How is the drone controlled? Syma quadcopters - tips, features and tricks

The number of people who have decided to master drone control and are generally interested in this hobby is growing exponentially every year around the world. 2017 was no exception and with the advent of the new year, the most frequently asked query in search engines On the Internet, the question became: “How to control a quadcopter?” This once again confirms the fact that the most anticipated gift in the new year was -.

Before we begin to expand on the topic of safe piloting, it is worth noting the following that there are no people who were able to master the control of a drone the first time. Everyone who first came to this hobby starts with clumsy flights and mistakes typical of a beginner, and as a rule, they are basically the same for everyone. But it is worth remembering that it is beginners, relying on the experience of professionals, who ultimately bring something new. And it is each new generation that will always be better than those who stood at the origins of the development of this or that hobby.

This article is an initial, quick guide aimed at beginners who want to learn how to fly unmanned aerial vehicles correctly and safely.

Where to begin?

Drone flying is a fun and relatively new, fast-growing hobby that's covered in this moment There is not a lot of information out there, especially for people who are just starting to learn the basics of flying. As a result, the first flight is carried out at your own peril and risk, which is unsafe both for the pilot and for the people around the launch site.

It is worth remembering that this is a fairly powerful machine with rapidly rotating screws, and if used ineptly, you can easily damage its integrity, which can lead to complete failure of the device as a whole.

To minimize all kinds of risks, you should first of all adhere to the fundamental rules, avoid flying in close proximity to people and property, and also do not cross “No Fly” zones.

“No Fly” zones are areas over which flight is prohibited! The perimeter of these zones usually includes airports, military units, etc.

What should your first drone be like?

It is best to start with a drone with 4 rotors, or simply with a drone, the kit of which will be ready to fly out of the box (RTF - ready to fly). This means that after unpacking the pilot will not have to retrofit the model. I collected it and flew.

As for the price threshold, it’s better to start with quadrics up to $50. Firstly, this approach is due to the fact that such quadcopters are always light in weight and small in size. As a result, they cannot cause significant harm to people or property.

Secondly, losing a $500 drone due to lack of piloting skills will be much more unpleasant than losing a $50 drone. Moreover, as practice shows, a beginner will not be able to take advantage of the full potential of a $500 drone. Remember, in this hobby you need to start small!

Control equipment

Any drone control panel has the main controls: left and right sticks for controlling the drone and a number of additional buttons and AUX – switches (2/3 position), which are often used to switch between flight modes, turn LEDs on and off, etc.

*diagram of classical equipment

Purpose of the left and right sticks:

Left stick– is responsible for the drone’s takeoff and descent, as well as for rotation around its axis.

  • Throttle Up– gas, increases engine speed (When moving up, the drone takes off).
  • Throttle Down- brake, reduces engine speed (when moving down the drone decreases).

  • Yaw Left– when moving to the left, the drone rotates around its axis counterclockwise.
  • Yaw Right– when moving to the right, the drone rotates around itself clockwise.

Right stick- responsible for "Pitch" And "Bank" those. tilts the drone to the left and right side, as well as forward and backward (with the right stick the pilot sets the flight direction).

  • Roll Left– tilts the drone to the left side (in this case, the drone will move to the left along the horizon).
  • Roll Right— tilts the drone to the right side (in this case, the drone will move to the right along the horizon).

  • Pitch Down– when moving the stick up, tilts the drone forward (at this point the drone will begin to move forward).
  • Pitch Up– when moving the stick down, the drone tilts back (at this point the drone will begin to move backwards).

Drone flight modes

There are different flight modes depending on the flight controller installed in the drone (Flight Controller - KK2 / Multiwii / Naze32 / ArduCopter, etc.). The most common modes are:

"Acro mode" (Rate mode/Manual mode)— in these modes, electronic assistants responsible for stabilizing the drone will be disabled. Speed ​​indicators achieved maximum values. Piloting in these modes will only be possible for advanced pilots. Remember - for beginners, flying in these modes should be limited, as it is not safe for both the pilot and those around him at the launch site!

Self-level mode (horizon mode)– in these modes, the electronics responsible for stabilizing the drone (gyroscope, accelerometer) are active, costs are limited (speed indicators). The modes are well suited for learning to fly.

Attitude Holding Mode— this flight mode is controlled by on-board electronics responsible for stabilizing the drone, and plus the function of holding altitude via a barometer (barometer) is added to everything. When flying in this mode, if the pilot releases the throttle stick, the quad will not fall, as it could when using the above modes, but will hover at the altitude occupied at the time of flight. The pilot will only need to control the horizontal displacement of the drone, for example, due to the presence of wind. Beginners will appreciate the mode, but still, you should not use it when learning to pilot, since the experience gained will not be complete due to present function altitude hold.

GPS Attitude Holding Mode– works with direct participation GPS module. This mode flight is controlled by on-board electronics responsible for stabilizing the drone. The altitude hold function is already carried out via GPS. The drone snaps to a coordinate point and allows it to hover accurately without moving, even if it is impacted. external factors, for example, such as wind. It received its main recognition in aerial photography, since the mode significantly frees the pilot from constant monitoring above the height occupied by the drone, thereby allowing you to focus on obtaining high-quality photo or video material.

In practice, you may encounter many more flight modes. As mentioned above, this depends on the controller installed in the drone. But in essence, the algorithm of work as a whole will be similar for everyone.

Basic flight rules

Here we will talk about what rules should be followed before and during the first flight. Safety first!

  1. Choose a good, calm day to fly.
  2. The place for the flight should be in the form of a large open area, without any buildings or power lines. Away from such strategic sites as airports, etc., which usually go to “No Fly” zones.
  3. Try to minimize any distractions during the flight, for example, it is worth translating your mobile phone V silent mode etc.
  4. Make sure that there are no people at the launch and flight site.

After ensuring safety, you can proceed to practical training flights. It’s worth starting small, and first of all, work on the following:

  1. Practice taking off and hovering in the air at a height of up to 2 meters, followed by landing.
  2. Take short flights from point “A” to point “B” followed by landing.

Wind speed is the first indicator that you first need to pay attention to before future outdoor flights. You should not fly if the wind speed is higher than 6 m/s. Even with such wind, the drone will not be stable in flight and will need to be constantly adjusted, which is especially difficult for a beginner. When the wind speed is above 11 meters per second, the pilot runs the risk of crashing the drone without the possibility of restoring the damaged elements.

Practice hovering

In practice, hovering turns out to be much more difficult than it seems, especially when the flight is carried out in first person using a monitor or glasses. Having mastered the hovering skill, the pilot will not only significantly improve control over the drone, but will also allow him to take beautiful bird's-eye shots in the future.

Let off the gas

What will you do if there is a high speed suddenly there was a tree? Someone will say: “I’ll just clothe him and that’s it.” But in practice, sometimes there is no time left for the flyby and the wise option would be to simply reset the throttle to zero. In this way, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of maximum damage to both the drone itself and its individual elements, such as motors, antennas, etc. It is also worth remembering that you should not neglect the use of rotor protection, which is often included with the quad, especially when learning to pilot. Even if they significantly reduce the flight characteristics of the drone.


Unfortunately, collisions and falls (crashes) in our hobby are inevitable for both beginners and professionals. And the best thing you can do is learn to minimize such events. Remember that everything comes with experience, which you gain only through practice. How more hours raid, the more opportunities open up for you in controlling the drone.

We hope that in this short guide for beginners, we were able to convey the most complete idea of ​​what you should pay attention to when learning to fly a drone at the initial stage of familiarization. Of course, it is not possible to fit the entire training course into one article, but if this is not enough for you, then we advise you to take special courses on learning to pilot UAVs in the specialized ones closest to you. educational institutions, fortunately such ones already exist.


A clear example of piloting a drone.

Management is not an easy task. Yes, flying drones are becoming more autonomous and easier to control, but every quadcopter operator must know how to act correctly in a given situation. This will often allow you to avoid injury or loss of your quadcopter. Welcome to DroneFlyers Flight School, where you will learn a lot about quadcopters and other multi-rotor platforms and learn how to fly them like an ace!

You can buy (or assemble yourself) a quadcopter of almost any size. Some of them fit in the palm of your hand, while others will not fit in a backpack. Have you noticed that the flight duration of a drone directly depends on its size? Tiny pocket-sized quadcopters rarely fly for more than four to five minutes. Larger drones (eg DJI Phantom 4 Pro) […]

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If you've ever lost control while descending a multicopter, chances are you've experienced a phenomenon known as a vortex ring state. This often leads to an uncontrolled fall of the drone and the accompanying sad consequences. In this article we will tell you how to recognize the state of the vortex ring, how to save the quadcopter in this difficult situation, […]

New drone pilots often start to panic when their drone flies so far away that it becomes impossible to distinguish between the front and back of it. Imagine your drone looking like a tiny dot in the sky. What will you do in such a situation?

– learn to control a quadcopter. Despite the apparent simplicity (just a couple of joysticks and a few buttons), there are nuances in piloting copters that should be taken into account during launch and actual flight. In addition, without proper control skills, the first take-off of the device can end catastrophically: the multicopter is smashed to pieces, damage to furniture, buildings, or even injuries to surrounding people. That is why every aviation enthusiast who has purchased or is just about to purchase a drone should wonder how to learn to control a quadcopter.

A beginner has several options for learning to pilot: take specialized courses (at aviation clubs or stores selling quadcopters), seek help from more experienced friends, or learn on your own (using step by step instructions on the Internet, video tutorials, etc.). And it is worth noting that the training will be useful not only for those who have never held a remote control in their hands, but also for fairly experienced pilots who are switching to a new type of device (for example, from a mini-quadcopter to a large professional drone) .

Training is best done using small budget quadcopters, for example, JXD 392: the smaller the quadcopter, the more resistant it is to falls and collisions, and the cheaper the device, the less offensive it is to break it during training.

What the control panel looks like and how it works

Most multicopters are controlled using a remote control remote control, which is either included in the package or purchased separately. Typically, one remote control can be used for several different devices, so you can save money if the pilot has several copters. But it also happens the other way around, for example, a quadcopter can be controlled simultaneously by two pilots from two different remote controls.

All remote controls on the market are created according to the same principle: controlling the flight and orientation of the device in space using two or more joysticks. This system provides the ability to control the quadcopter in three axes, as well as rotate it. Depending on the capabilities and modification of the device, the remote control may contain several buttons and controls responsible for functions such as:

  • "return home";
  • automatic landing;
  • turning on video broadcasting;
  • photo and video shooting and many others.

The remote control can be equipped with a screen that displays flight information or broadcasts video to control the multicopter “from a first-person perspective.”

It is very important to carefully familiarize yourself with the control panel before your first takeoff so that you know exactly where each switch is and what to press in case of an emergency. You need to try the buttons and move the joysticks to understand the degree of effort that needs to be applied to switch them - whether the joysticks are tight, or, on the contrary, they react very easily to any finger movements. And, of course, it is better to get acquainted with it while studying the instructions in order to clearly understand the purpose of a particular switch.

Preparing for the first flight

If a pilot is wondering how to control a quadcopter, then the first thing to do is study. It will explain how to properly assemble the device (if it is supplied disassembled), the principle of its operation, the functions of the control panel, piloting features, etc. important information. It will also be useful to watch several training videos, which can be found on the manufacturer’s website or on YouTube.

Then you need to prepare the quadcopter for flight:

  • assemble the device and check how well all the parts are secured (so that the propeller does not fly off after takeoff or the landing gear does not fall off during landing);
  • fully charge the main and additional (if available) batteries;
  • take spare parts with you;
  • set up GPS and compass (if available);
  • choose a suitable launch location (an open deserted area with grass or a large room with high ceilings and a minimum of furniture).

Basic flight modes

Most modern quadcopters support multiple flight modes. The exception may be budget ones. Main modes:

  • Manual flight mode (Manual mode) – all built-in stabilization systems are disabled and the quadcopter responds to any commands from the control panel, including performing a spin or a loop. This is the most difficult mode, since the pilot cannot be distracted from control for a second, and any careless command can result in the device falling or colliding with an obstacle. This mode is definitely not suitable for training a beginner, but it will allow an experienced pilot to fully use all piloting capabilities and perform aerobatic maneuvers.
  • Stable flight mode (Attitude mode) – accelerometer is active. This means that the multicopter stabilizes itself and does not allow sudden deviations from the horizontal and vertical axis. If the pilot releases the joysticks, the quadcopter will level out and hover in the air. This is the mode that beginners should use, as it will prevent serious mistakes during piloting and will not allow the quadcopter to fall. And if a novice pilot gets confused, he can simply release the joysticks, let the quadcopter stabilize, and then continue to control the flight.
  • Stabilization with GPS systems– this mode is available only for devices equipped with a GPS sensor. Provides the multicopter with greater stability and better orientation in space compared to the previous mode. Ideal for aerial videography.

Before the first launch, you need to familiarize yourself with the modes available on the quadcopter and how to switch them to make sure that the first takeoff is carried out in the stabilized mode.

First take off

To understand how to learn how to control a quadcopter, during your first flights you should go through step by step training. After reading the instructions and technical device When using a quadcopter, you should make sure that the site chosen for takeoff is allowed to launch unmanned vehicles, and that there are no bystanders within the flight radius. After this, you can proceed directly to launch:

  1. turn on the multicopter, then turn on the control panel to pair devices (the readiness will be signaled sound signal or special lighting);
  2. practicing take-off and landing - you need to smoothly and without jerking lift the multicopter vertically upward to a height of no more than a meter, then smoothly land it at the take-off point;
  3. holding the position - raise the multicopter to a height of about one meter and try to hold it at one point (repeat until you can hold the multicopter stably for 30 seconds);
  4. landing at the take-off point - lift the multicopter into the air and move it away from the launch site, then return it and smoothly land it at the take-off point;
  5. turning the nose - first you need to clearly determine where the multicopter’s nose is, then lift the device into the air and turn 180 degrees, first in one direction and then in the other, while maintaining the altitude;
  6. practice flying in a circle (without losing altitude or deviating from the circle);
  7. practice fast turns (i.e. sharp turns while moving at high speed in a straight line);
  8. practice figure eight flight;
  9. try out flips - a multicopter somersault, which is usually performed using special button on the control panel;
  10. Well, the most difficult thing is to go through an obstacle course made from scrap materials (between chairs, under the table, through hoops, in general, you can use anything).

Each exercise needs to be worked out several times until the control of the multicopter begins to be carried out at an intuitive level. Further skill will come with experience - the more sorties, the easier it will be to control the multicopter.

So, you bought one of the Syma quadcopters and have already made your first flights. Most likely you will have a number of questions about flight and setup. In this article we will look at the main features, show you a few tricks and help you enjoy your flight!

1. How to control a Syma quadcopter

The most important thing you need to know is the control panel. Here are the main buttons:

To enable Syma you need:

  1. Switch the shutter on the quadcopter to the On state
  2. Enable control panel
  3. Pull the left stick up and down all the way
  4. The quadcopter is ready to fly

The Y axis of the left stick is responsible for the speed (gas) and, accordingly, the lift height. The X axis of the left stick is rotation. Right stick - tilt left/right and forward/backward.

2. How to turn on the camera

Syma quadcopters use only 2 methods of camera control (depending on the model):

  1. From the remote control (the camera records to a memory card, models without wifi FPV)
  2. Via an application from a smartphone (models with wifi FPV)

The camera on non-FPV Syma models is enabled by default when the camera cable is inserted into the quadcopter. To take a photo, press the photo/video button on the remote control up once. To turn on video recording, press the same button down 1 time; to turn it off, press down again. Unfortunately, there are no indicators, so you will have to remember which position the button is in.

To enable WiFi camera on Syma models with FPV, download the application " Syma FPV"for a smartphone with the App Store or Google Play. Next, launch the application, turn on WiFi in the phone settings and connect to the quadcopter’s Wi-Fi (the name will make it clear), after turning on the quadcopter itself. Return to the application and use the appropriate buttons to take photos or record videos on your smartphone .

3. How to set up and calibrate

If your quadcopter rolls to one side during takeoff or you notice unstable flight, try resetting the settings. For this:

  1. Place the quadcopter on a flat surface and turn on
  2. down - left all the way and wait a couple of seconds - the gyroscope will calibrate
  3. Pull the left and right sticks at the same time down-right all the way and wait a couple of seconds - the accelerometer will calibrate

If that doesn't help, try trimming. Trimming is an increase or decrease in the speed of certain motors.

  • Ruder trimmer - if the front of the quad tilts to the right, you need to trim it to the left; if it goes to the left, trim it to the right
  • Pitch trimmer - if it leans forward, you need to trim it back, when going back, trim it forward
  • Roll trimmer - if the quadcopter turns to the right, then you need to trim it to the left, if it turns to the left, trim it to the right

4. How to enable Headless mode

If you suddenly cannot cope with the controls or confuse the axes, Headless mode will help you. It allows you to ignore the quadcopter’s axes and, when moving the right stick “towards you,” tilt the drone back (that is, it will fly home).

To enable this mode during a flight, press right top button.

5. How to do flips

Flip - flip 360 degrees along any of the 4 axes (forward, backward, right, left). To perform this trick, during a stable flight, you need to hold down the upper right button (on the top side) and while holding it, pull the right stick in the desired direction.

6. How to fly faster and more aggressively

By default, Syma quadcopters have 2 consumable modes:

  1. High - increased speed, the quadcopter is more maneuverable and sensitive
  2. Low - lower speed for more measured control

Switching of these modes is carried out using the control panel - left button(assembly from above). The mode indicator is displayed on the remote control screen ( H - high, L - low).

In addition, you can remove the camera, legs and blade protection - the quad will be even more maneuverable because weight will be reduced and air resistance will be reduced.

7. How to fly longer

Here are a few options to help you extend the life of your copter:

  • Remove the camera, legs and blade guards
  • Install a larger battery
  • Buy them, charge them and change them as needed
  • Fly in Low mode (low speed)
  • Switch trimmers to zero positions
  • Keep the quadcopter at the same height, avoiding sudden take-offs

8. The propellers are spinning, but the quadcopter does not take off.

A common problem is when the motors work correctly, but the quadcopter refuses to take off. The cause in 99% of cases is incorrect installation blades. Most likely you have not installed one of the propellers correctly. Here is the correct installation diagram using the Syma X5C as an example:

Propellers differ in the position of the fin. Identical propellers must be installed diagonally.

Suggest tips and other features in the comments, we will add them to the article!

“Control of a drone from a laptop - myth or reality?” - main question on the agenda among modern pilots. It would seem, why do modern operators need such tricks for aerial photography? After all, DJI has provided a lot of control options for them: through a VR helmet, augmented reality glasses and glasses virtual reality, and remote control. And for the most advanced - even 2 remote controls (one monitors the flight, the other monitors the camera). But there is no limit to perfection and modern pilots demand: “We want to control the drone from a laptop, period.”

DJI wouldn't have lasted this long in the market if it hadn't listened to its customers. Otherwise, how would DJI Goggles appear, which support the ability to control a quadcopter, allowing the operator to reach unattainable horizons with an immersive effect? Here too, the manufacturer “heard the pleas” of its fans, apparently having read this popular request on the forums.

By the way, experience collaboration There are already quadcopters and PCs in world practice, and DJI, as we know, does not like to be last in terms of mastering and implementing new technologies. So let's take a closer look at how to manage DJI drone from a laptop or computer.

Controlling a DJI drone from a laptop: a guide to action

To use a DJI drone in conjunction with a laptop, the manufacturer has developed a unique system - Ground Station, which allows you to remotely control the drone using a keyboard or joystick. The CD included with the system contains software, after installing which Google map displayed on the laptop/computer monitor with virtual panel management. Using supported operating system the drone gets the same capabilities as when flying via a smartphone. For example, if signal reception is interrupted during a flight, the quadcopter returns to the take-off point, provided that it is indicated on the map.

DJI Ground Station is very easy to connect, as everything you need is already included:

    two 2.4 GHz modems (one for installation on board the device, the other for the ground station);

    antenna and wiring;

    BTU module;

    CD with software.

The release of the ground station serves as proof that DJI is taking serious steps to make its drones and laptop work together. It is likely that a DJI drone will soon conquer the airspace, but this time not only under iOS control, but also Windows, MAC or Linux OS. Why not? If the Parrot quadcopter “obeyed” the computer, then what is stopping the DJI device? It's only a matter of time.

But Parrot was still the first!

It is clear that experimenting with an expensive and powerful DJI drone is a risky endeavor. There are hardly any brave souls who would want to put the lives of their expensive quadcopters (and the price of DJI is really quite high) in danger by controlling the drone in a way that needs professional testing. But it’s difficult to remain indifferent and not try to lift the inexpensive and maneuverable Parrot AR.Drone into the air using a laptop.

Practice shows that the AR.Drone quadcopter fits perfectly into the framework of devices that are suitable for independent experiments in terms of flight, control and shooting. And its main advantage is that the Parrot drone is easy to use and connects to a computer easily, without complex installation procedures. Once the connection with the laptop is established, the operator is able to put into practice full set control modes, including the activation of the autonomous flight control function and 3D space modeling. And all this from your PC!

Another successful experiment

So far, successful projects for controlling a drone from a laptop are related to small-sized devices such as the DJI Spark. Of course, there is no evidence that anyone took Spark into the air. But his comparable comrades are already conquering the air spaces. For example, an American enthusiast tested the flight of his $15 mini-drone by controlling it from a laptop. In the experiment he also used USB camera and protection for propellers. In order for the drone to send the same radio signals that it received from the joystick, wireless card Addicore. The most difficult part was the launch special programs on computer.

The whole experiment fits into this scheme:

Why do you even need to control a drone from a laptop?

Good question! This function may be useful for those who have lost their remote control and cannot yet buy a new one. Or just for fun. Whatever the case may be, the news that DJI is taking to the air from a computer rather than using a remote control is just around the corner.

Follow the news on our online store website and be the first to know about the new successes of DJI drones.


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