How to reduce the gap between words. Four ways to remove spaces between words in Word

Have you noticed that between some words in a text editor Microsoft Word are displayed excessively large spaces? So, they don’t appear just like that. As a rule, this occurs due to the use of text formatting or individual parts of it; also, instead of spaces, you could use Special symbols. That is, different reasonsdifferent ways their elimination. From this article you will learn how to remove large spaces in Word. It is enough to read the instructions carefully and remember its contents in order to eliminate unsightly large gaps.

How to Remove Large Spaces in Microsoft Office Word

You should start by finding out possible reason the appearance of excessively large spaces between words. This is acceptable if width alignment is applied to all or part of the text.

The point is that when using of this element When formatting a document, the text editor begins to ensure that all words on new lines are at the same level, as if an invisible vertical line has been drawn to which they are attracted. Also aligned last letters all lines, this can create large spaces to fill the entire space in the document. Ideally, each line should have the same number of characters, then there will be no extra spaces, but this is something out of fantasy.

The width alignment has failed and there are still too many spaces? It's something else, like tab characters (pressing the Tab button visually creates a large indentation that is mistakenly recognized as multiple spaces). To identify such signs, you must enable the display mode of all signs:

As you can see, all spaces are indicated by dots, while the arrows are the same tab characters. Fortunately, they can be removed in just a few clicks:

In the event that excessively large spaces appear due to width alignment, you will have to change it to standard left alignment by clicking on the corresponding button.

There may be several reasons why there are large spaces between words in Word. In this article I will tell you about some ways to solve this problem.

Aligning text to width

If your document doesn't require the text to be justified on the page—the first letters of each line are on the same vertical line, as are the last—then you can align all the text to the left. To do this, select with the mouse required fragment, or everything printed by pressing Ctrl+A (hereinafter all key combinations use english letters). Then on the “Home” tab, click on the button "Align text left" or Ctrl+L .

Tab characters

Sometimes tabs can be the cause of large spaces between words. To check whether they are used in the document, you need to enable non-printable characters: click on the icon that looks very similar to Pi. Tab stops in the document are displayed as arrows. If there are any, delete them and add spaces. Spaces in non-printing characters are displayed as a dot: one dot - one space.

If there are a lot of tab characters, you can perform a replacement. Place the cursor at the beginning of the desired fragment. Then we select one tab character, i.e. arrow, and copy it – Ctrl+C; press Ctrl+H and in the window on the “Replace” tab in the “Find” field, place the cursor and press Ctrl+V. In the “Replace with” field, put a space. Click the “Replace All” button. Next, an information window pops up showing the number of replacements performed.

End of line sign

If you have all the text selected in width and cannot be edited in any other way, and the last line of the paragraph is very stretched, then perhaps at the end of this line there is an “End of Paragraph” icon. To begin with, we turn on non-printing characters - “End of paragraph” is displayed as a curved arrow. If you have one at the end of the line, then simply delete it: place the cursor at the end of the last word of the paragraph and press “Delete”.


This option is also possible: you copied something from the Internet, but between the words there is not one space, but two or three, so the distance is increased. When non-printing characters are enabled, there should be several black dots between words. Removing them throughout the document takes a long time, so we’ll use a replacement. Press Ctrl+H, put two spaces in the “Find” field, one space in the “Replace” field, click “Replace All”. If necessary, you can put three, then four, etc. in the “Find” field. spaces, and replace them with one.


If the document allows the use of word wrapping, then the distance between words can be edited in the following way. Select all the text Ctrl+A, go to the tab "Page layout". V "Page Options" Click on the transfer icon and select “Auto”. As a result, hyphens are placed throughout the text, and the distance between words is reduced.

In this article we tried to remove large spaces between words in Word. I hope it worked out for you.

How to remove large spaces in Word.

There may be several reasons why there are large spaces between words in Word. In this article I will tell you about some ways to solve this problem.

Aligning text to width

If in your document it is not necessary for the text to be aligned to the width of the page - the first letters of each line are on the same vertical line, as are the last - then you can align all the text to the left. To do this, select the desired fragment with the mouse, or the entire text by pressing Ctrl+A (hereinafter, all key combinations use English letters). Then on the “Home” tab, click on the button "Align text left" or Ctrl+L .

Tab characters

Sometimes tabs can be the cause of large spaces between words. To check whether they are used in the document, you need to enable non-printable characters: click on the icon that looks very similar to Pi. Tab stops in the document are displayed as arrows. If there are any, delete them and add spaces. Spaces in non-printing characters are displayed as a dot: one dot - one space.

If there are a lot of tab characters, you can perform a replacement. Place the cursor at the beginning of the text. Then we select one tab character, i.e. arrow, and copy it – Ctrl+C; press Ctrl+H and in the window on the “Replace” tab in the “Find” field, place the cursor and press Ctrl+V. In the “Replace with” field, put a space. Click the “Replace All” button. Next, an information window pops up showing the number of replacements performed.

End of line sign

If you have all the text selected in width and cannot be edited in any other way, and the last line of the paragraph is very stretched, then perhaps at the end of this line there is an “End of Paragraph” icon. To begin with, we turn on non-printing characters - “End of paragraph” is displayed as a curved arrow. If you have one at the end of the line, then simply delete it: place the cursor at the end of the last word of the paragraph and press “Delete”.

This option is also possible: you copied the text from the Internet, but between the words there is not one space, but two or three, so the distance is increased. When non-printing characters are enabled, there should be several black dots between words. Removing them throughout the document takes a long time, so we’ll use a replacement. Press Ctrl+H, put two spaces in the “Find” field, one space in the “Replace” field, click “Replace All”. If necessary, you can put three, then four, etc. in the “Find” field. spaces, and replace them with one.


If the document allows the use of word wrapping, then the distance between words can be edited in the following way. Select all the text Ctrl+A, go to the tab "Page layout", V "Page Options" Click on the transfer icon and select “Auto”. As a result, hyphens are placed throughout the text, and the distance between words is reduced.

In this article we tried remove large spaces between words in Word. I hope it worked out for you.

There are many different reasons for the appearance of such inconvenient large spaces that spoil the whole appearance text document - most often this is a consequence of using incorrect characters when formatting text. Correcting text formatting can be quite a complex and time-consuming task, requiring a variety of methods to get rid of long spaces.

Formatting spaces in text

  • Before you begin serious text formatting efforts, first try to find out the reason. If you set the standard width alignment when typing, the editor can automatically monitor and adjust the size of spaces in the text so that the alignment is as correct as possible. And to do this, the editor automatically stretches the spaces so that the first and last letters of each line are flush with each edge of the document. IN in this case the text will remain with long spaces and will have to be corrected manually, deleting or adding the necessary words along the text path.
  • Next, make sure that when typing, you did not use spaces instead of standard text spaces. special signs tabulations, which are used quite rarely, but can still appear in texts. This especially applies to those downloaded from the Internet. text files or files whose format has been changed. Open tab mode in your document and it will show you all of its characters. Tab characters are small arrows, similar to those printed on the enter button on your keyboard. If the problem is in tabulation, just do autocorrect, it’s very fast and does not require additional skills. Just type the tab icon into the AutoCorrect window and set the command to replace it with regular space. Click Replace All and perform AutoCorrect throughout the document. All spaces after this should become normal size. As you can see, tabulation is most often fundamental when formatting text documents, so you need to pay extra attention to it so that when forwarded, your recipient does not see a sloppy document with non-standard spaces.
  • These two methods allow you to correct spaces in any situation with their non-standard size. Text editor Word provides great opportunities for the functionality of the program and allows you to format text in a way that is suitable for the design of text documents specifically for you.

How to remove large spaces: video

When typing any text, various errors about typos and if it is very easy to mark a mistake in words, or Word itself marks the wrong word, then it is difficult to see where in your text there are several spaces between words. You can manually view all the text with the display of special characters enabled, but this is very inconvenient and time-consuming. The same search and elimination process extra spaces can be automated and how to do this later in the article.

A few spaces between words look like the image below. To enable the display of spaces, click on the icon for displaying special characters on the toolbar in the “Home” tab. In addition to two spaces, there can be 3 or more spaces between words. Each space in special characters is a separate period.

Extra spaces in Word look like several dots in a row

To automatically remove extra spaces in Word, you need to use the search and replace tool. Click on the “Replace” item in the “Home” tab, or you can press the key combination Ctrl+H. In the “Replace” tab, in the “Find” field, you need to enter two spaces in a row (they are not visible when printing), and in the “Replace with” field, enter one space. After that, click on the “Replace All” button. Word, after clicking “Replace All,” will look through the entire text from beginning to end and wherever it finds two spaces in a row between words, it will replace them with one space. This operation will be performed once throughout the text, and if you have more than two spaces anywhere, Word will replace only the first two with one.

To remove extra spaces, you need to use the Find and Replace tool to replace two spaces in a row with one.

To ensure you get rid of all the extra spaces, perform the same search operation and replace two spaces with one until the message “Done” appears. Number of replacements made: 0.”

After this, your text will definitely not have any extra spaces between words.

Sometimes I come across documents in which the text is justified (as if to make it look nicer), but the words in the last line are stretched to the full width and there are huge spaces between the words. Very often, Internet users ask on forums and blogs how to remove spaces when aligning by width. The problem in most cases is not in the text width formatting itself, but in the special character that appears at the end of the problematic paragraph.

The stretched text looks like this:

As you can see the last two words Word stretched over the entire line by increasing the space between these two words. In 90% of cases, replacing the special character at the end of the paragraph with a cursor translation (this is Enter) will help you.

To see what kind of symbol is located after the dot, click on the icon for displaying special characters on the main tab. And as you can see, instead of an ordinary space, I have a forced line feed character.

A problem that in most cases causes the last words of a paragraph to stretch out with a lot of space between them.

We delete it and press “Enter” instead. As you can see, Word automatically distributed the formatted text across the width and did not add extra space between words.

What to do if text copied from the Internet is not aligned in width