How to reset your tablet to factory settings. How to restore factory settings

Sooner or later, many Android tablet users encounter a situation where the tablet needs to be cleaned and restored to factory condition. There can be many reasons for this, but basically it is either unstable operation of the device or “cleaning” of data before sale. There are also situations when the tablet stops turning on altogether or freezes when loading; in such cases, a full reset is not necessary.

First of all, it is worth separating two concepts: Hard Reset and Soft Reset.

  • Hard Reset (Hard reset) – full reset device settings and restore to factory state. This procedure is similar to reinstalling the operating system. After a hard reset, you will lose all your data, including installed programs, contacts, and media files. However, do not confuse Hard Reset with flashing; if you have “custom” firmware installed or “Rooted”, then all this will remain after a complete reset.
    Before performing a hard reset, it is recommended to back up all necessary data. Simple media files can be easily copied to a memory card or computer using file manager. To save backup copies games and other applications, it is recommended to use special Back-Up utilities, of which there are a large number for Android today. But keep in mind that in case of an emergency full reset, none of the above will be saved.
  • Soft Reset(Soft reset) – currently, a soft reset means a banal reboot of the device, which can be done either by pressing special combination tablet keys, or through the menu. Some tablets also have special reset buttons on the case. Before doing a full reset, it is definitely recommended to try a Soft Reset - perhaps a reboot will fix minor problems. On most modern tablets, rebooting is accomplished by long pressing the on/off button.

How to do a Hard Reset

Important! Despite the fact that Hard Reset does not delete data from MicroSD cards However, before carrying out this procedure, it is still recommended to remove the memory card from the device.

  • Method number 1. If the tablet is working, go to Settings, select “Backup and reset”, and click “Reset phone settings”. Please note that depending on the firmware version, the name and location of menu items may vary.
  • Method number 2. If your tablet cannot boot into working condition, then you will need to enter recovery mode ( Recovery mode), and perform a complete reset from there. To boot into Rovery mode, turn off the tablet, then hold down the volume up button (or down, depending on the model) and simultaneously press the power button or the “Home” button (depending on the tablet model). Keep both buttons pressed until Android logo. After loading the recovery mode, in the menu that appears, select the “wipe data/factory reset” section. Please note that in Recovery mode touch screen does not work, and all menu navigation is done with the volume rocker, and the selection button is the power button or the “Home” button (again, depending on the tablet model). More detailed instructions see the article ““.

How to reset settings on a tablet?

Problems with the tablet may occur due to various reasons, including through the fault of the user. If you have mistakenly configured your device incorrectly, you can try to roll back the settings, but if this is impossible, then you should reset them to factory settings.

It is advisable to reset the settings on the tablet by restarting the system. You can do this manually, however this procedure more difficult and there is a risk of making mistakes. In addition, if you have problems with the operation of the device, then they will probably prevent you from getting to the desired item in the menu.

Factory reset on Android

In order to perform a factory reset on Android OS, you should turn off the tablet, then hold down the volume button and the power button at the same time for a few seconds.

  1. Go to the menu and use the volume rocker to select Settings, selecting the item with the power button.
  2. After that, click Format Settings and Reset.
  3. The system will begin to reboot. All your settings will be reset. If you want to restore some of them, use your Google account.

Reset your iPad

For of this device There are two types of factory reset.

  • By using hard reset. It is done through the use of the power button and the Home button. You need to hold both buttons for 10 seconds until the corporate logo appears. The system reboot will take several minutes.
  • By using soft reset. Go to the settings menu and select "Backup and reset", then reset the settings by clicking "Reset PC".

Factory reset Windows

For this OS, the settings are reset in the same way as in the first case. However, it is worth considering that for different devices the manufacturer could have foreseen different ways Reset settings. Usually this procedure is described in the user manual.

Before performing the factory reset process, it is recommended to remove the SIM card and SD card.

If these methods do not bring results, it is recommended to contact technical support. However, most software problems can be fixed by resetting. Resetting the settings does not affect preinstalled programs And user installed applications, downloaded files, photos, etc. will also not be affected.

Surely you will agree that the Lenovo phone is one of best options mobile gadgets. It works on Android and is quite reliable, and it’s quite inexpensive. Nevertheless, no matter which Lenovo model you choose, sooner or later there will be failures in the operation of the initially made installations. This is quite logical, since any technique is not ideal. This can happen due to an ill-considered installation of third-party software, or simply if you have not updated it for a long time. In such a situation, the question arises: how to reset settings on Lenovo? Don't worry, everything is quite possible to do! Resetting to factory settings on a phone is no more difficult than on a computer.

What do we do if there is a need to reset all settings on a computer or laptop? If a tough and decisive measure is needed, then we reset operating system, going into Bios. This is a safe but radical method - reinstalling the OS via BIOS leads to the loss of all data. You could try to do this on Lenovo if you have a laptop manufactured by this company. For example, lenovo g50, lenovo a2020, lenovo g580, lenovo b590, b50, g50-45, S 40-40, etc.

Restoring factory settings on a Lenovo phone or tablet is also called Hard Reset. With its help, you can completely reset all parameters, but remember that the stored information will be deleted and will not come back.

The need to return all factory settings of the phone arises in the following cases:

  1. The device started to work slowly.
  2. While loading certain applications(or any) there is a serious system freeze.
  3. The phone is infected with a virus.

There are two main ways to reset Lenovo. The first of them involves working in the phone menu, and the second involves using physical buttons. We will talk in more detail about how to do a hard reset using each of them.

Factory reset via menu

A complete reset via the phone menu is possible as follows:

  1. Go to the “Settings” section.
  2. We find the item “Restore and reset”.
  3. Click on “Reset”.

Before performing a factory reset, the BIOS will ask you if you are sure of your actions. After all, if the system did not do this, it would be possible to reset everything by mistake Lenovo settings. If you reset Lenovo consciously, then confirm your actions, and after a few minutes the smartphone will reboot, after which the presets will be reset automatically.

The first time the smartphone turns on takes a long time, but don’t worry – this is how it should be. When it turns on, indicate your wishes regarding the basic parameters of the device’s operation and check whether the newly configured gadget works correctly.

Reset to factory settings via buttons

Now we reset Lenovo to factory settings in a different way. We will use physical buttons. This method of returning to the original system data is especially relevant if the BIOS is infected with a virus and you cannot even turn on the gadget. This reset Lenovo is done as follows:

  1. Press and hold the volume button and the power button at the same time. We hold them for about 10 seconds.
  2. After this time, you will see the Android logo on the screen. This means that the buttons can be released.
  3. After a while, Recovery will open, and using the volume down and up buttons, select the item we need - Wipe Data. This will allow you to do a Hard Reset of all settings.
  4. The BIOS will again ask if you are sure that all data has been deleted. We agree, pressing the volume up button and restoring the system.
  5. After rebooting and setting the settings, the phone works like new.

How to roll back settings on a Lenovo tablet?

You already know how to return the system to its original state on Lenovo phones. But what if you want to reset the software? Lenovo tablet 30 or 7600? This task is easy to complete! All you have to do is do the same as with a smartphone. The tablet settings also have a factory reset function, and as you know, the volume and power buttons on these gadgets are similar. The only difference is the location - the power button is usually on top, not on the side.

Thus, you can reset the system on any mobile device Lenovo, and you are not afraid of any software failures.

Modern man has become incredibly dependent on many gadgets, including the tablet. This is not at all surprising, since the tablet can store useful and important information, which should always be at hand. However, sometimes, after unsuccessful updates, downloading incomprehensible applications, incorrect settings, Android refuses to work and there is an urgent need to reset the settings without harming the gadget. In this case, it is appropriate to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists on how to reset the tablet to factory settings.

If you perform a factory reset, important information may be lost

Resetting the tablet to factory settings is also appropriate if the tablet works without a single glitch, but the owner decided to sell it. Of course, no one wants personal information became the property of strangers.

Current reasons

Resetting settings on an Android tablet erases absolutely all information that is on the device. The owner, after the manipulations have been carried out, will receive a tablet that will be in the same pristine condition as it was on the first day of its purchase.

Such a reset to factory settings is useful when Android refuses to work due to carelessly carried out settings or a poor-quality update. Resetting allows you to breathe new life into your favorite tablet.

In particular, the reason incorrect operation Android and frequent freezing due to multiple errors, it became Android update 5.0 Lollipop, which mercilessly consumes the device’s memory and leads to completely unstable operation. Thousands of users managed to restore stability to Android only after they managed to reset all incorrect settings.

When Android refuses to display SIM cards, you also have to think about actions to reset the settings.

Resetting the settings and returning them to factory settings is also relevant when the tablet does not recognize the flash drive or incorrectly displays information about the battery charge.

If the main goal is to sell the tablet, then you can safely begin carrying out such manipulations. If you plan to continue using the gadget, then it is important for the owner to save the information stored on this tablet.

In this regard, before resetting the settings on your Android tablet, it is important to backup, which allows you to subsequently restore all information and ensure further comfortable use of the gadget.

Recovery options

Android provides several options for resetting settings, including hard and soft reset. The owner himself must figure out how to reset the settings on the tablet, which method will be preferable for him.

Soft Reset

A soft reset is a simple reboot of the device, which can be done in several ways.

A soft reset can be achieved by holding down several keys at the same time. The combination of such keys may differ depending on the Android model.

Soft Reset can also be launched through the user menu. Some manufacturers have equipped gadgets special buttons, located on the Android case, by clicking on which you can successfully launch Soft Reset.

Finally, Android will once again display a clarifying menu; after clicking the “Erase everything” button, a process will start that restores factory assembly. This process will take a short period of time, on average from two to five minutes, after which Android will reboot and be ready for use. Perhaps, at the time of the first start after Hard Reset, it will be automatically set English language, then the user should enter the menu and independently set the required default language.

The second Hard Reset method is suitable for those users whose Android refuses to boot. A Hard Reset, carried out from the “Recovery menu,” can help restore the normal operation of the gadget. To get into it, you should turn off the gadget, then you need to press a certain combination keys (for each specific model the combination may differ, so you should find it on the Internet by specifying the gadget model in a search engine).

For most models, press the device's power button and volume button simultaneously. The press should not be short-term, but with a slight hold. Next, press the volume down button and hold it until the Recovery menu appears, allowing you to restore the factory state.

In recovery mode, you should restart Android, press the power button and volume button again, and then go to the “Wipe data/factory reset” submenu.

It should be noted that in Recovery menu mode touch control is not available with the gadget, so you can only move from one submenu to the next using the volume button.

Having received an affirmative answer to the request “Yes, delete all user data,” the tablet will begin complete removal all available information and installed applications, after completion of which, the device will no longer have user data previously installed software and updates.

Having information about how to restore the correct operation of a gadget, you should not resort to Hard Reset too often. It is carried out only in the most exceptional cases. It’s even better to install applications and updates that are trusted by most users and recommended by experts. In this case, the device will delight you with flawless operation, and there will be no need to return to the factory state.