How to find out what password is on a Windows 7 computer. Selection and decryption of passwords

Using the administrator account, you can make important changes to the system: install programs, configure security, etc. By default, guest accounts and simple user do not have such privileges. To prevent unauthorized logins and unwanted changes, many people protect the administrator account with a password.

Windows 7 has the ability to create user accounts with administrator rights. In addition, the system has a built-in administrator by default, which is not reflected in the welcome window and is usually used to solve some specific problems. However, a password is not required for this entry.

How to find out without resetting

Alas, with the help standard means Windows 7 is impossible to find out the password for the administrator account. By default, they are stored in encrypted SAM files. And if you have forgotten your password, you will have to use third party programs. But with their help you can't find out much complex password, which contains letters and numbers. One of the popular ones is SAMinside. Its advantages are Russian-speaking and clear interface.

If you do not have access to the system, the course of action is as follows:

  1. download and install the Windows XP Live CD on the flash drive - it will become bootable;
  2. install the hacking program there;
  3. boot the system from the Windows XP Live CD;
  4. launch the SAMinside program;
  5. export the SAM and System files (they contain necessary information) from the registry - to do this, click Open - C:windowsSystem32config.
  6. Next, it remains to decrypt the SAM files and perhaps they will contain the desired value.

It is worth noting that any program does not provide a one hundred percent chance of decryption. The more complex or longer the password, the more difficult it is for utilities to cope with it. And there are often cases when they fail to find out the password.

Reset Windows 7 administrator password

If you have forgotten your password and there is no way to recover it, you can simply reset it. For this you will need installation disk with windows 7 or installation flash drive. The media type is not important and does not play any role. By default, the first thing to load is HDD, on which the system is recorded. Therefore, you first need to go into the BIOS and, in the order in which the devices are launched, move the installation disk or flash drive to the first place.

To perform a reset, insert the media into the computer and select system recovery.

Next, the program will begin searching for installed Windows and this may take a certain amount of time. After searching, click “Next” and select the command line in the parameters.

In the line you need to write next command"copy C:\windows\System32\sethc.exe C:\". By default, drive C is system disk, but not all users have their system installed on it, so instead of C you need to specify exactly system partition.

This command copies the file sethc.exe. It is he who displays the window that appears when pressed five times Shift keys. By default the file triggers Sticky Keys, but it can be set to any other value.

Now we need to change the team for five times pressing Shift. We need it to include not sticky keys, but command line. This way you can open it when the system asks you to enter your password.

In the open command line we write: “copy C:\windows\System32\cmd.exe C:\windows\System32\sethc.exe”. If everything went well, the following message will appear:

Close the line and click on reboot. We change the boot order of devices again in the BIOS and reboot again. After the reboot, a start screen will appear asking you to enter your account password. We press Shift five times and the command line opens, with maximum access. In it we write “net user User 12345". User needs to be replaced with the username, and 12345 is New Password from the account.

Close the command line, enter a new password and calmly go into windows. If you wish, you can now completely remove the password from the Control Panel.

Reset diskette

If you often forget passwords, you can create a reset disk in advance. To do this, go to the Control Panel, click “ Accounts users" and select the account for which you need to remember the password.

We insert the device into the computer and indicate the path to it. Next, the program will ask you to enter a password. After some time, the creation of the reset disk will be completed. Now the main thing is not to lose the drive.

Alternative methods

As one of the options, you can find out forgotten password using a brute force method, usually a person uses two or three combinations and if you are looking for a password to your device, then this method may work.

Another method is very similar to the one described above. It also requires an installation disk/flash drive, but it will take longer, require intervention in the registry and a lot of different actions. Everything is solved much easier through the command line.

And the most drastic way is to reinstall to windows computer. Of course, you won’t know the password, but you will get full access to the system. True, no saved files. After installing the system from scratch, there will be no password by default.

How to crack a password in Windows XP and Windows 7? You may have such a desire for a number of reasons. Perhaps you simply forgot the administrator password on your computer, or maybe an evil admin does not allow you to install programs on your work computer, but you really want to play your favorite toy during lunch. Undoubtedly, resetting a password in Windows XP and Windows 7 is much easier than finding it out, but sometimes it is necessary to remember a forgotten password. In this article I will explain how to do this.

How to find out the password in Windows XP and Windows 7?

To recover your windows password, we will use a wonderful program called Ophcrack. Ophcrack guesses account password windows user using rainbow tables. On modern machines, selection takes quite a short time. The program is very simple to use and free (there are also paid dictionaries if the selection of free ones is not successful). In my test, the program cracked a 10-character password (5 letters and 5 numbers) in 5 minutes. So go for it, but remember - you should only use the program on your PC =)

So, let's begin. Go to the Ophcrack website. We download the file we need depending on the situation.

1st option

You can go to operating system, but you need to know the password of the administrator or another user. To do this, select home page Download Ophcrack and download the program for your operating system.

We install the program (yes, this method requires that you have rights to install programs), select the checkboxes of the dictionaries we need. Accordingly, for Windows 7 and Vista, check the two bottom boxes. Click Next and the program will automatically download dictionaries from the Internet.

After the installation is complete, launch Ophcrack.

Most likely, ophcrack will automatically begin to guess the password and display the found passwords when finished.

If you do not have tables in the list, click Tables (the button at the top) and connect the necessary tables. IN in this case Vista Free and Vista Special. Select them and click Install.


After this, you need to load into the program information about user accounts that are on the computer. To do this, click Load, then LocalSam with samdump2.

We have received a list of users. Click Crack - and the password selection process begins. The guessing time depends on the power of your PC and the complexity of the password.

At the end of the hacking process, you will see all the passwords that the program was able to pick up. If your password fails, you can use additional tables. On the site they are for money, but on the root tracker someone kindly shared a couple of excellent dictionaries.

Download them, connect them similarly to the previous ones, and try again. These dictionaries have an incredibly high selection rate.

How to remember the password in Windows XP and Windows 7 using livecd?

The second option to remember the forgotten password for Windows XP and Windows 7 is using livecd versions Ophcrack programs. For me, this is the most versatile and best option.

Go to the Ophcrack website, select Download ophcrack LiveCD

We select livecd for the operating system we need.

After that, we boot from the created disk and see this menu.

Press Enter. Ophcrack will load and automatically begin cracking the password of all found PC users.

After the program finishes, it will tell you which passwords it was able to recover.

How to find out the password in Windows XP and Windows 7 from a flash drive?

If your computer does not have a CD drive or you prefer to boot from a flash drive, then ophcrack allows you to do this. To do this, download the Universal USB creator program.

We indicate Ophcrack in step 1, the path to the downloaded image in step 2 and the letter of your flash drive in step 3 (all data on the flash drive will be deleted).

Click Create.

If you want to create a flash drive that will recover passwords for all versions of Windows, you need to download tables from the program website. Both free and paid tables are presented. Paid ones have a much larger volume and can cope with those passwords that free ones could not cope with.

Download the tables from the official website. Go to the tables folder on your flash drive and drop folders with tables there. Now ophcrack will be able to use the new tables.

Also, don’t forget about the wonderful tables presented above.

XP_special (WS-20k) Rainbow tables for Ophcrack download

Vista special (NTHASH) Rainbow tables Ophcrack Linux download

And, by the way, about Windows 8. It is possible that tables for Windows 7 will help you recover your password for Windows 8. If anyone has tried it, please write in the comments.

I hope my article helped you remember your password in Windows XP and Windows 7.

How to change your computer password

This article is dedicated to those who do not know how to set/remove/change a password on a computer: useful tips and screenshots of the step-by-step guide.

So, let's get started.

How to set a password on a computer

If you decide to restrict access to your computer, then our useful tips and screenshots will help you quickly and accurately set a password on your PC.

In order to set a password on a computer (in this case, the Windows’XP operating system), follow the following commands step by step:

1. left-click on the “Start” button - select “Control Panel”;

2. go to the “User Accounts” item:

3. Having selected the required account, click on the “Create password” command:

4. In the window that appears, you need to write down a new password, confirm it, and complete the execution by clicking the “Create password” button:

BY THE WAY! The “Administrator” account appears in the “Welcome” window only in the episode when there are no other accounts (except for the “Guest” account), or when the computer was booted in “Safe” mode

IMPORTANT! A user under the “Administrator” account on a PC can create/change passwords for all computer users. Those users who have restrictions (accounts with restrictions) will only be able to create/edit own passwords, and create hints for your passwords.

How to find out the password on a computer

Forgot your password? And it is simply necessary, and urgently! A sad, but not hopeless situation. Our tips will help you find out the password on your computer.

Arbitrary information can be used both beneficially and detrimentally. Final result will depend on exactly what goal needs to be achieved using this information, and by whom it is used. We hope that you need this information for a good purpose: you simply lost your password on your computer.

It is NOT RECOMMENDED to delete SAM* files from the C:\WINDOWS\System32\config\ directory. Subsequently, significant problems are likely, including reinstalling the operating system! And also from attempts to delete the logon.scr file in the \WINDOWS\system32\ folder, and rename the cmd.exe file to logon.scr - nothing will work!

When a user has forgotten the access password to the PC and is wondering how to find out the password on the computer, he first needs to try “Check the password hint”. It is located in the welcome window, near the password field or in the “User Accounts” window:

When the hint did not help you remember the password, you need to log into the system under the account name - “Administrator” on the computer and create a new password.

It goes without saying that there are also situations when access to the “Administrator” account of a computer is also closed by a “successfully” forgotten password. In this case, you can resort to emergency recovery boot disks (for example, “windows miniPE edition” or “ERD Commander”).

IMPORTANT! From a security point of view, the computer “Administrator” cannot restore a forgotten or lost user password, but can only create a new one.

You can, of course, try to find out the password on your computer using special software products, but this is a very long and tedious process.

If you want to learn more about your computer and its modernity, you can read the article “How to find out how much bit system". After all, this parameter says a lot.

How to change your password on your computer

If it's time to change your computer password, use our tips and screenshots. And you will resolve the question of who you can trust with your information on your PC.

To perform the password change procedure on your computer, you need to: 1) log into the system under the “Administrator” account; 2) execute the sequence of commands “Start” => “Control Panel” =>

3) on the “User Accounts” tab, select “Username” whose password you want to change => click the “Change Password” option:

4) enter and confirm a new password by clicking the “Change Password” button:

BY THE WAY, when a user with the “Administrator” account makes changes to the password of other users, these same users are deprived of all encrypted information (EFS), their individual certificates and contained passwords for Internet pages or resources on the network.

How to remove a password from a computer

If you are sure that no one is “peeping” into the information on your computer, then remove the password from your computer. Our tips and screenshots will help you with this.

When several users work on a computer, then system resources, their personal settings, programs will be best protected if a password is assigned to the login name or user account name. Using a password increases the level of security personal computer. But when this is not necessary (only one user is working, or this home computer), then the password can be removed.

We remove the password from the computer as follows:

  1. “Start” => “Control Panel” => “User Accounts”;
  2. Click on the icon of the account whose password you want to remove;
  3. Find the item “Change password” to the left in the menu and click on it;
  4. in the “Change account password” window that appears, leave the fields empty;
  5. click the “Change password” button => close the “User Accounts” window;
  6. close the “Control Panel” window and => restart the computer.

Method II (using the Interpreter windows commands) 1) click “Start” => “Run…” => in the “Run a program” window that appears in the “Open:” field => cmd –> OK:

2) in the opened window of the Command Interpreter, following the system prompt, enter => control userpasswords2:

3) the “User Accounts” window will open:

4) in the “Users” field => select the required account => below in the “User Password” section, click on “Change Password” => in the small “Change Password” window that appears, leave the fields empty => OK => OK:

5) in the window that appears “ Automatic login to the system" keep fields empty => OK; 6) in the command line write => exit (or usually close the window with the “X” button in the title bar) => restart the computer.

And now, when the computer will not “let you through” to its resources due to the fact that you have forgotten the password to it, you can change the password on the computer easily and quickly! After all, we have carefully read the recommendations of experts and are ready to follow them.

How to find out/reset the administrator password in Windows 7/10 on a computer

Despite the fact that Microsoft company has released a couple of reliable and high-performance operating systems over the past few years, Windows 7 still remains as the primary OS on millions of laptops and computers. It is easy to use and familiar to many people, so switching to new platforms today is very tedious. Like all versions of Windows, this one has the function of protecting your account login with a password. This data security format is really effective, but sometimes it can cause certain problems. It is not uncommon for users to forget their password, after which they cannot log into their profile and use the system as normal. This situation is fraught with complete loss of access to your own important data, but this can be corrected. Finding out the administrator password in Windows 7 is not so difficult, the main thing is to find it the right approach.

How to find out the administrator password in windows 7

For forgetful administrators who constantly forget passwords windows developers There were several built-in tools for recovering or resetting passwords, such as the Net User command, hints, windows miniPE edition, ERD Commander or safe mode. In addition to these tools, advanced users/programmers/hackers have developed special software for cracking Windows administrator passwords. All these tools will be discussed in detail in this article.

Important: If you forget your Windows password, don’t worry or worry; in any case, you will be able to regain your administrator account and change the lost password to a new one!

We hack the administrator password by guessing

The method of cracking a password by guessing is the most labor-intensive, as it takes a lot of time and nerves. Here, all success depends directly on your ingenuity, memory and luck. The selection method is that you will enter the most likely values ​​until one of them turns out to be correct. For example, you can try to enter the date of your birth or your immediate family, the day on which a memorable event occurred, and so on. It is very important to try the same value in several variations, using different key registers.

Change the password using the “Net User” command

Today, on the Internet, many questions arise about how to reset the Windows administrator password, well, the command line will definitely help you with this. In the very first versions of Microsoft's OS there was no such highly developed GUI as now, all interactions with the computer were carried out through handwritten commands in a simple shell. To use this method of communicating with your computer today, you need to open Start - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt. If you cannot log into your account initially, then here you will need little trick.

Insert any drive with installation windows way 7 into your laptop or computer and boot from it by pressing the F12 key when turning on the device (depending on BIOS version). Next, you can call up the interaction window using the Shift+F10 button combination, in which you need to enter the value “regedit”, which opens access to system registry. Here you will need the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry branch, after entering it, click on the “File” menu and select the “Load Hive” option. So, after all that has been done, go to the root directory on the disk where your operating system is installed, for example - C:\windows\System32\config and open SYSTEM file. By entering any name (at your discretion) of the partition to be loaded, enter the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - (Partition name) - Setup branch. There will be several parameters for which you will need to change the values ​​by clicking right click mouse and selecting “Edit”. Set CmdLine to “cmd.exe” and SetupType to “2”. Having selected the name of the partition to be loaded in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry branch, unload the hive in the same way. Shut down the registry and command line, and also remove the device with the Windows 7 image. Continuing the download, the same command line will open in front of you. In it you will need to enter the command net user account name new password for the account (example: net user Mikle 23568901). It is important to note that if your account name has spaces, please enter it in quotes. That's all.

How to reset Windows 7 administrator password in safe mode

There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to hack an administrator password, but not all of it is well filtered. If the previous method seems too complicated to you, then try doing it differently. So, step-by-step instruction looks something like this:

  • Go to the boot selection menu (F8 key when turning on the device);
  • Select “Safe Mode with Command Line Support”;
  • Wait for the download to complete;
  • Enter the command from the previous method: net user account name new password (example: net user Mikle 23568901);

This method is much easier and simpler to understand, so it is recommended to use it.

Resetting the password via the command line

Resetting a password on the command line is done exclusively with the net user command, but there are some secrets here too. For example, if you have forgotten the exact name of the account, you can enter the net user command without any additional values ​​and the system will show you all the users that are available on this moment. In some situations, this will help break the deadlock and easily regain access to your account. You can also launch the command line from Windows using the Win+R key combination and entering the CMD value.

Hack the Administrator password in Windows 8

Windows 8 has a completely modified user interface, rather than seven, but this only made the method of cracking the administrator password easier. So, you need:

  1. Enter the system recovery section, specifically in the “Diagnostics” menu - “ Extra options»;
  2. Next, you need to go to the command line and enter the value copy from:\windows\System32\sethc.exe from:\temp (this will copy your setch.exe file to another folder, since it will need to be replaced with another);
  3. The next command is copy c:\windows\System32\cmd.exe c:\windows\System32\sethc.exe (will copy cmd file.exe in required section);
  4. Restart the computer and press the Shift key to enter the CMD shell;
  5. "lusrmgr.msc" - command showing the administrator name;
  6. Enter the value net user account name new password into the command line (example: net user Mike 23568901).

As you can see, cracking a password on Windows 8 is not at all difficult, as it might seem initially.

Find out the administrator password in Windows 10

New operating room windows system 10 brought with it a lot of innovations not only in terms of interface, but also functions. As before, you can change your password if you lose it. Don’t be intimidated by the long instructions, because once you’ve done the procedure once, next time it will be very, very easy for you.

Using hints to crack a password in Windows 10

Windows 10 has a password hint feature that is highly recommended when creating a password. For example, if as secret key If you enter the name of your first teacher in elementary school, then write that in the hint field. When you see this, you will immediately remember the information you need and regain access to your account without unnecessary headaches.

windows miniPE edition

Boot windows miniPE edition will help you recover your password if it has been forgotten or lost. So, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Insert the media with windows miniPE edition into the device and boot from it;
  2. Enter the Password Renew menu;
  3. Select your windows OS folder in the Select windows Folder item;
  4. Click on Renew existing user password by selecting the desired user in a drop-down window;
  5. In the New Password field, enter your new password and click Install.
  6. Restart your computer and boot from your hard drive.

This method is good because it is universal and fits many systems.

Changing the administrator password using ERD Commander

How to find out the administrator password in Windows if the above methods did not work? Try the ERD Commander emergency boot image, which is similar in principle to the previously described windows miniPE edition. You will need:

  1. Boot from the ERD Commander disk;
  2. Select the operating system for manipulation;
  3. In System Tools, select Locksmith Wizard and click Next;
  4. Select the account for which you want to change the administrator password;
  5. In New Password, enter a new password, confirm the action and reboot the device.

Programs for hacking/resetting administrator passwords

Use software for recovering or cracking passwords - not too much good idea, since applications often do their job poorly or have a fairly high monetary cost. From very good options we can mention just a few, for example, Offline NT Password and Registry editor - most powerful tool and the most relevant for today. The software even works with latest versions windows, not to mention XP and earlier Microsoft products. Another one not a bad alternative- windows Password Recovery Lastic. As the name suggests, the main purpose this application is to remove the administrator password. I would also like to mention an application called Active Password Changer, which can be quite effective if you have forgotten your password and are unable to log into your account.

If you have forgotten your computer password Windows control, there are several ways to solve this problem.
If you have one account on your PC (Administrator) and you are using Windows XP, you can change the password like this:

When booting or rebooting the PC, you need to press the "F8" button;
- on the menu additional options boot Windows, select "Safe Mode";
- follows the built-in Administrator account, which is not password protected by default;
- in the "Desktop" window with a notification that Windows is running in Safe Mode, click "Yes";
After loading the Desktop, go to "Start" > "Control Panel" > "User Accounts";
- click on the icon of the account whose password you need to reset;
- select "Change password" in the menu on the left;
- in the "Change Password" window for the desired account, enter and confirm the new password (to change the password) or leave the fields empty (to reset the password);
Then click the "Change Password" button.
- close the "User Accounts" window;
- close the "Control Panel" window;
And restart your PC. The password has now been changed (or removed).

If you are using Windows 7, you can use this method to crack your current password:

Turn on (or restart) your computer or laptop. You can restart your computer from the Windows 7 login window, or by pressing the power button. Now complete loading Windows 7 emergency - to do this, turn off the computer when the "Starting Windows" screen appears (" Starting Windows", with a logo). Then just press the power button.

A window for selecting download options will appear. Select the "Launch Start up Repair" option.

Then cancel the restore (answer no to the question "Do you want to use System Restore?").

Despite the cancellation, Windows will first start and then stop the recovery attempts - you will have to wait a little. This process shouldn't harm your files, so keep calm.

After waiting for a while, a window will appear that says “Start up Repair could not repair your computer.” Notice the "Problem Details" button. Then click on the arrow in the lower left corner of the window that appears.

Now go to: "File" > "Open" > "Computer" > "Local Disk" > "Windows" > "System32". ("File" > "Open" > "Computer" > "System Disk" > "Windows" > "System32").

Switch the file type from (*.txt) to "All Files". The type of files displayed can be changed in the drop-down menu, you need to select "All Files".

Find the program "sethc", and rename it to "sethc-bak". Sethc is a program that controls sticky keys. With this action you transfer it to inactive mode, after completing operations with the password, you can rename it back.

Find the "cmd" program and copy it to the "System32" directory (where you renamed previous file). "Cmd" is a command line application. After copying, you should have a file "cmd - Copy" in the System32 directory.

Now rename "cmd - Copy" to "sethc". This way you can trick the operating system by replacing the Sticky Keys program with the command line.

Then close all windows and click on “Finish.” Now you need to close all windows and restart your computer.
After your computer restarts, press "Shift" on your keyboard five times in a row. If a command prompt appears with administrator rights, you have done everything correctly.

Now enter into the command line:
net user [your username] *
Enter this command to change the password of the desired user. Please note that when you enter your password, it will not be displayed! Enter a simple password, you can change it later.

Close the command line (you can enter the command "exit"). After changing your password, you can close cmd program:

Now enter the new password you just set to login. The order, now you can change it in the settings to a more complex one (and do not forget it in the future).

The answer to the question worries many users, since there may be several reasons for this, the most common of which is simple forgetfulness.

For the first time, the system began to be password protected in the Windows XP operating system. A password is an ordinary set of characters, the identification of which allows the computer to identify you as its “master”. You need a specific combination that was entered initially, and no other. When Windows is installed (or after it is installed), the user must come up with a password.

The “code word” is stored in a special Windows registry, that is, in its special database. And every time you turn on your laptop or PC, enter the password you set, it starts system search the appropriate combination. When a match is found, it begins system boot, otherwise you will need to enter your password again. There is also a chance that the administrator who controls the computer will block your account after entering incorrect password a certain number of times. But what if the user forgot this “key”? AND how to find out your computer password or change it? Let's figure it out.

Secure Login

For OS Windows procedure recovering a lost password is not that difficult. First, you'll need to use a feature called Secure System Login. In order for you to “get” to the option, you will need “ User entries accounting", which are called through the entrance to the "Control Panel". Then proceed as follows:

  1. Log in using the built-in administrator account: your login will be “administrator” (or the same word in Russian).
  2. If you know the password that is set for this account, enter this combination. But usually you don’t need to enter a password, so just leave the window blank and press the “Enter” button. You must get into the system.

Password recovery

So, you are logged in and how to find out your computer password on at this stage? Everything is extremely simple. Proceed according to the instructions below:

  1. Click on the “Start” button and go to “Control Panel”.
  2. Double click on "Accounts". From the list of entries that appears, select the one for which you want to change (delete) the password.
  3. Edit the selected entry, then click on the “Done” button.
  4. To change the password for the administrator account, take the disk used to install the operating system and boot from it.
  5. Select "System Restore". Then open the command line - this is what you will use.
  6. Since the desired treasured combination is stored in the registry, it will need to be edited. You will need the help of the Regedit utility. To run the program, enter its name in the command line and click "Enter".
  7. After that, look for the section called “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”.
  8. Open “File” and click on the “Load Hive” line.
  9. Go to the disk with the operating system and go to the following path: C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM.
  10. Give it a random name, for example “222”, and go to the subsection along the path: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” -> “222” -> “Setup”.
  11. On the right you will see an option called “CmdLine”, double click on it and open it. Change its value to this: “cmd.exe”. There you will also find a parameter called “SetupType”. Its value also needs to be changed: remove 0 and put 2.
  12. Press the left mouse button and select “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”, then go to “File” and select the line “Unload hive”.
  13. Correctly remove the disk with the OS installation and restart the computer.

After Windows normal will load, a command line window will open in front of you. Enter the following information into it: net user_ username_ new password. The username is the login left without a password, and the new password is the new “key” to the account. All is ready! Now you know how to find out your computer password, and you don't have to panic if you suddenly lose it. But it will be better if you write down your “secret word” somewhere.

Using the administrator account, you can make important changes to the system: install programs, configure security, etc. By default, guest and regular user accounts do not have such privileges. To prevent unauthorized logins and unwanted changes, many people protect the administrator account with a password.

Windows 7 has the ability to create user accounts with administrator rights. In addition, the system has a built-in administrator by default, which is not reflected in the welcome window and is usually used to solve some specific problems. However, a password is not required for this entry.

How to find out without resetting

Alas, using standard Windows tools 7 It is impossible to find out the password for the administrator account. By default, they are stored in encrypted SAM files. And if you forget your password, you will have to use third-party programs. But with their help you can find out a not too complex password that contains Latin letters and numbers. One of the popular ones is SAMinside. Its advantages are a Russian-language and understandable interface.

If you do not have access to the system, the course of action is as follows:

  1. download and install the Windows XP Live CD on the flash drive - it will become bootable;
  2. install the hacking program there;
  3. boot the system from the Windows XP Live CD;
  4. launch the SAMinside program;
  5. export the SAM and System files (they contain the necessary information) from the registry - to do this, click Open - C: WindowsSystem32config.
  6. Next, it remains to decrypt the SAM files and perhaps they will contain the desired value.

It is worth noting that any program does not provide a one hundred percent chance of decryption. The more complex or longer the password, the more difficult it is for utilities to cope with it. And there are often cases when they fail to find out the password.

Reset Windows 7 Administrator Password

If you have forgotten your password and there is no way to recover it, you can simply reset it. To do this, you will need an installation disk with Windows 7 or an installation flash drive. The media type is not important and does not play any role. By default, the hard drive on which the system is recorded is the first to boot. Therefore, you first need to go into the BIOS and, in the order in which the devices are launched, move the installation disk or flash drive to the first place.

To perform a reset, insert the media into the computer and select system recovery.

Next the program will start searching installed Windows and this may take a certain amount of time. After searching, click “Next” and select the command line in the parameters.

In the line you need to write the following command “copy C:\Windows\System32\sethc.exe C:\”. By default, drive C is the system drive, but not all users have the system installed on it, so instead of C you need to specify the system partition.

This command copies the file sethc.exe. It is he who displays the window that appears when you press the Shift key five times. By default the file triggers Sticky Keys, but it can be set to any other value.

Now you need to change the command to press Shift five times. We need it to include not sticky keys, but the command line. This way you can open it when the system asks you to enter your password.

In the open command line we write: “copy C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe C:\Windows\System32\sethc.exe”. If everything went well, the following message will appear:

Close the line and click on reboot. We change the boot order of devices again in the BIOS and reboot again. After the reboot, a start screen will appear asking you to enter your account password. We press Shift five times and the command line opens, with maximum access. In it we write “net user User 12345”. User needs to be replaced with the username, and 12345 is the new password for the account.

Close the command line, enter a new password and calmly log into Windows. If you wish, you can now completely remove the password from the Control Panel.

Reset diskette

If you often forget passwords, you can create a reset disk in advance. To do this, go to the Control Panel, click “User Accounts” and select the account for which you need to remember the password.

We insert the device into the computer and indicate the path to it. Next, the program will ask you to enter a password. After some time, the creation of the reset disk will be completed. Now the main thing is not to lose the drive.

Alternative methods

As one of the options, you can find out a forgotten password by brute force; usually a person uses two or three combinations, and if you are looking for a password for your device, then this method may work.

Another method is very similar to the one described above. It also requires an installation disk/flash drive, but it will take longer, require intervention in the registry and many different actions. Everything is solved much easier through the command line.

And the most drastic way is to reinstall Windows on your computer. Of course, you won’t know the password, but you will get full access to the system. True, no saved files. After installing the system from scratch, there will be no password by default.