What types of plastic windows are there - let's break it all down. There are several types of Windows windows

The basis of work in Windows system is working with windows. Any icon can be expanded into a window by double clicking the mouse.

Window - this is a rectangular area of ​​​​the screen in which certain information is displayed: the contents of disks, programs, user-created documents, requests and Windows messages. Windows can be open (expand), close, collapse, move, arrange, resize. An open window can occupy the entire screen or part of it.

Close a window - means completely removing it from the screen. Closing the program window means deleting the program from RAM.

Collapsed windows appear as buttons in the Taskbar. A program whose window is minimized remains in RAM and can be resumed at any time. To reopen a minimized window, click on the button in the Taskbar.

Window elements

Despite the variety of windows used in Windows, windows are managed according to the same rules. Almost all windows (except some query windows) contain required elements, designed for managing windows. In Fig. Figure 6 shows the elements of the My Computer window.

Rice. 6. My Computer folder window

In the work area Folder windows display icons of the objects contained in the folder. The contents of the program window depend on the purpose of the program. Application windows in the workspace can contain document windows.

All other elements of the window - stripes, rows, buttons - are controls.

Title bar

The title of the window is always displayed in the middle of the title bar, and ( system menu button or pictogram), and on the right – control buttons. These window elements can be activated by a mouse click, i.e. you need to point to the button and click with the left mouse button.

System icon - this is a reduced icon of the window. One click on this button causes system menu, A double click- closes the window.

Control buttons include:

Menu bar

The menu bar is located below the window's title bar. Menu items contain commands that allow you to manage content window working area . Dialog boxes and document windows do not contain menu bars.


Under the menu bar there may be a Toolbar or an icon menu - a set of buttons designed to perform various commands to manage the contents of the window (Fig. 7). The toolbar buttons duplicate the commands of the main menu, but their use increases the speed and efficiency of work, because to execute a command, just click the mouse on a button, which is much faster than searching the right command on the menu. The toolbar contains command buttons to perform the most common operations, but unlike the menu bar, limited in the number of commands. When you point the mouse, the button is highlighted (highlighted). If this does not happen, then the button is in this moment not available.

The image on each button in toolbars gives an idea of ​​the button's function and helps you remember them quickly. You can get a hint about any tool on the panel by pointing your mouse at the button. After a short time, a tooltip will appear about the purpose of the button.

Rice. 7. Toolbar

Address bar

The address bar indicates the access path to the current folder, which is convenient for orientation in the file structure. The address bar allows you to Fast passage to other sections of the file structure using the expanding button - (on the right side of the line).

List of typical tasks

Each Windows folder offers easy access to the most common file and folder management tasks. When you open a folder on your computer, a task list appears on the left side of the folder window next to its contents, giving you access to the most common file and folder management tasks using hyperlinks.

You can select a file or folder, and then select a task and different sections.

  1. In chapter Tasks for files and folders Displays commands for working with files and folders, allowing you to rename, copy, move, or delete the file or folder. The set of commands in this section depends on the selected object. You can also send the file by e-mail or publish it on the Internet.
  2. Chapter Other places contains links (addresses) for quickly moving to other folders and drives.
  3. Chapter Details contains information about the current or selected object.
    In Windows XP, there are several folders in which, in addition to the basic file and folder management tasks available in each folder, there are links to special types of tasks.
  4. Folder My drawings contains a section Image Tasks, which offers links to tasks to help you manage your image files.
  5. Folder My music contains a section Problems for music links to play and search for music.
  6. Folder My computer and others system folders contain a section System tasks, which is contextual. Using the task links in this folder, you can view information about your computer, change system settings in Control Panel, and perform other system management procedures.
  7. Folder Basket contains a section Tasks for the Cart, with which you can clear its contents and restore deleted files and folders at their original location.

window border

The thick border is intended for resizing the window using the mouse. The window border is visible if the window is not widened to full screen.

Scroll bars

Status bar

The status drain is output Additional Information about the contents of the window (for example, the number of objects in the folder, their total volume, etc.). The information in the status bar is dynamic, showing information about the selected items in the folder

Windows Window Types

Windows supports 4 types of windows.

1. Drive and folder windows

These windows display the contents of drives and folders. I love it Windows folder can be opened in your window. Using folder windows, you can view the entire file structure of disks. The title bar indicates the name of the folder, below there are menus and a toolbar.

2. Program windows (application windows)

These are the windows in which the loaded ones work. RAM Windows programs (and possibly DOS programs). In the title bar - the name of the program, below - the menu bar, toolbar (there may be more than one), ruler. Document windows open inside these windows.

3. Document windows (secondary windows)

These are windows in which documents created in Windows programs are displayed (if the application allows you to work with several documents at the same time). Information from each window can be saved to separate file. Secondary windows are always located only within their program window, do not have a menu bar and can only be opened in their application window.

4. Query windows (dialog)

Query windows appear while working with operating system and applications, positioned on top of all other windows on the screen. They contain a request for any information from the user or confirmation of his actions. Query windows cannot be resized, minimized or maximized, they can only be closed. Such windows close automatically after answering the request or forcefully by clicking on the close button. To respond to a request, dialog boxes have a variety of fields and buttons.

The dialog box can be modal or non-modal.

The modal window blocks the application. The user must complete all operations with this window and close it to return to the application window (folder, document). There are three types modal windows:

A modeless window does not stop the application from running. The user can click the mouse without closing the window to go to the application (document) window, work with it, and then click to return to the dialog box (such windows include the “Assistant” command window and help system windows).

Typically, a dialog box consists of a title bar and dialog box elements.

Dialog Box Elements

Depending on the functions of the window, the set of these tools varies over a wide range. Most dialog tools can be strictly classified, and they work pretty much the same across all Windows applications. Typical tools included in the dialog box are:

  • command buttons;
  • checkboxes (switches);
  • radio buttons (selection fields);
  • text fields (input fields);
  • lists;
  • sliding control buttons;
  • demo subwindows (Sample field);
  • tabs;
  • background text.

Main types of elements:

– button to close the window and save all changed parameters;
– button to close the window without saving the changed parameters;
– button to save all changed parameters without closing the window;
– button to close the window when the changed parameters have already been saved;
– input field – an area limited by a rectangular frame into which the user can enter text from the keyboard; To enter data in a field, you must first click in it with the mouse;
– counter – a field with two buttons on the right; you can click on it with the mouse and enter the parameter values ​​on the keyboard or click on the buttons: to increase the parameter, use the up arrow, to decrease it, use the down arrow;

– list fields contain a list of objects available for selection; if the contents of the list do not fit into the visible part, then scroll bars appear to view long lists; to select an object, click on it with the mouse;
– the drop-down list field in the visible part has only the value of the current parameter; to open possible values, you must click on the “down arrow” button;
– switches – circles with or without a black dot, designed to select one of the mutually exclusive modes;
– checkbox – a square indicator field with or without a “tick” label inside it, used to turn on/off a mode (its name is written next to it), which can be in the on or off state;
- button contextual help, to call context-sensitive help, click it, and then the unknown element;

– sliding control button (slider) is used to increase/decrease numerical value fields by moving the slider;

– tabs – located under the title bar of the page window, combining similar groups of requests for setting the parameters of a particular command. The active tab is brought to the front, occupying the entire window. To change a tab, just click on its name. You can use the keyboard to switch: forward – Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Page Up, back – Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+Page Down;

– the Sample field is used to preview object, displaying the changes made to the parameters.

Window management

A window can exist in three states:

  • full screen– the window is expanded to full screen;
  • normal– the window occupies part of the screen;
  • rolled up– the window is “minimized” to a button (reduced to the size of an icon).

The concept of window management includes the following actions:

  1. resize the window, maximize the window to full screen;
  2. move the window around the screen;
  3. minimize the window, restore the previous window size;
  4. arrange windows on the screen;
  5. close a window;
  6. switch between windows.

Ways to control a window are to use window control buttons; window system menu (the activity of each command depends on the current state of the window); dragging various window elements with the mouse; using the keyboard.

Resizing a Window

Clicking the maximize button will expand the window to full screen.

To restore the previous size of the window, you need to click on the restore size button.

Comment . To expand the window to full screen (or restore its size), you can double-click the window title or select the appropriate command ( Expand/Restore) in the system menu.

To resize a window, you need to point the mouse exactly at the border of the window or at any corner of it. When the mouse pointer changes to a double-sided arrow - , press the left mouse button and drag the border, enlarging or reducing the window. Then release the mouse button.

Comment. If the mouse pointer does not turn into a double-sided arrow at the window border, then the window cannot be resized. Typically cannot change the size of the query window.

Moving windows

To move a window to another location on the screen, point the mouse at the window title and, pressing the left mouse button, drag the window to a new location. In short, a window can be dragged with the mouse by “grabbing” its title. This operation allows you to arrange windows on the screen in a convenient way.

Comment. To move a window, you can select the Move command in the window's system menu, use the arrow keys to place the window in the desired location, and press the key.

Minimizing a window

To minimize the window, you need to click on the minimize button.

You can also issue the command Collapse in one of the following ways:

  • from the context menu of the window button in the taskbar;
  • from the system menu.
    Comment. To minimize a window, you can double-click the window button in the Taskbar.
    Can be minimized All open windows immediately. To do this, click the corresponding button in the panel Quick start in the Taskbar or select the desired command in context menu Taskbars.
    Comment. You can also minimize all windows using the keyboard:
    Windows+M (Shift+Windows+M - expand);

Arranging windows

To organize open windows on the screen, you need to select one of the commands in the taskbar context menu:

  • Cascade windows - windows are the same size, stacked, offset so that all the titles are visible;
  • Windows from top to bottom and Windows from left to right – windows are the same size, dividing the screen into equal parts without overlapping each other;
  • Minimize all windows (Show Desktop) – to free the Desktop from windows;
  • Undo the last (executed) command.
    Comment. It is possible to execute order, minimize, and close commands on multiple windows at the same time. To do this you need to click the buttons required windows in the taskbar by holding down the key Ctrl and call their context menu.

Closing a window

To close the window, you need to click on the close button. This is the simplest and quick way closing any window. However, there are several other ways to close windows:

  • key combination Alt+F4;
  • double click on the system menu button;
  • team selection Close in the system menu;
  • team selection Close (Exit) in Group File main window menu;
  • team selection Close in the context menu of the window button in the taskbar;
  • click on the button Cancel task in the window Task Manager with the name of the window being closed selected.
    You can close multiple windows at once using the command Close group in the context menu of the window group button. If the right group there is no window, you can first select it by clicking on the buttons in the Taskbar while holding down the key Ctrl.
    Comment. Closing a program window is equivalent to completion programs. Closing the program window means deleting the program from RAM.

Switch between windows

Since Windows is a multitasking system, you can open several windows at once, switching from one window to another if necessary. Among all the open windows, one is active - this is the window that is currently being worked with, and the rest - inactive or passive .

Signs of an active window:

  1. The title bar of the active window is brighter than the title bars of other windows.
  2. The button of the active window in the Taskbar appears pressed, while the buttons of other windows appear pressed.
  3. The active window is placed on top of other windows.
  4. For the operating system, all open windows are considered tasks, regardless of whether an application window or a folder is open. Switching to another task means making the corresponding window active.

Ways to switch between windows:

  • click on the window button in the taskbar;
  • click on any visible area of ​​the inactive window;
  • use the key combination Alt+Tab – press Alt key and, without releasing it, press the Tab key. A panel will appear with icons of all open windows. When will it be allocated desired icon, release both keys.
  • Alt+Esc - switches between non-minimized windows.

Decorative layouts are installed on windows to increase the aesthetics of such structures. They can significantly change the appearance of a window opening. Also, due to their installation, the window acquires more modern look. This also emphasizes the non-standard shapes of building facades.

Layouts installed on plastic windows allow you to give the opening a vintage look. Often such products are installed on balcony glazing. Such elements are more attractive when mounted on large structures. Windows with layout are carried out different types and models. Their photo is presented in the article.

Types of layouts

Products placed directly into a double-glazed window received another name - sprats. False bindings are mounted outside. There are several types of structures:

  • linings installed on the hinges of the structure or other elements of fittings;
  • sprats mounted inside the window;
  • false binding - it is mounted outside.

Layouts can be installed at different angles. They can also have curved shapes. They are made from special profile. It has a thickness of 20-80 mm.

Layout manufacturers offer big choice colors. Overlays are selected in accordance with the stylistic design of the facade. Sprats can be classified according to their shape:

  • they can be made with milled edges;
  • products are also made wide or narrow;
  • bent layouts are particularly popular.

The elements are connected at different angles. In addition, layouts can be equipped with monograms. Wide products can bend no more than 8 mm.

Important! Sprats are practical, because washing windows is carried out without any difficulties. However, when creating layouts with your own hands, false bindings are easier to make.

Decorative products can be divided into different groups depending on the material of manufacture. They are made of plastic, aluminum and wood. Separately, it is worth considering the Venetian, Viennese and constructive sprasses.

Venetian sprats

By gluing light slats to a structure with tape, you can get overhead products called Venetian. They are easy to dismantle if necessary.

Various color solutions allow you to combine layouts with the main profile. Often, a plastic frame is simply glued to the outside of the glass.

Such decorative elements do not in any way affect the thermal conductivity of the window, but they prevent water from draining during rain. Dust and dirt collect at the joints. To properly clean windows, decorative elements should be removed. However, if you peel off the layouts many times, they will stick back worse.

Viennese sprats

Overlays installed on a double-glazed window both outside and inside are called Viennese. They are equipped with a sealing strip on the outside, and a special frame is placed on the inside. Thanks to it, the division of glass into several parts is simulated.

Viennese patterns rise 5-10 mm above the glass, due to which dust and water are retained on them. They should be washed frequently and carefully. Bends should be avoided using a damp cloth.

Structural sprats

In a private house, sometimes there are windows that have a fairly large area. Window structures with large dimensions are installed on closed verandas. In the place where the billiard table is located, the windows can be made to cover the entire wall.

A certain pattern is made from them. The external and internal appearance of the window is very aesthetic. At the same time, original outlines appear in the interior of the house. The strength of the window when installing such elements increases significantly. Windows with a structural type layout have several features.

At the joints of pieces of double-glazed windows, precipitation runoff can be retained, as well as dust can settle. Such designs are quite expensive. However, if you have no other choice, you should spend money and clean your windows often afterwards.

Important! By installing structural layouts, the thermal conductivity of windows increases by 20%. Such a window will be colder than structures equipped with other frames. When choosing these decorations, it is worth keeping in mind this cooling coefficient.

Installing a decorative layout

Plastic windows can be decorated with inter-glass bars, which look like aluminum plates. Double-glazed windows are also equipped various elements Scenery. Elements that are placed between the panes are laid at the stage of creating the window structure. Ready frames usually mounted on wooden windows.

Internal layouts installed between the glasses are mounted to the spacer frame. The layout, mounted inside the glass unit, has not only a decorative, but also a practical function. They are structural elements of the window. Such products are usually mounted in windows big size. They are able to protect the product from various damages. Plastic windows with a layout look modern and original.

To install such elements with your own hands, it is better to choose their plastic varieties. Before installation on the glass surface, you must make a sketch. Marking is done using a pencil.

If you want to create a complex pattern, work is carried out with extreme caution. If the joints are made unevenly, the decorative function of the layouts will be lost.

Installation of the false package is carried out in a certain sequence:

  • First you need to measure the profile. Its outer part is cut off with a knife.
  • The finished parts should be attached to the window. Applying will help check the accuracy of the dimensions of each element.
  • Then you need to remove the film and attach the decorative element to the glass. The pressure should be light.
  • To ensure the strength of the structure, all joints should be treated with silicone sealant.

If you plan to turn the windows into an original decorative element, it is better to entrust the installation of the layout to professionals. In this case, there will be no spoiled material and, accordingly, no unnecessary expenses. In addition, specialists will carry out the work quickly enough.

The name of the operating system translated from English means “windows”. This name reflects the whole essence of this operating system, because... Absolutely all the work here takes place in rectangular areas on the screen, the so-called windows.

Window is the main workspace for applications, documents, and information messages, limited by both fixed and changeable boundaries.

The user has the opportunity to manipulate windows: change their borders, minimize and maximize them, move them to a convenient place, or close them completely, thus stopping working with the document or program. The window size can be set to fit the entire monitor screen, in the so-called full screen mode or hide it in the desktop taskbar. Programs can open several windows where the results of their work will be shown or required by the user information.

Basic types of windows in Windows

There are three main types of windows in the Windows operating system:

  1. Program windows or in other words - application windows. Any program has a main window through which user interaction occurs. In addition to the main window, applications can also open secondary windows that are subordinate to the main one.
  2. Document windows. Unlike program windows, this type of workspace is controlled by the program that opened the document window. The document window is located only inside the main program window.
  3. Dialog windows or dialog box. Most often, it contains control elements that establish the operating settings of the program.

Window states in Windows

Windows in the Windows operating system can have several states: expanded or collapsed, active or inactive.

The window can be minimized if you don't need to work in it at the moment, but you may need it soon. When minimized, the window hides in the taskbar and is presented there as an icon. When expanded, the window is in working condition. As mentioned, it can be expanded to full screen or in the form of a rectangle of any size.

The active window is the workspace with which you are currently interacting. For example, enter information using or manage it. The active state is indicated by the window title bar being highlighted more bright color. IN active state There can only be one workspace. Switching between active and inactive window states occurs automatically. For example, after you finish typing in one window, you can start typing in another by placing the mouse pointer in an inactive window or by maximizing it if it is minimized to the taskbar.

Windows Window Elements

  • Workspace. This is the main and most important part of the window. Has the largest working area. In the work area, all information that the user operates is displayed or entered. For example, when typing text in standard application Windows Notepad, you enter information in the work area of ​​the application window.
  • Title bar. It contains the name of the program or document, as well as window state control buttons, which are located in the far right area of ​​the title bar.
  • Menu bar. Menu sections are located here; when you click on them, a drop-down list of submenus with items for this menu section opens.
  • window border. It is a frame that limits the size of the window. The window can be resized by placing the mouse pointer over the border. In this case, the cursor will appear as a double-headed arrow. Clamping left button mouse, you can move and expand the horizontal or vertical border of the window to a size convenient for you.
  • Toolbar. Typically located directly below the menu bar. This area contains buttons for the most frequently used commands. Programs with great functionality are equipped with a similar panel.
  • Window status bar. Its place is at the bottom, on the border of the window. The status bar may contain information about the contents of window objects and other information depending on the running program.
  • Window scroll bars. The so-called vertical and horizontal scroll sliders. They are absent in an empty window and appear only when the contents of the workspace are completely filled and the workspace is forced to expand downwards or sideways into an invisible part. To scroll the work area, use scroll bars, left-click on the arrow buttons, or place the mouse cursor and hold down the left button to move the window's work area. Another convenient, and probably the most common method is scrolling with the mouse wheel. Nowadays, almost all mice are equipped with a scroll wheel.

We have looked at the main standard elements windows in the Windows operating system. Depending on the programs, there may be other elements that relate only to the windows of the program being used.

Share. October 16, 2016
Specialization: professional approach to architecture, design and construction of private houses and cottages, new products on the market of building materials and finishing. Hobbies: growing fruit trees and roses. Breeding rabbits for meat and decorative breeds.

The quality and durability of the finishing of the facade largely depends on the correctly selected window frames. The decor of window openings and slopes is also important, which can become the main accent of a spectacular facade. And finally, the design of façade windows depends on the chosen cladding and insulation option.

If the location and shape of the windows depends on the design of the cottage, then the finishing frame can be chosen at your discretion. It seems like such a small thing - stylish slopes and trim on window frames, but they can completely change appearance facade.

Materials for external slopes

It is quite possible to insulate and decorate the facade with your own hands, since the choice of building materials is now huge.

You cannot put off the finishing cladding for a long time after installing the windows. The polyurethane foam used to fix the frames over time, especially under the influence of moisture, breaks down and after two months cracks already appear. Then it will be more difficult to complete the external cladding.

The choice of material for protective finishing of slopes depends on the method of insulation and finishing of the walls of the cottage. How can you beautifully decorate and protect installation seams and slopes of window openings? For example:

  • Framing windows on the facade of a house with foam plastic is the most inexpensive method of insulation, but requires additional finishing (plaster, plastic).

  • Metal slats are a durable and beautiful finishing option, especially on the first floor of a country house, but they require an additional layer.

  • Plastic lining or siding – a good option, if the walls in the cottage are insulated using the same material. It also looks good in combination with decorative plaster. But plastic is short-lived, service life up to 15 years, no more.

  • Sandwich panels - optimal solution finishing cladding of the house. The “three in one” principle guarantees high-quality insulation and reliable finishing protective decor.
  • Simple finishing plaster - must be done professionally, since it is the slopes that take on the wind load and quickly get wet in rain and snow. Additional additives and strengthening primers are required.

  • Tile or decorative stone is a beautiful and reliable solution for decorating the facade and reliable protection windows from rain, wind and snow. The price is from 500 rubles per square, but for one window you need about one and a half to two squares, depending on the chosen framing option.

From the inside, the slopes can be leveled and protected with drywall. In this case, you don’t need a finishing touch, and you can choose any decorative finish (painting, plaster, tile) on the plasterboard.

Slope protection

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of this or that slope finishing and how to choose best option, based on the selected cladding of the cottage.

Option 1 – foam insulation

In the photo there is a beautiful facade with foam trim

Finishing with foam plastic is considered the most inexpensive and reliable option for insulating slopes. But if you calculate the costs, I would not say that this is a budget option. What are the advantages of such thermal insulation:

  1. The foam trim is lightweight and can be mounted on almost any cladding.
  2. The polyurethane frame provides additional thermal and waterproofing.
  3. You can create an original facade decor by painting the trim in any color.

  1. Decorative elements are inexpensive, and choosing the shape of the parts allows you to be creative in design.
  2. This decor is indispensable if, due to the poor architecture of the building, it is necessary to install a false window, foam plastic parts are mounted on any surface, and imitation glass can be made from moisture-resistant mirror film.

This window decoration looks good in combination with decorative plaster, but is completely incompatible with brick, stone or vinyl siding. In my opinion, this option can be chosen for a small country house. Still, foam plastic, no matter how you paint it, remains budget option and looks the part.

Option 2 – plastic

Plastic panels are good for interior cladding of windows, as they are easy to clean, look beautiful and are quite durable. For the external decoration of window openings, you need to choose good quality frost-resistant vinyl siding.

It is not necessary to decorate the entire building with siding; decorative vinyl trims in combination with textured plaster and stone-like decor also look impressive.

You can't skimp on siding. Cheap types of this cladding quickly fade and crack. Slats made in China are especially prone to defects.

Most often, plastic is chosen for external reinforcement of slopes in apartment buildings, since washing this cladding is not difficult.

If you do not want to make repairs every five years, then it is better to refuse any type of plastic for external window decoration. My observations lead to disappointing conclusions. Cottages with external siding already have a very unsightly appearance after five years.

The material gives unpleasant cracks precisely in the area of ​​window openings. The deformation of the material depends on three reasons:

  1. natural shrinkage of the building,
  2. professionalism of the craftsmen,
  3. the quality of the material itself.

It is also important to note that in regions with winter temperatures below 20 degrees, the instructions do not recommend the use of plastic slats.

Option 3 - universal plaster

High-quality plastered slopes can be decorated with any decorative elements if desired. With the cost of one linear meter of slopes being 400 rubles, this is the most reliable and durable option:

  • the only disadvantage of plastering is that it is difficult to find a professional craftsman who will perform the work efficiently;
  • A great advantage is the ability to install an additional layer of foam insulation.

Option 4 – metal

The most reliable and durable, but not the cheapest option. Nevertheless, metal-plastic windows and the same platbands look very harmonious. Brown wood-look frames with slopes two shades lighter immediately give the façade a special chic and presentability.

The only negative is that high-quality thermal insulation and professional installation are required. Installing one window opening will cost about three thousand rubles.

This material is compatible with all decorative finishing options for a cottage, is easy to maintain and install, and does not require frequent expensive repairs.

Option 5 – sandwich panels

A universal option for a cottage made of stone, brick or foam blocks. Provides high-quality insulation and waterproofing, looks great, is easy to install, and has a service life of more than 30 years.

Another big advantage of such panels is their resistance to temperature changes and lack of deformation. Therefore, this type of window decoration can also be recommended for buildings made of timber.

To install sandwich panels, you need to follow a certain sequence: the panels are mounted around the perimeter of the box on aluminum or PVC profiles. Installation begins from the top profile.

When installing a ventilated façade, the problem of voids under the ebbs often arises. The voids cause noise during rain and deformation of the coating under low tide. How to bypass windows on a ventilated façade correctly?

Installation should be carried out with standard units in a certain sequence: the lower connection, then the upper assembly, then the side connections and only after this the connections of the internal and external corners.

To strengthen the space under the flashing, you can replace the tin flashing with a ceramic tile coating or install it on a sheet of moisture-resistant plywood, at least 10 millimeters thick.

Option 6 – tile or stone finish

A reliable and durable option for designing slopes. Combines with any type of façade cladding. This finishing allows you to create a spectacular facade at low financial costs.

You should choose only frost-resistant tiles for finishing. Before laying, the slopes must be leveled and plastered at a certain angle.

I like the finishing with clinker tiles to look like wild stone or sandstone. This decor is durable and practical, goes well with plaster and brick, siding and wood.


October 16, 2016

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Concept Windows windows

Windows are one of the main, most important elements of Windows. She was named in their honor. Folders, programs, and files open in the form of windows.

A window is a rectangular area of ​​the screen (there are also windows of exotic shape: round and shaped, mainly serial key generators and multimedia players). The window displays the contents of folders, drives, running programs, created documents, as well as Windows requests and messages. A window allows you to control an open object.

There are several types of Windows windows:

Folder and drive windows show the contents of disks and folders.

Program (application) windows display the work of programs, inside these windows open document windows.

Document windows open documents created in programs (if they allow you to work with several documents simultaneously). They open and are located only inside the window of their program; they do not have their own menu. The contents of each such window can be saved in a separate file.

Dialog boxes encountered while working with application programs and the operating system itself. They are usually needed for settings, selecting an action or confirming it. Dialog windows also include operating system message windows.

The windows are designed in the same style, have common elements for all and behave almost the same.

Basic elements of Windows windows:

· Title line. On the left there is system icon(clicking on it brings up the window system menu, double-clicking the window closes), next to the icon, depending on the type of window, is the name open folder(or the path to this folder, depends on the settings); the name of the document and the name of the program in which it is opened; the name of the dialog box, on the right are:

· Window control buttons: minimize to taskbar, expand to full screen (minimize to window), close.

· Menu bar. Each disk window, folder, program has its own menu bar, often not similar to others, and some programs do not have this line at all. The menu bar contains command names such as , Edit, View, Help, and others, which, when clicked, open a menu that allows you to select various commands.

· Toolbar. Each window has its own toolbar, it contains icons that usually duplicate the most frequently used commands found in the list of menu bar commands. Designed to speed up work in a folder or program window and make it more convenient for the user.

· Address bar . A rather important element of the window, it provides convenient navigation and quick transition through the folder structure on the computer. And quick search folders or files by their location address. IN address bar, for example, web page data (URL address) is entered into the browser, thanks to which we “walk” on the Internet.

· Common Tasks Panel. Located on the left side of the window and allows you to various tasks, depending on its content.

· Working field. The main part of the window, in its space there are disks, files and folders (if this is a folder window), for Word to workers the field is a sheet.

· Scroll bar. This window element appears when the information does not fit in the window in width or height. Thus, by moving the elevator slider, you can view the entire contents of the window vertically or horizontally.

· Status bar. It is located at the bottom of the window (its presence is determined by the settings of the window or program). It shows service information. So, in the MS program Word string status shows the number of pages and sections in the document, the language of the text and other information.

These are the basic elements of almost any Windows window.

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