How to post photos on the Internet. Do not upload photos of dubious value

Hi all. The other day I decided to check out the popular Instagram service. I posted the first photo from my smartphone, no problems. But from the computer, not everything is so smooth. It turns out that you can’t upload photos from your computer in the Instagram app. There is no treasured button Publish". There is a solution, of course. As part of this article, you will receive an answer to the question “How to post photos from a computer to Instagram?”

How to post photos on Instagram from a computer without programs

In search of a solution for publishing photos from a computer or laptop to Instagram, you can install software infected with a virus. You can, of course, before downloading, but still. There is a method that does not require installation of additional software. This is exactly the goal.

Here is the algorithm of actions.

  1. Login to Instagram on the official website to your account.
  2. By simultaneously pressing the Ctrl+Shift+I keys you will enter the developer panel. Here's what you'll see. Click the button highlighted in the picture. It means emulation (copying work) mobile phone or tablet on a computer.
  3. Reload the page and oops. The “Publish” button has appeared.

  4. Click on the button, select the desired picture and publish it.

As you can see, the method is very simple and most importantly does not require additional programs.

Alternative ways to upload photos to Instagram from a computer

There is no official program for uploading photos to Instagram from a computer yet, but third-party developers are not asleep. There are applications such as:

  • Gramblr is an application for Windows and Mac.
  • BlueStacks - Android emulator program. It can also be used to run various applications Android on a computer, solve problems such as how to add a video to Instagram from a computer.
  • Online services. There are many such services. Required standard registration indicating your Instagram profile, after which you can upload the photo to Instagram from your computer online.

These are ways to download a photo from a computer, but sometimes you need to solve the opposite problem: save a photo from Instagram to your computer. Instagram developers did not provide for this possibility. Standard method as we are used to saving an image using the command “ Save image as..."It won't work out.

I’ll show you, in my opinion, the easiest way to download a photo from Instagram without programs.

The whole process takes a couple of minutes.

It seems to me that the options for uploading and downloading photos to Instagram without programs are the simplest. Which method do you prefer? Subscribe in the comments.

Until recently, the question of how to post photos on Instagram via a computer was quite relevant. The application was developed primarily for mobile devices. Its functionality on PC has been significantly reduced. Simple ways publishing photos from a PC was implemented relatively recently. They will be discussed below.

Registering on Instagram and viewing photo content of other users is quite simple. But if the client wants to post own photos, you can’t do without additional manipulations. Although, starting in May 2017, developers have greatly simplified the task for users and introduced an emulator for PCs into applications.

A method that does not require the installation of additional programs is as follows:

  • You must log in to the network via a browser;
  • In your account, press at the same time Shift keys, Ctrl, L and enter the developer panel;
  • Select the image highlighted in the picture.
  • This is an emulation key mobile device for PC.
  • Reload the page and wait for the “Publish” command to appear.

After this you can download the desired photo in profile. It will appear in the news feed.

This method of how to post a photo from a computer to Instagram without additional software is simple and does not require special skills. And most importantly, it protects the computer from harmful viruses, which can affect a PC when downloading and installing programs from an unverified publisher.

We post photos to Instagram from a computer or laptop via a browser

Instagram is a closed platform, so it does not have full-fledged official clients that allow you to upload a photo from your computer. Therefore, the user must understand that by deciding to download the software third party developers, he runs the risk of downloading potentially dangerous software onto his PC.

But still, the need to upload photos to Instagram from a PC often appears. There are plenty of applications that allow you to do this. The following have a good reputation:

  1. BlueStacks is an Android software emulator. Designed not only for uploading photos to Instagram, but also for launching other applications from PlayMarket;
  2. Gramblr is an application for Mac and Windows OS.

There are also special online services. The most popular is SMMPlanner. The resource is suitable for working with all social networks.

  • To get started, you need to go through a quick and simple registration procedure.
  • You also need to activate an account from a social network on the site (there is a sidebar on the left, in which you need to find the items “account” and then “instagram”).
  • After you have linked a page on a social network with your SMMPlanner account, you need to select the commands “Create a post”, “Publish a post”.
  • In the window that opens, you need to select a file, write the text of the publication (optional) and schedule a time.
  • Then press the OK button and wait for posting.

Is it possible to post a photo to Instagram from a computer?

We found out that there are several ways to add a photo to Instagram from your computer:

  1. Via browser;
  2. Using online services;
  3. Using emulators;
  4. Using third party software.

There are no minimum PC performance requirements. Applications and emulators do not require much power, so they work without problems.

In cases where photo content does not load, it is worth checking the stability of the Internet connection. Administrators can also block access to the resource if the client has violated any clauses user agreement. Sanctions are imposed both temporarily and permanently. Most common cause is - posting prohibited content or exceeding the daily, weekly or monthly limit for publishing photos.

Application with windows 10

The Windows 10 application store has recently begun to distribute official, completely free software for PCs, laptops and tablets. In it, users have access to the “Add” option. To use the command, the frame must be placed in advance in the “Images” / “Camera Album” directory. These folders are located on drive C. Next, click on the Instagram icon and select the “New Post” command. After this, the photo will be uploaded to Instagram.

The software has one significant limitation. You can only publish photos from Windows tablets 10. The device must have a rear video camera and touchscreen. From desktops and laptops it is only possible to watch and leave comments on other people's content. computer or laptop, it is only possible to view other people’s publications. Methods for deceiving the program and posting photos on Instagram from a computer online on Windows 10 have not yet been implemented.

Agree, people quite often post their personal (and even too personal) photos on the Internet without thinking about any possible consequences such frivolous behavior.

Of course, it’s unlikely that one small photo can cause colossal harm to your reputation, but you probably don’t even suspect for what illegal purposes your photos can be used. So, what should you know before you decide to post a photo on the Internet and publish some of your successful photos online.

1. Photos posted on the Internet can reveal both your identity and your location.

Your photographs contain much more more information than you think. Photos taken with your phone may be tagged with GPS coordinates (geotags) that reveal your location.

And a photo against the background of your own home, school, university or office will openly indicate where you can be found. No, this does not mean that you should be paranoid about publishing anything online, just make sure that your photos contain a minimum of any data.

2. Photos can be stolen

There are a great many online dating sites that create fake profiles to attract new members.

If you are not careful about publishing your photos on the Internet, you may someday find your photo on one of these sites.

This, by the way, is a huge market where there is always a huge demand for inviting and attractive photos.

3. Be careful about accepting friend requests.

Be selective and carefully watch who you accept as friends in. Being promiscuous in your friends is not a good idea.

Look through your entire list of friends and decisively remove those you don’t know at all or simply don’t want to communicate with. This will help you maintain relative privacy of all your information, including photos.

4. Privacy settings

Most social networks provide users with options that will allow them to control how other people see them personal information and photographs. For example, Facebook offers "public", "friends" and "friends of friends" options that allow you to restrict access to your data.

Don't forget that if another person tagged you in a photo, it will now be fully viewable by the friends of the person who tagged you, as well as by the friends of those people who are also tagged in this photo. It is best to turn off this function, and then your face in the photo will not be in any way related to your name and your profile page.

5. Don’t upload photos of questionable value.

If you have suggestive or explicit photos, do not upload them online. If you have even the slightest doubt, it is better not to put them on display even minimum quantity of people.

If you are a parent, never post photos on the Internet that will make you feel embarrassed in front of your own after some time. Save the juicy shots exclusively for home viewing.

Also, employers sometimes study information about their employees posted in in social networks, in blogs, on websites, considering this information public and reliable. I think that not every photo you would like to show to your HR department or your immediate superior.

6. Protect your privacy

If one of your friends or relatives has posted a photo of you on the Internet, and you are not at all happy with it, immediately ask them to remove them, clearly justifying your request.

You don't know who else might see these photos, so it's only natural that you protect yourself and your privacy.

7. Be careful with microblogging

There are a number of microblogs (for example, Tumblr) that differ from social networking sites in that they are designed for a simplified blogging format specific person, and not on publishing messages from social network users.

Always be careful with the information you provide to readers. And try not to disclose your personal information (including photos) publicly. It is unknown who and how this information will subsequently be used.

Information posted online can be viewed not only by those to whom you are addressing it, but also by those to whom you would not want to show such information at all.

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P.S. Useful articles on Internet literacy.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Each of you, communicating on forums, on social networks, creating your own official pages there (for example, or your own), sooner or later asks the question, how can you go online on your own? upload a picture and get a link to it, so that you can also share your masterpieces with friends.

Looking ahead a little, I’ll say that you just need upload the file to a file hosting service, of which there are quite a few on the Internet. In today's publication we will look at the most popular file hosting services and learn how to upload a picture to the Internet and get a link to it for further publication on social networks or on forums.

Upload photos to a free file hosting service

In addition to the free file hosting services, which we will consider below, there are also many paid ones, which are needed only in order to be able to download heavy files from the Internet from high speed(download speed will depend on the price of the file hosting service). This applies more to videos, which weigh quite a lot and can take more than one hour to download. So this is not our option. We are interested in something else - how to upload a photo to the Internet and get a link to it, and do it fast and completely free.

Photo hosting Radical

One of the most famous among free photo hosting sites is radikal.

Upload a picture and get a link you can either register - in this case you will have access to more opportunities to work with images uploaded to the Internet, or without registering - in this case you will not have the opportunity to delete any of the images uploaded to the file hosting service, which sometimes is very useful, believe me.

Yes, keep one thing in mind of this service- your photos can also be included in the “photo of the day”, even if you have prohibited ratings and comments on them in the settings.

This is my favorite hosting for uploading photos to the Internet, but let's look at a few more equally remarkable ones.

Pixic - image and image hosting

Uploading a file to the Pixic file hosting service is as easy as shelling pears.
Let's go to this hosting pictures and images, click “Browse...” and select the file that we want to upload to the Internet. Expanding the window with image and preview settings, we make the necessary adjustments. Then click on “Download”.

Upload an image to Pixic not difficult, but this program, unfortunately, has a number of limitations:

  1. Supported formats: gif, jpeg, png
  2. File limit per simultaneous download: 10
  3. Limit for downloading from the Internet: 30 MB
  4. Limit on uploaded file size: 5 MB
  5. Maximum product of sides: 25 MP

Those who are not bothered by such restrictions are welcome.

Upload photo to Yapix

In order to be able to create albums, add any images to them, and have access to editing, you must register. Registration will take no more than a few seconds. Click on “My Pictures” (on the right top corner), where you will be asked to either log in with your details or register - enter your email address and come up with a password.

  1. Click on “Download”
  2. Select an image from your computer or from the Internet (enter )
  3. Come up with a name for our image (if desired)
  4. We reduce our image to the desired size (if you do not check the box, it will be loaded at the same size as it is)
  5. Well, if you really want to, then we allow the publication of our image in the gallery


Picasa supports Various types files, such as bmp, gif, png, tiga, tif, tiff, psd, raw, avi, mpg and many others, which can be either allowed or disabled by checking the boxes in the settings.

And also in free program from Google you can create folders, edit them, view a slideshow of selected images, . And all this in addition to what is already available free editor, which is very rich in all sorts of filters and effects applied to the images available in the file hosting service.

Upload file to vfl

You upload a photo to the vfl file hosting service, and then receive a link (code) to publish it on a website, blog, forum, or social networks.

    The advantages of photo hosting include:
  1. Free
  2. Relatively fast
  3. Unlimited photo posting
  4. Unlimited image storage period
  5. Photos are always available and open quickly
  6. Unobtrusive advertising

There is also technical support that will try to as soon as possible answer all your questions and help if the need arises.

Let's see what vfl is:

Click on “Select photos to upload” and in the window that appears, select one or more (by holding Ctrl keys on the keyboard) images, then click on “Download”. You can upload up to 10 images at a time, which should not exceed 5 MB in weight.

If you go through a very simple registration, you will be able to create photo albums and configure access rights to both the photo albums themselves and individual photos. You will also be able to download 20 images at a time (instead of 10), weighing up to 7 MB (instead of up to 5 MB) each.

    On the right there are additional settings:
  1. Select the size to which the uploaded image will be reduced
  2. Rotate 90, 180 or 270 degrees
  3. Select preview sizes
  4. Photos for adults - check this box if a nude photo is uploaded (even if only the top part is naked)
  5. Do not show on the main page - the photo will be available only at the direct address, will not be indexed by search engines, and the address where this photo posted
  6. Do not display GPS coordinates (the vfl file hosting service can read these same coordinates if they are included in the image)
  7. Delete the image after some time (you choose this time yourself if you check the appropriate settings)
  8. Well, if you wish, you can put some marks on the photo

If you know any other photo hosting sites that are interesting in their characteristics, then please share your impressions about them in the comments. Thank you!

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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