How to close the shield on the site. How to open the door panel without a key? Add your price to the database Comment

Modern apartments, as a rule, are equipped with individual electrical panels. But residents of old houses were not so lucky. The equipment is located on the landing and is designed for two, three or even four neighbors. The owners do not have a key to the panel. In the event of knocked out traffic jams or life-threatening situations (for example, a fire), it is very difficult for them to reach the switch.

What is an electrical panel?

A modern electrical distribution panel in a residential or work area is a compact, convenient and externally aesthetic panel, which is intended for modular installation on this panel of special devices that serve to ensure the receipt of electric current from external and general high-voltage networks, as well as the distribution of current through the internal electrical network apartments, houses or cottages.

The purpose of the distribution board is to control the supply of electricity to apartments and take into account the amount of its consumption. In addition, he is responsible for telephone and Internet network devices.

General features of floor panels:

  • they can be old (found in houses built in the last century) and new (in modern buildings), their difference is in the internal structure;
  • each of them has at least two, and often three compartments: one of them contains electricity meters, and the other is responsible for devices operating on weak currents (Internet, telephone); Each compartment is equipped with its own lockable door;
  • the compartment with metering devices must be equipped with special windows from which the indicators of the devices are clearly visible;
  • the material for the shield in the entrance can only be metal with a set of necessary properties;
  • to install it, choose a recess in the wall on the landing;
  • the doors open freely to an angle of 95 degrees;
  • access for outsiders to the panel device is limited using a lock; the key is kept by the electrician servicing the apartment building.
  • Types and types of electrical panels.

Surely, more than once we have seen abbreviations like: SHE, VRU, OSCH, etc. on billboards. all these intricate letters hide the essence of the devices, which is known to those who directly service them, and sometimes even those who service the switchboards become so accustomed to the abbreviation that they do not think about their purposes. So, let's start looking at the types and types of electrical panels from the main panel, the “king” of panelboards.

Main distribution board (MSB).

The main switchboard is designed for input of power power lines, electricity metering and distribution of power lines for objects. The device also serves to protect against short circuits and overloads in power supply networks. If we consider the hierarchy of electrical switchboards, then the main switchboard is at the very top level. Main

The distribution board is most often located on the territory of a transformer substation (TS), boiler houses, and production facilities.

Input switchgear (IDU).

The device, which includes a complex of electrical automation and structures, is used to receive the input power cable, distribute power lines for the switchboard, switchboard, shield, ASU, electricity metering, protect lines from overloads and short circuits. Installed at the entrance to residential and public buildings, as well as in industrial premises (workshops).

Emergency transfer of reserve (AVR).

The AVR panel is equipped with special automation. The automatic transfer switch switches power from the main source to an additional one (generator) in the event of a failure of the main electricity supplier. After eliminating the accident, the ATS will transfer from the generator to the main line and after a few minutes the generator will be stopped. Used in industrial, commercial, communal buildings, as well as in cottages.

Floor board (SHE).

It is used in residential and administrative buildings to distribute electricity to 1–6 apartments.

The shield is divided primarily into three compartments:

  • Distribution compartment (modular automation for groups of electrical circuits).
  • Metering compartment (electric meters).
  • Subscriber compartment (telephone, intercom, TV, radio, etc.).

Apartment panel (AS).

As a rule, it is located at the entrance to the apartment in the hallway area. The main purpose of the control panel is electricity metering, distribution of group power lines in the apartment, modular automation protects the electrical circuit from overloads and short circuits. ShchK come in overhead and internal installation, metal and plastic versions.

The apartment panel is divided into:

  • Shchku – apartment accounting panel.
  • ShchKR – apartment distribution board.

Lighting board (OSH).

Lighting boards are installed in administrative, retail and office premises for infrequent operational switching on and off of automation. ShchO protects outgoing lines from overloads and short circuits.

Lighting boards are divided into:

  • OSHV (lighting panel with switch).
  • UOSCHV (recessed lighting panel with switch).

Control panel (control panel).

The control room is used to control automation, which is responsible for such mechanisms as ventilation, heating, fire alarms, etc. Parameters are adjusted manually.

How to open an electrical panel without a key yourself?

  1. Familiarize yourself with the location and purpose of the driveway doors. Usually there are three. On the left there are two doors: horizontal, and below it - square. Behind the first of them there are machines, and behind the second there are electric meters. On the right there is one vertical door, behind which low-voltage devices are placed, for example, antenna amplifiers and splitters, telephone terminal blocks. Sometimes shields of a different configuration are found. 2
  2. Inspect the locks of each door. If they are equipped with protruding rectangular plates, you can open any of them using pliers. The horizontal position of the plate corresponds to the vertical position of the tongue (lock open), and vice versa, when the plate is positioned vertically, the tongue is in a horizontal position (lock closed). During major renovations, driveway front panels are sometimes replaced with new ones with locks similar to those used on mailboxes. In this case, residents are most often given keys only to doors with automatic machines. Open and close it just like a mailbox.
  3. When any of the doors is open, observe the following rules. Do not touch any metal objects inside the shield, even if you are absolutely sure that there is no high voltage on them - this may not be the case. Do not attempt to dismantle any items that do not belong to you. This even applies to the meter through which your apartment is connected - it is often the property of the electricity supply organization. Do not carry out any actions aimed at stopping or rewinding the meters, do not remove the seals from them. Do not turn off the circuit breakers through which other apartments receive electricity, except in cases where it is necessary, for example, due to a fire or an electrical injury received by one of the neighbors.
  4. If you have electronic meters with controls, you can open the corresponding panel door and press the buttons located on them in order to find out the electricity consumption for previous months, at different times of the day. Do this carefully so as not to touch nearby live parts. The procedure for controlling counters using buttons is described in its instructions. It is impossible to rewind or stop it from the keyboard. Don't press buttons on neighbors' meters.
  5. If it is necessary to repair the electrical wiring, open the door behind which the machines are located. Find two of them, marked with the same numbers as your apartment number. Having first turned off computers and other devices that cannot tolerate a sudden loss of power, check which circuit breaker feeds the chandeliers and which feeds the sockets. In an emergency, you should turn off the machines immediately, without waiting for the computers to turn off.
  6. Please note that the bell and socket between the bathroom doors are usually powered through the same machine as the chandeliers. During wiring repairs, a person should stand next to the panel to ensure that no one approaches the panel and restores the supply of electricity. Turn off and on machines carefully so as not to touch their clamps and exposed wires.
  7. After finishing work with the devices located in the panel, be sure to close all its doors and lock them.

Preventative inspection of the electrical panel

The operation of the floor panel should be checked by a specialist from the management company in whose charge the apartment building is located at least once a year.

Unfortunately, this rule exists only in words. In life, a repairman comes to a call only after a breakdown or emergency, and you want to avoid both. Or, let’s say you are purchasing an apartment and need to assess the condition of the wiring.

You can carry out a preventive inspection yourself, the main thing is to comply with safety requirements.

To independently inspect the access panel, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Inspection of the external condition of the device. Everything is fine if it does not have serious cracks, chips or other defects, and the lock on the door closes tightly with a key.
  2. Assessment of the condition of internal devices. Machines must be marked, and cables and wires must be clearly and clearly labeled.
  3. Serviceability of contact connections. The following rules apply to the places where wires connect to metal: check for rust; inspect the bolted connections for the presence of washers, and tighten the nuts better. After this, pay attention to the connections of the wires with automatic meters.
  4. Operation of switchboard switching devices. After all contacts have been checked, the nuts have been tightened and the bolts have been tightened, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the automatic devices. Return voltage to the electrical panel and turn on all automatic devices.

Then everything is very simple. Click the test button. Devices that continue to work are faulty and need to be replaced. Before testing, you must make sure that the contacts do not move away, otherwise the result will be unreliable.


Everything opens with a standard key. We have 2 types of them - one like for ancient locks with a beard and the second is simply a figured cut piece of iron. Both types are sold in hardware stores or from key dealers on the market.


It’s really true that there is no trick against scrap))))))) then those who will repair the shield will come to the forum.

Kolesnichenko Margarita

A screwdriver or something that has a flat shape

Burglars open doors in a variety of ways, including using explosives. I'm not being sarcastic. The approach is the same here. Start with gentle methods and move on to rougher ones. Explosives are unlikely to be needed. Rough ones include crowbar and drilling.


In theory, the key should be in the management company (in the housing office, for example) You can ask there


You can try pouring solvent into the keyhole or non-concentrated acid. “vdshka” is not sure that it will cope. Go to the housing office to complain. If there is an electrician in the same panel, then you must fix it yourself.

Yuri Morozenkov


Olga Kuznetsova

I opened the mailbox with the key. Guy from the Future...

Using a crowbar or a pry bar :)))))) But in general, just press the door where the lock is and pull it from the middle…. once and done... Just don’t forget to close it back, otherwise you’ll get fined :))))) Or you can use a powerful screwdriver to turn the entire lock. . but this is only if the lock tongue is rotary and not retractable….


To answer the question: how to open the panel in the entrance without a key, you need to try the following method.

  • In addition to the master key, a flathead screwdriver is also suitable. It should be thin. We insert it into the lock and try to turn it. In most cases it works with simple mechanisms.
  • If it is a padlock, then you can try physical force and a crowbar. Padlocks can be easily opened with a mechanical lever or a master key. If the next question arises: how to open the electrical panel in the entrance without a key, then you just need to contact the specialists. Today there are companies that specialize in opening various types of locks without a key and without damaging the locking mechanism.

Switch box- an integral part of the house, but, unfortunately, unattractive. With a beautiful renovation of the hallway, this object will stand out and spoil the whole look. Usually, it looks small enough to hide, but large enough to be noticed.

Often, it is left on the wall to stand out and spoil the appearance of the apartment. But there are many interesting and simple options for hiding the shield from view. No one will even guess that instead of this original thing, there is an unattractive and bulky electrical panel.

There are many different, simple ways to disguise the electrical panel in the hallway. They are suitable for both creative individuals and those who do not like to invent something new.

Electrical panel - you need to know the enemy by sight

Firstly, it’s worth figuring out why this object is in the apartment. It's simple, the electrical panel distributes electrical energy and ensures the safety of the residents of the house.

The electrical panel helps in the household by being responsible for electricity. It prevents overloads and supplies electricity, evenly distributing it throughout the apartment to avoid short circuits and overloads.

In ancient times, electrical panels were large and had many tangled wires. They were scary to look at, much less use. Fortunately, evolution does not stand still and has taken care of the compact and safe appearance of the modern electrical panel. Now he is the way we see him.

Secondly, it should be noted that electrical panels are different and depend on the installation, which can be:

  • external (used most often and protrudes above the wall surface);
  • internal (needs to be bricked up after installation).

Residents can install electrical panels with external installation themselves, which helps with the process of hiding it. It is possible to think through and place it exactly as necessary to disguise it.

Before installing an electrical panel yourself, you should consult a qualified professional.

An electrical panel designed beautifully, expressively and creatively will no longer be an enemy in the house, but will become a pleasant addition to the interior, so you should approach this issue creatively and boldly.

How is an electrical panel most often masked?

There are many ideas for designing an electrical panel to make it look good in the hallway. It depends on the capabilities and creativity. Everyone uses a method that suits the nature, interior and complexity of the work. A method that is difficult to implement will not always end up being better than an easy one.

  • Hiding the shield by attaching a key holder to it is the most practical and popular way. You can buy or personally make a key holder, which you then simply need to attach to the electrical panel door. It will look interesting and will also be practical. You can store your keys without fear of losing them and have easy access to the electrical panel.

  • One of the simplest and most commonly used methods is to wallpaper and make an extension of the wall or cabinet. This method is easy and affordable, because wallpaper is often left behind after renovation. A shield that stands out less on the wall will be invisible under the wallpaper.
  • For creative people, for example, artists, painting the electrical panel with paints is suitable. It will look fresh and creative. The painting can be unusual, or simply paint the electrical panel to match the interior. There are many painting techniques that will always look beautiful and hide an ugly box.

  • Another interesting and noteworthy way to disguise an electrical panel is with a mirror. It's quite simple, and the result is nice:

Fix the mirror on the door with glue, double-sided tape or any other method of your choice;

  1. glue the edges with cardboard, fabric or other material using a glue gun;
  2. design the result as you wish.

There are no restrictions in such a matter. There are a variety of ideas for creating beautiful and unusual things that will go perfectly with the hallway and hide an unpleasant object.

Mistakes when masking an electrical panel

Even if there are no restrictions on imagination, it is worth noting that ideas may not always be convenient or practical. Mistakes are often made that lead to wasted money, broken furniture, or misperceptions of size. It is important to think through every step so as not to get upset later.

Mistake #1. Practicality

The electrical panel is often disguised with cabinets. It is mounted in cabinets, breaking the back walls, installed behind cabinets, but this is impractical, because at the right time it will be difficult to get to it, and the cabinet will be damaged.

Just like wallpapering - this leads to the fact that the electrical panel will be inaccessible at the right time. Tearing and cutting the work of hiding the electrical panel will lead to the initial stage of the work of disguising it.

The shield should be disguised so that it can be easily reached when necessary.

Mistake #2. Dimensions

If you are making an extension, you should pay attention to the size of the idea. Considering that the shield is located at some distance from the wall, the extension built around it will be larger in size. It is important to correlate the extension plan with the dimensions of your hallway so that you don’t have to bump into it or redo it.

Large extensions to disguise the electrical panel can be turned into bedside tables, inside of which the panel is hidden, and on the outside there is a beautiful, practical object.

Mistake #3. Quality

There is no point in skimping on materials for a good idea. It will be more expensive if you have to redo it. The disguise must withstand time and use. If the thing made quickly breaks or deteriorates, then there will only be negative emotions from the work.

Its appearance will depend on the quality of the work. Sloppy work will lead to poor results that may look even worse than before.

The goal is to ensure that the new, sophisticated interior of the hallway is not overshadowed by a prominent box or awkward work.

You need to make sure that the layer is well glued before you paint it or glue the next one.

How to hide an electrical panel: step-by-step instructions

There are many methods and ideas for masking an electrical panel, but few words about implementing them at home. There is no one exact instruction for all methods, but there are important points that you need to pay attention to before starting work on masking the electrical panel.

If you do not think through these aspects, this can lead to errors that stop or ruin your work:

  • Having decided on the idea and having an idea of ​​​​what should happen, you need to prepare the materials that will be needed.
  • Based on the above errors, you should not use unreliable materials. You should ensure that the place where the process will take place is suitable for dirty work, if any. It is worth sealing the walls and covering the furniture so as not to stain or spoil anything.
  • You should work slowly, think about what should be done first. Wipe the electrical panel (the box, not what’s inside) so that dust particles and lint do not spoil the work afterwards.
  • After completing the creative process, carefully clean the workplace and compare expectations with the reality that turned out during the work.

3 ideas for extraordinary design of a hidden electrical panel

You can draw attention to your interior with unusual ideas. There is an opportunity to dilute the boring, boring atmosphere. It’s worth coming up with something more interesting than just painting the electrical panel. Creative design ideas always fascinate and delight.

Often, the simplest available materials are used to realize the most beautiful or interesting ideas. It is not necessary to purchase unusual boards or fabrics, which, apart from their appearance, are no different from ordinary similar materials. You can use what you have at home.

Everyone has individual, creative ideas that can be implemented at home.

A sketch of an idea that you would like to turn into reality will help you later draw up a plan for its implementation.

Idea #1

It looks beautiful and unusual, and most importantly interesting. If there is a small child in the house, then this will be an additional plus, because children love big, fascinating, creative projects at home. This idea is made using paints. An example of an atypical idea working.

Such wonderful work can be diluted with several interesting solutions:

  • Make a fence from thick cardboard or an unnecessary box: cut out a fence shape that will fit in the hallway, glue it to the wall and paint it. Thus, the fence will look more realistic and remarkable.
  • The tree trunk can also be made from thick cardboard or a box, but add twine. Glue the thread to the cardboard, paint and glue the structure to the wall. Such a simple idea will bring naturalness to the tree in the form of imitation bark, which will look atypical.
  • You can take real leaves. Dry and glue, but this is a very painstaking work that requires attention and patience. Another option is to paint the leaves in the desired colors and print them on the wall, which will look unusual and beautiful.

A good solution would be to create a layout on which you can make a smaller version of the idea for clarity.

Idea No. 2

It is easier to hide an electrical panel that is built into the wall than an electrical panel located a few centimeters above the wall surface. For such shields there is no need to come up with designs, and the costs will be lower.

The easiest way to hang a picture is to block the unwanted object from view. The picture is chosen to be a little larger than the shield, to hide it for sure. It could be a landscape, a portrait, anything that suits the interior of the hallway.

Alternatively, it is worth considering photographs. Depending on the size of the electrical panel, it is worth considering the size of the collage. There are a lot of ready-made interesting photo collages for sale, but why waste money when you can create everything yourself? There are many impressive and mesmerizing works that can be replicated. Is it worth repeating someone else's work when you can create your own masterpiece?

It is necessary to draw up a sketch and select materials immediately before the work itself.

Creating a collage from photographs is very simple, and the impression will be pleasant later:

  • The size of the base that will cover the electrical panel is measured. The base can be any solid flat thing (box, plastic, glass). You can cover the base with fabric, paint it, or leave it in its original state.
  • You can freely edit the selected photos (make a frame variation for each, stick funny or romantic phrases, stick magazine clippings).
  • The next step, without gluing, is to place the photos on the base. There may be additional clippings, significant things, drawings that need to be placed according to plan.
  • Carefully, step by step, glue photographs and other materials to the base.

When gluing materials to the base, do not move the rest to the side so as not to confuse the composition. After gluing the item, carefully wipe it with a napkin so as not to stain anything.

Idea No. 3

The method of masking an electrical panel using a cabinet is simple. You need to select the right size cabinet and install it. But such a cabinet in the hallway may stand out or be out of place. Therefore, you should make a little more effort to ensure that it fits beautifully into the interior and does not look boring.

There are no fewer options for design than for designing one door for an electrical panel mounted into the wall. They are easy to implement, so even for people who don’t like creativity, they are suitable, and the result will make them proud:

  • It will look beautiful if you attach a mirror to the door. If the cabinet already has a mirror, then this is also an area for action. The mirror can be decorated with beautiful stones, interesting clippings, drawings or photographs.
  • A cabinet without a mirror gives you a little more room to maneuver. A collage of photographs will look unusual here. Just cover the cabinet with photographs and additional materials that fit the theme. It will look nice and family-friendly.
  • You can use your locker to make a reminder board. You just need to cover the cabinet with material, then paint it, if necessary, and beautifully decorate the sides of the cabinet with cutouts, stones, and drawings. Attach sheets, for example, from a block, to the door so that they can be easily torn off. Before leaving home, you can read all the reminders that you might have accidentally forgotten.

Any design of the cabinet should be done before hanging it on the wall, hiding the electrical panel.


Of course, these are not all the ways you can disguise an electrical panel in the hallway. There is a wide variety of them, they are born during the creative process of decorating the hallway, they require strength and patience, but they amaze and delight with their results.

Hiding an electrical panel for outdoor or indoor installation is equally easy. It is important to think through the sketch, prepare competently for the work, patiently and slowly implement the plan and enjoy the result.

Modern apartments, as a rule, are equipped with individual electrical panels. But residents of old houses were not so lucky.

The equipment is located on the landing and is designed for two, three or even four neighbors. The owners do not have a key to the panel.

In the event of knocked out traffic jams or life-threatening situations (for example, a fire), it is very difficult for them to reach the switch.

The absence of a key in the public domain is explained by ensuring the safety of the residents themselves. People without special skills risk touching high-voltage wires, which can end sadly for them.

The purpose of the distribution board is to control the supply of electricity to apartments and take into account the amount of its consumption. In addition, he is responsible for telephone and Internet network devices.

General features of floor panels:

  • they can be old (found in houses built in the last century) and new (in modern buildings), their difference is in the internal structure;
  • each of them has at least two, and often three compartments: one of them contains electricity meters, and the other is responsible for devices operating on weak currents (Internet, telephone); Each compartment is equipped with its own lockable door;
  • the compartment with metering devices must be equipped with special windows from which the indicators of the devices are clearly visible;
  • the material for the shield in the entrance can only be metal with a set of necessary properties;
  • to install it, choose a recess in the wall on the landing;
  • the doors open freely to an angle of 95 degrees;
  • access for outsiders to the panel device is limited using a lock; the key is kept by the electrician servicing the apartment building.

And yet, it is very inconvenient to invite a specialist after each case of knocked out traffic jams.

Types of electrical panels

The shield is needed to distribute voltage across all electrical systems that are connected to it. Automatic devices built into the device are used to turn on and off the current and protect against minor accidents and short circuits.

Electrical panels for entrances are made of metal, and for individual apartments - of fire-resistant plastic.

The floor option combines several functions at once: energy distribution across all apartments on the landing and metering of consumed electricity.

However, there are switchboards without meters; they are installed in the apartment and are called group distribution panels.

Residents of new buildings are lucky to have electrical panels located directly on the occupied living space. They do not need to be opened without a key, since it is included in the kit.

But what about neighbors in an old house? How to open an electrical panel without a key yourself?


By strictly following the following instructions, you can open the shield without harm to your health:

  1. First, figure out what series of devices is installed in your entrance. How many doors does it contain? A standard electrical panel has 3 of them:
  • the long door on the right - there are low voltage connections for the telephone and the Internet;
  • rectangular at the top left - automatic switches are located behind it;
  • the square one at the bottom left, equipped with special windows, contains electric meters for each of the apartments on the site.
  1. Determine the types of locks on each of the doors. If they are made in the form of plates protruding forward, opening them will not be difficult. Regular pliers are suitable for this. By the position of the plate and tongue, you can determine whether the lock is locked or not. Sometimes, the locks on electrical panels are the same as those on mailboxes. In this case, each resident receives his own key and can easily use it.
  2. After you have managed to open the first door, follow the safety rules and do not harm the property of the management company, namely:
  • do not touch the wires and metal parts in the panel, they may be under high voltage;
  • do not repair the system yourself, even if you have basic electrical skills;
  • do not try to stop or turn off the meter, or exert any external influence on it, it is owned by the management company and you may be held accountable by law for its breakdown;
  • do not cut off the power supply to other apartments, except in cases of emergency, for example, if one of the residents is electrocuted.
  1. If your panel is equipped with electronic meters, using special buttons you can get information about the electricity used (per month, day or night). At the same time, it’s worth overcoming your curiosity and not meddling with your neighbors’ appliances. Press the buttons with the greatest care so as not to touch the current conductors. How to properly use electronic meters should be described in detail in the instructions located next to the switchboard. Using the system, you can only familiarize yourself with the incoming data, but you cannot change the readings or stop the meter.
  2. To fix electrical problems, follow these steps without waiting for a professional to come:
  • open the door, the one with the machines (yours should be marked with the appropriate numbers, they match the apartment number);
  • before turning off the power, be sure to unplug computer equipment and other devices from the sockets, the operation of which may be affected by a sudden blackout;
  • determine which machine is responsible for the sockets;
  • In emergency situations, machines must be turned off immediately, regardless of the type of operating devices.
  1. Before carrying out repair work on wiring, it is necessary to take care of the safety of the craftsmen. To do this, there must be a person on duty next to the switchboard who will not allow the power to turn on.
  2. After completing all work with the devices in the panel, restore the power supply and securely close all doors with a lock.

Preventative inspection of the electrical panel

The operation of the floor panel should be checked by a specialist from the management company in whose charge the apartment building is located at least once a year.

Unfortunately, this rule exists only in words. In life, a repairman comes to a call only after a breakdown or emergency, and you want to avoid both. Or, let’s say you are purchasing an apartment and need to assess the condition of the wiring.

You can carry out a preventive inspection yourself, the main thing is to comply with safety requirements.

To independently inspect the access panel, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Inspection of the external condition of the device.

Everything is fine if it does not have serious cracks, chips or other defects, and the lock on the door closes tightly with a key.

  1. Assessment of the condition of internal devices.

Machines must be marked, and cables and wires must be clearly and clearly labeled.

  1. Serviceability of contact connections.

The following rules apply to the places where wires connect to metal:

  • check for rust;
  • inspect the bolted connections for the presence of washers, and tighten the nuts better.

After this, pay attention to the connections of the wires with automatic meters.

  1. Operation of switchboard switching devices.

After all contacts have been checked, the nuts have been tightened and the bolts have been tightened, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the automatic devices. Return voltage to the electrical panel and turn on all automatic devices.

Then everything is very simple. Click the test button. Devices that continue to work are faulty and need to be replaced. Before testing, you must make sure that the contacts do not move away, otherwise the result will be unreliable.

Marking cables and wires in the electrical panel

According to safety rules and to facilitate the work of a professional electrician, the switchboard in the entrance has generally accepted markings.

The technical operation document clearly states the basic principles.

  1. His name must be printed on the shield box.
  2. Inside there is a piece of paper with a printed table. It indicates the number of sockets and connectors for chandeliers that consume electricity on the floor.
  3. The shield must be accompanied by a diagram of the device and assembly.

The rules are stated in PTEEP:

  • all wires, cables and electrical circuits for public use are subject to marking;
  • the name of the group circuits is placed on top of the circuit breaker or on a free space in the panel (marks may contain a digital designation, room name, etc.);
  • if inscriptions on the described devices are not possible, the information is entered into the technical passport.

According to GOST 23594-79:

  • For marking, special tags (PVC tubes) are used, and in their absence, PVC tape;
  • tag length – 2.5 cm and above;
  • inscriptions must be clearly visible and understandable;
  • It is possible to apply markings to an insulated part of a wire or cable.

Electricity distribution panels are not a toy and require serious consideration.

It is unacceptable to break the lock without a key by bending the door or using a crowbar. In this case, it will be difficult to close it back.

The electrical panel must not be kept in the public domain. In the future, this could lead to serious injury to bystanders, including curious children.

If you have problems with the floor device, it is better to contact a specialist, and make a duplicate key for yourself in case of broken plugs or an emergency.