How to remove a font from system. How to easily and painlessly remove a problematic font in Windows

All fonts that Photoshop uses in its work are “pulled” by the program from the system folder "Fonts" and are displayed in the drop-down list on top panel settings when the instrument is activated "Text".

As it becomes clear from the introduction, Photoshop uses the fonts that are installed on your system. It follows that installation and removal of fonts should be done not in the program itself, but using standard means Windows.

There are two options here: find the corresponding applet in "Control Panels", or directly access the system folder containing the fonts. We will use the second option, since "Control Panel" Inexperienced users may have problems.

Why delete installed fonts? Firstly, some of them may conflict with each other. Secondly, fonts with the same name but a different set of glyphs may be installed on the system, which can also cause errors when creating texts in Photoshop.

In any case, if there is a need to remove the font from the system and from Photoshop, then read the lesson further.

Removing fonts

So, we are faced with the task of removing any of the fonts. The task is not difficult, but you need to know how it is done. First you need to find the folder with fonts and in it find the font that you want to delete.

1. Let's go to system disk, go to the folder "Windows", and in it we look for a folder with the name "Fonts". This folder is special because it has the properties of a system snap-in. From this folder you can manage fonts installed on the system.

2. Since there can be a lot of fonts, it makes sense to use a folder search. Let's try to find a font with the name "OCR A Std" by entering its name in the search field located on the right top corner window.

3. To delete a font, click on it right click mouse and click "Delete". Please note that to perform any manipulations with system folders You must have administrator rights.

After the UAC warning, the font will be removed from the system and, accordingly, from Photoshop. Mission accomplished.

Be careful when installing fonts on the system. Use trusted download resources. Do not clutter the system with fonts, but install only those that you are sure to use. These simple rules will help you avoid possible troubles and relieve you of the need to perform the actions described in this lesson.


There are two main ways to remove fonts in Windows. The first and easiest is to go through the Control Panel to the “Fonts” section, select from the list unnecessary font and click the “Delete” button. The same can be done from system directory Fonts. The second way is to use special programs- font managers. But it also happens that neither the first nor the second method can remove the font.

Why does this happen? Like any object file system the font may be blocked. These, for example, are system fonts. If you try to remove such a font, Windows will immediately display an error accompanied by a corresponding message. Rebooting does not help in such cases. Of course, you can boot from some “live” disk with file support NTFS systems and delete the font file from disk, but there is a much simpler, safer and more reliable way.

All fonts installed on the system have their own entry in the registry. If such an entry is deleted, the font will also go into oblivion, easily and without much objection. Well, in particularly difficult cases, deleting the font must be done by booting into safe mode.

So, open the registry editor and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Fonts. In the subsection you will find all the fonts installed on the system. Find the stubborn font in the list, select it with the mouse and click Delete.

A window will pop up in which you will need to confirm the action. Click "OK", both the entry and the font itself will be deleted. To complete the picture, you can restart your computer.

Now pay attention. Before deleting a font, make sure it is not a system font. If you mistakenly delete a standard Windows font, this will most likely lead to incorrect display text in the interface operating system, or even more serious consequences.

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With unauthorized replacement or deletion system fonts encounter infrequently, but if this happens, further using Windows becomes impossible, since the text of most dialog boxes...

While working in text editor you can choose any font from those installed on your computer, but this does not mean that the user will necessarily use all the fonts at his disposal. WHO...

Usually compatible ones are installed and removed completely painlessly. An error when deleting a font or font family is a relatively rare phenomenon and usually occurs in cases where the font is actively used by someone working in background application, for example established theme registration

Unfortunately, it does not provide detailed information about which application is using the font. The only exception is protected system fonts; here the system directly reports that the font is used by Windows. It also happens that a font continues to “glow” even after the application in which it was used has been deleted. In short, removing particularly stubborn third-party fonts can be a hassle for the user.

So, you can solve this problem using an ordinary registry editor. Like most file system objects, fonts have registry entries. By deleting an entry, you will automatically delete the font itself. So, open the registry editor and go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionFonts branch. IN last section contains records of all fonts that are installed on your computer, both system and third-party.

Find the problematic font, right-click on it and select the “Delete” option from the menu that opens. A window will appear asking you to confirm the action. We agree and click “ok”.

In this way you can delete any fonts, even those that are this moment used by the system or third party program. The main thing is to be careful not to mistakenly delete the system font, because in this case standard texts in Windows will no longer be displayed correctly. By the way, deleting system fonts can lead to more serious problems. In some cases, you may need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. This is all. There are other ways to remove stubborn fonts, but they are not as convenient as the one we have just described. For example, you can try to remove the font by booting into Safe Mode. Surely this can be done by booting from some “live” disk that supports the NTFS file system, but again, all this is too inconvenient.