How to charge your phone with wireless charging. Wireless charger

This article will tell you about a wireless charger based on the Qi standard


In this article you will learn what wireless Charger for mobile phones, and how to use it.

Wired chargers are losing their relevance every day, and they are being replaced by high-tech wireless chargers, and some even charge their gadgets using a power bank. Thus, we can say that only yesterday you were happy with wired charging of your smartphone, and now you will switch to innovation wireless transmission electricity.

What is a BZU and what does it look like?

Once upon a time we only dreamed about this. But today you can meet quite great amount technologies that allow the transmission of electrical energy through air flow. It is worth considering that this procedure in any case, it occurs either with the help of a laser, or through sound waves, as well as through any other physical phenomena.

But still such a large number of transmission technologies electrical energy, makes only one used and practiced, which is actually used only in the production of these devices. Let me explain, this technology works on the basis of studies Tesla and Faraday, whose interest lay in transmitting electricity through air flow using electromagnetic induction.

Therefore, the research they carried out made a huge contribution to the technology of transmitting electrical energy, which was improved, as a result of which wireless charging for your smartphone can now work, and many devices that use electricity transmitted through the air.

What standards does this technology have?

Of course, in every area there are norms and values, which are usually called standards. The most common of them is the standard, the development of which has been going on for 7 years by the company WPC (Wireless Power Consortium). The name of the standard is usually called the Chinese word "Qi", what if you pronounce it in Russian it will be like “Qi”.

What makes this standard different is that it is supported by almost all modern smartphone manufacturers. Now many airports, cafes, restaurants, clubs and other establishments practice wireless charging of cell phones.

What is the principle of wireless charging?

It is believed that the answer to this question is of interest to all mobile phone users. It should be noted that the principle of its operation is quite simple and more or less understandable. The WPC standard assumes that charging will occur only if there are special magnetic coils at the smartphone and the charging station.

Each coil has its own role, but nevertheless, one of them is a receiver of electrical energy, and the other is a transmitter of electrical energy. Charging according to this standard is allowed at a distance of no more than 5 cm between the smartphone and the charging station.

Thus, if we talk about efficiency (Coefficient of Efficiency), then with wired charging it is 100% , and with wireless charging, if the phone is lying on it, it will be 75-80% .

What are the advantages and disadvantages of wireless charging?

Of course the biggest advantage is that you will no longer need to insert and remove the cable from your phone. Despite the fact that this device is called as "wireless", you still have to connect it to an outlet to charge the station itself.

Concerning shortcomings, then they actually come down to the price range between wired and wireless charging, and charging the phone using a wireless charger takes 2-3 times longer.

Is wireless charging harmful to health?

It should be noted that manufacturers of wireless chargers according to the WPC standard claim that they do not pose any health hazard.

For clarity, you can cite the waves that the Sun emits, and by the way, the same waves are present in wireless chargers, so worrying about your health when using wireless charging is, at a minimum, paranoia.

What wireless chargers are popular today?

Nowadays there are a lot of wireless chargers, and they are produced by a huge number of companies under different brand. Let's take a look at which of them are extremely popular and relevant today.

Samsung Wireless Charging Pad

This device is the most latest model from the category of wireless chargers. The charger is quite universal, as it allows you to charge your phone regardless of how it lies on the panel itself. It also supports other technology standards, including WPC, AW4P and PMA.

If you look at the reviews on the Amazon website, this device is the best wireless charger, which has many advantages compared to others, and has a small footprint. Price of this device on the Amazon website is about 10-15 dollars.

Nokia DT-910

The Nokia manufacturer is instantly trustworthy, including products from this company. Wireless charger Nokia device DT-910 has quite affordable price, and at the same time has a number of advantages and additional functions, which makes the work better and higher quality.

The decision to use or not to use wireless charging is yours. But still some believe that this type It’s worth using chargers, since this option is much more convenient, and besides this - future.

Video: What is a wireless charger?

There are several technologies for transmitting electricity through the air, including lasers, sound wave and others interesting ways. But so far only one can be called commercial - the use of electromagnetic induction, through which Faraday and Tesla tried to transmit energy. The most common inductive charging standard today has been developed by the Wireless Power Consortium for about seven years. This standard is called the Chinese word Qi - pronounced “chee” in English or “qi” in the Russian translation tradition. It is officially supported by almost all mobile phone manufacturers, starting with Samsung phones, Sony, Lumia, ending with small companies whose names mean nothing to anyone. Some American airports, British McDonald's and Starbucks are promised to be equipped with charging stations that meet this standard within a year, and this, as it becomes clear, is just the beginning of the list. This also includes new IKEA furniture and lamps with built-in charging panels - they will begin to be sold in Europe this month. Even Apple, which, as always, stands a little on the sidelines and does not officially support Qi, seems to still adhere to WPC principles in its watches.

How it works

Wireless charger WPC technology assumes the presence of induction coils in the phone and the charger: one acts as a receiver, the other as a transmitter of electricity. When the charger is connected to the mains, a voltage arises in it, and a magnetic field arises around its transmitter coil. When a phone enters this field, electromagnetic waves in its receiver coil are converted into electricity - the phone's battery begins to charge. The Qi standard implies that for complete energy transfer, the distance between devices should not exceed 3–5 centimeters. That is, they should practically touch each other. Therefore, most of the current induction chargers are small panels on which you need to place the phone. At the same time, their efficiency is about 75–80% - slightly less than that of wired chargers.

What are the pros and cons

If we talk about the average user, inductive charging has only one significant advantage. It eliminates the need to connect a cable to your phone (player, camera, watch, etc.) small devices). And although it is called wireless, it does not actually remove the wire, since it is needed to connect the charging panel to the outlet. These panels also have other disadvantages: they are a little more expensive and on average charge one and a half to two times slower.

Is wireless charging dangerous?

This is probably the most popular question asked by the Wireless Power Consortium, and mobile manufacturers, of course, answer that it is safe. Manufacturers of electric shavers and electric toothbrushes are trying to convince everyone of this - the same induction principle has been used for a long time to recharge them. But it is worth keeping in mind that the electromagnetic waves through which wireless panels transmit energy belong to the spectrum of so-called non-ionizing (and therefore safe, unlike, say, X-ray) radiation. Electromagnetic waves the same spectrum are used to transmit signals from radio stations, cell towers, Wi-Fi routers. For example, a mobile phone signal is transmitted constantly and to where long distances, but for its receiver to operate, a small amount of power is sufficient (within 1–2 watts). The maximum power of wireless panels of the Qi standard is significantly higher - 5 watts. But they (for now) work at extremely short distances, and they also turn off automatically (which means they stop emitting waves) if the device is charged.

In any case, there is convincing evidence that Qi wireless charging (as well as the signal cellular communications) can be a health hazard, no one has yet imagined. However, the Wireless Power Consortium is also working on more powerful wireless chargers (up to 120 watts) capable of charging laptops. But they are still being cautious with these devices, and no one seems to be releasing them.

Which devices support Qi wireless charging?

You can find out about this by searching on the WPC website. It is worth remembering that to carry out wireless charging you will need two things: a receiver and an energy transmitter. Some phones (and wearable devices) already have built-in charging modules, also known as receivers; all that remains to do with them is to select a wireless panel, also known as a transmitter. Other phones - all iPhones, for example - do not yet support this technology. In addition to the panel, you will also have to buy a special case or attachment with a charging module that connects to the smartphone via the usual charging connector.

Examples of wireless chargers

Samsung Wireless Charging Pad


Bestseller and, judging by reviews, the best wireless panel on Amazon. Compatible with Qi standard receivers. It comes with a micro-USB cable (which means it can be connected to a laptop or portable battery). Quite reliable and inexpensive model.

Probably the most exciting promise recent years- a transmitter the size of a breadbox that allows you to charge phones, smart watch and bracelets, remote controls or gamepads at a distance of up to 10 meters. This is already to a greater extent wireless technology, freeing you from fiddling with the charger. It doesn’t matter whether the phone is on the table or in your pocket: as soon as it is discharged and is within range of the transmitter, it will begin to charge it. However, the device being charged must be equipped with a special Cota receiver. The developers promise to begin delivering these receivers to device manufacturers at the end of the year.

iQi Wireless Charging Receiver

Finally, an example of how things are going with wireless charging Apple phones. Since iPhones do not yet support the technology, crutches come to the rescue in the form of cases, attachments and other accessories. For example, Duracell cases for $120, which Apple itself recommends in its store. But the most amazing device for the same purpose is the iQi receiver card, which is connected via the Lightning connector and hidden under a regular phone case. The project, which successfully raised funds on the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo, can now be found on Amazon (although it’s probably better to try to wait for the seventh or eighth iPhone: one or the other, according to rumors, will have its own built-in receiver for wireless charging).

In order to equip your favorite smartphone with the flagship wireless charging function, you don’t need much.

Firstly, the base, also known as the charger. Most often it is made in the form of a small round platform with an outlet for a charger. For the experiment, let's take an unnamed model with a pleasant blue backlight. Powered by a 5 V, 2 A power supply ( regular USB), is powered via a standard microUSB port. At the output, the device produces a current with parameters of 5 V, 1 A, which is enough to charge most devices even in operating mode.

Second necessary element modernization - an antenna, with the help of which the smartphone is charged from a distance. Usually this distance is minimal, by the way, but the convenience of using wirelessly can be significant for someone. For example, the database can be embedded in dashboard car or put it on the chest of drawers near the bed: came, put it down, went to bed. And no searching for wires.

There are a lot of different universal antennas for smartphones on the market. They are also suitable for other equipment, but here you need to think about placement. The antenna (we have an unnamed Chinese copy) is a coil with a circuit board hidden in a paper-like envelope. A wire with a microUSB plug comes out of it, although if desired, it can be soldered to any other one. It is worth paying attention: the coil only works in one position in relation to the charger. Since the cable for connecting to a smartphone is flat, you may need to open the bag and flip the coil over for the antenna to work (as in our case). The coil should face the open side towards the charger.

Attention: the charging base shows the necessary parameters of the power supply (in the case of the used one - 5 V, 2 A). They need to be provided for. At lower current levels, charging will occur very slowly. For adequate operation, you may need to replace the cord included with the charger, since not every USB cable can pass a full 2 ​​A. As you can see,

Many users want to know what wireless phone charging is and how easy it is to regular phone convert to wireless. The basis of the device is induction current. In order for the system to work, it requires a telecoil and a receiver coil in the cell phone or other device itself. The first one is connected to the electrical network, the second one, when close to it, creates a certain field, as a result of which the battery is charged. This method is based on the laws of physics. There are several standards, but they work on the same principle, the only difference is in the Hertz frequency at which the device operates.

Features of work

When the receiver comes into range of the coil, special device catches it. The signal is transmitted, the charger is turned on, that is, the field will not be created constantly, but only under two conditions - the coil is powered from the network, the receiver is at a close distance from it. The signal itself can also be sent by a mobile device, for this it will use NFC after the contactless phone charger is within range.

Wireless device for smartphone (Transmitters (transmitters)

The radius of the magnetic field created by the coil is usually small, it is only up to 10 mm, and the voltage is 5 Watts, which is standard for this type of device. It is enough to charge, but is not capable of causing harm to surrounding living beings. When interacting with the charger, the receiver coil is activated, which directs the received energy to the rectifier, through which it is transferred directly to the battery of the phone being charged. Roughly speaking, the principle of wireless charging is to convert electric current into a magnetic field and vice versa, but in a different place.

What is wireless charging function?

Modern Cell phones may have a built-in coil, for example, this family includes Nokia Lumia, other models receive a special cover for connecting a wireless charger. This option costs about 1,500 rubles. You can find a Chinese analogue; it will cost much less if you buy it. Chargers without a wired system can be used in any room or car where the manufacturer has provided such a function and installed the required coil in the car.

Many manufacturers produce special accessories, for example, music car or home systems can be equipped with a platform for charging mobile devices. There is also car wireless charging. Such adapters can be installed in any car, and they will work from the cigarette lighter or a special socket, if the car has one.

Wireless charger standards

There are several standards for wireless chargers, which we will now look at:

  • Qi standard: This type of wireless charging is the most common device. The protocol was developed by WPC; this format is used by many well-known cell phone manufacturers, for example, Nokia, Samsung, LG and others. The frequency of such devices is 100-205 kHz, which allows achieving an efficiency of at least 75-80%.
  • PMA is the second standard used for wireless charging.
    its developer is the company Powermat. The device will operate at a frequency of 277-357 kHz. Charging will be faster; this standard is more popular in America.
  • Rezence (A4WP) - the operation of devices of this type is based on mutual magnetic resonance. Thanks to this technology, the power of the device can reach up to 50 W, thanks to this, wireless charging is universal, it is suitable not only for mobile phones, but also for larger devices, and it also allows you to place the gadget further from the coil.

Is it safe?

Many users are worried about whether the coil will harm human health; manufacturers claim that there is no effect on human body such a charger does not work, even if you are in close proximity to it. It is worth noting that the electrical panel works on the same principle, is located in close proximity to the inhabitants of any apartment or house, and does not cause any harm. Most wireless charging devices have a power rating of no more than 5 watts, which is too low to power even very sensitive equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages of technology

The main advantage of wireless chargers for smartphones is the absence of wires; in addition, it is universal for any phone model. This technology allows you to keep mobile phone sockets intact; they will not become loose due to frequent use. You won't have to worry about buying wired chargers that keep breaking down.

Such a device can be used anywhere there are sockets; many modern cars already have platforms for charging phones from the factory. The Ikea store already sells table lamps with a built-in induction charging unit. Many companies, such as Samsung and Nokia, have been producing similar devices and phones with wireless charging adapted to them for a long time. The charger itself has a long service life and lasts much longer than usual. However, there are some disadvantages, which include the following:

  • The efficiency cannot exceed 80%, some of the energy is lost, so charging takes quite a long time.
  • The size of the device is quite large.
  • You cannot use your phone while it is charging.
  • Slight heating.

How to do wireless charging on your smartphone

Since the technology of such charging is quite new, only those phones that are adapted to it and have a special coil and rectifier can work with it. Many companies equip their new models with these, but what if you don’t have a new phone, but want to charge it remotely? To do this, you can remake your mobile phone with your own hands; the wireless charging scheme is relatively simple and will only require you to purchase inexpensive Chinese modules.

Phone pad for wireless charging

The popularity of this type of charger is growing, so most famous companies arranged their release. Each model has certain features, satisfies certain customer requirements, and is well suited to certain smartphone models for which they are designed. If you take branded charger, then its brand should ideally match the brand of your smartphone, so the likelihood that the equipment will work correctly is much higher. For example, Apple products often conflict with Chinese products and require connection to the original. The most popular manufacturers include the following companies:

  • Samsung is one of the most common brands that has established the production of wireless chargers for a long time, so it has taken a strong position in the market. You can find the products of this company in almost any store that sells mobile devices or accessories for them.
  • LG produces both mobile devices and memory devices for them; you can buy a receiver and attach it to old model phone.
  • Nokia produces well-known high-quality products; the Lumia line offers wireless chargers that are suitable for almost all smartphone models in this family. You can find the products in any mobile phone store.
  • Apple currently only uses this type of charger for watches. Apple Watch. The device itself is attached to the watch, so it is very convenient to use; there was no such analogue for phones until 2017, so their owners quite often resorted to independently converting the devices. Released in the past year iPhone 8 and iPhone X are already equipped with this technology, so in some stores you can buy the chargers themselves separately.

In addition to well-known brands, there are enough a large number of Chinese chargers, often they do not have a well-known name, but meet international standards accepted for these purposes; there are also quite cheap options.

Prices for every taste and color, but pay attention to the device parameters

However, when buying products, for example, on Aliexpress, you need to pay attention to the seller’s rating, in addition, take a closer look at the brand itself, it’s good if it is at least a little known or someone has already bought the device before you and left it positive feedback. As a rule, Russian consumers buy models that support wireless charging standardQi, since it is the most popular in our country, and is used by most manufacturers of smartphones and other portable devices.

When choosing a charger, you need to pay attention to the number of Hertz from which they operate, as well as Watts. Some phone models, especially older ones, may be sensitive to electromagnetic fields, which is why the use of contactless memory is not recommended. The phone may malfunction. For example, Samsung chargers are different high quality, therefore, as a rule, they are safe for any phone, the manufacturer manufactures them only in accordance with quality standards, using only branded spare parts.

One of the most popular chargers made in Korea is the Wireless Charging Pad. It belongs to the basic family of similar devices, which is almost completely devoid of the shortcomings that the earlier generation of similar chargers had. This model is also convenient because it does not require any special placement of the phone on its platform; its position does not play any role. This is quite convenient; you don’t need to monitor where your mobile device is lying and whether it has moved.

This type of device is intended for popular smartphone Samsung Galaxy S6, it works in the WPC standard. TO positive aspects This charger also includes the fact that it can be used not only in relation to the Galaxy family, but also other model lines of the company. Distinctive feature This development is also its ability to quickly charge the battery, for example, you can increase the charge to 50% in a very short time, faster than with the wired method, this is important if you need a communication device urgently, and its battery is dead. You can also use such a charger in cases where the telephone socket for a regular unit is broken or you do not want unnecessary wires in the room.

If you compare Samsung products in terms of properties with Apple, it is worth noting that most of this company’s devices do not support this charging method, with the exception of several phone models and one watch model. In addition, the Apple charger will not come into contact with smartphones of other brands.

Conclusion: wireless charger for cell phone It is quite convenient to use, it is used in cars, but it may also have some disadvantages, in particular, it is not suitable for use in older phone models, and they need to be upgraded.

But if you order everything in China, then it’s quite possible to keep it to 500 rubles. And if you manage to save money, by installing translation in your browser once, you can save up to 8% on purchases.

Video: 📦 Charging WITHOUT wires - Installing a wireless charging module in a smartphone

Video: Wireless charging for any phone for $5.

Video: Wireless charging. What are they, how to upgrade, why does it heat up and not charge?

Hello, dear readers. I'm sure you've heard, at least remotely, that you can charge your phone without using wires. Surely many dismissed it, thinking that such modern technology is only available in very expensive devices. But no.

Almost any phone supports wireless charging, although with some reservations. Branded smartphones can receive energy through the air right out of the box, but for others you will have to purchase special accessories. Today you will not only find out whether your mobile phone supports wireless charging, but also how to ditch the wires if your device is outdated.

Wireless charging – what is it?

Photo: Koolpad Qi

Before considering smartphone models that are equipped with wireless charging, you need to understand its essence. In fact, wireless energy transfer is not such a complex technology as it seems at first glance. IN technically wireless charging is represented by two copper coils.

One plays the role of a transmitter of energy that it receives from electrical network. The coil is installed in the docking station (the platform on which the smartphone is subsequently placed). The second coil is the receiver. It is equipped with devices that require energy, such as mobile phones. As a rule, the receiver is hidden from view inside the case, unless it is external.

The device’s battery receives energy thanks to magnetic field, which occurs when the receiver is in the field of view of the transmitter (usually about 4 centimeters). This principle is true for the Qi standard, which is most actively used in wireless charging of wearable devices.

Smartphone with Qi icon supports wireless charging

The Qi standard was developed by the Wireless Electromagnetic Energy Consortium to transmit energy over a distance of up to 4 centimeters. Scientists, when creating the standard, used developments that had already been made by many other specialists.

In general, the idea of ​​transmitting energy over a distance appeared two centuries ago, when Marie Ampere discovered a law proving that electricity produces a magnetic field. A significant contribution was made by Nikola Tesla, who built a tower to demonstrate wireless energy transfer. Subsequently, many organizations and scientists studied technology, but large percentage experiments ended in the early stages.

Until this century, wireless energy transmission remained at the testing level. Until the technology became interesting large manufacturers portable electronics. In 2009, after the creation of the Qi standard, which became the most suitable for use in wearable technology, a number of companies began to develop concepts that support wireless charging.

The impetus for companies was the fact that the standard was free and accessible. Today almost everyone flagship smartphone boasts the presence of technology, and the budget one boasts accessories that make the function work for them.

Not a dozen companies are working on energy transmission technologies other than electromagnetic induction. For example, students at the University of Pennsylvania conducted an experiment in 2011 in which they proved that energy can be transmitted through ultrasound. And in 1945, Soviet scientist Semyon Tetelbaum described in an article the possibility of transmitting energy using microwave radiation. Subsequently, this technology was actively developed. Energy can be transmitted with a laser beam, which NASA has proven in experiments. Nikola Tesla, known for his experiments with electricity, even believed that it was possible to create a worldwide wireless system, which will save people from power lines.

List of smartphones with built-in support for wireless charging (2019)

Well, you are now familiar with the theory and history of wireless energy transfer, it’s time to move on to devices that support the technology. Speaking of support, we include in the list devices that received a receiver already at the factory (you can install it separately).

To date, more than 80 smartphones have received wireless charging using the Qi standard, not counting a number of smart watch models and other devices. And this figure is growing at an enviable rate. I will try to list as many models as possible - the exact list, which is regularly updated, is presented on the Qi portal.

So, wireless charging is integrated in the models (list updated in January 2019):


  • iPhone 8
  • iPhone 8 Plus
  • iPhone X
  • iPhone Xs
  • iPhone Xs Max
  • iPhone Xr


  • Asus PadFone S


  • BlackBerry Passport
  • BlackBerry PRIV
  • BlackBerry Z30


  • CASIO G'z One Commando


  • Cat S50
  • Cat S50C


  • Dewalt MD501
  • Dewalt MIL810G

Energy System

  • Energy Phone Pro Qi


  • Fujitsu Arrows F-09D
  • Fujitsu Arrows Kiss F-03D
  • Fujitsu Arrows Kiss F-03E
  • Fujitsu Arrows X F-10D


  • Google Nexus 4
  • Google Nexus 5
  • Google Nexus 6
  • Google Pixel 3
  • Google Pixel 3 XL


  • HP Elite X3



  • Huawei Mate20 Pro


  • Kyocera Brigadier
  • Kyocera DuraForce
  • Kyocera Hydro Elite
  • Kyocera Torque G02
  • Kyocera Torque KC-S701
  • Kyocera Urbano L01
  • Kyocera Urbano L03


  • LG G2
  • LG G3
  • LG G6¹
  • LG G6 Plus¹
  • LG G7
  • LG G7 ThinQ
  • LG Lucid 2
  • LG Lucid 3
  • LG Optimus F5
  • LG Optimus G Pro
  • LG Optimus It L-05E
  • LG Spectrum 2
  • LG Vu 2
  • LG Vu 3
  • LG V30
  • LG V30 Plus


  • M.T.T. Master 4G


  • Microsoft Lumia 950
  • Microsoft Lumia 950 Dual Sim
  • Microsoft Lumia 950 XL
  • Microsoft Lumia 950 XL Dual Sim


  • Mlais MX69W


  • Motorola Droid Maxx
  • Motorola Droid Mini
  • Motorola Droid Turbo
  • Motorola Droid Turbo 2
  • Motorola Moto Maxx
  • Motorola Moto X Force


  • mPhone 8


  • NEC Medias PP N-01D
  • NEC Medias X N-04E


  • Nokia Lumia 1520
  • Nokia Lumia 735
  • Nokia Lumia 830
  • Nokia Lumia 920
  • Nokia Lumia 928
  • Nokia Lumia 929 (Icon)
  • Nokia Lumia 930
  • Nokia 8 Sirocco


  • Oukitel U23


  • Panasonic Eluga P P-03E
  • Panasonic Eluga V P-06D
  • Panasonic Eluga X P-02E
  • Panasonic Eluga X1
  • Panasonic Eluga X1 Pro


  • Philips X723


  • Razor Phone 2


  • RugGear RG730


  • Samsung Galaxy S6
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus
  • Samsung Galaxy S7
  • Samsung Galaxy S7 Active
  • Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
  • Samsung Galaxy S8
  • Samsung Galaxy S8 Active
  • Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus
  • Samsung Galaxy S9
  • Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 8
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 9
  • Samsung Leader 8
  • Samsung W2016


  • Saygus V SQUARED


  • Sharp Aquos EX SH-04E
  • Sharp Aquos SH-07D
  • Sharp Aquos SH-13C
  • Sharp Aquos Slider SH-02D
  • Sharp Aquos Zeta SH-06E
  • Sharp Aquos Zeta SH-09D
  • Sharp Q-Pot SH-04D
  • Sharp SH-05D


  • Sony Xperia Z3V
  • Sony Xperia Z4V
  • Sony Xperia XZ2
  • Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium
  • Sony Xperia XZ3


  • Techdy Basic Bear
  • Techdy Bear Pro


  • Vertu Aster
  • Vertu Signature Touch


  • Mi MIX 2S
  • Mi Mix 3


  • Yotaphone 2


  • ZTE Telstra Tough Max
  • ZTE Axon 9 Pro

Is not full list– There are also a number of models from lesser-known companies. Don't be surprised that the popular iPhone isn't on the list. It's not a mistake. Apple has not yet officially integrated wireless charging into its products. But there is a way out, more on that below.

The smartphone models presented in the list only require the presence of a platform that is necessary for transmitting energy. As a rule, it is included in the package mobile device, but not always. In this case, you will have to purchase a docking station separately.

Usually, the manufacturer produces a branded model, but you can use others - there is no special connection between the smartphone and a specific site. You can even order a cheap “noname” docking station, which in most cases will satisfy the buyer’s needs.

What to do if your smartphone does not support wireless charging

If you don’t find your device in the list of supported smartphones, don’t rush to get upset. There is an exit. More precisely, there are two of them. So, perhaps your phone is among those for which receivers (small plates with a built-in circuit) for wireless charging are specially produced. This list includes quite popular, but rather outdated models. There are exceptions, such as the iPhone 7.

Both popular and not outdated, and the manufacturer did not integrate the receiver. Receivers designed for certain models, receive the appropriate designation, and also required characteristics. For example, similar receivers for Samsung Galaxy S 5 or older solutions have unusual contacts, corresponding to those under the cover of the devices. Here are the most popular models who received special receivers:

  • iPhone: starting with “four”.
  • Samsung Galaxy: S3, S4, S5; Note 2, 3, 4, Edge.
  • LG: G4, V10.
  • Sony: Xperia Z3+/Z4; Experia Z5; Experia Z5 Premium.
  • Huawei: Ascend Mate 7, Mate S.

The receiver for these devices usually comes with a docking station. You can buy parts separately - there is no special connection. In addition to boards (receivers), there are also special cases on the market for wireless charging of devices, which contain a copper circuit inside. For each smartphone, a correspondingly shaped case is made.

Universal solutions

There are more and more devices supporting wireless charging, but manufacturers are in no hurry to “import” the technology into budget segment. And he is the most popular. Especially cheap smartphones are loved in China, where they came up with the idea of ​​producing universal receivers for any model.

A docking station + receiver set costs about 500-700 rubles (you can find it cheaper), the main thing is to choose the right one for your smartphone. Pay attention to the shape and connector. A universal receiver can be found for almost any smartphone.

Docking stations

Photo: Wireless charging for iPhone

So, we figured out the support for wireless charging on smartphones. Now I would like to dwell separately on the platforms that are used to transfer energy to the device. For what?

Unlike receivers, which are either hidden inside the phone or are a faceless plate, docking stations allow the user to choose the model they like. Some companies even provide original solutions that will become part of any interior.

Particularly popular is the wireless charging dock from Samsung, made in an oval shape. It is suitable not only for charging the company’s smartphones, but also for most other models.

Among the features worth highlighting is support automatic shutdown at fully charged devices, as well as light indication. The average cost is 2,000 rubles, but in Chinese online stores you can find a cheap replica for 400-700 rubles.

The Woodpuck FAST Edition Bamboo playground model, which is made of wood, is also interesting. The manufacturer, so to speak, combined modern technologies and natural materials. The functionality is no different from other docking stations, but it looks catchy. Cost – 40 dollars.

But Aukey QI boasts compact dimensions that allow you to take the charger with you. Yes, and the price is low - $30. Fans of purchases from China have huge catalogs to choose from, in which it will not be difficult to choose a cheap and beautiful docking station.

Photo: Designo Curve MX34VQ

Some unusual wireless charging stands include: new TV from Asus – Designo Curve MX34VQ. More precisely, the leg on which it stands. It is made in the form of an oval platform on which the smartphone is placed for charging. It even has a backlight. Asus, following modern trends, has made the new device not only beautiful, but also useful. True, the price is steep.

Bottom line

It's safe to say that the list of devices that support wireless charging will only grow. A technology that can eliminate a lot of wires is of interest to both the user and the manufacturer, who receives additional income for its presence.

In a couple of years, every smartphone will probably support wireless charging. In addition, a dozen companies are working on developing even more advanced technology that will not be tied to a docking station. For us, ordinary users, it remains to wait a little to forget about main problem portable devices– attachment to the outlet.