How to decode channels on a dish. Decoding paid channels using a tuner

This article is for informational purposes only, its purpose is to dispel
many myths and prejudices regarding satellite encodings, as well as to
calm down (or increase anxiety, depending on how you look at it) those who are especially nervous
citizens and show that most encodings can be broken without leaving the chair, it was

What will it entail: Legislation Russian Federation in this matter has
ambiguous interpretation, because most coded paid channels Not
have the legal right to broadcast on the territory of the Russian Federation (and therefore view
illegally broadcast channels should not entail anything), for
with the exception of NTV+, fortunately their system is not vulnerable to the presented techniques (if
If you don't think this is fortunate, then look here -, so apply this knowledge to your
conscience, well, and on the conscience of the sluggish administrators responsible for
channel security. But anyway, watch paid channels for free
This is against the law and I do not recommend you do this.

Instructions for use

Install, figure out why it works, make sure it works, do it
conclusions and delete everything.

What we need:

  1. ProgDVB- really legendary program what didn't happen
    written on its basis, which plugins have not been released... convenient and
    well made, supported and updated very often, free
    and bug-free. Fairy tale? No, it's true, miracles do happen, especially if they
    believe 😉 you can take it from
    grabber set.
  2. MD Yankse 1.32.1 TT– a plugin that allows you to observe
    dynamically (through your monitor) how the keys are selected (more precisely
    they will say they are being substituted), it is interesting that there is Russification.
    In fact there are others similar programs(S2emu, CAPi, EmuNation, vPlug,
    PSoftcam, Card Server Client (CSC)), but it seems to me that it is the most
    convenient and understandable. You can get it from here: – if you have WinXP or
    from here – if you have Win98,
    There is no option for Linux.

    Softcam Server 1.2.2– this utility does what
    copies the property of other people's minds (downloads decryption algorithms and keys,
    naturally they change from month to month, how else to take monthly
    payment, although sometimes the key change occurs faster, even daily,
    for example CANAL+ changes its keys every week) and forms based on it
    files 'Softcam.key', 'Keys.bin', 'Easy.Keys' - all of them in open form And
    extremely interesting to a real master (we will look at their syntax below).
    Actually, you should start by studying these files if you are curious
    the true nature of coding. Naturally, they can be edited manually.
    You can get the utility itself from here -

    10 year old child or older to install all this and
    make sure it works and actually decodes, even without
    additional intervention.

While you are downloading all this, I will continue.

Why it works

Everything is as usual: laziness and unwillingness to spend extra money. It would be enough
was to hire a specialist and develop your own data encryption method and that’s it,
their channel would become invulnerable to such viewing (by the way, some channels are so
and they did, which is why not everyone is decoded, although an intelligent person can do everything - keep in mind,
that sometimes the whole point is that the key has not yet been found). But most use
standard encryption methods like Nagravision, Seca 1, Seca 2, Irdeto,
and etc.
Naturally, they have long learned to pick them up, and some pirates are so
they became insolent that they began to produce access cards in industrial sizes;), I’m talking about them
I’ll also tell you below (about cards, not pirates). So why do the described ones work?
lower system? After all, we don't use any cards. Well, you probably already have the answer.
you understood: nothing prevents you from using the computer processor and not the receiver,
which reads the code from a file, not a card. The principle is the same, the medium is different.

What to do when everything is downloaded

Well, since you have a satellite dish, you probably have already downloaded everything.
In general, a rotor would be useful to rotate the plate around the satellites, but I think in
anyway, one way or another, you have access to the satellite hotbird- we have him
free and broadcast of paid channels occurs unofficially, so you
You won't be completely breaking the law by decoding his channels. First of all, let's install
ProgDVB, here I think my comments are not needed. Click on “next”, casually
agreeing with user agreement, install in the same way
Softcam Server. But it’s worth talking about it in more detail, for normal operation
device, you should edit its ini file.

SoftcamServer.ini //
where to download from
SoftcamLocation=c:\ProgDVB //
where to save, here
you should specify the ProgDVB directory

ServerMode=3 // does not update automatically –
you can specify 0 – to update every launch

ManualMode=1 // resave files without

SaveMode=7 //
SoftcamName=Softcam //
key file names
KeybinName=Keys //
KeysfileName=Easy //
LastDate=02/17/2006 //
last download date

Installation MD Yankse 1.32.1 TT simple to the point of indecency, just unzip to
folder ProgDVB. Now every time you click on the red checkmarks
(aka encrypted channels) - wait 5-6 seconds and Yankse will try to decrypt
channel. Its settings can be changed in the Plugins > yankse menu, but by default they are
already marked well enough for him to do everything automatically, most
interesting menu item Plugins > yankse > Show Monitor, which allows
run his decryption monitor.

For those who are still interested not in free channels, but in the decryption method:

Let's take a closer look at the contents of the file. Its lines look like this:
where C is the encoding letter: I - Irdeto, S - Seta, V - Viaccess, N- NagraVision, X -
PPPPP - provider ID number;
NK - key number;
KKKKKKKKKKKK is the actual key. (All digital codes hexadecimal)

So you’ve done your first decryption - both programmatically and essentially yourself
we didn’t do anything, but this is the first step, but it’s up to you to decide where to move next.

What is this all for

And I already said - to gain knowledge, because it is not right to have
free paid porn channels, and who needs it, after all, there is one? Well, yes,
you can also record all the new movies that are usually broadcast on paid
channels, but they are not in Russian, although it’s very easy to find on the internet
soundtracks for them... but still, we are law-abiding citizens, aren’t we?
is it? 🙂

A digression on how pirate cards are made for watching paid channels
(well, you won’t need them anymore, but you need to know, especially since the keys
decryptions are obtained there according to the same principle as for computer viewing).

So, there are two options to get the decryption key using your brains, not
money to bribe TV company personnel:

  • Intercepting a legal card update over the air
  • Hacking the exchange protocol between a legal card and a decoder

Interception over the air

Each legal card has its own unique address, which is its
identifier, something like the MAC address of your DVB card. Its length is 9 bytes and
it usually consists of two parts: the address of client groups 4 bytes long (SA
- Shared address) and the client’s personal address 5 bytes long (UA - User
Address), is somewhat reminiscent of IP addressing in the TCP/IP protocol stack.

By observing the headers of received packets, the card finds the one that
has its identifier, and if it finds it, it produces certain
actions: renews your subscription or even changes your decryption code (and
it means it receives a new one, or an algorithm for changing the old one, it happens like that; again
same eternal problem that all signals are sent to everyone until the satellite learns
shoot bunches of information, this vulnerability will work for pirates).

One of the most commonly used techniques in cards is at the beginning through the air
get new code in encrypted form. To decrypt it use
control key available on the card. Well, then it’s simple: after
decryption, the new code is stored in the card memory and begins to be used when
decoding signals. An important conclusion follows from this: knowing the control key,
it is possible to decrypt the transmitted new code. It is thanks to this that
were sold before (although they seem to be still available now) auto-programming
cards themselves, but they have an obvious vulnerability: there must be a legal
(i.e. paid for by the TV company) SA so that a signal is sent to this address
updates, which means if a TV company finds out about the duplicated card, then they
will easily detect which SA is used in this card (and, therefore, in
large series of cards), and will stop transferring keys to this address, and to legal
subscribers will simply be issued cards with a new SA.

Hacking the protocol

This method is very labor-intensive in a technical sense. Code Definition Process
consists of recording the exchange protocol between a legal card and a decoder, usually
are used special programs, which are very resource-intensive. It's obvious that
in this way you can get an encrypted and decrypted piece, and then
Having compared them, calculate the decryption algorithm using a banal selection. But you
you understand what's what longer key, the more difficult it is to pick it up if you have it on hand
there is no specialist like the main character of the movie "A Beautiful Mind", then to decipher
may take decades. Although, of course, you can choose super instead of 1
a brilliant specialist, thousands of stupid but stubborn computers.

Remember the joke:
Today, the Pentagon's computer was hacked by Chinese hackers:
The fact is that each of the 1 billion hackers typed their password, 456,987
The 456th next assumption that the password is the word “Mao Zedong”,
the computer decided to agree.

Today on the Internet there are similar closed and open networks
selection of keys. Here it is: someone is massively fighting cancer, someone is looking for
aliens, and someone is just the key to free porn... anything can happen.

Okay, I’m saying everything here, I’m saying it, and not just one method of how exactly the signal is encoded
I didn’t tell you, well, here are a couple of examples and here I’ll finish this
article, although there is a lot more that can be said about, and even how to make a map
access, but here everything is somehow illegal... so here I am, executing
promise - the two main encryption methods are (note, they are not complicated: after all
The receiver's processing power is limited, but very effective, because
limit the length of the key, and therefore the set of implementation options):

  1. The TV signal frame is divided into blocks (for example, 32 lines) and in each
    block, the lines are rearranged in a chaotic order (Nagra Syster system in
  2. Cut each line in half at a random place and then swap
    halves in places (Eurocrypt and Videocrypt).

OK it's all over Now. Clear skies!

Satellite TV, free TV, satellite hacking, satellite, grabbing, Satellite TV, channel decoding, channel hacking, satellite decoding, codes satellite channels, keys to the satellite, hacking satellite television, hacking satellite television

The most interesting satellite channels are in most cases encrypted. In order to be able to view them, you have to pay money to the provider, and considerable money at that. Meanwhile, there are ways to hack such channels, allowing you to watch them completely free or by paying a small amount.

Decoding methods using home equipment

Channels can be decoded using a tuner with an emulator or by installing the program on your home PC.

How to decode channels on a tuner with an emulator

  1. Having connected to the first available channel, go to the emulator by typing a combination of numbers, which changes depending on the tuner firmware version;
  2. In the emulator window that opens, click on the Key Edit line and go through the BISS item (in translation - encoding);
  3. To change the key, highlight the selected code by pressing the remote control button (red) and change the numbers;
  4. To enter third party code click on green button remote control Next, enter the channel frequency in the Freg section, its identifier (Serv id), and later the Key Data itself. This information is available in the BISS list. Click on "Ok";
  5. Now Exit to the control panel to complete the decoding work.

How to decode a digital channel using programs

To decode your favorite channels, download the following software from the network:

  • Free version of ProgDVB;
  • Softcam Server 1.2.2 (a utility that is used to download keys and decryption methods);
  • SoftCam.Key ( text document with keys)
  • Plugin MDYankse1.32.1TT.

The ProgDVB program is installed on your computer. The Softcam Server1.2.2 utility is installed, which is additionally configured by editing ini file:

  1. The path for installing the keys is indicated - SoftcamLocation=с: \ProgDVB;
  2. ServerMode = 0 is specified. As a result, the application will be automatically updated every time it is opened;
  3. ManualMode=1 is specified. This is necessary to save files without confirmation;
  4. The file names with keys are entered: Keysfile Name = Easy, Softcam Name = Softcam, Keybin Name = Keys.

At the last stage, the Yankse1.32.1TT plugin is installed by unzipping it into the directory with the ProgDVB system.

Free channels in ProgDVB will be marked by the plugin with green checkmarks, blocked ones with red checkmarks. The LM mouse clicks on the channel that should be decoded. Waiting for the result is about 5 seconds.

Decoding using official cards

Decode desired channel You can also use the provider’s official card. Of course, in this case you will still have to pay. However, there is a simple way to significantly reduce spending.

Decoding TV channels using cardsharing

As you can see, decoding a channel encrypted in the BISS system or another similar one is a fairly simple process. However, providers, of course, are aware of all such user tricks and often protect themselves by changing keys very often (sometimes once every 15 minutes). To watch such programs, they usually use the services provided by cardsharing providers. This is done as follows:

  1. On the Internet, they find a supplier who has purchased an official card with access to channels;
  2. Next, the order is placed;
  3. The service is paid for.

The supplier uses special equipment to connect to the server and distribute keys a huge number users, while sharing subscription fee for everyone. As a result, you have to pay a very small amount per view.

Decoding satellite channels is not a complicated process. Buying a tuner, downloading a program or searching for a card sharing service provider is probably one of these ways will do exactly for you.

08/20/2017 08/30/2017 by Eve

Principle of operation satellite kit is as follows: the encoded signal first enters the convector, where it is amplified at a certain point and fed to the tuner. Then, the operator's smart card with the key decodes the incoming signal, and the tuner, in turn, displays the image on the screen.

Decoding using a tuner is the most in a simple way, allowing you to watch premium channels in excellent quality absolutely free.

In order for decryption to be successful, you will need:

  1. Satellite TV system, including: satellite dish, cable, convector;
  2. Tuner with remote control. After you are convinced that the entire system is working, you can begin decryption. First of all, you need to enable a free unencrypted channel, after which, go to the tuner emulator.

Remote control remote control You need to select an option to enter a 4-digit combination.

After accepting the code, a panel with settings should appear on the emulator screen. Using the remote control, select the last item “KeyEdit”. You should see the “Edit Code” tab. Select the encoding type – “BISS”.

  1. Now you need to go to the “BISS” item. If you have not added keys, the display on the screen will be blank. If you already have a key, then you can not download a new one, but update the old one: select from the list of all codes exactly the one that you have not used yet and click the red “Edit” button.
  2. In order to add new key, you need to press the green “Add” button on the control panel, which is located at the bottom of the display. To add a channel key, you need to know the channel frequency, code, and ID number of the channel itself. If you do not have this information on hand, you can always look it up in the general BISS list.

When you open the “Edit Code” form, a table with fields will appear on the screen. Click on the selected column, after which you will see the following columns in the table: CAID, ServId, Freq, Type, KeyData.

ServId – denotes channel ID;

Freq – indicates the channel frequency;

KeyData – the key itself is entered in this column.

Please note that the CAID column remains unchanged!


In order to enter the letters of the code in the column, use the P and P+ buttons, which are located at the bottom remote control management. You can also select letters using the electronic keyboard.

Be sure to save the completed information by clicking the “OK” button.

To return to the main “Menu” of TV settings, press the “Exit” button.

What to do if there is no encoding in the listBISS?

If there is no BISS type encoding in the general list of the “Edit Code” tab, then you can select the one that already has a key. In order for the key to work, you need to indicate the number 2600 in the CAID column. Thus, by editing old key, You will have access to paid channels. Save your changes by clicking the OK button or the green key.

How to decode a channel if it hasBISS-encoding?

Operators satellite television, in most cases, have encrypted channels for which you need to pay a subscription fee. But what to do if the list free channels Are you unhappy and want to watch more without paying?

BISS-encoded channels can be decoded, but to do this you need to understand how the entire system works.

So, you will need: full set satellite television (dish, convector), as well as satellite tuner, supporting the required format (HD, HDTV, etc.).

First of all, you need to go to the “Menu” of the channel that you want to decode. An “Information” window with channel data will appear in front of you.

Using the remote control, open the "BISS" window. You can press the red button or use the buttons to scroll through the lines.

The “Edit Code” window will appear in front of you. All values ​​in the “KeyDate” column will be reset to zero, so you need to enter the key. Save the code changes by pressing the "OK" button on the remote control. In order to edit or change the code again, you need to go into the tuner’s memory.

Once you have installed yourself satellite dish, a lot of questions immediately arise. Let's talk about the most interesting thing - viewing closed channels. Newcomers most often ask the question: “Where can I find BISS keys for Discovery Channels." Remember, today the channels Discovery Channel, Discovery Science, Discovery World, Animal Planet, Discovery Travel are encrypted viaccess system, which has nothing in common with BISS, and accordingly, viewing these channels by entering keys is impossible. What to do if you really want to watch Discovery channels, we will consider further.

To view encrypted channels from a satellite, there are only a couple of options:

  1. Purchase of an official package and equipment offered by the operator (for example NTV+, Viasat);
  2. Cardsharing – purchasing a package from “pirates”.
  3. View BISS encoded channels by entering keys.

All of the above options have both their advantages and disadvantages. More often than not, the advantages of the first become disadvantages of the second. Let us list the most significant of them.

Purchasing an official package and equipment offered by the operator (for example NTV+)


  • everything is within the law - you can sleep peacefully
  • no special equipment or knowledge is required;
  • official technical support;
  • payment by any in a convenient way, which is supported by the operator;
  • guarantee High Quality provision of services;


  • most often the cost of the service is high (from $30);
  • inability to view packages from other operators;

Cardsharing – purchasing a package from “pirates”


  • low cost of services (from $5);
  • the ability to simultaneously watch packages from different operators;


  • it's not quite legal way viewing;
  • special knowledge and equipment are required: a receiver that supports this feature, Internet access, a client program (usually mpcs) and equipment on which such a program will run (usually a PC);
  • technical support for such “pirate servers,” as you understand, leaves much to be desired;
  • among payment methods there are usually one or two options, usually only via the Internet;
  • the quality of services depends on the quality of the Internet, server load, and equipment used. In general, there are quite a lot of requirements for the quality to be good.

It should also be noted that the channels are encoded different encodings. Let's look at the most common of them:

Viaccess 2.3.

Channels encoded in the system Viaccess coding 2.3

The coding system has long been hacked, the codes are posted on the Internet. The Eurosport channel from Russian is closed in this encoding soundtrack and many other channels.

But don't rush to rejoice. The cunning French, namely they who came up with the Viaccess encoding system, found an opportunity to improve the old encoding. Another one is applied to the existing encoding system - “TPS-Crypt” (Mask). This “disgrace” works this way: a bunch of identifiers are thrown into the stream along with the signal, and the receiver cannot decide which of them is real.

Long “AEC” keys help to calculate the real channel ID and it opens.

“AEC” keys are also posted on the Internet. Even the sequence of their use is known, but they are replaced too often.

Currently, anyone who has a receiver with an emulator and wants to watch the TPS (Multivision) channel package must enter new codes every 20 minutes.

Viaccess 2.4

Channels encoded in the Viaccess 2.4 encoding system

The coding system has been hacked, the codes are posted on the Internet. There are not many channels left using this encoding. Of greatest interest are Perviy Baltijskyi kanal Estonia and RTR Planeta.

Viaccess 2.5

Channels encoded in the Viaccess 2.5 encoding system

Weight interesting channels closed in this coding system, including the package of RTV channels (Our Cinema, etc.), the NTV-Mir channel and many others.

The most interesting thing is that there are persistent rumors that this coding system has been hacked. It seems that they are now looking for a buyer for the results of the hack, and maybe this year an illegal card or module that opens channels encoded in this encoding will appear.

This will be a sensation, a big victory for TV pirates and a barrel of balm for the tormented souls of the “freeloaders”

Viaccess 2.6

Channels encoded in the Viaccess 2.6 encoding system

As far as I know, with this coding system everything is still “deaf.” Probably all channels will be “sprayed” on this encoding when they smell something fried on “VIA-2.5?

Viaccess 3.0. A new version encodings. Everything is quiet with her so far.


Channels encoded in the Betacrypt encoding system

This encoding system has long been hacked and currently people illegally watch the channels remaining in this encoding, for example, the Austrian channel package ORF Digital.

If you look at the general list of channels closed by this system, then “the soul rejoices.” But don't be fooled. Illegal viewing of most of these channels is not possible. The so-called “tunnel” coding system has been introduced.

So that “ancient” receivers like “D-box1? recognized the card with the new encoding, outer shell The encoding remained from Betacrypt, and the insides were stuffed into it from the Nagravision encoding system.

This monster was called “Nagravision 2?

Nagravision 2

Channels encoded in the Nagravision 2 encoding system

IN Lately there was a lot of noise about “hacking the coding system of Nagravision 2?. But it is not so. By “hacking” we must understand that the encoding algorithm is known and the provider has almost no ability to fight.

IN in this case, the situation is different. It would be more correct to talk about “hacking” one of the versions of the official map.

A group of Spanish hackers found the ability to read information with one of the modifications official maps. Such cards were used for both the Spanish version of Nagravision 2? (Armageddon) and the German version of this encoding system, Aladin. Even some of the official maps on Polsat were made based on such maps.

This information was sold to manufacturers of illegal cards, and they quickly started producing all sorts of “serebryanok”, “felt boots”, etc.

Brief viewing of many channels on some receivers with emulators was possible because the manufacturers of illegal cards squabbled over the market. One of the parties, to spite its competitors, threw the keys onto the Internet for all three large packages of channels encoded in “Nagravision 2?”

The providers responded quickly, the exposed keys were replaced and the exchange of old official cards began. It is especially difficult for the German Premiere - they only need to replace 3.5 million official cards at the first stage.

Now necessary information Manufacturers of the Diablo CAM module also own it. With this thing, as with illegal cards, illegal viewing of closed German channels is also possible. A funny situation - “a thief stole something stolen from a thief.” They say that the “devils” stole from their competitors the information recorded on their illegal cards.

According to unverified information, hackers have found an opportunity to get close to the latest modifications official maps (ROM-122).

Is this a disaster for the developers of the Nagravision 2 coding system? and providers using this encoding. Illegal viewing of these channels will be possible long term, and 17 million official cards are subject to exchange.

Nagravision 1

Channels encoded in the Nagravision 1 encoding system

The coding system has been hacked, the codes are posted on the Internet. Spanish channels from the Hispasat 1C/1D satellite encoded in this system are of some interest.


Channels encoded in the Cryptoworks encoding system

It looks like this coding system has indeed been hacked. True, keys did not appear on the Internet for all channel packages. Maybe there are some modifications to this coding system, or this is due to some economic considerations of hackers. Two porn channels, Hustler TV Europe (PG) and Blue Hustler Europe (PB), are of particular interest.

With a Russian soundtrack there is the channel “Romantica 2?”, with its endless series, and Jetix Central & Eastern with children's cartoons.

It is now possible to view the Austrian package of ORF channels encoded not only in Betacrypt, but also in Cryptoworks.

Videoguard Channels encoded in the Videoguard encoding system

There are rumors that illegal cards may soon appear that open channels Viasat packages and Sky Italia

The Viasat package of Russian-language channels would be especially interesting.

This “case” is probably not simple; even the original card for this package only works with the receiver on which it was activated.

Irdeto 2

Channels encoded in the Irdeto 2 encoding system

Maybe wishful thinking is being passed off as reality, but there is information that the coding system has been hacked and currently looking for people willing to buy the results of hacking. Card and module manufacturers usually show interest in such matters.

A powerful incentive for “tinkering” with this coding system will be the transition to “Irdeto 2? Stargate channel pack.

Mediaguard 1 (Seca)

Channels encoded in the Mediaguard 1 (Seca) encoding system

Some channels closed in this coding system have codes on the Internet. The Super 1 Music channel is of some interest. Until 23 o'clock it is music channel, and from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. it’s a porn channel.

Channels encoded in the BISS encoding system

This is the "hardware" version of encoding. A small software installed in the receiver or module, if there are keys, provides channel decoding. The length of the keys is not long; it is possible to calculate them by simply enumerating the options. On one of the Russian forums there is a group of enthusiasts who click these codes like nuts.

There are codes on the Internet, with some receivers that have an emulator, it is possible to watch channels such as Megasport, 1+1 International, M1 International, Stolicnoe TV, Rossiya, etc.


The Russian encryption system "Rosscrypt" has not been hacked. It was developed back in the 70s in the USSR in one of the secret “research institutes” of the State Security Committee, and is only being put into operation at the present time.

The size of the key block is 64 bits, which means that an attempt to select codes by simple brute force is a “dead number”.

Of the encrypted channels, the most interesting for us is Perviy kanal, broadcast from the Express AM1 satellite. To officially view this channel in Russia, the sale of the corresponding CAM module is organized.

Z-Crypt aka DRE-Crypr

Encoding used by the TricolorTV project ( The decoding module is built directly into the DRE-4000 receiver. No subscription card required. This is the only receiver for watching 3TV.

According to a number of reports, the encoding with the code name Z-Crypt was developed here in Zelenograd, according to a number of others - by Digi Raum Elctronics (DRE), a manufacturer of receivers.

The encoding has not been cracked, and if it has been cracked, then no one shouts about it widely - everyone wants to live [without problems]...

CryptoWorks– system of protection against unauthorized access.

This system has been in use for over 10 years. The system is based on the principle of protecting banking systems, satellite and cable communications. The company also has 45 years of experience in using similar systems for military purposes.

CryptoWorks is currently used in DTH live broadcast systems.

The system, for example, provides control of such a delicate function,

as PPV (Pay-Per-View) - pay-per-view.

There were real cases of hacking, but now there are no keys for it. Some porn channels are also encoded into it...

Neotion SHL, Dreamcrypt, KeyFly, Firecrypt

These encodings usually use porn channels so that the user can open them using modules conditional access(CAM) or special receivers, for example NEOTION BOX, it automatically has a built-in subscription to the SEX VIEW XXX porn channel

The most powerful and complex encoding. It was invented in the USA, mainly used for military or for cable networks. For her, the receiver costs more than $1000. It’s even more difficult here than even in Videoguard. For example, the AFN package with HOT BIRD is broadcast in this encoding; this package is specially made for military personnel from the United States who arrive outside the country. The only one open channel in this package it’s Pentagon TV, the American propaganda channel, but it’s funny, you can watch it for fun.

How to decode satellite channels.

Short description

Viaccess 2.3.

Channels encoded in the Viaccess 2.3 encoding system

The coding system has long been hacked, the codes are posted on the Internet. In this encoding, the Eurosport channel with a Russian soundtrack and many other channels are closed.
But don't rush to rejoice. The cunning French, namely they who came up with the “Viaccess” coding system, found an opportunity to improve the old coding. Another one is applied to the existing encoding system - “TPS-Crypt” (Mask). This “disgrace” works in this way - a bunch of identifiers are thrown into the stream along with the signal, and the receiver cannot decide which of them is real.
Long "AEC" keys help to calculate the real channel ID and it opens.
"AEC" keys are also posted on the Internet. Even the sequence of their use is known, but they are replaced too often.
Currently, anyone who has a receiver with an emulator and wants to watch the "TPS" (Multivision) channel package must enter new codes every 20 minutes.

Viaccess 2.4

Channels encoded in the Viaccess 2.4 encoding system

The coding system has been hacked, the codes are posted on the Internet. There are not many channels left using this encoding. Of greatest interest are Perviy Baltijskyi kanal Estonia and RTR Planeta.

Viaccess 2.5

Channels encoded in the Viaccess 2.5 encoding system

A lot of interesting channels are closed in this coding system, including the RTV channel package (Our Cinema, etc.), the NTV-Mir channel and many others.
The most interesting thing is that there are persistent rumors that this coding system has been hacked. It seems that they are now looking for a buyer for the results of the hack, and maybe this year an illegal card or module that opens channels encoded in this encoding will appear.
This will be a sensation, a big victory for TV pirates and a barrel of balm for the tormented souls of the “freeloaders”

Viaccess 2.6

Channels encoded in the Viaccess 2.6 encoding system

As far as I know, with this coding system everything is still “deaf.” Probably all channels will be “sprayed” on this encoding when they smell something fried on “VIA-2.5”

Viaccess 3.0New version of encoding. Everything is quiet with her so far.


Channels encoded in the Betacrypt encoding system

This encoding system has long been hacked and currently people illegally watch the channels remaining in this encoding, for example, the Austrian channel package ORF Digital.
If you look at the general list of channels closed by this system, then “the soul rejoices.” But don't be fooled. Illegal viewing of most of these channels is not possible. The so-called “tunnel” coding system has been introduced.
In order for “ancient” receivers like “D-box1” to recognize a card with a new encoding, the outer shell of the encoding remained from “Betacrypt”, and the insides were stuffed with the “Nagravision” encoding system.

This monster was called "Nagravision 2"

Nagravision 2

Channels encoded in the Nagravision 2 encoding system

Lately there has been a lot of noise about “hacking the Nagravision 2 encoding system.” But this is not entirely true. By “hacking” we must understand that the encoding algorithm is known and the provider has almost no ability to fight it.
In this case, the situation is different. It would be more correct to talk about “hacking” one of the versions of the official map.
A group of Spanish hackers found an opportunity to read information from one of the modifications of official cards. Such cards were used for both the Spanish version of "Nagravision 2" (Armageddon) and the German version of this encoding system "Aladin". Even some of the official maps on Polsat were made based on such maps.
This information was sold to manufacturers of illegal cards, and they quickly started producing all sorts of “serebryanki”, “felt boots”, etc.
Brief viewing of many channels on some receivers with emulators was possible because the manufacturers of illegal cards squabbled over the market. One of the parties, to spite its competitors, threw the keys onto the Internet for all three large packages of channels encoded in "Nagravision 2".
The providers responded quickly, the exposed keys were replaced and the exchange of old official cards began. It is especially difficult for the German Premiere - they only need to replace 3.5 million official cards at the first stage.
Now the manufacturers of the Diablo CAM module also have the necessary information. With this thing, as with illegal cards, illegal viewing of closed German channels is also possible. A funny situation - “a thief stole something stolen from a thief.” They say that the “devils” stole from their competitors the information recorded on their illegal cards.
According to unverified information, hackers have found a way to get close to the latest modifications of official cards (ROM-122).
This is a disaster for the developers of the "Nagravision 2" encoding system and the providers using this encoding. Illegal viewing of these channels will be possible for a long time, and 17 million official cards are subject to exchange.

Nagravision 1

Channels encoded in the Nagravision 1 encoding system

The coding system has been hacked, the codes are posted on the Internet. Spanish channels from the Hispasat 1C/1D satellite encoded in this system are of some interest.

Channels encoded in the Cryptoworks encoding system

It looks like this coding system has indeed been hacked. True, keys did not appear on the Internet for all channel packages. Maybe there are some modifications to this coding system, or this is due to some economic considerations of hackers. Two porn channels, Hustler TV Europe (PG) and Blue Hustler Europe (PB), are of particular interest.
With a Russian soundtrack there is the channel "Romantica 2", with its endless series, and Jetix Central & Eastern with children's cartoons.
It is now possible to view the Austrian package of "ORF" channels encoded not only in "Betacrypt", but also in "Cryptoworks".

Videoguard Channels encoded in the Videoguard encoding system

There are rumors that illegal cards may soon appear that open channels for Viasat and Sky Italia packages
A package of Russian-language channels "Viasat" would be especially interesting.
The “case” is probably not simple; even the original card for this package only works with the receiver on which it was activated.

Irdeto 2

Channels encoded in the Irdeto 2 encoding system

Maybe wishful thinking is being presented as reality, but there is information that the coding system has been hacked and they are currently looking for people who want to buy the results of the hack. Card and module manufacturers usually show interest in such matters.
A powerful incentive for “tinkering” with this coding system will be the transition to “Irdeto 2” of the Stargate channel package.

Mediaguard 1 (Seca)

Channels encoded in the Mediaguard 1 (Seca) encoding system

Some channels closed in this coding system have codes on the Internet. The Super 1 Music channel is of some interest. Until 11 pm it is a music channel, and from 11 pm to 4 am it is a porn channel.

Channels encoded in the BISS encoding system

This is the "hardware" version of encoding. A small software installed in the receiver or module, if there are keys, provides channel decoding. The length of the keys is not long; it is possible to calculate them by simply enumerating the options. On one of the Russian forums there is a group of enthusiasts who click these codes like nuts.
There are codes on the Internet, with some receivers that have an emulator, it is possible to watch channels such as Megasport, 1+1 International, M1 International, Stolicnoe TV, Rossiya, etc.


The Russian encryption system "Rosscrypt" has not been hacked. It was developed back in the 70s in the USSR in one of the secret “research institutes” of the State Security Committee, and is only being put into operation at the present time.
The size of the key block is 64 bits, which means that an attempt to select codes by simple brute force is a “dead number”.
Of the encrypted channels, the most interesting for us is Perviy kanal, broadcast from the Express AM1 satellite. To officially view this channel in Russia, the sale of the corresponding CAM module is organized.

Z-Crypt aka DRE-Crypr

Encoding used by the TricolorTV project (). The decoding module is built directly into the DRE-4000 receiver. No subscription card required. This is the only receiver for watching 3TV.

According to a number of reports, the encoding with the code name Z-Crypt was developed here in Zelenograd, according to a number of others - by Digi Raum Elctronics (DRE), a manufacturer of receivers.

The encoding has not been cracked, and if it has been cracked, then no one shouts about it widely - everyone wants to live [without problems]...

CryptoWorks is a system for protecting against unauthorized access.

This system has been in use for over 10 years. The system is based on the principle of protecting banking systems, satellite and cable communications. The company also has 45 years of experience using similar systems for military purposes.

CryptoWorks is currently used in DTH live broadcast systems.
The system, for example, provides control of such a delicate function,
as PPV (Pay-Per-View) - pay-per-view.

There were real cases of hacking, but now there are no keys for it. Some porn channels are also encoded into it....

Neotion SHL, Dreamcrypt, KeyFly, Firecrypt

These encodings usually use porn channels so that the user can open them using conditional access modules (CAM) or special receivers, for example NEOTION BOX, which automatically has a built-in subscription to the porn channel SEX VIEW XXX

The most powerful and complex encoding. It was invented in the USA and is mainly used for military or cable networks. For her, the receiver costs more than $1000. It’s even more difficult here than even in Videoguard. For example, the AFN package with HOT BIRD is broadcast in this encoding; this package is specially made for military personnel from the United States who arrive outside the country. The only open channel in this package is Pentagon TV, the American propaganda channel, but it’s funny, you can watch it for fun.

Taken from: How to decode satellite channels. Brief description - SAT - KEYS, ENCODINGS, Emulators - SATELLITE TV - Forum about satellite TV and the Internet: keys, firmware, encodings, channel sharing, tincture.