How to contact for help. General rules for successfully asking for help

You Small child and absolutely no time to clean the house? Are you studying at university and can't complete a difficult assignment? Everyone has been in a situation where they could use a little help. Unfortunately, sometimes people find it difficult to ask for help. Sometimes we are afraid of possible refusal or feel embarrassed. Don't worry! It is enough to understand what kind of help you need in order to make a polite request. Your loved ones will certainly be happy to help you!


How to Know What Help You Need

    Make a list of your needs. It is not surprising if a person is tired of an avalanche of responsibilities and needs help. It will be easier for you to make a request if you know exactly your needs. For example, you recently had surgery and now need help with your daily routine. The list might look like this:

    • go to the grocery store;
    • take the children to the dentist;
    • walk the dog;
    • overcome depression.
  1. Assess the importance of each need. Use a ten-point scale. Rate 10 points for the most important tasks, and 1 point - the least important needs. This will make it easier for you to identify the most urgent matters. Ask for help with urgent concerns and move down the list. For example, depression often occurs after surgery. Rate this item a 10 because mental health affects your ability to take care of your own needs.

  2. Make a list of people who can help. Asking for help is often uncomfortable, but there are probably many people who will be happy to help you out. Start with relatives and close friends, and then think about the rest. Your list might look something like this:

    • your partner;
    • brothers and sisters;
    • your children;
    • best friend;
    • your neighbors.
  3. Match people to specific tasks. It's time to collate the lists. Decide what requests to make to different people. If your sister is a therapist, ask about how best to cope with depression. If your children are already teenagers, they can walk the dog. Ask your partner to take time off from work and take the children to the dentist. Find out if your neighbor will be able to buy some groceries when he goes to the store. Choose people based on their abilities and the nature of their relationship with you.

    • This is called transferring cases. Delegate tasks to people you trust to reduce stress, especially during very stressful times.
  4. Remember, asking for help is the right and smart thing to do. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. In fact, such an act will show your courage. You cannot be of service to others if you do not ask for the help you need. It's also smart because doing otherwise will only make the situation worse.

    How to ask for help

    1. Choose the right moment. Don't ask a person for help when they are busy doing something else. For example, don't ask your teacher to help you with your homework when he's trying to start class. Don't ask your boss for advice when he's rushing to a meeting.

      • If you don’t know if it’s appropriate to make a request now, then ask: “I would like to ask you to help me. Are you comfortable talking now?”
    2. Make a request. In most cases, you need to make a request to get help. Sometimes people are hesitant to take the initiative and offer their services. If you need something, then say so.

      • For example, you find yourself alone in an unfamiliar city. If you are lost, ask for directions. Go to the nearest store or ask the bus driver about the stop you need.
      • Sometimes we think that asking shows our vulnerability, but some degree of vulnerability helps to gain necessary help. You should not be embarrassed, feel like a weak or insecure person.
    3. Be specific. People can't read minds. Instead of saying “I need help,” communicate your need as specifically as possible. For example, instead of telling the teacher “I don’t understand anything. Can you help me?" say, "I don't understand how to solve the second equation. Could you walk me through a similar example?”

      • Instead of saying to your partner, “I need you to help me around the house more,” instead say, “Could you please take out the trash and put on the laundry?”
    4. Use positive language. Sometimes people want to complain. Some may use this as a defense mechanism if they find it difficult to ask for help. It is better to express your thoughts in a positive way.

      • Don’t tell your employee “I’m so busy! Could you cover for me at the meeting in the evening?” So you can come to the conclusion that you are very busy, and your employee is chilling at work. It’s better to say: “Everyone is just overwhelmed right now, but you’re holding up better than me. Could you go to the meeting in my place in the evening so that I can finish the most urgent work?”

IN Lately Internet users began to think about how they could ask rich people for money via the Internet. And in general, virtual begging has begun to gain momentum. It is found everywhere and everywhere. But why? Why do people do this? Is anyone really giving money? Read more about online begging. In fact, this is not such a dubious matter. The main thing is to know how to approach certain people. If you know how to influence the public, you can make good money this way.

Reasons for begging

Why ask rich people for money over the Internet? To be honest, no one will give you an exact answer. After all, everyone always needs money. For some - for entertainment, for others - for life. And someone needs expensive treatment. Where can I get help? In the Internet! There are so many people here!

In general, if you are wondering why you should ask rich people for money via the Internet, you can say this: to get additional profit. And how exactly to distribute it, the beggar will decide on his own. This activity is usually called fraud. This is how people earn their living and entertainment. Rarely does anyone World Wide Web will beg according to need.

Working through the story

To ask rich people for money over the Internet (and not just rich people), you will have to provide compelling arguments why you need it. Most often, it is customary to lie here. After all, rarely does anyone, when in need, go begging on the World Wide Web.

So to achieve success in our lesson today, you should work through your heart-warming story. It serves as something of an announcement. Remember: the more touching the story, the better. The main thing is to press for pity. Or indicate really good reasons, justifying virtual begging.

Most often, for success, you can talk about illnesses (fictional) and also about the need to help the child. Or claim that you are a single young mother with a newborn (or even several), whose husband is a tyrant. You have nowhere to run, and you ask for financial support from users. The last option is extremely successful. In general, your story is the basis. Once it is ready, you can move on.


How to ask rich people for money online? In general, virtual begging is widespread mainly in various city forums and communities.

In principle, this is a good option. Especially if you just want to scam someone out of money. It doesn't matter if it's a rich person or regular user. Simply publish your formed and well-thought-out story on the forum and wait.

Please note: you will have to communicate with users. Therefore, the story must be well developed by you. At the end of it, leave the details for transferring money. Preferably online wallet. And then wait. Some trusting people will immediately help and transfer you a certain amount of funds.

Via the site

A more costly and successful option is begging using your own website. You can ask rich people for money via the Internet by creating a personal page. On it you must publish your fictional story.

The only negative here is that many may require proof from you. For example, photographs with doctors’ reports, just images from a personal family archive, copies or photos of some documents.

For a modern user, all this is not a problem: a little skills in Photoshop, and the job is done. It is advisable to create a separate album with evidence on the website in advance. Try to make the situation seem real. Otherwise the fraud will be exposed. And in Russia this is a criminal offense!


Why and how to ask rich people for money via the Internet? Last modern way begging - use of specialized services. Surprisingly, more and more often, separate pages are being created on the Internet where you can write to rich people and ask them for money. The principle of operation is simple: fill out the fields in a special submission form (in it you need to write information about yourself, email, sometimes phone number, as well as your history) and send the text for processing. After some time, sponsors will contact you to transfer money.

Just keep in mind: most of these services require you to enter mobile phone. Or a symbolic payment for services. These are clear indicators of deception. After submitting the completed form, most likely, money will simply be debited from your mobile phone.

Remember: to ask rich people for money online, you'll need a true (or even real) story to explain your motive for begging. And evidence. Also leave your contact information so we can contact you. The more there are, the better. Only strongly on virtual help Don’t get your hopes up: even if you’re not lying, you may be considered a fraud!

You can apply these tips to your family, at work, with friends, with strangers, or use these techniques in client-service situations. So what do you need to do to get help?

1. Show that you have tried to help yourself, but were unsuccessful.

People are more likely to come to the rescue of someone who has tried to solve a problem on their own before seeking help. (“I tried to Google...”, “I tried to restart the computer...”) Keep your request concise and concise. Imagine you are writing a list. Be specific.

It’s not very pleasant to give advice and see that the person ignores it and does everything his own way. People want to help those in whom they are confident. Otherwise, why would they waste their time and effort on you? So when you receive help from someone you plan to contact more than once in the future, make sure he knows that you acted on it. previous advice and appreciated them.

3. Plan your request time

Here's a personal example: My family likes to ask me to help them. That's why I introduced this policy - I only help from 7 to 8 pm every day. This way my work day is not disrupted and it is not too late to go to bed. This system works great and is suitable for everyone. If you don't know when is the right time to seek someone's help, ask the people you ask for a time frame. Instead of saying, “I would like to ask you for help,” ask, “What is the best time for you to talk to me about this?”

4. Use foot-in-the-door or door-in-the-face techniques

These tactics are considered manipulation and should be used with caution. The “foot in the door” technique - you make a small request that you know will not be refused, and then immediately ask for something more serious. The door-to-face technique works in the opposite way. When a big request is denied, you immediately ask for a smaller favor that seems more reasonable than the previous request. In addition, the person feels guilty and tries to help now with a minor favor.

Strangers are usually happy to lend a helping hand if asked

For example, you ask a friend: “Could you give me a car ride to the center?” He says: "No." Then you continue: “And to the nearest metro?” This method is based on a socio-psychological phenomenon - people tend to make a concession and agree to an unattractive offer if it is made to them immediately after they have refused another, more onerous request.

5. Don't let others guess whether you need help.

When you make a request, make sure the person knows exactly what you want from them. For example, if you need your spouse to show you what to do rather than just give you lip service, ask for exactly that. There are situations when you want someone to spontaneously offer their help. For example, when you drag a heavy suitcase down the subway steps. But you can ask for help yourself. Don't be shy, the more often you practice this, the easier it will be to do it in the future.

I have a child and we often travel together. And I've found that strangers are usually happy to lend a helping hand if asked. Sometimes strangers are embarrassed to offer help themselves or are too busy with their own thoughts to realize what you need. Have you noticed that when we provide a service or do something good? strangers, it improves our mood. So by calling someone for help, you give them the opportunity to become a little happier.

6. Use multiple channels

If you call a customer service company, you may have to try several options at once to get what you need. For example, use not only the telephone, but also chat, messaging, personal meeting and social media depending on the situation. If you are unable to get through immediately or get a comprehensive answer to your question, hang up and try talking to another representative or switch to another customer service channel.

You can apply these tips to your family, at work, with friends, with strangers, or use these techniques in client-service situations. So what do you need to do to get help?

1. Show that you have tried to help yourself, but were unsuccessful.

People are more likely to come to the rescue of someone who has tried to solve a problem on their own before seeking help. (“I tried to Google...”, “I tried to restart the computer...”) Keep your request concise and concise. Imagine you are writing a list. Be specific.

It’s not very pleasant to give advice and see that the person ignores it and does everything his own way. People want to help those in whom they are confident. Otherwise, why would they waste their time and effort on you? So when you receive help from someone you plan to use again in the future, make sure they know that you acted on and appreciated their previous advice.

3. Plan your request time

Here's a personal example: My family likes to ask me to help them. That's why I introduced this policy - I only help from 7 to 8 pm every day. This way my work day is not disrupted and it is not too late to go to bed. This system works great and is suitable for everyone. If you don't know when is the right time to seek someone's help, ask the people you ask for a time frame. Instead of saying, “I would like to ask you for help,” ask, “What is the best time for you to talk to me about this?”

4. Use foot-in-the-door or door-in-the-face techniques

These tactics are considered manipulation and should be used with caution. The “foot in the door” technique - you make a small request that you know will not be refused, and then immediately ask for something more serious. The door-to-face technique works in the opposite way. When a big request is denied, you immediately ask for a smaller favor that seems more reasonable than the previous request. In addition, the person feels guilty and tries to help now with a minor favor.

Strangers are usually happy to lend a helping hand if asked

For example, you ask a friend: “Could you give me a car ride to the center?” He says: "No." Then you continue: “And to the nearest metro?” This method is based on a socio-psychological phenomenon - people tend to make a concession and agree to an unattractive offer if it is made to them immediately after they have refused another, more onerous request.

5. Don't let others guess whether you need help.

When you make a request, make sure the person knows exactly what you want from them. For example, if you need your spouse to show you what to do rather than just give you lip service, ask for exactly that. There are situations when you want someone to spontaneously offer their help. For example, when you drag a heavy suitcase down the subway steps. But you can ask for help yourself. Don't be shy, the more often you practice this, the easier it will be to do it in the future.

I have a child and we often travel together. And I've found that strangers are usually happy to lend a helping hand if asked. Sometimes strangers are embarrassed to offer help themselves or are too busy with their own thoughts to realize what you need. Have you noticed that when we provide a favor or do something nice to strangers, it improves our mood. So by calling someone for help, you give them the opportunity to become a little happier.

6. Use multiple channels

If you call a customer service company, you may have to try several options at once to get what you need. For example, use not only the phone, but also chat, messaging, personal meeting and social networks depending on the situation. If you are unable to get through immediately or get a comprehensive answer to your question, hang up and try talking to another representative or switch to another customer service channel.

Hello my friends!

In this article, I decided to touch on a very important topic - whether to ask for help and how to do it. The fact is that recently I have come across a situation several times where this question was raised. And I realized that many people completely misunderstand this topic. This is how the idea for this article was born.

Should you ask for help?

This question is answered in different ways. And opinions here diverge literally to polar opposites. Some people believe that there is nothing wrong with asking for help and accepting it. Others, on the contrary, believe that by asking for help, they show their weakness, end up in a dependent position and then will have to owe more, because nothing in this world is given for nothing.

Let's take a closer look at this important issue.

Yes, indeed, by asking for help you show that you don’t know and can do everything. And here the question of your attitude to this situation comes first. Those people who calmly ask for help perceive the fact that they do not know and can do everything, calmly and reasonably - well, judge for yourself, because not a single person can know and be able to do EVERYTHING!

But those for whom asking for help is difficult are subconsciously determined that if you cannot do something yourself, then you are not good enough. This position is also ambiguous - on the one hand, it can serve as an incentive for development (to learn, learn something new, improve), but on the other hand, it can become a reason for low performance (I don’t know how, I don’t know).

But in any case, such a subconscious attitude (if you can’t do something, then you’re not good enough) is inherently wrong. Each person is unique and valuable in himself, regardless of his skills and knowledge. And you need to learn to separate yourself (the main value for yourself in this world) and your knowledge, skills, resources, etc. It's not the same thing! You are not your ability or inability to cook porridge or drive a car. Remember this please!

So, if you are one of those people who find it difficult to ask for help precisely because it makes them feel like they are not “cool” enough, I suggest that whenever you encounter such situations, be mindful and look at everything It’s logical - you’re not God to be able to know everything. This means that you have absolutely no shame in not understanding some issues. Calmly accept this as a given.

Reluctance to ask for help speaks of (“They won’t wait!”), (“I can’t show that I can’t do this, otherwise they’ll stop respecting me” (loving me, etc.). In principle, we can say that situations where you need to ask for help, how your complexes manifest themselves as a litmus test, etc. Track them, “catch” them with help and work on them. You can and should benefit from any situation!

Why is it so important to ask for help?

Asking for help is important and necessary not only in order to receive that specific help from a specific person. By voicing your request, you formulate a kind of request from the Universe for you to receive what you want. And even if special person right now you will be denied help, the Universe has heard you. Therefore, situations often occur when you are refused in one place, and suddenly “out of the blue” help comes from somewhere else.

And here we come to a very important issue, for the sake of which I, in fact,
and I am writing this article - an appeal to higher powers for help. The fact is that often we don’t even remember that we can ask the Universe, our angels, even our ancestors for help (our Family contains enormous power!). We are struggling with some task, we are exhausted in difficult situation, we fall into despair when problems pile up... But very, very often we continue to be in the state of “I have to deal with this!” without remembering that we are not alone and not abandoned without support in this world!

The most important thing you need to know (and which I was just taken aback when I found out - it explains so much!!!) is that higher powers CANNOT give us help unless we ASK FOR IT!!! The fact is that an unshakable rule applies here - the expression of a person’s will is inviolable for higher powers. They have no right to interfere in our lives without our permission. And even if our angels see how we suffer and suffer (and this causes suffering for them too!), they cannot begin to help us until we ask - that is, until we give permission to intervene in our lives in this way!

When I found out about this, a lot became clear to me. This is why it so often happens that people find themselves as if “abandoned” by God (as they themselves think), left without help - they simply do not allow them to help - they do not ask for it!

People who communicate with higher powers (channelers) say that our angels really want to help us, they are ready to do this every second! However, we ourselves do not give them such an opportunity! Moreover, angels become stronger the more often people turn to them for help! They love to help, it's a pleasure for them! Therefore, our beliefs such as that we should not often disturb higher powers with our requests are incorrect.

It is not for nothing that it is said, “Ask and it will be given to you!” Because only by identifying our need for help can we receive this help. And please remember one simple thing– NOT ONE request for help goes unnoticed by the Universe! And not a single request for help goes unanswered!

So ask and accept help. And you will see how much easier and more joyful your life can be when you allow yourself to accept help!

Your Ekaterina

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