What are the safety rules? Basic rules of conduct in case of fire

1) Do not send confidential information (bank card number, PIN code, passport data) through social network messengers. It is better to delete letters with scanned documents immediately after sending or receiving them; there is no need to store them in the mail.

3) Turn off Wi-Fi when not in use. Protect yourself and save battery power. Be sure to turn off the automatic Wi-Fi connection feature on your phone or tablet.

4) Don't trust unverified Wi-Fi connections that don't ask for a password. Most often, it is these networks that attackers use to steal users’ personal data.

5) Do not access online banks and other important services through open Wi-Fi networks in a cafe or on the street. Use mobile internet.

6) Remember: banks, services and stores never send letters asking you to follow a link, change your password, enter your bank card number and secret confirmation code, or provide other personal data!

7) Disable Siri on iPhone. Most likely, you don’t use it, but scammers have already learned how to withdraw money through online banking using voice commands.

8) Create several email addresses: personal, work and entertainment (for subscriptions and services).

9) Create a complex password, different for each mailbox. We wrote about how to do this.

10) Wherever possible, enable two-factor authentication.

11) Change passwords regularly, update your browser and spam filters.

12) Install and update antivirus programs. Outdated versions may not guarantee protection against malware. Several new viruses appear in the world every day, so an antivirus needs to receive information about methods to combat them as often as possible.

13) Clicking on links received in messages from strangers is a sure way to fall for cyber scammers and infect your device with viruses. A dangerous link can also come from a hacked friend, so it’s better to find out what he sent you and whether you need to open it.

14) Do not run unknown files, especially those with the .exe extension

15) Carefully check the link addresses, logos, text and sender of messages.

16) Never respond to spam.

17) If you receive a request via messenger from a friend asking you to urgently send money, do not send anything! First, call him back and make sure that the account has not been hacked by intruders.

18) Read Kevin Mitnick's book "The Art of Deception." Mitnick is a cult figure in the information security community, and his book, like his life story, is both fascinating and instructive. You will learn how cybercriminals gain people's trust by manipulating their feelings.

19) A minimum of personal information: do not publish your home address online, do not write what time you are not at home, do not describe your regular route, do not boast about large purchases, and generally try not to advertise your level of income.

20) Back up your data regularly. Follow the 3-2-1 rule: create one primary copy and two backup copies. Save two copies on different physical media, and one in cloud storage (Google Drive, Yandex.Disk, special solutions from Acronis). Don’t forget to backup all devices: smartphones, tablets, computers/laptops.

21) To never lose money on unnoticed payments, not to buy additional services by mistake and to accurately pay for what you need, always read the rules before checking the “I agree” checkbox and proceeding to payment.

22) If in your security question you indicated your mother’s maiden name, which is now publicly available on her social media pages, be sure to change the security question.

23) Set a safe mode for the child. To do this, create a separate account on the website of the search engine of your choice or use children's search engines: Gogul or Sputnik.kids.

24) Talk to your child about the Internet: agree that he will inform you about unwanted information found. Explain that not all information on the Internet is reliable, and teach them to consult with you on any unclear issue.

25) Do not download dubious applications or try to do so from unknown links. Use only the official App Store, Google Play and Windows Market.

26) Advice for Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera users: if you often travel and access the Internet from a laptop in public places, install a special browser extension to access the Internet safely. We recommend. By default, this plugin provides a secure connection for Yahoo, eBay, Amazon and some other web resources. You can also add sites of your choice.

28) When purchasing from online stores, maintain healthy skepticism. Remember: the price cannot be too low, especially if you are counting on purchasing original brand products.

29) Study the history of the store online, check for contacts, find out if you can come there and meet in person. When reading reviews, pay attention that they are different. Custom reviews are written by people who have to do this many times a day, so such texts seem to be written according to a template.

30) See how sellers react to reviews. Pay special attention to the negative ones: if they are dealt with, this is a good sign (and the situation must be specific, contain the order number, etc.).

31) Pay safely! The classic case is that you will be redirected to a secure page (the address begins with “https://”). If not, it's better not to risk it. According to acquiring rules, the seller’s website must contain information about who accepts the payment. Read it and compare it with what is written on the next page.

32) Get a separate (virtual) card for online payments.

33) If you use your regular card to pay online, do not store large amounts of money on it.

34) Connect your bank to SMS notifications about all transactions on cards and accounts. This way you can quickly notice if your card is compromised and block it.

35) The pages for entering confidential information of any serious service are always protected, and the data is transmitted in encrypted form. The site address must begin with “https://”, next to which there is a closed green padlock.

36) Where to go if something goes wrong? The activities of online stores are controlled by the same organizations as regular ones: Rospotrebnadzor, the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights. Be sure to write to the Runet Hotline: www.hotline.site

37) Be careful when communicating online with strangers, they may not be who they say they are.

39) Do not repost compassionate announcements about a cute cat who is urgently looking for a home (and in the post - the owner’s phone number or card number where you can transfer money for the care of the animal). There is a high probability that these are scammers who decided to make money on compassionate and gullible citizens.

40) The logo of a well-known charitable foundation does not mean that the money will go there - the account details can be falsified. If you want to help people, do it only for people you know personally or, for example, with a project

44) By following the link http://www.tcinet.ru/whois/ you can find out when the site was created. Attackers usually create one-day pages that are closed very quickly.

45) Lost your phone to which your bank card is linked? Block both your SIM card and your card immediately.

46) It is better not to use torrents: if you download illegal content, you are not only ripping off your favorite author, but you may also download a file infected with a virus.

47) Fraudsters create websites where you can supposedly watch or download the movie you like for free, but first you need to leave your phone number or send a message to a short number. This way, a significant amount of money can be deducted from your account for SMS, and the phone itself will end up in the spammers’ database.

48) Some applications and services have a free trial period (for example, 2-3 months), after which you must disable the service yourself. If you do not do this, the subscription may be automatically renewed and become paid, and money will be debited from the card specified during registration.

49) Do not participate in promotions with prizes where you have to pay for something and then ask several other people to do the same. It's a pyramid!

50) Always lock your computer screen, even if you are leaving “just for a minute.”

Today we will get acquainted with some dangers that can arise in everyday life, and we will learn how to behave correctly in unforeseen situations in order to protect our lives and the lives of loved ones from danger. First, let's define what everyday life is.

Life is the daily way of life of a person. To create good favorable living conditions, all our houses are connected to electricity, hot and cold water, as well as gas. In houses with many floors there is an elevator. Every house and apartment has many different devices and household appliances that ensure uninterrupted use of water, gas and electricity.

Every day you wash and take a shower, for which you use the taps and mixers installed in the bathroom. Using taps, you select the water temperature and flow pressure. When you fill the kettle with water or wash the dishes while helping your mother, you use the water supplied to the kitchen. When you go to the toilet, you use water from a cistern that has a float valve installed.

You may also, with your parents' permission, use a gas stove for cooking. To do this, a gas pipeline is connected to the apartment and a gas stove or gas water heater is installed.

You constantly use a variety of electrical appliances such as an iron, lamp, radio equipment. For this purpose, electrical wiring has been installed in the apartment, and electrical sockets and room lighting switches have been installed in specially designated areas.

All this is ordinary and familiar things for us. However, under certain conditions, when using such familiar devices and equipment, unforeseen dangerous situations may arise for you, your loved ones and your home.

Such dangerous situations can arise for two reasons. In the first case, you yourself can create such a dangerous situation when you violate the safety rules for using equipment and household appliances. In the second case, a dangerous situation may arise regardless of you.

For example, the voltage in the network has increased sharply, the faucet in the kitchen is leaking, etc. so that you know how to avoid the occurrence, and if it does occur, then try to reduce its negative consequences, we will try to consider in detail the main everyday situations that require compliance with certain rules

Safety rules when handling electricity

In the house, electricity provides lighting, heating, cooking, and operation of various household appliances: TV, refrigerator, radio equipment and others. At the same time, electricity, under certain conditions, poses a serious danger to human life and health. Electrical energy, when passing through the human body, causes it to heat up and can lead to burns.

Electrical burns can cause serious damage to a person's internal tissues. In addition, electrical shock can cause cardiac arrest or respiratory failure. To prevent this from happening in everyday life, it is necessary to follow a number of general rules for the safe handling of electricity.

General safety rules for handling electricity

  1. Never leave a switched-on electrical appliance unattended.
  2. Do not use electrical appliances that are damaged in any way.
  3. You cannot connect several electrical appliances to one outlet.
  4. It is necessary to strictly follow the procedure for connecting electrical appliances to the network: first you need to connect the cord to the device, and only then connect the cord to the electrical network. Disabling the device must be done in the reverse order.
  5. Do not touch the device connected to the network with wet hands, or use electrical devices if you are in water.
  6. If you find a malfunction in an electrical appliance or see exposed or poorly insulated wires, immediately tell an adult about it.

Remember: you should never extinguish burning electrical devices connected to the mains with water!

Safety rules for handling household gas

Currently, many residential premises use domestic natural gas, which can be used in devices such as a gas stove for cooking and gas water heaters for heating water.

Gas intended for domestic purposes is divided into two types: liquefied gas in cylinders and city main gas.

Household gas has neither color nor odor, so in order for people to detect its leak in time, special substances are added to it that have a sharp, specific odor that can quickly attract attention.

Why is a domestic gas leak dangerous?

A leak of household gas can lead to tragic consequences: human poisoning or a strong explosion, so you must strictly follow all safety rules when handling household gas.

Basic safety rules when handling gas

  1. In order to light a gas burner, you must first bring a lit match to it, and then you need to carefully open the gas tap.
  2. Under no circumstances should gas burners be left on unattended.
  3. Be careful that the liquid you are heating with gas does not run and flood the burner flame.
  4. If you notice that the burner has gone out, do not try to light it again, as this may lead to an explosion. In this case, you need to turn off the gas tap and open the windows to ventilate the kitchen and immediately inform an adult about this.
  5. When you smell gas, immediately notify an adult and do not light matches or turn on lights or electrical appliances until the leak has been completely eliminated and the room has been ventilated.

Safety precautions when using water

Water enters the house through pipes and is distributed to various rooms where it is needed: bath, kitchen, toilet. These rooms have special devices for regulating its supply and consumption: taps, mixers, etc. When using these devices you follow all the necessary rules, there can be no dangerous situations. These ones .

Rules for using water supply devices

  1. Do not leave an open water tap unattended while water is flowing from it.
  2. You cannot leave the tap open if the water is turned off for some reason. After all, if you forget to close it and leave the house, and at this time the water is turned on, your apartment will be flooded.
  3. You should not throw garbage into the toilet, as the sewer pipes can quickly become clogged and dirty sewer water will enter the house.
  4. If you see water leaking anywhere (in taps, heating system, water supply), immediately tell an adult about it and show the location of the problem.

Remember that correcting a fault in time will prevent a serious accident.

Safety rules when working with a computer

Almost every home nowadays has one. This is a very useful and necessary thing, but if you violate the rules for handling it, you can endanger your health.

Rules for working at the computer

Special standards have been established under which continuous exposure cannot exceed twenty-five minutes. After each computer session, you need to do special physical exercises.

To relieve fatigue in the shoulder girdle and arms, you need to use exercises alternating tension and relaxation of individual muscle groups. You can also perform a set of exercises for the eyes. You need to turn away from the computer monitor screen and, breathing rhythmically, perform eye movements with maximum amplitude

You also need to constantly ensure that your position is in the same direction as your gaze. The middle of the monitor screen should be located strictly at eye level or at least slightly lower. It is also not recommended to work in a dark or semi-dark room.

Safe handling of household chemicals

Household chemicals are various detergents, as well as solvents, varnishes, paints, aerosol cans and flammable substances. We really need these products in everyday life, but many of them have toxic properties and are very toxic, unless, of course, you follow some mandatory rules for their storage and use.

Basic rules for handling household chemicals

  1. Household chemicals must be used only for their intended purpose in accordance with the recommendations written on the label.
  2. All purchased household chemicals must be stored separately from food and medicines. They must also have a manufacturer's label. Household chemicals should be stored in dry and well-ventilated areas. They cannot be stored in living quarters, kitchens, or bathrooms. It is advisable to store such products either in the toilet or on the loggia.
  3. It is prohibited to store aerosol cans near gas and electric stoves, as well as other heat sources. It is strictly not recommended to work with household chemicals while gas burners are on. There is also no need to try to open an already used cylinder.

At home, we sometimes use a variety of tools designed to perform various small household tasks: a saw, a hammer, a drill, pliers, a knife, a screwdriver, scissors and others.

Rules for safe handling of tools

– Before carrying out work, the workplace must be cleared of all foreign objects and tools that could interfere and lead to accidental injury.

– During any work, your body position must be stable;

– When performing work, all cutting and stabbing tools should have their sharp edges directed in the direction opposite to the body; the fingers gripping the tool should be as far as possible from its cutting edge; the object that you are processing in one way or another must be securely secured in a vice or any other protective device.

– All cutting and piercing instruments must be in a visible place

In conclusion, we will provide some useful tips on how to protect yourself from accidental injuries in our daily lives.

  1. No need to sit on the windowsill with the window open. This carries the risk of accidentally losing your balance and falling out of the window.
  2. There is no need to jump from great heights and walk on high cornices and parapets, even if it is a lot of fun and you are fearless. This could result in serious injury.
  3. If you need to climb a ladder somewhere, be sure to find a partner who will hold the ladder at the bottom. Also make sure that the ladder is installed correctly.
  4. When you run down the stairs, be sure to hold onto the railing with your hand. This way you will protect yourself from falling if your foot suddenly slips off the step.

Fires bring a lot of misfortune to people around the world. In our country, a special service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fights them. However, it is not always possible for rescuers to arrive at the scene of a fire on time, so every person should know the rules of behavior in case of fire.

What is fire

A fire is a spontaneous combustion process that is not controlled by anyone. It causes material damage, harm to health, and poses a threat to people's lives.

Fires are accompanied by high temperatures. The combustion of toxic substances that poison the air and can lead to the death of a large number of people is considered especially dangerous. Rules of conduct in case of fire explain how to protect yourself from fire and smoke, as well as to save yourself from possible collapse of buildings and man-made explosions.

Humanity faces fires not only on earth. They happen in the air, underwater and in space. Their appearance is accompanied by innumerable troubles not only for people, but also for our entire planet.

Common causes of fires

To avoid a disaster, you need to know not only the rules of safe behavior in case of fire, but also the main causes of its occurrence. These include:

  • Careless handling of open fire. This could be an unextinguished cigarette or lighting a fire near flammable materials.
  • Improper operation of household appliances and electrical equipment.
  • Leaving stoves unattended or starting a fire in them using flammable liquids.
  • Malfunction of gas household appliances.
  • Children playing with fire.
  • Violation of the rules for using vehicles.
  • Improper conduct of electrical and gas welding work.
  • Deliberate arson.
  • Storm.

How to prevent a fire

The consequences of a fire can be very tragic. To protect yourself, you must follow precautionary measures that establish rules of conduct in case of fire.

When leaving the house, you should carefully inspect it for possible sources of fire. Make sure there are no smoldering candles or cigarettes. Unplug all electrical appliances and heaters, and turn off the gas supply.

Check the balcony - there should be no flammable substances or materials on it. All windows and the loggia door should be closed to prevent the possibility of unextinguished cigarettes or sparks from neighbors getting into the apartment.

Only after you are sure that a fire will not occur, you can leave the apartment.

Signs of fire

Remember that early detection of a fire can save your life. The success of extinguishing a fire depends on its stage. To prevent the fire from spreading and start extinguishing it in time, you need to be able to identify the signs of a starting fire:

  • smell of smoke or overheated substances;
  • the appearance of a small fire;
  • low mains voltage, which may be accompanied by the lights going out;
  • the sound of cracking electrical wiring, the smell of burning plastic or rubber.

These are just the main signs by which you can understand that a fire is starting. If you notice a starting fire in time and react correctly, you can avoid serious consequences.

What to do in case of fire

If you smell smoke or see fire, there is no need to panic. Keeping a cool head, try to assess the situation. Rules for safe behavior in case of fire imply that the victim must first of all protect himself and his loved ones. If possible, you should leave the apartment, taking documents and valuables, and go out into the open air.

If you find yourself out of reach of the fire, you should immediately call the fire department. From a landline phone you need to dial “01”, and from a mobile phone - a single rescue number “112”. After waiting for the dispatcher’s response, you need to tell him the full address of the place where the fire happened, what exactly is burning at the moment and the probable cause, as well as your last name and phone number.

Having given all the necessary information to the rescue service, you should stay in a safe place and wait for the team to arrive. As soon as the fire brigade arrives, it is necessary to meet them and indicate the shortest path to the fire.

Rules of conduct in case of fire at home

If you smell smoke while in your apartment, you should try to find out where it is coming from. Go through all the rooms and turn off electrical appliances. If there is a real threat of fire, call the emergency services. After the call, you can try to extinguish the fire yourself, but only if this does not threaten your health and life.

It often happens that people, faced with a fire at home, try to extinguish it themselves. This does not always end successfully, because many do not know how to extinguish various fires. It is best to have a reminder in a visible place in the house. The rules of conduct in case of fire are as follows:

  • Close all windows to prevent drafts.
  • Under no circumstances should live electrical appliances be extinguished with water. They must be unplugged, otherwise you will get an electric shock.
  • At the first sign of fire, turn off the gas supply.
  • The combustion of flammable liquids is eliminated using a fire extinguisher, thick cloth or sand.
  • If burning grease gets on the walls, it can be extinguished with washing powder or earth. You cannot extinguish fat with water.

If you are unable to extinguish the fire yourself, immediately leave the apartment and wait for rescuers to arrive. The front door should be closed tightly without locking it with a key. If possible, place wet rags in the cracks between the door and the opening to prevent the flames from spreading outside the apartment.

Evacuation in case of fire

Rules of behavior for the population in case of fire explain how to properly leave a dangerous place. First of all, you need to find the path that poses the least threat. It is advisable to move towards the exit along smoke-free corridors and stairs.

If smoke has already covered all escape routes, cover your nose and mouth with a cloth soaked in water. When moving, try to bend as low as possible. Smoke spreads upward, so the air is cleaner closer to the floor.

Do not use the elevator under any circumstances. It can stop at any time due to a power outage. Descend using stairs only.

The main thing is don't panic. Try to move calmly. If there are a large number of people, panic can lead to a stampede and a large number of casualties.

Rules for children's behavior in case of fire

Parents have a responsibility to teach their children what to do in case of an emergency. To do this, you need to repeat the rules of behavior to them from an early age and explain why it is so important to avoid danger. The child should know the following:

  • You cannot play with matches or flammable substances.
  • If a fire starts, you should immediately inform an adult.
  • In the event that there is no one nearby, you should immediately call the rescue service at “01” or “112”. The dispatcher needs to tell the address of the place where the fire started and his last name.
  • The use of sockets and any electrical appliances is strictly prohibited.
  • Fires should be extinguished with a fire extinguisher, sand, a wet blanket or water. The child should know which of these can be used for various types of fires.
  • Smoke is more dangerous than fire, so you need to protect your respiratory system with a wet cloth.
  • Rules of conduct in case of fire prohibit hiding at home. We must try to get out into the open air. To do this, lie down on the floor and crawl your way to the exit.
  • At the entrance you need to move up the stairs. It is prohibited to use the elevator.
  • You have to wait outside for the firefighters and show them how to get to the fire. Strictly follow everything the rescuers say.

Children should know these fire rules by heart. Life Safety - a subject that children study at school, gives a detailed list of actions in dangerous situations. It is recommended that you write it down on a piece of paper and hang it in a visible place in your home. This way the child will be able to remember them faster.

Forest fires

Forest fires can be a big disaster. A small uncontrolled fire can develop into a real disaster. As a result of such burning, great harm is caused to the natural environment, trees, animals and birds are destroyed.

There are several main causes of forest fires:

  • Lightning discharges hitting the ground.
  • Spontaneous combustion of peat in particularly hot weather.
  • Human activity.

People often carelessly treat nature, without thinking about the damage they can cause to the environment and themselves. Hiking, fishing or hunting trips are always accompanied by the lighting of fires. However, not everyone bothers to pay them off properly. The wind can fan the sparks, and the flames will flare up with renewed vigor, spreading to nearby trees. Keep this in mind when leaving your campsite and make sure the fire is completely extinguished.

How to avoid a forest fire

The basic rules of conduct in case of fire provide recommendations for preventing fires in the forest.

  1. Do not throw cigarette butts, burning matches or smoldering objects in the forest.
  2. It is not allowed to light a fire near dense bushes, trees, or on pine trees. The fire should be surrounded by stones to prevent it from spreading across the grass.
  3. Do not set fire to dry grass or reeds. They burn very quickly and the flames can cover large areas.
  4. You should not make a fire in windy weather. Fast gusts of air can spread fire to trees or buildings.
  5. Self-igniting materials should not be left in the forest.
  6. When leaving the parking lot, you need to carefully douse the fire and make sure that it does not flare up later.

How to put out a fire in the forest

If you notice a fire in nature, try to put it out. The rules of behavior in case of a forest fire give us an algorithm of actions that need to be carried out.

  1. Try to determine what is burning first.
  2. If there is a pond nearby, take water from it and fill the fire.
  3. You can use earth to extinguish a fire. It is advisable to take a small shovel with you on hikes.
  4. Try to wet a rug or blanket and hit the flame with it.
  5. A small fire can be trampled underfoot. Remember, your job is to prevent the fire from spreading to trees and bushes.
  6. If you manage to put out the fire, do not rush to leave. Make sure that the fire cannot re-ignite.
  7. Report the incident to rescuers and the forestry department.
  8. If you cannot control the fire, go to a safe place. Move against the wind.
  9. You cannot extinguish a peat fire yourself. It is very dangerous. Combustion occurs in the ground, creating voids. Take this into account and check the road with a stick.

What to do if your clothes catch fire

If clothing catches fire, try to remove it. If this does not work, do not run under any circumstances, otherwise the wind will fan the flames more. It is best to fall to the ground and roll on it, knocking out the fire. If possible, you can cover yourself with a thick cloth to remove the flow of oxygen.

Be sure to call an ambulance and provide first aid to the victim. Burns should be cooled with water or ice and covered with a sterile dressing. Give the person pain medicine.

In case of smoke poisoning, it is necessary to take the victim to fresh air and free him from tight clothing. If necessary, begin artificial respiration.

Every person needs to know the rules of behavior in case of fire. Remember that rescuers do not always manage to arrive on time. You must know how to save yourself and your loved ones.

If the doorbell rings, do not rush to open it. Especially if you are not expecting guests. Do not rush to unlock the locks, even if it seems that the stranger standing outside the door is not at all dangerous.

For example, intelligent-looking people ring the doorbell. They pose as employees of a water testing service, water utility, or other reputable organization. They are allowed in: they don’t look like scammers.

They display a variety of instruments supposedly designed to test water quality. They say that the water is of poor quality, they throw around terms. They claim that they will now purify this water using a special filter (a new development!) and give it to everyone to try.

After testing the “purified” water, apartment residents lie unconscious on the floor, while scammers collect money and valuables. At best there will only be robbery. In the worst case, the substance added to the water turns out to be too strong or the dose is high and not everyone will wake up.

There are other stories. For example, people demand to open it: “We are neighbors downstairs, you are flooding us!”, and then they break into the apartment.

If the peephole is closed - accidentally or intentionally - do not be embarrassed to speak from behind a closed door, get the peephole cleared. Until you understand who is at the door, you should not open it. And then, having seen the guest, it’s also not necessary.

2. The policeman must show identification

If a person introduces himself as a police officer, ask to see his identification so that you can see him through the peephole. And even after looking at the ID, you are not obligated to open it if the policeman does not have a court order to conduct a search and there was no notification that a crime was being committed in the apartment. Representatives of any other organizations also cannot enter your premises without a warrant or your invitation.

3. Keep an eye on a random guest if you let him in

Many apartment scammers work on charm. And while one is chatting up the hostess, the other is inspecting the apartment, grabbing everything that is in sight.

Don't let random people into your apartment. And if you succumb to the charm and guests come in, don’t take your eyes off them, don’t leave to bring a glass of water or look at the meter readings.

Do you have even the slightest suspicion that you shouldn’t open the locks? Don't have long conversations with a stranger: tell them you're busy and move away from the door. If the uninvited guest continues to annoy you, call the rescue service (112).

In the dark, you need to be careful on the street: do not walk around with headphones, especially not listen to loud music, do not walk through poorly lit areas where there are no people, and if possible, do not walk alone. When going out in the evening or at night, girls should not wear expensive jewelry and revealing outfits, and guys should not show off their new smartphone and show how much money is in their wallet.

It would seem simple, right? And yet we all continue to walk carelessly along the dark streets.

1. Don’t think that a strong man is not in danger

This is wrong. Even a large man can be attacked, especially if we are talking about a company of criminals or simply drunk guys. We must not let our guard down. Carry a stun gun or other means of self-defense with you, do not wear headphones, and pay attention to what is happening around you.

If you are pestered with questions, behave confidently and calmly, do not insult or provoke your interlocutor. Remember that the best fight is the one that doesn't happen.

Don’t be ashamed to just run away: no one will appreciate your heroism, but you can get seriously hurt.

2. As soon as it gets dark, be especially careful

In late autumn and winter, it is dangerous to walk in unfavorable areas even at seven or eight o'clock in the evening. If you return home after dark, be very careful.

Choose illuminated sections of the road, do not take shortcuts through dark alleys.

Have you noticed that someone is following you? Do you have the slightest suspicion that you might be attacked? Call the person who is waiting for you at home, or just a relative or friend. Speak in a calm and confident voice, as if nothing is bothering you: “I’m just walking through the park, I’ll be home soon. You can meet me halfway, let’s go to the store.” This technique does not always work, but it still often helps to scare off an attacker.

3. Even if you know a short way, choose crowded, well-lit places

If you constantly take shortcuts through vacant lots or dark alleys, it may seem that everything is fine and nothing threatens you. Yes - for the time being. It is important to understand that a familiar route does not mean a safe route. In deserted places there is a higher risk of encountering a drunk company or a robber.

It is better to reduce the chances of such a meeting to a minimum - choose a safer route, even if it is longer. If this is not possible, it is advisable to at least return home not alone. After all, we are talking about a situation where one collision can be fatal.

4. Don't be a hero unless you have to.

Having learned a couple of techniques or put a gas canister in his bag, a person thinks that now he is definitely safe. He becomes careless, and in some cases even tries to act like a hero when he shouldn't.

Keep in mind that if an attacker who only intended to take your purse is met with an unsuccessful but confident rebuff, he may become nervous. And instead of a simple robbery, beat the victim.

If it is possible to escape without coming into contact with dangerous people, then it is better to do so.

5. Keep an eye on things when getting out of the car.

Do you think that parking is a protected place? This is wrong. Attackers can attack the driver getting out of the car. Another option is to walk up to the open door, grab your bag and run away.

To avoid this, do not rush to get out of the car. First, make sure there are no suspicious people nearby, such as a guy who shifts from foot to foot or walks very slowly towards the car, glancing in your direction. Place your purse, bag, documents and wallet so that they cannot be easily grabbed, or take them with you. Do not leave the doors open if you are going to take things from the trunk, and vice versa.

6. Having purchased a protective equipment, practice using it and keep it ready

A typical story: a girl buys a gas can without even trying to figure out how it works, and puts it at the bottom of her bag. It seems to her that if necessary, she can easily get it and use it. But during an attack, everything goes according to a different scenario: the girl simply does not have time to get the spray can, and even if she does, in fear she may grab it incorrectly and accidentally spray it in her face.

It is important to understand: the can will not protect you while it is at the bottom of your bag.

When returning home in the evening, put it in your pocket. If you feel danger, take it in your hand. And first practice using it in order to be able to repel the attacker.

It is better not to buy a gas spray or other means of self-defense at all than to purchase and not learn how to use them.

What is important to know when choosing a security device:

  • The gas cartridge is suitable for protection in open spaces (outdoors or large indoors). They sprayed while at a distance of 1–2 meters and ran away. A stun gun with a firing cartridge is also suitable. They shot from afar and ran away.
  • If you use a spray can indoors or in a crowd where you can catch others, then harm will be caused not only to the person you are protecting yourself from. You should not use a gas canister in an elevator, a cramped corridor or on a landing; the gas will also affect you.
  • It is better to use a stun gun indoors or in a crowd. They gave a shock and ran away.

After purchasing the protective equipment, carefully read the instructions and practice using it. Just don't test the shocker on living creatures.

Remember that these security features do not protect you completely. After using a spray can or shocker, do not stand and watch the result. Quickly run away from the scene. And don't forget to report the attack to the police: this can save other people from harm.

In shopping centers, train stations, and cinemas, it’s easy to feel safe, because there are a lot of people nearby, there are security guards, and police officers. But even here you should remain vigilant and avoid common mistakes.

On October 8, 2016, a 17-year-old boy with an ax and a chainsaw, packed in a guitar case, entered the New Europe shopping center in Minsk. He took out a chainsaw, started it and attacked the woman. Having dealt with one victim, he grabbed an ax and rushed at the other. The result - one person died, two more were seriously injured.

Nobody was ready for this. People who saw an armed man did not call security and did not run away from him. When the attack occurred, someone rushed to the exit in panic, and someone, not yet seeing the criminal, walked to the scene to see what happened.

This is not the first time there has been an attack in public places. And most importantly, it will not be the last. It doesn't matter how safe you think your city and the places you frequent are. Tragedy can happen anywhere.

1. Pay attention to strange behavior of people

If you see an armed person, especially if he behaves inappropriately, stay as far away from him as you can.

To reduce risks:

  • In restaurants and cafes, whenever possible, sit facing the exit.
  • Pay attention to the people around you.
  • Always perceive inappropriate, abnormal, especially aggressive or defiant behavior of other people as a threat.

You should be wary of excessive nervousness or, on the contrary, determination, a crazy look, an angry expression on your face. Don’t make allowances for age: the attacker could very well be a teenager. If you see a suspicious person, immediately report it to a security guard or policeman and do not wait for events to develop, leave.

2. Don’t try to calm down an aggressive person

One of the worst mistakes made when confronted with an aggressive armed man is trying to talk and convince him. You may feel like you can stop an attacker with the right words. This is wrong. As a rule, people who commit such crimes are mentally ill, with persistent delusional beliefs, which only professionals with special training can overcome - and not always.

Don't engage in dialogue. If an aggressive person asks you a question, answer in monosyllables if possible. Do not show any strong emotions: this will most likely be taken the wrong way and may cause an unpredictable reaction.

3. Don't stare at unusual situations.

Do not attempt to approach the scene of the accident. A couple of shots on your phone can cost you dearly. You will learn about everything later from the news.

4. Stay away from crowds if panic sets in

When you are surrounded by many people, you seem to be completely safe. This is not always the case. If something bad happens and panic sets in, if possible, try to stay away from large crowds of people. Running.

If you do find yourself among those running away, do everything possible to avoid falling and being pressed against a display case or wall. Under no circumstances bend over to pick up a fallen item or try to walk across the crowd: you will simply be swept away. If there is an opportunity to leave through a service exit or simply turn off the path, take it.

5. Don’t check suspicious items yourself

Do you think you can distinguish a dangerous device from a randomly forgotten bag? This is wrong. A bomb can be disguised as anything. If you see a suspicious item left by someone in a building or in a vehicle, under no circumstances do anything with it yourself.

A suspicious object may have an unusual smell, tick or click. Other signs are electrical tape, wires, protruding antennas, resemblance to standard ammunition - a grenade or mine.

The main sign: this is an object that is clearly out of place.

Find an administration representative or security guard and report the item you found. This doesn't sound so heroic, but it can keep you out of harm's way. Surprise bombs are often set to explode on contact.

Another rule: do not use a mobile phone near him. Move a few tens of meters away. And do not report what you found to everyone around you: this can provoke panic.

6. Listen to alerts

You know what to do if you hear a message in the Mega shopping center: “The exact time is being checked. It’s X hours of X minutes”? No, don't synchronize your watches. The correct answer is that you need to calmly, without panic, go to the exit. Because this special message is a warning to personnel about a possible terrorist attack or bomb explosion. You should act similarly when receiving the message “Code 1,000 has been activated” - it means a fire hazard. Removing the threat: “After the last time check, the clock was set correctly” and “Code 1,000 has been terminated.”

Special alert signals are codes that are used to convey information to personnel without disturbing ordinary citizens. Most often, these signals are disguised as innocent messages. Thus, British railway workers use the phrase “Inspector Sands, please go to the control room” to notify of an emergency.

If you hear strange messages over the speakerphone, see security officers starting to gather in groups or quickly walking somewhere, do not try to find out what is happening. Just leave.

Checklist for safety rules

  1. If someone is banging on your door or insistently demanding to open it, call 911.
  2. If you see an aggressive, dangerous-looking person in a public place, try to get as far away from him as possible.
  3. If you find yourself in a running crowd, do not stop, do not press yourself against the wall, try to turn out of the way.
  4. Do not touch suspicious objects - report them to a security officer.
  5. Listen to alerts and if there is any suspicious activity in a public place, leave the area.
  6. In the dark, do not walk along deserted alleys, try to walk in illuminated places.
  7. Don't be ashamed to run away if you feel in danger.
  8. Do not leave car doors open or place valuables where they can be easily grabbed.
  9. Once you have purchased protective equipment, learn how to use it and keep it ready when you go to an unsafe place.

All the safety rules discussed in this article are elementary and widely known. But only a few follow them. And it’s everyone’s choice - to hope for chance or finally accept the fact that they can find out about any of us from sad news - and protect themselves.

2024 gtavrl.ru.