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So, according to current data as of today, March 25, 2019 (information is updated daily), a power of attorney to drive a car is not required by law, but it will be required in certain cases and when driving certain cars by certain persons. Confused or intrigued? In fact, it's simple.

Do you need a power of attorney to drive a car in 2019?

On November 24, 2012, the driver’s obligation to carry and submit for verification a power of attorney to drive was cancelled. Now it is enough to have a driver’s license, compulsory motor liability insurance and a registration certificate. In practice, today none of the traffic police officers require a power of attorney. But there are nuances - the uselessness of a power of attorney applies to cars owned by individuals (citizens) and driven by citizens.

Do you need a power of attorney to drive a car for a legal entity?

And here is the same nuance. Today, almost all drivers driving a car belonging to the organization, have a power of attorney to drive this car. And for a reason. Traffic police inspectors sometimes require one to check when stopping a car - much more often they require it if you drove such a car to another region. Practice requirements for verifying a power of attorney to drive a car legal entity ubiquitous across Russian regions.

But the main thing here is not the practice, but the fact that it is illegal. Not a single legal act: neither the traffic rules, nor the Motor Transport Charter obliges the driver to carry such a power of attorney with him and submit for verification. However, the practice is clear - there have been cases of sending a car to an impound lot.

Do you even need a power of attorney today?

In general, of course, a power of attorney may be needed in certain cases. Not for management, of course, but for other actions. Such cases when a power of attorney for a car is needed are the following:

  • When traveling abroad, you need a notarized power of attorney to drive a car;
  • registration or deregistration of a car by someone other than the owner;
  • passing a state inspection not by the owner;
  • sale of a car (the power of attorney must indicate the right to sell on behalf of the owner).

Next we will find out whether it is now necessarypower of attorney to drive a car, in what cases it is not necessary to present it, how to draw it upsample power of attorney for a car and wheredownload the power of attorney form to drive a car.

Do I need a power of attorney to dispose of a vehicle (car)

Do you need a power of attorney for a car? Since November 24, 2012, the list of documents that every driver must have with him has undergone significant changes (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation” dated November 12, 2012 No. 1156 ) . Power of attorney for management rights vehicle cancelled. It is enough to have:

  • driver license;
  • insurance policy;
  • vehicle registration certificate.

Show it to the traffic police officer power of attorney form to drive a car not necessary.

Power of attorney to drive a vehicle has become unnecessary due to the fact that all data regarding the persons entrusted with driving the car is now indicated in the insurance policy.

If the insurance policy is without limitation, then power of attorney to drive a car is also not necessary, because drawing up such a policy confirms that any person is allowed to drive transport.

However, it should be noted that this document should not be neglected at all. So, to perform certain actions (for example, removing a car from an impound lot) power of attorney for a car will be needed. When drawing up documents in the event of an accident, the driver’s passport details will be required, which are indicated in sample power of attorney to drive a car, since the driver’s obligation to carry a passport is not established by law. If it is impossible to provide this data, the traffic police officer has the right to detain the driver until the identity is determined (Article 27.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Gene. (general) power of attorney for the car

General power of attorney for a car is a power of attorney, according to which the owner of the car transfers absolutely all rights to the specified car. That is, the recipient of such a power of attorney can easily perform any actions with the car on an equal basis with the owner (sale, removal and registration, etc.)

However, the general power of attorney for a car - 2018-2019 should be executed by a notary, as required by law (Article 185, 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2 of Article 53 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation).

The right to drive a car can be included in a general power of attorney, which means that drawing up a handwritten power of attorney in this case is not necessary.

Form power of attorney for a vehicle, issued by way of transfer of trust must be certified by a notary (clause 3 of Article 187 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, cassation ruling of the Tambov Regional Court dated September 29, 2010 No. 33-2658, resolution of the Presidium of the Yaroslavl Regional Court dated October 5, 2005 No. 44-g-124).

You can read about the validity period of a power of attorney in our article The validity period of the power of attorney cannot exceed...

Where to download a sample power of attorney for the right to drive a vehicle

Sample power of attorney for the right to drive a vehicle you can compose it yourself. It is enough to adhere to the requirements set out in Art. 185-186 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Power of attorney form for a car 2018-2019 year must contain:

  1. Passport data for citizens or Bank details for legal entities indicating addresses.
  2. Vehicle registration details.
  3. A list of transferred powers, i.e. actions that a person can perform on behalf of the owner.
  4. Date of issue power of attorney to drive a vehicle. Without it, the document is void (clause 1 of Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
  5. Term. By default it will be 1 year.
  6. For legal entities, seal and signature.

You can draw up a document yourself by hand using separate sheet paper using sample power of attorney for a car .

To avoid errors when compiling power of attorney form for car can be purchased at any store or kiosk that distributes printed materials.

Also download power of attorney to drive a car available on any Internet resource.

A power of attorney for the right to drive a motor vehicle was canceled as a document that must be carried with you back in 2012. However, you should not completely forget about it, and in order to avoid unforeseen unfavorable situations power of attorney form for car better fill it out. Can download power of attorney form for car 2018-2019 online and fill it out yourself or purchase a ready-made form.

Power of attorney for a car(general power of attorney) - necessary for entrusting the right to drive, perform registration actions, pass the GTO, sell, transfer the car for repair, etc. the owner of the vehicle (licensed unit) to another person.

By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 562 and the Ministry of Justice of September 11, 1998, the notarial form was abolished, that is, certification by a notary is not required, and it can be issued simply “by hand.” The only limitation in this case: a handwritten power of attorney cannot imply the right of substitution; only the owner can write it out. If a notarized power of attorney provides for the right of subrogation, then it is also executed only by a notary. The validity period of the power of attorney cannot exceed three years. If the term is not specified in the power of attorney, it remains valid for a year from the date of its execution.

A power of attorney that does not indicate the date of its execution is void (Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The power of attorney must contain a precise list of actions that the principal authorizes the representative to perform. This determines the limits of the power of attorney.

Download a free power of attorney form to drive a car
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What to write in a power of attorney? Sample and filling rules.

A power of attorney for a car may include the following: drive a car, undergo a technical inspection, enter changes into the technical passport data, make any repairs, repaint, travel abroad, insure, deregister, register and sell. All these actions must be specified in the power of attorney, if necessary. Also, a power of attorney may not be issued for all of these actions, but only for part of them.

The power of attorney must also indicate:

  • Date of issue of the power of attorney
  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the owner
  • Passport details of the car owner
  • Owner's address
  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the authorized person
  • Trusted person's address
  • car model
  • Register sign
  • VIN identification number
  • Year of issue
  • Engine number
  • Body number
  • Chassis (frame) number
  • Series, PTS number and registration certificate and dates of issue

    Termination of power of attorney. The power of attorney is terminated (Article 188 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) due to:

  • expiration of the power of attorney;
  • cancellation of the power of attorney by the person who issued it;
  • refusal of the person to whom the power of attorney was issued;
  • termination of the legal entity on whose behalf the power of attorney was issued;
  • termination of the legal entity to which the power of attorney was issued;
  • death of the citizen who issued the power of attorney, recognition of him as incompetent, partially capable or missing;
  • death of a citizen to whom a power of attorney was issued, recognition of him as incompetent or missing.

    The person who issued the power of attorney may revoke the power of attorney or subauthorization at any time. The legal consequences of termination of a power of attorney occur at the moment when the representative learned or should have learned about its termination (Clause 2, Article 189 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

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