How to position the monitor relative to your eyes. Proper organization of a computer workplace

Right choice space for your monitor is very important task. Not correct location monitor can lead to pain in the neck, shoulders and cause eye fatigue. The guidelines below will help you find the ideal position for your monitor.

Installation and use.

1. Place the monitor at arm's length.
When you work with a computer, the monitor should be at arm's length from you. Placing the monitor too close or too far away can cause eye strain. If you have large monitor(20 inches or more) – you need to sit further away from him. However, the larger the monitor, the more working resolution and, accordingly, the size of the text on the screen is smaller. Therefore, you may need to increase the font size. This should be done so that you do not have to lean towards the monitor while reading text.

2. Center the monitor.
For most computers best position monitor is to place it directly in front of you. Placing the monitor off-center (i.e. to your left or right) can cause neck pain due to improper body positioning.
Exception: If, due to the nature of your computer use, you look at the monitor screen occasionally, then it is acceptable to place it to the side. People who, in addition to the computer, often use other objects located on their desktop (cashiers, managers, etc.) can position the monitor so that it does not interfere with their work. Good decision in this situation, use a monitor that rotates on a bracket.

3. Place the top edge of the screen at eye level.
The ideal screen height is the height at which your eyes will be at the level of an imaginary line located 5-7 cm below the top edge of the monitor. This can be achieved in two ways: either lower the monitor or raise the chair. If the monitor is too low, you will have to lean towards it to see the image (this can cause neck pain). If the monitor is placed too high, you will tilt your head back, which can lead to neck pain, shoulder pain, and increases the likelihood of glare from room lights (which can lead to headaches).
If you use bifocals or trifocals while working on a computer, it may be wise to lower your monitor a few centimeters lower than recommended to ensure comfortable viewing through your reduction lenses.
If you are using a large monitor (20 inches or larger), adjust the monitor so that the top edge of the screen is approximately 7 cm above eye level.

4. Tilt the monitor slightly back.
Tilt the monitor so that the base is slightly closer to you than the top. This will allow you to see the entire screen and the image will be clearer. Tilt of your monitor downwards is not recommended unless it is to reduce glare from room lighting or if your monitor is positioned too high and cannot be adjusted.
Tilt of the monitor too far back may cause glare from room lighting.

5. Beware of your windows.
Windows cause glare on the monitor. If you are working in a room with windows, take any reflections (glare) on the monitor seriously, as... they can lead to strabismus. The best way To check your monitor for glare is to turn it off and look at the slightest reflection on it. Also, placing the monitor directly opposite the window can create an uncomfortable view of the screen if the brightness of the light from the window is greater than the brightness of the monitor.

6. Balance the brightness of the monitor and its surroundings.
You need to adjust your monitor so that the brightness of its screen is approximately equal to the brightness around it. The goal is to minimize the difference in brightness on and around the screen (while making sure that your workplace sufficiently lit). Uneven brightness can cause headaches and eye strain. You may need to adjust your screen brightness throughout the workday if your work area is illuminated by natural light.

7. Reduce brightness.
High screen brightness can cause discomfort, eye strain and headaches. Adjust the monitor so that the image is not too bright (while trying to make the image as comfortable as possible for you). If you are unable to reduce your monitor's brightness by changing its settings, consider using protective screen for the monitor.

8. Adjust the font size and text color.
The text size should be approximately 2-3 times larger than smallest size text that you can read. Black text on a white background is best readable.

9. Use a swivel monitor arm.
If you frequently interact with other people while using your computer and placing the monitor in the recommended position would interfere with your work, consider purchasing a swivel monitor arm. The swivel arm allows you to maintain the correct position of the monitor while working with the computer and easily rotate the monitor away from you when not in use.

1. Follow the 20/20/20 rule.
If you work on a computer long periods time, take a 20-second break every 20 minutes and look at least 20 feet (~6 meters) into the distance. This will give your eyes a chance to rest and regain focus - the best way to relieve eye strain.

2. Keep your screen clean.
Dust easily collects on the monitor screen. Periodically wipe the monitor screen with a recommended cleaner to remove accumulated dust and fingerprints, thereby ensuring a clear image on the monitor.

A properly organized workplace and correct posture when working will minimize harmful effects computer for health. Most computer users pay little attention to their workspace. If money appears Russian user would rather buy modern processor, how new table or a monitor stand. Often the workplace is not organized correctly. The monitor is installed low, poorly relative to the light sources, the hands are uncomfortable on the keyboard... As a result, over time, users begin to complain about health problems and increased fatigue. Don't skimp on your workplace - this will result in saving on your health.

How to reduce the unpleasant consequences of working at a computer for a long time?

You are sitting at a computer with good monitor . Will yours get tired? eyes? The location of the monitor relative to the eyes, light sources, and the height of the chair are important.

  • Lighting when working with a computer should not be too bright, but not completely absent, the ideal option is subdued diffused light.
  • Place the table so that the window was not in front of you. If this is unavoidable, buy blackout curtains or blinds that will cut out the light. If the window is on the side, the solution is the same - curtains, blinds. You can buy a visor that fits over the monitor (some professional monitors come with such visors, and they sell them separately) or make it yourself: take cardboard box, cut a corner out of it and put it on the monitor. The visor screens out light, image contrast increases, color rendition becomes more natural, and eyes get less tired.
  • The monitor screen must be absolutely clean; if you wear glasses, they must also be absolutely clean. Wipe your monitor screen (preferably with special wipes and/or liquid for cleaning monitors) at least once a week, and make sure your glasses are crystal clear every day.
  • Place your monitor and keyboard directly on your desk, in no case obliquely.
  • The center of the screen should be approximately at your eye level or a little lower. Keep your head straight, without leaning forward. Periodically close your eyelids for a few seconds and allow your eye muscles to rest and relax.
    Sometimes there are recommendations to use special glasses and filters. They are indeed capable of raising some of the video system’s indicators, but only to the detriment of another indicator. And is it reasonable to pay 200 USD? for glasses (good ones don’t cost less), instead of buying a decent monitor for the same money?
  • Monitor screen it should be away from eyes at least 50-60 centimeters. If you have trouble seeing the image at this distance, choose a larger font size for your work.
  • If myopia exceeds 2-4 units, you need to have two pairs of glasses for work “near” and “for distance”.

Level electromagnetic radiation the sides and back of the monitor are higher than the front. Place the computer in a corner of the room or so that non-users are not to the side or behind the monitor. Be aware of those in the next room - walls and partitions are not a hindrance to radiation.

Monitors are often too low. A person hardly notices this, but in order to look at the monitor comfortably, you have to bend your head and slide slightly in your chair. At the same time, the neck becomes tense, the brain is less well supplied with blood, headaches and other unpleasant consequences occur. If you “slide” in a chair, your back becomes tense and, spending several hours every day in this position, a person then feels a variety of ailments. Adjust your monitor position. The center of the screen should be approximately at eye level or slightly lower so that you can sit comfortably in the chair without bending your head or twisting your spine.

Correct posture of a computer operator

The back is tilted a few degrees back. This pose allows you to unload the spine and improve blood circulation in the area between the torso and thighs, which is especially important for men in the prime of life (see sections on prostatitis and hemorrhoids). Hands are freely placed on the armrests of the chair. Elbows and wrists are relaxed. The hands have a common axis with the forearms: they do not bend or extend. Only the fingers work. The hips are at right angles to the body, the knees are at right angles to the hips. Feet stand firmly on the floor or on a special stand.

When working on a computer, take a ten-minute break every hour, during which you look into the distance, get up from your chair, do a set of exercises, or just walk around. It’s a good idea to put on holey glasses every two to three hours, which relieve spasm of the eye muscles.

How to position it correctly computer monitor Place the monitor at arm's length. When you work with a computer, the monitor should be at arm's length from you. Placing the monitor too close or too far away can cause eye strain. If you have a large monitor (20 inches or more), you need to sit further away from it. However, the larger the monitor, the greater its working resolution and, accordingly, the smaller the size of the text on the screen. Therefore, you may need to increase the font size. This should be done so that you do not have to lean towards the monitor while reading text. Place the monitor in the center. For most computers, the best monitor position is directly in front of you. Placing the monitor off-center (i.e. to your left or right) can cause neck pain due to improper body positioning. Place the top edge of the screen at eye level. The ideal screen height is the height at which your eyes will be at the level of an imaginary line located 5-7 cm below the top edge of the monitor. This can be achieved in two ways: either lower the monitor or raise the chair. If the monitor is too low, you will have to lean towards it to see the image (this can cause neck pain). If the monitor is placed too high, you will tilt your head back, which can lead to neck pain, shoulder pain, and increases the likelihood of glare from room lights (which can lead to headaches). Tilt the monitor slightly back. Tilt the monitor so that the base is slightly closer to you than the top. This will allow you to see the entire screen and the image will be clearer. Tilt of your monitor downwards is not recommended unless it is to reduce glare from room lighting or if your monitor is positioned too high and cannot be adjusted. Beware of your windows. Windows cause glare on the monitor. If you are working in a room with windows, take any reflections (glare) on the monitor seriously, as... they can lead to strabismus. The best way to check your monitor for glare is to turn it off and look for any small reflections on it. Also, placing the monitor directly opposite the window can create an uncomfortable view of the screen if the brightness of the light from the window is greater than the brightness of the monitor. Balance the brightness of the monitor and its surroundings. You need to adjust your monitor so that the brightness of its screen is approximately equal to the brightness around it. The goal is to minimize the difference in brightness on and around the screen (while making sure your work area is well lit). Uneven brightness can cause headaches and eye strain. You may need to adjust your screen brightness throughout the workday if your work area is illuminated by natural light. Reduce brightness. High screen brightness can cause discomfort, eye strain and headaches. Adjust the monitor so that the image is not too bright (while trying to make the image as comfortable as possible for you). If you are unable to reduce your monitor's brightness by changing its settings, consider using a monitor screen protector. Adjust the font size and text color. The text size should be about 2-3 times the smallest text size you can read. Black text on a white background is best readable.

Do you know that if you organize your workplace correctly and take the right posture when working, you can minimize the impact of the computer and its rays on your health.

Simple rules for positioning your computer monitor relative to your eyes

You are sitting at a computer with a very wide monitor. Will your eyes get very tired? At this point, the location of the monitor relative to your eyes and light sources plays an important role.

Lighting when working with a PC should not be very bright, but not absent at all; the ideal option should be considered dim, diffused light.

Place your desk so that the window is not in front of you. If this option is unavoidable, then we advise you to buy thick curtains or blinds that will directly cut off your light. If the window is located on the side, the solution remains the same - curtains, blinds.

Photo/picture of how to position the monitor correctly and sit correctly

The most convenient and correct location of the monitor at your workplace will be as follows.

The seat itself is most comfortable at an angle of 135 degrees, as shown in the picture. In this position, a person is less susceptible to the problem of back pain, etc. Of course, in this case you need a large enough monitor so that your eyes are as comfortable as your body.

These are recommendations. In most cases, you should proceed from the existing furniture, monitor, and your physiological characteristics. The purpose of the article is to let you understand how to correct the shortcomings and make working at the computer healthier and more comfortable.


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How to properly organize a computer workstation? Not everyone thinks about this, but the proper organization of your workplace determines not only how comfortable it will be for you to work, but also your health in general. Exist simple ways protect yourself when communicating with a computer. For example, organize your workplace correctly. The following recommendations will help you with this.

    It is advisable to install the monitor in the corner of the room or turn it around rear panel to Wall.

In a room where several people work, when placing workstations with PCs, the distance between work tables with video monitors (toward the rear surface of one video monitor and the screen of another video monitor) must be at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the side surfaces of video monitors must be at least 1.2 m. Under no circumstances should computers be placed opposite each other. Do not leave the monitor on for long time, use the “standby” mode more often. Ground the PC.

    During operation, the distance to the monitor screen should be at least 70 cm.

For professional operators personal computer, schoolchildren and students throughout the territory Russian Federation SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and work organization” are in effect (as amended by SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.2198-07 Amendment No. 1, SanPiN 2.2.2/ 2.4.2620-10 Amendment No. 2, SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.2732-10 Amendment No. 3).

The main measures for the prevention of visual fatigue are: proper organization of the workplace, limiting the duration of work with the computer in accordance with the category of the user and the nature of the work performed by him; for professional users - mandatory regulated breaks, during which special eye exercises should be performed; in schools, technical schools and universities - connecting timers to computers that regulate the time spent working with a monitor, regularly performing eye exercises, and restoring physical performance.

    The workplace should be comfortable and sufficiently illuminated; light rays should not fall directly into the eyes.

It is better to place the monitor a little further than is done for normal reading. The top edge of the screen should be at eye level or slightly below. If you work with texts on paper, the sheets should be placed as close to the screen as possible to avoid frequent movements of the head and eyes when shifting your gaze. Lighting must be arranged so that there is no glare on the screen. Create good lighting in the room where you work. Use modern lamps that provide optimal lighting. In the room where you work, do not use paints or wallpaper in cold tones or dark ones. Best colors for humans - white, lemon yellow and light green.

    We should not forget that the computer screen can collect dust. To achieve clear images, wipe them regularly with an antistatic solution or use special wipes. Do not use alcohol to wipe monitors as this may damage the anti-reflective coating.

The keyboard also needs to be wiped. It is best to do this with a cotton swab. From time to time the keyboard should be turned over and shaken out. Humidify the air in winter and dry it in summer. Fight dust. A hanger for outerwear and a place for shoes should be isolated from the room.

    Isolate yourself from noise if possible. Try not to create it yourself. Learn to speak in a calm voice, don’t talk too much.

    The furniture you use when working on a computer should be comfortable, since the comfort of the placement of your arms, legs and spine depends on this. The spine cannot be neglected - it reacts very quickly and noticeably to this. IN last years produced great amount office chairs and armchairs that allow you to feel comfortable throughout the working day.

The height of the computer desk should be such that when working, the screen is located slightly below your line of sight, and you do not have to spend several hours in a row with your head up. There should be enough space under the table to allow you to stretch your tired legs from time to time; and the chair should be the so-called “computer” - rotating, with adjustable height, armrests and a comfortable backrest, with a semi-soft non-slip coating; if necessary, you can place a pillow under your back to prevent lumbosacral osteochondrosis. When sitting, your feet should be on the floor, your thigh should be parallel to the floor, your back should be straight.

The depth of the table should be such that the distance to the monitor screen is at least 50 cm. Its width depends on the number of peripheral devices and various office supplies. The design of the work chair should ensure:

    the width and depth of the seat surface is at least 400 mm;

    seat surface with rounded front edge;

    adjustment of the height of the seat surface within the range of 400 - 550 mm and tilt angle forward up to 15 degrees, back up to 5 degrees;

    the height of the supporting surface of the backrest is 300 20 mm, the width is at least 380 mm and the radius of curvature of the horizontal plane is 400 mm;

    the angle of inclination of the backrest in the vertical plane is within 30 degrees;

    adjustment of the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat within 260 - 400 mm;

    stationary or removable armrests with a length of at least 250 mm and a width of 50 - 70 mm;

    adjustment of the armrests in height above the seat within 230 - 30 mm and the internal distance between the armrests within 350 - 500 mm.

The back of the office chair serves as a stable support for the lumbar and lower half of the thoracic spine. A slight convexity in the lower part of the back fixes the middle lumbar vertebrae in correct position physiological curvature inherent in the lumbar spine. An important point is the presence of a special tilt regulator at the backrest. During work, regular rest is necessary, since a monotonous posture is quite tiring for the eyes, neck and back. During work, be sure to take short breaks of 10 to 15 minutes every hour, and it is advisable to do exercises for the neck and eyes, or simply spend time in motion.

Naturally, the room must be ventilated. These simple tips will help you stay healthy and do your job more efficiently. (based on materials from SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work” (as amended by SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.2732-10)

The material was prepared by L.A., a methodologist at the State Medical Center for Dog and Animal Medicine. Shutilina