How to increase the sound on Android. Android from A to Z: Increase the maximum volume on any Android device

It's hard to imagine a smartphone without volume buttons. Pressed on one side - it decreased, pressed on the other - increased. However, there are smartphones where the volume never rises above average: the level scale shows the maximum, but the sound is still quiet.

What is this? Breaking? Marriage? Not at all. The phone manufacturer took care of your ears. To prevent you from going deaf from loud sound, it has limited the ability to turn on the speakers at full power. However, this can be fixed.

Let's consider standard and non-standard methods increasing the volume on your smartphone, which can be used to bypass manufacturer restrictions.

Phone settings

The phone settings are the most convenient to use. And even if the sound level adjustment buttons break down. The instructions look like this:

Engineering menu

This menu was intentionally hidden by the smartphone developers and operating system from users so that they cannot accidentally make changes that could lead to device malfunctions. With its help, you can reconfigure almost all phone parameters, including increasing speaker volume levels.

Access to engineering menu opens by special code- universal or specific for devices of a certain brand.


There is 4 sound mode options, which are available for configuration:

  • Normal Mode. Responsible for sound from speakers without using headphones or any other devices.
  • Headset Mode. Sound in headphones.
  • LoudSpeaker Mode. Responsible for adjusting the sound level on the speakerphone.
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode. The same as the previous point, only with headphones.

After opening Settings, you will see two fields with numbers. The first indicates the current volume value, the second indicates the maximum allowable volume. The data in the first field can be edited.

Put it in desired value and click the "Set" button.

The engineering menu will allow you to adjust more parameters than the standard “Settings” and volume buttons.

Third Party Applications

If the engineering menu seemed too complicated to you, you can use special applications from Google Play Market. The maximum volume level that is built into the speakers cannot be surpassed with their help, but it is quite possible to remove some restrictions.

Volume Booster GOODEV

Volume Booster GOODEV is a very easy to use application designed only for volume control. You don’t need to expect anything more from it, but it is ready to become an excellent replacement for the usual settings.

Instructions for using Volume Booster GOODEV look like this:


As the name suggests, the “Sound Booster” application is also responsible for adjusting and enhancing the volume level on the phone. It is also simple and, unlike the previous program, has a translation into Russian. However, “Sound Booster” does not always allow you to get results comparable to Volume Booster GOODEV. Its efficiency is slightly lower.

How to use the application:

  1. Please read the warning that turning up the volume too much may damage your hearing and will cause wear and tear on your speakers. Click "Ok" to continue.
  2. To make adjustments, use the sliders under the appropriate headings. The first slider adjusts the overall volume level, and the second one enhances it. Maximum gain is possible up to 60% of the default gain in the speakers.

Using patches

This option is suitable exclusively for experienced smartphone and PC users, since it involves working with system files using root rights. Inexperienced user If you don't understand what you're doing, you risk damaging your smartphone.

The patches were developed by craftsmen and enthusiasts, that is, they have nothing to do with the device manufacturer. They are built into system directories, which leads to changes in the functions of the gadget, in particular, to the removal of speaker volume restrictions. But there is one “but”: these patches are not so easy to find, and the risk of downloading a non-working or virus package is far from zero.

Let's briefly look at the sequence of actions:

How increase volume on Android via engineering menu?

On the pages of our website we have already told you how to open engineering menu on an Android device. It may be needed if you need to change any parameters, including the volume of your smartphone. Next, you will find out what needs to be changed and where.

We immediately draw your attention to the fact that you perform all actions at your own peril and risk, the editors do not bear responsibility for your actions, since the likelihood of clicking the wrong way or adjusting something incorrectly, although small, is still there. Be careful. If you have never encountered an engineering menu before, ask someone who has already dealt with adjusting the volume programmatically to help you!



First you need to get into the engineering menu. We will show an example on a smartphone that is based on MTK processor(MediaTek). In your smartphone, type (there is no last character in the screenshot, since the engineering menu immediately opens and you won’t be able to take a screenshot).

Codes for entering the engineering menu on other devices (operability has not been tested):

The engineering menu opened.

Select the Hardware Testing tab and click Audio.

Here you will see several different items, including:

Normal Mode - normal mode. Headset Mode - mode of a connected headset or headphones. LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone mode. Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone mode with a connected headset. Speech Enhancement - phone conversation mode.

If you need to turn up the speaker volume, select Normal Mode.

Sip- volume Internet calls. Mic - microphone volume. Sph- volume conversational dynamics. Sph2 is the second conversational speaker. Sid - cannot be touched, as problems may occur if changed this parameter. Media – playback volume of media files.

Let's say you selected the Media item. See the numbers in the image below? Write them down on a piece of paper or take a screenshot! They may be needed to restore sound if something goes wrong.

In the Value column, you can write the value yourself, or you can click on Level and select one of the levels, for example, Level 2. To save, click Set.

Please note that Value can be set in the range from 0 to 255. It is not recommended to insert the maximum; the speaker may wheeze and quickly fail. Select by trial method optimal value on one's own. Just don't overdo it and ruin your device! Item Max Vol. do not touch.

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6 comments: How increase Volume on Android through the engineering menu?

What if I don’t have mtk?

Do you have a snap? Do root and that's it, so you can do it without any problems increase volume.

none of the codes helped((

There are also applications for mtk in the play market, you can change everything through it, it’s very convenient.

It’s good that I have mtk) set everything up, the sound has increased a little, but the quality is still so-so.

Increasing the volume does not improve the sound in any way.

Short description

How to increase the volume of ringtones on Samsung phones. How to increase the volume (speaker or microphone). How to increase maximum volume on Android. If you feel like the music on your smartphone isn't loud enough, though. How to increase the volume on a mobile phone How. Increasing the speaker volume on Samsung. This instruction explains step by step how to increase the volume I'm on Samsung Wave 3. Ways to increase the volume on your phone. How to increase volume by Chinese phone. Samsung Galaxy S5. Samsung Galaxy S6 How to increase volume on a Chinese phone? How to increase sound volume on Android. How to increase the volume on your phone? How to do samsung phone louder - Repair. Dial on your phone to increase the volume of a Samsung phone, How to do it on a Samsung galaxy.

Every owner of a smartphone with operating Android system(“Android”) has probably more than once encountered inconsistency in sound volume in different device options or a problem too quiet speakers, even at maximum volume. This becomes especially unpleasant when the sound cannot be increased even through the phone settings. However, there are other ways, for example, using the engineering menu. Increasing the volume in this case is not difficult.

How the sound is adjusted on phones and tablets running Android OS (“Android”)

The developers have included different volume modes in the Android OS, designed for different situations of using the smartphone, which depend on the connected devices. Thus, without a headset, the sound on the phone can be quiet, but when headphones are connected, it can suddenly deafen with melody incoming call. It is to eliminate such misunderstandings that you need to adjust the sound and change the volume using hidden methods.

How to change the volume of alarm, ringtone, music and video through settings

Sound control on a smartphone running Android OS is possible using buttons on its body, as well as through internal settings standard menu. The setup methods are the same for smartphones and tablets, so you can easily understand the functionality.

  • Go to your device settings and select the “Sounds and notifications” section.
    Select the "Sounds and notifications" section
  • Depending on the system version, you need to either click on the gear opposite active mode, or open the “Volume” subsection. If you are afraid of losing the default settings, you can add new mode.
    Click on the gear next to the active mode
  • In the window that opens, depending on the system version, the following options for changing the volume will be available to you:

  • for music, videos, games and other media files;
  • for calls and notifications;
  • for an alarm clock.
  • Adjust the settings so as to provide for all possible situations and prevent unexpected explosive sounds when a call or alarm rings.

    The window will contain all the items that can be changed through standard settings

    Another reason for a call that is too loud or not quiet enough can be installed ringtones. Standard sounds usually leveled in volume, but there may also be those whose beginning consists of bright, sharp sounds, unlike others where the sound increases slowly and gradually.

  • In the sound settings, open the “Ringtone” item.
    Quiet ringtone is one of the possible reasons, on which you may not hear the phone ringing
  • Listen to the proposed melodies and choose the most suitable one.
    To listen to a melody, press it with your finger
  • In the same way, adjust the notification volume settings by visiting the corresponding section of the sound menu.
    By analogy with choosing a ringtone, configure notification sounds
  • Check other settings and consider whether sounds such as key beeps when dialing a number, tapping and locking sounds will disturb you.
    Mark only the sounds you need or set vibration
  • You can quickly change the sound level using the buttons on your smartphone or tablet. Manufacturers specially place these buttons on the body so that you can find them without looking and increase or decrease the sound. However, in this mode there are very few settings.

    You can adjust the volume using the usual buttons on the phone body.

    Pressing the volume up or down buttons will display the corresponding sliders on the device screen.

    On some models, from this screen you can go to detailed settings if you click on the corresponding icon to the right of the volume slider.

    Displayed on some devices special button, designed to go to settings

    Sometimes the smartphone spontaneously goes into silent or silent mode, for no apparent reason. Most often this happens with Samsung devices, HTC and Lenovo. This situation may occur when changing the sound profile from quiet to loud, after which it follows outgoing call. When the call is completed, new profile may go wrong, and the gadget will mistakenly restore the previous one. The solution is to reboot the device after changing the sound profile. This problem is related to bugs in the firmware version and is usually fixed by developers with the release of updates.

    Increasing volume through the engineering menu

    You can spend more flexible setup sound if you go to the Andoid engineering menu. However, this section of the device is not so easy to access. The developers deliberately hid it from view ordinary users so that they cannot reset the settings and disrupt the operation of their device.

    But for smartphone owners who want to understand everything and thoroughly study the operation of their device, the ability to access such settings is a real gift.

    Do not forget that thoughtlessly changing parameters in the engineering menu can lead to malfunction of the gadget.

    Before changing anything, you need to read all the available information on this item, compare it with how it looks on your device, and think about how you can quickly return everything back in case of unexpected behavior of the gadget. Only if you are confident in your own actions, you can proceed with the settings. It's best if you take a screenshot of the screen or copy the original values ​​into Notepad before making changes so you can restore them back.

    Opening the menu via call

    To enter the menu engineering settings doesn't require much effort and Root rights. The menu is entered through the dialing interface using a special code.

    The access codes to the engineering menu are different for all devices, as they are set by the manufacturer, not by the system. All of them will be presented in the table below.

    You need to dial the entry code to the engineering menu in the same way as a regular phone number. The engineering menu usually opens on its own after typing the last character of the code. If this does not happen, press the "Call" key.

    Try it different variants, if the first one didn't fit

    Table: access codes

    Opening the menu through the application

    If none of the codes work for you, try downloading from the Play Market special utility, which will create a separate shortcut to go to the engineering menu.

  • Open the Play Market and enter “engineer mode” in the search bar and select the first application you like.
    All applications for entering the engineering menu are the same, so you can choose any
  • Install and launch the application.
    The application will weigh very little and installation will not take much time
  • You will either be automatically sent to the engineering menu, or you will have to check the manufacturer of your device (or processor).
    In some cases, you will need to check the manufacturer of your device
  • Increasing volume: step-by-step instructions

  • First of all, you need to open the Audio section. If it's not available initially, swipe left a few times to open the Hardware Testing tab.
    Open the Audio section in Hardware tab Testing
  • Now you will see a list of modes available for changing; you need to select one of the proposed ones.

    The meanings of all modes are described in the table below
  • Now select the option to change in the Type section.
    The values ​​of all sound parameters are described in the table below
  • Select the volume level you want to adjust. There are 7 of them in total (from 0 to 6). These are the same levels that are set in the standard settings of the smartphone (when you press the volume up or down button on the smartphone, the level changes). It is best to start from the zero and last levels.

    Set up the first and last levels first
  • Now you need to set the volume gain of the selected level (Value is) and press Set.

    Set the volume gain and confirm the change

  • Similarly, you need to set the volume limit (Max Vol.). This is the maximum possible volume.
    Set the volume limit to the selected level and press Set
  • In accordance with the set values, set the remaining levels so that the volume change through the buttons is as smooth as possible.
    Calculate the volume levels on the calculator and adjust the missing ones
  • Similarly, configure other parameters and volume modes if they interest you.
  • Table: mode values ​​for earpiece speaker, headphones and microphone

    Table: description of audio parameters

    Video: how to increase the volume through the engineering menu

    How to increase volume through apps

    Besides standard settings and system engineering menu, there is special programs, which allow you to enter additional changes in the sound parameters of your smartphone or tablet. Various programs do not work correctly on all devices, since they interfere with the normal functioning of the phone, and this is not welcomed by manufacturers. All of the programs described below are available in the Play Market.

    You should also understand that such services for editing any smartphone restrictions that cannot be changed in normal ways can lead to disruption of the gadget’s operation and ultimately only worsen its performance.

    Volume+ (the most reliable application)

    This app is only available on English language, but is the least conflicting and almost incapable of causing sad consequences for your smartphone.

  • Find Volume+ in the Play Market and install it.
    Paid version Volume+ is pointless to download
  • Launch the application and select the “Speaker Settings” section.
    Volume+ has a lot of features, but you won't need many of them
  • The next screen will present a list of options available for change. First, check Speaker Modifications and Virtual Room Effect. virtual space).
    Check Speaker Modifications and Virtual Room Effect
  • Then increase the Volume Level, Bass Enchance and Virtual Room by one notch (this will increase the volume slightly).
    Increase the marked parameters by one notch and check the effect
  • Test the changes in practice and change the settings again if necessary.
  • A sharp increase in parameters can cause freezes, crashes and other troubles in the operation of the device.

    JetAudio (equalizer and effects settings)

    Jet Audio belongs to the category of equalizers and is very functional program: It has an audio converter, player and ripper. Equalizer is just one of its options. The standard sound mode it uses is Normal Mode.

  • Find JetAudio in Play Market and install it.
    JetAudio may be called a player or an equalizer, but they are the same program
  • Click on the button on the right top corner to open the settings drop-down menu.
    If the “Equalizer” button is accessible from the main screen, click on it
  • Select " Sound effects…».
    If the “Sound Effects...” button is missing, find the equalizer through “Settings”
  • Now open "Equalizer".
    The rest of the buttons that appear may also be useful to you, especially the sound amplifier
  • On this tab, you can safely experiment with all the values ​​without fear of harming the device. If you click on the button in the upper right corner, a list of additional built-in programs designed to change sound settings.
    All changes made can be very easily returned back
  • The parameter with a value of 60 Hz must be left unchanged.

    Do not forget that by increasing the volume of the sound, you lose in its quality, since not all models of smartphones and tablets are designed for good melodies. Some devices have weak speakers, excess load on which will cause wheezing and extraneous sounds. Don't let the speaker burn out and take care of your gadget.

    Volume Booster Plus (automatic sound adjustment)

    The program is available in the store Play applications Market and is the easiest to use.

    Volume Booster Plus is the easiest to use volume control software

    After installing and launching the application, you will see only one button that you need to click on.

    After pressing the button in Volume Booster Plus, automatic optimization of volume parameters will begin

    Ways to strengthen the speaker using improvised means

    There are some neat tricks that can help you increase the audio volume on your device in a very simple way. To do this, you will only need available materials and minimal knowledge of the laws of physics.

  • Connect external speakers or speakers to your smartphone. Almost any external device sound reproduction will be better than the speaker built into the smartphone. Firstly, because it is larger in size and has more power. And secondly, gadget manufacturers often save on speakers by installing low-power ones, since users usually prefer to use their own speakers and headphones.
  • Place your device in a glass glass to enhance the sound when listening to music. Many gadget owners have already tried this method, despite the fact that it seems stupid. The glass works as a resonator, reflecting sound wave. Some smartphone owners cut out horns from paper cups and attach them to the speaker of the gadget. To increase the volume of the alarm, especially witty users place the phone on a saucer with a coin and turn on the vibration mode at the same time as the ringing.
  • Take advantage of the acoustic properties of materials outside world, which can reflect sound. Find a painted wall nearby and place your phone so the speakers are facing it. The sound will be reflected and intensified. Experiment with other similar materials.
  • How to remove the maximum sound level limit

    Manufacturers of smartphones and tablets often set software restrictions on changing volume settings. That is, using the interface, you can set one sound level, but in reality the gadget will make sounds much quieter than you would like.

    There is an opinion that to bypass this limitation, you need to reset the gadget settings to factory settings. However, there is no exact data on how this will affect your device specifically. There are a lot of gadget models; each manufacturer follows its own logic when setting standard settings. Resetting the settings will inevitably lead to the deletion of data on the phone. Therefore, if the effect of volume-increasing applications is not enough for you, prepare well and do backup copy information from the device.

    Reset the settings to factory settings, and then select the North America region as the default for your gadget. This is because smartphone manufacturers impose such restrictions in some countries, where societal norms may prohibit the use of settings that could violate the rights of others.

    One of the main problems of cheap smartphones is poor quality built-in speakers, which causes serious difficulties in sound reproduction. However, several simple ways, from built-in parameters to the use of improvised tools, will help owners of smartphones with Android OS quickly navigate the situation and change the sound settings to more comfortable ones.

    Every cellular telephone designed for its volume limit. By and large, high phone volume is only needed so that your device can be heard always and everywhere. Nowadays, only schoolchildren listen to music through the main speaker in order to demonstrate the superiority of their phone over the phones of their peers.

    Our specialists can easily increase the volume limit of almost any smartphone. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us! You can contact us by mail or call one of the numbers:

    Sometimes there is a need to increase the volume of the phone - in some models, for example, the call is barely audible on the street. There is a lot of material on the Internet on how to increase the volume of Android. Summarizing all the information, we can draw the following conclusions and answer this question:

    • You can increase the speaker volume programmatically. Many programs have been created for the Android operating system, with the help of which the problem of increasing the volume becomes completely solvable. For example, in one of the IncreasingRing programs it looks like this:
    • You can also increase the volume of your Android smartphone throughengineering menu.To call it you need to dial in the call menu special team. IN different versions Android operating systems need their own call combination.

    Here is a list of all combinations for calling the engineering menu on Android:

    • *#*#3646633#*#*
    • *#15963#*
    • *#*#4636#*#*

    By typing one of these combinations, we get access to the engineering menu, which, as a rule, is also in Russian on Russified versions of Android.

    What about the operating room? iOS systems, then you can also increase the volume of your iPhone quite simply:

    1. Enlarge using the device buttons or using touch screen- the method is primitive, but sometimes iPhone users forget about this.
    2. Also, the iPhone volume is increased from the phone menu. To do this, we need to go to the Settings menu and select the Sounds sub-item. Using the touch screen you need to move the value to the right.
    3. If all the main standard methods you are unhappy and the volume of the iPhone speaker still seems low to you, then you can resort to increasing the volume by changing system settings, however, you must be extremely careful not to affect system-significant settings and thereby not disrupt the operation of your smartphone. Let's go to system folder, then follow the following path:

    /System/Library/Frameworks/Celestial.framework. Inside this folder there is a file called SystemSoundMaximumVolume, which contains the volume settings for all iPhone systems. In it, the default volume parameter is set to 0.7. You need to change the value to 0.99 and reboot the phone. If everything is done correctly, you will get the desired result.

    Video about increasing volume through the engineering menu

    If the above procedure seems complicated and impossible to you, come to us at SmartKit, we will be happy to help.

