How to enable Windows XR updates. How to update Windows XP after official system support ends

After April 8, 2014, the official Windows support XP. There is a solution to this problem! Our website will introduce you to it.

For users, this means both good and bad news. Good news is that Windows XP will continue to work. The bad news is that the free Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus will no longer work on Windows XP, and operating system updates that eliminate security threats, i.e., will no longer be released. the computer will become more vulnerable. A solution has been found to extend the life of Windows XP and it saves money.

What's surprising is Windows share XP is growing gradually for the second month in a row, although its support ended more than a year ago. According to NetMarketShare, Windows XP's market share was 29.53% in February and 29.30% in January. In December its share was 28.98% , which means that she chopped off a little more for herself.

What to do?

First, check the box “Don’t show this message again” in the warning window that constantly appears.

You can clearly see that the Windows XP operating system works for us!

And the most interesting thing is that there are updates, they continue to come out! Everything turns out to be simple, it exists special version Windows XP, which was developed for terminals, ATMs, and cash registers, support for which ends only in 2019! (this is when you can think about changing the operating system; in most cases this means changing the entire hardware). Of course, these updates will not arrive on your computer. You need to follow certain steps so that Windows Update XP sees that you have the right to do this:

  • Create a text file in Notepad
  • You need to enter the following information into it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

  • You must save it with the .reg extension under any name
  • Now let's run these files and agree and make changes to the registry
  • Run the file and agree that information will be entered into the registry

  • After the window appears this information added you need to restart your computer
  • Now you can safely receive updates

So what's the catch?

2. A Microsoft representative stated: "We recently became aware of a method that will supposedly allow Windows XP users to receive security updates. These security updates are for Windows Embedded and Windows Server 2003 and do not fully protect Windows XP users. Windows XP users expose their machines to significant risk by installing these updates because they have not been tested for Windows XP. The best way protect your systems for Windows XP users is to upgrade to more new version, for example, up to Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 or wWindows 10".

Many users believe that installing operating system updates is a minor task that can be postponed until later, or even completely ignored. It must be said that those who hold this opinion are some of the most numerous clients computer services, which is brought there by the need to recover data after virus attack or “cure” your computer from a particularly persistent infection. In addition, refusal to update the system means a decrease in the level of its stability and reliability of its operation.

Problems that can be solved using Windows OS updates

  • System protection. Any Windows version, including the most recent ones, contain a lot of hidden vulnerabilities (loopholes) that are used by cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to user data. Or to use the victim’s computer for their own purposes, for example, to conduct DDoS attacks, send spam, mine cybercurrency, etc. System updates protect the user from criminal attacks by closing these loopholes.
  • Full support for hardware and software . Developers of computer hardware and software are constantly improving technology, adding new functionality to their products. And this functionality cannot be implemented by the operating system unless an appropriate update is introduced into it. Also, thanks to updates, support for new equipment becomes possible.
  • Improving computer performance and stability. New driver versions included with Windows updates can improve device performance and reduce power consumption. And new libraries and system modules make the OS more stable and efficient.

If traffic consumption or the stability of Internet access does not allow you to download all updates, you must install at least those that have the status of critical or important. They eliminate the most dangerous vulnerabilities and fix the most serious errors.

As stated Microsoft representatives, support and updates for Windows XP will continue until April 8, 2014.

How to download and install the update

Updates are installed via Windows Center Update from Microsoft, available through Control Panel:

Setting up scheduled updates

This option is also available from the panel Windows management XP.

  • Click the Start button and launch Control Panel. Find the “Automatic update” option in it.

  • Here you can choose one of three modes for installing updates, as well as disabling it (it is not recommended to disable it at all, except when you use the WSUS Offline Update service). The best option– this is an automatic update on a schedule. You set the day of the week and time for this. Two other options are offered manual installation updates at the user's discretion and only a notification about the need to download and install them.

How to remove a Windows XP update

This must sometimes be resorted to when installed update Windows XP crashes.

  • Launch Control Panel and select the “Add or Remove Programs” option and check the “Show updates” checkbox.

  • Select the update that is causing problems from the list and click “Uninstall.” Then restart your computer.

Why Windows XP does not update and how to deal with it

The Windows XP update problem occurs for many reasons, the most common of which are the following:

  • Viral infection. Availability in the system active virus may prevent the computer from accessing the update server, modify the registry keys responsible for this, interfere with their installation, etc. The solution to the problem is to remove the virus and restore damaged system functions.
  • Windows ban Update policies security. This can be done for some purpose by the computer administrator, and in some cases, by a virus. If you yourself are a member of the administrators group and have not made such settings, first of all, conduct an anti-virus scan.
  • Not enough hard drive space. Some Windows updates, especially large packages (Service Pack), require a lot free space. So make sure you have enough.
  • Hardware faults or lack of support Windows drivers some devices. In this case, failures may occur when you try to install updates that contain drivers. If this happens to you, do not install such an update and contact the hardware developer.
  • Use of unlicensed copies of Windows . In this case, some updates will not be available to you, but you will still be able to install critical and important ones.

If searching for the reasons did not help you figure out why Windows is not updating, you can use the Microsoft troubleshooter.

Installing updates using WSUS Offline Update

For organizations or large network home computers, you can organize an offline system update service using the tool WSUS Offline Update– a program that downloads Windows updates to one computer, from which the entire network can later be updated without connecting to the Internet. With its help you can update any operating systems.

The tool does not require complex settings. Before starting it must be unpacked into separate folder, where the update package for your system will also be downloaded.

Important! The WSUS service only works on licensed copies of Windows.

  • Run the file UpdateGenerator.exe from the folder where you unpacked WSUS.
  • Check the box next to Windows XP for your language version and click “Start”. Also before this you can add DotNET, C++, Windows Defender, MSE by checking the corresponding “Include” items at the bottom of the window.
  • After starting the program in the window command line The download log will be kept and should not be closed.
  • Once the update download is complete, you will see a file in the WSUS directory (or subdirectories) UpdateInstaller.exe- this is what you needed. You can transfer it to other computers and run it - the updates will be installed.

In April 2014, official support and updates for the well-proven Windows XP operating system ended. This has prompted many users to switch to more modern Windows 7.

But, despite the fact that Windows 7 turned out to be quite successful, the new operating system is more demanding on the computer’s hardware. Computers that ran on Windows 7 with Windows XP may have already slowed down a little. Besides new system brought inconvenience to those who are already used to and have studied Windows XP quite well, since everything in the interface has moved to other places and needs to be relearned.

But most main problem There was a lack of drivers for old equipment. Many people still have old printers, scanners and other devices that still work well that they could not get to work on Windows 7.

Thus, users who, for one reason or another, remain on XP have to put up with the lack of updates and, as a result, reduced protection from new malicious technologies that exploit vulnerabilities in the operating system.

But it turned out that all was not lost. Recently, a German hacker came up with a very simple way to extend the receipt of updates on Windows XP. The fact is that Microsoft continues to support the Windows POSReady 2009 operating system for payment terminals and ATMs, which is built on Windows kernel XP. Updates for these operating systems absolutely identical.

This support includes the release of security updates and will last until April 2019. All that remains is to convince the server Microsoft updates, is that you do not have Windows XP installed on your computer, but Windows POSReady 2009. A German hacker found a very simple solution on how to do this.

Need to be added to Windows registry XP the following branch:

And create only one DWORD key in it:

"Installed" with value "1"

This is easy to do using the Registry Editor. But if you don’t know how to use it, then in order not to ruin the system, it’s better to download a file that will do everything itself. Just double-click on it and agree to make changes to the registry.

With security updates, your Windows XP will be protected for a long time. You can download the file for making changes to the registry from the link below.

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Many users still have this legendary system installed. However, its support ended in 2014, which means that no one can receive any updates for Windows XP anymore, and many of them are related to system security. It's clear why Microsoft did this; it prompted many users to switch to more modern versions systems

Nevertheless, this OS is still popular because it does not require many resources and is ideal for devices with not the most powerful hardware. But, if used, I would like to receive updates. This can be done, because in 1414 support was stopped only regular versionsXP, and many equipment continues to work on Windows systems POS and Embedded, which are based on this OS, and their support will continue until 2019.

Windows XP x32 update

As is clear from the previous section, in order to continue receiving updates for Windows XP, it is enough to correct something in the OS so that it is perceived as one of these versions. To do this, you will need to make several changes to the registry. First, you should open the registry editor; to do this, you can press win+r and write in the window that opens regedit. Next you will need to follow the route HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\WPA, after that you need to right-click on the last directory in the address, select create and specify a partition, its name should be PosReady.

Now you should go to the newly created directory and right-click on empty space on the right side of the screen, here you also need to create a new variabledword named Installed.

Double click on it and set as value unit. Now the system believes that you have the same version that is installed on the terminals, so it remains possible to receive important updates.

You can also not edit the registry, but simply createreg file and run it. To do this you will need to open notepad and paste text into it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

How to update Windows XP x64

For a 64-bit system, there are slight differences during the system update procedure. The user will have to download updates for Windows Server 2003 (because the 64 bit version is based on it) from the Microsoft website. After downloading, unpack all data into folder C:\xpupdate(if you unpack to another directory, you should change all the paths in following files). After this you will need to go to the directory c:\xpupdate\update and find there a file named update_SP2QFE.inf and make a copy of it and give it a name new_update_SP2QFE.inf.





Now you should open notepad and paste into it following lines:

cd "C:\xpupdate\update"

echo Replace update.inf with

copy update_SP2QFE.inf org_update_SP2QFE.inf /y

copy new_update_SP2QFE.inf update_SP2QFE.inf /y

echo Apply Update

start update.exe /passive /norestart /log:c:\xpupdate\install.log

ping -n 1 -w 5>nul

copy org_update_SP2QFE.inf update_SP2QFE.inf /y

Microsoft ended support for Windows XP on April 8th. Computers running this OS no longer receive automatic updates and security patches. Thus, the system becomes vulnerable to attacks if critical vulnerabilities are discovered.

Nevertheless, Windows users XP may still receive updates despite the end of official support.

It was published on the German forum interesting trick. The fact is that Windows XP can be configured in such a way that for Windows services Update it will be identified as Windows Embedded POSReady 2009. By performing a simple manipulation, XP users can seriously improve the security of their computers.

The differences between Windows XP and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 are small, so even if you install POSReady updates on XP, your computer will still be protected.

Let us quote an excerpt from Microsoft document, describing the difference between the two systems:

Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 contains the following features:

A file write protection filter (FBWF) that helps protect system partition from writing, redirecting all write requests to protected volumes to the overlay cache;

USB Boot, which allows installation from USB devices;

Office applications are not licensed to run in POSReady. POSReady does not contain help files. Both systems use the same management software.

There is another important difference. While support for Windows XP ended on April 8, 2014, support for Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 will continue until April 9, 2019. Thus, XP users will be able to receive updates for 5 years, unless, of course, Windows blocks this opportunity.

We will describe the steps that need to be followed in order to Windows Update perceived XP as an Embedded version.

Call context menu and create a new one Text Document. Name the document whatever you like and change the extension to .reg. Select a file, click right button mouse and select the "edit" option.

Copy and paste the following code in Notepad and then save the file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Double-click on the file and apply the changes. Restart your computer and check for updates again. Several new updates should already be available for download.

Keep in mind that Microsoft can block this feature in various ways, but it's still worth a try this option, if in currently your system is not updated at all.

Translation . Based on materials from the Internet portal Softpedia

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