How to remove an installed font. Removing fonts from Photoshop

Use several dozen fonts on your computer, but to find them you have to scroll through unnecessary extra fonts? Or want to delete installed font, which you no longer need to work, for example, in Photoshop or Word? Then read this article, I will tell you how to remove fonts from your computer.

I want to immediately note that if you want to remove fonts in Photoshop or Word, you will still need to use the same method for removing fonts from the Windows system. Photoshop and Word do not store fonts separately. All fonts on the computer are stored in one folder.

Removing fonts

1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Fonts.

Now you can see all the fonts that are installed on your computer. As a rule, they are in large quantities, and to quickly find the font you need, use the search. I need to remove the Rotondac font, and you are looking for yours.

2. Found required file font in the system? Now right-click and click “Delete”.

3. After this, a window will pop up and once again ask you to confirm your intention to delete this font. Click “Yes”. The entire font has been deleted. Now it has disappeared from the entire computer, which means it is no longer available in all programs that support fonts.

When you delete a font, all texts that were written in it may be displayed incorrectly or replaced with another font.

Error during deletion

If during deletion you get an error that the font is already in use, then in order to delete a font file that is not being deleted, you need to restart your computer and, without starting anything, immediately go to the folder with the fonts (the path is described above) and delete the font. And if some program starts automatically when you turn on the computer, close it before the process.

How to remove multiple fonts at once

If you want to select several unnecessary extra fonts at once to delete, then in the folder with fonts, press Ctrl key and left-click and select the required quantity. Then right-click and delete.

Usually compatible ones are installed and removed completely painlessly. An error when deleting a font or font family is a relatively rare phenomenon and usually occurs in cases where the font is actively used by someone working in background application, for example established theme registration

Unfortunately, it does not provide detailed information about which application is using the font. The only exception is protected system fonts; here the system directly reports that the font is used by Windows. It also happens that a font continues to “glow” even after the application in which it was used has been deleted. In short, removing particularly stubborn third-party fonts can be a hassle for the user.

So, you can solve this problem using an ordinary registry editor. Like most objects file system, fonts have registry entries. By deleting an entry, you will automatically delete the font itself. So, open the registry editor and go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionFonts branch. IN last section contains records of all fonts that are installed on your computer, both system and third-party.

Find problematic font, right-click on it and select the “Delete” option from the menu that opens. A window will appear asking you to confirm the action. We agree and click “ok”.

In this way you can delete any fonts, even those that are this moment used by the system or third party program. The main thing is to be careful not to mistakenly delete the system font, because in this case standard texts in Windows will no longer be displayed correctly. By the way, to delete system fonts can lead to more serious problems. In some cases, you may need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. This is all. There are other ways to remove stubborn fonts, but they are not as convenient as the one we have just described. For example, you can try to remove the font by booting into Safe Mode. Surely this can be done by booting from some “live” disk with file support NTFS systems, but again all this is too inconvenient.

All fonts that Photoshop uses in its work are “pulled” by the program from the system folder "Fonts" and are displayed in the drop-down list on top panel settings when the instrument is activated "Text".

As it becomes clear from the introduction, Photoshop uses the fonts that are installed on your system. It follows that installation and removal of fonts should be done not in the program itself, but using standard Windows tools.

There are two options here: find the corresponding applet in "Control Panels", or contact directly system folder containing fonts. We will use the second option, since "Control Panel" Inexperienced users may have problems.

Why remove installed fonts? Firstly, some of them may conflict with each other. Secondly, fonts with the same name but a different set of glyphs may be installed on the system, which can also cause errors when creating texts in Photoshop.

In any case, if there is a need to remove the font from the system and from Photoshop, then read the lesson further.

Removing fonts

So, we are faced with the task of removing any of the fonts. The task is not difficult, but you need to know how it is done. First you need to find the folder with fonts and in it find the font that you want to delete.

1. Let's go to system disk, go to the folder "Windows", and in it we look for a folder with the name "Fonts". This folder is special because it has the properties of a system snap-in. From this folder you can manage fonts installed on the system.

2. Since there can be a lot of fonts, it makes sense to use a folder search. Let's try to find a font with the name "OCR A Std" by entering its name in the search field located on the right top corner window.

3. To delete a font, right-click on it and click "Delete". Please note that to perform any manipulations with system folders, you must have administrator rights.

After the UAC warning, the font will be removed from the system and, accordingly, from Photoshop. Mission accomplished.

Be careful when installing fonts on the system. Use trusted download resources. Do not clutter the system with fonts, but install only those that you are sure to use. These simple rules will help you avoid possible troubles and relieve you of the need to perform the actions described in this lesson.

Greetings, blog visitors.

Many users, for one reason or another, add to their operating system additional elements, which often turn out to be fonts. Sometimes this is necessary to create a document. Sometimes this approach is needed when processing photos. But after the actions taken, the new component does not disappear anywhere, which means it simply “clogs” the OS. Later in the article, I will tell you how to permanently remove fonts in Windows 10 so that they definitely disappear and do not burden your computer.

Easy way

The most simple option Saying goodbye to the annoying component is simple removal. To do this, you need to know where the corresponding symbol packs are located:


As you can see, simple symbol packs are usually placed in the system folder and are erased without any problems. But what if they are not deleted? Although this problem occurs rarely, some users still encounter it. This usually happens when letters or numbers are used by some application running in the background. That’s why you won’t be able to turn it off so easily.

After all, Windows does not provide data about which characters are used by applications. Of course, if they are not system, because in these cases the operating system reports so.

The solution to the problem is to use the registry. Like most of the elements in operating system, font records are also stored in this area. By removing the corresponding mark, the component we need will also disappear.

To do this, we perform a series of movements:

With this method, users can say goodbye to any components, even those used by the system or third-party software.

The main thing is to do everything slowly, so as not to make mistakes. Otherwise, problems with displaying system elements may occur. AND Update centre will not help resolve the situation. Often in such cases, users are forced to perform extreme actions - reinstalling Windows. Otherwise, it is not clear where exactly you need to go, since there is no normal display.

If you are sure that you did everything correctly, then you need to restart the operating system - only after that all the changes will take effect.

There are still plenty of ways to say goodbye to unused symbols. So, for example, users can boot into " Safe Mode "and try to perform a simple removal in this environment, because they do not run here additional programs. But in general, this and other methods are more complex, which means they are simply not worth considering.

I hope this article will help you solve the situation with unused packs of letters and numbers. Subscribe and tell your friends about the blog!


In the archive Microsoft Office There are quite a lot of fonts that are practically not used by the user. All of them are stored in a special section and are somewhat heavy user interface. If there are extra fonts interfere with your work, you can remove them using the settings editing mode.

To remove unused fonts from the list, you must use the Start menu button. Then open the “Control Panel” and click on the “Fonts” section. You will be presented with a folder with all the fonts available on your computer. For ease of use, use additional functions view selected fonts. If you don’t need any of the options, just click the corresponding button to delete them.

No matter what operating system is installed on your computer - Microsoft Windows Vista or Microsoft Windows XP, the user's actions to remove fonts will be the same when using both “axes”.

To disable unused languages, click on the “Start” button located in the lower left corner of the screen, select the “All programs” section and go to Microsoft application Office. By clicking on this section, find the item “ Microsoft Tools Office" and go to " Language settings Microsoft Office".

Then open the editing window. Find the item “Enabled editing languages”, then select the unused language from the list provided and click “Delete”. Repeat this step for each language that requires removal. In the same window, you can set your default language.

If, on the contrary, you need to include an additional language in the list, you can also do this with one click. But to do this you need to use the “Add” button.

Any user of the Windows operating system can not only install additional system ones, but also easily remove unnecessary ones - a large number of installed fonts may cause inconvenience in operation.


Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Be careful when deleting fonts: after deleting the default system fonts, some programs or operating system menus may not work correctly!

If you worked with text Microsoft editor Office Word 2007, then you know that in this version there were many innovations that some people liked, but others could not accept, and in the end they returned to version 2003. The main drawback, according to those who did not like the innovations of Office 2007, is a change font By default on Calibri. On the one hand the font is beautiful, on the other hand line spacing quite large, which forces you to edit the standard style in MS Word 2007.

You will need


This panel has 3 buttons: “Create Style”, “Style Inspector”, and “Manage Styles”. Click the Manage Styles button. In the window that opens, you will see the settings of the current style; accordingly, they can be changed in this window.

To change a specific style, select any of the styles presented in this window. Click the "Edit" button and a new window will open. Here you can change the value of the selected font. Select any font from the drop-down list. When choosing a new font, the same font from this style's settings. You can also edit the style, size, and other parameters of this font.


  • how to change default font in 2019

The Windows operating system uses a large set of fonts to display text on the screen and for printing. A font means a set of characters with general characteristics, such as stroke size and serifs on the top and bottom edges. To work with computer graphics, creation original design web pages or developing a corporate identity for documents, you often need to install a font that is not in the preinstalled collection. Some simple steps in the computer control panel will help you install new fonts.

You will need

  • - Administrative rights to manage the computer;
  • - files with new fonts.


In the “Add Fonts” dialog box that opens, set where you want to load new fonts from.
To do this, select required disk in the "Disks" combo box.
Double-click the containing fonts which are required.
In the Font List field, select a font and click OK.


When using non-standard fonts in documents, keep in mind that another user will only be able to read or change the file if all the necessary fonts are installed on their computer.


It happens that several operating systems are installed on one computer. Often several operating systems are installed to expand the possibilities of using the software. For example, not every program that runs on Windows XP will run on Windows 7. The same goes for video games. Some "old" video games do not run on the operating system Windows system 7. But if the need to use several operating systems at the same time is no longer necessary, unnecessary OCs can be deleted.

You will need

  • Computer running Windows operating system


Right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties” from the menu that appears. Next, click on the “ Extra options" and in the window that appears, find the line "Download and recovery". Next to this line, click “Options”. Now look for “Default Boot Operating System”. There is an arrow below the inscription. Click on it with the left mouse button. From the list of operating systems, select the one you will use. Just below is the line “Display a list of operating systems.” Uncheck this line. Close all windows.

Restart your computer. Now, when you turn on your PC, there will be no operating system selection window. When the OS boots, open hard section disk where unnecessary operating rooms systems, and delete them. Typically, old OS folders are named Windows.old or Windows.2. Unnecessary operating system files should be deleted as follows: regular folders and files.

You can also format a disk partition on which an unnecessary operating system is installed. Of course, this follows if on one partition hard drive you do not have a working operating system installed at the same time. If there is no running OS on the hard drive partition, then formatting will be the fastest and the best option. Before formatting, do not forget to temporarily transfer the files you need to another partition of your hard drive.

If you come across Temp folders, they also need to be deleted, since they store temporary operating system files. By deleting all folders with that name, you will free up space on your computer's hard drive.

Also, find a file called Pagefile among the files of the unnecessary operating system and delete it. This is the operating system memory swap file. Since this OS will no longer work, you will not need it.


  • how to remove unneeded windows

Standard or new fonts in the operating room Microsoft system Windows Vista is a standard procedure carried out standard means the system itself.


Click the "Start" button to open the main menu of OS Windows Vista and go to the "Control Panel" to determine the installed fonts.

Select the option " Classic look" in the panel window that opens and expand the "Fonts" node double click mice.

Download the archive of the desired font from the Internet and call context menu click right button mice.

Specify the "Extract All" command and select the "Documents" folder to save the file.

Return to the control panel to install the selected font and go to “Appearance and personal customization».

Expand the Fonts node and expand the File menu in the service toolbar of the application window.

Select the “Install font” item or use the functional Alt key if the File menu cannot be displayed.

Specify the volume with the font to be installed in the “Disks” group of the adding dialog box that opens fonts and open the folder of the selected font in the “Folders” group by double clicking the mouse.