How to increase sensor sensitivity on Android. Sensor calibration on Android

Sometimes the tablet's touchscreen or G-sensor calibration fails. The device begins to incorrectly determine the position of pressing on the screen or orientation in space. Depending on what type of display is used in your device, you can judge whether the situation can be somehow corrected. It is very easy to find out which display is in your device - just read the instructions for it, or look on the manufacturer’s website.

Resistive display sensors

Resistive touchscreens were the first to appear and were previously the most widely used. They are still used in some phones and tablets, as well as in the vast majority car navigators. Now a little theory so that you have an idea of ​​what kind of resistive displays these are. Try not to fall asleep while reading.

The design of such a screen is very simple - two plates, hard glass or plastic and flexible plastic, covered with a conductive layer and separated by point microinsulators. When you press on a flexible plastic plate, it bends, and at a certain point on the screen a short circuit occurs between the plates. The sensor controller measures the resistance of the plates up to this point and determines the coordinates of the press. This type of sensor has several disadvantages: low light transmission, fragility, the sensor responds specifically to pressing and not to touch (therefore, you can control it with a regular stylus or any other fairly hard object, such as a match), the inability to detect several simultaneous presses, and also Due to manufacturing features, the parameters of the plates for each sensor may vary slightly, which causes inaccuracies in control.

To configure the controller of such a sensor, calibration is required. Usually this function is located in the display settings, called sensor calibration or parameters touch screen(may be called differently, but the meaning is the same). Since I have capacitive screen, I don’t have such settings, and I can’t take a screenshot.
After starting the calibration, the setup program will ask you to press several times at certain points on the screen and will remember the settings. After this, the sensor readings will be adjusted in accordance with these settings, which will ensure an accurate determination of the location of the press.

Capacitive sensors

There are two main types of such sensors: surface capacitive and projection capacitive. The first ones are designed quite simply: at the corners of the conductive plate of the sensor, AC voltage, and leakage currents caused by the introduction of foreign capacitance (for example, from a finger) are checked. Based on the current ratio for each angle, the point of contact can be determined. These sensors do not respond to a regular stylus or gloved hand. Such sensors are quite rare, do not support multiple simultaneous touches, and also require calibration. Calibration is performed as for a resistive sensor.

Projected capacitive sensors, the most common today, have a complex multilayer design consisting of a matrix of individual sensors combined into a rectangular structure. You can control several simultaneous touches (multi-touch). Such a sensor is sometimes made directly on the glass of the screen, which reduces distortion (there is no air gap between the screen and the sensor). The controller is most often structurally integrated with the sensor itself, the parameters of which are known to it and do not require calibration. In many tablet models and rarely in phones, the controller is located on the main board of the device. Most often there are no problems with phones, but in tablets it happens that the same main board is used for screens different diagonals, and sensor parameters may vary.

Usually no configuration is required, but sometimes after firmware or software failures the controller may need to be calibrated. This can be done through the engineering menu (you need to figure out how to get there specifically for your model) or using special programs, for example TouchScreen Tune (it's on Google Play Market). Sometimes capacitive sensor may not work correctly when charging due to interference from a non-original charger. There is no need to calibrate anything here - the charger goes into the garbage chute.

Accelerometer calibration (G-sensor)

This sensor, also called a gyro sensor or accelerometer, is used to determine the position of a device in space. G-sensor calculates the speed and rotation angles of the device. The simplest example use – the “auto-rotate” function in Android and controlling games by tilting or rotating the phone (tablet). Air mouse remotes also use this sensor. Accelerometer calibration is usually not required; many games and programs allow for adjustments. It’s another matter if, after a “crooked” firmware, the accelerometer does not work at all or is difficult to configure normally. The engineering menu will help you here; there you can test and calibrate the G-sensor, or install normal firmware.

  • To enter the engineering menu, hold down the volume down button and the power button at the same time, and wait until the menu appears.
  • Using the volume up/down buttons, navigate through the menu and select the item Test Report, and in it - G-Sensor cali.
  • Place the tablet on a flat surface and press Do Calibration (20%) until the numbers at the very top take the following form - +0.xxxx +0.xxxx +9.xxxx
  • Calibration is completed, press volume up 2 times, and then - Reboot.

A short video on calibrating the G sensor (accelerometer) using the example of a Chinese tablet

Bottom line

In general, first find the reason why your display is behaving inappropriately. Don't rush to calibrate, figure everything out first. Perhaps you share lunch with your tablet, so the screen remains greasy spots or traces of jam. Dispose of them carefully. It happens that a person accidentally touches the display with a finger of the hand with which he is holding the tablet, and the sensor is triggered. Just hold it differently.

Following the example of Pontius Pilate, I wash my fingers with which I typed this article and declare that all responsibility in the event of data loss or software failure lies entirely with your conscience.

Almost every Android device (be it a tablet or a phone) has a touch screen. Many gadget owners may have noticed on their devices that the screen does not want to obey. You press with your finger or stylus in one part of the screen, and the action happens in a completely different one. There may be cases when the touch screen on Android reacts to your touch through certain time or does not respond at all. In most cases, screen calibration can solve these problems.

What is this process?

Calibration is a process of adjustment proper operation sensor In a completely new phone, the sensor clearly and quickly responds to presses with high accuracy. However, over time this accuracy can decrease significantly.

The need for calibration is very easy to determine: just turn on the keyboard on your gadget and press a key. For example, if when you touch the letter “E” the adjacent letters “K” or “H” are printed, then this indicates the need for urgent calibration.

Also this procedure necessary in a number of other cases, in particular:

  • It is recommended to regularly adjust the sensor every two or three months;
  • after installing the protective film;
  • if moisture gets inside your phone or tablet;
  • after repairs, in particular replacing the touchscreen or screen.

Before you calibrate the sensor, make sure that the problem is not caused by the protective film. Sometimes cleaning protective glass will help improve the performance of your phone's sensor.

Calibration without third-party programs

The Android system has a very wide functionality that allows you to do many things regarding setting up the gadget. In most models in the operating room Android system 4+ there is a corresponding item in the settings menu.

To calibrate your phone or tablet's sensor via standard menu, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Go to your gadget's settings.
  2. Select the sub-item “Phone settings”. In some cases, the calibration function may be located in the “Screen” sub-item.
  3. Select the “Calibration” item.

This procedure involves sequentially clicking on dots in different parts of the display. Your goal is to click on the required point (cross) as accurately as possible so that the smartphone remembers correct settings. After completing the procedure, check on the standard touch keyboard phone response is correct.

Some Android models do not have standard function. The solution may be to configure it through the engineering menu. This special teams operating system, which allow you to fine-tune the device. For each specific model. There you can perform calibration.

It is worth considering that the engineering menu is an option for advanced users, since incorrectly selected settings can lead to incorrect operation gadget. Before using this option, we strongly recommend that you review all available information on this subject for your model. This can be done on various sites and forums, in particular on 4pda.

Using specialized programs

If you still don’t find it in the settings of your phone or tablet required function, but you don’t want to configure it through the engineering menu, you can download a special application. It's fast and convenient way configure the sensor.

To do this you need to go to Google Play(app store for Android), and then enter “display calibration” in the application search bar. A search will give you a huge variety various applications, each of which is capable of calibrating the touch display.

If the device has been dropped, dropped into water, or technical faults Your Android phone's screen has stopped responding to touch; the screen probably needs to be calibrated. Well, if there is a problem in determining the position of the phone in space, it will be necessary to adjust the accelerometer.

What is screen calibration

Screen calibration is the fine-tuning of your device's sensor. It may be required if the screen partially or completely stops responding to touch. And it is also possible that the sensor is triggered in a different place than where you touch it with your finger. In any of these cases, calibration should help, unless, of course, the screen is damaged. Calibration may also be required after replacing the device screen.

How to calibrate the screen

Eat different ways Calibrating the Android device screen. It will be useful to consider each of them.

Screen calibration through device settings

It is possible to perform calibration without installation third party applications. For this:

It's also worth knowing:

Unfortunately, some Android devices do not have a built-in touchscreen calibration feature. In this case, it can be done using other methods.

Calibrating the screen sensor through the engineering menu

The engineering menu is the menu hidden settings phone. They are intended only for the most experienced users, as they offer quite detailed phone customization. If you are not careful, you can damage your device. You make all changes in the engineering menu at your own peril and risk.

The method to get to the engineering menu also differs depending on the specific phone model, but usually you need to enter special combination characters. Search for your phone model and enter the appropriate command. For example, for devices Samsung this could be the command *#*#8255#*#*.

Once you are in the engineering menu, you need to select the “Touch Screen” item.

It is in this section that you can check the current sensitivity, as well as detailed settings the screen of your device and how it responds to taps.

Android screen sensor calibration via computer

If your phone's screen does not work at all, or after calibration a serious error occurred and now the sensor does not respond to touches, calibration via a computer can save your phone and save time on a trip to the service center. To complete this, you will need to install the MSP RemoteAlignment program.

By installing this program and following the instructions, you can do the following:

  • calibrate your device from your PC without having to press anything from your phone;
  • save the results of the calibration to your computer;
  • “align” the picture relative to the device screen and also save these settings.

Managing this program is very simple. Pressing the Skip button will automatically perform the calibration, skipping the remaining steps. The Retrive button will load previously saved calibration results, and the Alignment button will enable manual calibration on your phone.

Android screen sensor calibration apps

If you cannot calibrate the screen without using third-party applications, or if you want more options for customizing and controlling the sensor of your screen, you should use applications designed for this.

Calibration apps can help, but they won't work wonders. They are suitable as a last chance before contacting a service center if other screen calibration methods have already been tried.

Touchscreen Calibration app

The Touchscreen Calibration app is quite simple solution and has an extremely minimalistic interface. After you press the only active Calibrate key, the sensor setup will begin directly.

It will be necessary to do several very simple actions like swiping the screen or double tapping.

Swipe is a special gesture when you place your finger on the screen of a smartphone or tablet and move it in the desired direction across the screen.

Once you complete all the specified steps, the program will evaluate the accuracy and complete the calibration. It's really a very simple app that can give you everything you need if your device doesn't have a calibration feature.

Touchscreen Calibration is a very easy to use app

Video: Screen calibration using the Touchscreen Calibration app

Display Calibration App

The Display Calibration application works on a completely different principle. You don't have to manually align the sensor. All you need to do is launch the application and set the brightness slider to a certain position. In this way, the center of the device screen and other coordinates will be determined, from which the program will start. Next, you need to click the Calibrate button, which is the only one on the screen. After a few seconds, the calibration will be completed.

What else can you do to configure the sensor?

If you have tried all the methods available on your version of the device and did not achieve results, all that remains is to contact the service center. After all, the problem with the screen may not lie in the sensor settings at all, or it may not be solved in the same way. in a simple way. By at least, you'll know you've done everything possible to restore your device's sensor.

Setting up the accelerometer of a phone based on Android OS

The phone's accelerometer determines its position in space or the applied acceleration when it is displaced. It is essential for the following device functions:

  • changing page orientation when rotating the phone;
  • counting the distance traveled when using the device as a pedometer;
  • determining the position of the phone in various applications;
  • control the phone by shaking or tilting.

You will not be able to set up call acceptance with a gesture, comfortably use the browser and other phone functions if the accelerometer settings are lost. In this case, it is necessary to calibrate it, which will help special applications for this.

GPS Status & Toolbox App

Let's look in detail at how to calibrate the accelerometer through the GPS Status & Toolbox application. After launching the application, do the following:

Video: Accelerometer Calibration Using GPS Status & Toolbox App

Clinometer app

The Clinometer program can determine the angle to the surface with an accuracy of ten degrees. But it is interesting to us for another reason - it can be used to calibrate the accelerometer, because it is with its help that the angle is determined. This program is simpler than the previous one, but it fully satisfies our requirements.

Possible problems when calibrating the screen sensor and accelerometer

During the screen or accelerometer calibration procedure, unexpected problems may arise. However, they will be easy to deal with if you follow the tips.

Requires root rights

If you want to calibrate the device through the engineering menu, you may not be able to do anything without root rights on the device. Root rights are provided full access to the device settings and are needed just to protect inexperienced users from dangerous changes. But getting them is not that difficult and, in fact, there are two options:

  • On the Internet you can find many programs that will easily allow you to obtain the necessary rights. All of them are extremely easy to use and will give you access in one click, so all that remains is to give the names of some of them. Programs such as Universal AndRoot, Unlock Root, z4root and others can help you;
  • the second method will require you to install modified firmware on your phone. In many custom firmwares, root rights are initially open, or they are opened extremely simply.

After this installation, you should have no problems accessing the engineering menu and you will be able to calibrate the device.

The screen sensor works on its own, involuntarily

A problem with the screen responding on its own usually points directly to a problem with the device’s sensor itself. If calibration does not help, you can try the following before contacting the service center:

  • install a protective film between the sensor and the device display;
  • Make sure that there is no physical distortion of the device sensor.

If all this does not help, then all that remains is to replace the sensor.

There are many ways to calibrate your device's touchscreen, and there are also apps you can use to adjust the accelerometer. Now you can configure your device yourself and solve your problem with the screen or gyroscope.

Very often, users of Android OS devices encounter problems related to unstable work smartphone/tablet sensors. For example, when you receive a call and you hold the device to your ear, the display does not lock and you accidentally press the call reset button. Or the opposite situation, when after a conversation the screen does not want to light up. This specific problem caused by improper operation of the proximity sensor.

In this article, we will tell users how to calibrate any device sensor and make it work normally.

In order not to deviate from the above, first of all we will consider setting up the proximity sensor. All manipulations will be performed on a device running Android 5.0.2, so for different versions There may be slight differences in instructions.

Calibration of proximity and lighting sensors

Method one

The first thing you need to do is get into the engineering menu of your device. For this we use special program, for example, "Start Engineering MTK menu", which you can download at the specified

1. Download, install and launch the application.

2. After launch, switch to the tab called “Hardware Testing”
3. Scroll to the very bottom of the list and find the “Sensor” item here.
4. In the next window, select the item called “Light/Proximity Sensor”.
5. Click on PS Calibration and select Calibration.
By moving your hand over the sensor you can see how the PS value changes from small to large values. As the hand approaches, it should increase and vice versa. In addition, this value should change depending on the incidence of light on the sensor. If this happens, the sensor does not need calibration.

If it does not react at all, then place the smartphone on a horizontal surface and press the Do calibration button. After this, the message Calibration success will appear. The sensor should now work stably. If this does not happen, move on to the next method.

Method two

We will use third party program"Proximity Sensor: Reset" which you can download

Download, install and run "Proximity sensor: Reset".

Click on the huge “Calibrate Sensor” button.

We cover our sensor with our hand and press the Next button.

Then remove your hand from the sensor and click Next again.

After this, click the red “Calibrate” button and confirm the action by clicking the “Confirm” button.

Then you will be asked to grant root rights to this program. We allow it and after a few seconds the device will reboot.

That's all. If after all these manipulations the proximity sensor continues to be “stupid,” then there is only one option left: take the smartphone to a service center, because we cannot do anything else ourselves.

Touchscreen calibration

Many users often encounter next problem: When you tap on the screen, it either does not respond or perceives the touch in the wrong place. To deal with this problem, you need to calibrate the screen.

Method one

We will use a third party Touchscreen Calibration program that you can download

1. Download, install and launch the above application.

2. Click blue button"Calibrate"

3. The program will ask you to make one “tap” on the screen.

4. After a single click, you will need to make a double tap.

5. Then we will be required to make a long press.

6. The next step is to swipe your finger to the right on the display.

7. Then we place two fingers on the screen and move them towards each other, as if we want to make the image or text smaller.

8. Then we perform the opposite action, as if we wanted to enlarge the image.

9. The message Calibrate Successful will appear on the screen, which means everything was successful.

Method two

Let's use one more popular program Display Calibration, which can be found at the specified

Download, install and launch Display Calibration.

Click the big blue "Calibrate" button.

When the process is complete, the message “Calibrate Successful” will appear, confirming the successful completion of calibration.

You can find many on the Internet similar programs, working on a single principle, so you should not have any problems associated with their development.

Accelerometer calibration (Gsensor)

We need an accelerometer to perform a number of important functions: it is responsible for the orientation of the device in space, it is used by many applications, etc. Thanks to this, we (gamers) can enjoy those games that use this feature. Most often it is, of course, racing. And if Gsensor is “dull”, then this will certainly upset us. However, let's leave this lyrical digression aside and get down to business.

Method one

IN in this case Let's use the engineering menu of the Android device.

1. Go to the engineering menu of the smartphone/tablet using the above-mentioned program.

2. Go to the "Hardware Testing" tab.
3. At the very bottom, find the “Sensor” item and click on it.
4. Select "Sensor calibration".
5. Next, click the “Gsensor Calibration” button.

6. The device must lie on a flat, horizontal surface. The current data should be zero (I have back cover unevenness, so the readings in the screenshot are slightly inaccurate). Press the “Calibrate (40% accuracy)” button and after a couple of seconds you will see the message “Operation Succeed”.

That's it, let's get out engineering menu. The accelerometer is now calibrated.

Method two

Now we will do the calibration using a third party program called Accelerometer Calibration Free, which is free full version which you will find

Download, install and launch this application.

On the screen we will see a large crosshair with a green center, as well as a red ball. We turn our smartphone/tablet so that the ball rolls into the green zone, and then press the “Calibrate” button (a whole mini-game is created).

We are waiting for the process to complete.

Voila, you're done. Note that the advantage of this program is the automatic calibration of the accelerometer. It is very comfortable. In the future, you will not have to monitor the operation of Gsensora; if there is the slightest inaccuracy, the application will calibrate it itself.

Method three

There is another good application called Spirit Level, which, in addition to calibration, performs a number of additional useful functions. You can download the application

1. Download, install and launch Spirit Level.

2. Press the "CAL" button.

3. In the menu that appears, press the same button again in all five items.
4. A message like this will appear.

That's it, the device has been calibrated. Note that this program has three different skins, which makes it visually very interesting.

Magnetometer calibration

This sensor is necessary to determine the Earth's magnetic fields. Without it, no built-in or user installed compass. This function will be useful for hunters, travelers, tourists, etc.

Method one

To calibrate the magnetometer, we will use the wonderful Compass application from the developer MacroPinch. Apart from calibration, which is only additional function, this application is a complete compass. You can download the program

Download, install and launch the Compass application.

Press the "menu" button on the right top corner screen.

In the list that appears, set the “calibration” slider to the active position.

All. Now the magnetometer will work perfectly.

Bottom line

1. Go to the application.

2. Press the "Quick TuneUp" button.

That's all. The program will “polish” almost all the device’s sensors in a few minutes and even calibrate the battery.

If you have any problems or questions during the sensor calibration process, describe them in the comments to the article, and we will definitely help you!

If your touch screen samsung phone, like any other overly or insufficiently sensitive, works uncontrollably and does not respond in a timely manner, then you can try several solutions, one of which is calibration.

If your device's display is protected by film, make sure that you have installed it correctly (there are no air bubbles underneath, dust or moisture).

Wipe the touch screen with a clean, dry cloth, and before using the touch screen, make sure your fingers and hands are clean and dry.

Too much heat device may adversely affect the functionality of your touch. Let it cool and then try again.

Turn off your tablet and then turn it on again. This will disable all applications and free up memory, which sometimes automatically solves the problem.

NOTE: if the calibration of the touch screen is broken due to an error, you can restore it yourself according to the scheme described below.

Touch screen problems in Android

You won't be able to do a reboot or shutdown if the display is no longer responding or there are problems restarting.

If the device has a memory card, remove it and reboot - the SD flash drive may be damaged and negatively affect performance.

If your device's performance improves in Safe Mode, then it's likely that one of the applications is interfering with performance.

You can get out safe mode, restart the device applications and uninstall the suspected file causing the problem.

If you don't know which apps are causing this problem, you need to remove the recently downloaded ones.

Use the Diagnostics app to quickly test touchscreen functionality.

Diagnostics can evaluate potential hardware or software problems.

Updating your device provides faster performance and the latest improvements.

How to check if touch screen calibration is needed on an Android device

If you want to make sure that you need to calibrate the screen, first remove protective film, and if there is none, then clean it with a soft cloth or a special napkin.

Now check the degree of response by touching it: if what appears on the screen is not what you wanted to call, then calibration is needed.

Even when buying new touch phone or tablet, sometimes you need to calibrate the touch screen or if it is not working correctly.

Sensor calibration on Android

Android phones with touch screens are available to everyone today. They have practically replaced the old push-button ones.

The most popular OS is Android and its screen sometimes needs to be calibrated; after this, the efficiency of using a smartphone or tablet usually increases.

Android sensor calibration is definitely necessary if the phone does not respond correctly to finger touch.

This can also happen after aphid liquid gets into the device and falls. Then in many cases you cannot do without a master.

Regardless manufacturer Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG or Meiza, the touch screen setup is the same.

To do the calibration, you need to enter the menu and go to “Settings”, scroll down and select “Phone Settings”.

There, select “Calibration” and follow the instructions provided. Before calibration, place the devices on a flat surface and only then perform it.

In general, contrary to appearances, calibrating the Android touch screen is not difficult. Anyone can do this, including those who are not considered very familiar with new technologies, can actually achieve success without problems.

In some Androids, screen calibration may be located in the language and input section (depending on the smartphone, tablet and Android version).

NOTE: The calibration option is not present on all devices, so you may not even find such a tool, but there are other effective methods for this.

There are many ways to check a touchscreen phone or Android tablet.

The easiest way is to download an app for this purpose and use it to check. One of the best free multi-touch test that recognizes the user's touch.

If necessary, you can also check the number of strokes the display supports by tapping on the screen with multiple fingers at the same time.

Each time you apply pressure, colored circles should appear on the display, indicating that the touch was correctly recognized.

To view information about the number of simultaneous points, the number of taps and frames per second data, look at the statistics in the upper left corner of the application.

Android touch screen calibration programs

The method described above is not always suitable for all devices, and the accuracy is not always satisfactory.

Programs work more efficiently. One of them is “Touchscreen calibration”,

There is also an option - a tweaker, for fine tuning systems, only superuser rights (Root rights) may be required.

Calibration allows you to increase sensitivity and use your Android phone or tablet to the maximum.

NOTE: Of course, you won’t be able to get anything supernatural, but you should notice the difference right away. Good luck.