How to make money with your mind or make money from knowledge. How to make money with your own intelligence

How to make money smartly on your own knowledge? There is a student help website for this. Where can you earn money as a performer of student work...

Hello, dear friends.

With you is your guide to making money on the Internet and today we will help you find additional income people who studied well at university, but never found application for their knowledge in the real world. It often happens that you gain knowledge in one area, but work in a completely different one, and so that the time spent on studying somehow pays off, I will tell you how to make money with your mind on the Internet. I also recommend reading this article teachers who want to acquire an additional source of income because they are not satisfied with the current salary. Earning money from their own knowledge will come in handy for them more than ever.

So, I present to your attention a website for helping students -. The service works according to the rule “One wants to place an order, the other is ready to fulfill it” and there are no intermediaries. This approach has a positive effect on prices (which definitely pleases students). Here prices are much lower than on similar projects where intermediaries are present, since they include their share in the price.

On this site, students place a variety of orders: tests, essays, coursework, dissertations, laboratory papers, etc. Finding an income will not be difficult. Moreover, you will set the price for completing the work yourself. True, the customer may not agree with the price and choose another contractor, but that’s a completely different story.

Approximate prices for student work.

As with any other project, it all starts with registration. Everything is simple here. First, fill out the standard form.

After this, you will receive an email with a short resume that you need to fill out (required). This is necessary so that the system, according to your resume (where you indicate the items being performed), notifies you about new orders.

How to search for an order and which one is better to choose? There is nothing complicated here either. There is a section “Search for orders”, in which you will find a list of all active orders.

Each order has detailed description, buttons and tabs, thanks to which you can communicate directly with, offer your prices, transfer files and the like. Everything is intuitive there, so let's move straight to the moment when the customer chooses you as a contractor.

So, you have been chosen as a contractor, the customer has made payment (the system will notify you if this happens). Now you need to go to the website and click the “Confirm” button if you agree to complete the order. If you do not want to accept the order, then click on the “Refuse” button.

Once you start completing the task, you should remember that the site has a system of ratings and reviews, so you must try to meet the deadlines for submission and revision. Your reputation on the project will depend on this. I think there is no need to explain that when choosing a performer, reputation plays a key role. Here is an example of a good performer.
So, you have completed the work and sent it to the client (to send, use the “Files” tab). Of course, you are waiting for payment, but you will not receive it until the warranty expires or until the customer goes to the site and clicks the “Remove Warranty” button.

The fact is that the project contains such a concept as “ Secure transaction " The “Everything Passed” service is a guarantor of the security of all transactions between the customer and the contractor, so you can be sure that you will receive your hard-earned money. Just as a student can be sure that his order will be fulfilled, otherwise the system will return the money in full.

Withdrawal of funds

Then, of course, the question should have arisen: how to withdraw the money you earned? To do this, you need to go to the “Account” section, click on “Withdraw” and submit a withdrawal request. You can withdraw money either to electronic payment systems: Qiwi, Yandex.Money, or to your balance or to bank card. Within 3 days you will receive your money. Why so long? The fact is that withdrawal requests are not processed in automatic mode, but manually.

That's all, friends. This is the whole process of making money with your own mind on the “I Passed Everything” project. Nothing complicated, the main thing is to complete all orders efficiently and on time, thereby increasing your rating. A good reputation will allow you to receive highly paid orders.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. on blog updates, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead.

Whatever a person does, as long as he knows how to earn a living.

Many citizens are interested in how to make money in Russia with their minds. Everyone is capable of working with their hands. And such activity, firstly, is not of interest to everyone, and secondly, it is not suitable for everyone. In addition, this question is often raised when a part-time job is needed. The Internet and its possibilities come to the rescue! This is where everyone, regardless of their location, can make at least some profit. And at the same time use your own knowledge and skills. Earn money with your mind now! Top tips and recommendations are presented to our attention. Maybe you will find something really interesting among them specifically for you.

Where to begin

True, it is best to prepare before this. Especially if you are going to make a profit on the Internet constantly or on a regular basis. It doesn't matter which way. The main thing is that work on the Internet will happen repeatedly.

Making money with your mind is not so difficult. But before that, it is recommended to prepare for the process. First of all, be sure to get yourself online wallet. It will be useful for enumeration electronic money followed by cashing them out (if you wish). "WebMoney" or "PayPal" are perfect. The first option is in great demand.

Secondly, it is advisable to create a work account on social networks. One that will help you work on the Internet. It is better not to use a regular account so that you are not disturbed when you are resting. This item is optional, unlike the previous one.

Thirdly, if you are thinking about how to make money in Russia with your own mind, and even on the Internet, it would be a good idea to register as an individual entrepreneur. This option is relevant for those who plan to constantly operate their business and make a profit. In general, registration for this moment is not necessary; online earnings are very difficult to track. That's why many people "omit" this feature. If your profit is small, no individual entrepreneur is needed, but if you earn a lot, in order to avoid problems with the tax authorities, you will have to become an individual entrepreneur. You can work "simplified".

It is also recommended to get yourself a plastic jar debit card. And link it to one or another account. Withdrawing money from an electronic wallet to plastic is much easier than registering it remittance. All this was invented for the convenience of citizens.


How to make money in Russia with your mind? This question interests many. After you are prepared to make money on the Internet, you can decide on the direction of your activity. It is this topic that causes a lot of controversy, disagreement and problems.

Working on the Internet is an activity that is practically unlimited. Especially if we're talking about about the use and application of intellectual abilities and knowledge. The first and not the most honest option is suitable for those who are especially cunning and resourceful. We are talking about fraud.

You can make money smartly on the Internet by scamming people out of money. For example, it is enough to create a “fake” website that represents an investment company. Or post employment advertisements (that you are looking for employees to work from home), and then ask for an insurance premium to ensure the potential employee's integrity. There are a lot of fraudulent schemes, you can try to implement any of them. But this is not recommended. After all, usually, when people think about how they can make money smartly on the Internet, we are talking about more honest methods.


Which ones? There are a lot of options. And everyone can choose something worthwhile for themselves. Earning money on the Internet itself is divided into many categories. Beginner users can try surfing the Internet.

We are talking about the so-called viewing of advertising for money. Often, when thinking about how to make money in Russia with your own mind using the Internet, this is the option that beginners choose. It's simple - you look at websites and advertisements, and you just get paid for it. Not a lot of money, but it's better than nothing at all.

Internet surfing a month on average can bring you 2-3 thousand rubles in income. This is subject to permanent job. For a schoolboy or a woman on maternity leave it is very a good option. You need to find a special exchange (site) that offers to make money from advertising, register there, link an e-wallet to your account and watch commercials and services. Most often they choose to work on several exchanges; it is not that difficult. The leaders at the moment are: SeoSprint, VipIP, Wmmail. Registration is free, there is always work.


Make money smartly right now! To do this using the Internet, you can use a method such as organizing online sales. This option is most often used by sales managers. Real people who sell something in stores.

Usually it is enough to simply advertise a product on social networks and the Internet (most often we are talking about cosmetics, household chemicals and products for children), place orders and receive interest from them. Not everyone can do this kind of work, and the competition here is huge. Rather, it’s not even making money smartly, but just a trick that helps you make a profit from your main job. So there is no need to focus on this.

Web design and programming

Make money smartly on the Internet? Easily! Especially if you have knowledge in web programming and design. And in general in any computer activity. You can simply offer your services on social networks, on various thematic forums, and on message boards.

Most often, people in Russia make a living by creating websites, promoting them, and also creating any programs. The option is very profitable, but not suitable for everyone. If you have no knowledge of computers and programming, then this method is not for you. There is no need to be upset; there are various other approaches to solving the problem.

Abstracts and diplomas

How to make money in Russia with your own mind, and even using the Internet? The next option is already suitable for everyone. In any case, everything is in your hands. It's no secret that knowledge usually sells well. And you can take advantage of this.

Writing dissertations and dissertations is a good way to earn money. coursework. This also includes creating abstracts, solving homework and tests, and compiling laboratory tests. Just what many people need - schoolchildren and students. A profitable business that usually does not require much effort from you.

What is needed to implement it? Find a customer (you can use special exchanges like “5+”), then complete the work, send it and receive your money. Good way both for the main income and for part-time work. Can be used even by schoolchildren and students. The main thing is to know what you are writing about.


Earn money with your mind right now! If you have time, as well as a wealth of life experience and knowledge, you can direct them in the right direction. The main type of work on the Internet is the so-called hired one. This usually happens with the help of special freelancer exchanges. You register, find a customer, perform work in one direction or another, and receive payment.

What can you sell this way? Most often these are original photographs, as well as master classes and recipes. But the most popular direction is the sale of texts. Copywriting and rewriting are what bring huge profits to many. And it is not necessary to have higher education, it is enough just to have knowledge in a particular area.

Where is the best place to start? On freelance exchanges. The services “Advego”, Etxt, TextSale are now extremely popular. Here you can sell ready-made texts and find a customer on a specific topic. So from now on it’s clear how to make money in Russia with your mind. Choose any of the methods and then implement it. In general, it is copywriting and rewriting that brings the greatest profit. After all, you really sell your knowledge, just in the form of texts.

Social network

Another option is to work on social networks. Usually this does not apply to making money with your own knowledge. You register for special services, which issue tasks for social networks. For example, like, subscribe to a user, or repost a post.

This method is good for schoolchildren and beginners. It does not require any investment or special knowledge. True, you will be able to make a profit of no more than 1,000 rubles per month. But this is enough for a start. How to make money with your mind? There are many options! You can bring any of your ideas to life!

Questions about how and where to make money, what kind of business to open, how to get a job in a large company and make a career, whether you can live by working remotely, or turn your hobby into cash flow, concern millions of people.

And we give an affirmative answer to all these questions - yes, it is possible. But we do not limit ourselves to a short abstract yes, but offer you dozens of tips, recommendations, options for making money, starting your own business, and monetizing any business you are involved in.

Here you will find recommendations on traditional types of business, such as apartment buildings, and the mostmodern business ideas, extremely profitable new products such as cryptocurrency. Earning money on social networks computer games, turning your favorite hobbies into a source of income, etc.

As well as training courses andself-education, which will improve your qualifications, open up new horizons and opportunities, and allow you to claim significantly higher earnings. Read, learn, and most importantly, put it into practice. There is a lot of money in the world, and it’s up to you how much to take.

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How to make money in intellectual games, when the definition of a game has many interpretations, but the process of social development is built on a meaningful understanding of the experience of past years, therefore conscious actions (intellectual reflections) can be reflected in games, and the option to make money from them can be considered as the first commercial steps .

How to make money in intellectual games - the semantic definition of the word “game”

When the combination of words “intellectual game” is mentioned, most people associate games such as checkers, chess, solving charades, riddles, and other associations. It should be noted that the task of an intellectual game is to develop a person’s thought processes, to increase his knowledge base and erudition in many issues not related to his professional activities.

A lot of meanings of the concept “game” are reflected in a variety of literature, how to make money in intellectual games, taking into account the definition of the word “game”, since it is present in all of our lives. Elements of the game can be observed in the process of relaxation, when a person is engaged in creative work (creates playfully), with the help of the game philosophy, many people can realize themselves; it also determines the level of culture of society.

The Dahl dictionary, known to many experts, interprets the definition of “game” as: “... engaging in any type of activity for fun, making fun of something, talking jokingly...”.

The popular understanding of the game is defined as:

    collection large number people in one place;

    a social gathering for fun;

    entertainment events;

    military struggle;

    presenting something on the street;

    do something for your own entertainment;

    any leisure activity that evokes positive emotions.

Intellectual game

Very often a person is mistaken when looking for an answer to the question of how to make money in intellectual games, accepting the proposed game as some kind of invented gameplay that has a theoretical justification. Modern definitions exist for different types games: role-playing games, didactic and sports games, holiday and war games, other games.

For a long time, intellectual games were perceived as playing chess, but V.Ya. Voroshilov. a new approach to understanding the intellectual game was proposed, ─ the program “What? Where? When?".

Experts are now clarifying the definition of when a game process can be called “intellectual”, this:

    The code in the game contains gaming and educational elements of human actions that can develop thinking and increase the ability to analyze something. Right now, intellectual games are often used to find solutions in some narrow area of ​​human knowledge.

    The ability to collectively find answers to questions posed, to solve a non-standard situation.

    This is a game process where success can only be achieved through the intelligence and thinking abilities of the participants in inadequate and sometimes extreme situations.

    The definition of elements of an intellectual game includes the mandatory use of memory and thinking. Experts attribute the following to the content of an intellectual game:

    the presence of real objects or drawings in the game;

    symbolic display of objects;

    game understanding of words, semantics;

    behavioral elements of the game participants.

The meaning of the definition of “intellectual game” is necessary to create television shows on which you can make money, or make software products for the Internet.

How to make money online, playfully using your mind

How to make money in intellectual games worries many Internet users, or how to get some symbolic prizes (satisfaction of pride) for a game of this type: online mode“Own game”, and other intellectual games.

There are several resources available to users on the Internet that specialize in intellectual games. The prizes in them are monetary rewards for winning. It is necessary to understand that fraud exists on the Internet, so you can invest money in the game, and not be able to withdraw the prize amount.

Let's consider the online resources offered by the network, intellectual games, this:

    The resource m 4i, which experts define as “incomprehensible”, there is no clear time limit, if previously they played on it for money, now only for points, but you can feel like an expert, the quiz is like a game, answer the question correctly within a certain time.

    It is recommended to visit the resource, it is rated “excellent” by experts, here you can really win money with your mind, all operations are transparent. There are a lot of questions, 20 seconds are given to decide on the answer, there is an opportunity to practice the gameplay. The resource withdraws money at the user’s request to an electronic WMZ account WebMoney systems. There are competitions where you can get bonuses, these are cents that are credited to your game account, then you can play on them when you have enough money to start. You can win several tens of dollars in a month.

You can make money in intellectual games by investing certain amounts of money in them, which are the entrance bets. There are a lot of quizzes online that are recommended to be taken collectively, but if you are confident in your abilities, try them on your own. Let's consider the legal aspect of intellectual games.

Legality of making money in intellectual games

How to make money in intellectual games is a question that interests many potentially literate people, in addition to satisfying the need to confirm their own knowledge of seekers and additional opportunity make a profit. In addition, there are specialists who can do software products─ intellectual games, they are also interested in the question of the legality of this activity.

According to legal experts, the legislation of the Russian Federation regulates gambling, Law No. 244 of the Russian Federation of 2006. You need to understand the difference between sports games, gambling and intellectual games.

To do this, it is proposed to consider the main features of these games, so:

    in gambling, the main feature is considered to be the presence of risk for the participant;

    intellectual games have the main feature ─ knowledge of the participants in the game process;

    sports games based on the ability to achieve physical indicators and team victories.

The classification of games, article No. 2, pages 37-40, does not take into account games such as: tournament poker, sports dominoes, preference, backgammon ─ intellectually commercial games, when competitions take place between players, and not with a gaming establishment.

The result of successful actions in intellectual games depends on the knowledge of the playing participants, their skills, acquired skills, experience, and ability to carry out analytical calculations over a period of time. Not everyone can successfully play intellectual games, but a person who has erudition, a flexible mind, and education.

What types of intellectual games can you make money on?

How to make money in mind games to have additional source profit is not an idle question that concerns most intellectuals, when it is possible to make money with a computer and intelligence.

Despite many definitions, the law of the Russian Federation prohibits gambling; there is a significant difference between a commercial, intellectual game and a gambling game, but there are also similarities. The similarity is only in one thing, this is the use of monetary reward as a winning result, but in the game’s intellectual process, this is obtained only by using one’s mental abilities, and in gambling Much depends on fortune (luck), but in other ways little depends on the person playing.

How to make money on quizzes

Internet resources offer many game processes with monetary rewards for answering questions, these are quizzes. It may not even be a gaming site that conducts them; the main point of this game is to provide the resource with the most accurate answer in a shorter period of time. The prize fund is formed from player bets, which are available to most users; usually, small amounts are awarded for winning.

The reward system for almost all resources is structured as follows::

    the initial bet is around 10 rubles;

    a victory will bring about 7-8 rubles to the investment amount, a total of 17-18 rubles.

Typically, participants in such quizzes are offered general issues for erudition, they are simple, it is important to give an answer faster than other participants. If you are participating in a game where the initial payment is about 1 thousand rubles, you can receive a prize reward of about 10 thousand rubles for a correct, timely answer that has a detailed form. To win, you must have an extensive level of knowledge in various fields.

Commercial - intellectual game of checkers

How to make money in intellectual games, online using the Internet, this can be done by playing checkers. Of course, here you need to understand how to act in this game, know the rules, and most importantly, be able to play it.

    studying special literature that shows different variations of the game - checkers;

    make training games on “online” resources offering free options fights;

    start playing at small stakes, from 1 ruble or from $1 conventional unit, when the % of wins is greater than the losses, proceed to the next step;

    With the passage of time and stable play in plus, you can reach the initial bets of $1000 conventional units.

You need to understand that your opponents at large bets can be professionals in this game; constantly improve your level.

How to make money playing chess

All experts recognize that when answering the question of how to make money in intellectual games ─ chess, you must have the skills of mathematical analysis of the situation, calculating moves ahead, and the psychology of the opponent’s behavior.

    learning the basics of chess;

    training on free resources;

    always open the game cycle, calculate the win percentage when it is 50/50%, try resources with minimal bets;

    The largest reward for winning is received on foreign resources; access is open to Russian users.

Experts analyze that the reward for winning on different resources is not the same; it could be 500 rubles or several thousand, or it could be 3-4 thousand conventional units.

How to make money playing poker

Expert assessments have determined that the luck required for this game is not the main indicator, but it is necessary to be able to quickly do mathematical calculations. Experts have also determined that most players cannot fully understand the gameplay. different combinations. There is also a special terminology, “fish” ─ a person who is an amateur of the game, not a professional, he has statistics that are more negative than winning. About 25% of people who play poker understand the gameplay but don't have time to play it often. Only 5% are called “regular” visitors to the gaming resource.

    do not play in large tournaments with high stakes;

    You cannot play with a hangover or while drunk;

    Always, if possible, consult with friends about the gameplay;

    You cannot bet your last money in the game.

A systematic approach to learning the game can give you an additional profit of 300-400 thousand rubles in 2-4 years. Successful poker players, on a global scale, receive tens and hundreds of thousands of conventional units from their victories. You should always understand that a successful winner of major tournaments, too, once started, and did so by taking training in the game.

Let's play and earn

How to make money in intellectual games, experts answer this ─ very simply, since many well-known games have moved to the world of the Internet, such as: “Club of Connoisseurs”, as well as the popular Yakubovich drum. The simplicity of the gameplay lies in the fact that the basic rules of the game and what needs to be done are familiar to many users; no additional explanation is needed.

    In the game “What? Where? When?”, you need to have the desire and time to create a team of players, stable internet and a computer. The online rules allow up to 24 hours for finding a solution to the question posed. We need to set a time for a team discussion about it. As a rule, the compilers of the question database select such topics of questions and they are compiled in such a way that the answer cannot be found by simply entering it into an Internet search engine. Peculiarities:

    As in real game there may be spectators, but they cannot take part in the discussion;

    the game organizer does not have the ability to fulfill full control players' compliance with the rules is a minus of the game;

    no age restrictions.

    The television show “Field of Miracles” can also be found online, when the virtual money won is transferred into real money by cashing it out.

    There are many resources with the game “Riddles”, when the participant must come up with a riddle that other participants in the gameplay guess; if they cannot guess, a sum of money is credited to the player’s account for the wrong answer, usually 3-5 rubles. Before posting your own riddle, you must guess 1 on the resource according to the conditions of the resource; attempts to give the correct answer cost from 3 rubles.

Every person will be interested in receiving a source of profit, which is also interesting to him, when playing an intellectual game you can get both money and pleasure. One cannot but agree with experts that these are educational games; for many, training is required to get decent income, others are based on the erudition of the player and require broadening his horizons.

One thing is certain: it is possible to combine gaming processes and main work activities. The advantage of this type of additional profit is the absence of irritating factors, such as anger and misunderstanding of the game process; usually a person playing intellectual games is always in a positive mindset.

This article does not encourage you to play games for money or make money from so-called mind games; this article is for informational purposes only.

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. On this page I want to touch on a rather relevant and pressing topic of making money on the Internet. There are quite a few ways to make money online, but not all of them are ideal and not all of them will be equally useful and effective.

I’ll say right away that for the full implementation of some of the options described below, it is advisable to have your own website, and the amount of income will largely depend directly on it.

No, of course, you can make money on the Internet without having your own website, but there are two possible nuances here. Firstly, the income in most cases will be several times - or even an order of magnitude - less than if you use your own, well-promoted Internet project ().

Secondly, having your own Internet resource, most of the income can be attributed to the so-called passive income. That is, you can safely go on vacation, and the flow of money will practically not decrease.

How to make money on the Internet without investment

I probably foresee your skepticism about the fact that you can earn something on the Internet. Many people shout about this on almost every corner, and when it comes to specific amounts expressed in monetary terms, it turns out that these amounts are extremely small, and the work that will need to be done for this is extremely monotonous and tedious.

Yes, that’s true - it’s practically impossible to have a high income online without having certain qualifications. Moreover, as in real life unskilled labor is very, very low valued and, accordingly, paid. But nevertheless, now, from the height of the years I have lived on the Internet, I can responsibly declare that there is money there, and there is it in quite large quantities.

Moreover, I think that the best option is the one that allows receive income without preliminary investments. It often happens that there is simply nowhere to get these same investments, and all fraudulent schemes for making money online are based on taking away a certain amount from you and then scamming you.

Therefore, in the future we will consider methods that will allow us to do it either without investments at all, or by reducing them to a minimum. Later, when your website (and I strongly recommend creating it) begins to generate stable and tangible income, you can spend part of the proceeds on investments in your web project, thereby increasing the amount of future income. But these will no longer be investments, but...

Let's add a little more lyrics and unexpectedly flooded memories. I remembered my first penny in the “unreal world” quite clearly and in detail...

Contacted me on e-mail girl and offered to place a guard (a link to the project she is promoting) at the beginning of a new article on my blog. She asked me about the price, but I was not interested in this and therefore suggested that she set the price herself.

In the end, we agreed on 40 rubles, and this became my first money earned in. You know, the amount is not impressive, but, damn it, it was so unusual to receive forty rubles for nothing. It was precisely the feeling that money fell from the sky (I absolutely couldn’t believe at that moment that it was real). Somehow unusual and damn nice.

The second time I experienced the same feeling was when, finally, for the first time I managed to cash out an amount from the current account of an individual entrepreneur through an ATM (it was one thing when these were numbers on a computer screen, and quite another when they nevertheless materialized into real banknotes, which I held it in my hands). It was very pleasant, right up to the point of goosebumps.

In 2012 my earnings were only contextual advertising(then from Yandex) was already more than a hundred thousand rubles per month:

All in all, making money online is quite possible, and the very fact that they can materialize into crisp bills caused me a slight touch and a rather idiotic smile for a long time. Well, this passed over time (when the amounts became large and regular), because a person is designed in such a way that he quickly gets used to everything (especially good things). I haven’t gotten used to it yet and I want to write an article about making money online, fueled by purely positive emotions.

Ways to earn extra money online for everyone

If you don’t have your own website, and also don’t have any special skills that you could convert into hard cash (read about this below), then there is only one niche left. I'm talking about various things that you can do in your free time (sitting at home at the computer). You will find a more detailed description at the link provided, but here I will just focus your attention on the most popular tools:

    The most unskilled and not very highly paid work, for a person without any special training. This option is suitable for schoolchildren - as a worthy replacement for McDonald's sweatshops - or people who need money right now (even if not very much).

    As an example of exchanges that allow unqualified personnel to earn money, we can cite:

    1. VKtarget— (Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter). They pay for joining groups, liking, telling friends, etc. things. Read about other services and methods of increasing income in the article “”.
    2. — watching videos, installing applications (, etc.)
    3. My opinion And Questionnaire— take part in surveys, accumulate money and bonuses, and then withdraw them or exchange them for prizes. Read about the rest in the article below.
    4. Workziladistant work for people with different levels of training (even completely unprepared). You can read the details in my brief.
    5. S.E.- quite a lot of income opportunities (some of them are passive). The service has existed for a long time, has been tested and values ​​​​its reputation very much.
    6. RuCapcha— here they offer to earn money by entering text from pictures (from the so-called ). If you have a tendency to monotonous work, this is for you. There is also a similar service 2captcha, where they pay in dollars.
    7. CourseExpert And BestChange- free, allowing you to save (consider earning) on ​​exchange and withdrawal virtual money to real (there I took 60 seconds for myself and opened Binance)
    8. — services where you can receive shares of Bitcoin (Satoshi) for free with their subsequent withdrawal. Not much comes out at a time, but the process can be repeated throughout the day, and no one limits the number of “coin generators” used.
    9. — the principles of operation and level of income are described in the article provided at the link. Notable examples are Kukomment and.
  1. Advego — this text exchange has an affiliate program where you can earn money by attracting customers and authors.
  2. Textsale— they also have their own referral program.
  3. My business— an affiliate program for the distribution of online accounting services. In fact, it is multi-level and allows you to earn money not only from direct sales, but also from the sales of your partners. The payments are very high. Read more in the article about.
  4. WebArtex- a very young article exchange, which means that income from referrals may be greater in the long term (you will eventually find yourself at the top of the referral pyramid). Read about the nuances of working with it in my recent article.
  5. Quark— an affiliate of a popular freelance exchange.
  6. Binpartner- Binomo broker affiliate program. It will be necessary to attract traders to this trading platform and for this they will receive 50% of the system’s profit.
  7. Paer— an affiliate program that is gaining popularity payment system, where they pay a very decent percentage of the income you attract visitors. Read more at the link provided.
  8. InfoBox- this is the hosting where I host all my commercial and information sites. The affiliate program pays 30% of all the money that the clients you attract will spend on hosting costs (and since the service is high-quality, few will leave it in the future - passive income provided for you).
  9. AliExpress ePN- official affiliate program of the world's largest AliExpress store
  10. RotaBan— in the article about that, I mentioned this exchange and a number of others.
  11. Telderi— receive interest on the amounts received by your referrals from the sale or purchase of sites on this exchange.

Unfortunately, profitable affiliate programs sometimes close. For example, this was the case with Profit Partner, but he allowed me to earn the most money from his affiliate program:

If you ever decide to open your own Internet service (exchange or something else), then be sure to attach an affiliate program to it. Yes, you will lose part of your income on payments for attracted referrals, but this will actually be a viral promotion of the project, capable of immediately attracting great amount users.

True, here I want to express my purely personal opinion about making money by displaying banners. You should not overdo it in this matter (as, for example, Terekhov and, possibly, Mikhail Shakin do). Not only will this irritate visitors (although they may get used to it), but search engines, oddly enough, have a negative attitude towards the dominance of banners on the page.

And not only negatively, but also for the abundance of advertising (as well as for its aggressive nature, if you decide to use popunders, clickanders and other advertising blocks that interfere with browsing the site). The fact is that (people who evaluate the quality of some resources, which are then taken as reference points when working on Matrixnet) take this indicator into account and, perhaps, that is why Mikhail Shakin’s blog has such low traffic from Yandex (an order of magnitude less than from Google) .

In general, be more careful with banners. I understand that you always want more money, but you can raise prices and reduce the number of advertising spaces, and at the same time leave income at the same level (that’s exactly what I did).

  • — if the context does not bring the desired result, then you can try to make money on teasers. True, they often have a “yellow” tint, but for forums, entertainment or news portals, teaser advertising can become the main source of income. However, recently Yandex punishes sites for shocking advertising, and it is teasers that most often fall under this definition. Therefore, carefully study the reviews about the teaser network and disable the display of shock advertising in the settings.

    You will find a list of the most popular teaser affiliate programs in the article at the link given just above.

    Selling links— we are not talking about installing link exchange scripts like Sapa, but about manual addition links, the placement of which will be ordered by the advertiser through exchanges eternal links GoGetLinks, GetGoodLinks or RotaPost. It’s even better to work with Miralinks or WebArtex, because this is the most safe way making money by selling links from your Internet project.

    But you should still observe moderation in everything and not sell too many links, even if this will allow you to get pretty good money. There may be satiety, after which there will be some subsidence of your resource in search engines. It’s better to earn a little money from links, and when increasing traffic allows, then switch to generating income from displaying contextual advertising.

    However, I have a project that is very well monetized by selling perpetual links and posting articles, but when I try to make money on it in any other way, nothing works at all, and this despite the fact that this project has good traffic.

    Earnings on affiliate programs- this is the same as the method described just above, but having your own visited resource, you can rise to a completely different level and at the same time not spend money on Direct and Adwords to attract traffic.

    It will be possible to earn money in the same systems that I listed just above, for example, GoGetLinks , MegaIndex , MiraLinks , GetGoodLinks or My business, placing advertising banners affiliate programs on your website (or simply referral links in thematic texts) or any other affiliate programs that will coincide or partially overlap in topic with your resource. The best part is that this income will be completely passive and therefore even more enjoyable.

    Advertising articles and announcements- it seems that this is a dead-end option for an Internet project, because readers will turn away and not return. However, in mine I mentioned Devaka. Look at his page on the services he provides to see how much it costs to order one advertising post or announcement from him. Now tell me, do they bother you when reading the blog? For example, I don’t care at all, because the author knows how to play it all out very well and put it into a digestible form.

    Another thing is that you first need to gain a huge reserve of authority, so that you then have something to waste when deciding to publish advertising posts. It was only four years later that I switched to this practice, and you know what? I liked it. Money is money, but there is another reason.

    The process of choosing a topic for the next article is not always straightforward for me (the agony of choice sometimes lasts for days), and when the choice of topic is made for me, all I can do is delve into its study and write as detailed as possible and, as far as the desire to please the advertiser allows, , honest review. IMHO.

    Yes, by the way, I recently met a business social Linkedin network, where people make contacts and, among other things, look for work. Therefore, for those for whom this is relevant, I advise you to try looking for freelance clients or. If I forgot to talk about a method, I hope that you will not fail to mention it in the comments. Thank you very much in advance (at least even for the fact that you were able to read the article to this point).

