How to establish a wireless connection. Wi-Fi for beginners or how to establish a simple connection? The “Wireless network management” column is missing

Set up a wireless network...

Today we are witnessing the rapid development and popularization of wireless networks. Until recently, a built-in Wi-Fi controller in a laptop was considered a pointless waste of money, and it was almost impossible to find a use for it, but today many public institutions, including cafes, restaurants, libraries, hotels and airports provide the opportunity wireless access to the Internet, providing the user with fast and inexpensive (and often even free) access to the World Wide Web.

Today on the Internet you can find many reviews devoted to various wireless equipment, but they all talk about the equipment itself and do not answer the main question for many of us, how to connect everything?

In this series of articles we will try to correct the situation, and using the example of standard LevelOne and X-net equipment, kindly provided by Svega Computer and Atlantic Computers, we will tell you how to quickly and efficiently organize a wireless high-performance network with Internet access at home.

Simple and cheap demon wired connection

So, let's say you have a desktop computer at home with a permanent connection to the Internet, and a laptop that you would like to connect to a local network with the desktop computer, and also provide shared access to the Internet. Today, there are several solutions to this problem, but not all of them can be called simple and accessible, especially for users who do not have special network knowledge.

In our opinion, the simplest and in an accessible way is the use of two Wi-Fi adapters (the so-called Ad-Hoc or “point-to-point” connection), operating according to the 802.11b standard and providing an exchange speed of 11 Mbit / s, which is quite enough for normal operation.

For our experiments, we used the WNC-0101 USB USB controller and the MaxSelect Mission Hammer Wide, Mini built into the laptop. PCI controller Realtek RTL 8180 Wireless LAN.

Why exactly USB WiFi controller? It really doesn't matter which controller you use, you can choose PCI, PCMCIA, CF or SD. They all provide approximately the same level of functionality and communication quality. Main USB advantage The controller lies in its ease of installation and versatility of use. In other words, to install the controller there is no need to open the computer, and you can use it not only with a regular desktop computer, but also with an old laptop that does not have a built-in Wi-Fi controller, as well as with various compact barebone platforms where it is not always possible to find a free PCI slot.

As for the disadvantages of USB Wi-Fi controllers, we can note the built-in antenna, which somewhat limits the range, however, considering that we are talking about home network, where the short range of the wireless network is not critical, we do not pay attention to this feature.

Installation features…

First of all, we recommend installing the driver and utility to configure parameters and monitor the connection, and only then connect the LevelOne WNC-0101 USB USB Wi-Fi controller. These recommendations apply not only to the LevelOne controller used, but also to any other USB Wi-Fi controllers.

Once you have installed the USB Wi-Fi controller, you can begin setting up your network. There are two ways to do this. In the first case, you can use your own IEEE 802.11b WPC Utility(USB), and in the second, you can use Windows XP tools. Moreover, it is important to note that before the appearance of the second service pack, which we strongly recommend installing if you really care about the security and stability of your computer, the built-in tools in XP somewhat limited the wireless connection capabilities, although they were quite functional. In the second service pack, Microsoft has significantly expanded the capabilities and significantly simplified the work with wireless connections.

In order for you to fully understand the configuration features, we present both methods and start with the tools built into XP.

So, first of all, open the properties network environment, where everything available on your computer is displayed network connections. As you can see, our computer has many different wired and wireless network controllers installed, but now we are only interested in “wireless connection 3”, which is based on the LevelOne WNC-0101 USB controller. Now we open the properties of this connection, where we are interested in the second tab “Wireless Networks”. This is where we will make all the settings for our wireless network.

First of all, pay attention to the checkbox in the topmost item “Use Windows to configure the network”; this option allows you to choose which tools will be used to configure the network.

At the next stage, you must create your first wireless network, for which we press the button add in the "Preferred networks" section, where you need to enter the name of your network (we chose the name MyHome), and also set some special parameters, providing a certain level of security for your wireless network.

To simplify our first connection we decided to use open network without enabling data encryption. As you understand, such a network does not provide sufficient security for your data, but for home connection type Ad - Hoc or computer-to-computer it is quite sufficient.

Windows XP tools allow you to create a wireless network using a special wizard available in the " Available networks" To do this, click the “Wireless Networks” button and in the wireless network manager that opens, click the “Set up wireless network” button. The main difference of this wizard is the ability to save wireless network settings on Flash disk, which greatly simplifies the transfer of network configuration to other computers on your network, however, for our situation, when we need to connect two computers, this feature is not relevant.

We will return to this manager a little later, but for now we will consider the second configuration method using the utility supplied with the LevelOne WNC-0101 USB controller. Let us remind you that in order to allow the use of a proprietary utility, you must uncheck the “Use Windows to configure the network” checkbox in the “Wireless networks” tab.

The utility includes several larger set features than Windows tools. There are six bookmarks here. The first tab “LAN Status” displays all wireless networks found around, in our case there are none yet, and also shows the strength and quality of the signal (it is also not displayed for an Ad-Hoc connection).

Create new network you can by opening the “Settings” tab. As you can see here, everything is very similar to what we saw above, but several features make working on wireless networks much more convenient.

First of all, pay attention to the ability to create up to five profiles that allow you to quickly change connection parameters. So, we create the first profile, initially we indicate the network name (SSID), network type (AD - Hoc). The communication channel used and the country can be left unchanged. Additional connection properties are available in the Advance window. Here the user can select the transfer speed, energy saving mode (important for laptops), and encryption mode.

The remaining bookmarks perform informational functions and are not particularly in demand if everything works fine.

In principle, at this point the first stage of setting up a desktop computer can be considered complete, and it’s time to set up a wireless network on a laptop.

In general, this process is completely identical to that described above, and we will not repeat ourselves; we will only remind you that depending on the Wi-Fi controller used, the functionality of the configuration utility may differ, but the basic settings remain identical.

Establishing a connection

It's time to establish a connection between the two computers. To do this, you can use either a proprietary utility or a network manager. Windows connections XP, which we said a few words about above, but before you do this, reboot both computers, which will allow you to install automatic connection two computers, as evidenced by the icon in the system area of ​​the desktop.

If the connection does not occur, open the utility Wi-Fi settings controller or network connection manager Windows XP. Personally, we recommend using the manager. It provides an easier and more intuitive wireless experience.

The main manager window displays a list of detected networks. If you see something similar to our screenshot, then we can assume that you have almost achieved the main goal - connecting two computers to a network.

If this is not the case, we recommend clicking the “Update network list” button. If nothing happened in this case, check whether the second computer is turned on, whether the Wi-Fi controller is working, and whether there is an error in setting up the wireless connection.

Last steps...

So, we have come to the final stage of connecting computers into a network - setting up an IP connection, setting up a gateway and sharing to files and printers. Despite such a complex name upcoming procedure, everything is done very simply, for which special thanks Windows developers XP.

However, before you start setting up, we recommend paying attention to some hidden pitfalls that we encountered when we first set up a wireless network.

If your desktop computer connected to a dedicated Internet channel, and uses an internal IP address (for example, or in another internal range), we recommend disabling network cable. The fact is that during setup, your wireless controller on your desktop computer will be assigned the address, which is usually used in internal network, which will cause an address conflict and you will not be able to configure the gateway.

The second “stone” that made us tinker with setting up a wireless connection is the firewall built into Panda Internet Security. For the wireless network to work, you need to configure the firewall appropriately, both on your desktop computer and laptop, or simply temporarily disable it. By the way, the firewall package built into the second service does not cause any problems.

So, let’s launch the wizard on a desktop computer with an Internet connection. After answering a couple of trivial questions, you need to perform some actions that indicate to the wizard which connection is used for what.

First you need to check the box “ignore disabled network hardware", which will allow you to use a wired controller disconnected from the network. In the next window, you must select the role of this computer in your network.

Considering that our desktop computer has permanent connection To external network, and the laptop will connect to the Internet through it, we choose the first connection method.

In the next step, you specify which connection is used to connect to the Internet. In our case, this is “Connection via local network».

Next, we select which connections are used to connect to other computers on the network. Please note that you can combine wired and wireless connections here. In our case, we selected only “Wireless Connection 3”, which is based on the LevelOne WNC-0101 USB controller.

In the next two windows, you enter a computer name and description (optional), as well as a workgroup name.

Please take into account that the computers on your local network must belong to the same working group, otherwise you won't be able to see them online.

Finally, the last window allows you to enable or disable file and printer sharing.

After clicking the “Next” button, the wizard will begin configuring the IP connection parameters, as well as sharing and security. If you did everything correctly, a final screen will open, in which you will be asked to save the settings or simply complete the wizard, which we will happily do.

After setup, you will notice some changes in the network connection settings.

So, in the properties of “Local Area Network Connections” in the “Advanced” tab, all the checkboxes will be checked, and connections for the home network will be defined.

And in the properties of the TCP / IP protocol of “Wireless Connection 3” a fixed IP address and subnet mask will be set.

Now you can proceed to launch the wizard on your laptop. Here everything happens noticeably faster and you only need to install the second type of connection. The master will do the rest for you.

That’s it, the setup process can be considered complete, and you, as the full owner of your home wireless network, can run any Internet applications, including games. In addition, you can easily work with both disks on another computer and printers, providing wireless printing from a laptop located in another room.

A few words about the speed and range of the wireless network...

As we said above, for our first wireless network we used controllers operating according to the 802.11b standard with maximum speed exchange 11 Mbit/s. Of course, in today's times this is not a lot, and against the background of modern controllers operating using the 802.11 g and 802.11 Super G protocol, providing exchange speeds of 54 Mbit / s and 108 Mbit / s, it does not look very good. However, for the first experience, this solution is sufficient, allowing you to achieve quite good capabilities without having to deal with some of the specific features of a high-speed connection, which we will still have to tinker with in the future.

As for the actual exchange speed, to study it we used the ICB 2000 program, which allows you to measure network traffic. Moreover, we are not interested in the speed of artificially generated traffic, but in the speed of actual transfer of files and other information.

So, first we will look at what our wireless network is capable of when copying large file from a desktop computer to a laptop with simultaneous on-line viewing on the laptop of a film recorded on the desktop computer. In this mode, we load the wireless channel as much as possible.

As you can see, the maximum throughput wireless channel in this mode averages 4636 Kb/s. It is very important to note here that we did not observe any slowdowns when watching a movie, which allows us to conclude that in small home networks, the capabilities of 802.11b networks are quite sufficient.

If you start copying in the reverse direction, i.e. in Download mode for a desktop computer, the maximum throughput of our channel will be slightly higher - 4984 Kb/s with a peak value of 5305 Kb/s.

If, while copying a file from a desktop computer to a laptop, we run the same task, but in the opposite direction, the speed will drop slightly. Moreover, the speed in Upload mode does not drop significantly, but in Download mode we observe a noticeable decrease in performance.

And finally, let's look at what happens when we run any network application that generates a balanced load on the link. Here we simply started watching a movie recorded on a desktop computer on a laptop.

As you can see, in this mode the load on the channel is so insignificant that you can easily launch network viewing on a couple more computers. This is what explains the lack of slowdowns when watching a movie while copying a file in parallel. As for the range, in such a network it is not very large, and depends on the configuration of the room. In fact, in a regular apartment or small office everything will work fine.

How many computers can be connected to such a wireless network?

A pleasant surprise for many of you will be that a simple Ad-Hoc network can include several computers at once, which can be easily connected to each other and provide easy access to the Internet. However, remember that an increase in the number of computers working simultaneously on the network significantly reduces network performance, which is due to the need to transfer all data through the desktop computer, which in our case is the gateway.


So, we hope that the above detailed recommendations will simplify your first experience of creating a wireless home network. Despite the apparent complexity of the process, everything turned out to be more than simple. However, we cannot claim that the presented solution is universal and will be equally correct for all cases. Experience shows that almost every installation of a wireless network with new equipment raises some questions, especially for users who do not have special training. The main thing is that you must clearly understand and imagine the sequence of actions that should lead to successful launch wireless network. In the next article, we will introduce you to equipment that can significantly increase the performance of your home network.

The invention of wireless networks to provide access to the Internet has significantly influenced the change in people's consciousness. Nowadays, few people can imagine how people lived at least 10-15 years ago. Although many still remember the birth of the Internet as such. But, like any technology, using WiFi sometimes it crashes. In most cases, this occurs due to ignorance or carelessness of users. To ensure that such problems arise as few as possible, we will consider all cases where problems arise and do not occur.

No connection due to Windows drivers

A device driver coordinates the actions between the device hardware and software. In other words, he tells the hardware what and how to do. Naturally, if hardware module able to do this. It's very difficult to force washing machine bake pancakes.

So, not very often, but situations arise when the driver starts to work incorrectly or stops working altogether. In this case, the operating system cannot understand and configure what to do. Quite often this happens when initial installation OS, because not every distribution has full set utilities for working with all computer modules. There are a lot of manufacturers, and if you include a driver in every OS distribution, there won’t be enough disk space for their storage.

Please note that each release of Windows OS works with its own programs. Therefore, a situation may arise in which there is a working wireless network but no connection windows 10, although everything worked great on XP.

We check whether a driver is installed that provides connection to a wireless network in system:

  • Go through “Start - Control Panel - Device Manager”. It can be made even easier if right click Click on the “My Computer” icon and select the “Manage” line.
  • The “Device Manager” will open, where all the computer hardware is presented.
  • We look at the list of devices. If the driver is not installed or is not working correctly, a “!” icon will be located next to it. yellow color. If there is a red cross next to the device in the list, this means that the device is disabled and, accordingly, also does not work.

If this situation occurs, then the missing drivers must be installed. Most in a simple way is to right-click on the equipment that does not have a driver and select the “Update” action. This works in most cases, but only when there is an Internet connection. In our case, we need to do it a little differently:

  • If it is possible to connect to the network via cable, then you can follow the above procedure.
  • If it is not possible to connect by wire, you will have to download the driver on another computer, but run the installer on the one that does not have the driver.

Typically, drivers are downloaded from the manufacturer's website directly. Each device in the list is signed. In order to find what you need software for it, just type in what the device manager shows in the search bar of your browser. For laptops and netbooks, you can go to the manufacturer’s website and find all the information by model. required package utilities necessary for work.

If the device is listed as unidentified, then it is difficult to find and download the driver when you are not completely sure of the name of the manufacturer and the specific revision of the device. You can try to find the missing utility by using the search by hardware ID. We find out the ID through the “Advanced” tab in the properties of unknown equipment. Then we simply type it into the browser search.

When the driver is not installed, or after installation its state does not change, but the properties say that there are errors in operation, then most likely the hardware itself has failed and requires replacement. You can replace it yourself or contact a service organization. It is advisable to purchase common brands of wireless adapters to avoid recurrence of such situations in the future.

Checking whether the wireless network module is turned on

Another common problem is disabling the adapter physically on the laptop case or programmatically in the network connection properties.

First of all, we find the switch on the laptop body. It is usually located on the front panel near the headphone/microphone jack. Let's check its position. There are marks on the case showing whether the device is turned on or not, so we set the switch to the desired position. It is possible to enable or disable the adapter from the keyboard. This is done by pressing the key combination: “Fn + WiFi (antenna image)”. At the same time, pay attention to the wireless network indicator. When it is active, the indicator lights up and flashes depending on the activity.

Now you can check your operating system settings:

  • “Start - Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center” or right-click on the network icon in the taskbar and select “Open Network and Sharing Center”.
  • A window opens where we select “Change adapter settings” on the left.
  • We will get a list of all available network connections, among which we find “Wireless network connection”.
  • Let's see what the inscription and connection icon look like: if gray, then right-click properties and click “Enable”.

When the connection becomes active, the icon in the taskbar will change:

  • A yellow sun indicates that the system has found access points available for connection.
  • A red cross indicates that there is no available wireless network connections.

Wireless network is not configured correctly in Windows

When the drivers are installed, the module wireless communication turned on, but I still can’t connect to the Internet. The operating system settings are to blame for this.

To connect to WiFi, click on the icon with a yellow sun and see a list of networks. We click connect, enter a password if necessary, but we receive the message “Windows could not connect to” with a suggestion to use the troubleshooting center. There is no point in pressing the troubleshooting button. In general, it is not clear why it is needed, and no one has ever heard of it helping anyone.

This is a rather unusual situation when a message pops up wireless network no connection windows 10. There is no standard and unambiguous solution, but you can try the following:

  • Reboot the router and computer. It is advisable to leave the router turned off for about 10-15 minutes. Quite often this is the solution to the problem.
  • In the energy settings in the Control Panel, prohibit the system from turning off the network card to save battery power when there is no network activity. This also helps in the case when you cannot connect to the Internet after waking up from sleep mode.
  • If the settings on the router have been changed (changing the login password or encryption type), and the “Connect automatically” option is specified in the network connection settings, then problems may arise. In this case, a message may pop up stating that the connection could not be made, or it may not appear. You can get rid of it if you delete the saved network from the system (forget it) and configure the connection parameters again.
  • Run the wireless adapter diagnostic program from Device Manager. In some cases, after self-diagnosis, a message may appear asking you to “Reset settings”, after which the network may work.
  • Let's check if the "Automatic" service is working. WLAN setup" To do this, launch computer management (right-click on “My Computer - Management”), and go to the “Services” section. The service startup settings must be changed to “Start automatically”. If the service is stopped, click on the “Start” button. If the start went without problems, then it is advisable to reboot the computer and once again make sure that everything is happening automatically.

If none of the above helped, then the last resort would be to completely reinstall the operating system, and preferably with a change of distribution. It also happens that Windows can become “crooked”, i.e. work incorrectly. Of course, drastic measure, but you have to resort to it periodically.

A fairly common problem among owners of laptops with Windows 10, Windows 7 or 8 (8.1) - at one point in the notification area, instead of the usual wireless Wi-Fi connection icon, a red cross is displayed, and when you hover over it, a message stating that there is no available connections.

Moreover, in most cases, this happens on a completely working laptop - just yesterday, perhaps, you successfully connected to an access point at home, but today this is the situation. The reasons for this behavior may vary, but general outline- the operating system believes that the Wi-Fi adapter is turned off, and therefore reports that there are no connections available. And now about ways to fix this.

If Wi-Fi has not been used on this laptop before, or you have reinstalled Windows

If on this device you have never used before wireless capabilities, and now installed Wi-Fi router and want to connect and you have a problem stated problem, then first I recommend reading the article.

If your wireless network was working and now there are no connections available

If everything worked recently and now you have a problem, try the methods listed below in order. If you don't know how to complete steps 2-6, everything is described in great detail (will open in a new tab). And if these options have already been tried, go to the seventh point, from which I will begin to describe in detail (because everything is not so simple there for novice computer users).

Remove the wireless Wi-Fi adapter from device manager, install it again

To start the dispatcher Windows devices, press the Win+R keys on your laptop keyboard and enter the command devmgmt.msc, and then press Ok or Enter.

In Device Manager, open the “Network Adapters” section, right-click on Wi-Fi adapter, pay attention to whether there is an “Enable” item there (if there is, turn it on and do not do everything else that is described here, the inscription no available connections should disappear) and if it is not there, select the “Delete” item.

After the device is removed from the system, in the device manager menu, select “Action” - “Update hardware configuration”. The wireless adapter will be found again, drivers will be installed on it and, perhaps, everything will work.

See if the WLAN AutoConfig service is enabled in Windows

In order to do this, go to the Windows control panel, select “Administration” - “Services”, find “WLAN Auto Configuration” in the list of services and, if you see “Disabled” in its parameters, double-click on it and in the field Set the “Startup Type” to “Automatic” and click the “Run” button.

Just in case, look through the list and if you find additional services that have Wi-Fi or Wireless in their name, turn them on too. And then, preferably, restart your computer.

Hopefully one of these methods will help you solve the problem where Windows says there are no Wi-Fi connections available.

If you do not have a Wi-Fi wireless network connection on your laptop with the operating system installed Windows system- this instruction is for you.

For many Windows users 7 there is a difficulty connecting the laptop to the Wi-Fi network. Or, in other words, there is no wireless network icon in the operating system interface on the taskbar, and the “Wireless network” or “Wireless network connection” connection is not displayed in the control panel in the network and Internet settings. We will analyze this problem only for Windows 7, so that it is easier for you to navigate using the screenshots.

We'll show you how to turn wireless on and off, and troubleshoot adapter settings. Here's how to turn it back on. Does your laptop keep crashing or losing wireless connection for no reason? Or maybe your laptop can see the wireless access point, but won't connect unless you restart the entire computer?

The main culprit for this type of problem is usually the software, not the Hardware. This usually fixes problems with deleting the connection! If this doesn't work, you can also try to restore your wireless connection. My image shows a LAN connection, but you should see a wireless network connection if you have a wireless card installed on your computer.

If there is no Wi-Fi connection, then in the lower right corner of the taskbar you will see an icon with a red cross through it. Next, you should also make sure that there is no adapter for setting up a wireless network. To do this, go to “Control Panel” → “Network and Internet” → “ Network connections».

The main reasons for problems setting up a Wi-Fi connection

In such a situation, the problem lies either in program level, or at the level of the hardware itself. Therefore, most likely, the recommendations even from the instructions will not suit you.

Many times people change them manually or they are notified when service users change them technical support by phone. Therefore, if updating the driver, resetting the configuration and restoring the network connection do not work, try disabling wireless router and connect it in a minute. It's best to also turn off your cable modem, but you should turn on the modem first and then the router.

Unless there is something physically wrong with the router, one of the methods above should work! You can also scroll below for step-by-step instructions. On your desktop screen, you will see a wireless adapter status icon in the system tray next to your clock.

Two conclusions can be drawn from this:

Firstly, your laptop may not have a network driver installed, which means you can only access the Internet with a direct cable connection. This problem is common among laptop users. Secondly, it is possible that the computer is physically missing network card for wireless communication. Then you should purchase this network adapter from the store. They are divided into internal and external. Most often, you will have to solve the problem in a similar radical way if you are the owner of a desktop PC. You can read more in the instructions. As for a laptop, the adapter is usually built into it by default, so it doesn’t cost anything to buy additionally.

Find the name of the wireless network. If your wireless router requires a key or password, this message should appear. If you're successful, the wireless status icon should show signal strength bars without a yellow star. If the text reads "Switch to category view" you are already in " Classic performance" and you can move on to the next step.

You will then be prompted to enter your network password. Understanding wireless networks. Because a computer connects to the network via radio signals rather than cables, a person can move from place to place on the network, such as from an office to a conference room, and remain online all the time. An access point connects users to other users on the network and can also serve as a connection point between a wireless network and a fixed line wired network. Access points are typically used in large public or commercial networks that provide services to multiple users. A wireless router is a gateway between an Internet connection or fixed-wire network and a wireless network. Most home wireless networks or small business wireless networks use a wireless router to connect users to each other and to the Internet. An access point is a station that transmits and receives network information. . Follow one or more of the following methods to connect to your wireless LAN.

How to make sure you don't have the right driver

To find out if it really is not installed network driver, you should start the device manager in one of two ways:

  • Press on the keyboard at the same time Win+R, then in the “Open” field type msc and click on the button Ok.
  • In the "Computer" menu, hover your mouse over empty space and select “Properties” in the context menu. Find and open the device manager or, as it is also called “Device Manager”, in a new window.

In the window that opens, find the list Network adapters and expand it. Most likely, you will see only one network card adapter in the list, and at the top of the list the device manager will place some kind of “Unknown device” with a yellow icon exclamation point. It should detect at least one such device and display it as in the screenshot:

Method 1: Preparing the laptop. Method 2: Install network wiring. If you do not have an Internet connection, you will need to contact your Internet service provider to set one up before you can connect to the Internet. To do this, follow these steps:

Please note that you must first create a wireless network profile to which you will assign static information.

Some networks require you to use a proxy server to access the Internet. A proxy server is another computer or device that acts as an intermediary between you and the Internet by passing your requests to the server and the servers' responses to you. Unfortunately, this type of installation requires you to specify certain settings so that you can use the Internet correctly.

How to install a wireless driver

Now that the problem is completely clear, all that remains is to install it on your computer required driver. To do this, you should follow the steps that are described here:. After successful driver installation wifi icon should appear on the taskbar. Otherwise it is not excluded incorrect installation or inappropriate driver version. Check both options and try to install again. In general, the driver should be included with the adapter or laptop.

You will no longer be automatically connected to this network. When working with computers and network problems invariably happen. The first step is to make sure that the wireless connection does not require a password. You can determine this by seeing if there is a lock symbol next to the wireless network name. If there is, make sure you know correct password online before attempting to join it. If this still doesn't solve your problem, try moving closer to your wireless router and see if you can then connect.

I hope that after reading these instructions you will be able to connect to Wi-Fi networks on a laptop. Probably, some points in your opinion remained untouched in the current article, then leave comments with questions.

By the way, if you are a Windows 10 user, I advise you to read similar instructions:.

The first suggestion, if the wireless router is under your control, is to allow the router to broadcast this name. If you can connect you can enter wrong name, select the wrong encryption type, or enter the wrong encryption password. You should then confirm these settings by looking at the router configuration and, if necessary, changing these settings to new ones.

What to do if you cannot access the Internet when connected to a wireless network. If it shows that you are connected to the network, but you still cannot access the network, first make sure that your Internet connection is actually working. Check the connection from another computer and device to confirm it is working. If you do not fill out these fields, click the "Renew Lease" button and then click the "Update" button when it asks you whether to continue.


Usage various devices with WiFi is rapidly bursting into our lives, now not only complex equipment like laptops and communicators, but even such simple gadgets as a photo frame are equipped with WiFi. Setting them up to connect to wireless networks is becoming a challenge, so it's not surprising that technologies are emerging that can greatly simplify the setup procedure.

To determine this, you should ask the owner or administrator of the wireless router. To check this, simply forget the network profile and try to recreate it and enter the password again. The three quality levels are shown from best to worst, as the lowest level is worst speed connections. Another option is to buy a wireless extender that can extend the range of your wireless device so that it is strong throughout your entire home or apartment. When you add an extender to your wireless network, it will increase the range of your wireless router so you can connect to your network in places you previously couldn't.

Creating a new wireless network begins directly with the configuration of the access point (wireless router) connecting computers and other wireless equipment to it.


The traditional way of setting up in terms of regular user looks very complicated: you need to perform difficult steps with connecting to an access point for the first setup, you need to manually create a wireless network name, specify a complex and difficult to reproduce security key. And this entire setup process requires the user to have basic knowledge about WiFi. It will be much easier for him to simply press a button or enter a PIN so that everything is configured and connected.
Wireless Protected Setup (WiFi Protected Setup - WPS) was just invented to quickly, easily and safely configure network devices and computers. For example, one of the connection methods game console from WiFi to a wireless network: just press the WPS buttons on the wireless router and on the game console.

Regardless of your location's specific requirements, we hope the information in this guide has shown you how to work with them. If you have any questions with the information here, or need help with this, please feel free to ask us. Manual connection to a wireless network is when you establish a new connection or network.

Select your computer's operating system for instructions. You can now connect to your wireless network. Make sure the “Start this connection automatically” checkbox is selected. You should now be connected to your wireless network. Follow these steps to update your connection settings.

WiFi Protected Setup is now the standard for simple and safe creation wireless network. In Microsoft terminology this is Windows Connect Now (WCN).

If you don't have a wireless network Wi-Fi connections on a laptop with installed operating system Windows - this manual is for you. Many Windows 7 users have difficulty...

What could be easier than connecting to a wireless WiFi networks? Just enter the password and wait for the connection to be established. This usually happens, but what if the connection is limited (no Internet access) or communication is not established at all? Let's talk about the reasons why such failures occur and how to deal with them.

Why Windows 8 can't see or connect to WiFi networks

Computer or laptop Windows control 8 does not see the Wi-Fi network for the following reasons:

  • wifi adapter not installed, disabled or faulty;
  • There is no wireless network driver in the system;
  • Airplane mode is turned on on the computer;
  • there is not a single wireless network access point in your area;
  • an access point (wireless router) that is nearby is disabled, incorrectly configured, or faulty;
  • communication standards between the computer and the access point are not mutually supported;
  • there is a device nearby that interferes with the radio signal;
  • The WiFi adapter operates in monitoring mode.

If the network is visible, but the connection is not created or is limited:

  • Internet access for this network is not configured or is prohibited;
  • network connection is limited by the administrator;
  • the access point cannot process the request due to congestion;
  • Incorrect access point settings are used.

Restoring the connection to the wireless network

Checking the network adapter

Desktop PCs are sold without WiFi network adapters, so to connect to wireless networks you will have to buy and install an adapter separately. For example, like the one in the picture.

There is no need to buy a Wi-Fi adapter for a laptop - it is already inside.

In order for the laptop to see and connect to wireless networks, WiFi must be turned on. On some models there is a switch or button on the case for this.

On others, the key combination Fn+F1…F12 is used. The key with the image of an antenna is responsible for turning on the wireless adapter.

Once enabled, the WiFi adapter should appear in the Windows 8 Device Manager. To check this, launch the device manager from the context menu Windows buttons(Start)

and expand the “Network adapters” list. If your adapter is in this list, it means the system recognized and installed it. If it is displayed as unknown device- go to the website of its manufacturer and install the driver.

If the adapter is connected, but the system does not see it, make sure that it is activated in the BIOS.

The option that is responsible for the operation of the built-in WiFi is called OnBoard Wireless LAN or WireLess LAN support. Its value should be "Enabled".

Among other things, make sure that the wireless adapter is not in traffic monitoring mode (monitor mode). Although those who use this mode are always aware of this (it requires the installation of a special driver).

Checking the access point

If your PC or laptop does not see your home access point, try connecting to another one. To check you can use public networks, for example, in cafes or in parks, or privately - with your friends. To check desktop computer without taking it out of the house, you can temporarily create it on another device virtual point access.

If wireless networks are not detected anywhere, the problem should be looked for in the adapter or WiFi settings on the computer, and if there is no connection to only one access point, the problem probably lies there.

Diagnostic steps (if the previous step did not solve the problem, proceed to the next one):

  • Make sure the access point is turned on and is emitting a signal (detected by the wireless indicator light).

  • Make sure that there are no devices near the router and computer that create electromagnetic interference - cordless phones, microwave ovens, powerful power cables. Try moving the access point closer to your PC to improve the signal strength.
  • Turn off the router's power and turn it on again. If the problems persist, reset the settings: with a sharp object - a toothpick or paper clip, press the recessed Reset button, which is located on the back or bottom of the device. After this manipulation, all settings will be restored to the state as after purchase.

  • Change the broadcast frequency channel. Connect your computer to the access point via cable, enter the wireless network settings menu, find the option “ Channel" and switch to another channel. Perhaps the connection will be restored on some of them.

  • In the same menu, check the “Hide SSID” setting and, if it is active, check “No”. Hiding the SSID disables broadcasting of the network name - such a network is not displayed in the lists of available connections. Also enable support for wireless communication standards b/g in case the Wi-Fi adapter on your computer works on one of them, and the access point works on another, for example “a”, which does not support “b” and “g”.

  • If many devices are connected to the access point at the same time, it may become unresponsive due to overload. Such situations are unlikely at home, but often occur in organizations. Try connecting to a different, less busy network, or try again after a while.

Checking Windows 8 settings

Airplane mode

WiFi may disappear due to the fact that the user has activated Airplane mode in Windows 8 - in this mode network adapter turns off and the computer does not see any wireless network. The network icon in the system tray will help you determine that the problems really arose because of this - it takes the form of an airplane.

To exit Airplane mode in Windows 8, open the Charms flyout and click the Options charm.

Next, click “Change computer settings.”

Make sure that Windows sees WiFi again and that the network icon in the tray returns to its previous form.

Network diagnostics

Windows 8 has a tool that automatically diagnoses network connection problems. It's called "Diagnostics" Windows networks" This tool sees and eliminates many obstacles to WiFi operation, for example, when there is a connection, but the computer does not access the Internet (connection is limited) or there is Internet, but access to sites is limited.

When the connection is limited, the network tray icon is marked with an exclamation mark.

To launch the Windows 8 Network Diagnostic Tool, right-click on the network icon and select “Troubleshooting” from the menu.

The utility will check all network connections on the computer and determine how Internet access is limited. Local problems that can be corrected will be corrected automatically. And if the connection cannot be restored, for example, due to problems with the access point or problems on the provider’s side, the information will be displayed in a window marked “Not fixed.”

If your PC has multiple connections, of which only one is limited, or the diagnostic tool does not see a problem, you can only diagnose the selected network. To do this, go to Network and Sharing Center shared access" and go to the "Network Connections" folder (click "Change adapter settings" in the navigation bar).

Open context menu connection that is limited, and click “Diagnostics”.

WLAN AutoConfig Service

Connection problems also occur after network services are stopped, either accidentally or out of ignorance. Behind WiFi work In Windows 8, the WLAN AutoConfig service responds. If wired Ethernet connection is not limited by anything, but the system simply does not see wireless networks, start checking with this service.

  • Launch the Services application: open the context menu of the Windows (Start) button and click Run.

  • Next, type in the “Open” line the command services.msc and click OK.

  • Find in the list Windows services 8 WLAN auto-configuration, open its menu and select “Properties”.

  • If the service is stopped, click "Start" and select "Automatic" from the "Startup type" drop-down list.

For the WLAN AutoConfig Service to start, another service must be running - Manager Windows connections. Find it in the same list and set similar settings for it.

Other parameters WiFi connections not required on PC manual settings. All data for Internet access - IP, gateway address, DNS, etc., the network receives automatically from the access point's DHCP server.