How to detect wiretapping of mobile phones. How to find out if your phone is tapped or infected with spyware

Useful tips

There are some very powerful spyware programs that can track mobile phones. But why would anyone spy on you?

Wiretapping can be carried out for various reasons, and its victims can be not only ordinary people, but also influential politicians and businessmen.

If you find that your cell phone battery is quickly losing charge or your Internet data traffic has increased dramatically, then you may be being spied on.

Spy surveillance program

Why spy on me?

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Maybe you have information that someone else wants to get their hands on. If you work in business, this could be information about sales strategies, new product development, and so on. Maybe someone wants to find out if the person is cheating.

If you send your phone in for repairs, for some reason they may install spyware to copy your data or track your location via GPS.

That being said, it is worth knowing that there is a whole huge and thriving industry whose sole purpose is to spy on others using spy software. Moreover, this industry may be completely legal.

But no matter how smart spyware is, there are ways to understand if it is on your cell phone.

Phone spying software: How to find out if it exists?

Unusual sounds during calls

© Dean Drobot

If there are clicks during calls or distant voices (or chunks of someone's voices) coming through your phone, this could be a sign that you are being monitored. This is not normal for today's phones. This is a thing of the past and is associated with old analogue networks.

Reduced battery capacity

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Another sign of a faulty cell phone is decreased battery performance. If a cell phone is tapped, it records your activities and transmits them to a third party. This leaves a mark in the form of increased battery usage and as a result the battery drains faster. A cell phone can also continuously record conversations in a room, even when it is in standby mode.

Of course, this all leads to rapid battery drain. You can check this by using your battery in another phone of the same model and comparing the results.

Your phone shows activity when you're not using it

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Does your phone make noise or the screen turns on when you're not using it? Calls and message alerts should be silent when not in use. Does your smartphone restart without any reason? If the answer is YES, then someone has remote access to your device.

Your phone takes a long time to turn off

© Isabella Antonelli

Before the smartphone turns off, it must close all programs that it is running. If your phone is transferring data to someone else, it will take longer for them to complete a particular process. If your device takes longer than usual to turn off, especially after a call, SMS, email, or web browsing, it may be sending information to a third party.

How to check your phone for wiretapping

Battery temperature is high

© DmitriMaruta / Getty Images

Avoid playing games or actively using your phone for a while. After that, touch it from the battery side. If you feel warm, it may be secretly used to transmit data. However, this is not always a clear sign of surveillance.

Receiving unusual messages

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Are you receiving strange text messages containing random numbers or symbols? The spyware's remote control feature sends secret text messages to your phone, and in some cases this can be seen, especially if the phone's software is not working properly. If this happens regularly, then you may have a spy app installed on your phone.

Increasing the amount of data used

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Some of the less reliable spy apps use additional data to send information collected from your phone, so pay attention to any unexplained increase in monthly data usage. More advanced spyware has significantly reduced the amount of data used and is almost undetectable. However, older programs can still be discovered thanks to a significant increase in monthly traffic volume.

How to detect spyware on your phone (Android and iOS)

Spy program for Android (Android)

© Kirillm/Getty Images

Spyware on Android can be detected by looking at the files on the phone. Open "Settings" - "Applications" - "Manage applications" or "Start services" and you can detect suspicious files. Good spyware usually disguises file names so they don't stand out, but sometimes they may contain terms like spy, monitor, stealth, and so on. Some of the less advanced programs are still quite easy to detect.

Don't worry - if you're just looking for confirmation of spyware, you won't damage the phone, but it's best not to delete files you don't recognize. If you find suspicious software, it is recommended that you take your device to someone who knows what they are doing and can help explain the presence of certain programs.

Spy program for iPhone

© Marc Mueller / Pexels

Typically, if you have an iPhone and someone wants to install spyware, they will first need to hack your phone. These vulnerabilities have been discovered in the past, allowing someone with access to the network used by the device to download a significant amount of personal data. These gaps have been fixed, but you can never be too sure that your device is completely secure.

Sometimes you may find software on your iPhone that you don't remember downloading. You can check the Apple store and see if the app is available there. If not, your phone has most likely been hacked.

Digging deep into an iPhone is more difficult than an Android, but there is an easy way to remove spyware from it. Simply update your software to the latest version via iTunes. The update will remove spyware and any other externally installed software. But before you do this, be sure to back up important data on your phone.

Cell phone wiretapping

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Reset to factory settings

Resetting your phone to factory settings, be it Android or iPhone, will remove any spyware, but again, be sure to back up your data such as contacts, photos and music, otherwise you will lose it.

If you do this, you will also need a secure passcode to prevent future unauthorized access to your device. For Android devices, you can also install an app like AppNotifier, which will email you a notification that all programs are downloaded to your phone, alerting you if someone is trying to do something they shouldn't.

Have you just discovered that someone is spying on you?

This may come as a shock. Most victims are not even aware that this type of software exists. If you notice unusual behavior on your phone, then it's worth at least checking it. Remember, there are many very powerful spyware programs available today.


Pay attention to the battery temperature. It is worth noting that a phone that has a warm and even hot battery even when the device is not in use. The battery may heat up during a call, but if this happens too quickly, then the phone may have spyware installed.

Notice unusual behavior of the device, which will help you avoid illegal eavesdropping on your conversations. If the phone keeps ringing for a very long time, then this may indicate that your mobile is actively being tapped. The shutdown process may be accompanied by flickering of the screen and backlight. In some cases, the phone cannot be turned off at all. Of course, this may indicate a malfunction.

Monitor the battery condition. If the phone has a dangerous conversation application, it will discharge much faster. But you need to pay attention to this only if for a month the device worked on one charge for several days in a row, and now the battery has begun to discharge within one day. After all, over time, the battery tends to wear out. By the way, rapid battery drain may depend on the fact that the mobile phone records conversations in the room in which it is lying.

Listen to the noises that arise when talking on a mobile device. When wiretapping your phone during a conversation, you may hear strange noises. Clicks, echoes and strange rumbles may be evidence that someone is listening to you. If you are not talking on the phone, but hear a pulsating noise, then this should especially alert you. Also, interference on electronic devices that a mobile gadget creates when you are not using it can mean it is being wiretapped.

Video on the topic


If you think you are being tapped on your phone, then contact law enforcement for help. They will use special equipment to check your guesses and confirm or refute them.

Helpful advice

In order to greatly reduce the likelihood of your telephone being tapped, you should not have your phone repaired in workshops that cause distrust.
If you do not want your phone to reveal your location, then be sure to turn off the device and remove the battery.
Never have an important business conversation on a cell phone.
In a moving car, it is more difficult to intercept a conversation, since the signal weakens and the distance between the intercepting equipment increases.


  • how to find out wiretapping
  • How to listen to cell phone conversations

The development of technology and the creation of new smartphones have led to the widespread use of mobile communications for communication and obtaining information from the Internet, solving household issues, working and communicating with friends. In some cases, it becomes necessary to use programs to monitor the devices of employees, family members, and elderly relatives. In order to check whether mobile phone wiretapping is installed on your device, you need to know the main signs indicating its operation.

How mobile phones are tapped

The more new mobile gadgets are created, the more methods and means of monitoring and wiretapping appear. Intelligence agencies and police have the ability to intercept, listen in, record conversations, SMS, and control the geolocation of subscribers through telecom operators. Permission for such control can be obtained by legal authorization of the court. Without special equipment, such an interception is impossible. An easier way to listen to phones is to install spyware on them, which can remotely monitor all subscriber activity.

Special equipment for signal interception

The operational means of intercepting mobile phone signals are mobile false base stations. If it is necessary to control a specific subscriber, its identifiers in the network are determined. Then the interception station is installed close to the location of the control object. The mobile phone, scanning the airwaves, identifies this station as the nearest base station of its operator. Signals from nearby subscribers pass through it and are transmitted further to the cellular network. When the computer detects the necessary identifiers, wiretapping of the mobile phone is activated.

Program for wiretapping a mobile phone

Cheaper wiretapping of a mobile phone is possible by installing a special spy program on it. To do this, the interested person needs to register on the website of this service, then download and install the spy utility on the controlled device. Now you have the opportunity to choose a paid or free service. Free methods offer a modest set of controls. Paid services can offer a wide range of such parameters:

By phone number via the Internet

There are services with which you can listen to a mobile phone via the Internet. They provide the opportunity to control another mobile device via the Internet online. To do this, you need a phone number that needs to be tracked. These services cannot intercept or listen to a conversation. Their action is based on the use of services such as GPS and WiFi. With their help, it is possible to track the location of the device and its movement.

Why do you need to tap your phone?

Life often poses challenges that require additional control. This may be a production need to control the movement of transport around the city and country, a requirement to preserve commercial information of sensitive facilities or innovative companies. At the everyday level, wiretapping a mobile phone will help establish a child’s social circle and prevent him from committing illegal actions. Family problems may make it necessary to obtain reliable information about the behavior of spouses outside the family.

Protection of commercial interests and corporate information

Using wiretapping of the phones of company employees who have access to confidential information, technological innovations and financial secrets can really protect the interests of the business. Knowing about this possibility, many employees will be more careful about their work and avoid overly frank topics in business conversations, especially those related to areas of work that are vital for the company, and classified information. Recording the process of communication between employees and clients and negotiations disciplines the staff.

Child supervision

The modern world is full of temptations for a child. At school, in the yard or educational institution, he may encounter aggressive peers, bad company, scammers, etc. Considering the fact that all school-age children have a mobile phone, it becomes possible to remotely monitor their actions and social circle. Wiretapping a mobile phone, remotely activating a microphone, and the ability to determine its location using GPS can save life and health in emergency situations.

Wiretapping a wife's or husband's phone

Doubts or suspicions of infidelity can ruin the life of spouses. If the situation reaches extreme tension, a possible solution may be additional control or wiretapping of a cell phone. If doubts are dispelled, such control will lead to peace in the family and the restoration of normal relationships, which are possible only with complete trust and respect for each other. Installing spyware on your spouse’s device for a short period of time is not difficult.

Help and protection of loved ones

Wiretapping and location programs can provide important assistance in critical situations with sick and elderly relatives. Such a program will be useful if your relative goes for a walk and does not return on time, a person with diabetes may feel ill on the street, and passers-by will not understand what is happening to him. If such a person does not answer the phone, using spyware you can track his location, listen to the sounds around him and understand what is happening.

How to listen to someone else's mobile phone

To use the control service, personal registration on the program developer’s website is required. When registering, you must remember your login and password to enter the service, and confirm your email address. Spy programs differ from each other in their control functions and the types of presentation of information “taken” from the monitored device to you. This could be a screenshot, a table of calls, SMS, call recordings. The surveillance program must be downloaded, installed, and activated on the smartphone secretly from the user.

What programs can you use?

Among the range of spyware programs offered, there are free utilities that, when analyzed and tested, turn out to be ineffective. To obtain high-quality information, it is necessary to spend money on collecting and storing photos, videos, and audio information. After registering on the developer’s website, the client receives a personal account indicating the connected control functions and the collected information. The most common programs for different models of smartphones on the Android or iPhone system include:

Software capabilities for cell phone tracking

By monitoring the smartphone, the spy program implements the functions of tracking and logging all actions of the object. Having collected information, the utility is able to provide the following data:

  • log of incoming, missed, outgoing calls;
  • audio recordings of telephone conversations;
  • list and texts of all SMS, mms messages;
  • photo, video information taken by camera;
  • current location of the subscriber using GSM operator base stations or GPS navigation;
  • history of visiting smartphone browser pages;
  • accounting of downloaded, installed, used applications;
  • Remote control of a cell phone's microphone can transform it into a real bug.

How to detect wiretapping of a mobile phone

Many wiretapping programs can hide their presence on a smartphone. They can exclude themselves from the list of applications and not show their activity during periods of using the device. Many antivirus programs can detect such software. If there is a possibility of your conversations being intercepted, you should pay attention to the unusual behavior of your smartphone. There are various possible signs of wiretapping of a mobile phone, which, with careful observation, can be easily recognized by the owner of the smartphone:

  • the battery discharges quickly, the battery temperature rises, the backlight suddenly lights up;
  • unexpected reboots, spontaneous shutdowns of the device;
  • the presence of interference, crackling, extraneous noise during a conversation;
  • long delay when calling a subscriber and establishing a connection.

Rapid battery drain

The remote control algorithm involves making hidden calls to a phone during periods of inactivity. In this case, the device does not give any signals, but it secretly processes these commands, spending a certain amount of electricity on it. Every smartphone has a battery. If you clearly know how long a full battery charge lasts for you, and you notice a sharp reduction in operating time, you should check your smartphone for the presence of unauthorized applications.

Phone reboots unexpectedly

One of the events that confirms the presence of spyware on a smartphone can be unexpected reboots. This may happen when you try to remove questionable applications. By switching to a reboot, dangerous programs can disguise themselves as system utilities, informing you that it is undesirable to remove them. The easiest way to get rid of any suspicions that arise is to reinstall the operating system. Before this procedure, do not forget to save your contacts in cloud services.

Availability of new applications

If you suspect the presence of spyware, you should check the list of applications. Installation of such applications is possible by changing the system setting of the smartphone in application management. Check the status of the Allow downloads from unknown sources setting. If it was not you who changed it, it means there was an intrusion by outsiders. If you find an unknown application, find its name on the Internet and find out its purpose. Many spy utilities disguise themselves in the list of applications, so it makes sense to turn to specialists to find them.

Interference and noise during conversation

One of the ways that external interference in a smartphone or its wiretapping can occur is the appearance of additional crackling or noise during a conversation. One of the manifestations of wiretapping is the appearance of an echo - repetition of your words with a time delay. When such effects appear, it makes sense to stop the conversation and call your subscriber back from another device.

It takes a long time to establish a connection with the interlocutor

To understand whether the device is wiretapped or not, an analysis of several components is required. Such manifestations may include an increase in the time it takes to establish communication with the subscriber after the call has stopped ringing. Such a delay may mean that the recording equipment is triggered when the system detects a monitored identifier.

Ways to protect against eavesdropping

If you have any suspicions about external control and for preliminary protection against wiretapping, you should update your smartphone’s operating system, set a login password, and install anti-virus and anti-spyware programs. If you want to protect yourself from wiretapping, changing the SIM card will not help you - when registering in a GSM network, phone identifiers are used. By changing your device or SIM card, you will not throw an experienced specialist off the scent - the computer will identify you using 10-15 geolocation points of your old smartphone. The following can be used as protective equipment against wiretapping:

  • voice distorters make your voice unrecognizable, making the recorded information difficult to present to you as evidence;
  • scramblers - encrypt a conversation using different sounds, but it is necessary that your interlocutor also has a similar scrambler;
  • cryptophone – a device with built-in conversation encryption tools;
  • use the Global Secure GSM system, which requires the purchase of a special SIM card that does not have permanent identifiers, and communication is carried out through a server with call-back functions, voice distortion, and protection against false base stations.


8 combinations on your phone will help you find out if you are being wiretapped. There has been a lot of talk lately about wiretapping carried out by secret service workers, be it an ordinary worker or a high-ranking official. But no one fully knows how deep security officials can go to eavesdrop on mobile devices.

Perhaps this is just the fruit of the sick imagination of the media and spy films, which never cease to be popular all over the world, and there are no auditions at all.

Below are 8 combinations on your phone to help you figure it out. These combinations are not known to most phone users; not even every operator knows about them.

1. *#43#
Information about call waiting on the phone is displayed.

2.*777# (code for Ukraine)
Find out your current balance and display the mobile operator menu depending on which one you are currently using.

3. *#06#
This code allows you to obtain unique IMEI data for any phone.

4. *#21#
Using this combination, you can find out whether someone else besides you is receiving your calls, SMS or other data. All this can be done by finding out whether forwarding is enabled on your smartphone.

5. *#33#
Data is displayed about which services your phone supports and which of them are currently emanating from the device. This can be calls, SMS and much more.

6. *#62#
Shows the number to which your calls and data are forwarded, if available.

7. ##002#
This code is used to disable call forwarding so that only the owner of the device, that is, you, can receive calls.

8. *#30#
Provides the necessary information to determine the number of incoming calls.

These simple combinations can protect you from simple ways to infiltrate your phone from the outside. However, against more complex methods, if they exist, they are unlikely to be reliable protection.

Secret codes for iPhone: pushing the boundaries of what's possible

Did you know that iPhones have secret codes? With their help, you can see a lot: from signal strength to call forwarding status. So, let's see what we can do here:

1. Hide your phone number

If you need to hide your phone number, just perform this simple manipulation, and you will already be calling as “Unknown”.

Sticks and dashes are today a visual representation of signal strength that lacks precision. Enable “Field Test Mode” and dial the number as above. Then, after the call starts, hold down the power button. Once the screen turns off, press the center button and wait until you return to the home screen. You will be interested in the number in the upper left corner of the iPhone, which will replace the sticks indicating signal strength.

3. Find out your unique phone code

It is in the settings, but in order not to search for a long time, just dial the following combination of numbers.

4. Determine where your messages go

Any SMS first reaches the SMS center using a special identification number. To find it out, dial *#5005*7672# and call! Voila!

5. Call barring and call waiting mode

Call barring mode allows you to block incoming and outgoing calls, and the “waiting” mode allows you to hold an ongoing or incoming call. If you have paid for both of these services, you can use the above codes. Share this useful information with your family and friends!

Hello dear readers. Our time is the age of globalization, computer technology, all kinds of gadgets and, of course, the Internet. Today it is impossible to imagine a day without your smartphone - this modern notebook, personal secretary and signalman-conductor in one bottle. The topic of wiretapping phones, both of civil servants and ours, is becoming more and more relevant. We will find out how to protect ourselves in the article.

The main signs of wiretapping

If you have any suspicions that your mobile phone is being tapped, you can contact diagnostic specialists and even resort to the services of a detective. Alternatively, you can check it yourself. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of signs of wiretapping:

  1. One of the most common is rapid discharge of the device’s battery. However, if you are constantly “on the phone”, and your gadget is equipped with all kinds of applications, then in this case it makes no sense to rely on this sign. If the mobile device is in sleep mode, then there is reason to think about wiretapping.
  2. The telephone turns off and on without your help, reboots, and the display lights up on its own. If there are no problems with the operating system, then in this case it may be the work of listening devices.
  3. When located near a TV, radio or other electrical equipment, the phone interferes with their operation. When sending messages or making calls it sounds.
  4. During a conversation, you suddenly begin to hear your voice and other sounds. It takes a long time for you to connect and disconnect from another subscriber’s line.
  5. Out of the blue, your cell phone deposit is running out, and you haven’t signed up for any of your cell phone services. Think about it, perhaps a third-party device transmits information from your phone via the Internet, as a result of which money is withdrawn from your account.
  6. Pay attention to the telephone battery, it should not be hot.
  7. If the smartphone is wiretapped by fraudsters, they can easily launch a program into the phone and thereby provide full access to confidential information. When using Bluetooth, the risk of being attacked increases.

If you find one of the signs of wiretapping in your smartphone, then immediately contact the police. It is important to remember and check your telephone for problems in advance. Please note that only modern cell phone models are susceptible to eavesdropping attacks over the Internet. Old mobile phones are tapped using bugs.

Protection against wiretapping

  1. Not every ordinary citizen can afford to wiretap your phone. This is very expensive and difficult. This is mainly done by the intelligence services. If you still suspect something is wrong, you can change your number and/or mobile phone. Otherwise, turn off the phone and remove the battery.
  2. If your cell phone contains a lot of valuable confidential information, then get a crypto phone with a built-in system for encrypting telephone conversations.
  3. Another sure way to protect yourself is to download special mobile applications:

EAGLE Security is one of the most reliable programs that ensures the safety of your smartphone’s valuable data. It can be downloaded for free on the Internet, the application is not “heavy” and can be easily installed on your phone. The program scans all phone calls and identifies third-party networks.

Android IMSI-Catcher Deteсtor is a popular application; its activities are also aimed at identifying false networks of attackers and classifying your outgoing data.

Darshak is a powerful utility that can be used on any phone model. Diagnoses all calls and messages not only on a working device, but also in “sleep” mode.

Catcher-Catcher is a simple and reliable program that successfully identifies suspicious networks.

Another important tip: do not use your usual browsers. Install special browsers such as Orweb and Orbot. They effectively check telephone data: calls, SMS, various files.

What else is important to know

The most effective and simplest method of protection from wiretapping is not to transmit important and valuable data via mobile communications.

If you cannot do without a phone, then it is better to use special programs with a highly effective security system, such as Skype.

Give preference to GPRS communication, thanks to it the frequency of data reception and transmission is not constant, making it difficult for scammers to connect.

Another simple tip: you can talk safely from a moving vehicle; it is more difficult for listening devices to pick up the signal.

You can also remove the battery from the smartphone, due to which the connection with your phone will be lost.

And finally: be careful when sending your mobile phone for repair, choose not a sharashka office, but a decent mobile communication center .

Naturally, each of us needs to be vigilant and protect our privacy from prying eyes. But don’t treat this with fanaticism, because every second suspicion of wiretapping is false. Don't deprive yourself of restful sleep!

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