How to create space between lines in Word. Line and character spacing in Microsoft Word

Set the line spacing before you begin. If you want to create a document with one standard line spacing, set it before you start (to save time later). For change line spacing Click the Home or Page Layout tab.

Change the interval on the Home tab. On the Home tab, find the Paragraph section. Here, click on the Line Spacing icon to open the Line Spacing menu. The icon has 4 small lines with an arrow pointing up and down. From this menu you can select general line spacing options.

  • If you don't see the Line Spacing icon, it's most likely missing because the window isn't large enough. You can change the spacing by clicking the arrow icon to the right of the word Paragraph. This will open the Paragraph menu.
  • In the Paragraph menu, you can adjust the line spacing using the "line spacing:" drop-down menu under Spacing.
  • Change the spacing on the Page Layout tab. On the Page Layout tab, click the arrow icon to the right of the word Paragraph. This will open the Paragraph menu. In the Paragraph menu, you can adjust the line spacing using the "line spacing:" drop-down menu under Spacing.

    Change the spacing between paragraphs. In addition to changing the spacing between lines, you can change the spacing before and after each paragraph. On the Page Layout tab, look for Spacing in the Paragraph section.

    • "Before" will add space before the beginning of the paragraph.
    • "After" will add space every time you click Enter key to start a new paragraph.
  • Line spacing options. By default, line spacing is set to 1.15. If you want to specify single spacing, you need to select 1 from the drop-down menu of the Line Spacing or Single icon in Paragraph-Spacing-Line Spacing.

    • “Exactly” will allow you to set the exact distance between lines, measured in points (72 points in an inch).
    • "Multiplier" will allow you to set larger interval, for example, triple spacing.
  • Change the default interval. If you want to change the default interval (1.15), specify the values ​​you want and click Default.... Word will ask you to confirm changes to the default values.

  • Change the spacing for certain parts of text. To do this, select the text you want to change and then adjust the spacing as described above.

    • You can change the spacing of the entire document by selecting all the text. To quickly select all text, press Ctrl+A (PC) or Command+A (Mac). This will not affect headers, footers or text fields. To change the spacing in them, you will need to select these sections separately.
  • When writing documents for office work, as well as scientific publications and the work is given strict design criteria, including regarding line spacing.

    Understanding the term “line spacing” gives you an idea of ​​how to minimize the distance between lines without compromising the readability of the text.

    In cases where this value is not specified in the design criteria, no attention is paid to it, although this value helps to save space when printing.

    What is line spacing

    The spacing value depends on the font used, since the standard line width for this point size is taken to be 1. Accordingly, the distance between the lines will be approximately equal to the size of most letters.

    The interval itself is calculated from the middle of the line vertically, which must be taken into account when changing the interval downward. If you take the value too small, the lines will overlap each other: top part Most beeches will be “eaten up” by the top line.

    The concept of line spacing also includes indentation between paragraphs. In order to highlight the next paragraph, the line spacing between them can be increased compared to the rest of the text. This can be done for all paragraphs by default or only for individual paragraphs in the settings.

    Why reduce the space between lines?

    Reducing the spacing value can be useful when texts are printed for personal use. Reducing this value saves space on paper when printing, and you can also use this trick to highlight certain quotes or inserts to make them more compact compared to the rest of the text, thereby highlighting that fragment.

    Default in Microsoft Word costs a value of 1 or 1.5, so this knowledge of this will help you adhere to design criteria that do not always coincide with standard settings on your computer.

    You can change the distance between lines at any time when writing text. If the spacing changes for a fragment that has already been written, it must be highlighted, since the text editor itself, by default, changes the settings only for the current paragraph, as well as for subsequent text.

    Accordingly, you can set the interval settings in advance, and then get to work. Changing the distance between lines in this case will remain unchanged even after closing the document and when opening a new file for work.

    To change the distance between lines for versions of Word 2007 and earlier, you need to select the “Spacing” icon on the main tab, which is located in the “Paragraph” subsection and looks like two arrows pointing up and down.

    You can make the interval less than 1 only in the “Other interval options” section. When you select this field, the following window appears where you need to change the multiplier values.

    In the Sample window, you can immediately see how the text will look after the change. Any multiplier values ​​can be specified. They can either be entered manually or selected using the up and down arrows next to the “Value” cell.

    But in the second case, it is not possible to select values ​​less than 1. Please note that you need to select exactly “ Factor" This category means that the initial width of the space between lines (for example, 11 pt) will be multiplied by the specified value.

    When multiplied by a value less than 1, general parameter decreases, shortening the distance. The minimum value that can be entered in the column is 0.01. It is worth noting that even with an interval of 0.2-0.3 the text cannot be read.

    In addition to the “Multiplier” line, you can use “Minimum”. The trick of this column is that instead of the standard point measured in pt (points), you can set the value for the interval in centimeters and millimeters.

    In this case, the distance between the lines will be the same even when changing the font. In order to change an item to centimeters or millimeters, you need to remove “pt” in the value line and write the abbreviation cm or mm through a space after the number.

    The lines “Single”, “Double” and “One and a half” will set the spacing to 1, 2 and 1.5, respectively. The “Exactly” line will indicate the font size, which will be equal to the value 1 for line spacing.

    In this line you can also change this value, but only in points. You can manually calculate this distance. 1 point is approximately equal to 0.35-0.37mm depending on the country. The US does not use a unified metric system, so points are equivalent to 1/72 of an inch.

    A similar menu can be opened not only from command line, located in the header of the open text editor. There are also more quick way when using the context menu.

    To do this, just click the right mouse button once and select the “Paragraph” section from the drop-down window, confirming your choice by clicking the left mouse button, as in all other cases with selecting a specific item from the drop-down list.

    How to change spacing in older versions of Word

    In the Word 2003 version, the program interface is slightly different, which may make it difficult to find the required section. However, the corresponding values ​​are still located in the “Paragraph” subsection. You can find this subsection:

    • Through context menu, which remains roughly the same across all versions, so just right-click and select “Paragraph.”
    • Through the header of an open text editor, when selecting the “Format” tab. A list will automatically drop out of it, among the names of which will also be “Paragraph”, which is necessary to change the distance between lines.

    In my practice, quite often I had to change the line spacing in Word when editing various documents. Microsoft Word already has several convenient templates for this, but you can deviate a little from the standards and customize everything as you wish.

    Changing the line spacing parameters is a functionality that is not used very often... I would even say rarely. When encountering a document with double line spacing, some users become discouraged from not knowing how to return everything to normal!

    When creating serious documents a little more complex than a school essay, the use of different spacing between lines or paragraphs can be used to focus the reader’s attention on a certain part of the document

    What is line and paragraph spacing? Line spacing in Word is the distance between two lines of text. Paragraph spacing is the space between two paragraphs. Like correct use competent fonts, spacing management is an integral part of document formation (although for most people the standard settings are enough).

    No matter how strange it may sound... but line spacing, as well as the distance between paragraphs, are used in the paragraph parameters

    In Word, the default line spacing is measured as a multiple of the size of the selected font in a given paragraph. What does it mean? — For example, I used font 12 to write the note. If you select single spacing, the space between lines will be 12 pixels. If you select double, then 12*2=24 pixels between lines. However, using precise settings, you can force the line spacing in pixels.

    With paragraphs, things are a little different. By default, Word will add eight pixels after the paragraph (this is important - spacing is added after the paragraph, but not before the paragraph). We can change these parameters as we please!

    How to adjust line spacing in Word using presets

    In the very text editor Word already has built-in interval parameters. I would like to remind you that line spacing parameters in Word are applied at the paragraph level. If you mark a place in a certain paragraph with the cursor, you will set the parameters for the distance between lines specifically in this paragraph.

    Select the necessary paragraphs and on the “Home” tab, find the “Spacing” button.

    A drop-down menu will open with line spacing options (up) and spacing between paragraphs (at the bottom).

    As I wrote a little earlier, the distance between lines is determined by the multiplier of your font... i.e. choosing multiplier 3.0- get the distance FONT SIZE x 3. You can experiment, but as a rule, documents use single or one and a half line spacing.

    The situation with the distance between paragraphs is a little strange - as for me, there is little logic here... we can only add a space before, or remove after. Please note that menu items change depending on the presence or absence of space between paragraphs.

    It is clear that fiddling with each paragraph is quite monotonous and not rational. Applying settings to an entire document is easy! Select the entire document (CTRL + A) and use all the commands that I talked about above...

    Use spacing styles throughout your document

    Go to the “Design” tab and click on the “Paragraph Spacing” button.

    Despite the name of the item “Spacing between paragraphs,” the changes apply to the distance between lines. When we hover over a menu item that interests us, we will see a tooltip with spacing parameters and the distance between lines and paragraphs.

    These styles apply to the entire document and cannot be edited selectively. For clarity, the screenshot below shows what the compressed, open and double spacing styles look like

    At the end of the list there is an item “Custom spacing for paragraphs...” - here, in the “Manage Styles” window, we can adjust the parameters to suit ourselves.

    On the “Default” tab in the “Spacing” category, you can configure the distance between lines as precisely as possible. Please note that the parameters can be applied either to the specific document being edited or to all subsequent ones!

    Setting fine-tuning line spacing in Word

    If you want more precise settings than the methods described above, then there is one more option left (who is in charge here after all!)

    Select the necessary paragraphs to change (or select the entire document with a combination CTRL keys+ A) and on the “Home” tab, click on the hidden “Paragraph Options” button

    The Paragraph window will open. On the Indents and Spacing tab, in the Spacing section, you can make adjustments to all spacing, both between paragraphs and between lines.

    On the left are the parameters for paragraphs, on the right is everything about line spacing... everything is simple and ugly, adjust the spacing as you please


    These are the ways you can change line spacing in Word of any version. To be honest, the note tired me a little... well, specifically with the distances between lines and other troubles, Microsoft turned out to be completely unclear and illogical. It seems that we influence these very intervals only indirectly by editing the left parameters, what do you think about this?

    Changing the standard letter spacing in the text may be necessary to fix attention on its individual sections. To change the spacing between letters in Word, you need to follow the given sequence of actions.

    Interval adjustment

    To increase the space between letters, select Sparse.

    By default, you can expand the letter spacing by 1 point, equal to 0.35 mm. For the convenience of the user, a sample is provided at the bottom showing how the text will look in this case. Obviously, the user can change the value by 1 point by using the small triangles to add or subtract the spacing by 0.1 pt. Another option is to directly enter into the interval size field desired value and click OK. You can enter an arbitrarily large distance.

    To reduce the interval, you need to select “Compressed”.

    The user can reduce the letter spacing in the same way as in the previous case - by default by 1 pt, or by setting the desired value. As can be seen from the example, in in this case condensation of the text had a negative impact on its readability.

    The change in letter spacing discussed above is the same for all letters of the selected text. In text Word editor It is possible to change the letter spacing more subtly, taking into account the features of the outline of adjacent letters. When the kerning function is turned on, Word selects the optimal spacing between pairs of characters automatically, depending on the characteristics of the font. The purpose of kerning is to increase the visual appeal of text.

    A careful comparison of the last two screenshots – before and after kerning – allows you to verify this. Kerning is mainly used in texts with large print– headings and logos.

    Video: How to increase the distance between letters?

    Above, the consideration of letter spacing was carried out in relation to Word 2010. In the nearest versions of Word - 2007 and 2013 there are no differences.

    Microsoft's office suite is widely used, and its DOC format has practically become the standard for the design of text documents. Unfortunately, most users end up with this word processor learning how to change the font typeface and mastering its alignment on the page.

    Meanwhile, in many organizations there are rules for working with text documents that prescribe certain options their design. They usually define the type font, used by default and the required line spacing in the document.

    Change intercharacter distance, also called kerning, is required mainly to give the formatted text a more harmonious and aesthetically complete look. Its main area of ​​application is typography, or artistic layout.

    How to change and adjust line spacing

    There are several ways to change line spacing in Word. ways:

    The last item is called up by clicking right button mice and allows you to manually adjust line spacing in a wide range of values.

    Line spacing values

    Line spacing is distance between hypothetical lines passing through the middle of letters in lines and is equal to the default font size. Standard sizes , available in Word, are 1, 1.15, 1.5, 2, and 3 values ​​of this distance.

    Drop-down list, in the item " Paragraph", allows you to use line spacing options in the text that differ from those indicated. Except standard set From single, one-and-a-half and double, you can also find the following here:

    Changing the letter spacing

    Each character, in any font, is allocated a certain space, but, depending on the style, the letters can fill it in different ways. To accurately adjust the space they occupy, they use kerning. In Word it can be specified in three various options. In addition to standard, available sparse And compacted.

    Adjustment is carried out in increments of 0.1 points. This parameter can be accessed in two ways:

    To give the text an aesthetically complete look, sometimes it is necessary to apply visual separation between paragraphs. Keystroke Enter, which is usually used for this operation, does not have the same effect, since it simply moves the cursor to next line. Enter edit menu can be done in two ways:

    • Using the context menu " Paragraph» called by pressing the right mouse button;
    • Using the command group " Paragraph" on the " tab home» Word.

    In both cases it opens additional window, in which using the sector " Interval» you can set the indentation before And after paragraph. The adjustment, regardless of the selected font typeface, is performed in a fixed increment of 6 points.

