What does a deleted VKontakte page look like? How to view a deleted page in a contact

Today there will be a super useful article about VKontakte. I will teach you how to view information on a user's page if he has deleted his page. This can be very necessary when you need to find out contact information or look at something on the wall, etc., but you no longer have access.

I can only say that this will be possible to do if the user has not changed the privacy settings (http://vk.com/settings?act=privacy) and has the option “who can see my page on the Internet” " - EVERYONE.

Now, for example, let’s select a deleted VKontakte page from the list of friends.

This is what it looks like when you click on it:

As you can see, we cannot view any information from it. But don't get pumped up. will come to the rescue YANDEX and GOOGLE CACHE.

CASH- this is a saved copy of a page on the Internet as of any reporting date.

Those. if information is deleted from the site, it will be stored in the cache for some time and you will be able to get it from there.

I’ll say right away that Google works faster and better in this regard, since its indexing speed is much higher than that of Yandex.

So, in order to view the saved copy of the desired VKontakte page, copy the link to it and paste it into the Yandex and Google search window. The required page should appear as the first link in the search results.

This is what it looks like in Yandex:

Pay attention to where the arrow points in the screenshot above.

Click on the “saved copy” button and you will be taken to a page with a saved copy of the page. In this case, our attempt was not successful, because, as I already said, Yandex works slowly and did not have time to leave the information we needed in the cache:

But don’t despair, there is still old Google, and it doesn’t let you down. The algorithm of actions is the same. Paste the link to the VK page into the search bar GOOGLE. It should find and provide the page we need as the first link.

Now click on the little arrow and select “ saved copy».

Now we will get into Google's cache. And here everything is fine - the saved copy of the page as of January 30, 2015 is shown.

Here's what it looks like:

You can see it here all requied information- from contacts to photos. Now you know how to view information from deleted and closed VKontakte pages.

By the way, this function is available not only in Yandex and Google, so you can try other search engines.

I am very glad if the article was useful for you, it will be useful for me if you share a link to it in social networks. Thanks to everyone who did this.

For any questions, write by email or in the comments.

Services and tricks with which you can find EVERYTHING.

Why is this needed: Did you briefly read the article in the morning and decided to take a closer look in the evening, but it’s not on the website? A few years ago you visited a useful site, today you remembered it, but there’s nothing left on the same domain? This has happened to each of us. But there is a way out.

Everything that goes on the Internet is stored there forever. If some information is posted on the Internet for at least a couple of days, there is a high probability that it has become the property of the collective mind. And you will be able to reach her.

Let's talk about simple and publicly available ways to find sites and pages that have been deleted for some reason.

1. Google cache that remembers everything

Google specifically stores the text of all web pages so that people can view them if the site is unavailable. To view the version of the page from the Google cache, type in the address bar:


Where http://www.site/ must be replaced with the address of the site you are looking for.

2. Web-archive, which contains the entire history of the Internet

6. Archive.is, for your own cache

If you need to save some web page, you can do this on archive.is without registration and SMS. There is also a global search for all versions of pages ever saved by users of the service..

7. Caches of other search engines, you never know

If Google, Baidu and Yandex did not manage to save anything sensible, but a copy of the page is really needed, then we go to seacrhenginelist.com, go through the search engines and hope for the best (so that some bot visits the site at the right time).

8. Browser cache when all else fails

You can’t view the entire page this way, but images and scripts from some sites are stored on your computer for a certain period of time. They can be used to search for information. For example, using a picture from the instructions, you can find a similar one on another site. Briefly about the approach to viewing cache files in different browsers:


Looking for files in a folder ~/Library/Caches/Safari.

Google Chrome

In the address bar we type chrome://cache


In the address bar we type opera://cache

Mozilla Firefox

Type in the address bar about:cache and find on it the path to the directory with the cache files.

9. Trying to download the page file directly from the server

We go to whoishostingthis.com and find out the address of the server on which the site is or was located:

After that, open the terminal and using the command curl trying to download the required page:

What to do if nothing helps at all

If none of the methods yielded results, and you desperately need to find the deleted page, then all that remains is to contact the site owner and shake out the treasured information from him. First, you can get through the contacts associated with the site on emailhunter.com:

Then when you try to view it, you will receive an error message. But what if you desperately need the information that was on it?

There are several methods that allow you to view deleted VKontakte pages.

: .

We use a webarchive

This is a service that stores the history of websites. In it you can try to find a text copy of the page that was published.


For some reason, Roskomnadzor blocked access to it, so use any anonymizer (see). Or try changing the IP - put the address of another country (see).

On the main page of the archive, there is a block “Wayback Machine”. Here you need to enter the address of the remote page and press Enter.

Pay attention to the interface. There is a calendar at the top of the screen. It displays the available copies of the page. If there are several, you can view each of them. Let's try to zoom out to 2012 and see what was on my page at that time. We select the desired date on the calendar and get this result.

If the deleted page is not in the archive, you will receive a message like this.

Viewing a copy of your profile in search engines

Yandex and Google add information about all found pages on the Internet to their database. This also applies to VK accounts. The copy version changes with each database update (of course, if there are changes). This process takes several days.

If the user is very recent, there is a chance that search engines still have a saved copy of it. And we can review it.

Let's see what it looks like in Yandex.

To make the operating principle more clear, consider a copy that is guaranteed to exist.

We go to Yandex and type your account address in the search.

The same principle applies to Google.

Now let's try to view the saved copy. To do this, expand the additional menu (the triangle-shaped button is located next to the address). Click here "Saved Copy".

Now try the same steps for the remote page you want to see.

View Browser Cache

Every time you open a website page, your browser saves a copy of it to its history. This is done so that when you open it again, you do not have to download it again via the Internet, but instantly provide you with a ready-made copy. This significantly increases the speed of work.

If you recently visited the user's page, there is a chance that it is in the browser cache and you can view it.

Let's do this using Mozilla Firefox as an example.

Enable offline mode. To do this, open the menu, then “Development”, and then check the box "Work autonomously".

The procedure for viewing a deleted page is the same both when the profile was erased on one’s own initiative and when it was forcibly blocked.

If you delete a VKontakte page on your own, the user is given 6 months to change his decision. To restore your profile, log in and restore information in one click.

For VK pages that have been frozen due to suspicion of hacking, instructions with restoration are displayed upon login. This mainly happens through a code that is sent to the linked phone. Pages blocked by the site's decision are restored only after a certain time.

An alternative method is to write to VK technical support to resolve the issue urgently.

Viewing a saved copy in search engines

In cases where you need to view a deleted page of a user who does not want to restore it, use the saved copies. Information from the network does not disappear without a trace. There are resources that store data about each site in a cache. Such services, as they are now, do not help in searching for pages from social networks, so the use of popular search engines remains.

It is convenient to view such information through Yandex. The address of the desired profile is entered into the search bar, after which the results are displayed.

In the list, select the “Saved copy” item, after which a copy of the profile saved some time before its destruction will be opened in a new tab.

This method allows you to still view posts and photos that users have previously erased. Similar actions are performed in other well-known search engines, such as Google or Bing.

You can restore a VK page in different ways, depending on how exactly it was lost (deleted or blocked). Below are step-by-step instructions for recovery in each case. In case they cannot, the article also presents an alternative method. If it doesn’t help you, then be sure to write to us in the comments and we will consider your problem personally.

What to do if your profile is deleted

If you deleted your VK page, you can restore it within 7 months. You don’t need to pay any money for restoration - if you see such a request on the page, then know that this is a scam.

Check your system for viruses to get rid of notifications that your profile is locked and you need to pay to unlock it.

To restore your VK page:

After clicking the “Restore” button again, you can fully use your VK account again - all friends, messages, posts and other information from the page will remain intact.

What to do if your account is blocked

If the VK page was not just deleted, but blocked for sending spam or other suspicious activity, then you can restore it using a special form.

The service will automatically find a page that meets your specified requirements. If the correct account is detected, click “Yes, this is the right page” to regain access to the profile. A message with a code will be sent to the number associated with your profile. Enter it and click “Change Password”. If you do not have access to the phone or the message does not arrive, then click on the “Click here” link.

A small three-point questionnaire will appear - if you fill it out, you can return your page by linking it to another phone number. You need:

  1. Specify another number to which the VK account will be linked.
  2. Write the login you used to access your page before (number or email address).
  3. Enter your old password (you can leave this field blank).

Account recovery is only possible if your profile contains your photos. It is difficult to return anonymous pages without photos, even if you provide complete information about the old password and login.

If a profile is blocked for violating the site rules, then the blocking information will indicate the specific reason and expiration date of the ban. Before this period expires, access to the page cannot be restored.. If you did not violate the rules (your page was hacked and used by third parties), then report this to the support service - the procedure for contacting will be discussed in detail below.

What to do if your login and password are lost

The form described above will allow you to restore your VK page if you have forgotten your login and password. This is a fairly common problem among users, so the VKontakte administration has made the procedure as simple as possible, but safe - you can only restore your page, you cannot gain access to someone else’s account.

The page has been found, but to restore it you will have to send a request, in which you must indicate the old number, the available number, and the password for the account. If your profile contains your photos, then you can do without a password, but then there is a chance that the VKontakte administration will reject your request.

Alternative method

If your profile was hacked and then blocked for actions that violate VK rules, you cannot remember your login (password) or you cannot find your account address, then try to restore access directly through the VKontakte support service.

Note: To use this feature, you need to be logged in to the site. If you decide to create a new page for your request, under no circumstances link it to the same number as the old one, otherwise you risk losing access to the old account. You can open a support page from another person's profile - it will be safer.

2024 gtavrl.ru.