How to get in touch after a ban. Viruses and malware

Many people face this problem. Logging into a social network becomes impossible when it is blocked by the system administrator of a particular institution on the orders of the manager, since this network has become so popular that it takes away useful time from office workers and students. They stop fulfilling their duties in full and gaining complete knowledge, since they devote their entire time to VKontakte.

Access is closed, but you want to come in? And if there is a problem, then there must be a solution. To provide hidden access You can use an anonymizer to the network.

Login to Contact via anonymizer

Wherever you are, at school, college or work, using an anonymizer you can visit your VKontakte page. This is a program that bypasses a blocker installed in an educational institution, company office, or by deception allows you to visit desired page.

Login to Contact via the Chameleon anonymizer

Guaranteed access to this social network in incognito mode is provided using the Chameleon service. Anyone who looks at the logs after you will not find any evidence of your visit to the social network. Using this service is completely free and does not in any way affect the performance of the network. When working with it, you do not need to send SMS. The service will make you invisible, because the login is not from your IP.

What do we have to do? All downtime is easy. Let's go to home page website Next, enter your login on this social network - phone number or mailing address, a couple of seconds and you are already on your page, communicating without restrictions at work and at the same time completely free. And even if, God forbid, you accidentally close the page, you can visit it through this service again and again.

How to get in touch if access is closed? This question worries a considerable number of users of one of the most popular social networks.

Often, while sitting in an office or educational institution, VKontakte users cannot open their favorite service, although there are no problems connecting to the network. This is due to the fact that the management of the company or university blocks access to the site. Is there an alternative way to regain access to the VKontakte social network?

How to log into VK if access is blocked

Today, the question of how to get in touch if access is denied is relevant among network users. This led to the emergence of several alternative ways solve the problem with logging into the service.

Advice. Often access to VK disappears unexpectedly, without any reason. The reason for this could be viruses that changed Windows settings. To fix the problem, you need to check the current settings.

Using anonymizers

How to log into VK if access is blocked? The answer is extremely simple - use specialized anonymizer sites that allow you to bypass various blocks.

One of the most popular services is "Chameleon". Users just need to go to the website and enter the address of the VKontakte social network. Upon completion of the procedure, access will be opened.

Proxy servers

Another effective method bypass social network blocking - setting up a connection through a proxy server. The easiest way to connect is to use the Opera browser and its Opera-Turbo option.

By enabling this functionality, absolutely all Internet traffic will pass through a proxy server, where in the future it will be compressed for more accelerated loading pages from the end user of the network.

In case if automatic start proxy server is unavailable, please use manual setting. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Go to the “control panel” and click the “browser properties” menu.
  • A window will open in front of you. Select the “connections” option and click the “network settings” column.
  • A window will open in front of you again. In it you need to indicate the parameters of the proxy server: uncheck the box “automatic detection of parameters” and click on the box “proxy server for local connections».
  • Enter the server address and port. Access to VK is open.

All harmful bosses firmly believe in one immutable truth. That at work a person must... work and maintain discipline! (what a vile word, but let’s leave the question of morality, the problem lies elsewhere!)

What are these fallen people doing? They block social networks! Blocking VKontakte costs them nothing, but our brother, you know, is no stranger! The article will tell you what to do if VKontakte is blocked at work. Let's get started.

THREE ways to bypass the blocking.

1. We use an anonymizer. It's simple. Effective. Not safe. Almost anyone will do, but I prefer the most popular ones, for example, chameleon, or pingway (screenshot below)

This is what a standard window of any anonymizer looks like:

But this method has TWO disadvantages:

1. The administrator at work will most likely block them too. In this case, you will have to look for a new anonymizer. They appear often.

2. If you use some unpopular anonymizer, you can become a victim of scammers, be careful!

Another option to bypass the “VKontakte blocking” is to use PROXY LISTS

These are special intermediaries; access to the desired site (be it VK, Odnoklassniki, or whatever) is carried out not directly, but through them.

Algorithm of actions:

1. Find in search engine list of proxy servers. (they look like this: - i.e. the URL of the site and its IP, those given here are just an EXAMPLE)

2. Go to the browser settings, to the “network” bookmarks (in Opera) and enter them (if you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask them)

TURBO mode Opera browser

It sometimes allows you to access blocked resources. It's slow, buggy and unreliable. A straw for a drowning man. Moreover, in latest versions This browser seems to lack this mode.

What to do if the methods above do not help?

Then ask yourself: perhaps I caught a virus? After all, the solution here should be completely different. Material for a separate article, but in brief:

1. check your PC with the AVZ utility

2. remove all mentions of VKontakte from hosts file(C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc - for Win XP)

Interesting things on the blog:

Hello everyone, another article! Please tell me, dear friends, which social network in our country is currently wildly popular? Odnoklassniki or VKontakte? Or maybe Facebook or LiveJournal? So I’ll tell you, of course, VKontakte is considered the most popular social network in Russia.

It is the social network “VKontakte” that currently ranks first in the ranking both in terms of attendance and popularity in our country. It often happens that access to social networks is simply blocked. For example, in many offices, management blocks their employees' access to a social network to increase the productivity of their workers. Networks educational institutions with open WiFi also block access to the site so that students are not distracted from educational process. And just recently, Ukraine decided to block access to VKontakte. In today's article, we will learn how to get in touch if access is blocked and how users from Ukraine can easily bypass VKontakte blocking... In this article, I recorded a special visual video for you...

So, there are several ways to bypass such a blocking; let’s look at them in more detail.

Method No. 1:


There are anonymizer sites on the Internet designed specifically to bypass such blocking. The most popular of them in Russia is the site

You just need to go to the site, enter the domain in the line in the middle of the site and you are already minding your own business on the VKontakte social network.

Method No. 2

Another way to bypass blocking access to the VKontakte website is to set up a connection through a proxy server. The easiest tool to use this method is the Opera browser, and more specifically the Opera-Turbo function.

When this function is enabled, all traffic loaded by Opera passes through the proxy server of the Opera Software company, where it is compressed to speed up page loading for the end user. And a side effect, of course, is to bypass the blocking of the http://vk site .com.

If for some reason it is impossible to use the Opera browser, try setting up proxy access manually.

For manual installation to connect your Internet browser through a proxy server, do the following:

1) Go to the “Control Panel”, find the “Internet Options” item there and select it.

2) In the dialog box that opens, select the “Connections” tab and click the “Network Settings” button.

3) Another dialog box will appear in which you need to specify the proxy server parameters.

Uncheck " Automatic detection Settings” and check “Use a proxy server for local connections”. Enter the server address and port and click OK. Done, now all traffic to the browser goes through the proxy server and, accordingly, VKontakte access is now open.

If access is lost for no reason

In addition, I would like to add that sometimes there are situations when access to the VKontakte website disappears unexpectedly, and everything seems to be working, but suddenly it doesn’t work. In this situation, most likely, viruses are to blame for changing the access settings in a special Windows file, which is responsible for access to sites. By the way, in one of my articles I already described in more detail what, where and how to check and fix required values introduced by viruses, here is this article:

First you need to check your computer for viruses antivirus program, for example, Kaspersky or Avast. When all the viruses are removed, you need to check the file in the folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. The file we need is called hosts.

Open it in Notepad and check for extra lines. There shouldn't be anything there except line Be sure to scroll all the text to the end, as viruses often do large indents so that the user does not suspect anything.

Found extra lines? Feel free to delete them. Now go to your browser and check if you have access to social networks. In conclusion, I suggest you read a few articles:

Well, I, in turn, have to tell you that for today this is all I wanted to tell you about today. I hope after reading today's article, you will already have one useful information and if, for example, you are asked: how to get in touch if access is closed, then you will already know the answer to this question. In general, good luck to you in bypassing the blocking! See you all in the next article.

Very often people in work time surf the Internet. And then one day they notice that VKontakte has been blocked at work. And then they have to think for a very long time about how to get around this unexpected trouble. Now there are a lot of different techniques. Which ones exactly? Let's try to find out together.


In order to solve our issue, it is important to understand how to block VKontakte on your computer. Who in the office is responsible for the functioning of your operating systems? Of course, the system administrator! And this is our chance to help answer how to bypass blocked VKontakte.

Try to find it with your system administrator mutual language. If you succeed, you can ask him to tell you how to block VKontakte on your computer. Unlocking usually occurs in the same way. In addition, you can always ask the administrator to return your access to the social network secretly. Typically, system administrators are accommodating and friendly people. Promise that you will use your profile carefully and you will most likely get help. If not, then let's think further.


Don’t be afraid that you have been permanently blocked from VKontakte at work. The point is that any user can easily bypass this problem. And yet remain unnoticed. What are we talking about?

The point is that if you were unable to reach an agreement with the system administrator, then you can always try to bypass the blocking using special Internet services. They are called anonymizers. Then you won’t have to think about why VKontakte is blocked and how to solve the problem. You just need to log in to the social network through the anonymizer, and everything will be resolved.

Find a suitable service on the Internet. In the line that appears, enter the address of the social network, and then click on the “Login” button. Then you can try to log in to the social network. That's all the problems are solved. Even if VKontakte is blocked at work, you can cope with this problem. Let's try to find out how else we can solve this problem.

Cleaning the system

VKontakte has become a very popular social network. “My page is blocked, but can I solve the problem on my own?” - the Internet user thinks. Can! Even without the help of anonymizers or conversations with system administrators. True, for this step you will have to have some skills.

If VKontakte is blocked at work, then you will need to find one file that is responsible for the operation of sites on a particular computer. It's called "Host". We will work with him.

Has your VKontakte page been blocked? What to do? Just open "My Computer" and find the system partition there. Typically this is called a "C claim". Open it and go to the "Windows" folder. In it, go to “system32”, then to “drivers”, and then to “etc”. Here will be the document we need.

Click on it right click mouse and open with notepad. In order not to think for a long time about what should be changed in the written text, simply erase all the inscriptions that are contained inside “Host”. Save your changes and then look at the result. As a rule, this is enough.

If not, then restart your computer. Now everything will work properly. Now you know what to do if VKontakte is blocked at work. But these are not all the options for solving the problem. There are a few more very interesting ways. Which ones exactly? Now we will look into this matter.

Action of viruses

Well, sometimes blocking a page is the work of viruses. And then the boss has nothing to do with it. Have you blocked your VKontakte page? What to do if the cause is a virus? Let's figure it out.

In the case when access is blocked due to viruses, you have to work with the “Host” file. Simply erase everything written on it and then save. But often this is not enough. You can try to scan your computer for viruses and then clean operating system. If viruses have blocked VKontakte at work, you can talk to your system administrator about it. After all, it is his job to monitor the integrity and safety of computers.

True, viruses are a relatively rare occurrence at work. Often such blocking occurs at the initiative of the employer. He does this to ensure that his employees do their work properly and are not distracted. This means that we will have to think about what else can be done.

Your gadgets

Is your VKontakte “My Page” blocked? Then you can resort to one trick: surf the social network from your own gadgets. It could be a tablet or a phone. The main thing is to maintain secrecy. If you are caught, then most likely you will be banned from using gadgets altogether.

Another very important point is that you should have your own Mobile Internet on your phone/tablet. This will protect you from appearing in the list of connected devices once again. Now you can pick it up from mobile operators very favorable and inexpensive rates.

In fact, if VKontakte is blocked at work, then it would be preferable to use cellular telephone. With him, the risk of “clashes” with management is several times lower. True, this is far from the only way solutions.

Don't be on social networks

Have you blocked VKontakte at work? Then we will try to offer you another rather interesting approach to solving the problem set before us. What exactly are we talking about?

Yes, that you should simply not be on social networks at work. Do your tasks, and in the evening, at home, relax on social networks. Maybe after some time your access to VKontakte will be unblocked at your workplace. In truth, you can't rely on your employer's kindness here. It’s better to cultivate a “core of steel” and the habit of distancing yourself from the Internet. Only this will help you cope with your temptations to unblock VKontakte.

Conversation with the boss

In fact, you have one more Alternative option developments of events. The point is that if VKontakte is blocked at work, then you can always just talk to your boss. Ask him to unblock access to social pages.

Quite often, an honest conversation can help correct the situation. In fact, a properly set up dialogue solves most problems, including those with blocked pages on the Internet.

However, not all bosses are able to trust their employees. You can ask your boss to give you access to social networks only at certain times and for short term, when you really, really need to talk. For example, you are waiting for news from close relatives or work information. Maybe this approach will help you use VKontakte at work.


Well, it's time to sum up our article. We have figured out what paths you should take if VKontakte is blocked at work.

As you can see, most of them require dialogues with employees and the boss. In fact, a properly conducted conversation very often helps solve most problems.

In general, the most popular methods of combating blocking of social networks in the workplace are the use of anonymizers and an agreement with system administrators. In addition, particularly advanced users can use the option of clearing the "Host" file in the system hard section disk.

In truth, at work it is better to focus only on your responsibilities. Then you can easily and simply avoid problems with social networks. Only if the boss sees that his subordinates are doing business, then there will be no need to block computers from social networks.