How to call back while flying. How to top up your Letai account with a bank card and other payment methods

Sending a “beacon” to a subscriber with a request to call back is a convenient service, especially when negative balance. Answer to the question: " How to send a request to call back from Tele2? — presented by the operator in four versions. The user only needs to choose the most suitable one for himself.

Method 1

Dial the desired subscriber and after the first ring, reset. When you see a missed call, the right person will call back, and all incoming calls, as you know, do not require any costs.

A prerequisite for this method is that the balance should not be negative, otherwise it does not work. Questions: “When will the person called call back and will he pay attention to the missed calls?” - make this option not very convenient.

Method 2

The service provided by the company is “informer”. By dialing a number, if the balance is negative, the caller will hear an automatic voice notification about the lack of funds, and the called one will receive an SMS message stating that the caller does not have funds to carry out the conversation. Whether he will call back in this case is unknown. However, the service is available to all users and is completely free.

Method 3

The service offered by the operator’s website is “”. It is a message like this:

* 118 * phone number # call.

The called party will receive a message asking them to call you back. The service can only be used with a positive balance. Limited to 50 messages per month. Each message above the limit will cost the user 60 kopecks. You won’t be able to use this method for free; shipping will be paid for by debiting funds according to the established tariff.

Method 4

Provides the user with the opportunity to ask another subscriber to top up his balance. The request is sent using the following command:

123 * phone number # call.

The service has strict restrictions. The company allows you to send no more than 5 requests per day, which can amount to up to 150 messages per month, in principle this is three more than in the previous method. Requests are free even when roaming. The method is the most profitable and convenient to use. Before replenishing the subscriber's account, after receiving similar message, make sure that he really is your friend, to exclude illegal actions.

In any case, the choice of how to call a Tele2 subscriber at his expense is yours.

There are situations when there is no money on the phone balance; this can happen at any time for many reasons. What to do if you urgently need to contact a person, but you can’t call him due to lack of funds on your balance? Anything can happen and it is advisable to always be in touch. Suddenly unexpected problems arise, or you urgently need to meet with important person.

It even happens that you just want to chat with an old acquaintance. In this case, Rostelecom subscribers will come to the aid of a special service called “Waiting for a call.” This is a lifesaver for people who are often left with a zero balance.

The service is valid throughout Russia and is available to every subscriber. You can send a request for a person to call back not only between users mobile communications Rostelecom, but even on the networks of any other operators. None additional settings and activations are not required to transfer a request to another subscriber. The service is included in standard set functions of any Rostelecom subscriber.

From one number per day you can send no more than 10 requests to call back. Even if the personal account is blocked, this chip will still work in the same order. Even if the subscriber entered the number or code incorrectly, a message will be sent indicating that the command is incorrect. The service is not active in Roaming.

How to send a request to call back from Rostelecom

There are three ways to send a request:

  1. USSD request
    In the phone call menu you need to dial a combination *118*subscriber number# then press the call button. The request will be sent immediately to specified number and the other subscriber will know that they would like to talk to him. This method is considered the simplest and most common, as well as the fastest to use.
  2. Voice menu
    You need to dial in the phone call menu 123* and press the call button, then you need to follow the instructions voice operator, then enter the number of the subscriber who should receive a message asking to call back and press #.
  3. SMS message
    It is worth noting that this method requires a positive balance; if there is no money in the account, then a request to call back will not be sent. The previous two methods are available for both zero and negative account balances. To send a request you need to send a message to the number 123 with subscriber number , which should receive a request to call back.

How to send a request Call me back

To send of this request and for correct use services you need to know some subtleties and nuances. The subscriber number, for all three methods, must be indicated in the following format: 8ХХХХХХХХХХ. This format is suitable for using the service, and XXXXXXXXXXX is the last 10 digits subscriber number The person to whom you need to send a request is waiting for a call from Rostelecom.

a lack of Money on a personal account telephone number from Rostelecom - does not mean that contacting the required person in right time will be impossible. Current services from Rostelecom come to the rescue, allowing you to send a request to call back in the form of a message to the subscriber’s number. This advantage similar to the services of cellular network operators.

“Call me back” service With mobile phones is equivalent to the “Waiting for a call” action of this company. If necessary, you can also use the “Top up my account” service.

Advantages of usingservant "Waiting for a call"

The “Waiting for a Call” service by Rostelecom is provided not only when there is insufficient funds in the personal account. A request to call back can be sent to the required subscriber number even if the balance is negative. In any case, your request will be taken into account, and a message will be delivered to the required number with the telephone details of the person wishing to contact if the user has a negative balance, as well as indicating the time of sending the request. After which the subscriber who received this message, all that remains is to dial desired number in response to a request to call back.

No special connection is required to use this service. Everything is already included in basic packages Rostelecom services. There is also no need to pay additional fees.

Implementation of the “Waiting for a call” request. How to ask to call back

The “Waiting for a Call” service from Rostelecom can be provided in several ways:

  1. USSD request is entered by typing the following combinations*118*subscriber_number#, after which you should make a call.
  2. You can request an action via SMS message, carrying it out as follows: to the number123 heading offtelephone number of the required subscriber. Disadvantage this option is the possibility of its implementation only with a positive balance.
  3. It will also help to contact the right phone number voice menu . You need to make a call to the number123* , then enter the subscriber number in accordance with the instructions received and press the key# .

​Please top up your Rostelecom account

To send request to top up your account dial the combination on your phone*123*phone_number_starting_with_digit_9#, then the call button.

Nuances of the “Waiting for a Call” service by Rostelecom

It is important to remember that you can use this service no more than 10 times in 1 day. Before entering a federal telephone number consisting of 10 digits, enter8 . If necessary, Rostelecom offers the “Top up my account” service, on the basis of which the subscriber receives a message with a similar request or an offer to make a conversation at his expense.

Disabling the “Waiting for a Call” service by Rostelecom

To ensure that the user is not bothered by messages asking to call back, he has the right to take certain actions to disable the service.

One of the options to achieve what you want could be USSD request using keyboard shortcuts*123*0# . You can also carry out the desired action using “ Personal account» and directly at Rostelecom offices if you have identification documents.

To resume the service, a set of keyboard shortcuts will help you*123*1# .

One of the operator's services cellular communications Rostelecom, without which it is already difficult to imagine life, is sending a free message " call me back" This service allows a subscriber who has no money in his account to send a message asking to call back.

This service is available to all Rostelecom mobile subscribers and is included in basic set services. Thus, it does not require additional settings or activation. However, there is one peculiarity in dialing a number for sending. Valid throughout Russia and sending is available not only to Rostelecom subscribers, but also to subscribers of other mobile networks GSM standard.

This allows you to use it to the maximum and not be tied to one operator. You can send no more than ten free messages per day from one mobile number. Such a request can also be sent from a blocked personal account. If the number was dialed incorrectly, the subscriber will receive Announcement that the command was entered incorrectly. The service is not provided in Roaming.

How to send a free message “Call me back” Rostelecom

To send such a message the user must use the following USSD request: *123*subscriber number # and press the call button. As a result of executing this command, the subscriber whose number was specified in the request will receive messages with the text “Call me back.”

The message will also indicate your mobile number. If the limit of sent messages has been exceeded, you will receive an information message indicating that you have exceeded the limit of sent messages per day. And sending messages will be available from the beginning of the next day.

  • If users have questions about the performance of the service, they can get answers to them by calling hotline operator Rostelecom. Call from mobile Rostelecom possible by short number 000 .
    For calls from landline phone number must be used +7 908 221 00 41 . All calls to the above numbers are free of charge, and the service technical support open 24 hours a day.(jcomments on)

Are you faced with the problem of lack of money in your mobile account and the inability to top it up in the near future? A special “Call me back” service comes to the rescue, which is provided by every cellular operator in Russia.

The mobile operator MTS offers all subscribers located in the region of registration or outside it to use the “Call me back” option. Clients have the opportunity to send a request to a subscriber of any mobile connection. It is enough to send a request with a wish to call back, which costs 0 kopecks. To do this, you need to enter the combination of numbers on your phone *110* subscriber number # and press the call key. The number is dialed with the number 8. You are allowed to send no more than 20 messages per day. Possibility to inform the subscriber special team Beeline network subscribers also know that you are expecting a call from him. The “Call Me” service is available to all subscribers located in home network and in roaming. The number of messages is limited to 10 per day. Sending a request is easy - dial *144* subscriber number # and call button. The number can be entered starting with digit 8 or +7. The subscriber will instantly receive an SMS asking them to call you.

Megafon network clients at zero balance mobile account can be sent free message asking to call back. To send a request, just dial the following combination of numbers: *144* subscriber number # and call key. You will immediately receive confirmation on your phone that the operation was successfully completed. When accessing the network, the subscriber will receive a notification as an SMS with the text “The subscriber (your phone number) asks you to call him back.”

Taking advantage mobile operator Tele2, you can send an SMS to a subscriber of any network that you want to communicate with him. The “Beacon” service is provided to all network users free of charge. Enter the command *118* subscriber number # and call button, you will receive a delivery report on your phone. Don't forget that the phone number is dialed in international format. You can send up to 50 messages per month.

Mobile operators offer a number of other services if you run out of money in your account, which will help you always stay in touch with your relatives and friends.