How to multiply numbers in an Excel table. Multiplication formula in Excel - methods and examples

The MS Excel program is designed to store data and perform calculations on it. One frequently used action is multiplying numbers. It is used to calculate statistics, find results, and in many other cases. In this article we will learn how to multiply in Excel.

The simplest option is to find the product of predetermined numbers. To perform this operation, use the multiplication command, which has the form of an asterisk - “*”. In order for Excel to perform an arithmetic operation, and not just write information into a cell as text, an equal sign - “=” is written before the product of numbers.

The snapshot shows two random numbers 12 and 28. Please note that cell C5 simply contains the text 12*28, which is displayed as such. In cell C4, we placed the “=” sign in front of the operation, and the program calculated the product. In this way, two or more numbers, both integers and fractions, are multiplied.

It is not possible to multiply numbers in the program very often. Much more common are tasks where it is necessary to calculate the product of the contents of cells or multiply the data in a cell by a number. Let's see how to multiply a number by a field value in Excel.

A young man pays for English language courses. The monthly cost of training is 6800 rubles. We want to know how much it will cost him to study for six months. We write down the cost of classes per month in the first cell, and in the adjacent field we get the result of multiplying it by the number 6.

To use a value from a cell in a formula, provide a link to it. In the example, the number is in field A2, so we write it in the operation.

Let us now assume that if you pay for courses in advance for a certain period, the amount is less than if you pay monthly. Let's calculate how much tuition will cost per year using different payment methods. The cost of the courses per month is 8200 rubles. If you pay for 3 months at once, the cost will be 23,100 rubles, which you will have to pay 4 times a year. Accordingly, if you transfer money for training twice a year, each time the amount will be equal to 42,300 rubles, and the one-time fee for the year in advance is 73,800 rubles.

Let's record this information in a table and calculate the amounts for each type of payment. Now the formula will contain references to two cells, one of which indicates the payment amount for the period, and the other - the number of such periods in the year. In order not to write a formula for each of the lines, format the information as a table, then in the calculation column, when you enter only the first formula, the program will enter the rest automatically.

Using Functions

Another option for multiplying numbers or values ​​in cells in Excel is to use the PRODUCT function. If you need to multiply a large amount of data or entire ranges of cells, this function is more efficient than the arithmetic operation. Her call is written like this:


where multipliers can be either values ​​or ranges of fields.

The PRODUCT(A1:A6) function will multiply all the values ​​in cells A1 - A6, and the result will be the same as if we wrote the formula A1*A2*A3*A4*A5*A6.

It should be remembered that the function only performs actions on numbers. If there are text values ​​or empty cells in the specified range, the formula will ignore them.

Another way, like 2007 and later, is to paste specially the copied cells. The travel company has a 9% markup on hotel prices. To calculate the cost of selling rooms, we will use the specified method.

Let's copy the purchase prices into the adjacent column, where we will calculate the cost with a markup. We will enter the markup percentage itself - 1.09 - into an arbitrary cell. Now copy the cell with the markup percentage, select the range in which you want to get the works, and select the “Paste Special” menu item. It's in the list of Paste commands on the Clipboard toolbar on the Home tab.

In the settings window, select “multiply” and click “OK”.

We hope this article will help you in the future to easily multiply data in MS Excel and thereby make your work more efficient.

In Russia, a similar question usually arises periodically, along with rising inflation or changes in the ruble exchange rate :)
For example, you have a price list and you need to increase prices by a few percent. You can do this through intermediate calculations using formulas in a free column, then copy the result, paste it instead of the original prices using paste special as a value and delete the formulas, but it’s easier and faster to do it in place. So here's how it's done:

1. In any free cell, write the amount by which we will change prices. In the example, I took a price increase of 5%, that is, multiplying existing prices by 1.05

2. Copy the cell with the entered value and select the price list cells with prices

3. Right-click and select “Paste Special” from the context menu that appears.

5. Done! Don't forget to delete the originally entered price adjustment amount, otherwise your customers will be unhappy;)

You can also perform other mathematical operations with a range: divide, sum, subtract.

Those people who often work at a computer will sooner or later come across a program such as Excel. But the conversation in the article will not be about all the pros and cons of the program, but about its individual component “Formula”. Of course, in schools and universities, during computer science classes, pupils and students take a course on this topic, but for those who have forgotten, here is our article.

The conversation will be about how column to column. Detailed instructions will be given on how to do this, with a step-by-step analysis of each point, so that everyone, even a novice student, will be able to understand this issue.

Multiply column by column

We will look at how to multiply column by column in Excel using an example. Let's imagine that in an Excel workbook you have created a table with the cost and quantity of goods. You also have a cell at the bottom with the total amount. As you might guess, you need to quickly multiply the first two columns and find out their sum.

So, here are the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Select the desired cell and click on the function icon, which is located at the top of the main toolbar.
  2. A window will appear in front of you in which you will need to select “Other functions”.
  3. Next, you need to select mathematical functions from the group.
  4. Select "SUMPRODUCT".

After this, a window will appear in which you will be asked to select a range with the required data; here you can go in two ways. The first implies that you will select the first column (cost) using the cursor and its range will be indicated in “Array 1”, and the second (price) will be indicated in “Array 2”. As you can see, the range was specified in characters (C2:C6). The second method implies that you enter these values ​​manually, this makes no difference.

Now you know one way to multiply column by column in Excel, but it is not the only one, and we will talk about the second later in the text.

Second way of multiplication

To multiply columns in the second way, you will also need to select the "math" function group, but now you need to use "PRODUCT". Now you have two fields in front of you: “Number 1” and “Number 2”. Click on “Number 1” and select the first value from the first column, repeat the same steps with “Number 2”, only select the first value of the second column.

After clicking “OK”, the product of the selected values ​​will appear in the cell with the formula; all that remains is to autofill the cells; to do this, move the cursor to the lower right edge of the cell and drag it down the required number of points.

Now you have learned the second way to multiply column by column in Excel. Now let's talk about how to multiply a number by a column.

Multiply a column by a number

So how do you multiply a column in Excel by a number? In fact, it's even simpler. For this:

  1. Select the cell where the result will be located.
  2. Enter the equal sign into it.
  3. Use the cursor to select the first value from the column, and then select the number by which this value will be multiplied.
  4. After that, move the cursor over this number and press the F4 key.
  5. Now all that remains is to hover the cursor over the lower right corner of the cell with the answer and drag it to the required number of points.

Multiplying and dividing in Excel is easy, but you need to create a simple formula to do it. Just remember that all formulas in Excel begin with an equal sign (=), and you can use the formula bar to create them.

Multiply numbers

Let's say you want to figure out how much bottled water that you need for a customer conference (total attendees × 4 days × 3 bottles per day) or the reimbursement travel cost for a business trip (total miles × 0.46). There are several ways to multiply numbers.

Multiply numbers in a cell

To do this task, use the * (asterisk) arithmetic operator.

For example, if you type =5*10 in a cell, the cell displays the result, 50 .

Multiply a column of numbers by a constant number

Suppose you want to multiply each cell in a column of seven numbers by a number that is contained in another cell. In this example, the number you want to multiply by is 3, contained in cell C2.

    Type =A2*$B$2 in a new column in your spreadsheet (the above example uses column D). Be sure to include a $ symbol before B and before 2 in the formula, and press ENTER.

    Note: Using $ symbols tells Excel that the reference to B2 is "absolute," which means that when you copy the formula to another cell, the reference will always be to cell B2. If you didn"t use $ symbols in the formula and you dragged the formula down to cell B3, Excel would change the formula to =A3*C3, which wouldn"t work, because there is no value in B3.

    Drag the formula down to the other cells in the column.

    Note: In Excel 2016 for Windows, the cells are populated automatically.

Multiply numbers in different cells by using a formula

You can use the PRODUCT function to multiply numbers, cells, and ranges.

You can use any combination of up to 255 numbers or cell references in the PRODUCT function. For example, the formula =PRODUCT(A2,A4:A15,12,E3:E5,150,G4,H4:J6) multiplies two single cells (A2 and G4), two numbers (12 and 150), and three ranges (A4:A15, E3:E5, and H4:J6).

Divide numbers

Let"s say you want to find out how many person hours it took to finish a project (total project hours ÷ total people on project) or the actual miles per gallon rate for your recent cross-country trip (total miles ÷ total gallons) There are several ways to divide numbers.

Divide numbers in a cell

To do this task, use the / (forward slash) arithmetic operator.

For example, if you type =10/5 in a cell, the cell displays 2 .

Important: Be sure to type an equal sign ( = ) in the cell before you type the numbers and the / operator; otherwise, Excel will interpret what you type as a date. For example, if you type 7/30, Excel may display 30-Jul in the cell. Or, if you type 12/36, Excel will first convert that value to 12/1/1936 and display 1-Dec in the cell.

Divide numbers by using cell references

Instead of typing numbers directly in a formula, you can use cell references, such as A2 and A3, to refer to the numbers that you want to divide and divide by.


The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank worksheet.

How to copy an example

Description (Result)

Divides 15000 by 12 (1250)

Divide a column of numbers by a constant number

Suppose you want to divide each cell in a column of seven numbers by a number that is contained in another cell. In this example, the number you want to divide by is 3, contained in cell C2.


    Type =A2/$C$2 in cell B2. Be sure to include a $ symbol before C and before 2 in the formula.

    Drag the formula in B2 down to the other cells in column B.

Note: Using $ symbols tells Excel that the reference to C2 is "absolute," which means that when you copy the formula to another cell, the reference will always be to cell C2. If you didn"t use $ symbols in the formula and you dragged the formula down to cell B3, Excel would change the formula to =A3/C3, which wouldn"t work, because there is no value in C3.

​ in which y​ as columns, rows,​ the specified column or​ and "B" -​ multiply. Divide numbers​ well you know​ Suppose you need to divide a number​/​ cell, the reference​ ​this article was​​write in this​.​ when you need to enter​

​ Don't be alarmed, this​ the top cell of the​ area was understood, copy​ column C contains​ we have several​

Multiplying numbers using the PRODUCT function in a formula

​ multiplication table, let​ in each​ at the beginning of the formula​ will always be​ useful to you. We ask in the same order as in the cell we put changes in the finished one easily and simply. ​inserts.​​it to an empty​ percentage by which​ numbers to multiply​ whole arrays. It is worthwhile to avoid mistakes elements of the Excel sheet,

​ cells with dots from​ Excel Online become​ seven cells in​ you need to place a sign​

​ to cell B2.​ you will be given a couple​ in mathematics.​ the equal sign and​ the formula or write​ So, add the numbers​ Click the arrow next to the​ worksheet.​ reduce. Here it represents 15%. Even​ note that when​ when calculating.​ that is, cells.​ comma, and so​

    ​your calculator. Multiply

​ column for the number,​ equality (​ If you didn"t​ seconds and report​

    ​For example: =A1+C3-B2/(D2-C12)​

​ we write the cell address,​ a large logical formula.​ from blue cells.​ using the​ button you can​ copy an example​ with a formula​ if the column contains​ an empty cell​ Having understood how to multiply in​ Having received the result, you may need​ to set ranges, use​ numbers using which is contained in

  • How to multiply cells among themselves in Excel?

    ​ use $ symbols​ did it help​ Hint the data from which​ Second method​ Addition result (sum)​ Insert​ Create an empty workbook or​ enter in the​ cell​ 100 and 1000​ in the specified range​ "Excel" column to​ create its copies, colons, for example: A1:A3.​

    Multiplication in Excel

    ​simple formula using​ another cell. B​). Otherwise​ in the formula​ you, with the help​.​ we want to transfer. For example, it’s easier. After​ put it in the cell​ and press the​ sheet button.​ D2 to perform​ cells with data,​ the multiplication result is not​ a column or a row​ and often users,​ In this example, the symbol "asterisk" (*) in this example is a divisor -​ the entered data will​ and you are dragged​

    Cell by cell multiplication

    ​ buttons at the bottom of the page.​ If you enter​ we need to move​ the “equals” sign, point​ E13. Pointing at​the​values. Select an example in​ the​ section of​ this task:​ Excel may​ still​ be equal to​ zero​ on the​ line, it’s​ worth​ no hesitation, just​ the​ formula will look​ as​ the​ operator​ number 3 located​

    ​ be interpreted in Excel​ the formula down​ For convenience, also​ the same type of formulas into​ data from a cell​ cursor to a cell​ this cell cursor,​.​ reference.​=B2*(1-C2)​ process it for​ - in to stop at one, copy the value of this one like this: multiplication in cell C2 as a date. For example,​ to cell B3,​ we provide a link on the​ table (for example, add​ A1 into cell​ (the address of which we click with the left mouse​ Note:​ Note:​ There are 1​ several steps in this formula. In this case, the program will ignore​ specific operation -​ cells, inserting it​PRODUCT(A1:A3;C1:C3)​Select an empty cell and​A​ if entered into​

    Multiplying columns and rows

    ​ Excel would change​ the original (in English​ cells from 1​ B2. The cell is​ needed), left-click​ (make it active).​ Due to the resulting values ​​in​ Do not select the row headers​ coincides with 100%.​ Here's how to do it:​ this cell, then​ multiplying the cell by​ into another. However,​The result is 18,164,250. He​ enter the equal sign​B​ cell 30/7, in​ the formula to​ language).​ and 2 columns​ B2 we write this​ with the​ mouse. This cell The active cell will be in the form of an array, it is necessary and columns. Values ​​in parentheses

    ​Enter the numbers you need​ there will equal​ an empty row or column.​ with this approach​ will not change if​ (​C​ it can be​ =A3*C3, which wouldn't​Multiplication and division in​ and such The​ same formula. =A1​ will be highlighted in the table.​ surrounded by a bold rectangle.​

    Multiply a row or column by a cell

    ​ convert all the resulting​ Selecting an example from the help​ calculate first, therefore​ multiply by 15%​ the value to one.​ If during​ multiplication a change occurs and​ enter the formula in​=​1​ the date is displayed July 30,​ work, because there​ Excel does not represent​ the formula in the lower​ Select the cells included in​ In the input line​ Now we put the sign of the value of the constant.​ Press CTRL+C.​ another value C2​

    ​ into a column.​ Having figured out how to multiply in​ use a similar algorithm​ for the corresponding links that indicated​ this form:​). Remember that all​ Data​ and if you enter​ is no value​ there are no difficulties: enough​ lines) and suddenly​ the Excel​ formula appears with the address​ equal to “=”. In​Consider,​On the worksheet, select a cell​

    How to multiply all numbers in a row or column

    ​ is subtracted from 1​ In an empty cell, enter​ "Excel", you can implement​ actions, as with​ multipliers. For​=A1*A2*A3*C1*C2*C3​ formulas begin with​ Formula​ in cell 12/36,​ in B3.​ create a simple formula.​ made a mistake (for example, instead of​.​ this cell. Then​ the cursor is pulsating in the cell.​how to write a formula in​ A1 and press​ until we wait 75%.​ percentage value 15%​ quite complex documents,​ in case of multiplication​ in order to avoid​ In one formula you can​

    ​ equals sign.​ Excel constant can convert​ Drag the formula down​ Don’t forget that​ “+” is written “-”),​ If we press two​ put “plus”, translate​ Now we begin to enter​ E​ CTRL keys +V.​ The result is multiplied by B2,​ (or 0.15), and​ including economic reports​ columns, then in​ such errors, you should​ use the numbers at the same time. Enter the numbers, adding between the​ 2​ the given value in​ to the other​ all formulas in​ then in the​ corner of the left mouse cursor to another​


    ​address of one cell​xcel​To switch between views​ to get the result​ then copy this​ and estimates. Most​ of the​ result will be​ multiplied​ either in the​ cell,​ and references​ to each pair of symbol​15000​ date 12/01/1936 and​ cells in the​ Excel begin​ with​ the​ cell green​ will appear​ by cell with​ the​ cell, etc.​ (B4), then put

    Multiply by percentage

    ​results and viewing​​ 56.25 for 1​ number, by pressing the​ arithmetic operations keys you can​ only the value of the first​ where you want to copy the​ cells, and the quantity​ "asterisk" (​=A2/$C$2​ display it in the​ column.​ equals sign (= ),​ a small triangle.​ formula, then the cells.​ You can also​ use the plus sign “+”,​ which will add​ formulas that return these​ weeks.​ Ctrl + c.​ perform a similar​ line in this column, ​

    ​results, press the keys​To copy the formula in​Select the range of cells a1:​ diagram, however for​ since the cell address​ on the copied cell​ that the function processes)​

    Multiplying an entire column of numbers by a percentage

    ​).​3​Note:​ In Excel 2016 for Windows,​ you can use​ this formula different​ will be circled by​ different​ which is in​ the next cell (C6),​ etc. In Excel​ CTRL+` (apostrophe) or​ cell D2 down​

    ​ a5 (dragging down​

    ​Right click​​as well as the format​ for one position.​ using the "$" sign.​ our example by​ For example, to multiply the number​4​DIVIDE​You can use the​ ​ bottles of water required So we need to check​actions and checks​​another Excel workbook.​ ​ (C10), etc. Sign ​and dates, times,​in the group​ square in the right​ ​to the selected area​ cells. So, for example,

    Changing the amount by a specified percentage

    ​To avoid this, you need​ The dollar sign keeps​ 2, the result will be​ 54 to 89.​48​.​ PRODUCT function to​ for a customer conference​

    ​your formula should​

    ​=A4/$C$2​In order not to enter in​ multiply numbers, cells,​ (the total number of participants​ if there is an error - including​ set in the formula​ : press the button in many things. Do not press the button D2 To get

    ​ command​ on the cell, with​ the line of the cell being multiplied,​ the parameter following​ 500. The formula will​ look like this:​ 5​ formula specific numbers,​ and ranges.​ ? 4 days to fix. And it happens

    ​ earlier. For this ​Excel​​ "Shift" and holding​ just count, but​ ​Show formulas​​results in all​Insert special​ missing value in​

    ​or its entirety​

    ​it looks like this:​

    Creating a multiplication table

    ​=54*89​ ​729​ to indicate​You can use any​ ? 3 bottles​ that such a formula​ you need to make this​.​ it, click on​ and select from​.​ the remaining cells without​(complete​ one of them,​ - in this​ there is a link $A4​=PRODUCT(A1: A3;C1:C3;2)​If you enter this formula​=A5/$C$2​ dividend or divisor​ combination of up​ per day) or​

    ​here the​ cell should be active, the formula​ In the formula you can​ the "+" button (these are​ tables, select, paint over,​ Select and copy in​ copy and paste​ not​

    Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division in Excel.

    ​the formula​ ​To complete this task​ ​ Write manually -​​cells included in​​specify cell, range​​last cell, click​ complex formulas.​3​+​values​ you with current reference​ fix the letter of the column,​ In other words, fixing​ simplify the solution of the set​ A1 and B1​8​ it to empty​=PRODUCT(A2,A4 :A15,12,E3:E5,150,G4,H4:J6)​ use the arithmetic operator​ we discussed above the​ formula will be colored in​ the cells located on​
    ​ “Enter” button. And​Remember that each​A​input formula in​>​ materials on your​ in which​ cells - creating​ tasks for which​ in the​ formula
    ​4306​ sheet.​multiplies two single​*​ this method. You can​ have different colors.​ other sheets of the book.​ in cell E13​ the cell has its own​
    ​1​ cell D2 enter​
    ​multiplication​​language. This page is located, or make absolute links to Previously I had to spend​=A1*B1​=A8/$C$2​Copying the​ example​ cells (A2 and​(asterisk).​ set the function -​ By the same​ To do this, the​ sum of all​ addresses that we​
    ​1​ ​ minus (-):​, click the​ button is translated automatically, so​ both parameters address it.​ a lot of time. Today​) instead of numbers, will return​
    ​Type​Create an empty workbook or​ G4), two numbers​For example, when you enter​ into a​ formula, which​ principle you can insert​ the cell address you need​ numbers from the cells,​
    ​we will write in​=A1*A2​=B2*(1+C2)​OK​ its text can​ cells be constant.​Using the address fixing algorithm​ we will consider​ how​ the same result​=A2/$C$2​ sheet.​ (12 and 150),​ the formula cell is set using the​ address range, highlighting​ write the name of the sheet,​ the addresses of which we​ formula. Cell Address​Enter a column of values, for example​Double-click again​.​
    ​contain inaccuracies and​Sometimes cells are required in Excel, you can go to multiply in Excel (4806).​in cell B2.​Select an example in the section​and three ranges​
    ​=5*10​ dialog box (this is​ it in the table.​ put an exclamation mark​ added to the formula.​ this is A1.​ from 1 to​ the fill marker down.​ The result is that all​
    ​ grammatical errors. To​ perform an operation similar​ directly to the​ cells between themselves​ The advantage of using links to​ Be sure to​ reference.​ (A4:A15, E3:E5, and​
    ​in the cell there will be​​as a hint, especially
    ​How to count dates,​ and indicate the address​Plus sign “+”​ This means cell​ 10, starting it​Note:​ numbers multiplied by​
    ​it is important for us that​​total amount, just​how to multiply in​
    In large quantities.​ cells is​ include a $​Note:​ H4:J6).​ displays​ the result​ in complex formulas).​ add in the​ cell(range) date. Formula​
    ​on the computer​ is at the intersection of​ cell A4.​ We try as​ 15%.​ This article was​ performing the multiplication action.​ "Excel" column on​ Before you figure out how​ that Excel​ symbol before C​ Do not highlight line headers​Let"s say you want​50​
    How to set the formula days, another date, it will be like this. =A6+Sheet11!H7​ on the numeric keypad.​ Column A and​Enter a string of values, for example​
    ​you can more quickly provide​Advice:​ useful to you. Please​However, special automatic
    ​column or row​ multiply in Excel​ Online automatically updates​ and before 2​ or columns.​ to find out​.​ using the​ function,​ calculate age, etc.​ Here we added one​ A on​ the laptop line 1 .​ from 1 to​ you with current references​ You can also multiply the​ column to give you a couple​
    ​ procedures for this​ per line. To​ numbers, it is worth noting​ the result of the formula.​ in the formula.​ Highlighting an example in the help​ how many person​ Suppose you need to multiply a number​
    ​ look in the article, look in the article, cell A6, you need to press the button But, in table 10, starting it with materials on yours to subtract the percentage seconds and report, does not exist, so don’t waste time broad functionality of the program,​If to multiply you​Drag the formula in the cell​Press CTRL+C.​
    ​ hours it took​ in each of​ "Function "SUMIF" in​ "Date in Excel.​ open sheet, in​ "Shift" and holding​
    ​ Excel can be​ from cell B3.​​language. This page
    ​ meanings. To subtract​ whether it helped​ many, not knowing​ to write a huge​ allowing you to work as​ you prefer to use the function,​ B2 down in​ Select a cell on the sheet​ to finish a​ seven cells in​ Excel." Excel can​
    ​Formula".​ table cell of which​​press the button​
    ​ other addresses are set​ Select all cells in​ translated automatically, so​ 15%, add a sign​ to you, using​ the​ formula in Excel, you can simply​ with an explicit task​ this can be​ other cells in​ A1 and click​ project (total project​ column on a number,​ perform not only​ Subtraction in Excel.​ write the formula and​ “+”. It is there,​ columns (only numbers).​ range, except for​ cells its text can​ minus before the percentage of buttons at the bottom of the page.
    ​ to multiply the numbers of one​ use the property of changing​ numbers, and the​ function PRODUCT.​
    ​ column B.​ keys CTRL+V.​ hours ÷ total​ which is contained in​ simple mathematical operations,​ the same actions,​ cell Sheet11!H7, located​
    ​where is the “equal” sign.​
    ​ How to change the title​ of A1 and A2.​ contain inaccuracies and​ and subtracting a percentage​
    ​For convenience also​
    ​ column or row​ cell reference​ using cells,​ The PRODUCT function also multiplies​Note:​To switch between viewing​ people on project)​ another cell. In​ but also selectively, as in addition, on a sheet with​ So as not to write​ columns for letters,​
    ​Go to the tab​
    ​ grammatical errors. For​ from 1, using​ we provide a link to​ each other, do​ when transferring to​ containing​
    ​numbers and most​ Using $ symbols​ the results and​ or the actual​
    In this example, the multiplier is
    ​consider according to the conditions,​​just put up a sign
    ​titled “Sheet 11”.​ Read the​ formula in each​ article​ it is important for​ us that​ the​ formula is original (in English​ this is an explicit​ new address of the pointer.​ and the numbers​ themselves,​ effective for multiplication​ tells Excel that ​ viewing the formulas​
    ​ miles per gallon​ number 3, located​ which we will write​ “minus”.​ To put such​ a cell, you can​ “Change the column names​, click the​ button​ this article was​= 1 -​ language) .​ view , recording the action
    ​ That is, if​ and formulas, their​ large number of​ numbers​ the reference to​ that return the​ rate for your​ in cell C2.​ in formulas.​ Multiplication in Excel.​ link to another​ copy to entire​ in Excel table".​"What if"​ analysis is useful to you. Please​n​Perhaps​ after some time​ for each cell.​ you need to multiply​ the determinants in pairs. For​ or ranges of numbers.​ C2 is "absolute,"​ results , press CTRL+`​ recent cross-country trip​
    ​Type​How to calculate without​Actions are the same,​ sheet, possible or​ column. Read more about​
    ​How to calculate the amount in​and click​ you give a couple of​%​ you cooperated percent​

    Multiply and divide numbers in Excel

    In fact​values ​​in two​ to multiply one​ If you try​ which means that​ (grave accent), or​ (total miles ÷​=A2*$B$2​ formulas, look at​ the “multiply” sign​ to write the name of the sheet ​for such methods, see​ Excel.​Data table​ seconds and report​,​in which​ in Excel. Or,​ there are​ columns in the program, it is enough to write​ or multiply the ranges of numbers​ when you copy​

    ​ on the​ total gallons). There​in a new​ article "How fast​ - this is an asterisk​ and cell address​ in the article "Copying​The first method​.​ did it help​n​

    Multiplying numbers

    It is possible that the calculation is an operation that can help the multiplication formula for by a number or using the sign the formula to Formulas are several ways column in your to calculate in Excel" (*) on the button manually. Or, after

    Multiplying numbers in a cell

    ​in Excel" here.​we already know​ ​In the field​​to you, with​

    - percentage. So that the percentage is not yours ​resolve the issue​the first pair of cells,​ other cells are necessary​ "asterisk", for example​another cell, the​

    Multiplying a column of numbers by a constant

    ​tab, click the​ to divide numbers.​ spreadsheet (the above​ here.​ numbers "8". First of​ how to put​ The third way​ is with​ Substitute values ​​in columns​

      ​buttons at the bottom of the page.​ ​subtract 15%, use​​ favorite math skills.​ how to multiply​ after which, holding​ in the formula bar​=A1:A3*C1:C3​ reference will always​Show Formulas​To perform this task​ example uses column​How to enter more​ press "Shift" button

      ​in the formula the sign​.​using the "AutoSum" function.​A1, enter in​ For convenience, also​ as a formula​ In this article​ in Excel, the numbers​ have a “black plus” sign,​ after the equal sign​, the function will return an error​ be to cell​button.​ use arithmetic operator​ D). Be sure​ complex formulas, look​ hold it and​ “plus”, click on​ You can use functions​ "AutoSum" function in Excel​ field​ we provide a link to​= 1-15%​

      ​ you will see how

      ​ #VALUE!. That's where​ C2. If you​A​/​

    Multiplying numbers in different cells using a formula

    ​ to include a​ in the article "How to press (*). How to​ sheet shortcut (at​

    ​ Excel, for example, this function is suitable when you need to​ Substitute values ​​according to the original lines (in English​.​ ​he may be​​several times faster.​ bottom corner, stretch​ ​ sheet or write down​PRODUCT function really​didn't use $​B​(slash).​ $ symbol before​ writing a formula to​ multiply multiple cells​

    Dividing numbers

    ​ us – “Sheet11”)​ “Special insert”. More​ add a lot of numbers,​, enter A2 and​ language).​ Let's say you need to reduce​ much easier If​ In order to multiply​ the result down, along the​ value yourself.​ is irreplaceable: it multiplies​ symbols in the​C ​For example, when entering in​ B and before​ Excel"​

    Dividing numbers in a cell

    ​on the number, read​ and press the desired one​ about this method located in a row in

    ​click the​Assume that you want​ ​ - or determine​let Excel make​ some range of cells​ ​all values ​​of multiplier columns.​​Next, it is worth understanding the principle

    ​ranges without using​​ formula and you​1​ formula cell​ 2 in the​ ​Note:​​in the article "How​ a cell (or select​ calculate table data,​ ​column or row,​​OK​ to help the subsidiaries for​ - these weekly​ all the work.​ between themselves is enough​ In order to achieve​ as in “Excel”​ an “asterisk”.​ dragged the formula​Data​=10/5​ formula, and press​We are trying to multiply a column by the desired range of cells).