How to set up a satellite dish. How to install and configure a satellite dish

Satellite television is rapidly conquering the television services market, and yesterday's luxury - a satellite dish - has become commonplace in millions of families. There is an opinion that installing a “plate” is for professionals, and that to an ordinary person It’s just not possible to understand how to set up the antenna.

Below we will try to dispel this myth by showing in practice what and how to do to join the era of satellite television on your own.

Selecting a satellite

Once you have the idea of ​​purchasing a satellite dish yourself, you need to decide on a satellite television operator, in other words, on the satellite from which the antenna will receive the signal.

Satellite television is named so because it uses a system of orbital satellites located in space. They receive signals from television stations and then broadcast them to vast areas below them. Satellite antennas receive the signal and reflect it to the collecting head (converter), which transmits it further to the receiver (tuner), from where it goes through the final decoding stage and ends up on the TV in the form of images and sound.

It becomes clear that to receive a signal one satellite dish not enough. To do this, you must have installed and configured correctly the whole system from satellite equipment. We will begin to consider it a little later, but for now let’s return to choosing a satellite.

Today there are two types of satellites. The first to broadcast open channels, others are coded. It happens that the equipment on the satellite is used various operators. In this case, you will have to purchase a card for decoding each channel separately.

But most often the channels are collected in packages, and it is enough to purchase one single card yourself to gain access to all of them at once.

Russian-language channels are broadcast from various satellites located over different latitudes and meridians. To receive a signal from a specific source, you need to very accurately install (direct) the antenna towards it and adjust the reception frequency. If your preferred satellites are located close to each other, then you have every chance of receiving signals from them using just one satellite dish.

The YAMAL 201 satellite allows you to watch up to 30 Russian-language channels V open access. There are also many other devices operating in low-Earth orbit that broadcast free channels. When choosing a satellite television operator, pay attention to Tricolor-TV. Over several years of work this operator has built up a solid client base, which is direct evidence High Quality the services they provide. In addition to it, we can recommend NTV-Plus (with an extensive list of channels) and Raduga-TV.

Find a list of satellites with your own free broadcasting available on the website, with a paid option – on the official websites of the above operators.

When choosing a satellite, check whether you will be able to point your satellite dish at it. If there are objects in the signal path that create interference (another house, power lines, trees, etc.), consider installing a “dish” on the roof. Well, if this turns out to be impossible, you will have to turn your attention to the satellite located in the expected visibility zone of the antenna.

Purchase of equipment

Before installing and configuring satellite equipment, it must be purchased. You need to go to a specialized store for the following elements for assembly:

  1. "Plate" (antenna). It will “collect” the signal from the satellite, concentrate and reflect it into the converter. Recommended diameter is more than 90 cm.
  2. Converter (head). It will pick up the signal that hits the antenna and, after conversion, transmit it to the receiver. The choice depends on the polarization (circular or linear) of the preferred satellite, in the description of which this parameter can be found.
  3. Receiver (TV tuner). It will receive a signal from the converter, then decode it (“translate” it into the language of the TV) and transmit it to the final destination - the TV. Setting up this device does not require special knowledge.
  4. Bracket (“leg”). Provides reliable mounting of the antenna on the wall (or roof) of the house. In addition, it will allow you to quickly rotate the plate in two planes (to search for a signal). Make sure that the plate is far enough away from the house so that when it rotates it does not touch the wall. In general, installing an antenna without a bracket is impossible.
  5. Cable (coaxial). Acts as a signal conductor, connecting the converter to the receiver (tuner).
  6. DiSEq. Masters simply call it “disek”. It will be necessary if you decide to receive signals from several satellites at once. In this case, it will help to combine a group of converters into a common cable.
  7. "F-ki." Without them, it is impossible to connect the cable to each link in the antenna-receiver chain. You will need 8 pcs. (for reinsurance - 10).
  8. Cable for connecting the receiver to the TV. Can be: composite (tulip), SCART, or HDMI (for highest quality). You need to check for yourself which cable is suitable in your case.

All of the above devices and devices can be purchased as part of a satellite television kit, which has already been assembled by professionals. You can assemble it yourself - in this case you will be confident in the quality and reliability of each element of the system.

Self-installation of the antenna

Before moving on to this step, you should be absolutely sure of where your satellite dish should be pointed. The service will help you make the right decision. You just need to indicate the location where you plan to install the antenna and select the required satellite. After this, instructions for choosing a direction will appear on the screen.

Before proceeding with the installation of the system, it is recommended to make sure that there is a signal (it should reach 60-70%) by holding the antenna in your hands. If the test is successful, the next step will be to install the bracket.

Make sure the mounting location is secure and, using a hammer drill, make holes in the wall for anchors, the size of which should be selected depending on the wall material and the weight of the entire structure being mounted. Having secured the bracket, proceed to installing the satellite dish itself (description this process you will find it in the instructions for it). Remember: until you are sure that it is in the correct direction, there is no point in tightening the nuts. First you need to set up your satellite dish.

Connection and setup

Setting up satellite dishes yourself does not begin until they are connected to the receiver. To do this, you need to prepare a cable (screw the F-piece onto it) and transfer it from the converter (head) to the tuner.

We prepare the coaxial cable according to the following algorithm:

  1. Cut off the insulating layer (1.5 cm from the edge) of the cable;
  2. We bend the shiny braid (made of small aluminum strands) outward;
  3. We free the cable core from the foil screen (you need to get rid of about 8-9 mm of the screen);
  4. We clean the core (the main copper core) from the remaining enamel and put on the F-piece.
  5. It remains to make sure that the core “looks out” from the F-ki by no more than 2 mm. All excess must be cut off with pliers.
  6. We do the same with the other end of the cable (having independently measured the required length in advance).
  7. We connect the cable to the converter (if there are several of them, then we combine it into one using a disk), and pull the other end to the receiver.

The system installation is complete, the next step is configuration.

The antenna is positioned correctly and “looks” at the satellite (approximately for now). Go to the receiver settings and select, for example, the Sirius satellite. For it you need to specify the frequency “11766”, speed “2750” and polarization “H”. Two bars will appear on the screen: the first shows that the dish has received a signal, the second shows its strength. If the satellite dish is installed correctly, you should see at least 40% signal strength. All that remains is to improve the quality, which is still around zero. We leave the TV and go to the plate. It is advisable that you can see changes on the signal scale. But if you cannot monitor them yourself, leave an assistant who can correct your actions - it will be easier to set up the system with him.

Start by turning the satellite dish all the way up to the right. From this position, slowly, constantly monitoring the signal level from the satellite, rotate the dish to the left.

If you cannot catch a signal, you need to lower the antenna a couple of millimeters (the fasteners are usually marked), and then repeat the rotation of the dish.

Setting up a satellite dish yourself simply involves a painstaking search for a signal through manual adjustment.

First you need to achieve at least 20% quality, after which you can fix the satellite dish more firmly. After this, with light manipulations (literally by degree), we rotate the plate left and right in search of 40%. But this is not enough. For good work you need at least 60-80%. Further “adjustment” is made by manipulating the converter, which must be turned clockwise or counterclockwise. When the signal level is satisfactory, you can proceed to debugging the side converters (if you do not have them, skip this step).

Setting up additional heads will be much easier, since the main antenna already catches the signal in full. All that remains is to indicate for each converter its own satellite (select in the receiver settings, and also indicate the frequency, speed and polarization) and by rotating or bending the head leg to catch an acceptable signal.

Pay close attention to the markings of the inputs in the disc (A, B, C...). They will need to be specified in the same sequence in the tuner.

The last step is setting up the TV

All that remains is to scan the satellite for channels and set up the TV (arrange the channels in the desired sequence for ease of search). If you are dealing with paid access, insert the unlock card purchased in advance from the satellite television operator.

Modern systems television broadcasting are developing at a rapid pace. To replace analog terrestrial television comes digital broadcasting. It provides excellent image quality, eliminating channel overlapping, picture distortion, the appearance of “snow” on the screen and other interference. Along with improving the quality of terrestrial television broadcasting, satellite television systems do not lose their relevance.

Do you need satellite TV?

Satellite television greatly expands the consumer's ability to watch television channels. It is the source of a huge variety of TV channels broadcast in almost all languages ​​of the world. However, many channels are available for free viewing.

Satellite television is relevant in areas where there is complex natural terrain, or in areas of dense high-rise buildings.

As is known, meter and decimeter waves of terrestrial television broadcasting are not able to bend around spatial barriers. They are reflected from any object and create additional television interference. Satellite television makes it possible to receive a signal directly, excluding the impact of artificial and natural barriers.

Another advantage of satellite television is the ability to capture television broadcasting areas in regions where the distance between settlements huge and the organization of continuous coverage is impossible.

It is also important that even a non-professional can install a satellite dish on his own without calculations and special equipment.

Advantages of satellite television

Perhaps the most important advantage is the relatively low price for equipment, which will pay for itself in short term, thanks to the lack subscription fee for watching TV channels.

The big advantage of satellite television is excellent video quality and soundtrack , not inferior in characteristics to the best DVD.

How does satellite TV work?

In the direction of the southeast, south and southwest above the equator, at the same place relative to the Earth, satellites are located that receive the signal from the transmitting television broadcasting center.

The received signal is transmitted by satellites to Earth, covering large areas like the beam of an electric searchlight. In this case, the signal level itself decreases from the center to its edges.

It should be noted that the signal does not pass through natural and artificial barriers, such as walls, buildings, trees, etc. This factor should be taken into account when choosing a location to install the antenna.

The satellite signal is focused onto the convector using an antenna. After undergoing primary processing, it is transmitted to the receiver via antenna cable. The receiver converts to TV channel with subsequent transmission to TV.

Antenna operating principle

A satellite dish is a round dish-shaped parabolic structure. She independently receives microwaves from satellites broadcasting signals from television communication sources.

The parabolic shape of the offset dish reflects the incoming signal to an antenna mounted in the center of the structure. An automatically adjustable horn feed is attached to the dish coordinator. This part is an amplifier of the received signal. Front convector heads carry out selection of radio waves from the focal point, with transmission to the downconversion block. The role of the horn is to convert radio waves and electromagnetic signals into electrical ones. Additionally, their spectrum is adjusted. The signal from the convector goes to the receiver, and then to the TV.

Types of plates

There are two types of satellite dishes:

  • offset;
  • direct focus.

The principle of installing offset dishes lies in their orientation below the satellite broadcast line. The signal is reflected by the plate and hits the converter at an angle.

The offset plates are mounted almost vertically, which eliminates the accumulation of precipitation in the structure that can affect the quality of signal reception.

In direct-focus designs, a significant part of the mirror is covered by a convector. As the diagonal increases, this becomes almost unnoticeable.

Antenna installation location

If you plan to install satellite dishes yourself, then certain rules should be followed:

  • there should be no obstacles (trees, buildings, structures) in the path of signal reception;
  • The initial direction of the antenna is south.

Satellite TV set

The standard set of equipment consists of six items:

  • satellite dish. Serves to receive a signal from a specific satellite;
  • bracket. Necessary for attaching the plate to a building or support;
  • convector Converts the signal received by the dish and sends it to the receiver;
  • disek. Serves to connect two or more convectors;
  • connection cable. Transmits a pre-processed signal to the receiver;
  • DVD tuner. It is used to convert the signals received by it into television signals.

Preparing to install satellite equipment

We determine the location of the cardinal points using a compass and select the optimal place to mount the antenna. Please note that placing the antenna on the roof of a multi-story building may provoke its theft, and permitting documents may be required for mounting on the facade. To self installation Since satellite dishes have not become a problem, these issues should be resolved in advance.

The satellite dish assembly itself is not something out of reach. The attached instructions describe in detail how to install the satellite dish yourself.

The installation procedure is as follows:

  • assemble the plate according to the instructions;
  • assemble and secure the bracket taking into account natural loads and wall material;
  • secure the convectors in special holders with the connectors facing down to prevent moisture from getting inside;
  • connect the receiver and convectors with a cable using F-connectors. You must leave a meter of cable near the antenna;
  • securely fasten the cable to the holder arc;
  • seal the connectors with silicone or sealant;
  • fix the antenna on the bracket, leaving the possibility of moving vertically and horizontally.

Preparing the cable involves connecting it to the F connector. To do this job you will need a mounting knife and pliers.

Installation of F-connectors

For correct connection connectors should follow the following sequence:

The connection cable is ready. Now you can start setting up the antenna. Of all the work carried out self-configuration satellite antennas are more labor-intensive and responsible.

Make sure the antenna is installed correctly and facing south.

Making settings on Sirius. Setting up satellite antennas yourself begins with setting the frequency 11766 and speed 27500 on the receiver. Select polarization “H”.

We see two bands on the receiver:

  • red – displays the connection of the dish and satellite signal;
  • yellow – shows the level of the received signal.

If the antenna is connected correctly, the signal level reaches 40%. In this case, the signal quality is zero.

We are approaching the culminating question of how to set up a satellite dish yourself. Set the initial position of the antenna all the way to the left and up.

Then carefully turn from left to right and control the level of signal quality. If it is absent, lower the plate 2-3 mm down and repeat the procedure in the opposite direction - from right to left until it stops. We carry out this algorithm work until a yellow stripe appears.

We control the tilt of the plate using specially marked numbers on its fasteners.

At this stage It’s difficult to orient the plate yourself at altitude and simultaneously monitor the appearance of the signal on the receiver. Therefore, it is necessary to involve an assistant in the work.

If the yellow bar indicator is within 21%, we fix the position.

We carry out more precise adjustments

Lowering the antenna slightly, we make a slight turn to the left. If the signal quality has deteriorated, return to starting position. We make a turn to the right, as well as up and down.

When the signal reaches 40%, we proceed to setting up the convector. We rotate first clockwise and then counterclockwise and achieve a signal improvement of up to 65-70%.

Setting up side convectors

Once the main plate is set up, the side convectors are much easier to set up.

We configure on Amos. On the receiver we set the frequency to 10722, speed to 27500 and polarization “H”.

For Hotbird the frequency is 11034, the speed is 27500 and the polarization is “V”.

The setup procedure follows the example of Sirius.

By bending the side brackets from the left top corner to the right and gradually lowering by 2-3 mm, we achieve the appearance of a signal.

To improve the signal quality, we rotate the converters around their axis. First rotate clockwise and then counterclockwise.

So we figured out how to set up a satellite dish yourself. With some experience and a work plan, this is not difficult to do.

After final settings antennas, carefully secure the cable and turn on the SCAN function on the tuner. The tuner will independently scan the TV channels available for viewing and display a list of them.

After this, you can start watching TV shows.

Now it's hard to imagine your life without television. It would seem that installing a satellite dish is a rather complex and time-consuming process. But this is not true at all. After reading this article, you will learn how to properly install and configure satellite dish.

The satellite TV kit includes all the necessary materials. These include:

  • Receiver. It is also called a tuner or receiver. This is the most expensive and an important part equipment. You need to choose it with special seriousness. There are two formats: mpeg 2 and mpeg4. The latter is better;
  • “Plate” is an antenna (mirror). A receiving beam is formed on it. The diameter of the plates varies from 0.7 to 1.2 meters. Its purpose is to form a beam that is sent to the focus. It is at the focus that the radio signal is received. Now the most popular are offset satellite dishes. The reflector has an oval shape. They have a shifted focus. Thanks to this, you can install an additional (second or third) converter to receive several satellites. This is good for hard-to-reach areas (in a gully, in a lowland);
  • A converter is something without which it will be impossible to register electromagnetic waves that are focused at one point. The converter is also called a head; it is on its irradiator that a narrow beam of radio signal falls. Available with circular and linear polarization. It is believed that it is better to purchase universal converter with linear polarization. There must be one converter per satellite. But it is more desirable that the signal be received from several satellites. Accordingly, you will need several converters
  • Multifeeds are special mounts for converters. Usually there are two of them in one set;
  • The switch between converters is a disc. When using an offset satellite dish, that is, when there are several converters, the same number of switches are needed. Because one tuner can only receive a radio signal from one of its converters;
  • A coaxial cable with a resistance of 75 ohms is also a television cable. It is advisable to buy a cable with a reserve of approximately three to five meters;
  • And for three more satellites you will need eight connectors for connection (F-connectors);
  • To install the plate you will need a bracket and dowels (anchors) under it.

Installation steps

Of course, installing a satellite dish requires some time and special preparation. But after finding out the important technical features installation and connection of the dish, this process will become easier for you.

So, the algorithm for installing a satellite dish is as follows:

Common mistake:

Incorrect position of the converter! It must meet the signal so that their orientations coincide; if the converter is turned horizontally, then we will get zero. Because the satellite does not hang strictly in the south (where the polarization vector is truly vertical), but shines on us from the southeast, then its emitter also tilted to the east (for us). Therefore, we must meet the electromagnetic wave by turning the converter east (counterclockwise) by 21 degrees.

How to set up an antenna for a satellite?

The last step before you start enjoying the excellent satellite television, there will be a satellite dish setup.

Now we will smoothly tilt the antenna up and down, right and left. You can spy on the direction of your neighbor (most often towards the south). Must get to the reception desired channel. If this happens, a picture and sound will appear. In addition, the scales will also light up. These are the ones you need to navigate.
We scroll the converter clockwise and counterclockwise to enhance the signal quality. We get a result that you will like. We do this with every channel. After we are satisfied with the quality of one channel, we press exit and proceed to others. On info we check the signal reception level.

When everything is adjusted, tighten the antenna mounting bolts. Then we do the same with the converter mounting bolts. After this, you can adjust the converter a little more (by moving it in the multifeed).

We tighten the bolts evenly so that the signal does not disappear. If they are not tightened, the antenna may sway due to gusts of wind, and the signal may disappear.

Thus, we installed and configured the satellite dish.

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Television has long been an integral part of life. Even in villages you will rarely find a house where there is no TV installed. Moreover, channels can be broadcast different ways: via a cable or satellite. Broadcasting capabilities via cable are limited and the quality of the channels is worse. Therefore, many consumers are thinking about how to set up a satellite dish themselves, so as not to spend money on calling a technician.

Installed antenna

In space, at the level of the Earth's equator, television satellites rotate, sending the signal to the planet where it is received special devices- antennas, and then this signal is decoded on the TV set-top box and transmits the image.

In this case, the satellite antenna acts as a kind of lens that collects radio waves into one beam, amplifying it for stable reception. Moreover, the further the satellite is located from the equipment, the larger the dish diameter required.

Accordingly, without high-quality receiving equipment, the signal will not reach the TV. Therefore, it is important to choose the right dish, the signal from which enters the convector, then is converted and goes to the receiver, and only then hits the screen.

The receiver is installed close to the TV. From power and quality of this equipment The number and clarity of transmitted channels depends. The installed software allows you to “catch” and recognize great amount TV shows By updating the receiver's firmware version, you can gain access to new channels.It is such affordable and high-quality television that gives rise to the question of how to set up a satellite dish yourself, and then TV channels.

How to install a satellite dish yourself (instructions for dummies)

In order not to assemble a set for satellite TV in parts, you can buy it in a specialized store or order it online. Models are updated, you shouldn’t take one that is too outdated. This package includes the following elements:

After purchasing the equipment, the question arises of how to independently install a satellite dish on the roof or outside the window.

Related article:

How to make a DIY antenna for a TV. In this article we will look at simple methods on how to make a DIY antenna for a TV, which may be useful to you.

Selecting a location

First, assemble the antenna itself according to the instructions. Check the tightness of all bolts and nuts. Leave only one fastening loosely twisted (to the convector itself), which will be responsible for the vertical slope.

The convector must be mounted in the middle, watch its length. The cable outlet should be positioned perpendicular to the ground. Complete consolidation occurs after receiving a clear signal and sufficient power.

Now you need to select the installation location. Usually mounted on a wall or roof. To the right side lunch time the sun will fall. You can see how your neighbors have the same equipment installed.

Most dishes are directed in one direction, most often it is 56 degrees east longitude (Trikalor and NTV plus). If you connect to Rainbow TV, the equipment will be directed slightly to the left (19⁰). Continent TV and Telekarata is set to 85⁰.

When you choose the direction and installation location, you need to check that the signal is not interfered with by foreign objects, that is, nothing should block the antenna. After all checks, you can proceed to the stage of securing the equipment.

Bracket Installation

The bracket must be firmly fixed, and different bolts are used for different walls. For brick, concrete or wood walls, a plumbing screw with a 17 or 13 head is suitable. If you use standard antenna with a diameter of 90 s, then a length of 6 cm of screw will suffice.

You can simply screw a screw into wood; for concrete or brick, first make a hole with a hammer drill, and install dowels in bulk.

Important! If you are mounting satellite equipment on foam concrete or aerated concrete, then purchase suitable dowels.

If the home is sheathed with siding, then longer plumbing bolts will be required, and spacers made of metal tubes will also be installed. First, prepare holes of the required diameter, then make spacers and install the antenna.

You can also fix the equipment on a metal beam; for this you should use metal screws with a special drill with a hexagonal head.When the equipment is assembled, but the last bolt is not yet tightened tightly, it is necessary to check the signal quality. To do this, use a device for setting up a satellite dish; you can do the setup without it, with your own hands.

Related article:

In the article we will look at the application features, types of devices, secrets of selection and installation.

How to set up a satellite dish yourself: checking the satellite signal

When the antenna is mounted on the roof, all that remains is to connect the cable to the receiver and make the settings, but it is at this stage that the question arises of the correct direction of the dish on the roof.

You can constantly go down and check the signal on the receiver, or lift a portable TV onto the roof and check it on it. But there is a much simpler option: buy a special device to check the satellite signal without leaving the antenna itself.

If you decide to save money, let's look at how to set up a satellite dish without a device yourself:

  • Connect the power cable (220W) to the plate.
  • Next install the receiver that was included in the kit.
  • Bring a portable TV to the inspection site.
  • Connect everything according to the diagram and check by adjusting the direction of the plate.

If you don’t want to drag everything upstairs, then it’s still worth buying a device, while the tuner and TV will remain in their places. Data about the incoming signal will be displayed on the device screen. In this case, the power for this equipment comes from the receiver, so all that remains is to adjust the direction of the plate itself.

The most simple options a scale is displayed on the screen and served sound signals, more expensive ones - will display the frequency and range, which will allow you to quickly adjust the direction of the antenna.

Connecting and setting up the satellite dish tuner yourself

Before moving on to the answer to the question of how to set up channels on a satellite dish, you should connect the tuner to the TV yourself. To do this, you can use several options from manufacturers.

Table 1. Connecting the tuner to the TV yourself

Connect using a standard HDMI cable, the necessary connector is available in almost all modern TVs.
Sometimes the kit may include a scart-scart cable (comb).
One of the most common ways to connect a tuner and TV is with tulips. Insert by color into the corresponding connectors on the back or front of the TV.
Another version of tulips Y, Pb, Pr can also be found in the configuration.
The last option is to connect via coaxial cable using RF OUT.

Having connected the equipment and turned it on to the network, go directly to setting up channels on the TV. To do this, first press the menu button on the tuner remote control. If nothing happens on the TV screen, something is connected incorrectly or not included in the network.

Antenna bracket satellite system television is used to install a parabolic mirror (dish) of a satellite dish in a designated area and fix the dish in the desired position. The brackets can be homemade or included with the antenna system, but they are usually sold in the retail chain as a separate product.

In Fig. Below are the main elements of a satellite TV system, which includes a bracket for mounting the antenna with a set of fasteners.

The principle of operation of a satellite television antenna

Television has long been an integral attribute Everyday life. Television programs are watched in city apartments, rural houses and in the country. To receive television broadcast signals from television satellites, mirror antennas of a parabolic configuration are used, commonly called satellite dishes or “parabolas”. Functionally, a satellite dish (hereinafter referred to as ST) is a kind of reflector that focuses received radio signals (by analogy with optics) onto a converter placed at the focal center of a parabola for subsequent conversion.

Note! It is the “dish plus converter” set that is usually called a satellite antenna (hereinafter referred to as SA), and not a single parabolic dish.

In Fig. shown below a private house, on the wall of which there is a satellite TV dish installed

When preparing to install the antenna on a wall or roof, the bracket for a satellite dish is selected for the appropriate type of satellite. Regardless of type antenna device, SA as part of a satellite TV system works as follows:

  • The parabolic surface of the ST receives a signal from the orbiting satellite in the form of electromagnetic radiation;
  • In accordance with the laws of optics, the paraboloid CT reflects falling electromagnetic waves towards the focal center of the parabola;
  • At the point of the focal center of the CT paraboloid, a holder is installed with a converter attached to it - a device for receiving the reflected electromagnetic signal;
  • The converter performs the conversion frequency characteristics adopted satellite signal and transmitting the converted signal through a coaxial cable to the receiver;
  • The receiver is electronic device(outwardly reminiscent of the usual DVD-shnik), which receives a converted intermediate signal from the converter and generates video/audio signals for the TV screen.

In Fig. Below is shown the SA model Supral with a bracket and holder for the converter.

Types of parabolic SA

Depending on the direction to the satellite, parabolic satellites are divided into two types:

  1. Direct-focus satellites, the geometric axis of which is directed strictly towards the satellite. Straight focus converter antenna systems located at a fixed distance from the surface of the CT along the geometric axis, partially obscuring the reception area on the mirror;
  2. Offset satellites, the axes of which are directed not directly to the satellite, but somewhat below it. In this case, the signal reflected from the surface of the parabolic mirror arrives at the converter at an angle. The mirror is not obscured, since the focus of the paraboloid is shifted to the bottom of the plate.

Additional Information. In domestic use, offset CAs are more popular, which, in comparison with direct-focus systems, are cheaper and easier to install, configure and maintain.

In Fig. Below are shown the schemes for focusing the reflected signal for both types of parabolic SAs

Methods for attaching the SA to the wall or roof of a building

To achieve high quality TV signal from satellite remote antenna, CT is installed in places that meet a simple criterion - maximum wide view horizon and easy access to the plate itself when servicing it. For the vast majority of satellite TV users, the installation site for parabolics is the walls and roofs of the houses where they live. The antenna mirror is mounted to a wall or to the roof of a residential building using special masts and brackets. The antenna bracket differs from the mast in its shorter length and increased rigidity. Maximum length the bracket, called the bracket overhang, does not exceed 1.2-1.5 meters, while the length of the mast is 3.5-6.0 meters, and in some cases the SA is mounted on masts 8-10 meters high.

In Fig. Below is a mast with a CT attached to it.

Based on the type of surface to which the plates are attached, brackets are divided into two types:

  • wall brackets that are mounted on a vertical plane (house wall, balcony, vertically standing pipes);
  • brackets fixed to horizontal planes (flat roofs, ground surface).

The most preferable option is CA wall mounts, since a reach within 1.0-1.5 meters from the wall is enough to ensure unhindered reception of a satellite television signal. If the dish bracket is mounted on the roof, then due to nearby obstacles it is necessary to increase the installation height of the paraboloid. The higher it is installed, the greater the deviations from the vertical will be, which will make it extremely difficult to set up a satellite home TV system.

Requirements for brackets for CA

During operation of a home satellite system, the TV antenna bracket is affected by:

  • aerodynamic loads from gusts of squall or hurricane winds, which increase sharply with an increase in the diameter of the mirror and, accordingly, the windage of the paraboloid;
  • weight load from the CT mirror, converter and adhering wet snow on the outer convex surface of the paraboloid. For example, mass offset antenna with a steel reflector measuring 900x1000 mm is 8.0 kg.

In relation to the wall, CA street wall brackets are cantilevers, therefore, under the combined influence of weight and aerodynamic loads, a bending moment occurs in the fastening area, initiating the destruction of the weak bracket or the separation of its fastenings from the wall. There are known cases when an incorrectly mounted SA mounting unit was torn out of a concrete or brick wall, and the antenna fell down.

To ensure a long service life of reliable, trouble-free operation of the satellite system, the bracket and its fastening to the wall must meet the following requirements:

  • The antenna bracket must be strong to withstand the current loads, and rigid, since the slightest deviations from the previously set position of the CT and the converter will distort the parameters of the television signals;
  • The bracket must have the minimum possible dead weight, since it also affects the deviation of the antenna axis from the nominal position and the magnitude of the pull-out force;
  • The material of the bracket must ensure its geometric immutability when exposed to precipitation and sudden temperature changes;
  • The bracket must be corrosion resistant as a rusted steel bracket will not withstand the applied loads. For this purpose, its outer surface is coated with anti-corrosion powder enamel;
  • The mounting of the bracket to the wall must ensure long-term reliable fixation of the entire CA system.

To the greatest extent, these conditions correspond to products made of steel and aluminum with tubular, square or other profile sections. There are certain differences between steel and aluminum products:

  • Steel brackets made from thick-walled pipes have good load-carrying capacity and can withstand significant mechanical loads. At the same time, they themselves are quite heavy, so they must be attached to reliable, strong walls;
  • Aluminum products are inferior to steel in strength and rigidity. If the cross-section of the bracket is incorrectly selected, it may become deformed if an abnormal overload occurs. The advantage of aluminum brackets is corrosion resistance - they do not need to be coated with a protective layer.

Types of brackets for CA

Depending on the method of mounting on a vertical wall, the following types of brackets for CA are defined:

  1. Flat mount consoles, characterized by the presence of a flat base plate of a round or square shape, which is attached to the wall at several points. The advantage of a flat support is the uniform distribution of mechanical loads over the entire surface of contact with the wall;
  2. Consoles with point mounting, requiring three support posts. The advantage of point fastening is the absence special requirements to the quality of the wall surface;
  3. Consoles with universal fastening, in which the supporting plane is represented by a strip with holes for local (point) fastenings to the wall.

In Fig. The types of brackets are shown below.