How to manage everything and learn not to be late. Getting ready for tomorrow in the evening

Where can you find time to get everything done? How to develop a sense of time? What to do to avoid being late?

Are there such happy women who are on time everywhere and are never late? Maybe there is. But, most of us are short of time. Sometimes it seems that it is physically impossible to have time to redo everything that is planned in a day. So it turns out that we are always in a hurry, late and nervous. Moreover, people who are not friends with time are mostly people who are inclined to daydream, feel sad, or those who are simply not used to controlling time. Often these are people who have not been accustomed to routine and discipline since childhood, and who have to be reminded and prompted in everything. Another reason for being late and not getting along with the sense of time may be a reluctance to do this or that job, go on a date or have an unpleasant meeting. By being late, a person delays an unpleasant moment for himself. And some are always late because they want to stand out and even in such a strange way remind of themselves.

Habit of always being late can become a serious problem in life and lead to big troubles. What kind of manager would like an employee who does not submit reports on time or is constantly late? Does such a subordinate have a chance to rise up the career ladder? Tricky question. And in the family of a woman who grabs at everything and does not have time to do anything, the situation is usually not the best. And dissatisfaction with oneself leads to feelings of guilt, mental discomfort and hassle.

How to manage everything and learn not to be late

How can you find time for important things without compromising your family and work?

  • The Internet and social networks often become a trap for those who cannot tear themselves away from the monitor without viewing all the news and messages from virtual friends.
  • Chatting on the phone for unrelated reasons takes up a lot of our time. Learn to speak to the point, and save empty conversations with your friends for a personal meeting on the weekend.
  • Housework and cooking complex dishes are the biggest expense in terms of time. There is a way out of the situation - distribute responsibilities in the family among all its members. Teach your loved ones to put things neatly in their places, then cleaning will not take much time. Leave cooking complex dishes for the weekend, eat simple and healthy food prepared with minimal heat treatment (steam porridge, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, bake meat and fish in the oven, etc.)
  • Travel time, traffic jams, etc. Make good use of the time you spend in transport. Listen to foreign language lessons on headphones, listen to music or read. Walk part of the way - half an hour in the fresh air will do you good.

Try planning your day and making a to-do list that must be done on time and without fail. Allocate to these things certain time, and schedule the remaining hours based on the non-essential ones and those that you can do if you have time left. Don't forget about the time you need to spend with loved ones and the time you spend on self-care.

How can you develop a sense of time?

  • Keep a diary and note how much time it took you to do a certain activity.
  • Set realistic goals for yourself. Don’t try to redo in a day everything that has accumulated over the week.
  • To control time, wear wrist watch, this is much more effective than using a mobile phone for these purposes.
  • Play sports. Children who have attended sports clubs since childhood are rarely late at an older age. They have a more developed sense of time and responsibility for their actions.
  • In the morning, try to get up early, do gymnastics and sketch out a plan for the day - this is great for organizing and helps you get into the business rhythm.
  • In order not to be late, leave home half an hour earlier, so you will not become hostage to traffic jams and transport problems. If you have time, walk to work.

Try to become an organized person. With a little self-discipline, you will realize that you are getting a lot more done. It will be difficult only at first, the main thing is to believe in yourself and not be lazy.


It only takes a few minutes to make a plan for the day, but it will save a lot of time throughout the day. If the list of necessary tasks is large, break it down by priority: tasks that urgently need to be completed and those that still have time to complete. Create the optimal route around the city. Leave plenty of time for your trip, as there is a possibility of getting stuck in a traffic jam.

If you set a precise time at which you need to be in one place, you will not be able to do something else when you need to go to an already scheduled meeting.

And, of course, you need to prepare for the new day in the evening, so that you can spend the morning not in fuss, running around and being late, but calmly and measuredly. And without stopping!

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Priorities and unnecessary trifles

Stop sitting for hours in social networks. This will bring no satisfaction, no pleasure, no benefit, but only a feeling of wasted time. Do not maintain relationships with those with whom you do not want to communicate; refuse their invitations to “sit for a cup of coffee.” Give time only to those you consider necessary. Decide what is more important to you - successful work, the ability to lie on the couch for hours, or the reputation of a trouble-free person. Believe me, the time saved will more than cover all your delays!

Sometimes it's hard to admit, often these are things you enjoy and you can't imagine a day without them. But you need to be stricter with yourself and understand that it is these little things that steal time and distance you from your goals.


If you do not fit into the time frames set by you or your partners, this reveals you as a person who does not think about the future, and perhaps has problems with self-esteem. In this case, you face not only the loss of your business reputation and, in some cases, money, but also damaged relationships with colleagues and friends. After all, few people want to waste their precious time with a chronically late person. Understanding the problem should be a powerful motivator for you to change.

First you need to realize whether you want to become a punctual person. If such a desire is present, find motivation for yourself.

As soon as a person realizes that being late is preventing him from earning money, making a career, or, for example, getting along with friends, we can assume that he has already embarked on the path to success. If a person is highly motivated and, for example, is under threat of being fired, he will change within a week: he will arrive 5 minutes earlier, submit a report a day earlier. Over time, all this will become a habit.

Another way to motivate yourself is to think about the consequences and imagine what will happen if you are late. It is unlikely that anyone would like to feel guilty for this reason or spoil relationships with people.

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Ability to end a meeting

How often do you say the phrase: “Sorry to interrupt, but I have to go - I have an appointment.”

Learn to put an end to the conversation if you understand that soon you should be in another place.

Perhaps some people will be offended by this, but those who are smarter will begin to respect you - after all, you strictly follow your schedule, without wasting time on empty talk.

Pay attention to how people who have climbed high up the career ladder value their time. It couldn’t be otherwise: the ability to plan their life allowed them to become who they became. So, in business circles successful people such a phrase is not at all perceived as impolite; on the contrary, it is in the order of things and indicates the high efficiency of the one who pronounces it.

"Temporary Pessimism"

Those who are constantly late for work are often advised to move the hands of all clocks forward 10 minutes. In fact, this will not solve the problem, since you will still remember that the clock is rushing and constantly take this time into account.

Take it for granted - any planned task will always take a little longer. Become a kind of “temporary pessimist”. By following this rule, you will always be at the meeting point on time or a little earlier than necessary. Remember: people who are at least a little ahead own schedule, have such qualities as organization, composure, concentration. Not a bad company, right?

No favor

It often happens that we are led astray from the path of punctuality by a single person who always tolerates delays patiently. Indeed, if you know that they will wait for you for at least an hour without reproaches, the temptation to be late increases. And once received an SMS: “I couldn’t wait for you, I left on business,” instantly tones up.

How often do you hear or say the phrase “I’m always late?” But punctuality is an integral feature for modern man. Even a slight delay to work or a business meeting can cause serious trouble. But what if you never manage to arrive on time? No matter how hard you try, you always run out of minutes and keep yourself waiting. Read also: .

To stop being late forever and learn to be punctual, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • You can't be late! Stop yourself from being late, and stop coming up with various excuses for your actions. Punctuality is primarily a sign of respect for others. In addition, constant lateness characterizes you as an irresponsible, unreliable person. So, to arrive on time, first of all, you yourself should be interested.
  • Plan your day in advance. It only takes a few minutes to make a plan, but it will save a lot of time throughout the day. If the list of necessary tasks is large, break it down by priority: tasks that urgently need to be completed and those that still have time to complete. Create the optimal route around the city. Leave plenty of time for your trip, as there is a possibility of getting stuck in a traffic jam.
  • Analyze your time spent. Record the time you spent completing a particular task. If you are late again, then analyze your day and determine what exactly distracts you from important things.
  • Women who are constantly late for work are often recommended move all clocks forward 10 minutes. In fact, this will not solve the problem, since you will still remember that the clock is rushing and constantly take this time into account.
  • To leave the house on time in the morning, you need to prepare all the things you need in the evening : wash shoes, iron a shirt, fold a bag, etc.
  • Self-motivation is another way to stop being late . Always remember that your reputation depends on your punctuality and... When your bosses are always unhappy with you, your colleagues make fun of you, and your friends reproach you, this becomes an excellent opportunity to learn punctuality.
  • Stop making excuses. If you are late, don't make up false excuses, just apologize to the person who was expecting you. Understand that nothing can justify your being late. Once you realize this, you will become more punctual.
  • Save not only your own, but also other people's time. Remember that while waiting for you, a person wastes precious minutes of his life, which no one will return to him later.

Accuracy - the politeness of kings? Not only! The opinion of others about him depends on how accurate and punctual a person is.

Arriving everywhere and always on time is a real talent that is highly valued. It is highly undesirable to be late even for a date! Would you say that men enjoy waiting for such a unique girl like you? You're wrong! The conclusions of psychologists are disappointing: 99% of men are wildly annoyed by women’s habit of being late. Such optionality, in their opinion, speaks of your frivolous nature, and stop serious relationship no one would want to be with such a special one.

One of my friends was stubbornly late for dates, which is why more than one nice man disappeared from her horizon. One day she met a very interesting gentleman, and of course, she decided to “sweat” him too. She was usually delayed by 20 minutes. Starting from the third date, her boyfriend began to show up half an hour late, thus deciding to teach the self-confident girl a lesson. As a result, nothing came of their relationship, ridiculous delays spoiled all the pleasure of dating, but it’s a pity...

What can we say about optionality at work? If you are late for negotiations or a meeting, it is not loving fans who are forced to wait for you, but serious business people, every minute of which is valuable and irreplaceable! I won’t even voice what they think of you. The habit of being late in the business world is one of the worst sins.

Do you want to learn punctuality? It’s not difficult at all and anyone can do it. Remember the rules.

First: think through your day in the evening

Before going to bed, remember all the things you have to do tomorrow. Set your priorities, estimate the time it will take to complete all your tasks and travel. To avoid forgetting anything, make a list and put a time frame next to each item. For example, “Road to work - 8.30-9.00”, “Answers to business letters– 9.15-10.15”, “Preparing dinner – 18.40-19.15”. This way you will clearly see how realistic your plan is, and you will be able to control yourself.

Second: create a reserve of time for yourself

This means that for each task you will plan a little more time than required. This will create some reserve for you. It will make you feel not like a cornered horse, but like a collected businesswoman who knows how to plan her day in such a way that she always has a couple of extra minutes to drink a cup of coffee with a friend.

Third: get ready in the evening

Decide in advance what you will wear tomorrow, down to tights and jewelry. Prepare all the things, check if they are clean, iron them if necessary, and hang them on hangers in the closet. In the morning, you won’t have to waste time thinking and getting ready for a long time - all you have to do is put on what you have prepared. This way you will save quite a lot of time.

Fourth: set all the clocks in the house forward a little.

Preferably for about 10 minutes. This will discipline you, make you hurry up and perform your usual morning actions a little faster than usual.

Fifth: come early

Make it your habit to arrive to work 5 minutes earlier. Create such a business reputation for yourself, let them say about you: “She’s never late, she’s already there before five!” This will not only have a positive impact on your image, but will also provide quite tangible practical advantages. Just imagine how pleasant it is to enter a quiet empty office, open the windows, brew yourself delicious tea or coffee and, slowly, enjoy its taste, watching how out of breath, lathered colleagues rush into the office, trying to catch their breath. It will take them another good half hour to come to their senses, but you are already ready to go to work!

Sixth: get enough sleep!

If you sleep less than 8 hours a day, it’s not surprising that your hand reaches out in the morning to switch the alarm clock to sleep at least 10 more minutes. These ten minutes will not make you more cheerful and fresh, but they will help you be late! It's much wiser to go to bed early. And do this not occasionally, but constantly, in order to accustom your body to a clear schedule.

Seventh: watch the clock!

You should not only always know how much money is in your wallet, but also what time it is. This will help you stay in shape, stay on schedule and get everything done. The clock will push you.

Eighth: set your priorities!

Never waste time on unnecessary things that steal minutes and hours, but bring nothing in return.

Stopping spending hours on social networks will bring no satisfaction, no pleasure, no benefit, but only a feeling of wasted time. Stop responding to all requests for help - you won’t help everyone, and such readiness often provokes abuse of your kindness. Do not maintain relationships with those with whom you do not want to communicate, refuse their invitations to “sit for a cup of coffee.” Give time only to those you consider necessary. Decide what is more important to you - a successful job, the opportunity to lie on the couch for hours, or a reputation as a trouble-free person.

Ninth: plan the perfect morning

How would you like to spend your morning? In a hurry, swallowing a hasty sandwich and tying a scarf on the go? Or are you more attracted to a leisurely pastime, with pleasant music, a few warm-up exercises, a contrast shower or a fragrant bath and a delicious breakfast? So give yourself this opportunity! All you need to do is wake up 15 minutes earlier!

D Tenth: learn to pronounce the necessary phrases

For example, something like this: “Sorry to interrupt, but I have to go - I have an appointment.” Yes, it is not easy to interrupt a person and let him know that you are in a hurry. Perhaps some people will be offended by such a phrase, but those who are smarter will begin to respect you - after all, you strictly follow your schedule, without wasting time on empty talk. Have you ever paid attention to how people who have climbed high up the career ladder value their time? It couldn’t be otherwise: the ability to plan their life allowed them to become who they became. So, in the circles of successful business people, such a phrase is not at all perceived as impolite; on the contrary, it is in the order of things and indicates the high efficiency of the one who pronounces it.

Well, that’s all the main secrets of punctuality. The main thing is your desire to become successful and independent.

Let's start with a question.

Why be late Badly?

1. Loss of trust. A late person is like a pirate who robs what does not belong to him. IN in this case This . Moments of life are gone forever. A person spends his life languishing in anticipation. Everyone perceives the loss of time quite painfully, some without even realizing it. There is negativity towards the latecomer.

2.Decreased self-esteem. Lateness, most often, cause feelings of guilt and make the latecomer vulnerable. After all, he, trying to somehow atone for his guilt, is inclined to accept a proposal that he does not quite like, is inclined to agree with what does not correspond to his principles, is inclined to remain silent where he wants to speak out against.

3. Cheap attention. There is a category of people (usually women) who try to attract attention to themselves in this way. The question arises: does a person really no longer have any merits that would interest others? Maybe it's worth doing them?

1. This is, of course, a classic, but it is important to prepare in advance for leaving the house, in the evening. Prepare clothes, clean shoes, collect Required documents, a book to read, for travel and lunch, or to put food in a container.

2. Before leaving, it is advisable to bypass it and not even turn it on. Otherwise, viewing email, news on social networks, or a new article on your favorite site can drag on and delay you for n amount of time.

If there is a need for this, the first thing you need to do is get ready to wash, get dressed, do your hair, and then look through your mail. When time X (leaving the house) comes, the computer turns off by pressing one key, and everything else, if you are not ready, cannot be done by pressing one button.

3. Conduct visualization - imagine how you show up on time for a meeting, work, or a date in good mood, with a smile, with a beautiful hairstyle, in neat clothes and polished shoes. You radiate confidence and positivity. It’s a pleasure to work with you, communicate with you, and do business with you.

4. Carry out timing - determine how much time it takes to take a shower, dry and style your hair, have breakfast, clean up and wash the dishes, get dressed, etc. This way you will know how long the preparations will take and, based on this, you will plan them.

5. Use a reserve of 15 minutes for unexpected things to do while getting ready.

6. Don’t get involved in long conversations over mobile phone, if they do not have a sign of special importance on this moment. Arrange to call later.

7. Do not try to finish any household chores while getting ready (brush off dust, clean the stove, hammer a nail) if you have not planned them and have not allocated additional time for them.

8. Calculate the travel time, including the time it takes to call and wait for the elevator, plus the minutes it will take to get to the stop. public transport or to your car. Sometimes this time is not enough to arrive on time, since it is not taken into account.

9. Leave 15 minutes earlier than the calculated time for the road. Calmness and confidence will pay off.

10. Prepare for yourself interesting activity, which will allow you not to get bored if you arrive early - an interesting book, magazine, new music selection.

11. If you're late, don't make excuses. It's better to briefly apologize and get down to business. Excuses are an additional waste of time and an attempt to get rid of yourself. At these moments, the business, work, meeting for which you were in such a hurry does not begin. Draw conclusions to avoid future lateness.

12. Ask friends for help. Let them stop waiting for you, even if you are late even for a minute. If you know that a person is ready to put up with your unpunctuality, to spend minutes and hours waiting, you will take advantage of this state of affairs, that is, be late. Arriving once at a meeting place where you are no longer expected, you will get a shake-up and an excellent lesson for change.

If a person is used to being late and this is already a chronic process, it takes time and persistence to implement the suggested tips.


  • understand that being late is bad
  • desire to break free from this habit,
  • gradually introduce methods, step by step
  • daily improve the skill of arriving on time,
  • work on mistakes if something doesn’t work out
  • have the intention to correct your behavior pattern.
  • get rid of

And finally, explanatory options:

I'm late because

Before leaving, I saw that my grandmother was playing on the computer and helped her move to another level.

I helped a deaf-mute, one-legged blind man cross the road.

My train has derailed.

The car broke down. I had to push her to the office.

After a sleepless night, I was driving to work on the metro and, having fallen asleep on the ring line, passed my station three or four times.

In the morning I read my horoscope and was upset because it contained nothing but troubles. I decided not to rush to work in order to delay their attack.

I was late because I had a good rest on vacation. This morning I couldn’t fit into my favorite skirt.

I'm late for several reasons. I drive a car - the road is unpredictable, and I consider it unwise to risk my life for 10 minutes of working time.

I was late because I got on the wrong bus, and it started circling pointlessly around the city.

The sleeping pills taken in the evening turned out to be too strong.

This is my second day working at your company. Since today is Monday, a hard day after the weekend, I took the subway and arrived at my old job. And only from the surprised look of my former director did I understand that I had come to the wrong place.

I spent the whole night writing an explanation about being late for work yesterday and therefore overslept.
I was 40 minutes late for work due to a thoughtless purchase of fruit from the metro.

On June 16, I came to work late due to the inability to lock the front door of the apartment when leaving the house, due to the removal of my keys by a person of the opposite sex to me, who is my roommate, due to his innate absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, as a result of which I had to wait prompt return of the above-mentioned person back, in order to return to me the keys he accidentally took away front door my home.

Got lost.

I was late for work on purpose. I wanted to see how it would end.

The bus driver was in a hurry and did not want to stop.

When I left the house, a sandstorm began.

Yesterday I fell off my horse, didn’t get enough sleep and was late.

I was absent from work on July 15 for a valid reason, which I cannot go into here.

What is closer to you: to explain or to be punctual?