How to uninstall the app navigator. How to uninstall apps on Android

Device manufacturers build programs into their devices. Sometimes convenient, sometimes not. Alas, delete unnecessary before installed apps no matter how impossible. Therefore, they needlessly occupy invaluable space on the hard drive, sometimes making it difficult for the processor and random access memory. However, this problem also has a solution. How to remove useless programs?

Is it possible to uninstall system apps on android

Firstly, it is really possible to remove built-in programs. Secondly, this does not even require special skills. You will only need to install root rights on the device. In other words, bypass the internal protection of the system and gain access to all android functions.

Why you may need to remove preinstalled programs

In addition to the obvious - freeing up disk space - there are more important reasons: sometimes an error appears in system applications, an unpleasant bug due to which the android cannot work normally. Up to the fact that the device can not be turned on. In such cases, an alert appears about problems in a particular regular program. One option is to remove it.

It is worth considering that not all applications can be removed without harm to the operating system. Root access makes it possible to use everything you want, but you can also do harm very, very much.

Important and Useless Stock Apps

Without consequences, you can remove programs that are not embedded in Google Android itself, but in the shell of a specific manufacturer.

For example, at Meizu smartphones with their proprietary Flyme OS shell, there is a "Tools" application that has a ruler, compass, level, etc. Similar programs can be found in many shells like Samsung's TouchWiz or Sony's Xperia.

It is much more dangerous to get rid of the programs of Android itself.. They all depend on each other. And even third party applications use them for their own purposes. For example, if you remove Google Maps, then you will not be able to play the popular Pokemon GO.

On the forum, users have compiled an extensive list of built-in applications:

  1. Visit this page.
  2. Expand the spoiler "Description of stock programs".
  3. Make sure that the application that you decide to delete does not have OS-essential features:
    • if “YES” is opposite the name, then you can erase the program;
    • if "NO", then you perform all actions at your own peril and risk.

How to get rid of unnecessary factory programs


You don't even need root access to disable some stock programs. You can turn them off, the effect is the same (except that they will continue to take up disk space).


Installing root access using a computer

Please note that obtaining administrative rights will void your warranty service. Root makes the system more vulnerable to viruses and internal errors.

Manufacturers do not want to take on extra responsibility, so the terms of use strictly state that rooting is a reason to refuse warranty service.

Uninstalling a program

It is highly desirable to keep copies of deleted files somewhere. Because your actions may have unintended consequences. And if later errors, crashes occur, just return the application to its place - the problems should disappear.

For Reserve copy it is recommended to use the program Titanium BackUP. With it, you can either make a full backup of the device and restore a non-working device to a saved state in the future, or freeze an individual application that you want to remove so that you can then unfreeze it and put it back.

How to uninstall stock apps on Android - video

Possible problems

After removal system programs Theoretically, system failures can occur. Therefore, it is best to back up a copy of the files in advance in a safe place so that they can be reinstalled.

But if the backup was not made and there were problems, flashing the device will help.

  1. Go to the official website of the manufacturer of your smartphone or tablet and download desired version firmware.
  2. For each device there is separate instruction to reinstall the system. Find it and act according to the recommendations.

With the firmware, all the applications you destroyed will also be installed, so any problems caused by the removal of system programs will be solved.

How to get back deleted stock apps

If you turned them off

If you just disabled the program, then just restart it in the menu "Settings" -\u003e "Applications" -\u003e "All applications". To do this, find the desired application in the list, select it and click "Start".

Can be done and hard reset, that is, resetting the settings to the factory settings. This will remove all settings and return the phone or tablet to its original state, and at the same time launch the disabled standard processes. This can be done in two ways.

Hard reset via settings

  1. Open "Settings" -> "About phone" -> "Storage" -> "Reset settings".
  2. Check the relevant items:
    • "Delete data" will destroy program settings, contacts, messages, and more;
    • "Format built-in memory" will erase all data from hard drive devices other than those installed initially, that is, photos, videos, third-party applications.
  3. Click the "Restore" button. After a few minutes, the device will reboot in its original form.

Recovery with Recovery Mod

How to reset your smartphone to factory settings on Android - video

If you removed them

If you have saved a duplicate deleted files then just put them back on former place in the device. That is, place the .apk and .odex files in the / system / app folder, and the update files in / data / app (even if the updates are lost, the program will restore them itself).

If a backup no, there are two options:

  • or you find files from other users;
  • or reinstall Android OS.

    Look for missing files only in reliable sources, as it is very easy to catch the virus. Ask friends who are also rooted to search for data, or download information from trusted sites. Many Android forums have special threads where users share files with each other standard applications. All materials are checked by the forum moderators and the participants themselves, so the chance of infecting the device is minimal.

The last and always working way: reflash the device. Download official version system from the manufacturer's website and install it via Recovery Mod.

Many built-in programs, especially from the device manufacturer, and not from Google Developers Android are useless. At the same time, they take up a lot of space, interfere with the system, eat up battery power and slow down the OS. Getting rid of them is not difficult, but this requires root access. And it is highly desirable to keep copies of the deleted files in order to protect yourself in case of failures and possible errors.

Smartphones, operating room Android system, are quickly littered with unnecessary applications that take up not only disk space, but also affect performance and time battery life phone. It's time to clean your gadget from unnecessary garbage. In this article, we present five of the most popular apps, which almost every user has, but should be removed immediately.

1. Apps to clean up disk space

Programs running in background, eat up RAM and significantly reduce battery life, even when they are in standby mode. The idea of ​​such applications is to automatically "Increase" the disk space of the smartphone. Unfortunately, this is not so.

Thus, these "Memory Savers", constantly working offline, absorb most of the gadget's resources, if you use them, be sure to delete them first.

2. Clean Master

Applications of this kind promise to clean your phone of junk to improve performance. There is a small amount of truth in this. Indeed, the cleaning wizard removes the old cache from programs or the browser, which allows you to increase the performance of the gadget, but this can also be done. standard means. As a rule, to clear the cache, you should go to the settings and delete the cached data.

In addition, in the stock Android OS, you can clear the cache in individual applications, which allows quite flexible management of unnecessary data. Clean Master other similar applications often consume a lot of energy, and ads in such applications are even more annoying. Remove these applications as soon as possible.

3. Antiviruses

Do I need to install antivirus on android? We have considered this issue in detail. Without going into too much detail, we'll say this: An Android device with Google apps installed can do everything that antiviruses do. To protect your smartphone from theft, there are standard methods, which allow you to control your phone without installing additional applications.

Android antivirus programs are only useful for those who often download and install APK files, outside Play market. The antivirus may examine this application during installation and will warn you before installation occurs. However, it will not protect you and will not cure your smartphone from a virus, The best way- install only third-party applications that are verified by many users and have reviews.

4. Screen "Batteries"

Similar to Ram - boosters, "Economizers" of batteries, quite often load the gadget with third-party garbage. These applications offer solutions to one of the most common problems- save charge. There is only one truth in this, as a rule, such applications are supplied under the guise of a "Widget", which, in addition to the load on offline mode, does nothing useful.

In order to really increase battery life, you should look at battery consumption statistics individually, and turn off the most energy-consuming applications. For such tasks, Wakelock Detector and Disable Service are most suitable. Carefully study which programs "Wake up" the phone using the "Wake Up" detector. Here you should be careful, because. disabling system applications may lead to unforeseen circumstances. Be careful!

5. Preinstalled Apps

Many smartphones have a significant number of programs and games that have been pre-installed by the gadget manufacturer. Usually it's doubtful. office applications, hotel reservations or useless games. Ideally, they simply take up disk space, in the worst case, they affect the battery life of your device.

Which Android apps should be removed? Which of them had problems with removal? We look forward to your response in the comments below.

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Number of companies issuing Android devices is constantly increasing. A couple of years ago, no one heard of manufacturers such as Xiaomi or Leco. And today they are starting to compete with such giants as Samsung and Lenovo. The competition is also in the development of applications for their devices so that users can take advantage of all the features of their devices. That is why when buying a new phone or tablet, it turns out to be almost completely filled different programs, they are also called system or stock. Are they needed or just borrowed free place, you decide. But if you still decide not to desired programs, and at the same time clean it to speed up the work, then we will tell you how to remove pre-installed applications on Android.

What applications can be removed?

There is no single list of programs that can be safely removed without harming the system, so everyone must determine for himself which ones are not needed. We offer a list basic programs and those elements, the removal of which will not harm the operation of the android device, such as Google maps.

List of programs:

  • Voice search or dialing;
  • Help and support from the manufacturer;
  • Standard mail client or browser (Internet);
  • Unused video, audio players;
  • Not necessary services Google (Maps, Gmail, Gtalk, etc.);
  • All kinds of games, books, etc.

In no case, do not randomly delete applications or a file that you do not like, this can lead to a failure of the entire system! Every application is a file with apk extension. It is this file that should be deleted. If available, you also need to delete files with the .odex extension. Then this procedure can be considered correct.

This is what the system file itself looks like:

And here is a list of possible system applications to remove:

  • AccuweatherWidget.apk - weather widget;
  • AnalogClock.apk - analog clock widget;
  • BlueSea.apk , Aurora.apk etc. – all kinds of live wallpapers;
  • ChatON_MARKET.apk - chat from Samsung;
  • Encrypt.apk - encryption of a memory card;
  • Geniewidget.apk - news widget;
  • GooglePartnerSetup.apk - another social program Google;
  • Kobo.apk - magazines;
  • Layar-samsung.apk - augmented reality browser;
  • MobilePrint.apk - remote printing of documents;
  • PlusOne.apk - one more social service from Google;
  • Samsung Widget* - different types widgets from developers from Samsung;
  • VideoEditor.apk - video editor;
  • Voice*.apk - programs for working with voice;
  • Zinio.apk - Internet magazines.

How to remove unnecessary pre-installed applications?

Removal standard programs without root rights, that is, manually, is carried out in the usual way. Choose "settings", Further "applications". Activate the required, and click delete.

There's nothing complicated here. Difficulties usually arise when deletion is not possible, or an error pops up during the operation. Then you need to use special programs or simply turn it off (for more details, see our video).

  1. We use ES Explorer.

We already wrote about where to download and how to use it. In the framework of this material, we will talk specifically about deleting on android.

After starting the explorer, scroll to the right or click at the top of the window, depending on the version, to open the menu. In it, you need to find and activate the "Root Explorer" in order to obtain the rights to remove preinstalled programs. It is usually located in the "resources" section.

Now it is possible to proceed to the removal procedure itself. On the Android system, pre-installed applications are located on internal memory in the "system/app" folder. Highlight the desired file with a touch and click delete.

Some of them download their updated version additionally to the "data/app" folder. We recommend that you check for the presence of the program to be removed there as well.

More fast way, is to uninstall files from the "system" menu section. He is in start menu, APPS tab.

  1. We use CCleaner.

We have already published instructions for installing and working with c. To remove pre-installed programs, run cleaner and enter the main menu. We are interested in the "system" tab. We select it.

In the window that opens, there will be a list of all programs available for removal. You do not have to look for where exactly the applications are located. Removal is carried out automatically, literally with a couple of clicks (before deletion, the cleaner will ask). And then, he will reboot your device, for the correct completion of the work.

  1. Delete preinstalled programs with titanium backup.

In this video we offer you visual instruction Another way to remove system applications on android.

We note once again that if you are not sure about the purpose of a particular program, it is better not to delete it. We hope that this material was useful to you. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. We will try to help.

Era of unprecedented prosperity computer technology sets the pace for life. And now a person of the 21st century cannot imagine his existence without a smartphone, tablet and other such useful and irreplaceable devices. Sooner or later, the owner of a fashionable gadget has a question that worries hundreds of users of one of the most popular operating systems android how to remove unwanted apps. Sometimes such a seemingly simple task can become a serious problem. This article will tell you how to uninstall an application on android, while saving your time and nerves.

How to uninstall an app on android

Very often, in the process of using the device, the owners find that the device’s memory is littered with a large number of unused applications. This inevitably leads to clogging of RAM, an increase in power consumption, and simply to an elementary mess in the files and inconvenience of use due to the heap of "extra" icons. If you want to get rid of an application that you installed yourself, then it will not be difficult. There are several options:

1. Method "for dummies".
If you're new to using Android devices, the easy way is the way to go. You need to open the "Menu" / "Settings" / "Applications" tabs (the latter may also be called "Application Manager", "Application Management"). Select the application you want to delete and click the appropriate button.
Attention: when using this method, the inconvenience lies in the fact that all applications are presented in the list, including system ones. If there is no “Delete” button on the screen, then most likely the selected application is standard, and the algorithm for working with it is somewhat different. (For information on how to remove standard Android applications, read below).

2. Usage special programs
Programs such as or allow you to quickly and easily remove applications that have been installed on Android user. They are more convenient in that they do not include standard applications in the list.

3. Using the file manager.
The menu of file managers usually contains a tool with which you can remove installed applications. For example, suitable for this, etc.

4. Through " Google Play Market".
You need to launch the Market app. Downloaded programs can be seen in the "My applications" tab. There is also a delete function available.

How to uninstall stock apps android

If in most cases with the removal custom applications there are no problems, then in the answer to the question about android how to remove system applications has its own nuances.
Be prepared for what you need with access to the system files folder. (Note: obtaining Superuser rights is possible with the help of various special programs, for example, Kingo Android ROOT or unlock root). If there are any, you can clean your android device from unnecessary applications without any extra effort.

So, let's look at 2 ways below how to remove pre-installed android applications:
1. Using a file manager that supports showing hidden system files. One of the most sought after is. After installing it, you just need to enter the / system folder, find necessary application in the /app subfolder and delete it. (Please note: many applications have not only an .apk file, but also an .odex file. In this case, you need to delete both of them).
2. With the help of special programs, such as or. You need to install the program on your device and follow the instructions.

Attention: it should be noted that experts do not advise deleting system applications forever, but resorting to “freezing” them. This can be done in the standard "Settings". Select the "Applications" tab, then click on the desired program icon and "Disable". These steps will prevent the app from appearing on your device, but you can activate it at any time.

If you didn't know how to uninstall android system apps, or thought it was impossible, - this information will suggest the main ways to solve this problem.

Manufacturers Android smartphones very often they build in their firmware a lot of unnecessary applications for the user. These take up space system drive and, working in the background, create a load on the processor of the device.

Uninstalling built-in apps manually

Also you can not use Root Uninstaller, and manually uninstall built-in apps instead. It will be a little more difficult and time consuming, but it is possible.

For manual removal built-in applications on Android you will need file manager who knows how to use ROOT rights. In this article, we will use the ES File Explorer File Manager. You can download it absolutely free.

So, after you have downloaded and installed ES File Explorer, you must configure it. To do this, swipe to the right and open the side menu of ES File Explorer. Here you need to find and enable the "ROOT Explorer" function.

After that, a window will open asking you to confirm the provision. Root rights. In this window, you need to click on the "Ok" button. If this is not done, then ES Explorer will not be able to work properly with root rights.

After that, once again tap on the "ROOT File Explorer" feature in the ES File Explorer app and hold your finger on the screen until the settings menu appears. In this menu, you need to select the item "Connect as R / W".

In the window that opens, select the "RW" option for all folders. Then click on the “OK” button to save the settings.

This completes the ES Explorer setup, and you can start removing the built-in applications on your Android device. To do this, go to the /system/app folder, which is located on the internal memory of the device. In this folder, you need to remove the APK and ODEX files of the built-in applications that you want to remove. This is done very simply by selecting the necessary APK and ODEX files and clicking on the "Delete" button.

If you have Android 5.0 or a newer version, then in the / system / app folder the files will not be all in a bunch, but sorted into folders. In this case, just find the folder desired application and remove it in exactly the same way.

The next step is to uninstall updates. To do this, go to the / data / app folder, find the necessary APK files there (or folders if you have Android 5.0) and delete them.

The final step on Android is deleting cache files and databases. To do this, open the / data / data folder, find the folders with updates there and delete these folders.

After that, reboot the device and enjoy pure android without unnecessary built-in programs.