How to find out the latest write-offs. How to find out why they withdraw money on MTS

If you begin to notice that money is being debited from your MTS mobile account somewhere, and additional options you may not have connected to the number in automatic mode some content has been connected or you have simply exceeded your Internet limit, or perhaps money was written off for roaming calls. Be that as it may, if unplanned expenses occur, you just need to check the last 5 paid actions MTS.

Description of the service

Today, the latest mobile transactions can be checked through the MTS “Expenditures for Today” service. As part of the option, the subscriber can request details of recent debits from the account. The option works on all tariffs and SIM cards of the television system.

After sending a certain system command the client receives information about the last 5 paid actions on MTS that were recorded on the number from 24:00 until the moment the number combination was sent.

Of course, if the subscriber uses cellular communications to the maximum, then such a check of the last 5 actions will not be the most effective. It is better for such clients to contact the telesystem office center for a printout of their expenses.

But if cellular communication is used in normal mode, and the write-off was noticed after some call or request, in this case the verification function will be very useful.

How to find out the last 5 actions on MTS using the “Expenses for Today” service

So, to find out the latest paid actions on MTS via USSD request, send the command * 152 # from your phone and confirm it with the call key. After sending the numerical combination to the scoreboard cellular device A menu will appear consisting of several sections.

We are interested in the item “Five last expenses for today.” After clicking on specified category within a few seconds, your phone will receive a report on the last 5 paid actions on MTS, and the report will also indicate the cost of the last 5 actions.

After the check has been carried out and the reason for the write-offs has been analyzed, you can optimize your mobile spending. For example, you can disable paid services or connect options that are presented on more favorable terms.

If, after checking 5 paid actions on MTS, it is determined that the costs are caused by unnecessary paid content, then that's it extra subscriptions can be disabled with just one system request * 152 * 1 # .

After sending USSD to the board mobile device A short menu will appear in which you need to select the “Entertainment subscriptions” item and then press the “Unsubscribe from everyone” button.

How to find out the last 5 actions on MTS while roaming

Many subscribers ask questions: how to view the last five mobile operations in roaming and whether it is generally available this service outside your home region?

Of course, the function of checking cash debits is available in roaming. Regardless of the country in which an MTS subscriber is located, he has the right to request details of debits from his cellular account.

The system request * 152 * 1 # works worldwide, but you need to understand that in some countries the option will provide information with some time delay.

How much does the verification service cost on MTS?

The described function is provided to all telesystem clients free of charge. However, not all users can be satisfied this information. It's not always a leak Money can be determined from only 5 write-offs.

In such cases, the mobile operator offers to order bill details for 6 months or even 3 years. You can order a statement of mobile expenses for six months directly on the website of your cellular provider, but to do this you will have to register in the system.

To obtain a printout of write-offs for a longer period, you will need to contact the office center mobile operator(with passport).

Important! In cases of ordering statements for six months or more, account details are paid. Ask for prices for services on site.

Many people have made it a rule to track where their money is flowing from cell number MTS, and for good reason.

The obvious benefit of knowing the costs of MTS

Since it has now become fashionable to use the autopayment function, which is made directly from bank card, then it’s worth remembering that such a convenient action can turn out to be quite costly in case of negligence, because often mobile operators under the pretext free add-on they introduce products to people that, after a while, suddenly become paid. You won’t even notice how funds will begin to be debited from your account. To avoid such consequences, you should monitor the expenses of your cell number, and this can be done very simply, and you don’t even need to get up from the couch.

The first way to find out the costs of MTS

You can check your expenses directly from your phone, completely free and very quickly:

  • Enter this combination: *152*1#, then press call.
  • Wait for the SMS. The message will send you the cost for the last five actions. All dates and the specific cost of each action, such as a call, will be indicated.

The method is simple and allows you to monitor expenses even while lying on the couch, but it does not show the full picture, only expenses for the last five actions.

The second way to find out the costs of MTS

Perhaps you feel that money from your mobile account is “going the wrong way,” for example, many users of the MTS service eventually learn that when calling their number, people always hear different melodies (the beep function, which costs a lot of money). If you don’t have time to go to the MTS salon for a thorough investigation, then you can check everything active subscriptions in minutes and directly from your mobile device:

  • Open the dial pad on your phone.
  • Enter this combination: *152*2#, then press call.
  • The corresponding panel will open (look at the image below). On it you can not only view all active subscriptions, but also disable them by simply selecting the third option “Unsubscribe from all”. Unsubscriptions will be instantly disabled and money will stop be debited from the account.

Find out the costs of MTS using the website

Most the best way check your mobile expenses - go to Personal Area on the MTS website. If you haven't registered yet, now is the time! On the site you will not only be able to track your expenses, but also manage your bonuses and keep up to date with the latest promotions and services. However, let's consider this method checking expenses step by step:

  • To start register on the MTS website, the procedure will not take more than 10 minutes. The main thing is to keep your phone handy, you should receive an SMS with an activation code for your account.
  • In your Personal Account (see image below), select “Account status and current expenses”.
  • A page will open where all your expenses for the given period will be detailed. The time of withdrawal, the amount, as well as the service for which the funds were written off are indicated.
  • For more convenient or some specific viewing expenses, select “View expense history.”
  • If you want to receive detailed details of all conversations for a certain period of time, then follow the link “Order conversation details”. You will need to select the desired period of time, the method of obtaining the details and the format of the document in which it will be provided to you. The service is completely free.
  • In the same way, you can see the detailed expenditure of funds for the current month. By choosing the document format and method of receipt, you can find out absolutely all the information about expenses. Where were the funds written off? the exact date and the name of the service for which the money was spent.
  • If you need to check your expenses for the past month, select “Expenditures for past months.” This option the most convenient, as it will show information immediately on the page.

Probably everyone has encountered a situation where money disappears from a mobile account without any action on your part. This negative practice is typical for every mobile operator. But MTS subscribers can now find out where the money is going.

Possible options

As a rule, on MTS money leaves the account as a fee for certain services and paid services.

To control the write-off of funds, you need to know the exact balance of money. How to check my account? There are two options:

  1. Dial *100# + call;
  2. Call the customer support service at 0890. In this case, it is important to wait for the connection with the operator, since he can give accurate information not only about your account, but also tell you about the connected services and services.

How can I find out on MTS where the money was debited from my phone if it is not possible to call the operator? To do this, do the following:

  1. Log in to your Personal Account on the company’s official website. If you have forgotten your username and password, dial *111*25# + call or call 1115. After this, the necessary data will be sent in a message;
  2. In it, click on “Internet assistant”;
  3. In the window that opens, find the section “tariffs, discounts and services”;
  4. Click on “manage services”. After this, it will appear on the screen full information about applications connected to your number. If some of them are unfamiliar to you or are no longer relevant, you can disable these services.

How else can you find out where the money is going? To do this, try to remember if you subscribed to any mailing lists where you indicated your mobile phone number. Very often, with the help of such “fakes,” scammers can steal money from your account. If this happens, you can disable the subscription yourself or at the operator’s prompts.

New products from MTS

MTS offers its subscribers several additional services that help control their accounts:

  1. "Mobile Detailing". A very convenient option with which the subscriber can understand and control the debiting of funds. Principle of operation:
  • to activate you need to dial *152# and the call button;
  • sections with paid and free services will appear in the menu that appears;
  • select the section you are interested in and click on it;
  • after that it appears on the screen detailed information about each write-off.

This service is also useful if you accidentally deleted an important number that you communicated with a few days ago.

  1. "Balance under control." Principle of operation:
  • service activation — *152*3# + call;
  • after activation, you will receive a daily SMS notification about the cost of all completed calls and the account balance;
  • By dialing *152*1#, you will receive a notification with the cost of the last five actions that you performed in 2 days and the balance on your account. Thanks to this option, you can always check how much money you spend per month on mobile communications. Subscription fee for this option – 10 kopecks per day;
  • To view the latest credits to your account on MTS, dial *152*4# and call. After this, you will receive information about the success of the replenishment, its date and amount.

Now you know how to find out on MTS where the money is written off. By choosing the most appropriate option, you can always be aware of the expenses from your mobile account.

Who hasn’t encountered a stalemate when, at the very inopportune moment There is no money in your mobile account? This can happen not only as a result of spending on calls, but also due to other monetary losses that the subscriber usually does not control. For many users cellular communications The question often arises of how to find out why MTS money was withdrawn. Exist different reasons withdrawing money from the subscriber's account.

The reason that money was withdrawn on MTS may be Additional services. For example, you have connected one of the subscriptions that come with a mandatory subscription fee. As the subscriber is provided with certain content, which can be received daily or once a week (conditions vary for different subscriptions), he is charged for this.

The disadvantage of MTS is that all these subscriptions are very easily “clung” to subscriber numbers. You might not even notice how you became the “lucky owner” of one of these services. This could happen for a number of reasons:

1. You used some service once, and after that you happily forgot about the service that provided it to you. In this case, your subscription has been issued, and the subscription fee will be charged in full each billing period.

2. Somehow - intentionally or accidentally - you switched to a different tariff. And it includes a subscription fee. Of course, money will be debited from your account according to the tariff every month. To avoid this unpleasant situation, we advise you to carefully study the terms of use of MTS services before switching to a new tariff.

There is a common opinion that MTS withdraws certain amounts from the subscriber’s account every day without justification. In reality, this simply cannot happen. The billing system makes mistakes very, very rarely. The operator doesn’t take anything off anyone’s accounts just like that. If some amounts are debited from the subscriber’s accounts that he has no idea about, then usually only the subscriber himself is to blame. He might simply not understand the complex tariff conditions for some of his operator’s services.

How can you easily find out why MTS money was withdrawn?

To figure out why MTS money was withdrawn, you can call 0890. This is a special contact center MTS. The center consultant will help you understand why and how much MTS charges you money. First, he identifies the caller as the real owner of this number and only then provides all the information he is interested in. Strangers cannot have access to it.

The same information can be obtained at the MTS store. They are found in almost all Russian cities.

If you call the number 0890 or you can’t get into an MTS salon, you can just visit your “”. If you have access to the Internet, this will not be difficult. Once in your account, check which paid services you have connected to, which ones you use, and what can be disabled. Second important point: Check if you have any connected subscriptions and how much you pay for them monthly.

You can also order a monthly expense report and details here. Both services are provided to all subscribers free of charge. For greater clarity, also look at your last 5 actions in the MTS system (calls, etc.). The details and report can be simply viewed on the screen or printed if you have a printer at hand.

Is it possible to disable MTS withdrawals?

Previously, the MTS operator had a special service, with the help of which it was possible to receive USSD commands full list all services connected to the number. Now he's gone. But you can still get the list. To do this, you need to again call 0890 and ask the consultant to provide such information.

After you have read this list and decided that you do not need some subscriptions and services, go to the MTS website and disable everything unnecessary. For this purpose the site has special teams. They can also be obtained through the MTS help desk.

The easiest way to perform these operations is through your “Personal Account”. To do this you should:

  • go to the "Services" section;
  • select points that have a subscription fee;
  • turn them off.

Attention! Disable services carefully so as not to lose any functions you really need.

Unnecessary to you mobile subscriptions can be disabled using next command: *152*2# call. After sending this USSD command, you will need to select the desired item. Follow the operator's recommendations.

The second option is to send USSD command *111*919# call. This is a service called "My Subscriptions".

Even if, after performing all the above operations, money continues to be debited from your account, we advise you to contact any MTS operator service office convenient for you. The office will not only help you sort out subscriptions, debits and other problems, but will also accept your claim for the return of funds already debited from your account.

To make sure that all the steps taken have had the desired effect, all unnecessary subscriptions are disabled and funds are no longer debited from your account unnecessarily, you just need to check your mobile balance every day for some time. If there are no more suspicious charges, it means you did everything correctly.

Precautionary measures

To prevent such an unpleasant situation from occurring at all, the following precautions should be taken:

1. Do not call or send any paid USSD commands to short numbers. This is a good precaution against unnecessary expenses.

2. Do not enter your phone number on suspicious sites that require such identification. 99% of such sites are scammers who fraudulently extract money from gullible users.

3. Never participate in game shows. entertainment channels, in which you need to perform a number of basic actions: send some numbers to short number and so on. These are also tricks of scammers.

4. The most important thing: never respond to SMS with messages that you have won something. This is often how scammers “delight” simpletons with a big win (a car, a substantial amount), after which they steal all the funds from their mobile account.

5. The same applies to all kinds of suspicious Internet resources. If you do not want to lose your funds, do not visit these and do not call the numbers available on them. Even if it states that the call is free, it most likely is not. If you send a message to such a number, there is a high probability that you will become the owner of a paid subscription.

6. MTS provides various WAP information services, which may also be paid. Before signing up for one of them, carefully read their terms and conditions. On some of these services paid subscriptions are connected automatically, which is very typical for the MTS operator. Before sending a message to any short number, first check how much it will cost you and what the risks are.

Sometimes the user does not understand where the funds were debited from his account, in which case there is a need for detail. You can check the last 5 actions on MTS for the current day. The “Expenditures for Today” service will inform you about where you spent your money from 12 o’clock at night until the time of verification.

How to check the last five paid actions on MTS?

You can find out the last 5 paid actions on MTS as follows:

  1. Contact service center, and ask a company representative about costs. The specialist will show you all the operations that you performed. You will immediately see the amounts spent on calls, internet and messages.
  2. A free service will also come to your aid. Here you can see the balance and time of all transactions. Debiting money from your MTS account will thus be under your control at all times. To do this, dial *152# and wait for the result. To see the latest activity, you should select the desired category.
  3. Dial *152*1# and call. Here you will immediately be provided with information about the last five operations in two days. Information is displayed quickly.
  4. You can find out the details in a few days on the company’s official website. You just need to have Internet access from a computer or other device. Next, log into your personal account and select the desired item. The time and costs of operations will be indicated here.
  5. Another way to find out the last 5 actions on MTS by your number is to make a call to hotline, where they will tell you everything in detail. The operator will also explain to you how to check the last 5 operations in other, faster ways.

How to check 5 paid actions in roaming?

No matter what country you are in, you can use the inquiry number 152 and you will receive the relevant information. Sometimes the message may not arrive immediately, so wait for the result before putting your phone away.

If you are interested in the cost of verification 5 recent actions on MTS, then keep in mind that this service is free, both in roaming and in home network. You can carry out such a check at any time of the day and great amount once.

To save money, turn off all paid messages and services you don't use, go to favorable tariff or buy special packages that will significantly reduce your material costs.