How to make a second story on Instagram. How to repost someone else's story on Instagram? Good news for PC lovers

If you still don’t use such a cool feature as Stories on Instagram, then fix it urgently. Stop endlessly watching other stories, create your own. It is this section of the social network that is now in the top. The feed remains for the main thing, but in the stories there is behind-the-scenes life going on: here bloggers talk about their non-star moments in life, companies broadcast about the process of creating products, SFS is held, and sweepstakes are organized. You’ll get tired of listing how you can use stories for your profile. Convinced to take a closer look at this feature? Then you should know how to add multiple stories on Instagram.

Is it possible to add multiple stories to Instagram?

In this case, Stories comes to the rescue. This is where the unspoken rule applies - you can spam, you can flood everyone with photos and videos that do not fit in the feed.

Yes, you don’t have to re-read it again - you are not limited in the number of stories you can post. Do you want to post 10,20, 50, 100 photos? Your right. But remember that in this place of permissiveness you should not abuse the patience of your followers. Post 10-15 photos today, and as soon as they disappear from your feed after 24 hours, post new ones.

How to add another story?

So, you already have one story, but you have a couple or ten more in store? Then don’t delay and read the step-by-step instructions on how to add several stories to Instagram.

Before you begin, remember that content in Stories is deleted after 24 hours. Then they will be available to you only in the archive.

Stories can also be customized:

To add another post to your story you need to:

If you have downloaded content to your phone, or are ready to create a real masterpiece, but the application does not want to perform its function, then there may be several options:

  • If you don’t have “Stories” on Instagram at all, then it’s time to go to the App Store or Play Market and update the application.
  • Also, quite often Instagram can simply be stupid. To fix this glitch, it is often enough to simply restart the program. In severe cases, you will need to restart your phone.


In the article, we said that you can add several stories to Instagram, but not with one click, but sequentially. Unfortunately, the social network does not yet provide for the publication of several photos and videos in one fell swoop, but perhaps someday the developers will please us with an update that will include a new useful feature.

The social network Instagram has long had an option with which you can tell stories. This function is called"Stories", which everyone calls differently. For some it's stories, for some it's stories, and for others it's memorable moments. This function means adding a photo or video that appears in your friends’ Stories, but it is not displayed among the photos of the user account itself.

Using Stories allows you not to edit each image, deviate from the general style of the account and upload any photos and videos, even the strangest ones, knowing thattheir lifespan is 24 hours.

Opinions among SMM specialists regarding the innovation differ. Some people are delighted with the opportunity to shoot and watch short videos, while others find it annoying. Please note that if this option is not to your liking and you have not included them in your , it means you simply don’t know how to use it correctly!

All the most important things about Instagram stories

Stories location

The most common question is: where is such a function as Stories located? In order to use them, you need to open your friends feed. There, at the top of the window, you will see a line with avatars. Availabilityred rimaround the photo indicates the presence of new “stories”. Your photo will be the first in this feed. If you do not have “stories”, then your avatar will have a blue plus. If you click on it, you can start creating your story.

To start viewing stories, you need to click on the other person's avatar. Further stories will follow one after another. The system automatically recognizes which of them you have already viewed, starting displaying from new entries. Also, when visiting another person's profile, pay attention to whether their profile picture is surrounded by a red border. If yes, then this is a sign of the presence of current “stories”, to view which you just need to click on this photo.

How to add a story to Instagram

To create a story, you need to click on the camera, which is located at the top of your friends feed on the left side. To add a new story, you need to click on this icon again. All created stories will be automatically arranged in the order in which they were added.

The camera will open after clicking on the camera icon. Double tapping is responsible for switching between the rear and front cameras. The same action can be performed by clicking the circular arrows located at the bottom of the screen.

A photo can be taken by pressing the round button located at the bottom center, which is white. To start recording video, you must hold this button. The start of a recording is symbolized by the fact that a colored stripe will run around it.

It is possible to zoom in and out of video. You can do this by swiping up without lifting your finger from the phone screen. This way the zoom will work. To reverse the action, just swipe your finger down.

At the end of 2016, Instagram users had the opportunity to shoot videos directly in Stories with the BOOMERANG option - small looped ones. Stories also allows you to shoot videos without holding down the record button, thanks to the hands-free option.

Stories has markers and stickers to help you decorate your post. Additions in this area appear regularly, allowing you to make stories unique and more colorful.

An excellent feature is adding stories to the gallery without publishing them online. So, a video with all the stickers and drawings may appear on your phone. To save, you must click on the downward arrow located in the lower left corner. To publish, you need to click on the plus sign located below, under which there is the inscription “Your story”. To send “Stories” to friends, you need to click on the paper airplane icon, which is also located at the bottom of the screen. Those Stories that were sent in private messages will also be automatically deleted over time.

Adding an old photo to Stories

A photo, video, or screenshot that is already on your phone can be added to Stories. The only requirement is that they must have been made no more than a day ago. To add, find the required frame, select it, and then edit it as a regular photo.

Gluing Stories

There is no need for such a function. You just need to do one story after another. They will automatically line up in a folding chain. When working with videos, keep in mind that loading a new video should only occur after the previous one has completely downloaded. In another situation, stories may line up in the wrong sequence.

Adding a filter

To add a filter, you simply slide your finger across the screen from right to left, changing them.

The desire to comment and insert text into Instagram posts has successfully transferred to stories. People around you like photos supplemented with captions much more. Everyone wants to get some explanation for your photo, understand the mood, etc.

Luckily, Stories allows you to add captions to photos, videos, and even boomerang videos. To insert an inscription, you need to click on the “Aa” button, which is located in the upper right corner. After clicking, a keyboard and a color picker will appear, allowing you to make your text more attractive. Double-clicking on the desired color will open a rich palette of shades.

The printed text can be enlarged or reduced. This can be done by touching the screen with two fingers, spreading them apart to zoom in and pinching them to zoom out. You can also use taps to adjust the tilt of attached text.


A unique feature is inserting a link in Instagram stories to the accounts of other users. Android does not allow you to put a link to your profile and to many profiles of those whose subscribers you are not. To attach an active link to someone else's Instagram account, we recommend that you first follow this user. If someone tags you in their story, you will receive a notification about it.

The Instagram option presented includes 5 different markers. With their help, you can perform various actions: draw, write and create a background for text. A background may be needed when the written text is difficult to read in the selected photo/video. To draw with a marker, you just move your finger across the screen. You can change the marker size on the left side of the screen.


It is possible to create a solid colored background in stories; you just need to select a marker, set the desired color and hold your finger on the screen for a couple of seconds. To create a background for text, you need to click on the A sign, which is located in the square in the center of the screen. One press is responsible for a dark background, and a double press for a light one. A third press is required to cancel.

Pause in stories

Let’s imagine that in the “history” there is a text that cannot be read in the allotted time. To do this, there is a pause, which is triggered when you touch the screen with your finger while viewing stories.

View history

To switch between stories, you need to click on the right side of the screen to open the next story, and on the left to return to the previous ones.

How can you respond to History?

It is worth emphasizing that stories are not posts, so there is no possibility of commenting and leaving likes. To make a response, you must send it to the author in direct message. There is a special button at the bottom of the screen for this. If it is missing, it means the author has forbidden you to respond to his stories. You can configure this parameter in your profile settings.

View on PC

In order to view and create stories from a PC, you need to install the Instagram application for your computer. It is similar to the program we are used to. In it you can view the feed, leave comments, chat in direct messages, create Stories, etc.

Geolocation and hashtag in Stories: adding

Among the many stickers, you can find geolocation marks and a hashtag that can be placed in the story. By clicking on a given geolocation or hashtag, you will see posts that have similar data. It is worth noting that it is possible to add several hashtags for one story. Remember that stories that have a geo tag are displayed among the stories of all stories with the same tag.

The need for hashtags comes down to adding your own tags.

Instagram stories have long been loved by users. This is a great feature that allows people to share interesting events with their followers. Stories are also very useful for business organizations that can add news about promotions or alerts about upcoming events. Perhaps you've looked at your friends' stories before and didn't know how to make your own story. This is what we will talk about in this article.

How to add multiple stories to one feed

Let's look at how to add multiple stories on Instagram.

Open this application on your mobile device.

Select the square on the top panel.

The gallery opens. Select a video or photo to post in stories.

My video length does not fit into one story (maximum 15 seconds). Instagram automatically cuts it into three parts, thereby creating several stories at this stage. Click the “Next” button.

A “Done” button appears at the bottom of the screen. Click on it.

We return to our page. Please note that a red circle has appeared around the avatar - an indicator of the presence of a story.

By clicking on the avatar, the story view opens on the screen. In my case, there are already three of them (this can be seen from the short lines at the top of the screen).

To add another story, in particular of a different direction, we return to the main page again. We see that there is no longer a red circle around our avatar - it disappears after the owner of the page has viewed his story. Select the camera icon in the top left corner.

We choose what needs to be posted in History.

Please note that if the photo or video was taken a long time ago, Instagram will attach the date. Click the “Recipient” button.

In the new window, click the “Done” button, which is located at the bottom of the screen.

We return to our page. Please note that the red circle around our avatar is active again. Click on it.

We see that the newly added story is being played. At the same time, the previous ones are also active. Four bars appeared at the top of my screen (the first three are occupied by the previous video, the fourth by the newly added one), that is, four stories have been posted.

Note. If you want to upload several stories in a certain sequence, then add each subsequent one after the previous one is published and can be viewed by clicking on the story.

How to add multiple photos to a story

If you want to post several photos in one story, and do it simultaneously, and not one photo at a time, then you need to follow this algorithm of actions.

Launch the Instagram application on your mobile phone.

Click on the camera icon, which is located in the upper left corner.

In the window that opens, select the square at the top of the screen.

We notice that at the top of the pictures there is a “Select multiple” button, click on it.

An active circle appears on each photo. Click on the pictures that you want to post in Stories.

After the photos have been selected, click on the “Next” button.

In the window that appears, we are given the opportunity to select additional functions. To do this, click on one of the icons located at the top of the screen. Here you can add various stickers, including those with, and draw (add effects with your own hands), and write some accompanying text.

Click the “Next” button, which is located in the lower right corner.

A new window opens. Select the “Done” button, which is located at the bottom of the screen.

We return to the main page. We see that a red circle has appeared around our avatar. Click on it.

The Story is launched, which in my case consists of six photos, following each other in the order in which I added them.

How to add to the story

Let's go to our page. Press your finger on the avatar and hold it for a couple of seconds.

Now you know how to post multiple stories on Instagram. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. Remember that you can post photos one at a time or as a whole group at once. It’s just worth considering what content will be more interesting for your subscribers. Sometimes it is better to limit yourself to one photo and video rather than several pictures in a row, especially if they are not very different from each other.

Making a story

To start posting stories, you need to swipe from the left to the right side of the screen on the Instagram home page (where you read your feed). To take a photo or shoot a video, you need to click on the circle at the bottom of the screen, and by swiping down you can open a window for selecting media from your library. There is another way to create a story: select your account tab (where your photos are shown) and click on the + next to your profile photo.

Shooting modes

Instagram Stories supports five shooting modes.

The choice of filters in Instagram Stories is small, but, as a rule, it is enough. Filters can be changed by swiping left or right.

Supported photo and video format

Photos and videos in Instagram Stories are vertical. Horizontal media files are cropped when imported. To select the desired area of ​​the photo for publication in the story, you can use cropping the frame in a standard photo editor. The maximum video length is 15 seconds. Please note that a longer video will be shortened when imported. You can only upload pictures and videos that were taken in the last 24 hours to your history.


Another take on Instagram Stories from Snapchat. To go to masks, you need to tap on the icon to the right of the camera change icon.


To attach a sticker to a story, you need to click on the corresponding icon after taking a photo or simply swipe up on the screen.

Stickers of geoposition, temperature and shooting time

In the first line of the sticker selection screen, you can choose to add geodata to the history, the current temperature in the place where you are, and the time of publication.

Adding a selfie to your story

On the next line of the sticker selection screen there is a camera icon. Choosing such a sticker will allow you to take a selfie and embed it in your story. Moreover, the borders of the photo can be either blurred or emphasized with a white frame. With this feature, you can create fun collages or express your opinion about what is depicted in the story using a happy or judgmental grimace.

Changing sticker size

To make the sticker larger or smaller, use two fingers. Once you've selected a sticker, pinch your fingers together to make it smaller or spread out to make it larger.

Attaching a sticker to a video element

Select any of the stickers, press on it and hold your finger for a couple of seconds. A time slider will appear in front of you. Select the second with the element to which you want to attach the sticker, set the desired location and size of the “sticker” and click “Attach”. Now the sticker will be attached to the selected video object.

Adding hashtags

To assign a hashtag to a story, you can use the creation of a tag in the text, but it is easier to select the corresponding sticker. Tapping on it will change the display style of the hashtag. When your friends see the tag, they can click through to posts tagged with the same tag.

Quick selection of stickers

To avoid scrolling the screen every time in search of your favorite sticker, swipe your finger to the right when selecting it. A list of recently used “stickers” will open in front of you. There is a separate group of stickers that fit especially well on portraits. To access them, swipe left.

Removing stickers

To remove an accidentally added sticker, tap and hold your finger on it. A trash can icon will appear at the bottom of the screen, and you need to move the extra “sticker” there.


To start drawing, click on the corresponding icon between the sticker and text icons in the story editing window.

Types of brushes

The user has four brushes at his disposal.

  • Regular brush. The same basic brush from any graphic editor.
  • Marker. It differs in the shape of the brush and the degree of transparency.
  • Brush with a “neon” stroke. Similar to a regular brush, but with a choice of stroke color. The main color remains white.
  • Rainbow brush. One brush - seven colors.

A choice of eraser is also available.

Brush size

The brush size is adjusted using a special slider, which opens by clicking the three-dot icon in the lower left part of the screen.

Color selection

When painting, you can also select brush colors: they are located at the bottom. You can move between three standard palettes by swiping left or right. To choose your color, hold your finger on one of the circles.


To fill the frame with one color, select a brush and press and hold your finger anywhere on the screen. After filling, you can open part of the photo or video using the eraser.


To start typing, select the "Aa" icon to the right of the drawing icon.

Styles and Alignment

To adjust the color and size of the text, you need to follow the same steps as when drawing with a brush. The scale of what is written can also be changed using two fingers.

In the upper left corner, when typing, a button with indent adjustment appears. You can place the inscription on the left, right or in the middle. The second functional button when typing is the letter A in a square. By clicking on it, you can switch between three styles of displaying the inscription.

Volumetric text effect

To give the text a volume effect, create two identical inscriptions, but in different colors. Place them almost on top of each other, with a slight shift: you get 3D text.

User mark

To tag someone in your story, type the @ symbol when creating a caption. Start typing a nickname and Instagram will suggest suggestions from your friends. You can attach hashtags in much the same way: use the # symbol.


Saving stories

Click on the three dots in the top right corner when you are on your Instagram profile. To have your stories saved automatically, go to your stories settings and move the “Save published photos” slider to the active position.

Adding Music to Instagram Stories

There is no option to add musical accompaniment to videos in Instagram Stories. But there is still a way to add audio to a story. Many may have noticed that the music playing on your smartphone is not interrupted when viewing other people's stories. The same thing works when creating a video: just turn on the song on a streaming service or, for example, on the VKontakte social network and start filming the story.

Rotate video

You can avoid cutting off the edges of a video when publishing it to your story by using special applications that rotate the video by 90 degrees.

Publishing old photos and videos in history

If you are late with the publication and 24 hours have already passed since the shooting, a little trick will help you upload a photo or video. Just send the desired pictures or videos to yourself on WhatsApp and save. There is an easier way - using special applications.

Publishing long videos

To post a video longer than 15 seconds in your history, use any video editor. You can delete some sections, split the video into several parts, or increase its speed. For iOS device users, the App Store offers an application that automatically divides a long video into several 15-second segments.

If you've already used the new feature in this app, you'll probably be interested in learning how to add multiple stories to Instagram. Throughout the day, users take many photos on their phone. To avoid filling your profile with them, it is better to publish them in stories.

Unlike regular publications, when creating stories, you can insert stickers and inscriptions into photographs. Another special feature is that they do not appear on the profile and are only available for viewing for 24 hours. This feature is very convenient from the point of view of effective account management. Therefore, it has already gained popularity among users.

How to add multiple photos to Instagram story.

For those who usually take a lot of photos per day, there is an opportunity to post them to your Instagram story. This is done very simply.

  1. Go to the news feed your account by clicking on the icon in the lower left corner of the screen.
  2. You can create your own story by clicking on the icon that says “ Your story» in the top block or on the camera icon in the upper left corner.
  3. Take a photo or select one of the available photos from your phone gallery. To select from the gallery, scroll up the screen.
  4. Add effects. You can make a drawing, inscription or stickers. To insert a sticker, pull the screen up and press it. If desired, you can change the size of the inscription or sticker. And if you need to delete it, then swipe it down to the delete icon.
  5. After editing is complete, click on the icon Your story" at the bottom of the screen.
  6. She will appear in the top block of the tape news. To add another photo, click on the camera icon in the upper left corner of the screen.
  7. Take or select a photo from the gallery and do the same with a new photo.
  8. Click on the icon Your story" Now you can see what it looks like. To do this, click on your profile photo in the colored ring. The story can be viewed in the top block of the news feed or in your profile by clicking on the main account photo.

After adding several publications, they will be shown one by one automatically. You can also switch them by touching the screen. Thus, we looked at how to add several stories to Instagram.