How to remove scratches from an iPhone screen. How to remove scratches from iPhone or iPad screen

– this is a real work of art. The all-over display at the front and the sleek glass over the metal panel at the back give it a true premium feel that no other smartphone can match. However, the steel frame of the case looks chic when you first open the box with the brand new iPhone X or iPhone XS.

In contact with

As you use your smartphone, the smooth surface will quickly become scratched and lose its original sparkling appearance. However, do not despair ahead of time - any problem can be solved, and this is no exception. Below we will tell you how to restore the lost shine to your iPhone X or iPhone XS, however, the method will help only for silver model owners.

How to remove scratches and restore shine to the steel frame of an iPhone X (XS), which becomes dull after just a couple of months of use

In a new video, YouTube user Quinn Nelson of Snazzy Labs demonstrates how you can carefully remove a thin layer of metal from the surface of a steel frame and restore it to its former shine. All you need is a paste abrasive polish (links below) for metal and a piece of microfiber cloth.

You can buy polish (the same thing, only 3 tubes at once) or (choose the 0.5 micron version to create a mirror surface). Wool sanding heads can be purchased, but you can do without them.

Simply apply some paste to the cloth and begin to gently polish the steel parts. In order to polish the surface well, the pressure must be strong enough and the movements must be circular.

Don't worry, glass iPhone cover X is very durable and polish won't harm it. If some of the paste gets into the speaker or port holes, it's okay. Don't forget that iPhone X and iPhone XS are waterproof, and you can rinse them under the tap once you're done polishing.

The polishing process may cause the fabric to turn black. This means that a thin layer of metal has begun to move away from the surface, and this is exactly what we are trying to achieve. Rub the steel surface thoroughly for a minute to remove any remaining polish and wipe the frame thoroughly with a clean microfiber cloth. Don't be afraid to apply force - in order for the steel to shine again, you need to polish it until it shines.

By repeating the above procedure two or three times for each edge, you will find that they are sparkling like new again. However, be prepared for the fact that after a few months the metal will get scratched again and you will have to polish it again. For better effect You can use a polishing machine, but if you don't have one, a microfiber cloth will do.

ATTENTION!!! As mentioned above, the method is suitable only for silver iPhone models X and iPhone XS, But not for color model " Gray space» . Attempting to polish a Space Gray device may result in simple black frame coating.

There is a type of user who is irritated by even microscopic scratches, dirt or other defects on the surface of the screen of their mobile device. It's fun to watch them as they frequently and carefully wipe their iPhone. You can imagine how upset they will be if a scratch appears on the panel. Undoubtedly, the search for ways to restore the screen will begin. We give some recommendations on how to properly care for your smartphone so that it pleases its owner for as long as possible.

It is important to know that all of the following methods for eliminating screen damage iPhone(you can try on iPad) are considered the most popular, all of them are collected from the Internet.

To get started, you will need to stock up on a few items that will help you successfully remove scratches:

  1. Tooth powder or toothpaste
  2. Talc or powder
  3. Baking soda.
  4. Any vegetable oil.
  5. Special scratch remover for cars
  6. Furniture polish
  7. Fine sandpaper
  8. Polishing agent GOI
  9. A piece of suede
  10. Scotch.

Cover the scratch with tape

Let us remind you that adhesive tape is required to protect the case and panel of the device, as well as its connectors. To protect parts of the iPhone, you just need to cover all these areas with tape.

Removal with toothpaste

The most common method for restoring a panel appears to be using simple toothpaste, or you can also use regular tooth powder. First, carefully apply a thin layer of paste to the scratched area, then rub the mixture in a gentle circular motion. To use the powder, you will need to dilute it in water and then rub it onto the appropriate surface. You need to let the substance dry for 15-30 minutes. Now you can wipe the glass with a cotton swab. Small scratches will become almost invisible, but this method will not help in removing deep grooves.

Removal with powder or baking soda

You can use baby powder or baking soda to remove damage on the screen. These substances help in restoring the screen thanks to a single technology, which is why they were combined in one section. The substance is diluted in water, the mixture must be brought to a mushy consistency. Then we apply it to the damaged area, rub it with a cotton swab in slow circular movements, and remove the residue with a dry cloth.

These methods work with all phones

Using vegetable oil

This is one of the most controversial methods of screen restoration. It is claimed that the oil can be used to remove scratches. But practice has shown that vegetable oil is only a cosmetic procedure; not every scratch can be removed using this method. Although oil restores shine to glass, you need to drop a little oil and rub the surface. This can also disguise very minor scratches.

Special products for restoration

To remove scratches, you can effectively use modern means for restoring the car body and furniture surfaces. They are used in the same way as toothpaste. The product is applied to the damaged area and polished with a special cloth until a positive result is obtained.

Be careful with sandpaper

Sandpaper is the most extreme form of screen restoration. This material is very hard and one careless movement during its use will lead to an undesirable result. Before you begin, you need to know that rubbing the surface of a fragile display with a hard material can lead to undesirable consequences. This kind of cleaning can even be called a little sophisticated. If the user is not confident in his skills, then it is better not to use abrasive paper.

The same GOI paste

GOI paste was created in the laboratory of the State Optical Institute. It appeared back in Soviet times. The substance was used for polishing a wide variety of surfaces: ceramics, glass, metal, etc. As it turned out, GOI paste can also be successfully used in restoration touch screens. It is important to know that the paste “cleans” the surface in a gentle manner. Only shallow scratches are removed.

Polished cover

To remove microcracks - suede

Chamois leather is also a good way to remove scratches from your device's screen, although the effectiveness of such work is unlikely to be quickly visible. This method of removing defects from the screen can be called the least effective, because suede is a very soft material, how many thirds of glass will be needed to remove deeper damage?

iPhone owners take very good care of their devices. The appearance of very deep damage on the communicator screen can be considered an exceptional case. Therefore, all of the listed methods for removing scratches on a device screen can most likely be used to eliminate very minor damage. It is important to remember that some methods may do more harm than make the scratch invisible. That is why users should be careful when using artisanal methods for restoring a fragile screen. Any of the described scratch removal options is risky.

Only polished screen

Attention— it would be better if the chosen method of removing scratches was first tested on an old device.

Attention- you can use modern means for polishing displays, of course, they do not remove deep scratches, but they will help make them less noticeable.

Attention - deep damage can be repaired by service Apple Centers, where specialists will be able to restore the iPhone’s former irresistibility.

Worried about scratches on your iPhone 5? There are several ways to get rid of them.

The easiest one is to install a new case on the iPhone 5. However, this method for the lazy. You don’t consider yourself a sloth, do you?)))

Find out how else you can remove scratches from iPhone cases 5 from our article without having to buy a new case.

3 ways to get rid of scratches on iPhone 5

You can easily remove scratches on your iPhone 5 using items found in every home. Remember that all actions must be performed with great care so as not to damage your gadget. We are not responsible for your actions.

The safest way to get rid of scratches on an iPhone

Suitable if:

  • your iPhone isn't scratched too badly
  • you are afraid of ruining your phone using more drastic methods

So, to get rid of scratches on your iPhone 5, arm yourself with toothpaste. It contains abrasive elements that can remove minor damage to the paint of the phone case.

Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste onto the surface of the iPhone, then use a soft cloth to thoroughly rub the problem areas on the case. Then leave for a couple of minutes and feel free to remove the composition with soft wipes, for example for cleaning monitors.

What's the catch?

Make sure that the paste does not get on the case connections or in the device connector holes. It will be difficult to remove the remaining paste from there and you may need to disassemble the iPhone.

Less crazy, more dangerous way

If you don't believe in the magical properties of toothpaste, this method is for you.

Now we will tell you how to get rid of scratches on iPhone 5 using regular sandpaper. This method is similar to the previous one, you will also have to thoroughly treat the surface of the case by rubbing it. The difference is in the amount of time required and the degree of danger to your device.

It will take about half an hour to completely remove scratches from an iPhone. It is very important to choose fine grit sandpaper to avoid further scratching your phone. When processing the phone, do not put pressure on the sandpaper; all actions must be very gentle. Your job is to polish the paint, not remove it. If you still manage to erase the paint, you will have to proceed to the third method.

The most radical way to get rid of scratches on iPhone 5

With this method, you will remove all the paint from the phone body and the problem of scratches on it will disappear by itself. In addition to this, on your the device will disappear the famous image of an apple and all the inscriptions.

This method is the most difficult and time-consuming; it should be used only in the most urgent cases, when the scratches are very deep or there is no paint at all in some places.

So, the essence of the cardinal method is wet grinding. You will end up with a shiny, beautiful iPhone that has no paint on the body but looks very nice. It is almost impossible to carry out grinding yourself. So think again whether you need one deep cleaning, and then start looking for a repairman, or buy a new case for iPhone 5.

Smartphones constantly suffer from our negligence. Either we put them in the same pocket with the keys, or we accidentally drop them on the marble floor - as a result, already a month after purchase, the case of your iPhone is covered with marks small scratches, the aesthetics of which are highly questionable. Of course, you can replace it if you wish, but you can also save money. To do this, there are seven ways to polish your gadget yourself.


The first miracle substance is practically under your nose - in the bathroom. This is an ordinary toothpaste (gel-based toothpastes are not suitable).

Here's how it works:

  • Squeeze a little toothpaste onto a cotton pad.
  • Rub it over your phone's screen using gentle, circular motions until you're sure the scratches are gone.
  • Dry your phone with a paper towel or soft cloth, removing all traces of toothpaste.

Car scratch remover cream

Automotive creams such as Turtle Wax, 3M Scratch and Swirl Remover are designed to minimize or completely remove scratches. They are used in the same way as described above, but there is one additional caveat:

“Make sure that the cream does not get into the special openings of your phone, but also into your mouth, eyes or wounds on the skin.”

Sandpaper and sanding drill

Only hardcore! The method is quite harsh, but otherwise you will never get rid of annoying abrasions and deep scratches. However, it is not recommended to polish the screen with a drill and sandpaper - this method is more suitable for use on the back panel of your iPhone.

If you prefer sandpaper, choose the least abrasive option. Rub the surface very carefully and check frequently to see if this method of sanding is damaging it. The same system applies to the drill.

“If you are sloppy and careless, do not use this method.”

Baking soda

This product can also be a very effective weapon in the fight against minor scratches. Here's how it works:

  • Mix soda and water in a 2x1 ratio.
  • Stir until it becomes a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste to a clean cotton pad and rub the scratched surface in a circular motion.
  • When the scratches disappear, wipe the surface with a clean cloth or napkin to remove all traces of paste.

Baby powder

By adding water to baby powder, you can create a special paste that can effectively remove scratches from your iPhone.

The methodology is the same as with baking soda.

Vegetable oil

For very small and almost imperceptible scratches, the method using vegetable oil is suitable. One drop of oil on a scratched surface can be an excellent cosmetic solution.

Egg, aluminum and potassium sulfate

A mixture of potassium sulfate, aluminum and egg white will also help get rid of scratches. You will need a piece of microfiber, an egg, aluminum foil and alum. Potassium sulfate can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  • Mix egg white and a teaspoon of alum. Preheat to 65 degrees Celsius in an aluminum pan.
  • Soak microfiber in the resulting solution.
  • Place the fabric on aluminum foil and place in the oven preheated to 150 degrees. “Bake” until the fabric is completely dry.
  • Place the cloth in cold water for 20-30 seconds.
  • Repeat the above steps three times and then leave the fabric to dry for 48 hours.
  • Use the resulting cloth to wipe the gadget.

With a question how to remove scratches from a smartphone screen, sooner or later every user faces mobile devices. Experience shows that if the owner of the gadget does not use protective film, then scratches will inevitably appear on the screen, even if the manufacturer uses the most effective protective glass. Often, in order to return the smartphone to its original appearance, users resort to replacing the screen. In some cases, especially if you need replacement iPhone screen , such a restoration costs the phone owner a tidy sum. But there are also cheaper ways how to remove scratches from screen, which are available to everyone. Here are some of them:

  • Polishing glass with regular suede. This simple method will eliminate small scratches and wear, but requires patience. If you are diligent enough to tirelessly polish your smartphone screen for two to three hours, you can achieve excellent result.
  • Polishing glass with toothpaste. Not every dental care product is suitable for this work—gel pastes are completely ineffective in this case. To remove scratches, apply a small amount of toothpaste to the glass of the device and use a soft cloth or cotton swab to begin making circular motions.
  • Polishing glass with car care products. Manufacturers of auto chemicals produce excellent pastes and creams for removing scratches from body paint. They are also suitable for removing scratches from a smartphone screen. The technology used is the same as when working with toothpaste.
  • Polishing with the finest sandpaper. Attention! This method can only be used if you have experience working with grinding tools. Incorrect selection of sandpaper can cause even more serious damage to the screen.
  • Polishing with baking soda. To work, we need a specially prepared mixture of 2 parts regular baking soda and one part water. Mix the soda with water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and use a cotton swab or piece of cloth to sand the damaged areas of the screen.
  • Polishing with baby powder. The composition for removing scratches is prepared in the same way as in the case of soda.
  • Pseudopolishing with vegetable oil. One of the important features of oils is their ability to fill various recesses and defects. To temporarily restore your smartphone to its former glory, just lubricate a cotton swab with vegetable oil and wipe the damaged screen with it.

Of course, to avoid having to polish your smartphone screen, it is better to prevent damage in advance by using specialists who know how to extend the life of your smartphone.