How to enlarge a personal file in puppy. Installing PuppyRus-A (PRA) on a flash drive or HDD

4.1.1 Hard drives, partitions and file systems

The hard drive can be divided into several parts (partitions). In the operating system, each such partition looks like a separate one HDD. On Windows, each partition hard drive(as well as floppy drives and CD-ROM drives) have their own letter. Typically A: is the floppy drive, C: is the primary partition of the hard drive, D: is CD-ROM drive, E: - second partition of the hard drive, etc. Most often Windows uses file NTFS system or FAT32.

On Linux, the primary partition is addressed as /dev/hda or /dev/sda. First letter ( h da) indicates the type of disk: “h” - idehd, “s” - satahd or flash, the second (h d a) the letter means: “d” - disk (disk), third (hd a) - disk number. For example, if your PC has second hard disk, it is addressed as /dev/hdb or /dev/sdb . Sections are numbered in order, starting with one. Hard section The /dev/hda1 drive corresponds to the C drive in Windows, the /dev/hda2 partition corresponds to the E drive (if D is a CD-ROM), etc. Linux can work with many different file systems, including ext2, ext3 or ReiserFS. These FS in Windows will not be read without special software, but Linux can freely work with Windows file systems. FAT32 is best supported in Linux, so for exchanging information and sharing data in Linux and Windows is better just use this FS. The main thing to remember is that you cannot place files on FAT32 if their size exceeds 4 GB..

4.1.2 Defragmenting the hard drive

Download the defragmentation program Defraggler. The good thing about the program is that it works faster than the built-in one. Windows defragmenter. Constantly updated and improved, unlike the last one. Russian interface is present. So there will be no difficulties when using it. Install Defraggler on your computer, launch it and first of all select the interface language:

After localization, select the disk that needs to be defragmented (1), click the Analyze button (2) and check the disk for fragmented (split into parts) files. Such files are displayed in red. If there are a lot of similar disk spaces and the disk size is large (40 GB or more), the defragmentation process may take long time.

After reviewing the analysis results, click the Defragmentation button and wait for the operation to complete.

4.1.3 Creating partitions

Now you need to plan the number, size and type of partitions you will create. I recommend creating in addition to the section with Windows yet three sections. This example assumes that there is initially one Windows partition (drive C:). After partitioning, the hard drive will look something like this:

    Primary section: NTFS or FAT32 (Windows)

    Second section: ext2 or ext3 (we will install Puppy on this partition)

    Third section: Linux swap partition

    Fourth section: FAT32 (for file sharing between Windows and Linux)

We will leave Windows on the primary partition. The second partition will have a Linux file system (ext2 or ext3), here we will install Puppy. The third partition needs to be made slightly larger than the size of your computer’s RAM and formatted as a file Linux system swap. This is the section for swap files. The fourth FAT32 partition will be intended for exchanging files between Linux and Windows; its recommended size is all the remaining free space.

You can familiarize yourself with the procedure for dividing a disk into partitions (preparing for installation) by watching the video. Video clip

Video size: 516 Kb

At the end of all procedures you should get the following:

Close GParted. Now you can move on to installing PuppyRus to the hard drive.

4.2 Installation

4.2.1 Frugal installation using the "Universal Installer PuppyRus (Puppy Universal Installer)"

Frugal Installation copies the Puppy image file from the CD to your hard drive. When the system starts, Puppy is read into RAM(RAM) the same way as if you were booting from a CD, but much faster. Thus, this method combines the advantages of booting from a CD (protection from unwanted spyware) and booting from a hard drive (speed). Moreover, the procedure for switching to new version Puppy - all you need is to replace some files. ()

To get acquainted with the installation process, you can watch the video. Video clip will start playing after full load . Depending on the size of the video, loading may take a long time.

Video size: 4.8 Mb

Click to download and watch a screencast created with Wink!

You can also download the video for local viewing on your computer: Archive with video (4.8 Mb)
To watch the video, unpack the archive into a folder and run the html file.

4.2.2 Manual Frugal installation / Puppy update

To use this option, a bootloader must be installed on your computer. If the boot loader is not yet installed, we recommend using the “Grub Boot Loader Configuration” ().

    Boot from the CD using the puppy pfix=ram option. Copy the files PUP_301.SFS ZDRV_301.SFS INITRD.GZ VMLINUZ

    to a Linux partition (ext2/ext3) or FAT32.
    If you are updating Puppy, please rewrite existing files. Configure the GRUB boot loader by editing the menu.lst file. It is usually located on the Linux partition in the /boot/grub directory.

    Add the following lines to the menu.lst file: title Puppy Linux 301 frugal (on / dev/ hda2) rootnoverify (hd0,1) kernel / vmlinuz pmedia =idehd initrd / initrd.gz

    Note: (hd0,1) indicates the hard drive and partition on which the GRUB files are installed. Depending on the device you are booting from, you will need to set the value pmedia on usbflash, usbhd, usbcd, ideflash, idehd, idecd, idezip, satahd, →

It all started when I booted my laptop from a flash drive and received this wonderful PuppyRus-A system (PRA for short)! My delight knew no bounds - everything flies, the battery lasts 50% longer, there is everything you need for work, and all this on a 200 Mb distribution! Having configured the system for myself, I recommended to my friends to install PRA for themselves. After 3 days I find out that out of 4 people, none of them coped with this seemingly simple task! The problems were as follows

    how to choose the right distribution

    how to make a bootable flash drive

    how to install system and software on a flash drive

1. How to choose a distribution

2. How to make a bootable flash drive

To install PRA you will need a 4-8 GB flash drive, you are unlikely to need more. To avoid confusion with files, clear the flash drive of all contents, you can even format it. We only need space equal to the size of the distribution image + 300-500 megabytes for the settings save file - in total, about 1 GB on the flash drive will be used for PRA, the rest of the space can be used to store anything, i.e. The flash drive can be used for its intended purpose. The file system on the flash drive is fat32 or ntfs.

Choose a flash drive based on speed characteristics. This will reduce the time it takes to load and save your future system! Use performance measurement utilities.

We will do all work on preparing the flash drive in Windows environment(It’s also possible on Linux). We will need any program that allows us to reveal ISO image (7-zip, UltraISO, Total Commander with connected plugins, etc.). We will take everything we need from inside the isoshnik or create it ourselves. Let's find the folder in the isoshnik win along this path: pra03-1503middle1.iso\boot\grub4dos\install\ and copy it to the root of the flash drive. Let's copy files from the ISO root to a flash drive grldr And menu.lst. The contents of the flash drive at this stage look like this:

Now let's make the flash drive bootable. Need to work with administrator rights!!! Let's run the file on the flash drive /win/grubinst_gui.exe, select your flash drive in the top window (do not confuse it with a hdd and be guided by size!)
UPD: If you want to speed up booting from a flash drive, then check the “No backup MBR”, “Disable PrevMBR” checkboxes and enter 0 in the “Timeout” field

click below Install and we get this window:

This is where problems sometimes arise! In some cases wingrub exits with an error. But sooner or later we will be able to get a result, in these ways (you can suggest your own methods):

    read the error message, add the suggested key in the “Extra” box and try again

    didn't work in Win7, but it turned out easy WinXP

    happened after formatting the flash drive with the utility HP USB Disk Storage Format(found on the Internet)

    it helped if you put a sign on the flash drive boot in a programme gparted V Ubuntu(select a section, manage flags, check the box boot).

    in the environment Win You can make the flash drive active using the built-in utility diskpart from command line or external software. Such a flash drive in Windows(disk management) will show the partition sign " active" For some reason grub sometimes it doesn't do this on some flash drives. (Google it and you will find it!!).

    burn the iso image to a CD, boot from it and, while working in the system, create a bootable flash drive (start-system-frugal installation).

    take advantage UltraISO programs or Rufus, they can format and create bootable flash drives from ISOs.

UPD: Sometimes you need to enter a key in the Extra –skip-mbr-test field.

It has been noticed that most often problems occur with flash drives on which the manufacturer preinstalls its software!

Using these methods, we managed to make 8 flash drives bootable, which refused to become bootable the first time! By the way, everything that we did with a USB flash drive can be done with an SD card, but not every device supports booting from an SD card. If none of the available ways to make a flash drive bootable helped you, change the flash drive!!!.

And so, all the preparatory procedures are completed, we try to boot from the prepared flash drive, setting this option in the bios of our device (for different devices There is different combinations keys to enter bios, no one had any problems, look for help online). If, as a result of the first boot, you received a multi-colored menu with krakozybras on the screen, placed in a frame - congratulations! Everything worked out for you, I stayed last step! To make the menu readable, delete the folder on the flash drive win, write down the entire folder instead boot from the isoshnik (there are fonts and everything you need), we reboot, AND!!! You can look through the cool menu!

It's worse when you don't see anything on the first boot. Do everything described above again, perhaps you made a mistake at some stage, or try replacing the flash drive. there are answers to many questions related to preparing a flash drive and booting the system.

3. Upload the software to the flash drive

This is the simplest thing we need to do. We delete everything that we wrote to it from the flash drive and copy all the contents of the ISO there. That's all! Now the flash drive looks like this:

We boot, select the line “load to RAM.....>500 mb” in the menu and get clean system!!! All that remains is to customize it and save it. More on this in the next step by step instructions - - Here is a video - how to install PuppyRus-A Linux (ballast) on a flash drive.

4. installation on HDD

The ballast can be installed on the hard drive as the main (only) operating system or in addition to an existing one, for example win7. Installation on a hard drive in both cases is no different from installation on a flash drive, you need to follow the same steps

    while in Windows, unpack the contents of the iso to the root of the C:/ drive, in this case you will have all the files and folders from the control gear and Win mixed up, but this is a purely aesthetic inconvenience, it will not affect the operation of the system in any way, in this case there is no need to edit menu.lst

    run the file /win/grubinst_gui.exe under account administrator (run as) and install the grub4dos bootloader on the disk, as described above

Now you can reboot. You will have options to download ballasts and Win. You can get to win from 2 places during the download process. The first time by pressing the spacebar in response to the bootloader message, the second time from the ballast boot menu by selecting the “boot from HDD” item.

If the ballast is installed as the only system and you do not have the opportunity to boot under win, then all installation procedures can be done by booting from a CD created from the ballast image, then select frugal installation and go through the steps, selecting the necessary items in the proposed menus. - here is a video on how to install PuppyRus-A Linux (ballast) on a hdd.
- Here detailed description another option, without installing the bootloader, with the ability to rollback.

I have a rather "old" computer: ABIT ST6 motherboard; Celeron processor 1100 MHz, “overclocked” to 1463 MHz (FSB=133 MHz); RAM 512 MB; video card NVIDIA GeForce FX5200/128M; additional USB 2.0 PCI controller GEMBIRD UPC-20-2P (since on motherboard USB ports 1.1); LAN card PCI Intel 100 Mb; HDD SAMSUNG 200 GB; CD/DVD drive Optiarc AD-5170A; floppy drive; PSU DELTA ELECTRONICS DPS-300KBD. I will briefly describe the process of installing Puppy-420-ru version v6, in the frugal version, on this computer, perhaps this will help someone starting to learn Puppy Linux (forum materials were used when writing this article).

First, on a PC with Windows and Internet access, we need to do the following: download the ISO image of Puppy-420-ru, burn the CD in this way, thus obtaining a Live-CD, defragment the HDD on which we are going to install Puppy- 420-ru (this is for the case when this HDD has FAT or NTFS partitions, like mine), and also download small file mkswap (after downloading, remove the txt extension from it).

In Setup Computer BIOS install boot from CD-ROM, boot from burned Live-CD. Since the HDD I had was one NTFS partition 200 GB, the disk needs to be prepared accordingly. I decided to simply “cut off” from the existing partition - 9 GB for the system partition and 1 GB for the swap partition. To do this we go to "Menu" -> "System" -> "Gparted partition manager", mark our disk. Next, select our section, click "Resize or move", and reduce the size of the NTFS partition by 10240 MB by entering this number in the window "Free place after (MB)", press Enter, then "Edit" -> "Apply all operations", we wait. Now select the partition we created and have not yet marked up and click “Create”, select the file system type “ext3”, click the “+ Add” button, again "Edit" -> "Apply all operations", we wait. Make this partition bootable - click on it right click, select "Flag management" and check the "boot" box.

After completing this operation, we “cut off” 1024 MB in the same way, but from the created ext3 partition and get a 1 GB partition. Here's a small digression - Puppy-420-ru has a problem with system utility mkswap , and first we need to solve it. Minimize GParted, go to “Files” (shortcut on the desktop), then go up one level, look for the /sbin folder, find the mkswap link file in it, delete it, and copy the mkswap file we previously downloaded to /sbin. Expand GParted, select a 1 GB partition, click "Create", select the file system type "linux-swap", click the "+ Add" button, then "Edit" -> "Apply all operations", wait, the swap partition has been created.

Now you need to install the GRUB boot loader on the boot ext3 partition. Let's go "Menu" -> "System" ->. Follow the prompts (simple -> standard -> enter your disk, for example, /dev/sda2 -> MBR -> enter /dev/sda), wait, the /boot folder will appear on the second partition. Next you need to edit the GRUB boot menu. Go to the /boot/grub folder, find the menu.lst file, open it, delete everything that is there, and insert the following lines:

timeout 10
color light-gray/blue black/light-gray

title Puppy Linux 420 frugal
kernel /puppy-ru-420/vmlinuz pmedia=atahd psubdir=puppy-ru-420 nosmp

title Puppy Linux 420 frugal
kernel /puppy-ru-420/vmlinuz pfix=ram pmedia=atahd psubdir=puppy-ru-420 nosmp
initrd /puppy-ru-420/initrd.gz

title Puppy Linux 420 frugal
kernel /puppy-ru-420/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pmedia=atahd psubdir=puppy-ru-420 nosmp
initrd /puppy-ru-420/initrd.gz

title Reboot

title Shutdown

the first point is a normal system boot (it will happen automatically after 10 seconds), the second point is a boot with the parameter to check and eliminate errors in file system, the fourth and fifth points are to reboot and turn off the computer, respectively. In principle, you can add as many items to this menu as you like; I chose only those that I actually use.

Install Puppy-420-ru: create a folder /puppy-ru-420 on our second ext3 partition, and copy the files initrd.gz, vmlinuz and pup_420-ru-42.sfs from the Live-CD there, also create it in this folder empty file ATAHD. That's it, the system is installed, reboot ( "Menu" -> "Shut down" -> "Computer Restart"), we refuse the offer to save the session in a file. We remove it in Setup BIOS loading from CD-ROM, boot from HDD, after booting you can begin to master the system, after finishing work, when you select "Menu" -> "Turn off" turning off the computer or rebooting it, we agree to the proposals to create a save file (the so-called “saved file”), select the proposed size of 512 MB, if it is not enough, then in the future it can be easily increased. Now we have the operating system Puppy-420-ru version v6 installed in the frugal version.

One of the installation options for Puppy-420-ru is described here; it is also quite possible to use "Universal installer Puppy", located in "Menu"->"Settings". For beginners, it is worth noting that "Universal Puppy Installer" does not install the GRUB boot loader, and after it finishes you need to go to "Menu" -> "System" -> "Grub - setting up the Grub boot loader" and install the bootloader, and then insert the necessary items into its menu (edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst).

update: A small but important addition. In general, when installing Puppy Linux, it is not at all necessary to create a separate partition on your hard drive for it; you can install this system in a folder on an existing partition, and you only need to install and correctly configure the bootloader (GRUB, GRUB4DOS or some other). Creation separate section, it’s like a tradition, a classic method, which I used, talking about it in this article.

Works on the website ""

Process Linux installations Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 (Lupu-525) on a hard drive does not represent some kind of super task, however, some features of this process can lead a beginner into difficulty. Below, the installation of Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 will be described step by step, including the installation of the bootloader (Grub bootloader), with the reproduction of screen images issued by Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 during this process.

The operating system Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 has a data capacity of 128 mb on CD and is capable of working directly from a CD. Its distribution, distributed in the form of an iso file (CD image), is written to a CD, the CD is inserted into the tray, and the computer is restarted. If the BIOS shows the CD-ROM as the first boot device, the computer will “pick up” the compact, load the files into RAM, and after about 2 minutes, the Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 operating system will be ready to work, despite the presence of another operating system previously installed on the computer’s hard drive.

Working with Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 in live-CD mode has such significant advantages as reliable protection from viruses, since viruses cannot get onto a CD. However, in this case you have to put up with a long computer startup (copying files from CD), which is a significant drawback. Installing Lucid Puppy 5.2.5 on your hard drive allows you to significantly speed up loading, and use Puppy like a regular “stationary” operating system, and at the same time it is very fast.

So, installation on the hard drive.

The installer is ready to go, you can launch it by clicking the “Install Puppy to sda1” button, but we won’t rush it. The hard drive was previously formatted in NTFS, and besides, it has only one partition. It is not good. Linux, including Lucid Puppy, has its own file system; in addition, it will be useful to reduce the living space for Puppy somewhat, without giving it the entire hard drive (in order to be able to install another operating system on the same hard drive, if in the future we will need this). Thus, now our task is to create a Linux partition on disk sda1 with a capacity of, say, 5 Gigabytes. (It is not recommended to create a partition of less than 2 gigabytes for Puppy - taking into account the installation of additional Puppy programs, there will not be enough space.) Accordingly, click on the "Filesystem in partition" button.

Since the sda1 hard drive was formatted by us, it is clear that there is no Hornbeam on it. How to install Hornbeam - see the material "Grab downloader for Lucid Puppy 5.2.5", which directly continues this article.

Puppy Linux is a small and fast distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system, which is freely available. Works on almost any equipment, is simple to learn and easy to use, and can be easily customized to the personal needs of a particular user.

Of all Linux distributions available on the Internet, Puppy Linux is the fastest. It can be used as an additional operating system for various manipulations, for example, when you want to access some suspicious sites without fear of infecting the main Windows system with unknown malware.

In this article, we will look at installing Puppy Linux on a computer’s hard drive as a full-fledged operating system. Although Puppy Linux can be used from a bootable USB drive.

1. Download latest version ISO image of Puppy Linux from the official website You should download the version that matches your computer's processor (64-bit or 32-bit).

2. Next, download the LICK installer from and install it. LICK is a Puppy Linux installer for Windows systems. It configures Windows OS and Puppy Linux to dual boot environment in just a few clicks. The program works in two directions, i.e. it can be an uninstaller if the user refuses Puppy Linux (Uninstall ISO function).

3. After launching LICK, click on the “Click or drop ISO here” button and select the downloaded ISO file.

4. You can change the ID, name and installation location, but the default values ​​work best. Just click on the “Install” button.

5. After a few seconds, you will see a message confirming that the installation was successful. This means you're all set to multiboot on Windows or Puppy Linux.

6. Restart your computer and you will see the boot manager where you can choose either Windows or Puppy Linux.

This method even works on new systems with UEFI and secure boot. On these systems, you will have to take a few extra steps when booting into Puppy Linux for the first time. But this is only once. After the first reboot, you will be able to boot into Windows or Puppy Linux without any problems.