How to remove all headers and footers. How to remove headers and footers in Word - we work professionally

This question may arise for any Word user. After all, headers/footers are usually used when composing any text, be it an official document or a scientific work like a term paper, essay, dissertation, etc. In our article we will look at how to remove headers and footers in Word in the simplest and most accessible ways, which are suitable even for inexperienced text editor users.

What are headers and footers in Word?

In Word, headers and footers are usually understood as text or images on pages that are not related to its main part. Here you can place the title of the document, information about its author, logo, etc. The functionality of the program allows you to place both text, a photo or another object in the footer, make them in the form of a table, and also align them to the center. The header and footer in a Word document performs only the design function. As practice shows, headers and footers are usually used by students of technical universities when drawing up various kinds of graphs, tables or diagrams.

The program also allows you to make various headers and footers for pages. Headers and footers can be made in different sizes, and can also be completely removed from the document. Adding a given object, at the top or bottom of the page, is as easy as deleting it. It’s enough just to find the “Insert” section in the menu, then to “Header and Footers”. How to remove headers and footers in Word?

Removing a header and footer in a Word document: method No. 1

What steps do you need to take to remove a header and footer? It is enough to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Double-click on the footer that you want to remove at the top or bottom of the page.
  2. Next, you need to hold down the left mouse button and select the entire footer, including the text contained in it.
  3. Then you need to press the Delete key located on the keyboard. The header and footer will be removed.
  4. To return to the text again, you need to go to the menu and click the “Close header and footer window” button. Or simply double-click on the text.

How to remove headers and footers in Word: method No. 2

In this section of the article, we will look at a method that allows you to delete a header and footer that looks like a table. To do this, you need to select the text contained in it - to do this, double-click on the extra header. Next, press the right button on the mouse. Select “delete table” in the dialog box that opens.

Removing the header and footer: method No. 3

How can I remove the header and footer in Word in another way? To begin, the user needs to find the “Insert” section at the top of the page, on the toolbar. Then click on the “Header” or “Footer” button, namely on the object that you want to remove from the text document.

How to remove headers and footers from the start page in Word?

First, you need to select the header and footer on the initial sheet of the document. We click on it with the mouse twice. In the Word menu located at the top of the page, in the “Designer” tab, select the “Special footer...” box. If everything was done correctly, the header and footer on the initial sheet will be automatically deleted. It can also be without any text, or indicate information that differs from the content on other pages of the text document.

In the rest of the document

First, place the cursor on the part of the document where you want to create a page without a footer. In the “Page Layout” tab, located in the Word context menu, open the “Breaks” menu. Next, select the item called “Next Page”. After the text is divided into two subsections, double-click on the header and footer fields, exactly on the page where you want to delete it. Then, in the menu called “Designer”, left-click and disable the “Same as in the previous section” setting. This is done to remove the link between two existing partitions.

Next, click the “Header/Footer” button. Then click – delete. To stop the editing process, simply click on the text. If everything is done correctly, the footer will disappear. It is important to note that the above methods for removing headers and footers are applicable to Word text editors of absolutely any version.

In this article, we looked at several simple and accessible ways to remove headers and footers in Word. As practice shows, they do not cause any difficulties even for novice users; the main thing is to follow the specified algorithm.

Running title is a fragment of text that is usually present on all pages of a document in the lower and upper parts.

The article addresses the following questions:

  • how to insert a header and footer;
  • how to change the header and footer;
  • how to make different headers and footers;
  • how to remove headers and footers;

How to insert a header and footer?

In order to make headers and footers in Word 2003 On the toolbar, click "View" --> " Headers and footers" The “ Headers and footers»:

Header and Footer in Word 2003 - Header and Footer panel

The fields of the top and footer:

Headers and Footers in Word 2003 - Header

Ours will be located in them headers and footers. You can work with these fields as with a regular document. Word: print text, add tables, pictures, etc.

We can also add so-called autotext to the header and footer text: page numbers, current date and time, and others. All these features are implemented through the “ Headers and footers»:

Headers and footers in Word 2003 - autotext

There is also a switch between the top and footer .

To return to the document, just click “Close” in the “panel” Headers and footers»or double-click on the document.

How to change headers and footers?

To change the header and footer, just double-click on it with the mouse, or call the panel “ Headers and footers", by clicking on the "View" toolbar --> " Headers and footers».

How to make different headers and footers?

To create different headers and footers on the first and other pages or on even and odd pages, click “File" --> " Page settings", or press . on the panel " Headers and footers" Open the “Paper Source” tab:

Headers and Footers in Word 2003 - paper source

And in the section " Differentiate between headers and footers"put a tick on" even and odd pages" or/and "first page" depending on the desired result.

If you set the settings as in the figure above, then by activating the top first page footer, we will see the heading “ First page header", on the remaining pages the header field title will remain the same - " Page header" A similar situation will happen with the footer.

Headers and footers in Word 2003 - first page header

You can move between header and footer fields using the navigation buttons on the " panel Headers and footers» - « Go to previous" And " Move to next"or simply by placing the mouse cursor in the desired field.

Headers and Footers in Word 2003 - Navigation Buttons

How to remove headers and footers?

To delete, activate the field footer(“View » --> « Headers and footers"or double click on the header and footer field).

Select the contents of the header and footer and press DEL or BACKSPACE, you can also right-click on the selected one and select “cut” from the drop-down menu (in this case, the header and footer will move to the clipboard).

We perform a similar operation with other headers and footers.

For additional help on working with headers and footers, it is very effective to go straight to Help MS Office Word(“Help” --> “ Microsoft Office Help Word»).

When working in Microsoft Office Word, the user encounters various difficulties. Inexperienced users of this program are wondering how to remove headers and footers.

Page numbering, top and footer are required to enter template type data that will be displayed on subsequent pages. This may be the author's surname, the name of the company or enterprise, page numbering, date, and other parameters. First you need to decide what data you need. But it happens that it is necessary to delete a previously installed page footer. Let's look at ways to remove a header or footer that became unclaimed.

How to remove a header and footer in Word - method 1

  • Select the “Insert” tab.
  • Find the “Header and Footer” group.
  • Select “Header” or “Footer”.

How to remove a header and footer in Word - method 2

  • On the taskbar, select the “Design” tab.
  • In the upper left corner, select the page footer that you want to remove.
  • In the context menu that opens, select the command “Delete header” or “Delete footer”.

Additional features of “Constructor”

Sometimes you need to remove the header and footer only on the first sheet of the document, and not on all pages. To do this you need:

  • double-click on the header and footer field;

  • in the “Designer” tab that opens, you need to check the box “Special footer for the first page”;
  • The data contained in the footer on this page is erased automatically. The page footer field can be left blank or you can enter the desired information.

Sometimes page headers and footers are only needed on even or odd pages.

  • set the necessary parameters for even and odd pages through the “Constructor”.

We looked at ways to remove headers and footers. There is nothing difficult in setting up or removing page headers and footers if you follow the above sequence. The possibilities in Microsoft Word are multifaceted.

The Word text editor is a fairly simple and intuitive program. However, some aspects may not be so easy to deal with, especially if you have little experience with this program. Needless to say, an experienced user cannot always find his way around, so if you have questions, remember - this is normal!

I would like to devote today’s material to the topic of headers and footers. Sometimes they are needed, but there are situations when there is no need for them. True, not everyone knows how to do this correctly. If you are also interested in how to remove headers and footers in Word 2007, I invite you to explore this material together.

Removing the title page header

As you know, absolutely all the tools for working in Word are located in the horizontal menu of the program. So, if you want to remove headers and footers on the title page of a document, do the following:

There is another way to get rid of headers and footers. Just double-click on it, after which the “Designer” menu will open. Next, select “Header” – “Delete Header” on the ribbon. Accordingly, the principle of working with the lower one will be similar.

Removing the header and footer on all pages

It often happens that by following the steps described above, the user gets rid of headers and footers not only on the title page, but also on all other pages of the document. However, “often” does not mean “always”; there are some exceptions to the rules.

Open the second page of your text file and manually repeat the same steps as above. It is noteworthy that this way you can remove all headers and footers on even-numbered pages of your document. The fact is that in Word the design of even and odd pages, as well as title pages, can be specified differently.

In general, as you can see, removing headers and footers in the Word text editor is not very difficult, but you will still have to spend a few minutes of your precious time on this process. However, I am sure that you will succeed!

Hello, friends and colleagues! Today in our “Crib Sheet” we continue the topic of headers and footers with answers to the questions:

  • how to make different headers and footers in Word for the first and other pages;
  • how to make different headers and footers in one WORD document (at least for each page - its own);
  • how to add a footer from the second page;
  • How to remove headers and footers in Word from one or more pages.

Let me remind you that in the first part of the “Crib”, dedicated to headers and footers, the following topics were discussed in detail:

  • how to create a footer in Word (with video tutorial);
  • how to remove headers and footers completely in Word;
  • how to change word footer size.

So those of you who are still interested in these issues can refresh your knowledge in the article Yes, it is with the examples of the Microsoft Word 2016 text editor that I show all the algorithms for working with headers and footers.

1. How to make different headers and footers in Word for the first and other pages

This operation can be performed in two ways:

1.1 In the first case we work through the panel "Constructor". In order to enable it, you need to activate the header and footer fields. This can be done by double clicking on their area. After this you need to go to the department "Options" and put a mark in the line “special footer for the first page”. Figure 1 shows the entire chain of actions.

Picture 1

1.2 The same procedure can be carried out in another way: through the “ Layout"- "Page settings"-"Paper Source" String "Differentiate headers and footers on the first page" must be checked (see Fig. 2).

figure 2

After this, all that remains is to enter one text in the footer of the first page and another in the second; On all subsequent pages, the text from the second page will be duplicated automatically. Different headers and footers in one Word document are ready.

2. How to make different headers and footers in one Word document for any pages

A clarification is necessary here: this problem can only be solved if the pages belong to different sections. To make it completely clear, let me explain: different headers and footers are only possible in different sections. Moreover, the concept of “section” in Word is a technical term that can, but does not have to, repeat the structure of your document. If desired, each page can be marked with a section break mark. And only under this condition in one Word document can you write different headers and footers on different pages.

So, in order to make different headers and footers in separate sections of a Word document, you first need to enable the break mechanism. To do this, follow these steps: place the cursor at the end of the page or other desired place, then tab “Layout” - “Page Options”-"Insert Break"-"Breaking sections from next page"(see Fig. 3).

figure 3

Please note that this is how you need to separate each section, that is, highlight pages intended for some special headers and footers in a similar way. Next in the panel "Constructor", group "Transitions" deactivate the button "Like the previous one", if it was pressed (see Fig. 4). This procedure is used when it comes to headers, footers and, in some cases, side footers.

After this, on each page of the new section in manual entry mode you need to add your own header and footer. This work is painstaking and slow, but, as they say, “hunt is worse than captivity.” The main thing is that there is some logical sense in this.

If the author has the intention of placing a center footer, that is, an insert to highlight any part of the text, only on one page, then in the window "Page Breaks" you need to follow the green arrow. How to insert side and center footers was discussed in the first part of this article (see link above). In Fig. Figure 5 shows an example of such formatting.

Figure 5

3. How to add a footer from the second page

This problem can be solved very simply. You just need to complete all the steps in step 1, that is, select “special headers and footers for the first page.” Then the header and footer fields of the first page are simply left empty, that is, no text is entered there.

4. How to remove headers and footers in Word from one or more pages except the first

This task is the opposite of the one we considered in point 2. You can remove headers and footers in the Word text editor from several pages at once only if they are pages of the same section. If you need to remove the header and footer from only one page, then it will have to be separated into a separate section. Don't forget, colleagues, check the button "as in the previous one". It has an unpleasant feature of turning on/off spontaneously. After that, you need to go to the “Designer” and delete the header and footer separately.

When it comes to inserts (side, central), the same rule for highlighting sections applies. After which they are deleted by first clicking the right mouse button to open a window with the line "cut out", and then left-click on the indicated inscription. If the insert already contains text, then first delete it, and then the field itself.

So, friends, today we looked at all the possible cases of creating headers and footers in Word documents. If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments. In the near future, I will most likely record a video on the same topic, and then insert it into the post.

Goodbye. Your guide to ms Word 2016 GALANT.