!

Therefore, if you use it, then carefully review what Malwarebytes "Anti-Malware found! Otherwise you will be left without cracked toys and programs!

Yes, this utility regularly finds all sorts of bad things! But I’ll tell you a great secret - there is not a single antivirus program that protects your computer 100%!

It’s just that I often meet people (sometimes inexperienced, sometimes downright stupid) who blindly trust their antivirus program more than people...

They, like drowning people, hold on to this straw and are afraid to let it go!

Kaspersky Anti-Virus is lying to you!

Kaspersky Anti-Virus writes that it is a virus and they believe it unquestioningly! And they have no idea that:

  1. Kaspersky is stupid and often reacts this way to quite normal programs or scripts
  2. Kaspersky does not always react this way to real viruses
  3. Kaspersky simply complicates the user's life and prevents it from working normally

Don't believe me?

And you conduct an experiment! The next time Kaspersky informs you about a virus, copy the name of this virus, type “online virus check” into the search engine and check whether such a virus is in the databases.

And for the advanced - download the file that Kaspersky considered a virus in online service and see what happens...

You can do the same with the site that Kaspersky “swears” at!

Now you understand that I am not for Avast, I’m just against Kaspersky! It interfered with my work when I used it and it interferes now that I no longer use it!

The fact is that someone is downloading my files, and Kasper says that there is a virus there! And they accuse me of spreading viruses!

They come to my blog, and Kasper says that there are viruses on it! Casper is turned off, viruses disappear!

This is all annoying!

Also understand this simple thing— viruses will not get onto your computer on their own, without your permission! Now, if you download something, then it’s easy.

A virus is a program! And in order for it to start working, it must be loaded! And nothing else...

By the way, almost a year ago, I decided to try Avast Internet Security. Shouldn't have done this...

The fact is that, as I understand it, I simply don’t go to virus breeding grounds. I don’t go to porn sites, gaming or warez sites. I also don’t like to look at torrents, so every Avast report stated that 0 viruses were detected!

It turns out that for me, both the paid and the free version provide equally reliable protection...

As you can see, I wrote this post not as a specialist, but as a simple user! Just someone with experience...

Recently I was fiddling with my laptop. I installed the system, configured it... They brought Kaspersky antivirus! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen how, after installation, computer performance drops several times!

And this is a double-edged sword! People heard that Casper good antivirus, bought it, now we understand that it’s bullshit, but it’s a shame to throw it away! We've already paid! They will now suffer for a year!

What you do is up to you to decide. If you like to suffer, suffer! If you don't like it, change something...

By the way, you can read how I fought with Kaspersky

In addition, if you are interested, you can look at the rating - the best antiviruses,

And I will be glad to hear your opinion about Kaspersky and Avast antiviruses in the comments!

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172 comments: Don't trust your antivirus!

    Something itched in my soul when Sergei Medvedev thought that if Kaspersky was praised, it meant it was Keys employees. After all, it’s also possible to identify Avast employees?))) I used to use pirated keys for Kaspersky, but now I buy one-year licenses and am happy with the performance of the KIS2015 antivirus ( If the chat is open for weighing the pros and cons, then KIS very popular in the world. I was in Japan, it is displayed there in the windows of computer software, even rejoiced for the Russian manufacturer. It is known that Sberbank is protected by Kaspersky, and the Ministry of Justice is too. And they won’t use unreliable programs there. In general, I still have my computer cluttered with programs and files with Kaspersky and plows like a workhorse around the clock. A colleague brought her buggy netbook to clean and set up, and Avast was there. It will have to be surgically removed again. It doesn't want to be removed using the uninstaller. It's 2015, and Avast has the same problem as years ago.

    Bitdefender Internet Security - Your opinion!!!???

    Avast helped me out. For example, I go to Yandex, and it’s blocked, I turn on Casper, silence. Avast pulled Virya out of the system code, and everything worked) I swear, guys! Even now Avast. They brought no beech! And Casper won’t start! Avast I started it up without any problems, checked it out, and for the sake of experimentation I demolished Avast, installed Casper) and lo and behold, shitty Casper started up! GIP GIP Avast!

    Good day, Sergey! Yes, Gire may have answered incorrectly, but as I read his last offensive phrases addressed to you, my fingers began to tap on the keyboard. I tried to answer him in his language! He came to your blog and still shits!!! I subscribed to your newsletters a long time ago and am studying and testing strategies, of course, on paper!!! Yesterday I uninstalled Kaspersky and installed the paid version of the anti-advertising software Adguard for a year (before that there was a trial version) using your link. As a bonus, they gave me the Emsisoft Anti-Molware antivirus program with a key, also for a year. A little about myself: I am a mechanical engineer myself, but who needs us now are mechanical engineers, and especially machine builders. I work at a private enterprise, but I think that this enterprise will not exist much longer with such unfortunate owners. So I want to master it for myself additional income on BO. I really liked your report about your family vacation on Yarovoye. I read it, looked at the photographs and felt like visiting my homeland! I was born and raised in Slavgorod. It was then, after studying in Krasnoyarsk, that my wife and I moved to Kuzbass in Kemerovo. So I’ve been familiar with these salt lakes since childhood. True, I rarely go to my homeland, once every 3-4 years. It’s a pity, but more often than not it doesn’t work out. And the mud is better on Maly Yarovoy (they take it for the mud baths on Bolshoi Yarovoy). So you and your family have improved your health for at least a year! Sergey, I have the following question for you. At the end of January I really want to register and transfer the deposit to the broker, at a crossroads! On your blog I got acquainted (based on the size of the deposit that I will make) with brokers BINOMO and VOSPARI. Using your link I can register with VOSPARI, if with BINOMO, then as you answered my earlier question, there will be no benefits for me there. What do you recommend? With respect and gratitude, Alexander.


    Greetings Alexander.

    We were on Yarovoye for two years in a row. I didn’t blog about my trip last summer, but it was also interesting. This time our daughter was persuaded to come with us. The influx of tourists is becoming more and more every year, when we arrived we spent the night on the beach, in the car, since we were cheated with housing :)

    About work. I wrote this about Binomo because I can’t vouch for this broker since I don’t work closely with him. But, if you like him and want to work with him, then no problem, make a deposit, write to me by email and I will send training materials.

    P.S. And people like this Girya do dirty tricks wherever they can. After all, they know that nothing will happen for this :)

    Alexander Answers:

    Good day, Sergey. I registered with the Binomo broker and even started trading, but not very successfully. If possible, training materials have been published, otherwise I may not take everything into account when trading. Best regards, Alexander.

    Hello! Online since 1997. I have always used Avast, although I have tried many antiviruses. From 13 to 15 (summer) Komodo. but when I tried 360 Total Internet Security, I realized that this is the best antivirus program

    1. Absolutely does not load the system and loads from 15 seconds to 1 minute. If the computer is free of garbage, it boots quickly.

    2. Finds real viruses.

    3. accessible and easy interface.

    4. Useful mode scanning, which immediately optimizes the computer, searches for viruses and cleans the registry

    After literally working with it for 1 day, I got so used to it that it seems like I’ve always had it.

    Having installed it on my phone, I couldn’t be happier with it either.

    Yes, this is all nonsense. If you are a quiet and harmless user who is short of time and has no comrade ready to help, alas, you will have to difficult situations tolerate or pay unreasonable money to the craftsmen. If you are ready to rise a little higher from the teapot level, you will definitely discard the question “which antivirus is better” after reading the first ten headlines in the search engine.

    Don’t pollute the system with a lot of unnecessary software, carefully wipe out all startup options, clean the registry and speeds, even with CCleaner, if you still did something stupid. And forget about ready-made assemblies"useful software" Figure out what functionality is required for a particular task, and do not install unnecessary things in office packages, Photoshop, etc. Don’t forget to defragment, don’t disdain Scandisk, don’t be too lazy to check the S.M.A.R.T. parameters of your hard drive from time to time. Create a partition for the OS normal size, taking into account that you will most likely install the software along the standard path in Program files. Keep personal files separately, not on system partition, Backup important data from time to time. Turn on system restore, not paying attention to the advice of overly “advanced” users. Make an image of the freshly installed system immediately after installing the drivers. If your computer does not have an OS recovery partition, create an OS recovery disk and save it to a cheap, slow but reliable USB 2.1 flash drive for 300 rubles. Configure any antivirus and firewall without leaving it with default settings. Know how to behave on the Internet and not fall for outright scams. Place dust filters in appropriate places system unit or demand it from the assembler in the store. Install a cooler with sufficient power HDD, and not just the processor and video card, etc...

    And Kaspersky will stop overloading the system, and Avast will be removed normally and without “tails”, etc. And the desire to write ridiculous posts in defense of this or that antivirus will disappear.

    Don't be lame, learn new things, and RTFM!!!

In this article we will clearly look at good demon paid antivirus Avast. How to install it and use its main features.

All Internet users have to worry about protecting the information on their computer from infection. different viruses, Trojans, etc., which can get into your computer through the use certain programs, Email, as well as through sites of dubious content.

Anti-virus protection is also necessary when transferring any information (for example, via a flash drive or disk) from one computer to another.

There are many different antivirus programs, both paid and free. But, since not everyone can afford to pay annually for any paid antivirus program, in this article, as I mentioned at the beginning, we will look at good alternative: Free Avast antivirus Free. This is a full-fledged good antivirus, differing from the paid version only in the absence of some functions.

1. Download free Avast antivirus

In order to download Avast Free Antivirus, this antivirus and click Download Avast:

Note: Lately I notice that the Avasta website gives an error. If this happens in your case, just click on any button:

The following window will open and the automatic download will begin. installation file on computer. If automatic download does not happen, click on the link as shown in the picture:

The antivirus download will begin. We wait for the installation file to download and begin the installation.

2. Free Avast antivirus. Installation

If you have another antivirus installed on your computer, but you still want to use Avast antivirus, then first you need to remove another antivirus from your computer, since they may conflict with each other.

To remove another antivirus, use the article: "".

Launch the downloaded file with Avast and in the first step click on Normal installation(we won’t consider a paid password manager, so we won’t tick it):

Note: Avast developers do not stand still and periodically adjust or change the interface, both the installation and the entire program. It is difficult to keep up with these changes to make updated instructions. That's why I update the instructions when drastic changes come out. So, if you suddenly see minor discrepancies with the instructions, please act intuitively, or ask additional questions in the comments if something is not clear.

So let's continue...

In the next step ( Confidentiality) there is no choice, so just click Continue and move on to the next step.

After installation, the main antivirus menu will launch and the necessary initial small scan of the system will take place.

The Avast icon will also appear in the taskbar. , through which you can enter the main menu of this antivirus.

3. Free registration of Avast for a year

At this stage, you can already use Avast freely for a month. And to use it whole year, must pass simple registration. To do this, follow the link Register:

A window will appear in which you need to enter your data. Fill it out, click on Register:

Since in this article we are considering exactly free version, so we select the link I prefer to leave the basic protection:

Now, if you go to the section Settings -> Registration, then you can see that we have registered our version for one year:

Note: When the registration expires, the system will notify you. In this case, to extend the use of the antivirus, you will simply need to confirm its continued use.

Also, to the address specified during registration email address An email will be sent confirming your registration on the antivirus website. This registration is not mandatory, i.e. If you do not register on the site, this will not in any way affect the performance of Avast installed with us.

They're just given there additional features on management account, as well as receiving a paid version in exchange for recommendations. You can register, it won’t hurt. But this is a separate topic - which is being considered.

4. Update Avast Free Antivirus

After registration, an anti update is available to us virus databases and the program itself.

You can initially go to the section: Settings -> Update, and update the virus databases and the program itself:

Note: If the system then asks you to restart the computer, you must do this so that the antivirus updates its updates on the computer.

By default, the program settings automatically update the virus database, and when the program itself needs to be updated, the system will display a message about this. These settings can be changed in the same section, in the submenu Settings.

5. Using Avast Free Antivirus

Using this antivirus is not difficult at all. Everything is already set up. The program scans in real time all files that “enter” the computer, and if the anti-virus database is regularly updated, then if some virus tries to penetrate the computer, the system will block such an attempt and report it.

Still, I recommend periodically scanning the entire computer for malicious elements with an updated anti-virus database. To do this, go to the section Scanning, where we can scan both the entire computer and its individual parts.

Everything there is intuitive, so I won’t dwell on it. I only recommend doing it periodically. Full scan computer:

If Avast finds a virus during scanning, it will issue a report about it. Select an action for the detected malicious elements Move to quarantine and press Apply.

We agree to reboot the computer so that Avast scans all the data before Windows starts.

Also, the Avast installation “implements” the scanning function in extra menu, which is called by clicking on an element (file, folder, etc.) right click mice.

For example, we were given a flash drive or disk with some information, for example, music or video files. It is advisable to check for viruses before opening the contents of a third-party flash drive or disk.

To do this, you can use My computer(in the Start menu) or via Conductor right-click on the flash drive or disk and scan the contents with an antivirus:

The scanning process will begin, which will be shown clearly:

Note: If this function is inactive for you, restart your computer so that all antivirus installation settings take effect.

6. Avast Free Antivirus settings

After installation, the program itself can be found on the computer through the menu Start-> All programs -> avast! Free Antivirus:

And also through a shortcut on the desktop or through Task bar-> icon: :

In Avasta there is no longer any need to configure anything additional. And this is very good, especially for novice users. The only thing is that it might get boring over time. sound accompaniment automatic update. It can be disabled in the section: Settings -> Appearance ->Sounds. There you can uncheck the event Automatic update and click on OK:

After this, automatic database updates will occur as before, but will not be sent sound signal that antivirus databases updated. All other settings can be left unchanged.

7. Add. Avast Free Antivirus features

Avast Free Antivirus has a couple of useful functions, which may be useful.

Firstly, this is a notification about some important programs that are installed on your computer and need to be updated. Those. Avast Free Antivirus scans your computer and if important programs need updating, notifies you of this. You can also look at it yourself and correct it in the section Tools -> Software Updates:

IN o secondly, this is a remote assistance feature. This is when you can remotely connect to another user’s computer (with his consent) and help him online in solving some problems.

This possibility is discussed in detail separately (for better understanding) in the article: "" using examples of two popular programs (TeamViewer And Ammyy). So, if you haven’t encountered such technology yet, be sure to consider that article.

And as for remote access in Avast Free Antivirus, this feature can be found in the section Reference -> Remote assistance.

The one who needs help contacts (for example, through) another user who also has Avast Free Antivirus installed (starting from version 8), clicks Get help, and reports the given code.

The one who helps also goes to Avast Free Antivirus, to the same remote help section, enters the received code and presses Connect.

Once connected, the person providing assistance can remotely control their contact's computer. And the person receiving help watches all this on his computer monitor.

Once assistance is complete, either of these two people can end the connection as shown in the screenshot:

Certainly, remote control Avasta is significantly inferior in both functionality and data transfer speed professional programs, such as, for example, TeamViewer And Ammyy, but still, as an option, you can keep in mind that Avast Free Antivirus 8 also introduced a similar function. Maybe it will come in handy someday!

Also, a tool that can be useful from time to time is a tool to clean your browser from unwanted toolbars and extensions that are added to browsers during their use. This tool can be found in the section Tools -> Browser Cleanup.

So: If we don’t want to spend extra money on paid antiviruses every year, we can install a fairly good one free antivirus Avast Free Antivirus, which does its job quite well. We regularly update anti-virus databases (it is advisable to set Automatic update). And also when transferring third-party information from a flash drive or disk, we check the contents using an antivirus.

Of course, no antivirus, even a paid one, provides 100% protection against viruses. Therefore, to more reliably protect your computer, use additional measures precautions. But these are separate topics for discussion. And it would also be a good idea to periodically check your computer.

And as an option to strengthen your defense, you can install paid antivirus Avast Internet Security, which you can even get for free! You can read about this.

2024 gtavrl.ru.