How to become the first in the list of friends on VKontakte. How to see possible friends on VKontakte

Good day to all, my dear friends, and guests of my blog. Probably many of you know that in the list of your friends on VKontakte at the very top are the most important of them, those whose page you most often visit, communicate, etc. In this regard, many people are looking for how to remove a person from important friends in VK. I don’t know why this is so, but apparently they just don’t want to “burn out” in front of someone.

Actually much easier than to lower their position. But in any case, today I will show you several ways how this can be done very easily.

The simplest and fast way there will be a banal removal. But don't worry, it's not forever. Just go to your friends and delete the one you want to drop below. After that, the "Cancel" button will appear, which you will immediately need to click on.

After that, refresh the page, and you will see that this friend has become much lower than he was originally. And most importantly, everything went painlessly. After this procedure, your friend may already be in 5th place, or maybe 12th, or even thirtieth.

But do not forget one BUT. After such manipulations, not only will your friend go down to the bottom positions, but you will also go down in his list. If that doesn't matter to you, then go for it!

Suppression by activity

As I said above, the top of your friends depends on your activity with him, i.e. visits to the page, likes, communication, etc. So, to lower the position of a person, you need to do two things:

  • Do not go to his page at all, do not like anything from him, do not communicate with him at all for some time.
  • Be hyperactive towards your other friends. Visit them several times a day, like them, comment on posts. Very well raises the entry into the dialogue in the list.

But the effect is unlikely to come immediately. In order for everything to work out, you just need to wait. But don't worry, you won't have to wait weeks or months.)

Hiding news

To downgrade your friend on your list, you can also use hiding his news. To do this, you need to go to his page, and then click on the ellipsis icon under his photo. Next, select an item "Hide the news".

If your buddy posts frequently, that's even better. We go to the "News" and find any of his publications. After that, click on the ellipsis icon and select "I'm not interested". This will also be a great call to lower positions.

But by default, you may not have the display of your friends' news. If so, then go to "News" and click on the plus sign on the right side, as shown in the screenshot. Ladies, select the "Friends" item, which will then appear in the sidebar. This is where you should click to get news from people, not communities.

But if you do not want to hide anyone from the news, then after a while return everything as it was. Your friend will appear in the news again, and his positions will not increase. In such simple ways, you can change the list of friends in VK.

So now you also know how to remove a person from important friends in VK. I hope that my article today was useful for you. And of course I hope you check out my blog again. Good luck to you. Bye bye!


By the way, I almost forgot. January is over and I will announce the best commentators of the month who will receive additional points to participate in my "".

  • Anna Gilyanova (12 comments) — 20 points
  • Tatyana Sukhikh (10 comments) - 18 points
  • Nadezhda Suptelya (8 comments) - 16 points
  • Vladimir Raichev (6 comments) - 14 points
  • Lara (unfortunately I don’t know the last name) (5 comments) - 12 points
  • Anna Tikhomirova (3 comments) - 10 points

Take part and then at the end of the year you will have the opportunity to receive Cool prizes! Good luck!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Today we will tell you how a list of important friends is formed and how you can find out important friends from a friend on VKontakte

Not everyone knows, but you can’t add an infinite number of friends on VKontakte. Their final value is 10,000 people. However average fluctuates around 300 contacts. And when this list is viewed, it becomes obvious that it is built according to some specific principle. Most significant contacts go at the beginning, and less at the end. Because of this, many social media users are wondering: “How to find out important friends from a VK friend?”

First of all, it is required to establish the principles for displaying acquaintances on the personal page of VKontakte. In this case, if you constantly look through the list of communication, everything becomes more or less clear.

In the first place are contacts, with whom a more active correspondence is being conducted. But, looking at this list, you can see that in high positions there are people with whom communication is minimal.

And then it comes to mind that I had to “communicate” with these contacts a little differently. These other communications include:

  • Repost of news and interesting articles;
  • Viewing recent photos;
  • Commenting on posts;
  • Constant viewing of a friend's page;
  • Evaluation of photos and posts of contact VK.

Thus, by being active on a person's page, you can display his name in the list of important contacts.

It is important to note that the pages of new friends will also be at the top of the list. Thus, the system will remind you that it may be interesting to continue communication with these people, and will not allow you to forget about them.

So, having dealt with your friends in your own list, you can begin to study the question: “How to see important friends from a VK friend?”. It is easy to see that when opening a tab with a list of contacts from your friends, the list is displayed in a completely different way.

Your own account will come first. Next, the avatars of mutual friends on VKontakte will be displayed. Then their ranking will be based on the principle "the more common friends, the earlier the contact will be on the list." Further, all accounts will be located according to the time of registration (more early registration online, will grant higher positions in the friends list).

Therefore, we can draw an important conclusion that, looking through the list of contacts in your social circle, it is almost impossible to determine who is in important friends with a friend on VKontakte. This is most likely due to the administration of the social network providing complete confidentiality of all accounts. Consequently, this information available only when viewing a personal list of friends.

Managing your friends list is easy!

Good day, friends!

I'm straight to the point! Today I will tell you about a super cool thing that I have been using for a long time and that few people know about!

For quite a long time there has been such a feature as sorting friends in contact. And you probably know that there are built-in "open" groups that are visible to everyone, and you can also set up your own hidden Friend list. Many users of the vk social network do not pay tribute to this functionality and believe that “fussing” with the distribution of friends on lists is just a waste of time.

It would seem that there can be so much complexity in such a simple thing as VKontakte friends list, because this is just a list in which all friends are collected! In fact, everything is not so simple! And in this article I will talk about how to use it most effectively and how to create a list of friends automatically using scripts for VKontakte!

VKontakte friends list - basic functions

So, what do we see when we first go to the "My friends" section? There are two tabs at the top of the screen - "All friends"(here is the full list of friends) and "Friends Online"(on this list there will be only those friends who are in this moment are on the site, and the number in brackets shows their number).
By default, under the name of each friend, the place of his study is indicated, but this may depend on the privacy settings of the friends themselves. In addition, there are four buttons opposite each entry - Write a message, View friends, Remove from friends and Customize Lists. And if the functions of the first three do not raise questions, then on last button we'll go into more detail.

Additional friend lists

Additional lists allow you to sort friends according to some criteria, for example, a separate list “for classmates”, “for acquaintances from some conference”, and so on. But it's a pity that they can only be limited quantity, I have already used everything, each new list is the killing of the old, no longer working. And now I have 24 of them in total, this is in addition to the 5 main ones!

These lists are created using the button »Create list», which is located in the upper right part of the window. When you click on it, a new window will open, where you will be asked to select friends who will enter new group. After that, you need to specify the name of the list and click on the "Save" button.

By default, the "My Friends" section displays the entire list of VK friends. In this case, under each friend, the label of the list to which it belongs will be displayed. If you click on it, then all the friends included in this list will automatically be shown. You can also switch between lists using the tabs on the right side of the screen.
In all display modes, the principle of a group of friends on VKontakte is by rating, which is compiled based on the frequency of communication with a particular person.

As you can see, I have a lot additional lists- it helps to work with contacts

We automate Vkontakte friend lists using VkOpt

Tell: “All this is great, Marina, but I won’t set the settings for several thousand of my friends”- perhaps just such an idea has visited you now, if you have quite a lot of friends. And all administrators and SMMs usually have them great amount both on personal and work pages. There is a solution! Remember what I: how to download, install and configure vkopt? Remembered? So, among other functions in this script, it is possible to sort the list of friends in contact automatically! This is very cool feature because VK, when adding new friends, does not offer us all the lists, it gives only the basic ones! And Vkopt gives us such an opportunity!

Here are the buttons we will have after installing the script:

How to sort the VK list of friends using these buttons? And very simple!

Firstly, we can use the button [ blocked] remove all "dogs" from the list of friends, that is, users blocked by the social network. While I'm writing this article, I just discovered one of these - this is some kind of "random" friend, so I'll delete it

Secondly, when you click on the [ Friends off the list] we will calculate those who are not sorted yet.

Thirdly, we can automatically scatter friends according to the gender that they have in their profile settings.

You can write your own headings for these groups

How to create a list of VKontakte friends and how exactly to use it - you can decide for yourself. But in any case, this tool is convenient both for organizing contacts and for setting privacy. own page- hiding photo albums or videos, for example.

In addition, as soon as you install scripts for VKontakte (by the way, vkopt), then from that moment on, a complete list will unfold for each new friend in order to immediately put the necessary groups

How to change the list of VKontakte friends

To change sorting and assign some other open or hidden list friends in contact, you need to perform a minimum of actions. Find a friend in the list and click on the "customize lists" button and there already rearrange the checkboxes to the ones we need - add or remove the group.

And the last thing I want to talk about is how to delete friends list.

Everything here is also not difficult. We select the list we do not need, click on it and a line for deleting the list will appear at the top of the panel. By the way, next to it is the “edit list” button, where you can quickly add or remove friends from this group:

And by the way, with the help of Vkopt, we can easily set up privacy, quickly make mailings right groups people (after all, the lists have a button “Write a message”. In short, a very cool thing!

I hope that now you can easily create lists both manually and automatically. Tell us about your chips, what else do you use? Or do you use Vkopt like no one else? Tell in the comments! Like, share the article in social networks, subscribe to blog updates!

I think it is useful for many users to know on what basis is the list of Vkontakte friends formed in 2019.

Once upon a time, everything was very simple: whoever has a higher rating, he was at the very beginning of the list. But times have changed, the rating has been canceled, and now friends sorting happens differently.

First of all, go to the "My Friends" section and deal with the list of friends on your page:

Who do we see first on our friends list? That's right, those with whom we communicate the most.

The principle of sorting the list of friends: the first will be those friends with whom you correspond most often, but also those whose pages you constantly view, put likes, comment on the posts.

Thus, the first friend may be the one with whom you might not communicate at all, but always follow his page and (or) be active on it.

But there is a small nuance: users whom you have recently added as friends are displayed above the rest for the first time (usually occupy 5-10 positions in the list). This is done so that you do not lose sight of them.

How is the list of friends formed by other Vkontakte users

Now consider the principle of sorting friends from other Vkontakte users. If they have a list of friends formed according to the above principle, then we see friends in a completely different way.

We open the user's friends list and see the following:

You are the first in the list if you have friends with this user. Next are the users who have with you: the more common friends, the higher they are in the list. Even lower are users sorted by registration date VKontakte: those who registered earlier are higher.

This is how the list of friends of other users is sorted.

How to change the sort order of the friends list

If you wish, you can promote in the list a certain friend. To do this, it is enough to communicate with him more often, visit his page, be active (put likes, make reposts, comment on posts / photos).

Thus, after a short period of time, the selected user will take first place in your friends list. In reverse way can .

important friends in VK are automatically determined for all users of the social network, regardless of their desire. The order of the top five changes based on a special Vkontakte algorithm, which account owners are able to influence.

The article will talk about what important friends are, how the order of showing profiles is determined, and why users with whom you have not communicated for a long time jump to the top.

AT mobile application Vkontakte they are on the toolbar in quick access(scroll down, the first item after the menu).

When viewing complete list profile friends, you automatically see the top 5 first, and then the rest in alphabetical order.

How important friends are determined in VK

There is a difference between display own list and the order in which the friends of others are displayed if you go to someone's account.

In the first case, important VK friends are determined using a special social network algorithm that calculates how much attention is paid to a particular page from among friends. The frequency and intensity of communication, the number of rated or commented entries, reposts, and the frequency of profile visits are taken into account. In general, the main criterion is the user's interest in the profile: the more attention is paid to it, the higher the person will be in the ranking. Here, for the first time, there are also recently added pages. As a rule, they push down the profiles that previously occupied 3-4 positions. The developers of VKontakte came up with this move so that you do not forget about a new friend and communicate.

If you decide to look at the friends of another VKontakte profile, the list will be compiled based on completely different considerations. You will be in first place. In the top will knock out the pages of mutual friends in the order in which their profiles are displayed on yours. If there are none, after your account, the pages will go, it would seem, randomly. In fact, they are sorted by the date of registration in the social network.

How to set up a list of important friends in VK

Additional settings for the list of important friends are not required - they are not provided by the developers at this stage.

Nevertheless, VKontakte users can influence the list of important friends and the distribution of places in it. How to put a friend in important in VK - see the next block.

How to change important friends in VK

The principle of sorting important friends in VK takes into account how interesting the account is for you, depends on the frequency of visits, the activity of correspondence and the evaluation of photos and posts. It is logical that in order to make changes to the list, it is necessary to improve or reduce the indicated indicators for a particular person.

How to add a person to important friends VKontakte

For a long time we did not communicate with a close friend who lives in another city, and as a result, he was “overboard” on the list of important ones in VK. There are two ways to raise a friend in the ranking.

The long-term way is to improve the indicators listed above:

  1. Communicate as often as possible.
  2. Fill it up with likes and comments.
  3. Increase the number of visits to the desired account.

If you really need to add your profile to the list of important friends, there is a simple and quick life hack. In the article, we already said that recently added friends are automatically ranked 3-4 in the rating, so why not take advantage of this?

  • delete desired page from friends, and after a couple of seconds add again;
  • remember who initiated the addition the first time. If you submitted the application, the other user will not even know about the manipulations ( standard notification will not come).

Why important friends in VK have changed

The top 5 important friends are formed according to the principle of interest shown: the more interesting a user is for you in terms of views, likes, correspondence and reposts, the more likely it is for him to be in the first position. Why did important friends get lost in VK?

If you temporarily stop contacting one of the five, the algorithm reacts by lowering its position.

The owner of the account, with whom you almost never communicate, can also become a leader if you actively evaluate his photos and posts. A newly added profile can also dilute an already established list. By default, he is among important friends for some time, but in the absence of communication, he goes down.

How to hide important friends in VK

The contact does not make exceptions for important friends, so privacy settings apply to them too. You can hide this category of people by digging into the Settings of any profile, regardless of the version used (meaning full or mobile).

And finally: knowledge of the functional novelties of VK is great, but real life outside social networks much tougher. Don't forget to remind yourself of this from time to time.