How to adjust brightness on an acer laptop. Changing brightness through the "Control Panel"

You can work, play or spend time on the Internet at the computer at different times of the day. For example, during the day in good lighting, the screen should also be bright enough so that what is displayed on it can be clearly seen without having to look closely. But at night, on the contrary, it is better that it is a little muffled and does not hit the eyes.

Therefore, in this article we will figure out how different ways You can change the screen brightness on your computer or laptop.

Let's start with PC. Everything is quite simple here. Since there is no need to save battery power, the brightness is adjusted here relatively rarely. For this purpose, special buttons located on the monitor are used. They can be located either below or slightly behind. Find among them the one with the icon in the form of a sun and a pointer. If the pointer is pointing down, this means a decrease in brightness; if the pointer points up, it means an increase.

Now I’ll tell you about laptops. Here this procedure used more often, especially if the device is unplugged and you need to slightly increase its battery life.

To do this, you can use the “Fn” key in various combinations, which differ depending on the manufacturer of your laptop. Let's give examples of the most popular ones.

If you have ASUS then hold down “Fn” and press the “F5” button to lower, or “F6” to add brightness.

On Lenovo laptops To do this, use the up and down arrows. Press "Fn" and then the desired button. Just pay attention, for example, in the screenshot the arrow points up, and under it there is an orange sun with a downward pointer, which means this button will reduce the brightness.

On HP, the combinations can be different or, as in the figure below, “Fn” and “F2-F3”, or “Fn” and “F9-F10”.

If you have a device from another manufacturer, then I think you understand what buttons to look for. They should have an image of the sun - one larger, the other smaller.

The second way of adjustment is through "Control Panel". Click on the button and select the desired item, for those who have Windows 7. If you have Windows 10 installed, then click right click on Start and select the item of interest.

At the bottom of the window that opens there will be a slider, which you can move either to the right towards the sun, or to the left, then the brightness decreases.

In this window you can set the display brightness separately for running the laptop on battery and mains power. Remember that the smaller it is, the longer the charge will last. At the end, don't forget to click "Save changes".

You can open the required window in another way. Click on the battery icon in the lower right corner and select the item that interests us.

The third way is to adjust the brightness via installed drivers for a video card. Find it in the list of Control Panel items and click on it.

Or expand it in the tray hidden apps and click on the video card icon.

Then you need to select the item "Graphic characteristics".

Another option is to right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select the desired item from the menu that opens.

Whatever option you choose, a window like this will open. I have an Intel video card, so it looks like this. If you have a different manufacturer, the appearance of the window will be different.

Here in the left menu you need to find an item so that the “Brightness” field appears in the middle area. Move the marker to the appropriate value. Then click "OK".

That's all. I think now you can easily adjust the brightness of your screen on your computer or laptop. As for me, adjustment using the key combination with Fn is the simplest, and you choose the method that suits you.

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Many users, either due to duty or for personal reasons, have to spend quite a lot of time at the computer. And not the least role in the comfort of work is played by the brightness and contrast of the image on the monitor or laptop screen. Oversaturation or poor lighting can cause your eyes to become tired. Let's see how to produce necessary settings using a few simple tools.

How to change brightness on Windows 7 (or any other system) on a desktop computer

First, let's look at the moment the system starts. Normal mode The user usually associates the perception of the image with when the welcome screen appears on the monitor. Just by its appearance you can judge how comfortable it is perceived by the eyes. Both brightness and contrast immediately attract attention. Changing one of the parameters on desktop computers can be done quite simply.

It's no secret that exactly in desktop PCs or workstations system unit and the monitor (or several) are used separately. Their design is such that there are one or two buttons directly on the front panel: increasing or decreasing brightness.

In addition, if, so to speak, in a question related to how to change the brightness of the screen or the contrast of what is displayed on the monitor, we dig a little deeper, it is worth noting that any monitor has its own menu, called up by a special button, in which there are advanced settings, including the mode of shifting the image, stretching or narrowing it, etc. As you can see, personalization is quite simple.

How to adjust screen brightness on a laptop

With laptops the situation is even simpler. Since the screen is an integral part of the entire structure, there is no special buttons, as provided for separately standing monitors. Nevertheless, the question of how to change brightness on Windows 7 or any other system (there is no fundamental difference) is solved using special keyboard shortcuts.

As a rule, changing the brightness parameter is done using the Fn button in combination with either function keys, which contain up and down arrows and an image in the form of a sun. For example, on Fujitsu laptops these are the F7 (increase brightness) and F6 (decrease) keys, on others - F2 and F1, etc.

In some models, such settings can be made using the same pressed buttons using additionally standard right/left arrow buttons (sometimes up/down).

on any Windows system

Another simple method to resolve the issue of how to change brightness on Windows 7 is to right-click on empty space Desktop and out context menu select screen settings (personalization).

After entering the section, all available options, which can be easily changed at your discretion.

Setting parameters in the power plan

These were, so to speak, the simplest methods. Now let's see how to adjust screen brightness on Windows 7 own funds systems. To do this, you need to use the power section, which is accessed from the standard one. Here you need to select the option to change settings, after which two main plans will be shown (balanced and economy mode).

If for some reason the user is not satisfied with them, they can simply be changed. To do this, use the change point additional settings, where the adaptive mode is turned on. You can also change the brightness in the “Screen” section, where the settings are presented in the category of parameters for turning off the display.

Using a video card management program

How to change brightness on Windows 7 in another way? You can use special utilities management graphics adapters NVIDIA and AMD, which are initially installed on the system.

After the call control program either from system tray if she is in active state, or from the same Control Panel, in it you need to find the display settings section, and then go to the Desktop color adjustment item (for NVIDIA, for example). It is here that you can change the brightness, contrast, gamma, image saturation, and much more.

The simplest comfort test

So, the screen parameters are set. Now you need to check how comfortable the perception will be. To do this, open an empty Word document. If you feel uncomfortable when looking at it, the screen settings should be changed. You can just take Blank sheet A4 paper and compare it with the white field of the document. If there is no difference when looking at both the sheet and the screen, then everything is in order. Finally, do not forget that when working on a computer or laptop for a long time, no matter how optimal set parameters, every 45 minutes it is recommended to take a break for about a quarter of an hour to relieve fatigue, including from the eyes.

As for the settings, the methods are quite varied, and which one to use is up to you. However, if we're talking about only about brightness, the best option buttons will become and But if you need to produce fine tuning, it is better to apply software both the operating system itself and the programs included in the control software graphic cards, especially since this is exactly what they are designed for.

Increasing the screen brightness on a laptop is quite simple. You can do this using the keys on your keyboard or in the operating system settings. Please note that every laptop model (and every operating system) is slightly different. In this article we will tell you how to increase the screen brightness on a laptop running Windows 10.

Increase screen brightness on laptop using keys

On most laptops, you can change the screen brightness using special keys on keyboard. As a rule, they are marked with a sun. These keys are located either on top of the keyboard, on the panel F1-F12, or on the key with left and right arrow.

The volume keys are functional. This means you also need to press the key Fn.

For example, to increase the screen brightness by Dell laptop XPS (photo below), hold down the key Fn+F12. To increase screen brightness by Asus laptop, you need to press a key Fn+F6.

Increase screen brightness on a laptop in system settings

You can also increase the screen brightness using your operating system settings.

Windows 10 offers several ways to adjust screen brightness.

1 way

  1. Click on the icon batteries on the taskbar.
  2. Click on the sun button to change the screen brightness. Minimum brightness is 0%, maximum is 100%.

Method 2

1. Right click on Start(or keys Win + X).

2. Select " Mobility Center».

3. Use the slider under " Screen brightness" to increase or decrease the screen brightness on your laptop.


If none of the above methods helped increase the screen brightness on your laptop, you most likely have problems with your video drivers. Monitor drivers can also cause problems. To resolve issues, follow these steps:

  1. Right click on Start, and select " device Manager».
  2. Click on the + or arrow next to " Monitor" to expand the list.
  3. Select all detected monitors and click " Delete».
  4. Once the monitors are removed from Device Manager, click the " Update hardware configuration" to have Windows re-find the monitor and install the appropriate drivers.

If you still have questions about how to increase the screen brightness on a laptop, write in the comments below.

The brightness of the laptop screen determines how quickly the Tired eyes when working at the computer. Factory settings provide a relatively low level of screen brightness. This is done mainly to increase the duration battery life devices, since the main energy consumer in a laptop is usually the liquid crystal display. In order to increase the brightness of the display on a laptop, you need to perform a few simple manipulations, and the color rendition will be adjusted. The article will discuss the most popular ways to increase the brightness of a laptop computer monitor.

How to change the brightness of a laptop screen using hotkeys?

One of the most basic ways to increase the brightness of a laptop display is This is a simultaneous pressing of special keys.

All leading laptop manufacturers (Lenovo, XP, ASUS, Acer) equip their portable devices function button Fn. It is located on the lower segment of the keyboard, usually between Ctrl and Win.

Instructions on how to increase the display brightness on a laptop using function buttons:

There are times when these keys do not function. The cause of the problem most often is:

  • Uninstalled driver.
  • Function keys are disabled in BIOS.

Increasing brightness through power settings

To increase screen backlight laptop, you should do the following:

Everyone adjusts the screen brightness to their own discretion. Some people like a lighter display, while others like a dull one. If you want to work with the laptop in rich color contrasts, move the slider to the right. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise excessive lighting will put serious strain on the eyes, which will negatively affect visual function. This may not immediately make itself felt, but over time, too bright shades will seem like dull spots that blur in the eyes. In addition to brightness, you can adjust the contrast here. It should be said that the increased clarity of the edges is difficult for visual perception.

How to brighten the screen on a laptop using Windows Mobility Center?

All without exception OS Microsoft have Very convenient function , which is called "Center Windows mobility" To launch it, you need to right-click on the icon with the image battery and select the appropriate section.

Having done this, a window will open where you can make all the necessary settings to save battery power. Here you can also adjust the backlight of the laptop display, and also change the volume of audio devices, turn off wireless modules and set up synchronization. You can add brightness to the monitor by pulling the slider up.

Increasing screen brightness through video card drivers

Another way to make your laptop display brighter is software setup graphics adapter.

If suddenly such a panel is missing, then installing a driver is necessary. A disk with it, as a rule, comes with a laptop. The software can also be downloaded from the official website of the video card manufacturer. Among other things, the video adapter driver allows you to more flexibly configure other graphic options laptop, in particular, resolution or orientation.

Using special utilities

Today, many programs have been developed that allow you to adjust the brightness of the display. In addition, thanks to them you can change the resolution, contrast and background color. They are also installed on desktop computers, and on laptops.

Of similar Windows utilities worth highlighting:

  • Display Tuner.
  • Display Resolution Manager.
  • iBrightness Tray.

Thus, the easy-to-use application for customizing the laptop screen iBrightness Tray does not even need installation. You just need to hover over the utility icon and click on it. Use the slider to adjust the backlight. If you click on “Screen Saver” on the display, a screensaver will appear; by clicking on the screen image, you can turn off the monitor in order to save battery power.

There are times when all attempts to increase the brightness of a laptop screen are futile. The reason for this lies not in software, and in technical components computer. For example, the display light bulb burned out or some cable failed. This problem can be resolved by contacting a service center.

Question from a user

Hello. The brightness on my laptop began to change spontaneously: when the image is dark, the brightness drops, and when it is light, it is restored to its normal level.

How can I get rid of this problem, otherwise my eyes are starting to get tired because of it? OS: Windows 8, graph. accelerator (video card) Intel HD 4000 (built-in).

Good day!

This problem began to appear more and more often after the release of Windows 8 (this OS introduced the ability to adaptively adjust the brightness, depending on the picture on your screen). Also, some laptops are equipped with special software and sensors that determine the level of light in the room and use it to adjust the brightness of the screen.

There is nothing wrong with this, but in certain cases such a change does not allow it to work normally and interferes with the user. In this article I will tell you in detail how you can disable this. spontaneous change brightness...

Eliminate automatic monitor brightness changes

1) Disable adaptive brightness control

This is the first thing to do. This option is available in Windows 8, 8.1, 10. Those who have Windows 7 can omit this part of the article.

You need to open the power settings section:

  1. or via the following address: Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options
  2. or by pressing the Win+R keys and entering the command powercfg.cpl (see screenshot below).

In power settings: follow the link "Setting up the power plan" in the selected mode (in the screenshot below - this is balanced mode. The selected mode is marked in bold black).

Now find the tab among the settings "Screen" and open it. Here in the tab there are 3 key settings:

  1. screen brightness from battery and network: set the values ​​that suit you;
  2. screen brightness level in dim mode: set exactly the same values ​​that you have specified in the tab "Screen brightness";
  3. turn off adaptive adjustment brightness from mains and battery (see screenshot below).

Now save the settings and try to look at light and dark pictures (for example) to evaluate whether the brightness changes. Usually, similar settings completely eliminates this problem...

Update 06/10/2018

If you are using Windows 10, pay attention to its control panel (to go to it, press Win+i). In chapter "System/Display" there is a special a setting that allows the laptop to change brightness as the ambient light changes. Turn it off too!

2) Setting up the power supply for the video card

The laptop itself can reduce the brightness when certain modes work. For example, IntelHD video cards support display energy-saving technology and extended runtime in games when running on battery power. Similar technologies are available in both AMD and nVidia.

First you need to go to the settings of the video card driver (you can do it through - see the screenshot below), or you can do it through the tray icon, next to the clock.

Settings Intel graphics(trey)


If you do not have a tray icon, and there is also no link to graphics settings in the control panel, most likely you do not have the drivers installed (it is likely that you have a “universal” driver that was installed when Windows installations). In this case, I recommend programs for updating drivers:

They need to set the following:

  1. set the energy saving parameter to maximum performance mode;
  2. disable extended runtime for games on battery power;
  3. disable the display energy saving technology (screen below - see arrows).


For example, in video cards from AMD - you need to open the "Power" section, then turn on maximum performance, and disable Vari-Bright technology (this AMD technology, allowing you to adjust the brightness).

Vari-Bright disabled! (AMD Graphics settings) / Clickable

3) Sensor monitoring service

There is one service in Windows that monitors sensors and adjusts the display lighting, depending on the lighting of the room in which your device is operating.

I can say that sometimes the service does not work correctly and can affect the brightness adjustment, even if you do not have any sensors!

How to disable sensor monitoring services

Open a window with services: the easiest way is to press keys Win+R, enter services.msc, press Enter. The method works in all versions of Windows.

Next in the list you need to find the service "Sensor Monitoring Service" , open it. In the column "startup type" set [disabled], and stop the service itself, so that the status appears as "Stopped" (see screenshot below).

Then save the settings and restart the laptop.

4) Laptop control center

Certain laptop models include a control center among the software installed with the drivers. For example, in the line of VAIO laptops from SONY there is VAIO control center .

In this control center, for example, you first need to open the tab "Power supply" and set high performance, as well as disable the function that extends battery life (see screenshot below).

High Performance // Power // VAIO Control Center

Picture Quality // VAIO Control Center

Actually, it is hardly possible to give a description for each of these centers. The VAIO Center is shown above as an example of such software.

Lenovo laptops also have something similar: various night modes, dynamic changes in brightness, contrast and other things can significantly change the quality of the picture on the screen. It is recommended to disable them all (by at least at the time of setup and adjustment).

5) Problems with hardware

A change in screen brightness may be due not only to software settings, but also with faulty hardware. In what cases can you determine that the laptop hardware is to blame:

  • if not only the brightness has changed on the screen, but also stripes, ripples, and dots began to run (as in the example below);
  • if when you increase/decrease the brightness on the monitor, absolutely nothing happens;
  • if the brightness changes even without changing the picture on the screen and without changing the lighting conditions in the room;
  • if the brightness in different parts of the screen is different.

To help!

If you have stripes and ripples displayed on your monitor, I recommend that you read my other article:

Stripes and ripples on the screen / As an example

Good luck!