What are the most common passwords? Hacking Wi-Fi

In this material we will talk about Wi-Fi Internet. About there, how you can use the Internet for free by connecting to third-party Wi-Fi points.

So, as you know, Wi-Fi Internet is very popular these days and now almost every apartment has a router that allows you to connect wirelessly to the network and use the Internet with the same quality as if it were on wires.

Wi-Fi networks can be either open or encrypted (with a password). Finding an open Wi-Fi access point with the Internet is simply unspeakable luck. But not everyone is so lucky and not everyone has the opportunity to use the Internet, and that is why we wrote this article.

If you want to connect to the Internet using someone else's Wi-Fi connection at the point where you are, then we can help you with some tips and instructions.

To begin with, it’s worth mentioning that if you just want to find a Wi-Fi Internet access point somewhere near you, then:

1. Try to find large cafes, bars, etc., since in such establishments the Internet is often distributed through an open Wi-Fi access point.

2. Try using the program WiFi Map for Android or IOS. It will show you the passwords to all closed Wi-Fi points that are located near your location.

Well, if you, for example, live in an apartment where Wi-Fi points are available, but they are closed, and you want to be able to access the Internet, that’s a different matter.

1. Very often you can agree with the owner of a Wi-Fi point about its use by you. You can do it for free or pay some money and the owner will give you the password.

But how can you determine where the owner of a Wi-Fi access point lives?

You can do this by monitoring the network signal level. If the signal in your apartment is good enough, then most likely the owner of the point is one of your neighbors, so you can go to them. Do not forget that this could be a neighbor above or below in multi-story buildings.

You can also focus on the name of the network. Very often, users leave the network name unchanged, and it usually contains the apartment number. For example, MTS_47- Most likely this is the access point of the owner of apartment 47 of your building.

2. You can choose a Wi-Fi password manually. To do this, you will need a list of the most common Wi-Fi hotspot passwords:







11111111 (eight units)

1111111111 (ten units) *Instead of units, the numbers 5 or 7 are often used.

/*The owner's phone number is a fairly common password*/

3. When selecting, you can use a third-party program to make your work easier.

For Wi-Fi brute force (WiFi BruteForce) we highly recommend this program. It checks all passwords from the pass.txt file, which contains the most common numeric passwords.

There are many programs like Aircrack-ng And CommView for Wi-Fi, which can be used to decrypt passwords. But all this is done in just a few steps.

There are also good programs on this topic for mobile devices. For example, on Android you can download WIBR+.

4. You can also again use the Wi-Fi Map program, which we wrote about above. It's unlikely, but it's possible that the program has a password for one of the access points available to you.

5. If your hands grow from the place where your hands should grow, then you can get a little confused and get a very impressive result. We are talking about creating a simple but effective Wi-Fi antenna that could have access to all points within a radius of several kilometers. The video will tell you more about this:

We hope we have helped you in this matter.

Remember hacking anything is good, therefore this article is only theoretical in nature - test all of the above on your WiFi network. You can also use the knowledge gained for your own benefit - by protecting your network with a more secure password.

2015 began with Julia writing some materials for paranoids. I have no idea how this happened. But since it’s in the cards, today I will share with you information about the most popular user passwords in the past year. And if among this set of numbers and letters you find yours, know that it’s time to change it urgently!

And despite the fact that the digital blog “123456” still holds the palm in the list of the most not only bad, but common, and therefore unreliable passwords, the company SplashData has published its annual list of objectionable passwords. On January 20, the company’s speakers gave a presentation in California, and it seems to me that it was both witty and very serious. Surely, when they saw the list of the most popular passwords, security specialists laughed very loudly at human naivety. In order to keep your information safe and your e-wallets locked, you don’t have to get fancy devices. Just use passwords. And not the simplest. And you don’t need to set the same password for all accounts, from unlocking your computer to your Facebook account.

Actually, the list of the 25 most popular passwords looks like this:

  • 123456
  • 12345 – became more popular by 17 (!) points
  • 12345678
  • qwerty
  • 123456789
  • 1234 – became more popular by 9 points
  • baseball – new
  • dragon – new
  • football – new
  • 1234567
  • monkey – became more popular by 5 points
  • letmein
  • abc123 – has become less popular by 9 points, which is good
  • 111111 – became less popular by 8 points, that’s good
  • mustang – new
  • access – new
  • shadow
  • master – new
  • michael – new
  • superman – new
  • 696969 – new
  • 123123 – became less popular by 12 points, that’s good
  • batman – new
  • trustno1

Using one of these passwords to protect your device is the same as if you didn’t put any password on it at all. During the year, more than 3.3 million passwords were leaked. And the user error report was actually based on this data. The 25 most used passwords account for 2.2% of unsecured passwords. And, as Mark Burnett, a security specialist, notes, this is the lowest percentage in the company's four years of operation.

  • if it is not possible to protect your gadget with a fingerprint, use a password. Always use it.
  • If you have many accounts and devices that require a password, do not set the same one for everyone. It's better to use a data storage application service, PasswordBox for example.
  • Do not use digital passwords exclusively. It is better that it contains letters, numbers, signs, and also in different registers.
  • passwords based on simple keyboard patterns (such as QWERTYUIOP or 1QAZ2WSX) are very easy to calculate, they are wildly popular because they are remembered by mechanical memory.
  • do not use your hobbies when creating passwords - football and baseball are new words this year, but still.
  • say “NO!” year and date of birth in your password. And also the dates of important days in your life, such as the birth of children, third divorce or mother-in-law’s birthday.
  • do not use the names of family and friends.
  • and yes - the names of popular artists and athletes, names of brands and films, as well as popular expressions are also included in the list of “bad” passwords, albeit in a more extended version.

So be vigilant and creative. And if you are too creative, and there are so many accounts that you can’t remember them all, write down the passwords in a document called “DOCUMENT WITH IMPORTANT PASSWORDS” and everyone will be happy! (of course not). Nothing was said about this in the report, but I will still clarify - write down passwords from a bank card in a notebook that you constantly carry with you, take photographs and store in the gallery, write on a napkin and stick it on the refrigerator or on a business card and put it NOT WORTH it in your wallet. For this, there are password messengers or limitless palaces of the mind where they should be stored. And if you haven’t looked yet, we reminded you of a couple of basic rules of conduct on the Internet that we sometimes forget about:

Welcome to the blog site! I have long wanted to write an article about what the password for an account should be so that it would be very difficult to hack it. This article will teach you how to create a complex password. We will look at techniques that will help not only make your password secure, but also not difficult for you to remember.

Now we can no longer imagine our life without the Internet. Almost every site requests registration. The most popular resources are social networks. Every day, millions of users log into their accounts. We risk making a lot of mistakes by sending important data in messages. It’s good to have a complex password for VK or another popular social network, this helps protect yourself from intruders.

Several password complication methods

What should the password be? This question is asked by hundreds of Internet users. The following types of passwords are distinguished:

  • alphabetic;
  • symbolic;
  • digital;
  • combined (combination of previous options);
  • register usage.

The first three types do not inspire confidence. These are too simple ways to create a password. Due to inexperience, we make mistakes and set them up. Okay, this will be a “password” for an account on a forum or other similar place. And, if this is the entrance to a bank office, all your money will be lost. The only thing that saves you is that the security service of such sites has developed a system for rejecting easy passwords.

Letters, numbers and symbols

A combination of letters, symbols and numbers is the most secure type of password. You have to seriously rack your brain to guess it.

Experienced “users” advise beginners to use this particular combination. Also, don't make it too short. A long combination will allow you to keep your data and correspondence safe from third parties.

The main thing is not to use the banal phrases below:

  • "123";
  • "123456";
  • "321";
  • "qwerty";
  • "asdfg".

These and other similar sets of characters from the keyboard guarantee hacking. It’s not just you who come to mind first, but hundreds of people. They will be calculated not even by a special program, but usually by an ill-wisher.

How to choose a password for mail or other type of authorization? This issue is worth tackling on your own. Several more password complication options will help.


Before entering your username and password, you should pay attention to the case sensitivity of some forms. Combining uppercase and lowercase letters will make the password more secure.

When writing a secret word, think about its variety. Alternate capital and small letters one or more at a time. This method will seriously upset online villains.

The most annoying thing is if you forget the order yourself. According to the recommendation of experienced users, it is worth making the first character uppercase, the second lowercase, and then alternate one at a time. It is better to take note of this advice so as not to rack your brains later.

You can do without introducing case features into the “password”, but this is still another method to increase the complexity of the password.


The date of birth that any user will remember is the most banal and simplest way. If you play it correctly, it can turn out to be a good option. Using the “reversal”, many have managed to create a winning password that is unlikely to be solved.

The method is based on writing characters in reverse order. Choose any date, for example, when you were born and type the text backwards. If you have the phrase “081978” in mind, then turning it over, we get “879180”. It is quite easy to remember how to write such a password.

Let's consider other more complex ideas. Let's assume that the password is based on your first and last name. We type, already knowing the technique using the register - “PeTrPeTrOv”. Now let’s apply the “changeover” tactics. We use the date, for example, when the user was born - February 21, 1982. Plus we’ll add symbols to everything. At the end we get the following example password - “PeTrPeTrOv!28912012”. The result was stunning, because for the “user” it is simple and easy, but not for attackers.

Check the strength and security of your password using online services:

  • https://password.kaspersky.com/ru/
  • https://howsecureismypassword.net/


What should the password be? Let's find out another great way. Let's look at the principle of encryption. In fact, all the previously discussed methods have something in common with this. Here we will show what passwords are by encrypting phrases.

We take the most meaningless and unique phrase that will easily be remembered. Let there be “space cockroaches”. You can use any lines from songs and poems, preferably not very well known.

Then we apply a code to our phrase. Let's look at a few surefire ways:

  • rewriting a Russian word on an English layout;
  • "shifter";
  • replacing letters with symbols that are similar in appearance (for example, “o” - “()”, “i” - “!”, “a” - “@”);
  • removing paired or unpaired characters;
  • dropping consonants or vowels;
  • addition of special characters and numbers.

So, let's think of a few words with meaning - “space cockroaches”. We take 4 letters from each, we get “komtara”. Switch to English and retype – “rjcvnfhf”. We complicate it by starting the cipher with a capital letter and adding symbols.

This is what the password should be, using the example of the originally conceived phrase - “Rjcvnfhf@955”.

A reliable combination with a large number of symbols has been invented. The strength of the password is checked using special services, for example, passwodmetr.com. The combination, as we were able to do, was not easy for the scammers to guess, since the user’s personal data is not involved. But for the “user” such a “password” is a godsend, since remembering such a reliable password will not be difficult.


For those who do not want to spend extra time thinking, developers have long invented complex password generators. This method provides some degree of reliability. The best ones are still considered to be “passwords” invented by one’s own mind.

What is a generator and how to use it? This is a smart program that displays random passwords - completely random combinations. He uses many of the methods discussed, but does not take into account “turnovers”.

The complex password generator is downloaded from the Internet. For example, let's take "keepass". Like any other generator, it is not difficult to operate. The application and the generation itself are launched by pressing a special button. After the operation is completed, the PC issues a password option. The only thing left to do is to enter the resulting combination in unchanged form or with additions.

Difficult passwords created by the iron friend are very difficult to remember. Rarely does anyone keep them in their mind; more often they have to be written down. There are usually a lot of passwords, because we don’t sit on one site and constantly register again and again on other resources. Therefore, storing a bunch of such information is not convenient for everyone. You can completely lose all the papers with notes.

There is one way out with storage - print them in a computer file. This is one of the most reliable cases. You just have to remember that the PC system does not last forever and also becomes unusable.

All methods for creating complex passwords have already been discussed above, and you can create an email password that will reliably protect your data from third parties.

Here are some useful tips for creating passwords:

  • do not mention personal information about the user (names of relatives, names of pets, phone numbers, addresses, dates of birth, etc.);
  • You cannot use the Cyrillic alphabet in your password;
  • do not use phrases that can be easily calculated using a dictionary of popular passwords (yaster, love, alfa, samsung, cat, mercedes and other similar ones, as well as their other derivatives and combinations);
  • take into account the length of characters - preferably at least 10;
  • complicate the password using a combination of various methods - upper and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols;
  • do not use the most common passwords - templates, think original (a robot that calculates your password cannot be as smart as a person).

The VK social network has an excellent security system that protects users from guessing passwords for their pages, even if attackers find out logins from other people’s accounts. In most cases, when an account is “hijacked,” the user is to blame, and one of the reasons for this is the simplest password.

What does the simplest password mean? This is a lightweight password that usually consists of just a few numbers or letters. Here are examples of simple passwords:

  • zxcvbn
  • iphone
  • 88888888
  • password
  • andrei

These are just a few examples, but you get the idea and that's the main thing. The more complex, and therefore more secure, the password, the lower the likelihood that the account will be opened by intruders.

How to come up with a complex password for VKontakte?

There are several different ways to come up with a password. We will look at one of the popular and at the same time valid schemes.

So, first let's decide on the number of characters in the password. As a rule, experts advise using at least 8 characters, but this is the bare minimum (by the way, many users use a 6-digit password at best). And although 8 characters is the minimum length recommended for a password, the actual number of characters in it should be at least 10-12. Tell me, is this a lot? But account security is hundreds and even thousands of times higher.

Now let's start creating a password. Remember, it must contain both numbers and letters of different case and even special characters.

The simplest option is to take some Russian word and write it in the Latin layout. For example, the word smartphone on the English layout it looks like this - cvfhnajy. This word has 8 characters. Few? Wait, we're not done yet.

So the word cvfhnajy. We add a number to it, for example, some kind of memorable one. Let it be the number 201. We get the word cvfhnajy201. Just in case, we write the password with a capital letter to make it more difficult for attackers and we get Cvfhnajy201. Enough? No, you need to add special characters, for example, * . Now our password looks like this - Cvfhnajy201*, as many as 12 characters, while the password itself is complex, but easy to remember. Of course, it is given as an example and we strongly do not recommend using it - come up with your own, fortunately, it’s simple.

By the way, just in case, you can write down the password itself somewhere in a notepad or notebook, and remove the latter as far as possible from human eyes.

Reading the article will take: 3 min.

As in any more or less closed club, most Internet resources are simply not allowed in - they require some kind of password, threatening, if necessary, to send a new one if you indicate the required email address... Often, impudent password demands are perceived by users as typical disgusting admins - they have no conscience, then they require you to enter a password “at least six characters”, then they vilely do not want to accept it and let the sufferer into the password-protected territory. Certain combinations of characters in the password can make the task easier for users and, oddly enough, for home-grown hackers...

Passwords that are easy to guess

So, the most popular and most easily hacked set of characters in the password line will be... you guessed wrong if you decided that “qwerty” is the brilliant English word “password”! Why go far - they want a password for them, the vipers, “password”! What is called, three ha-ha...

The second most popular number is the digital combination “123456” - but figs, they want six characters and they will get it! So, the bastards, in the tail and mane! So as not to be clever...

The third most popular password personally caused me a Homeric fit of laughter - “12345678”! Most users have no imagination, how else to understand this.

enter password

In fourth place - ta-daaam! Yes, this position is occupied by the same “qwerty” - enter it as a password and give your account to a third-grader hacker who has half-heartedly learned the PC keyboard.

Fifth place is occupied by a strange and unusually complex combination of numbers and Latin letters - “abc123”. However, first-graders in any foreign country will master it in no time. In sixth place among the passwords of English-speaking users is “monkey”. If anyone doesn’t know, it means “monkey”. Apparently there are many followers of Darwin's theory among English users...

Seventh place for the thoughtful combination “1234567” - neither for you nor for us. More than six characters, what more do you need?

Eighth place is for “letmein,” which I personally don’t understand, ninth place is for “trustno1” (apparently, “don’t trust anyone”). “Dragon” and “baseball” share the 10th and 11th positions in terms of the most popular passwords - it’s easy with them, dragons are all mythical and unfamiliar (how!), and baseball, on the contrary, is mega-popular in the West and overseas.

Attention, it's a bomb! In twelfth place is a very strong combination for a password - “111111” - everything ingenious is simple. Thirteenth place and the combination “I love you” or “iloveyou” - bullshit, love rules not only the world, but also the Internet. “Master” and “sunshine” share the 14th and 15th positions, respectively, 16th and 17th for “ashley” and “bailey” (typing them in Cyrillic we get very funny words).

You need a password everywhere today - even in the microwave

In the 18th position is a brilliant (!) upgrade of the most popular password, complicated by introducing a number into its combination - “passw0rd”. Brilliant, and most importantly, so simple! The shadow is found in the 19th position in the “shadow” combination - shadows are scary and intimidating, perhaps they will scare away hackers.

A series of combinations that are ingenious in their complexity: the 20th position and “123123”, the 21st and the frightening “654321”. In the 22nd most popular position is the defender of all the oppressed and the only higher power for Homer Simpson - “superman”. What can I say, this superhero had particularly memorable tights and a cape...

VKontakte password

Guess the next popular password? Hint: the first two blocks of buttons on the keyboard... This is the terrifying “qazwsx”! Whoever picks it up is the devil - at least, that’s what those users who use it think. In 24th place is “Michael” or “michael” - archangels are still popular among the Internet-advanced audience. The final, 25th position will be taken by... fans of Spartak and Dynamo, rejoice - “football”! Ole, ole-ole-ole, hackers - go!

The above passwords among Western Internet users were published by The Telegraph newspaper; many of these combinations are very popular among the Russian segment of Internet resources. According to the recommendations of Internet experts, we, ordinary users, should enter unreadable characters like “$”, “%”, etc. into passwords. – passwords with similar characters entered into them are the most difficult to guess. Although, in my opinion, the most difficult password will be the exact date of the real end of the world - definitely no one knows it.

2024 gtavrl.ru.