How to temporarily lock the keyboard on your computer. Secure keyboard lock on your computer

The keyboard is the main information input device on a computer. Although it can easily be replaced with a mouse, . But more often there are cases when it needs to be blocked. Parents suddenly entering the room, or a cat rushing across the table, or a younger brother who is trying to sit down at the computer, you should step away for half a minute. To protect your PC, we will tell you how to lock your computer keyboard and what key combination is used for this.

Lock your computer with a keyboard shortcut

To lock your computer keyboard, press a keyboard shortcut Win + L. The computer will go to the account password entry screen. This method not only blocks the keyboard, but also hides what is happening on the monitor, which is very convenient when a stranger invades your personal space. But for this method to work, you need to create an account in Windows and protect it with a password.

To unlock your computer after locking it using this method, you need to re-enter your password.

The easiest way to lock your computer keyboard

Unplug the keyboard cord from the computer. This is precisely the simplest and safe way. Of course have various programs, allowing you to programmatically block the keyboard, but while you search for them on the Internet, download them, you will still pick up new problems. So if you need to lock the keyboard separately, just disconnect it from the computer.

A radical way to block the keyboard

You can remove keyboard drivers in the manager Windows devices. After this, the keyboard will stop working, but restoring it may not be so easy, so we do not recommend this method.

  • Go to the control panel - device manager. Select the “Keyboards” item in it.
  • A menu will open with installed keyboards. Click right click mouse on the keyboard, and then “delete”.

By locking the keyboard in this way, you will make life difficult for other users; any novice user will not understand what is going on. But usually, to restore the drivers, you need to reconnect the keyboard to the computer and it will offer to find and install drivers for the new device.

These are all the ways we would like to tell you about. Use the computer, and especially the keyboard, only for good. And be sure to block it if someone decides to use it for harm.

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Often reading articles on the Internet or instructions for installing a program, you may come across key combinations(Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Win-R, Alt-Tab, Alt-F4, etc.). And if you still don’t know what they mean, then you can familiarize yourself with them in our article.

This article presents a complete list of key combinations on the keyboard, used not only in operating system Windows.

Sections on working with keyboard shortcuts:

Basic keyboard shortcuts

Alt+Tab- Switch between windows
Win+Tab- Switch between windows in Flip 3D mode
Win+Up- Maximize window Win+Down- Restore/Minimize window
Win+Left- Snap window to left edge of screen
Win+Right- Snap window to the right edge of the screen
Win+Shift+Left- Switch to left monitor
Win+Shift+Right- Switch to right monitor
Win+Home- Minimize/Restore all inactive windows
Win+Break(or Pause)- Launch the System item from the Control Panel (Properties item when right-clicking on Computer in the Start menu)
Win+Space- Show desktop
Win+B- Go to the notification area (tray)
Win+D- Minimize windows or restore all windows
Win+E- Launch Explorer
Win+F- Launch built-in dialog Windows search
Win+Ctrl+F- Run Search on your computer from the domain
Win+F1- Launch built-in Windows dialog: Help and Support
Win+G- Show gadgets on top of all windows
Win+L- Locking the workstation (current user session)
Win+M- Minimize all windows
Win+P- Display additional options display (extend the desktop to 2 monitors, etc.)
Win+R- Launch the Run dialog box
Win+T- Select the first item in the taskbar (Pressing again switches to the next item, Win+Shift+T- scrolls in reverse order)
Win+U- Launch Center special features(Ease of Access Center)
Win+X- Launch Mobility Center
Win+digit- Launch the application from the taskbar ( Win+1 launches the first application on the left, Win+2, second, etc.)
Win + "+"- Zoom in
Win + "-"- Zoom out
Ctrl + mouse wheel (up\down) on the desktop- increase/decrease desktop icons.

In Explorer:
Alt+P- Show/Hide Preview Area

Task bar:
Shift + click on icon- Open a new application window
Ctrl + Shift + click on icon- Open a new application window with administrator privileges
Shift + right click on icon- Show application menu
Shift + right click on a group of icons- Show menu, restore all / collapse all / Close all
Ctrl + click on a group of icons- Maximize all group windows

Key Win located between the keys Ctrl And Alt on the left side (the emblem is drawn on it Windows).
The Menu key is to the left of the right Ctrl.
The combination “key” + “key” means that you first press the first key, and then, while holding it, press the second.

General purpose hotkeys

Key combinationDescription
Open the Start menu
Ctrl + Shift + Esc
Ctrl + Alt + Delete
Calling the "Task Manager"
Win+E Launching Explorer
Win+R Displaying the “Run program” dialog, analogous to “Start” - “Run”
Win+D Minimize all windows or return to original state (switch)
Win+L Locking a workstation
Win+F1 Access Windows Help
Win+Pause Opening the System Properties window
Win+F Open file search window
Win + Ctrl + F Open computer search window
Printscreen Take a screenshot of the entire screen
Alt + Printscreen Take a screenshot of the currently active window
Win + Tab
Win + Shift + Tab
Switches between taskbar buttons
Move between panels. For example, between the desktop and the Quick Launch panel
Ctrl+A Select everything (objects, text)
Ctrl + Insert
Copy to clipboard (objects, text)
Cut to clipboard (objects, text)
Shift + Insert
Paste from clipboard (objects, text)
Ctrl + N Create new document, project or similar activity. IN Internet Explorer this causes a new window to open with a copy of the contents of the current window.
Ctrl+S Save the current document, project, etc.
Ctrl+O Call a file selection dialog to open a document, project, etc.
Ctrl+P Seal
Ctrl+Z Undo last action
Shift CD-ROM autorun lock (hold while the drive reads the newly inserted disc)
Alt+Enter Go to full screen mode and back (switch; for example, in Windows Media Player or in a command interpreter window).

Keyboard combinations for working with text

Keyboard shortcut Description
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl + Insert
Shift + Insert
Ctrl + ←
Ctrl + →
Moving through words in the text. Works not only in text editors. For example, it is very convenient to use in address bar browser
Shift + ←
Shift + →
Shift +
Shift + ↓
Text selection
Ctrl + Shift + ←
Ctrl + Shift + →
Selecting text by words
Ctrl + Home
Move to the beginning or end of a line of text
Ctrl + Home
Move to the beginning or end of the document

Keyboard shortcuts for working with files

Keyboard shortcut Description
Shift + F10
Displays the context menu of the current object (same as right-clicking).
Alt+Enter Calling “Object Properties”
F2 Renaming an object
Drag with Ctrl Copying an object
Drag with Shift Moving an object
Drag with Ctrl + Shift Create an object shortcut
Ctrl clicks Selecting multiple objects in random order
Shift clicks Selecting multiple adjacent objects
Enter Same as double click by object
Delete Deleting an object
Shift+Delete Permanent deletion object without placing it in the trash

Keyboard shortcuts for working in Windows Explorer

Keyboard shortcuts for working with windows

Keyboard shortcut Description
Alt + Shift + Tab
Calling the transition menu between windows and navigating through it
Alt + Shift + Esc
Switch between windows (in the order in which they were launched)
Alt+F6 Switching between multiple windows of the same program (for example, between open windows WinWord)
Alt+F4 Closing the active window ( running application). On the desktop - call the Windows shutdown dialog
Ctrl+F4 Closing the active document in programs that allow multiple documents to be opened simultaneously
Calling the window menu
Alt + − (minus) Call system menu child window (for example, a document window)
Esc Exit a window menu or close an open dialog
Alt + letter Call a menu command or open a menu column. The corresponding letters in the menu are usually underlined (either initially, or become underlined after pressing Alt). If the menu column is already open, then to call the required command you must press the key with the letter that is underlined in this command
Alt + Space Calling the window system menu
F1 Call application help.
Scroll text vertically or move up and down paragraphs of text.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with dialog boxes

Keyboard shortcuts for working in browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox)

Keyboard shortcut Description
F4 Displaying a list of the Address field
Ctrl + N
Start another browser instance with the same web address
Ctrl+R Refresh the current web page
Ctrl+B Opens the Organize Favorites dialog box
Ctrl+E Opens the Search panel
Ctrl+F Starting the Search Utility
Ctrl + I Opens the Favorites panel
Ctrl+L Opens the Open dialog box
Ctrl+O Opens the Open dialog box, similar to CtrL+L
Ctrl+P Opens the Print dialog box
Ctrl+W Closing the current window
F11 Switch to full screen mode and back (works in some other applications as well).

Special abilities

  • Press the key SHIFT five times: enable or disable Sticky Keys
  • Hold down the right key SHIFT eight seconds: enable or disable input filtering
  • Hold down the Num Lock key for five seconds: Toggle voiceover on or off
  • Alt left + Shift left + Num Lock: Enable or disable keyboard pointer control
  • Alt left + Shift left + PRINT SCREEN: Turn high contrast on or off

There are several ways to disable a keypad. Let's look at some of them. The most simple method Keypad lock is to use various combinations keys For example, the combination of the Win + L buttons disables it. You can remove the ban simply by entering the user password or simply pressing the NumLock + Fn keys. This depends on the brand and manufacturer. Some models have programs installed that support various combinations buttons Fn + F6, as well as Fn + F11 may be workable. The most common mistake is turning it on using digital keypad combinations, which completely blocks character input. Therefore you need to be careful.

How to lock the keyboard using the second method? Disable the keypad physically. Even an inexperienced user can handle this. The laptop keyboard is usually connected with a special cable to motherboard. Therefore, carefully open the case without breaking the seal and disconnect the cable. If you break them through negligence, you may be left without free service if your computer breaks down.

The third blocking option is special programs. There are quite a lot of them, you can buy them in stores and online, where they are freely available. You can download programs from various sites, but be careful not to pick up a Trojan.

You can lock the keyboard using popular program Toddler Keys. It is convenient because it works with all versions of Windows. We purchase the program and install it. After launching it, the TK icon is visible in the tray. You should right-click on the icon and in the appeared context menu select the Lock Keyboard command. That's all. You can put a new one on top of the old keyboard and use it freely, without fear that the disabled buttons will be pressed or activated.

Please note the following: After installing the program, you need to uncheck the boxes in the menu with the Disable Power Button and Lock Driver Doors items. If you ignore these settings, not only the keyboard will be deactivated, but also the open button optical drive and turning on the computer. There is one more surprise when working with this program. If you double-click on the tray icon, it disables not only the keyboard, but the screen and mouse. To unlock, you must enter the password that appears on the monitor.

If there are small children in the house

If you often work at home computer, but you have a kid who is trying to help you write text in ICQ, delete several files or open a couple of windows, the question arises, is the keyboard for children. If the child is still small, then you can put it on the table or on the closet. But over time, the baby will learn to pull up a chair and get everything he needs. Therefore, you need to know how to lock the keyboard on a laptop from a child.

Block program: protection from children's playful hands

Download the Block program. It is very easy to use, with a Russian interface, quick and discreet child locking, and flexible settings. The program can be easily removed from the tray. You can set a lock to boot the computer, and the baby will not even be able to turn it on. This program has shown itself to be excellent not only in protecting against children, but also against attackers trying to break into your computer and use your information.

Asus laptops

Laptops Asus also equipped with an Fn button. Therefore, you can try it in combination with Pause, F12, F7 or the Win + Fx key set, where x can be any number from 1 to 12. Pay attention to the instructions for your computer - these combinations are often written there. If various hot keys and special programs do not help you, then go to the official website and download the user manual. If the keyboard is on Asus laptop and you cannot find a way out of the situation, contact the service technical support. They will tell you the correct code to save your laptop.

The touchpad is blocked, what should I do?

There are times when you accidentally blocked the touchpad. To bring him back to working condition, press the key combination F7 + Fn. will appear on the screen. Examine your laptop. Manufacturers often paint icons on keyboard buttons in the same color as the Fn button. Therefore, if you know the interpretation of these symbols, you can easily find any key combination - and the question of how to lock the keyboard on a laptop will quickly disappear.

If you need to step away for a while computer, and you don’t want anyone at this time to taking advantage of yours lack of, view confidential information stored on it should lock your computer.
To lock your computer for a while your absence just click keyboard shortcut with Windows icon which I wrote earlier. You can view this article.
Can i start blocking mouse from the shortcut by double-clicking on it. But for this you need create this shortcut. Now I’ll tell you how: Right-click on free space"Desktop", select "Create" from the menu and then "Shortcut".

A window will open, in the field of which enter the line "rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation".

Enter carefully, exactly as it is written here, otherwise the shortcut will not work. After entering, click the "Next" button and give the shortcut a name that you like, for example "Lock". Click the "Finish" button and a shortcut will appear on your desktop.

You can embellish it choosing for him icon. Right-click on the shortcut, select the "Properties" menu item, then click "Change Icon". If a window with icons immediately opens, everything is fine, just select the appropriate one.

If not, click "Browse"

and find the entry "SHELL32.dll", click "Open".

A computer, work or home, is very vulnerable to all kinds of external intrusions. These can be both Internet attacks and actions outside users who received physical access to your car. The latter can not only damage important data due to inexperience, but also act maliciously, trying to find out some information. In this article we will talk about how to protect files and system settings from such people by locking your computer.

The methods of protection that we will discuss below are one of the components information security. If you use a computer as a work tool and store personal data and documents on it that are not intended for prying eyes, then you should make sure that no one can access them in your absence. You can do this by locking your desktop, or your login, or your entire computer. There are several tools for implementing these schemes:

  • Special programs.
  • Functions built into the system.
  • Locking using USB keys.

Method 1: Specialized software

Such programs can be divided into two groups - system or desktop access restrictors and blockers. individual components or disks. The first includes a fairly simple and handy tool with the name ScreenBlur from the developers of InDeep Software. The software works correctly on everyone Windows versions, including on the “top ten”, which cannot be said about its competitors, and at the same time it is completely free.

ScreenBlur does not require installation and, after launch, is placed in the system tray, from where you can access its settings and block it.

  1. To configure the program, right-click on the tray icon and go to the appropriate item.

  2. In the main window, set the unlock password. If this is the first launch, then just enter the required data in the field indicated in the screenshot. Subsequently, to change the password, you will need to enter the old one and then specify the new one. After entering the data, click "Install".

  3. On the tab "Automation" set up operating parameters.
  4. Go to the tab "Keys", which contains settings for calling functions using hotkeys and, if required, we set our own combinations (“shift” is SHIFT - localization features).

  5. Next important parameter, located on the tab "Miscellaneous"– actions during blocking that continues certain time. If the protection is activated, then after a specified interval the program will turn off the PC, put it into sleep mode, or leave its screen visible.

  6. On the tab "Interface" you can change the wallpaper, add a warning for “intruders”, and also customize the desired colors, fonts and language. Opacity background image needs to be increased to 100%.

  7. To lock the screen, right-click on the ScreenBlur icon and select the desired item in the menu. If hotkeys have been configured, you can use them.

  8. To restore access to the computer, enter the password. Please note that no window will appear, so you will have to enter the data blindly.

The second group includes special software for blocking programs, for example, Simple Run Blocker. With its help, you can limit the launch of files, as well as hide any media installed on the system or deny access to them. These can be both external and internal drives, including system ones. In the context of today's article, we are only interested in this function.

The program is also portable and can be launched from anywhere on a PC or from removable media. When working with it, you need to be more careful, since there is no “foolproof” here. This is expressed in the possibility of blocking the disk on which this software is located, which will lead to additional difficulties when launching it and other consequences. We'll talk about how to fix the situation a little later.

If the option to hide the drive was selected, it will not appear in the folder "Computer", but if you write the path in the address bar, then "Conductor" it will open.

If we have chosen to lock, when we try to open the disk we will see the following window:

In order to stop the function, you need to repeat the steps from step 1, then uncheck the box next to the media, apply the changes and restart "Conductor".

If you nevertheless have blocked access to the disk on which the folder with the program “lies”, then the only way out it will be launched from the menu "Run"(Win+R). In field "Open" you must enter the full path to executable file RunBlock.exe and press OK. For example:


where G:\ is the drive letter, in in this case flash drives, RunBlock_v1.4 - folder with the unpacked program.

It is worth noting that this feature can be used to further enhance security. True, if it is a USB disk or flash drive, then others removable media, connected to the computer, and to which this letter is assigned, will also be blocked.

Method 2: Standard OS tools

In all Windows versions, starting with “seven” you can lock your computer using the well-known key combination CTRL+ALT+DELETE, after clicking, a window appears with a choice of action options. Here you just need to click on the button "Block", and access to the desktop will be blocked.

A quick version of the actions described above is a combination universal for all Windows operating systems Win+L, instantly blocking the PC.

In order for this operation to have any meaning, that is, to ensure security, you need to set a password for your account, and also, if necessary, for others. Next, we’ll figure out how to block on different systems.