How to make money on Instagram without investment. How to make money using Instagram? Selling your services

One of the relatively new, rapidly developing social networks is Instagram, which gained enormous popularity in 2015. Not surprisingly, the platform has since become widely used to attract customers, popularize brands or sell products. In this article, I will talk in detail about how to make money on Instagram in different ways, why it is better to use this social network, share tips with beginners and tell you how you can start making a profit without investing money.

Instagram - mobile app, compatible with all modern mobile devices, designed for working with photo and video materials. Instagram is now owned by Facebook. The account integrates with other popular social networks.

Like other similar resources, which are a convenient and exciting means of communication for millions of people from all over the world, Instagram has become a tool for making money for enterprising individuals. Everyone encounters advertisements for all kinds of products as soon as they log into a social network, and sometimes without even realizing that they are viewing an advertisement. Every user can use the application not only to post and communicate, but also to receive unlimited earnings.

Features of the social network Instagram

A few facts about Instagram:

  • it is already used by more than 300 million people and the number is constantly growing;
  • tens of billions of pictures and videos are uploaded to the site;
  • tens of millions of visitors per day;
  • hundreds of likes and comments appear every second;
  • It became possible to download videos starting in 2014.

It was in connection with the ability to upload videos that the popularity of the network began to gain momentum due to the increase in the commercial potential of the project. User activity has increased by orders of magnitude - a lot of bloggers on Instagram rushed to earn additional income.

How to start making money on Instagram

To start making money on Instagram, you need to promote your account. The user's news is displayed in the results of his subscribers, and the more subscribers, the wider the audience and the more opportunities for earning money. Earnings directly depend on how promoted (popular) the profile is.

In addition to the number of subscribers, their quality is also important. Active users who comment, repost and like are valued. Their activities, in turn, ensure the fastest popularization of the profile and a larger number of subscribers. The fattest accounts are monetized due to this.

How to get subscribers

It is difficult for a new user to promote an account from scratch. Previously, it was possible to cheat by subscribing to other people and, having received a return subscription, being deleted. This way it was possible to get a serious mass of subscribers to your account without straining too much.

To make money on Instagram from subscribers, you will now have to devote more time to promotion. You can get subscribers by constantly communicating with other users, uploading interesting materials to the site, visiting other accounts, liking posts, answering questions.

Ways to make money on Instagram

Let's say you have already registered and gained a certain number of subscribers. How many subscribers do you need to make money on Instagram? With the right approach, quality content and the ability to sell, even a hundred subscribers will ensure the first sales and motivate for further results.

There are many ways to make money on Instagram. I propose to consider the most real and popular ones.

Selling your own services

  • representatives of all professions where the result of work is assessed visually (photographers, hairdressers, stylists, interior and landscape designers);
  • people who provide online services (business trainers, coaches, lawyers, psychologists)
  • private entrepreneurs and companies (beauty salons, sports complexes, construction companies, car services, etc.);
  • freelancers who work only remotely (web designers, copywriters, programmers, optimizers, Internet project managers, etc.).

To promote your services on Instagram, you need to run ads with photos. If you are an active user of this social network, you have probably come across similar profiles; they often subscribe to people from their target audience.

Earning money on Instagram by selling other people's goods and services

Earning money from affiliate programs is a universal way to improve your financial condition through the social network Instagram. How to sell other people's goods or services? The same factors apply here as in other social networks. First you need to select a product or service with good potential. You can search for sellers yourself and offer them your services. But there is a faster, proven way - to find products through CPA networks.

Such systems offer hundreds of services and goods, the sale of which you will receive a monetary reward. Most often they sell watches, clothes, jewelry, health products, hairdressing and beauty salon services. On Instagram you can find a huge number of accounts that earn money through CPA networks. Most popular CPAs:


When selling one product or service, the user receives on average from 200 to 600 rubles. Sometimes the commission is much more, thousands of rubles.

To make money on Instagram using affiliate programs, you will have to stock up on time and patience. Another way to make money on affiliate programs is to place referral links to customer services and products on fake accounts. Useful actions for which a commission is paid - not only the fact of sale. Customers can set rewards for registering on the site, clicking on a link, and other actions.

With a thoughtful approach, the income from this type of income can be quite substantial.

Selling your products on Instagram

Selling your goods through Instagram is a very popular way to make money; more and more sellers are moving here from other social networks, counting on the opportunities of the widest and most diverse consumer market.

Who makes money selling their own products on Instagram? This:

  • manufacturers directly;
  • online stores;
  • craftsmen and craftswomen producing hand-made products;
  • stores that attract offline customers through the network.

To attract the target audience to their products through Instagram, they use the following methods:

  • promotion of your own page;
  • placement of thematic tags in the description or comments to the photo that correspond to the queries entered in the search by social network users;
  • linking images to pages in an online store;
  • use of special services.

For the latter method, the Inselly system is often used. This service is designed specifically for Instagram. The principle of operation is that the system itself puts the product up for sale by adding the #inselly tag to the pictures. Through the same add-on you can easily create an online market based on own account, arrange payments through PayPal system. Then all that remains is to regularly fill your profile with useful information about products and use hidden advertising in photo descriptions.

Earning money by promoting Instagram accounts

Such services are needed by all sellers who seek to increase their audience through this social network. To earn good money this way, you need to become a specialist in the field of account promotion. Similar to working with other social networks, such specialists are called Instagram managers.

Responsibilities of an Instagram manager:

  • Creating a customer company profile.
  • Creating a content plan to maximize audience coverage and increase sales, posting content.
  • Account promotion.
  • Conducting advertising campaigns, using mutual PR, etc.

You can become a specialist in a couple of months if you wish. How much can you earn from promoting Instagram accounts? The amounts vary greatly depending on the level of the specialist and the ability to sell their own services. On average this is 5-20 thousand rubles per month, but there are also much larger amounts. You can maintain several company profiles if you have the time and skills for this.

Earn money on Instagram by selling your photos

Instagram is an ideal platform for photographers and those who strive for success in this field. Register for special services(Fotolia, for selling photos and upload your photos to them. Such systems are functionally reminiscent of the usual advertising exchanges, except that it is not posts, but photographs that are the product. You can take photographs for specific brands - perhaps the company itself will buy them.

In this method of earning money, the photographer receives part of the remuneration from the sale of photographs, and a considerable commission goes to intermediaries. But if you manage to become popular, you can get in direct contact with companies or they will find you.

How to make money on Instagram with advertising

Making money from advertising requires patience and is suitable for those who already use Instagram and have some popularity on it. The principle of earning money is to place the customer’s advertisement on your page. One post in this method is valued differently, but in general the level is comparable to the same profit from VKontakte.

For one advertising post you can get from 500 rubles and much more. There is no upper limit, it all depends on how popular your account is - how many subscribers it has and how active they are (users who repost, like, and comment are valued). The most popular Instagrammers can even receive five-figure sums in dollars per post.

It’s important not to overdo it in an effort to sell the potential of your profile more and more expensively. If it is filled with advertising spam, it will quickly turn into an uninteresting “content graveyard” with hundreds advertisements of different kinds. At some point, this will allow you to earn a considerable amount of money, but in the long term it can have a detrimental effect.

Whenever you make money on Instagram, always consider the rules:

  • Instagram is an application for communication and making money on this social network should remain secondary.
  • It is necessary to pay the greatest attention to the project at the promotion stage; the preparatory period can be long and not the easiest.
  • First of all, you need to place an attractive, unique content, and only then advertising.

That is, you need to captivate your Instagram subscriber and make his visit to your page interesting and useful. Only in this case, he will not turn away (unfollow) you when he sees the advertisement, but will adequately perceive this moment.

How many subscribers do you need for advertisers to be interested in working with you? It would be good if there were several thousand of them. If you have a large database active subscribers who comment and repost your materials, advertisers can reach you themselves. But at the beginning of such activity, you will have to work hard and look for customers on advertising exchanges or resort to tactics similar to “cold calls” by sales managers.


There you can also see the amounts paid for one post.

Selling advertising on your profile is a stable income on Instagram. Take the time to popularize your account and soon enough you will be able to receive 1,2,3 thousand per post. If you continue to develop the page, the amount of reward for a single photo with a description will only grow.

Earning money on Instagram from likes

This method can be called “for schoolchildren,” since even the youngest users of the social network can use it and earn their first money without investing or studying serious instructions. There are a lot of services through which you can receive rewards for actions on Instagram. It can be:

  • posts;
  • comments;
  • subscriptions;
  • just likes.

Here are just a few services; you can find many more of them:

  • Roboliker
  • Twite

You just need to register with them and start earning money. There is definitely no chance of big profits here, but in a day of activity you can earn 100 or more rubles. The average cost of a like is 0.5 rubles. depending on the service. Other actions are priced more expensive, some up to 5 rubles. If you use not one, but several Instagram accounts, you can increase your profits, but you will also have to spend a lot of time.

Obviously, in this way a beginner can earn money for a chocolate bar or a student for cigarettes. Small rewards with significant time expenditure are the disadvantage of such earnings. But at the same time, it does not require any investments, either material or intellectual, it often interests users and can be treated as a hobby with a nice bonus- small income. The method is not considered as the main source of income; there is no prospect of reaching larger amounts in the future and passive income No.

Printing user photos

An exciting option for people who have the ability to print photos. You can make good money by turning digital photos into analogue ones. In social Instagram networks There are many people who would like to receive printed, real pictures instead of virtual ones. Why not make money on it if possible?

The instructions for making money like this are very simple:

  • advertise your services on your page;
  • receive orders for photo printing;
  • complete the order, deliver the photographs in person or send them by mail/delivery service;
  • receive a well-deserved reward for bank card, in cash or to an electronic wallet.

After printing photos on photos, you can expand your activities and offer the same on T-shirts, magnets and any other media. You can print on almost any surface chosen by the customer. If you have the appropriate printing equipment, over time you will create a stable source of income for yourself, and its amount depends only on the effort you put in.

Special services for monetization

There are many services that allow you to speed up and increase your earnings on Instagram. Some of these sites are already mentioned in the description of ways to earn money. Let's take a closer look at the most popular ones:

  • VKTarget- Very popular service with payment for actions, with quick withdrawal of earned funds. Payment per action is one of the highest among similar resources.
  • Roboliker- a good site where you can combine earnings from accounts of almost all popular social networks in Russia.
  • Twite- a service with rich functionality and a large number of tasks to complete.
  • Socialtools- a resource through which income can be obtained for completing the simplest and more complex tasks; Through this site you can participate in affiliate programs and find customers to place advertising posts on your Instagram page.
  • Snapfluence- a resource through which you can receive your dividends for promoting a certain product.

You can find many more similar resources. Blogun, Userator and others are popular. Each of them has its own specifics, strengths and weak sides. Only through experience can you determine which site is optimal for you.

How to promote an account on Instagram

As you can see, the more popular the page on Instagram, the more ways and opportunities for its monetization. This is an investment for the long term, which can later serve you in whatever you decide to do. Popular profile is the most important step to start successful business. After all, making money on Instagram is a business like any other.

Even if you think that you are reliably protected from financial problems thanks to a good job and a high salary, in our time it does not hurt to have some safety net behind you. Many people lose their jobs every day as a result of layoffs, layoffs, and going on indefinite leave in the realities of economic instability. Not in the best possible way A decrease in wages and an increase in prices at the same wages also have an effect. By being prepared for such ups and downs, you can feel calmer and more confident. And the promoted Instagram profile - good way provide yourself with a similar rear.

Your Instagram account belongs to you as a personal space. Of course, this social network is the property of the company, but the likelihood of Instagram going out of business in the near future is close to zero. Considering the rapid growth of interest in this already mega-popular social network, it’s time to get a platform for your main or additional income.

How to promote a page on Instagram? You will have to invest intellectually, and, if desired, make the promotion faster and better - and financially. Unlike VKontakte, on Instagram this moment Not all promising commercial areas are present yet. Promote your page now by choosing a profitable topic - the sooner you start, the faster you will make a profit.

Step-by-step instructions for promoting your profile on Instagram:

  • The topic of your public page should be interesting to a large number of users. It is advisable that it meets your own interests - then you will not abandon the matter halfway, but will do it with pleasure. Choose a specific topic, not too personal, but not too general. If you are interested in cars, this could be a page dedicated to a specific brand or class of car; if you like to do handicrafts, then devote a page to one of the types of needlework (knitting, embroidery, etc.)
  • Increase your number of subscribers. To do this, you need to be active on the network, comment on other people’s posts, don’t skimp on likes, use resources specially created for promoting such accounts (for example,,
  • Don't stop working. There is no need to publish frequently, but you should not allow long breaks. Think about your activity schedule, write it down and follow the plan.

More a few important points things to consider when working:

  • Design your profile correctly, based on the type of activity you are going to engage in on the social network. To sell products, make it a beautiful showcase, presenting the products in the best light, describe the services provided, or provide reviews about them from other users. Give your potential audience the maximum useful information about the benefits of cooperation with you.
  • Don't overdo it. Instagram is not very friendly towards making money from public pages. Cases of blocking Instagram shops due to violation of the rules of the social network are very common. In order not to get hit by this skating rink and so that your efforts do not come to naught, be careful. Learn the rules and try to follow them. Even if your only purpose for being on Instagram is sales, you need to act as if you are just conducting personal blog. This will avoid problems with the administration.

When you achieve some success and have a stable income, you can delegate the maintenance of the page to the administrator. He will have to pay for the work, but your time will be freed up, and the income of their business that requires active participation will turn into passive. Don't try to do everything yourself; delegation increases profits or frees up time.

Tips for promoting Instagram:

How much can you earn on Instagram?

The following table presents minimum amounts, which can be earned in one way or another.

Way to earn moneyInitial conditionsHow much can you earn
Earnings from advertisingHaving a promoted accountFrom 500 rub. for the post
Selling your own photosAbility to shoot, good photography equipmentThe amount of earnings is not limited
Selling your goodsAvailability of your own productNo restrictions
Promoting your own servicesQualifications or useful skillsNo restrictions
Printing user photosAvailability of appropriate printing equipmentNo restrictions
Earning money from likes, subscriptions, postsDesire to work, ability to spend a lot of timeFrom 100 rub. in a day
Earning money from affiliate programsA well-promoted page with a certain number of subscribers from the target audience is requiredFrom 500 rub. in a day

These are very approximate data, it all depends on the specific person, the chosen topic, the efforts made, and the financial investments. A beginner can start with the simplest methods, moving on to more serious ones by popularizing the account. There is no upper limit to earnings; some Instagrammers earn truly huge amounts of dollars. And you too can join them, if the first failure does not force you to give up. Try new methods and topics, implement your own ideas - and Instagram may well become a source of main, quite pleasant, income.

A few tips will help you avoid blocking a page and make it popular in a short time:

  • Check the advertisements offered for placement by advertisers. Do not place advertisements that are suspicious in terms of legislation or public morality, even if you are offered a very high reward. Do not advertise harmful products, including tobacco and alcohol products, and be careful when advertising dietary supplements and medications.
  • Check the links advertisers give you and what they actually offer.
  • Read the rules of the social network and try to follow them.
  • Try different methods of earning money, do not stop if one of them does not bring you any income. Test and experiment.
  • Be active, always respond to followers’ comments, comment yourself, like, subscribe. All these actions will allow you to quickly gain and maintain popularity.


Let's summarize briefly. The Instagram application is a universal platform for earning money. This resource is rapidly developing and improving, and its use for commercial purposes will only increase in the coming years. Now is a very convenient time to create your own source of income from it. Both the youngest users who just want to get a bonus to their pocket money, and seasoned businessmen expanding their business can earn money here. Freelancers, artists, and photographers can profitably sell their services here. This is a place where you can earn additional income or create a large business project.

Instagram is the bomb in the e-commerce space. Even compared to other social networks. If the service was originally intended for sharing photos, now it is a real business platform that anyone can use to make money. Including owners of online stores and those involved in dropshipping. After reading, you will have a clear understanding of how to make big money on Instagram from subscribers.

But how do bloggers make money on Instagram? And how do sales on this site differ from other types? ecommerce?

In this article, we will take a deep look at several tactics that you can immediately put into practice.

Can you make money on Instagram?

Yes, you can definitely do it.

And enthusiasts of this platform are constantly looking for and finding new ways to make money on it.

Now, perhaps, you have become inspired and realized that you are no worse than them and can also make money on Instagram. And you naturally ask the question: “How?”

Don't worry, we will solve this mystery. In detail. However, first, let's take a general look at several ways in which it is, in principle, possible to make money.

You can focus on brand sponsored posts first. If their target audience follows you, you become an ideal promotional vehicle. You can also earn money and receive a certain percentage from sales of products from other companies. In addition, you can sell your own products and services - physical or digital. In general, you are the same as in any other e-commerce environment.

As long as marketing is alive and business can be expressed visually and creatively, millions of Instagram users are at your disposal.

On a note! Inexpensive promotion on Instagram, as well as likes, subscribers, views, comments, account audit, maintenance and much more, can be ordered on the new generation freelance exchange - kwork.

The Power of Instagram

The number of Instagram users is growing and the platform is catching up with Facebook. While Facebook has 2.07 billion active users, by 2017 Instagram's growth reached 800 million users in 7 years (the service was launched in 2010). So when you look at such popularity, it is not surprising that Instagrammers are becoming a real force. They figured out ways to make money on Instagram and profit from photos.

The following data deserves attention:

  1. 800 million active users every month. That's almost three times the population of the United States.
  2. 500 million active users every day. That's almost twice the population of the United States.
  3. In 2017, the share of American companies using Instagram reached 70.7%. If in general there are about 30 million businesses in the United States (both large and small), then it turns out that 21 million of them use Instagram.
  4. 80% of Instagram users follow at least one business account. This means that 640 million users are subscribed to at least per business account.
  5. Every month there are more than 2 million advertisers on Instagram.
  6. The time users spend on Instagram increases by 80% every year.
  7. In 2016, 48% of American brands resorted to promotion on Instagram. In 2017, this figure reached 71%. In 2018, it is expected to reach 82%.
  8. 300 million Instagram accounts Stories are used daily.
  9. Age of Instagram users:
    • from 18 to 29 years old - 59%;
    • from 30 to 49 years old - 33%;
    • from 50 to 64 years old - 18%;
    • 64+ years - 8%.
  10. Instagram user gender:
    • women - 38%;
    • men - 26%;
    • the rest - 36%.
  11. Instagram posts with location tags receive 79% more engagement.
  12. Photos with faces receive 38% more likes.
  13. User-generated content conversion rate is 4.5% higher.

How to make money on Instagram, be it 1k or 100k subscribers?

Most likely, you have already heard more than once about Instagrammers who were able to make significant money from simple photos they posted daily. Perhaps you even took an appraising look at your own photographs and thought that you too could do this.

Just like bloggers, YouTubers and other media personalities who have gathered large audiences around them, many Instagram users can boast of great reach and influence. And these are the two things that entire companies fight for.

All this provides Instagrammers with an excellent opportunity to create and receive multiple income channels. Moreover, regardless of whether they want to build an entire empire or just earn extra pocket money.

How many subscribers should you have to start earning money?

And now a logical and interesting question: how many subscribers should there be to start earning money and receiving income from them? The answer is short and simple: not as much as you think.

And more detailed information depends on several factors:

  • what area are you operating in and how popular is your product (popular niches are fashion, appearance, sports and food);
  • what kind of engagement do your subscribers have (100,000 fake bots will not produce results);
  • what acquisition channels do you use?

Of course, the greater the number of living and engaged followers, the better.

And while top and well-known Instagrammers with millions of subscribers earn tens or hundreds of thousands per post, those who have less than 1000 subscribers can also earn money. You can easily get a thousand subscribers using the service.

How to start earning money

How you can make money on Instagram in your case depends on your unique brand, type of content, target audience and degree of promotion. In general, this can be done using the following common methods:

  • publishing advertising posts sponsored by brands with which you have the same audience;
  • joining affiliate programs of other companies and publishing posts with an affiliate link. For example, like this article, in it we advertise through an affiliate program, a service for promoting Instagram SocialHammer. We use it ourselves, and that’s why we chose their affiliate program.
  • creating and selling your own product or service (real or digital);
  • sale of photographs.

What’s especially great is that the methods of earning money can be combined with each other, rather than using just one thing. It is also necessary to increase the conversion of visitors into subscribers through .

So, let's start with the most common way to monetize Instagram - cooperation with brands. But first, let's look at successful stories and business models of Instagram.

Instagram Success Stories

You can learn how to make money on Instagram from the experiences of others, from case studies and from the success stories that we will give below.

And considering that there are now a lot of applications that allow you to coordinate your Instagram account with your website (for example, an online store), the process of earning money becomes even easier. Thus, built-in integration of an Instagram business account is available in the popular system Shopify and others.

The companies listed below do just that. Let's take a look at their experience and take an example from them.

BeardBrand was first mentioned in an article in the New York Times. Their business started with just $30 and absolute passion for it. The way they use Instagram to make money is truly unique and inspiring.

The company sells products that are designed to support the style and lifestyle of men with beards. Their website,, is active on Instagram. And now there are already more than 124,000 subscribers.

Instagram can positively influence the user and shopping experience because customers can relate to the characters and situations in the posts. So, with the right approach, an Instagram post arouses curiosity and trust.


With over a million subscribers, the store's slimes usually sell out within 24 hours. Their videos are bright and clear. Thanks to them, viewers can literally feel the product. So high-quality and “tasty” videos undoubtedly have powerful marketing power.

So, one of them, for example, collected more than 179,000 views. With so many views, it's no surprise that the product sold out within 24 hours.

The company uses the flexible and convenient Shopify platform for its website. Overall, along with impressive videos and lively images, making money on Instagram is relatively easy.


Justin Wong, founder of SoAestheticShop, is passionate about Japanese Harajuku style. And Instagram is his main sales channel. Please note that each of his posts is carefully edited and visually appealing. Wong earns about $12,000 a month from selling on Instagram. And by the way, his business model is dropshipping.

So the company itself does not produce any products. Justin works with several suppliers, but he doesn't buy anything until the customer orders the item. Today this business model is considered one of the most profitable. In addition, it is easy to implement using an online store and Instagram.

Thus, the company cooperates with popular and influential users on social networks, who receive a large discount or a free finished product in exchange for an advertising post. Another way used to increase sales is through an affiliate program. Thanks to it, anyone with a website or social media account can advertise a product and receive a percentage for orders through an affiliate link.

Top 5 books on Instagram

  1. Instagram Administrator. Guide to making money. Authors: Evgeny Kozlov, Dmitry Kudryashov. The book is a bestseller and a bestseller. Liter rating: 4.46.
  2. The phenomenon of Instagram 2.0. All new features.
  3. How to promote a blog on Instagram: life hacks, trends, life.
  4. Pop art marketing: Insta-literacy and content strategy.
  5. Instagram: I want likes and followers.

Requirements for success

Using apps, following lists of recommendations, setting up the most optimal filters and smart advertising tactics are all keys to success. However, you still need to know about new trends and rules for making money on Instagram.

1) High-quality business account

There are 2 types of accounts on Instagram: personal and business. Explore everything on the Internet necessary information to create a good account. There are numerous courses available.

2) Integration of shopping apps

Instagram's business opportunities are somewhat limited, so you need to be a little creative. However, the e-commerce feature can be integrated quite easily using apps specifically designed for the Shopify store.

Try some and check for yourself which ones will allow you to comfortably publish the product, its prices and the necessary specifications. This way, shoppers can feel like they're still on your Instagram page when in fact they'll already be on the shopping app pages.

We recommend using the Shopify functionality because this platform provides a rich selection of applications and flexible settings. Many of them are free to try, so there's no risk involved.

There are detailed rules about exactly how you should post, what types of images or videos you can post, and how many times per day you can post. By following these rules, you can significantly increase your chance of success. In addition, the service has a limit on the number of hashtags. Therefore, you cannot afford to simply spam and add more than 30 hashtags to a post that are in no way related to the content of the message.

According to the CoSchedule service, the optimal frequency of posting posts is 1-2 times a day. This is convenient for subscribers and gives them enough time to create other unique content.

According to Sprout Social, the ideal length for Instagram captions is between 138 and 150 characters. For advertising posts, use 125 characters. The optimal number of hashtags is from 5 to 10. And although it is possible to put 20+ tags, this is not recommended - hypothetically, Instagram may have a “secret ban” on posts with more than 20 tags. “Ban” means that such posts stop being displayed when searching for specific hashtags. And this will reduce your chances of making money.

4) Correct filters

The difference between a good and a not so good filter can be minimal. A study was conducted in America, during which the favorite filters of Instagram users were identified. Here they are, in descending order of popularity (in America): Clarendon, Gingham, Juno and Lark. Worldwide: Clarendon, Juno, Valencia, Gingham and Lark.

For fashion:

  • Brooklyn
  • Valencia;
  • Normal;

For nature and attractions:

  • Kelvin;
  • Nashville;
  • Valencia;

For food:

  • Skyline;
  • Helena;
  • Normal;

For selfie:

  • Normal;
  • Skyline;
  • Slumber;

To find out how successful a photo is, you can use special tools. Such as Picodash. You can totally emulate successful accounts, but still create your own unique content. Motivate yourself and learn every day. Then the increase in income will not be long in coming.

5) Inspiration from viral stories. From time to time, post stories among photos and videos. The process will be easier if you use the help of services such as Stencil, PromoRepublic and Be Funky.

How to regularly acquire subscribers?

When should you start attracting subscribers - before sales or after?

The answer is simple: before and after.

Ideally, before sales start, you should already have at least a couple hundred live subscribers. Otherwise, you will advertise the product into emptiness. While with an audience of even just a few hundred, you can already count on some response. And this will be a good start.

Now, how can you get subscribers? We recommend following these 13 tips. After all, subscribers are the key to making money on Instagram.

1) Optimize your Instagram profile. Be sure to choose an appropriate account name that is human-readable and less than 30 characters long. Ideally it should contain keyword, thanks to which you can be found in searches. The name should also match the username you use on other social networks.

The account description must be up to 150 characters. Great idea— include a clickable link to your website. This is the only place on Instagram where you can post such a link. So this is an important aspect of account optimization.

2) Create and promote a special hashtag. If your account name is Jennie's Candies, consider creating the hashtag #jenscandies. Then whenever you want to check posts related to your brand, you can simply check this hashtag. You can advertise it everywhere - on other platforms, on forums, on social networks and even outside the Internet.

3) Choose hashtags related to your niche. Even though Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, using all of them can harm your account. We recommend adding 5 to 10 tags that are popular in your niche.

4) Participate in comments related to your niche. Using the same hashtags, find other accounts related to your industry. Subscribe to them and take an active part in the comments. This way you will attract the attention of potential subscribers.

5) Use compelling captions. This will encourage your followers to write comments on posts and actively participate in discussions.

6) Hold competitions. Organize some kind of competition with prizes. And also create a special hashtag for this competition. Consider how the winner will be selected and clearly state the rules.

For the competition, you can post special photos, signing each with a tag. However, first, we recommend making sure that you are familiar with the rules for holding competitions on Instagram. Be creative. For example, you can also give contestants the opportunity to earn a little money or, for example, invite them to join an affiliate program that will be attached to the prize.

7) Create stories and live broadcasts. You can add styles, text, color overlays, filters, face effects (just like Snapchat), and geotags to Instagram Stories. Get creative. Fun and positivity attract people.

8) Post regularly. The key to success is consistency and adherence to a single style. Form your messages the same way. Use the same filter or message design. This way, subscribers will quickly recognize your messages and associate them with the brand. The convenient Parasite service allows you to plan publications and see in advance what your profile feed will look like.

9) Collaborate with influential media figures and like-minded people. Exchange posts with them and buy advertising from them. Sharing is especially useful when you have a lot of followers. And if you collaborate with a popular person, you can create an affiliate program whose payments will depend on the number of subscribers.

10) Use the location feature. Publish videos and stories on your account. Use relevant hashtags and geotags to make your posts easier to find.

11) Create a unique visual style. Choose a special style for your posts that will differentiate you from others. If you have multiple accounts, each one should have its own unique “personality”. For example, one account is about the brand's activities, while the other is for selling products.

12) Ask others to follow. If you ask, people can help you. As long as the post or account is useful to someone or simply evokes positive feelings, many people will not refuse a request to subscribe.

13) Use Instagram ads. Paid ads will attract more people. After all, not everyone searches for posts through the search form. On average, such advertising will cost about $0.70 or $1.

Business models

Instagram is ideal for selling products where visual appeal is important. component. In other words, if your products are highly photogenic, chances are you can successfully sell them on Instagram. Moreover, if you yourself are photogenic or have the talent of a photographer, you may well be able to gather a whole crowd of subscribers and subsequently monetize it.

In general, there are at least 5 business models for making money on Instagram:

1) Get into dropshipping. This model can be easily implemented with the Shopify platform, which is free for the first 14 days of use. We especially recommend experimenting with niche products that will sell well and will not require significant investment.

2) Become popular and earn money from advertising from other brands. If your profile has many subscribers, you can offer to advertise to other companies. The best and top media personalities earn thousands of dollars per post. Imagine that you too could earn tens of thousands of dollars a month.

3) Take part in the affiliate program and earn money by selling other people's products. You can promote other people's products and get your percentage. Many brands provide affiliate programs. And a lot of people make money this way.

Create engaging posts. However, remember that you can only place one affiliate link on Instagram. Indicate in every message that your affiliate link is in the account description.

4) Sell posters and other virtual products. Beautiful things sell well on Instagram. You can sell posters, paintings, drawings, animations, videos and other virtual products based on images or videos. In each post, ask subscribers to visit the link to your main website in the account description.

5) Sell your own real products. You can sell any physical products that you produce or purchase from suppliers. However, this activity can be classified as ordinary retail trade. And this requires certain knowledge and initial capital for the purchase of goods.

In addition, you will need a special place where you can store the items you are promoting. It could just be a spare room or even an entire rented space. If you are purchasing a product from some Chinese supplier, for example, you will need space to store the product before anyone orders it.

Promoting your business

Regardless of the business model used, any business needs to be promoted. Moreover, talent and strong nerves will not be enough to run a business. First of all, you need to be a good strategist and tactician. Especially when it comes to promoting on Instagram. We have several articles on this topic:

When we're talking about about social networks, users buy mainly spontaneously - impulsively. And the selected projects and campaigns should be based precisely on this feature. One of the keys to selling on Instagram is the “wow” factor. Photos, videos, stories and even texts should correspond to this philosophy.

  1. Use attractive images and videos created with professional tools. Don't shy away from additional processing and using filters.
  2. Integrate your Instagram account into own online store. This is necessary to improve the user experience.
  3. Collaborate with as many popular and influential media figures as possible. Choose those with whom you are “on the same wavelength.” Whose image and philosophy do not contradict yours.
  4. Think carefully about your strategy. Develop a plan. Try to stay afloat and publish content every day.
  5. Work on all your social media accounts. Don't forget about blogs and representative web pages. All of them must be made in the same style and have a similar focus.

Working with brands

In modern realities, we constantly hear about sponsors and influential media figures.

Such an influencer is usually a person who has created a certain name and reputation for himself through interesting and attention-grabbing content. For their audience, such characters are fashion trendsetters and gurus, whose opinion about a particular phenomenon is very significant for subscribers.

Most companies are simply not able to compete with them. So business owners choose to collaborate instead.

Sometimes difficulties may arise: in order to successfully combine advertising posts and maintaining the image of the account, a certain amount of creativity is often required. However, you always have freedom of choice regarding the brands you partner with to earn money. In the same way, brands are selective about the Instagrammers they post to.

How do you decide what to publish?

Typically, your own brand and established image have a great influence on the content you post. Whether it's a photo, video or story. And sometimes an advertising company needs to obtain permission to use this content on its website or, for example, in advertising.

In most cases, all details are resolved through negotiations. For one post or a whole one advertising campaign Instagrammer can get cash, discount, free product, gift, or a combination of these.

So when negotiating, it's worth keeping in mind: you're not just publishing content - you're giving access to a live target audience and the right to use your name.

5,000 influential Instagram account owners were surveyed and about 42% said they charge between $200 and $400 per post. This is just food for thought to give you an idea of ​​earnings and what brands are willing to pay.

Finally, it is important that the Instagrammer himself knows his audience well.

Who are your target audience and the advertiser’s audience? And what is the reach of your posts? You can view this data in Instagram Analytics and prepare before negotiations.

How to find advertisers

If you are popular enough, there is a good chance that brands will find you. However, you can do the searching yourself. Look for companies that are on approximately the same level as you in terms of image and values. Then your subscribers will not feel that you are overtly advertising and “selling”.

You can contact companies directly or use special services, increasing your chances of being noticed.

Respect the trust of your followers and consider tagging posts like this with the hashtag #sponsored. About 69% of sought-after media personalities confirmed that the transparency of advertising posts has little or no impact on how people perceive them.

You can check out examples of sponsored posts for yourself. Just explore the #sponsored tag and similar ones.

By the way, Instagram also has a “Paid Partnership with” section, which clearly indicates the features of branded and sponsored content.

Working as a partner

Unlike the previous option, here the owner of the Instagram account invests more effort directly in sales than in increasing brand awareness. And he gets his percentage for it.

This is usually done through a special trackable link or by providing your subscribers with a unique promotional code. However, Instagram does not yet allow you to place links directly inside posts. So you can focus on one product and post a link in your account description. In this regard, a promo code is more profitable - it can be placed next to photos and videos.

Note: Instagram plans to allow publishing links in stories, which will expand the range of earning opportunities.

Consider partnering with one of the many online retailers that have affiliate programs available. You can also look towards popular sites. For example:

  • ClickBank. A platform accessible to everyone with generous commissions and a wide variety of products.
  • RewardStyle. A service focused on fashion and lifestyle. Participation is by invitation only. They pay 20% on sales.
  • Amazon. A popular platform with a commission of 10%.

Affiliate marketing is a true art. And if you have a specific plan-strategy, entering this specific business will be easier. A website and other marketing channels won't hurt.

Your own online store

Sometimes there may be an opinion that the only way to earn income on Instagram is by selling other people’s products and collaborating with other companies.

However, it is not. You can promote and sell your own products and services, not only physical ones, but also digital ones.

True, you need to worry about this in advance and invest a lot of time in this matter. However, today the path to entrepreneurship is almost natural for an Instagrammer.

An example is the account of Doug the Pug, one of the largest representatives of his field.

When selling your own products, you will no longer need to worry about the consistency of your posts with the existing image. Especially if the brand itself is formed from the products you sell.

Subscribers and fans will be able to support you and show love through purchases of things.

There are some ways to start such an activity:

  • You can use a print-on-demand service to sell and ship customized T-shirts, tableware, pillows, wall posters, and other similar items.
  • You can sell your services - for example, photo shoots or consultations. And to redirect users to your website, use the account description.
  • You can start selling digital products. As an example - courses, design templates or even e-books.
  • You can use your Instagram account to start a business selling a specific product, like a book.

Selling your photos

You can also become famous on Twitter by posting jokes in 140 characters. However, Instagram is an application with a main visual component. And images are assets that can later be licensed, printed and sold.

If it was your passion for photography that brought you to Instagram, you can post your work on sales platforms such as 500px or Twenty20, where publishers and other companies can purchase them by paying a license.

You can also sell your photos as prints on physical products. To simplify this activity, even special services like Printful and Teelaunch have appeared, which allow you to overlay images on posters, cases, pillows and other physical goods. The platforms will take care of fulfilling orders and interacting with customers. And all you have to do is promote and sell.

Particularly interesting in this regard is the story of Daniel Arnold, who earned $15,000 in one day by selling products with his popular photography works. So if there is already a demand for your photographic work, all that remains to be done is to take the initiative and offer it to your audience.

Just do it (and get paid)

What starts as a hobby, simple fun or a funny photo shoot of your cat can be turned into a profitable business. Instagram is seriously expanding the field of activity of users.

This is a world of opportunities to earn money and a way to interact with a large online audience, whose members constantly look through the feed and cannot pass by a good post. You just need to open the door and enter this world.

Let's sum it up

Creativity and hard work are your friends. which will help you make money on Instagram. You can sell physical products, post interesting photos, live streams and videos. In addition, you can start selling services. If you sell physical products, consider using the dropshipping model. It is convenient and allows you to save a lot of effort and money.

How much money can you make on Instagram?

It depends on what you are selling, as well as the business strategy you choose and the marketing tactics you use. If you are a complete beginner, then it is unlikely that your income will be large or even average. However, as your account grows in popularity, there is no limit to your income. Especially if you are familiar with marketing firsthand.

How can you increase your income on Instagram?

Learn from successful and popular Instagrammers and bloggers. Combine what you learned from them with your own strengths. Use marketing strategies, publish spectacular photos and use post styling. Try to use as many features of the platform as possible: post photos every day, create competitions, write comments, follow other accounts and just be active. Finally, create a truly strong and useful product and maintain good service.

It may take several weeks or months to achieve a permanent income. So you shouldn’t quit your main job right away. And with many successful retailers earning seven figures, dropshipping is worth a look. This could be a great start.

Greetings, readers of my blog site!

If you are reading this article, then you are seriously puzzled by the question - how to make money on Instagram from subscribers.

With the rapid growth of this social network, new ways to earn money appear every day. You must understand that the main principle of any kind online earnings is to create a flow of traffic. Where there is a large number of people, there is definitely money there. Gathering around you target audience, you will receive not only fame, but also the opportunity to receive stable passive income. You can monetize traffic and followers on Instagram in various ways - from affiliate programs and sales to advertising placements. What ways can you make money from followers and where to start - that’s what we’ll talk about today.

Earning money on Instagram

If you want to attract people’s attention, then it is important not only to use promotion methods, but also to be an interesting, creative and extraordinary person, share valuable information or mood with people, create truly effective, bright, memorable and intriguing content. For account promotion, high-quality, colorful and unusual photographs and their original presentation are of no small importance. If at first there were only photographs from people’s everyday lives on Instagram, now, just like on VKontakte, jokes, quotes, recipes, advice, reflections, and business products are increasingly found.

The choice of direction for account development is limited only by the flight of your imagination. The most important thing is to find your niche and your audience who will be interested in watching and reading it. Then your posts will bring the maximum number of likes and receive great response from the public, and accordingly generate money. To promote your account, use mass liking, following, popular hashtags, official targeted advertising that is set up through Facebook, placing advertising posts on all available platforms, buying followers.

How much money can you make on Instagram?

Earnings largely depend on the number of fans, the promotion of the account, user activity, and the chosen methods of monetizing the page. You can easily earn from one to several hundred thousand rubles per month from Instagram subscribers. On average 1 advertising placement costs from 100 rubles. If you publish at least 2 posts a day, you can earn more than 6,000 rubles per month.

How many subscribers do you need to get to start making money on Instagram?

Opportunities for making money on Instagram, as in any other social network, depend on promotion, user traffic to the account, and the number of likes. How many subscribers do you need to collect to start making money on Instagram? The minimum number of followers depends on the chosen method of earning money. On the Plibber site you can start making money with any number of subscribers. The database contains an account with 293 subscribers and a post cost of 20 rubles. However, when choosing a suitable platform for posting, advertisers look not only at the number of participants, but also at their activity and advertising coverage. To receive the first orders, it is desirable to have at least 1000 subscribers.

Coupon services for making money from subscribers

  • - 10% of the coupon sold.

Referral systems for making money on Instagram

Share tips with your subscribers in the area in which you are an expert, and unobtrusively offer to follow a referral link. Your “fans” will not even guess that you are making money from them. As referral programs, you can choose anything - from coupon sites and training courses to services for SEO specialists. The most important thing is that the topic is relevant to your audience. For example, information products will work great in a business theme, services for booking hotels and purchasing air tickets in a travel theme, and discount coupons for the purchase of clothes, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, gifts and other things in a women’s theme.

Here are examples of affiliate programs where you can earn money by attracting referrals:

  • - air tickets (rate 5%);
  • - Travel store (receive up to 3% of the cost of the paid tour) and others.

Affiliate programs in CPA networks

Participate in affiliate programs and receive a percentage of sales through CPA systems. By placing a photo with a referral link in the description to sell trending products, you can receive up to 30-40% of sales revenue. CPA networks are intermediary platforms that help advertisers find services that will attract traffic and increase sales. On such sites, specific targeted actions are paid - submitting an application, calling, purchasing, registering, etc. The publisher (webmaster, owner of the site on social networks) hosts promotional offer and receives payment for the targeted action potential buyers. Instagram account owners will be able to choose a variety of offers for advertising that match the interests of the audience (products, applications, information products, entertainment, games, services, etc.). The most popular and trusted affiliate sites:

  • and others.

Earning money from Aliexpress

This method is perfect for those people who are considered style icons in the media, as well as bloggers. You will be able to place advertisements with an overview of purchases made on Aliexpress and referral links to products and receive up to 10-30% of the amount for which your followers buy goods. Partnership cooperation with Aliexpress it is possible through intermediary CPA networks:

  • (rate 8.5%);
  • is an online platform that cooperates with top online stores (6% commission on completed orders). Here you can receive cashback (return of a percentage of your purchase).

How to make money by posting advertising posts and links on Instagram?

  • - the minimum cost of an advertising post on this site is from 30 rubles. Average prices, depending on the number of subscriptions and audience activity, range from 30 to 18,000 rubles.

Selling your goods or services

You can use Instagram to sell your own services and products. This theme is perfect for those who do handmade work, freelancers, private tutors, webmasters, information businessmen and all people who work for themselves. A well-promoted account will help beginning entrepreneurs find their first clients.

Selling a promoted Instagram account

Selling a promoted account is another way to make money from attracted subscribers. If you are a master at promoting accounts on Instagram, then you can make money from this by selling popular platforms.

The social network is not only a great place to share photos and communicate, but also a wonderful marketplace. It's no secret that popular personalities use their Insta account to make money. If you ask any successful blogger what profit depends on, you will get the following answer: the number of followers. In this material we will figure out how many subscribers you need on Instagram to earn money. We will also look at ways to generate income from your personal page on a social network.

The Instagram media platform is focused on publishing photos and short videos. Posts appear in the feeds of people who decide to follow your profile. If a person has several thousand fans, then they can become potential clients for various stores and other resources. There are advertising exchanges on the Internet where advertisers find suitable platforms, in our case these are bloggers’ pages.

When choosing a suitable candidate, the customer analyzes the profile using special services. The following data is important to him:

  • City and country. If an advertiser wants to talk about a restaurant or cafe located in Moscow, then residents of the capital should know about it. The customer will check where the main percentage of your audience lives.
  • Age and gender. For example, let's take the most popular profile in Russia. More than 80% of her audience are young girls. On such a page it is beneficial to post posts about cosmetics, beauty salons, perfumes, etc.
  • Activity. If all the followers are “bought”, then they will not regularly like your publications, and there will also be a minimum of comments under such posts. It is important for an advertiser that the page is “alive”.

A person has gained an audience of 2000 people and wants to know how much he will receive. Valid here standard rule: Quality is more important than quantity. If you are followed by real people who correspond in the comments under publications, like them and regularly view your posts, then 1000 users will be enough. If a profile has 50 thousand bots subscribed to it, the customer will know about it.

A novice blogger needs to understand that Instagram is a platform with high commercial indicators. It’s easier to promote your product and earn money here compared to Odnoklassniki or VKontakte.

If you have a large audience or have plans to become a blogger, you need to know about the sources of income that are present on Insta. Let's start with the main thing - Affiliate programs. You need to find products that overlap with the theme of your profile. For example, you love traveling; trip reports and beautiful landscapes regularly appear in your feed. You can collaborate with stores that sell travel gear by posting links in your profile. Every click and purchase is a guaranteed profit for you.

There is only one pitfall here - active links on Instagram can only be placed in the profile description. It is possible to place addresses under photographs and videos, but such links will not be active; the user will need to copy it and paste it into address bar browser.

The affiliate program is beneficial for account owners with a large audience that fits the topic. If the majority of your followers are tourists, then the chance of making a profit with affiliate links increases noticeably.

A simpler and more popular option is Sponsored Publications. Way the easier it is that the money arrives immediately - you just need to post the desired photo and add a prepared description. You make a profit, no matter whether sales increase or not. In social networks, such earnings are called Sponsored Posts. In order for your account to attract such “sponsors” you must have many living followers.

The requirements will be strict: there must be a lot of activity on the page, the audience must correspond to the service or product being promoted. So, how many subscribers do you need to make money on Instagram from advertising? The audience should be large - 3-4 thousand will be the initial threshold. The higher this number, the greater the chance of attracting sponsors. Typically, popular bloggers do not need to search for orders - advertisers independently find them and write to them in a personal message.

How much do they earn from followers on Instagram?

You can promote your business through Instagram - this is the most profitable way to generate income from the social network. Business account owners use two types of publications:

  1. Interesting moments from the life of the organization.
  2. Satisfied customers who have used the service or chosen your product.

If you decide to promote services or a specific product, it is not necessary to have a large audience. It is important that you can create motivating photos and descriptions for your posts. Another important point: publications should not look like intrusive adware. We have studied the main ways to make money on Instagram from subscribers.

It is worth creating an account to distribute certain goods or services if you have an online store or a ready-made platform. You won’t be able to negotiate a sale directly on Insta - it’s inconvenient. The exception is the sale of photographs, but only professionals can handle this activity. Photo masters sell directly on their profile. The scheme is extremely simple:

  • You took an amazing photo and want to sell it.
  • Add watermarks to your photo and post your images.
  • When sold, the watermark is removed.

The sale of such materials should be considered as Additional income. The last method is to sell accounts. This is illegal, but we have no real “punishments”.

How many subscribers do you need to have to make money on Instagram?

Beginning bloggers with an audience of 500-1000 followers can safely charge $50-100 for a sponsored post. Successful bloggers with several thousand followers require $150-250. There are no real statistics, since the issue is discussed directly with the customer.

It is important for a potential customer that the followers are real, because he is interested in attracting new clients. Take care of the quality of your social network profile. We figured out how many subscribers you should have on Instagram to make money. The main thing is to make a firm decision that you want to make a profit from the media platform. Take the matter seriously - this is the basis for success in any endeavor.

Every year Instagram is growing at a breakneck pace. This is the most active social network where huge amounts of money are circulating.

Please note that almost all show business stars, entrepreneurs, politicians, and athletes have their own on Insta. People love Instagram because of the easy way to share photos and short videos- stories.

There are very few reposts of other people’s pictures and thoughts here, as there are on VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki. This means that people are better involved in advertising and are happy to spend money on goods and services.

Based on personal experience, I will show you with simple examples how to make money on Instagram and promote your business.

There are entrepreneurs who have a great product, but they don’t know how to advertise. And there are webmasters who know how to set up advertising, but do not have their own product. Find such a person and partner with him.

If you want to make money like this, you need to master all the promotion tools.

  • Targeted advertising
  • Mass liking
  • Massfollowing
  • Collaboration

Over time, you will create a full-fledged marketing agency for comprehensive promotion on Instagram. This service is in demand in the market.

If you don’t know where to find customers yet, then practice your skills on affiliate programs. Choose a product you like and start promoting it.

Cases of making money on affiliate programs through Instagram

3. Earning money from advertising

But in order for advertisers to start buying advertising, you need to have a subscriber base. Some time ago, advertisers ordered advertising only from large bloggers, for example, Olga Buzova, Ksenia Borodina, and so on. The audience of such bloggers has millions of subscribers. At first, advertising paid for itself, but now it works worse and worse, and the price for one advertising post for such a blogger is at least 250,000 rubles.

Advertising with major bloggers costs hundreds of thousands of rubles

Now advertisers, on the contrary, are looking for small niche bloggers with an active audience. They are also called influencers. Their advertising is inexpensive, and the effect is good. So don't be afraid of competition. Promote your profile and earn money from advertising.

Advertisers look not at the number of subscribers, but at the activity in the account. How many likes and comments do photos get and how many views do videos get. This is the main indicator for the customer. You can start making money from advertising on Instagram from 30,000 subscribers.

But keep in mind that it is better to gain subscribers honestly. And many resort to cheating accounts for the sake of likes and views. Do not do that. Work honestly and there will be results. There are already services on the market that show whether a profile is inflated or not.

When I started promoting my wife’s Instagram, I expected to make money exclusively from advertising. But practice has shown that the income from selling your services brings in many times more more money and now we 100% refuse advertising to everyone. This is another plus to your profile and your subscriber base!

4. Account promotion

Another interesting way earnings, which allows you not to take responsibility for sales. For example, when you negotiate with an entrepreneur about promotion, he will only be interested in orders or leads. If for some reason there are no sales, then you will remain to blame. Usually newbies burn out on this. They promise the client leads and orders, but do not deliver them in the promised volume. As a result, relationships and reputation deteriorate.

When you take on account promotion, you are responsible only for the number of subscribers and their activity. Responsibilities will also include laying out and designing posts with descriptions. You may need it if you don’t know how to write engaging texts.

It costs at least 10,000 rubles to promote one client. Practice shows that it is possible to maintain up to 10 accounts at the same time. You can earn 100,000 rubles a month from such promotion. To scale your business, you will have to hire and train employees. This Internet profession is called: “Instagram Administrator” or “Social Network Administrator”.

5. Earning money from Giveaway competitions

Organizing and conducting Giveaway competitions is a very profitable business. For top bloggers, an advertising post costs hundreds of thousands of rubles. Not everyone can afford such a budget for promotion. And it’s not a fact that advertising will work and pay off.

The essence of a giveaway is that the organizer negotiates with a major blogger about an advertising post with a drawing of valuable prizes, such as iPhones, sea trips and even cars. The main condition of such a competition is that you must subscribe to all sponsors’ accounts, and there can be 60–70 of them.

After the agreed conditions, the organizer collects sponsors. The entrance ticket to such a competition reaches 50,000 rubles. 70 * 50,000 = 3,500,000 rubles. This money is used to buy prizes. For example, 10 iPhones, 1 tour to Thailand, and so on.

How much the organizer keeps for himself remains behind the scenes. Who has any appetites? But organizing such competitions earns at least 500,000 rubles a month. Since in one month it is possible to hold two or three competitions.

6. Unobvious ways to make money

For bloggers, likes, comments and views are a pain. Smart Tape Instagram is cutting off its reach with an algorithm that no one knows about. I mentioned above that advertisers look at these metrics.

If you come up with a way to increase your activity rate, you will make money from it. There are many promotion services, but they require technical skills to create them.

I recently came across an account that offers an interesting service. The user is asked to pay 1200 rubles and join private chat, where there are more than a hundred bloggers with subscribers of 100,000 or more. A link to the Instagram post that needs to be promoted is thrown into the chat. All these bloggers like and comment on the post.

Thanks to the authority of such large accounts, the post immediately ends up in the recommended feed. Being in the feed increases your reach and views. If the account is interesting and useful, then some people will subscribe and become new clients completely free of charge.

You can make money by organizing such a chat. It doesn't require any technical skills. You take the money for yourself. You earn money, and bloggers get their comments and likes.

7. Earning money from Likes, subscriptions and comments

For people who just came to the Internet to earn money, this method may be suitable. I want to warn you right away that you won’t be able to make a lot of money on it. They don't pay enough for it.

In the sixth method, it was mentioned about getting likes and comments. Cheating occurs due to people who register in special services and perform simple tasks.

  • Subscription to Instagram – 1 rub.
  • Like – 1 rub.