How to change your youtube account name. Restoring your old name on Youtube

In this service, go to the “Tools” section and select the “Scheduler” line keywords».

Next we go to the “Find Keyword and Ad Group Options” section.

A new page opens for you. If you want to make a channel on the topic of training, then write “training” in the field that appears. After that, click the “Get options” button at the bottom.

Statistics of queries for this keyword appear on the screen.

You choose what you like. For example: “training is free.” By the way, a good key. If you want to make a surname, no question, do it. And now that we have picked up the key, let's move on to URL address. In the empty field, enter the selected option and click “Create channel URL.” If the line “The selected URL channel is not available” appears, then you need to select something else. If this line does not appear, then congratulations, you have created a channel URL.

YouTube has allowed users to adjust the channel URL so that you can enter an address that will more accurately reflect the topic of your channel. You will be given replacement options based on username, page description, linked site name, Google data. You can only change the channel URL once!

To obtain new address, the channel must meet the following requirements:
1. at least 500 subscribers;
2. exists for at least 30 days;
3. channel photo uploaded;
4. Video materials are posted.
The channel must have a good reputation!

Channel owners who may qualify for a new address will learn about this from emails or profile notifications.
This concludes our lesson for today.

See you!

Nastasya Gerasimenko.

Hello friends!

If you're tired of your old name on YouTube and your soul wants a change of scenery, I have bad news for you! There is no direct way to change your name on YouTube! But do not despair - there are other, dark paths along which you can get around the lack of this function. So make yourself comfortable, now I will tell you in detail how to change your account name on Youtube.

For those who read and those who did not read the agreement when registering a channel on YouTube

As I already let slip, the Google administration has a clear policy regarding changing channel names. If you carefully read the agreement when registering (but who really does?), then you should have noticed the clause that the name is chosen when creating an account once and for all, without any changes in the future. But it’s too early to despair! There are loopholes even in the mechanism of such a giant as Google.

Two ways to change your name on YouTube

One of them is brutal, and the second is dancing with a tambourine. In any case, no matter what you choose, the effect will be the same.

So, the first, categorical and absolute, destructive and uncompromising - deleting the old account and creating a new one. Before you delete old account, you must remember to remove all valuable goods from the sinking ship. Namely, your videos. So before completely deleting, do not forget to download all your records.

The second method is more humane. We go to the YouTube website. On the right top corner Click on your now unwanted name and look through the drop-down menu. In the list, click on “ YouTube Settings" On open page We look for our current name, and next to it click “edit profile”.

Don’t be alarmed, after this you will be redirected to the Google+ page, that’s how it should be. On this page we look for our name again, it is already on the left. Click on it - and voila! The long-awaited name change form has opened for you. Here we enter a new name and, of course, do not forget to click “Save”.

Your Name has now been successfully changed!

So don't despair if you're tired of your old name - you can always change it on Google+. But I don’t recommend abusing this loophole. Frequent changes person, you may attract the attention of the administration, or even be blocked without explanation. And it is unlikely that you will then be in the mood to prove that this was a creative search and not an attempt at fraud.

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See you!

How to change your nickname on YouTube - an important “professional” detail

Greetings, friends! A very acute problem for many users of the worldwide video hosting YouTube, Lately, the question arose about the possibility of changing your nickname to some other, alternative one. And this seemingly very simple “manipulation” becomes, for most inexperienced users, a real “stumbling block”.

That is why, right today, I want to explain to you how to change your nickname on YouTube, so that you can always do it yourself and no longer need outside help.

A short introduction

I will begin to consider this issue by opening a certain information “veil” for you. Since YouTube itself has been owned by the company for a long time Google, then all the rules of user behavior, accordingly, were “transferred” here from this “giant”.

The policy of accounting for the data of all users in Google and YouTube clearly makes it clear to us that it is impossible to change the name chosen once on this video service. Here you won’t be able to do it the same way as, say, in contact or Facebook. However, guys, there is one “workaround” way, and I will tell you it now.

Since the resource itself YouTube , due to its active development, constantly adds some changes to user interface It is possible that some page elements that were arranged in a certain way in the years, say, 2014 and 2015, will, over time, be somewhat moved to other locations.

However, the essence of the method for changing the nickname or channel name will remain the same in 2016, and, I am sure, the same scheme will work in 2017 and subsequent years.

Nickname change method

Log in under your account, to the YouTube resource by entering your username and corresponding password. In the upper right corner of the service page, find your small profile picture. Click on it. Right there, a small window will “pop up” in front of you, with your name and address Email, linked to the account, and several other buttons.

What we are interested in now is the “Creative Studio” button. Click on it. After getting to new page, look with your eyes, on the left in the big one vertical menu, “Channel” item. Click on this inscription.

After this, immediately below, under the item “ Channel", a small "sub-list" will appear containing various options that you can apply to your own YouTube channel. Look for the "Advanced" line. Click on it.

Having entered, as a result of the next transition between pages, the tab of the above section, find the data group - “Account Information”. Here, right next to your name or nickname, there will be an active “edit” link. This is it – the goal of all our recent surfing on the above sections of YouTube. Of course - click on it!

Initially, a small window will appear with warnings (but who reads them!). Here again - click to “change”, and as a result automatic transition, you will find yourself on the “about me” page, but already in the Google service.

In the small window that pops up, again automatically, you can change your name to a pseudonym, going through any options for possible nicknames, even writing several names in one word, if the creative task requires it. In general - go for a walk!

Then click “ok” and you’re done! Wait a few minutes, refresh the page in Google and YouTube - the new data should already be displayed in the nickname line or channel name - it’s the same thing. Congratulations - you did it!

The only thing that is somewhat upsetting is that this method will not work on a phone or on a tablet - there is a slightly different logic for the “mutual cooperation” of applications.

Use YouTube to earn money?

If you guys want to master a really cool and highly sought-after profession in the marketing labor market, and be able to “promote” it in YouTube any commercial account, then you have only one option - learn it here.

Nowhere else will you find such an excellent, simultaneous combination High Quality theoretical knowledge base, and many years of practical experience of master teachers who will painstakingly pass on their skills to you, step by step, bringing the learning process to an objective level, profitable result for you.

Well, that's all for today, guys. Change nicknames on YouTube as much as your heart desires. Now you know how to do this.

Best regards, Sergey Ivanov

Each YouTube channel is inextricably linked to a corresponding Google page: either the +page that automatically came into existence when you created it, or your own profile. Therefore, if you want to change the name or icon, you will first have to change them in Google+.

How to change YouTube channel name

1. Log into your account, then go to the channel whose name we will change.

2. Opposite its name, find the pencil, click on it and select “Channel Settings”:

3. Under “Account Information”, next to the current name, click “change”:

4. Then the hosting offers to change the name on Google+ and we have no choice but to agree.

5. YouTube redirects to the + page, where we see the following:

6. Here instead current name enter a new one and save.

Important! Please note that YouTube channel names can only be changed once every 90 days. Take this into account. And check what you wrote a couple of times, just for sure :).

How to change YouTube channel icon

1. Go to your YouTube channel.

2. Move the mouse cursor over the icon that we want to change and click on the pencil that appears.

3. The hosting offers to change the icon on Google+ and redirects to the corresponding + page.

4. After this, all that remains is to upload a new photo in a way convenient for you and save the changes.

Greetings, friends. In this short lesson we will talk about how to change the name of a channel on YouTube.

If you haven’t yet come up with a name for your channel, then I recommend that you read the article in which I collected some tips on how to come up with a name for your channel using your own or someone else’s brains. interesting name YouTube channel.

Instructions - How to change the channel name

2. In the upper right corner of the site, click on your profile icon and go to settings YouTube account(gear-shaped button).

3. Your first tab will immediately open “ general information", which shows your channel name. When you create new channel on YouTube, a Google Plus profile is automatically created.

If you have absolutely new account in Google, you may need to first create a page in Google Plus, and only then through it you can change the name of the channel. They are linked and by changing the title on the page Google Plus, your channel name will automatically change.

Therefore, click the “Edit in Google” button in this tab

I finally decided that I would simply rename my channel “Remote Worker School”; on it I would publish only lessons related to working on the Internet, which can be done remotely.

4. A window opens in which you enter the new name of the channel on YouTube.

5. Click “Ok”, another dialog box appears, where you need to click “Change name”.

All! The name has been changed!

Now you can return to home page YouTube, select the “My Channel” tab on the left and see that the name has changed.

You can change the name as many times as you like until you find something you like best and that suits the theme.

The first two steps have been completed, let's move on.

If you still have questions about this step, then ask them in the comments and I will definitely help you. I wish you all success and prosperity.