How to make a photo gallery on your buddypress profile. Creating a Navigation Menu

BuddyPress is a powerful free plugin that adds community features to your WordPress site. Install it on your site and you'll have access to handy features like activity streams, user profiles, notifications, groups, and private messages. But that's only a basic level of what BuddyPress can do.

BbPress is a forum plugin that is often used in combination with BuddyPress. The forum is simple to look at, easy to use, and fits well into BuddyPress groups.

Extending BuddyPress and bbPress with plugins can bring even more functionality to turn your site into a true online community hub. You might be surprised by some interesting features, which you can easily add.

BuddyPress Edit Activity

BuddyPress is a powerful free plugin that adds community features to your WordPress site. Install it on your site and you'll have access to handy features like activity streams, user profiles, notifications, groups, and private messages. But that's just the base level of what BuddyPress can do.

BbPress is a forum plugin that is often used in combination with BuddyPress. The forum is simple to look at, easy to use, and fits well into BuddyPress groups.

BuddyPress and bbPress extensions with plugins can bring even more functionality to turn your site into a true online community hub. You might be surprised by some of the cool features you can easily add.

Here are 10 free plugins which you can use to make BuddyPress and bbPress even better:


BuddyPress Edit Activity

BuddyPress Edit Activity allows your site users to easily edit elements in their activity stream from the front-end. Administrators can even set a time limit for how long editing is allowed.

BuddyPress Member Type Generator takes advantage of the member type features introduced in BuddyPress 2.2. Member types can be used to filter users, access the directory corresponding to a specific member, etc. The plugin allows you to easily create Various types participants and assign users to them en masse.

Add many useful user profile fields using Custom Fields Type BuddyPress Xprofile. Available fields include date of birth, URL, datepicker, image, file, colorpicker, number and selector for custom types messages and taxonomies.

BuddyPress Group Email Subscription helps group members stay informed about their activities. There are five different notification levels you can choose from: no email, weekly summary email, daily email summary, new messages email, and all email. Administrators can optionally set the default notification level for users.

Spambots can get into BuddyPress just like anything else on the Internet. Options BuddyPress registration help register spammers with spam, allowing you to moderate new user accounts. Email notifications are sent when an administrator either approves or denies a new owner's registration. This plugin also works with bbPress.


bbPress Product Tab brings the power of forums to your WooCommerce products. You can set the forum to show on all or only some products and customize the tab to suit your needs.

If you use bbPress/BuddyPress to provide customer support, the Buddy-bbPress Support Topic adds some convenient features. Allow users to flag new threads as a support ticket (or not). On the back end of the site, administrators can see support threads and change their status.

Do you have a busy forum? Use bbPress for technical support? bbPress Reports provide a number of useful statistics, including the number of new topics and the busiest times of day. You can also check the statistics for individual participants.

Bring more interactivity to your forum with bbPress Votes. The plugin adds the ability for forum users to vote up or down on a topic or answer. You can even query forum posts by their voting ratings.

bbPress Simple Advert Units allow you to monetize your forum by allowing advertising. Ads can appear in several places - for example, between posts, in the body of the first post, at the top or bottom of topic pages, on separate pages forums or in the index of the main forum.

If you've been using WordPress for any length of time, you probably know that you can use various plugins to extend the functionality of your site.

Some plugins help increase revenue for your business, while others focus on building a community around your website. In the sea of ​​plugins, there is one in particular that has a number of benefits for small businesses.

Plugin about we're talking about, is called BuddyPress and it adds a lot of community building features. You can create your own social network for your company and use it to facilitate communication and collaboration between employees.

Another advantage of BuddyPress is that you can allow everyone who visits your site to register and create a profile, which is in a good way connecting with your target audience, clients and users. This can help you create buzz around your website and you can use it directly for customer support.

How to set up and use BuddyPress. (

In today's article I will show you how to install and configure BuddyPress, how to create required pages and how to add them to the menu. I'll also talk about the different user roles and how to extend the functionality of BuddyPress further.

What is BuddyPress?

BuddyPress is promoted as a "social network out of the box" and helps you create any type of community website using WordPress, with member profiles, activity streams, user groups, messaging, and more.

Plus, you can take advantage of numerous great features to add additional functions to your social network. It allows you to use attachments in messages, general work with documents, likes, a wall like Facebook, and much more. It focuses on simple integration, ease of use, and extensibility.

BuddyPress website.

Users can create their own profiles, send messages, create groups, share status updates and more. BuddyPress comes with several components that integrate directly with your existing WordPress site and even work with the version you have installed.

There are also themes designed specifically to work with BuddyPress, which allow for more customization and extension. functionality, available on Envato Market:

Popular BuddyPress theme available for sale on Envato Market (ThemeForest).

Now let's look at how to use BuddyPress, from installing and configuring it to working with it and customizing it to suit your needs.

How to install and configure BuddyPress

If you have ever installed a plugin on a WordPress website, you will have no problem installing BuddyPress. On your WordPress toolbar, click Plugins > Add New and then search BuddyPress. It should appear as the first result, so click Install and then Activate.

Installing the BuddyPress plugin

You'll immediately be taken to the BuddyPress welcome screen, which contains links to help you set up and manage your community.

BuddyPress welcome screen.

The first thing we'll do is set up BuddyPress. Clicking on the "Get Started" button on the welcome screen will take you straight to the Buddypress settings area.

Setting Up Your BuddyPress Installation

As you can see in the screenshot (above), there are three areas that need to be configured:

  1. Selecting the components you want to include
  2. Creating and assigning pages
  3. Setting BuddyPress Settings

Let's go through each of these points, step by step.

Step 1 - Activate BuddyPress components.

By default, BuddyPress comes with some of the components pre-activated. You can activate or deactivate all but two components. The BuddyPress Core and Community Members components cannot be deactivated as they are required for correct operation plugin.

BuddyPress components.

Other components include:

  • Advanced Profiles- Users can customize their profiles.
  • Account settings- Allows users to edit their account settings and notifications.
  • Friends Connections- allow users to establish connections with each other.
  • Private messages- allows you to send private messages between users.
  • Activity streams- global, personal and group activity streams with multi-threaded comments, direct publishing, favorites and @mentions.
  • Notifications- notifications to participants in the relevant activity using the toolbar and/or by e-mail.
  • Group of users- Allows users to organize themselves into specific public, private or hidden sections with separate activity streams and member lists.
  • Site tracking- allows you to record actions for new messages and comments from your site.

You can choose as many components as you like, depending on the needs of your site. In addition, some components can be easily enabled later. Once you are done selecting the components, click Save settings.

Step 2 - Setting Up Pages

The next step is to set up the pages that BuddyPress will use. Most of the pages are already created, but you need to manually create the pages for user registration and activation.

Keep in mind that you will also need to allow user registration in the section Settings > General > Allow to allow everyone to register on the site if you plan to have a public community.

Setting up BuddyPress pages.

If you want your community to be private, you will have to add new users manually and can skip the next step.

On the toolbar, click Pages > Add New and then create a blank page Registration, and then Activation. You don't need to add any content to these pages as BuddyPress will automatically display the relevant content.

Once your pages are created, return to Settings > BuddyPress and select a tab Pages. In chapter Registration select the pages you just created for the relevant functions.

Step 3 - Tweaking BuddyPress settings

Now that the basic parameters have been configured correctly, it's time to tweak the settings. Go to the tab Options. Here you can configure various parameters related to user profiles, groups, activity and basic settings. The settings themselves are quite self explanatory, as you can see in the screenshot below:

Additional BuddyPress settings.

Select the ones that apply to your community and click Save settings.

How to use BuddyPress

BuddyPress is designed to work with users. We mentioned earlier that you need to allow user registration on your site if you want to have an open community where your visitors can freely register on your site.

BuddyPress itself does not have default member roles. Therefore, it is safest to set the role for new users as Subscriber or Contributor.

1. User profiles

When someone registers, they are given their profile, which they can control from the admin area. In addition to the usual profile options, each user can access settings Extended Profile, if this component was enabled in the previous step.

BuddyPress user profile.

Here they can enter as much information about themselves as they want. You can create various profile fields in the section Users > Profile Fields to allow users to enter their name, birthday, short biography, links to their other profiles, etc. You can also group different profile fields to better organize them.

Advanced profile options in BuddyPress.

Once your users have finished entering their profile information, they can access their public profile, which has a large number of possibilities:

  • Last Activity
  • Profile
  • Alerts
  • Messages
  • Friends
  • Groups
  • Settings

This page also serves as a personal tool where anyone, including you, can message other users, update status, join groups, change global settings, and more.

Users can post status updates.

Apart from user registration permissions, you can also add users manually from the toolbar WordPress In chapter Users > Add new.

2. How groups work

If you previously selected a component Groups, you and your users will be able to create groups. Groups can be set to public, allowing anyone to join the group. Open groups will also be visible on the site, and their activity will be displayed in the feed Activities.

Setting up a BuddyPress group.

Private groups require users to request membership and will also be visible on the site. However, the activities of a private group are only visible to group members.

Finally, hidden groups are invite-only, they are not visible on the rest of your website, and group activity is only visible to group members.

Each group, regardless of group type, can be configured to issue new invitations in one of three ways:

  1. only by group admin
  2. group admin and moderators
  3. any member of the group

Like the members, each group can have a logo and header image, making it more recognizable.

3. Adding widgets and menus

To make your community as user-friendly as possible, as well as easy to navigate, you can create your own menu and take advantage of the widgets that come with BuddyPress.

Let's take care of the menu first.

Go to section Appearance> Menu and click the link Create new link menu. Give a name and assign the menu where you want the menu to appear.

Add the pages you want to appear in your navigation in the section Pages, add your desired BuddyPress pages. Here's what our custom menu looks like:

Setting up BuddyPress custom navigation.

Now let's add widgets to our sidebar, so that our users and site visitors can more easily navigate the site and can immediately see site activity.

Click Appearance > Widgets. WordPress Theme default - TwentySixteen- has a sidebar widget area and two widget areas that appear below the content. For simplicity, we will add widgets to our sidebar Entrance And Who's online, but depending on your theme, you can add them to any area of ​​your widgets on your site.

BuddyPress widget options.

Keep in mind that the widgets available depend on the components you have previously activated. They allow your users to log in or register, see notifications, see who is online, and you can also use them to post notifications on behalf of your entire community.

How to Extend and Customize BuddyPress

Now that your community is set up correctly, you'll need a theme to make it visually appealing. In our theme market - ThemeForest, there are big choice high-quality premium BuddyPress themes that are sure to take your website to the next level.

They can be used to create any type of website, but they are designed and developed to be fully compatible with the BuddyPress plugin to ensure that all your pages, user profiles, groups and all functionality will work without errors. Be sure to check out our editor's picks for the best themes for BuddyPress community sites:

There are also a number of amazing plugins that complement BuddyPress even further. Most of them are easy to set up and maintain. They give you the ability to add attachments to private messages, working together users over documents and much more.

Here are a few of the most notable BuddyPress-related plugins:

1. BuddyPress Links

The BuddyPress Links plugin adds media sharing functionality to BuddyPress. This means that if you share a link to another site, it will automatically display some of the data contained in the link. Typically, images, videos, thumbnails, and excerpts are displayed so that your members can understand what the link is about.

2. BuddyPress Docs

BuddyPress Docs is a must-have plugin if you plan to build corporate network. This Google version Docs from BuddyPress, which allows members of your community to collaborate on documents and more.

3. bbPress

BbPress adds perfect solution for forums to an already powerful management system WordPress content. This great way expand the functionality of your BuddyPress site and encourage user interaction. Additionally, bbPress integrates perfectly with BuddyPress.

4. Simple Terms and Conditions for BuddyPress

With simple terms and conditions, BuddyPress is easy to expand registration page BuddyPress with a checkbox to accept the terms and conditions of use. You will need this if you run a business website. It can also save you from a lot of headaches in the future.

BuddyPress adds community to WordPress

WordPress is a very powerful platform, but when you combine it with BuddyPress, it becomes even more powerful.

You can quickly turn your website into a fully functional social network, company network, and more. This will allow your target audience discuss and comment on your services and products and get immediate support if they encounter any problems.

By combining BuddyPress with a few additional plugins and a great-looking theme, you can open your site to a whole new audience. If your company needs a place to facilitate communication and collaboration, look no further than BuddyPress.

Well-known and wonderful Wordpress is a very versatile powerful service, actively using all the advantages CMS. Add to this, apparently, simply countless professionally developed design themes and a huge library of powerful plugins and you get a picture of its full potential for creating any kind of website you can imagine, and without any restrictions... or are there any restrictions?

WP still has limitations. What if you were planning to create a super popular social network, which could well compete with Facebook (yes, we went a little too far here) or, on a smaller scale, build an internal corporate social network/community, as well as tools for communicating in it... to get what you need, use .

This article was written with a simple purpose - to give beginners general idea about this service, walk you through instructions on how to get started using Buddypress, and show you the most beautiful and free WP themes it offers (unfortunately, there aren't really many of them, which is disappointing).
If you're here just for the themes, scroll down further...

Note: 10 minutes after we published this article, we received an email from Buddypress, which stated that Buddypress is not limited to WPMU, and can also be used with standard Wordpress.
Accordingly, we immediately corrected the article. (Thanks to fellow designers).

What is Buddypress?

The BuddyPress package consists of 8 powerful plugins and significantly expands the internal functionality of elements in both Wordpress MU and standard Wordpress. Each plugin works with a separate powerful feature. You can use them all and build a full-fledged social network, or you can select individual components and simply expand basic capabilities your WPMU package.

Buddypress installation package

The Buddypress installation package consists of the following plugins and components:

* Advanced profiles:
This component allows site administrators to create separate special fields in profiles that will be filled in by users.

* Private messages:
Direct messages on BuddyPress work like internal site mail. Users of the site can write messages to people on their friends list, as well as reply to and forward messages received.

* Friends:
BuddyPress users running this package can be connected with each other in a common way: one of the users adds the other as a “friend,” and the other accepts the invitation to become a friend.

* Groups:
Groups in BuddyPress are a collection of users, posts, and topics on a forum.

* News feed:
The News Feed collects and publishes information about all activities on BuddyPress, and also allows users to post short updates.

* Blog Tracking:
The main feature of WordPress MU is the permission to maintain several blogs per user, as well as the ability to work on one blog for several users. BuddyPress retains this feature.

* Forums:
The forums component allows groups to create and manage their own bbPress forum. Group members can post and reply to topics directly from their group page.

Download Buddypress, demo and documentation

Buddypress plugins

Introduction to Buddypress: Video

Introducing BuddyPress at

Recently, BuddyPress has undergone some changes in the architecture of its themes and now offers children's themes. The installation process remains fairly straightforward, and this tutorial will help you get comfortable with installing BuddyPress and the basics of using it.

This guide is broken down into 10 simple points. After reading it, you will understand that installing WPMU is as easy as WordPress installation for one user. You don't even have to edit the config file.

If you wish, you can also study these instructions and guides:


These instructions are taken directly from the Buddypress Codex. Firstly, it will guide you through all the steps to successfully install WPMU, then it will help you go through the relatively simple steps to install each separate component Buddypress and will tell you how to enable or disable each of the plugins if necessary.

If you are on a Mac, you can follow this video tutorial:

Local Buddypress installation(Mac)

Buddypress themes (templates)

Buddymatic is a very advanced theme framework for WordPress and WP MU blogs, including active home and user blogs on BuddyPress.
This framework includes 13 ready-made widget spaces, dropdown menus, sample grid designs, plugin integration, footer shortcodes, and much more. BuddyPress functionality is integrated into this framework and is activated as soon as BuddyPress is defined. This includes 2 main ready-made themes for BuddyPress: Coffee with Friends by Daisy Olsen and Buddymatic Sample Child Theme(Sample theme for Buddymatic) which can be further customized.

Have questions? Write a comment!

Hello! Ilya Zhuravlev is in touch, today I will be analyzing a super plugin - BuddyPress, which is designed for creating a social network. Yes, these are not just words, you can create your own social network! And I’ll just help you and tell you how to do it. After a little digging into the plugin, I realized that it is very simple and cool, respect to the developers, it’s really cool. Not everyone manages to fully understand this plugin, because not everyone is ready to devote their time to studying the plugin, but there’s nothing special to study here, everything is just like twice two. Plugin features:

Plugin on In Russian, everything is simple and clear!

The plugin automatically creates the necessary and already configured pages!

Activity feed where displayed records of all social network participants.

All users will be able to upload their profile photos and covers for groups.

You can customize the registration page, select which fields should be displayed.

In general, everything is there like in a full-fledged social network!

You can install the plugin directly from the WordPress admin panel. Go to the tab: Plugins – Add new, enter the name of the plugin in the search form, press Enter, install and activate the plugin.

After installing and activating the plugin, you will be taken to the page: Welcome to BuddyPress. Here you can read information about the plugin.

Note that: BuddyPress looks and performs significantly better with the Twenty Thirteen and expected Twenty Sixteen themes. But, of course, the plugin can be used on any wordpress topic.

Plugin settings

To configure the plugin, go to the page: Settings – BuddyPress.

– Components, here you can enable or disable features for your social network. Be sure to read the designation of all functions to better understand the capabilities of your social network. We recommend enabling all features to provide the best possible experience for your users. After enabling the functions - Save settings.

– Pages, here you can configure the necessary pages for your social network. When activating the plugin, all the necessary pages should have been created automatically. Check that they correspond to the pages specified in these settings. You can change the name of the pages; I’ll tell you about each page a little later. Save your settings.

– Settings, here you can configure the basic settings of your social network. The settings are quite simple and clear, so I don’t see the point in describing them. Read the description for each parameter and you will understand everything, there is nothing complicated here. I recommend checking all the boxes.


You should have 5 main pages created for normal functioning your social network. Make sure that pages appear in your theme's menu, on the Appearance - Menus page. You can specify any page as home page, on the page: Settings - Reading.

– Activity, on the Activity or Activity Feed page, the latest published posts from the entire social network will be displayed. Here you can publish posts that all users of the social network will see.

– Users, on the Users page you can view users using a search filter or just a search. If you select the filter – Activity, then all active users who are currently present on the site will be shown.

– Groups, the Groups page will display all created groups. Here you can also search for groups using a filter. Tabs are displayed here for – Create a group, for going to the page – My Groups, and All Groups.

– Registration, on the Registration page, any user can register and create their own account. You can either add a registration page to the menu or use the login and registration widget. If you use a widget, then the Registration page must be removed from the menu so that it is not displayed in the menu, but is present on the site. Registration fields can be customized, I’ll talk about this a little later. By default, the necessary, standard fields for registration are configured. When checking your registration, do not forget to log out of your account.


In the WordPress admin panel, on the Activity page, will be displayed Last messages and notifications about social network activity. For example, if someone has changed their profile picture, a notification about this will appear on this page, etc. You can use the filter and see specific actions that were made on the social network.


In the WordPress admin panel, on the Groups page, all created groups on the social network will be displayed. You will be able to view and edit groups. To create a new group, click on the button at the top - Add.

After clicking on the Add button, you will see the creation page new group. Enter the name and description of the group, click on the button – Create a group and continue.

Next, in Settings you can specify the group type, public, private or hidden. You can specify which members of this group will be able to invite other users. Click on the button - Next step.

Next, you can upload your group's profile picture, which will be displayed as a profile picture. Drag the image into a special selected window, adjust the area of ​​the image and click on the Crop button.

After adding a profile picture, click on the button - Next step.

On last page, read the notice and click on the button – Finish.

That's it, the group is ready! On the group page, you can manage the group by clicking on the Manage button, configure the group, change images, view users, etc.


On the page: Users – Registration management, you will be able to view registered users. Users who have not yet verified their account will also be displayed here.

Profile fields

On the Profile Fields page, you will be able to change the fields that appear on the Registration page. You can change the location of fields by simply dragging the field with the mouse. You can specify a required field or not, except for the required ones by default. You can customize the visibility of fields for specific users. You can select the field type, etc.

You can add new fields if you want, for example, on the account creation page to display any additional fields, phone number, city, age, gender, etc. All newly created fields will appear on the Registration and Account Creation page.


On the Widgets page, you will have 7 new widgets for your social network.

– Groups, dynamic list of groups. The widget will display active, popular and new groups.

– Who is online, avatars of users who are currently online will be displayed.

Recently active displaying avatars of recently active users.

– Announcements, announcements from the site administrator will be displayed here for all users.

– Users, dynamic list of active, popular and new users.

– Friends, a dynamic list of active and popular friends, is shown for a specific user on his profile page.


On the page: Tools – BuddyPress, you can use tools for calculating and restoring data on your social network. It is not recommended to run multiple processes at the same time.

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Setting up the BuddyPress plugin wordpress new instructions updated: January 25, 2019 by: Ilya Zhuravlev