How to check page indexing. All about indexation of maternity capital: how does it affect the amount? How is maternity capital indexed?

How can you quickly find out whether a page that is important to you is included in the search engine index? And in general, how many pages of a site are “seen” by search engines? In this post, I described the methods that SEO specialists most often use, and prepared a bonus for readers.

When indexing a page, the search engine robot adds information about the site to the database. Further search occurs on indexed pages. Do not confuse indexing and crawling.

A robot can crawl the entire site quickly. And adding to the index is slow, not adding some pages or removing pages from the index.

1. Check indexing in the webmasters panel

This basic method checks for the webmaster or site owner.

Google. You need to go to Search Console and on the “Google Index” tab, select “Indexing Status”.

Yandex. We go through authorization in Yandex.Passport, go to Yandex.Webmaster and follow the path “Site Indexing” - “Pages in Search”. Another option: “Site indexing” - “History” - “Pages in search”. Here you can see the dynamics of changes in the number of pages in the search.

To use this method, you must have a certain level of access to the webmaster panel. An example of good site indexing. Quantity quality pages grows and they are added to the index.
Indexing problems look like this:

The screenshot shows a site closed from indexing in the robots.txt file

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2. Use operators in search queries

Search operators allow you to refine your search results. The “site:” operator provides information about the approximate number of pages indexed. To check in line Google search or Yandex enter “site:”.

For example, the website is under the AGS filter.

Using additional search tools, you can find out indexing data for certain period time. Thus, over the last hour, 49 pages of Russian-language Wikipedia have appeared in the Google index:

3. Use plugins and bookmarklets

Plugins and bookmarklets (small javascript programs saved as browser bookmarks) are an automated verification option. IN in this case no need to open the search engine separately and enter anything into the search.

Plugins and scripts do this:

Netpeak Spider allows you to crawl the entire site. The advantage is that you receive not only information about the number of pages in the index, but also a list of these pages, as well as a lot of additional data: canonical, response code, title, headings, meta descriptions, meta robots, robots.txt, redirects, internal and external links and others. The program also warns about errors in this data.

Once the list of all site URLs has been received, it can be uploaded to Netpeak Checker and checked directly for indexing search engines.

Why is the site not indexed?

1. New website. Sometimes you just have to wait. Pages are not included in the index all at once. This process often takes several months.

2. No sitemap. A high-quality sitemap will help search robots crawl and index your site faster. The link to the map must be added to the webmasters panel.

3. Errors on the site. Webmaster panels regularly notify site owners about errors. Noticed a problem with indexing? See what errors the robot finds and correct them.

A common mistake when unknowingly changing CMS or hosting settings. The following line appears in the code of the site pages:

5. Error with robots.txt. It is often advised to close everything unnecessary in robots.txt. The peculiarity of the robots.txt file is that one extra character can turn a site open for indexing into a closed one. Even if you closed part of the site correctly, you could inadvertently catch the necessary things that are located deeper. Your site is closed from indexing if you see this construction in your robots.txt:

User-agent: * Disallow: /


The website owner’s goal is for all pages open for indexing to be in the search engine index. This is difficult to achieve. In addition, it is important to monitor the process of entering pages into the index: sudden changes in the positive or negative side- a signal about a problem. We have described four ways to check the indexing of website pages:

  1. In panels Google webmasters and Yandex.
  2. Using the search operator "site:".
  3. Using plugins like RDS bar, and burkmarklets.
  4. IN special services, for example, Netpeak Spider.

Often it’s not a matter of indexing, but rather an approach to optimization. If you want to be indexed and ranked, answer the user’s request better than anyone else. In this case, everything described above will be needed only to record a good result.

P.S. Bonus for those who finished reading :)

Keep a table with which I work with website indexing. How to work with a table?

  1. Make a copy.
  2. Select a domain zone.
  3. Load column A with a list of URLs.
  4. Wait for the results (the more addresses, the longer you have to wait).

As a result, we get something like this:

Then you can select columns B, C and copy the data to the adjacent two columns. This way you will save the results to current date for comparison with indexing results via certain time. And here is another table for recording search results using the “site:” operator for Yandex. The instructions are simple:

  1. Select a domain zone.
  2. Select region.
  3. Enter your query (website address).
  4. Put "1" if you want to get the address and title.
  5. Enter the number of SERPs you want to save (from 1 to 100).

Using this tablet, I have more than once found problematic Title or extra pages in the index.

Good day, dear readers of my blog. It is important for every developer (beginner or not) that his site is indexed in search engines as soon as possible. After all, if the page is not in Yandex or Google, then it is almost impossible to find it. I recently talked about...

Without this, you might as well write articles and leave them in a folder on your desktop. But how do you know that your blog has actually been verified and when this issue becomes less relevant for developers?

Today I will tell you in detail about how to find out if a site is indexed in Yandex. You will learn to instantly understand whether other users are seeing your pages, what might be preventing this from happening, and how to effectively fix the problems.

I'll teach you how to quickly track information about "inappropriate" publications so you don't waste time and money.

Shall we get started? But first.

When and why to monitor indexing information

All beginners are concerned about checking their own electronic resource. A search engine may not visit the portal for a long time, but the forbidden fruit is sweet and desirable. I would like to see my brainchild in first place as soon as possible for at least some request. Over time, this dream comes true, and interest in indexing fades away. Very in vain.

After the first check, the search engine periodically looks at the already familiar URL to find out the news and re-evaluate. There are different ranking factors, for example, . With respect to them, pages are assigned a specific place in search results, but there are also factors that prevent new publications from appearing in search engines.

If the page is not in the search results, then this means that you wasted your time and money (if you ordered an article from a copywriter) in vain. What could be the problem? AGS filter, duplication of content, or uniqueness of text, technical failures in hosting or other glitch in source code. There could be a million reasons.

If you know how many articles there are on your portal and you see that not all of them are in the search results, then you need to make full check to identify exactly what kind of trouble happened on the site. And, as a rule, almost everyone has them, regardless of how savvy you are in web construction.

How to find out how many pages there are on the portal

So, analysis can be done in several ways.

  • WordPress

If your portal is on WordPress, then you can easily find out the exact number of pages. To do this, just go to the control panel. Immediately, you will be shown the number of entries.

  • Map of site.

You can very easily find out how many pages you have on your blog if it has a Sitemap. I already wrote an article about whether it is generally needed. In a nutshell, this is very user-friendly content. Which has a good effect on both user behavior and the ranking of the portal.

  • Site analysis and error checking.

Another convenient way, which will help you not only understand what problems your blog has, but also help you sort out all these shortcomings, the service .

It will help you get rid of broken links, pictures, carry out a comprehensive check of uniqueness, titles, descriptions, and so on. Interested? You can read the article about it, or watch this video.

How many pages are indexed?

Great, if you know how many pages there are on your site, then you can easily understand how many of them are in the search results. Ideally, there should be exactly as many of them as there are publications (plus the main page and section pages).

If the number is less, then there are problems on the site that will need to be identified and resolved. To begin with, I will talk about in a simple way checks. It is not very accurate, convenient or beautiful, but it is fast. Ideal for the first time.

Manual method

Open Yandex and enter URL:domain-site-name* into the search bar.

Naturally, instead of “your-site-address” you need to enter your url. For example, like this. My test portal is quite small, but there were as many as 9 results in the search results. This is amazing.


Another very convenient thing is Yandex.Webmaster. Thanks to this service, you can learn a lot of useful things, clarify some information to increase your chances of getting first place in the search engine, force Yandex to index your site faster and, of course, check the pages.

My test site is not yet connected to this service. And there is no article on the topic of connection on my blog yet. However, I think that this situation will change very soon. Subscribe to the newsletter and be the first to know about everything that happens with my test site and complete important tasks with ease.

How to check a specific page manually

If you want to know detailed information about a specific page from your or someone else’s site, where you, for example, bought a link, you can use Yandex itself. It's quick and easy.

Copy the URL and enter it into the Yandex search bar without any changes.

The first place should be the same URL that you entered into the search bar. If this does not happen, then it is not indexed.

Now you know how to check whether a site is indexed and, without unnecessary fuss, check the portal for errors, and also eliminate them.

Ideally, you should have Yandex.Webmaster connected so as not to bother with checking again. Please come back and periodically check to see if the number of excluded pages has increased. As soon as you see that problems have appeared, go to and he tells you what caused the problem. Solve it and enjoy your life on the Internet.

The increase in capital occurs in automatic mode, you don’t need to apply specifically for this. Maternity capital: indexed or not? How has its value changed over time?

What is indexing?

The issuance of maternity capital began back in 2008, then it was exactly 250 thousand rubles. In 2015, after indexation, it increased to 453,026 rubles, actually increasing by 72%. This is done in order to protect the certificates from inflation and give families the opportunity to actually use the subsidy.

The calculation of the new value of maternal capital is carried out in accordance with current level inflation. How The higher the predicted inflation, the higher the indexation coefficient. The amount of the subsidy in each new year is determined by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population.

Maternity capital: indexation by year (the coefficient is indicated in brackets) is presented below:

  • in 2008 it increased by 10.5% to 276,250 rubles (1.105);
  • in 2009 – by 13% to 312,162 rubles (1.13);
  • in 2010 – by 10% to 343,378 rubles (1.1);
  • in 2011 – by 6.5% to 365,698 rubles (1,065);
  • in 2012 – by 6% to 387,640 rubles (1.06);
  • in 2013 – by 5.5% to 408,960 rubles (1,055);
  • in 2014 – by 5% to 429,408 rubles (1.05);
  • in 2015 – by 5.5% to 453,026 rubles (1,055).

Indexing is also discussed in the video.

Is the received maternity capital indexed?

With the initial issuance of capital, everything is clear. The amount of maternity capital corresponding to the size for that year is indicated on the certificate. This misleads many people. It is believed that what amount is indicated on the certificate, those cash and are subject to issue. Therefore, many are in no hurry to start registering maternity capital, waiting for it to “grow up”. To find out where to get a maternity certificate, go to

In fact the time of issuing the certificate has no effect on indexing, since money is transferred from the budget to the Pension Fund only after a written application from the recipient.

For example, if a certificate was issued in 2010, when the amount of maternity capital was equal to 343,378 rubles, but the family used it only 4 years later, when the subsidy “grew” to 429,408 rubles, then family members will be able to use the last amount.

You can receive a certificate immediately after the baby is born, and use it when the need arises. The figure on the certificate is conditional; it determines the amount of maternity capital in a certain year and serves as a guide for calculating the current amount of the subsidy.

An important point: if you increase the size of the maternity capital, you do not need to change the certificate. Once received, the document serves as the basis for receiving a subsidy in the amount established by law.

To determine the current amount of maternity capital, you should contact the Pension Fund branch, where specialists will give the exact figure. However, you can do this yourself, for example, by visiting the PF website or other official sources.

Is the balance of maternity capital indexed?

Recipients of maternal capital often have a question: if the subsidy was partially spent, for example, on urgent needs or to pay off the balance of the mortgage, then what happens to the rest and how is it indexed?

It is indexed, just like the entire subsidy. This can be seen in the example:

  1. In 2011, the family took from a total amount of 365,698 rubles funds to pay for the child’s education in the amount of 120,000 rubles. The balance was 245,698 rubles.
  2. This amount will be indexed for the next year, and the balance will be 260,440 rubles.
  3. Next year 2013, the balance will be indexed again and will amount to 274,764 rubles
  4. The calculation will continue until the family uses the subsidy again.
You can calculate the remaining balance yourself. To do this, you need to refer to the above diagram and calculate the indexation coefficients for all previous years. But these operations are quite complex and easy to get confused. Of course, no one forbids you to calculate the approximate size of the balance in order to estimate how much you can manage. But for the right result, you need to contact the local branch of the Pension Fund.

Using a special calculator, fund specialists will calculate the size of the balance and report the exact figure. It is this that can be used when planning expenses.


Maternal capital does not depreciate over time. Its size is indexed to the amount established by law. The increase factor is calculated based on the inflation rate. Data about this are published on the official website of the Pension Fund.

When does maternity capital indexation occur? It takes place regardless of the time the certificate was issued. The figure indicated on it is conditional and serves as a starting point for calculating future odds.

If applicants managed to spend part of the maternity capital for non-urgent needs or for other purposes, for example, paying off mortgage debt or paying for a child’s education, then the remainder of the subsidy is also indexed.

Indexation coefficients correspond to the increased level of maternity capital. To calculate the exact balance amount, it is better to contact specialists. If you want to know how to get a loan against... maternal capital, then you

Commentary from an expert lawyer

Comments on the material:

  • Has impressive experience in the position chief inspector of the financial monitoring department of the security department North Caucasus Bank OJSC "Sberbank of Russia";
  • Direction: combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism. Element of counteraction: analysis of economic and other activities of business entities and individuals;

You can find out more about our experts.

It would be appropriate to title your comment like this: “ No indexing!».

State support for families in terms of providing a certain amount, called maternity capital, was revised annually both in relation to the entire amount and the balance of this amount. This procedure is legislatively provided for by Part 2 of Article 6 of Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006.

However, without material support, the presence of financial opportunities in the state budget, ensured by its real filling, the legislative norm will not work, remaining only a declaration. Every year, when considering the draft law on the federal budget, legislators compare state capabilities to state declarations and establish an indexed amount of maternity capital.

The population has become accustomed to the natural growth of family payments and, as follows from the article and comments to it, he is not particularly concerned about the speedy development of this amount, using state certificate in the image and likeness of a bank deposit.

Comparing the two laws on the federal budget (for 2015 and 2016), it is easy to find that the amount of family capital for 2016 remained equal to the amount paid in 2015. This means that there was no indexation for 2016, and the amount of maternity capital remained equal to the amount determined for 2015 - 453,026 rubles.

The reasons, strictly speaking, have been established - the inability of the state to meet previously assumed obligations. The legislator “took the trouble” to reinforce the failure in advance with Law No. 68-FZ of 04/06/2015. Thus, from 04/07/2015, the rule on annual indexation was suspended until 01/01/2016, and then by Law No. 371-FZ of 12/14/2015 the suspension was extended until 01/01/2017.

The trend of extending the suspension of the procedure for reviewing the size of family capital raises concerns about the possibility of its restoration in the future. It would be more useful to convey to the reader information about the suspension of indexation instead of stating the development of the form of state support.

Moreover, the analysis after the text comments shows that most of the readers are in fantasies about the growth of the amount of family capital and its balances, while inflation inexorably “eats” it, thereby reducing the consumer ability of state support.

By the way, such a “turn” of the state became known not yesterday, but almost ten months ago, and if the readership had been informed in a timely manner, many would have rushed to use the funds allocated to them.

It is curious and strange that in the comments to the text, readers ask questions about indexing mat. capital even for the period of 2017, calculating “income”, and also confidently answer regarding the expected monetary increase.

Summing up the above and superficially assessing the economic state of the country, the conclusion rightly arises that it is inappropriate to wait for the indexation of maternity capital. We must soberly understand that as of today this moment, the required amounts of government support are reduced daily by a percentage of daily inflation.

Even according to the most optimistic forecasts regarding inflation, in 2016, according to various respected sources (Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, IMF) its annual size is projected to be from 8 to 10 percent. That is, in anticipation of indexation in the absence of it, the recipient of state support actually reduces his consumer opportunities by an amount equal to 45,000 rubles. in a year. Advice - hurry up.

It is very important that all pages of your site are indexed in search engines (Yandex, Google, etc.).

  • Firstly, if the page is not in the index, then people will not be able to find it and you wasted time (and possibly money) on its creation, content and design. Each page in the index is a source of visitors.
  • Secondly, if the page is not in the index, this may indicate technical problems on the site, for example, duplicate content, site or hosting glitches.
  • Thirdly, this page may play a technical role, for example, participate in a linking scheme (or contain paid links for which you will not get paid if the page is not in the index).

Below I will consider manual and automated ways to check the indexing of pages in Yandex and Google. I'll show you how to check site indexing in general and each page separately.

How to find out the number of pages on a site

This can be done in several ways:

Now that we know the actual number of pages, we need to check how many of them are indexed in Yandex and Google

We look at the indexing of the site as a whole

In this case we find out How many pages of the site are indexed in the search engine?. What does this give us? Knowing the actual number of pages on the site, we can compare whether it corresponds to the number of indexed pages. And if it matches, then everything is in order, and if not, then you need to figure out the problem and find out which pages are missing (or which pages have duplicates).

Site indexing in Yandex

Several ways.

As you can see, the data is slightly different. This is due to the fact that the url:your-site design shows not only pages, but other types of files (doc, xls, jpg, etc.). The webmaster shows exactly the number of pages.

Website indexing in Google

Here, similarly to Yandex, there are 2 methods:

automatic methods

What's next

Now that we know how many of the actual pages are indexed, there can be 3 situations:

  1. The number of pages in search engines and on the website is the same. This is an ideal option, it means everything is fine with the site.
  2. The number of indexed pages is less. This means there are problems with the site (the most popular problem is uninformative or non-unique content)
  3. The number of indexed pages is greater. Most likely you have a problem with duplicating pages, i.e. one page can be accessed at several addresses. This is bad for promotion, because... static weight pages are blurred and there are also many pages with duplicate content.

To further diagnose the site, we will need to find out which pages are accurately indexed and which are not included in the index.

How to check the indexing of one page

We may need this when we want to check a specific page on our site (for example, recently published) or a page on someone else's site (for example, where we bought a link and are waiting for it to be indexed)

How to check the indexing of all pages individually

In this case, we will check all pages of the site for indexing at once and as a result we will find out Which specific pages are not indexed in the search engine?.

Here we need to not only know the number of actual pages on the site, but also the list of addresses of these pages (their urls). This is probably the most difficult thing in this article. We seem to have received a list of pages when we generated the site map, but the addresses there are not contained in pure form and you need to be able to work with some kind of data processing program to extract them. Therefore, we will use another program.

How to get a list of all pages on a site

Before collecting links, you need to configure the Exclude Patterns parameter. This is done to exclude unnecessary links when collecting, for example, in my case, when collecting a lot of addresses like: https://site/prodvizhenie/kak-prodvigayut-sajjty.html? replytocom=324#respond, which point to a comment on the page. And I only need the page address. Therefore, I configured exclusion of addresses using the *replytocom* mask:

Next, we start collecting urls and when the program finishes collecting them, go to the Yahoo Map / Text tab and copy the addresses from there (The save button does not work, because we are using free version programs)

Now we have the addresses of all pages.

How to check page indexing automatically

Everything is simple here. After starting the program, add the one collected in the previous step list url your site and add it to the list of source urls. The program allows you to check indexing in Yandex, Google and Rambler, select the search engine you need and run the check:

After you have received a list of pages that were not included in the index, you need to understand why this happened. If everything is in order with the page, then in order for it to be included in the index, you can purchase links to it or several retweets from upgraded accounts.


The ability to check the indexing of your website pages will allow you to work more productively with search engines, as well as calculate existing problems with the site.

The legislator “took the trouble” to reinforce the failure in advance with Law No. 68-FZ of 04/06/2015. Thus, from 04/07/2015, the rule on annual indexation was suspended until 01/01/2016, and then by Law No. 371-FZ of 12/14/2015 the suspension was extended until 01/01/2017. The trend of extending the suspension of the procedure for reviewing the size of family capital raises concerns about the possibility of its restoration in the future. It would be more useful to convey to the reader information about the suspension of indexation instead of stating the development of the form of state support. Moreover, the analysis after the text comments shows that most of the readers are in fantasies about the growth of the amount of family capital and its balances, while inflation inexorably “eats” it, thereby reducing the consumer ability of state support.

All about indexation of maternity capital: how does it affect the amount?

Element of counteraction: analysis of economic and other activities of business entities and individuals; You can learn more about our experts here. It’s appropriate to title your comment like this: “No indexing!” State support for families in terms of providing a certain amount, called maternity capital, was revised annually both in relation to the entire amount and the balance of this amount.

This procedure is legislatively provided for by Part 2 of Article 6 of Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006. However, without material support, the presence of financial opportunities in the state budget, ensured by its real filling, the legislative norm will not work, remaining only a declaration.

Indexation of maternity capital

The remainder of the maternity capital amount is indexed by a coefficient for each year, in the same way as the entire amount would be indexed. Unfortunately, further indexation of maternity capital has been suspended until 2020. This year indexation took place by 5.5%. In general, indexation is carried out at the beginning of each year and recalculated depending on the percentage.
If you have spent part of the capital, then only the part that remains will be indexed. Do you know the answer? 0 need help? See also: How much will maternity capital increase in 2016? Indexation of maternity capital in 2017. Where to sign the petition? Indexation of maternity capital in 2017 - what is it about? last news? Why will the Ministry of Labor freeze the indexation of maternity capital until 2020? By what percentage will maternity capital be indexed in 2017? By what percentage will child benefits and swearing increase?

The amount of maternity capital in 2018

Indexation of maternity capital by year To date Government Russian Federation“frozen” the amount of maternity capital indexation until 2020, and it will be 453,026 rubles, the same as in 2015. Previously, it was carried out based on the percentage of inflation (5-5.5%) annually. The indexation of maternity capital, from 2008 to 2017, is presented in the table: The indexation scheme from 2007 to 2016 can also be seen in the following photo: Indexation of capital after receiving a certificate Often families “delay” time in obtaining a certificate for maternity capital due to with the upcoming indexation so that the amount on the certificate is larger.

But you need to understand that funds, namely capital, are issued taking into account indexation by the Pension Fund, and not taking into account the amount indicated on the certificate.

How is maternity capital indexed?

It is this ministry that decides whether maternity capital will be indexed next year or not. The indexation coefficient being introduced is related to the projected inflation level. Download for viewing and printing: the federal law dated December 29, 2006

No. 256-FZ “On additional measures state support for families with children” What exactly is indexed Many are also interested in the question of whether the balance of maternity capital is indexed. Regardless of whether any funds were withdrawn from the PF account at the request of the recipient of the maternity capital or not, the remaining amount there will be indexed. It happens that citizens have partially exercised their right.

Indexation of maternity capital in 2018

Well, what should those who managed to try their luck and have already paid some amount from maternity capital towards one purpose or another do? Will maternity capital be indexed after withdrawing 20 thousand? As you remember, funds can be spent in four areas: these include the purchase of housing, and as a result, improvement of living conditions, contributions to the funded part of the parents’ pension, education for the child, and rehabilitation of disabled children. So, if you have already spent any part of your maternity capital, and a resolution has been issued on indexing the amount of maternity capital, will this innovation also affect you? Is the balance of maternity capital indexed? Should you expect the amount to increase, or will it remain the same? We hasten to please you.

Use of maternity capital balances


Attention! There will be no re-indexation of maternity capital in 2017. The amount of maternity capital in 2017 is still 453,026 rubles. This information is provided official resource Pension Fund.

Therefore, the information is reliable and not subject to doubt. In contrast to the content of numerous thematic sites and forums. Russians still have 2 years left to participate in the maternity capital program. Since for the right to mat capital to arise, it is required that the child giving the right to issue a certificate must be born or adopted before the end of 2018.

Receiving a certificate and disposing of funds, as before, are not limited in time. True, the order full means possible only after the 2nd or subsequent child reaches 3 years of age. An application for an order can be submitted when the baby reaches 2 years and 6 months.
However, the money will only be received after the child turns 3 years old.

How much is the balance of maternity capital indexed?

This can be seen in the example:

  1. In 2011, the family took from a total amount of 365,698 rubles funds to pay for the child’s education in the amount of 120,000 rubles. The balance was 245,698 rubles.
  2. This amount will be indexed for the next year, and the balance will be 260,440 rubles.
  3. Next year 2013, the balance will be indexed again and will amount to 274,764 rubles
  4. The calculation will continue until the family uses the subsidy again.

t» src=»» The amount of the balance can be calculated independently. To do this, you need to refer to the above diagram and calculate the indexation coefficients for all previous years.

But these operations are quite complex and easy to get confused. Of course, no one forbids you to calculate the approximate size of the balance in order to estimate how much you can manage.

Is maternity capital indexed and how does it happen?

This is why it is needed to compensate for the loss of real funds associated with the rise in price of foreign currency. Typically, maternity capital was indexed by about 5%, but in 2017 they decided not to take such measures, so maternity capital will not be indexed. Firstly, indexing is the same for everyone. If you have already used part of your maternity capital, then only the remaining part will be indexed.

If I'm not mistaken, maternity capital is indexed based on the level of inflation in the country over the past year; this is done only once a year, more precisely at the beginning of the year. comment The indexation of maternity capital is always the same - 5%. It’s fortunate that the state is ready to report at least 5%. It’s just a pity that inflation occurs every year and its percentage differs from that added by the state. You need to be able to save a certain amount yourself in order to later buy everything your child needs.

Is maternity capital indexed?

Maternity capital is also subject to indexation. This means that if you became a participant in the program, received the appropriate certificate, but did not manage to use the available funds this year, then a year later, if a decree was issued about this, you will be surprised to find that the amount of your account under the program has increased slightly. Maternity capital balance: indexed or not? The above information applies to those individuals who have become participants in the maternity capital program, but have not yet taken full advantage of the funds provided. By the way, if we look at the statistics, only 46 percent of participants in state support measures use the funds in full.
Others are limited to just lump sum payments or use a small part of the total amount provided by the state.