How to promote your blog on blogspot. Blog control panel

I'm in Lately I often write about making money on blogs, probably because I myself used to monetize and continue to monetize content sites. Today we’ll talk about how to promote a blog.

This is why I know firsthand that you can make money in this difficult business. As I wrote earlier, the good thing about this type of earnings is that each article posted once brings money for a long time. , I also wrote, and now let’s talk about finding readers for your site.

GS or SDL?

I’ll say right away that it’s better to make normal sites for people, and not GS (g...nosites) for search engines and making money on eternal links. Then people will come to you, and not bans from search engines.

Readers from search engines

From search engines, readers are simply necessary for your future site. Because these readers will create an endless stream of readings of your articles and a constant influx of new people who may become regular readers.

2. Update the site as often as possible. Write new posts every day. This is important because search engines will see that the site is being worked on.

3. Install a convenient comment system, because... It is important for search engines that you are not only read, but also discussed. It is necessary to increase reader activity on the site. I advise you to leave the standard one from WordPress, like mine. Very convenient and well indexed.

4. Engage in SEO optimization, internal and external. Place links to your site wherever possible. It is better to use sites on your topic that are higher than you in the search results. Buy articles there with a link to your site or just links. Search engines will trust you more if others link to you.

You will also need to make a site map. Plugins will help with this; each engine has its own.

In addition to all this, you need to optimize your blog. Remove everything external links, clean the code from all garbage so that the site loads faster, get rid of duplicate content, etc.

5. Register your site with Webmaster Yandex and Google

Then your articles will be indexed faster.

To begin with, it is enough to do the above so that search engines pay attention to you and begin to respect you. But these are longer term readers. Let's look for those who will come to the site right now. More on this below.

Make announcements on social networks

It is very important. These are your first readers. Do official accounts or groups on VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and G+ (Google Plus). This will not only give you new readers, but will also be a big plus for search engines. They see that you are active in in social networks.

Also be sure to post your articles to the Surfingbird recommendation service. I really don't like it, but it's more of a personal dislike for the service. But with it you will have a constant stream of readers, but for monetization these readers are useless. One of my former sites is not updated much but has about 300 daily visitors from this service alone. Just be sure to post links to any other sites in your account. Otherwise, you will be banned because you are advertising your site in this way.

Also be sure to use the Subscribe service and post entries to thematic groups. I get good traffic from there too.

Answer questions

Be sure to answer questions in the question-and-answer service and on thematic forums. This will give you constant traffic. Because these questions are well indexed and your answer will be seen by everyone who is interested in this question. Just don’t post links in empty spaces, i.e. By clicking on your link, a person should receive an answer to their question. It is necessary!

Buy links in VKontakte public pages

This is not an expensive type of advertising, but it is effective. If you beautifully compose an announcement of the article and post it in a thematic public, then through likes and reposts your post will circulate for a long time across the expanses of the social network. Only post in thematic public pages with good activity. This is a plus for you and the public administrator can give a discount, because... The post is not commercial, and also thematic.

Thus, you will attract traffic, add social activity, improve behavioral factors etc.

Keep readers on your site

Place social media widgets prominently so that readers can always quickly subscribe to updates on your site. as an example, you can look right now on this site in the column on the right. There are 4 social network widgets. Taking this opportunity, please subscribe to one or more =). Also, at the end of each article, you should have a list of similar or most interesting articles, so that after reading one, you will be tempted to read another.

What not to do!

1. Do not spam on forums and thematic sites. This will not help, but it will also create a bad impression of you. Respect yourself, don't be like spammers.

2. Don’t spam on social networks. This is also not good.

3. Don't buy too much eternal links. For this, search engines can ban young sites.

4. Don’t make GS (g...but sites). Write for people.

OK it's all over Now. I start all my new content sites with exactly the same procedures and so far they have not given bad results. If you have any questions, be sure to write in the comments. I'll be glad to answer. And I will be even more glad if my advice and my articles help you.

Thank you for your attention, and don’t forget to like the articles, this lets me know in what direction to write, what you like and what you don’t!

Modern youth want to master modern and promising professions in order to earn good money, be recognized and open up new horizons for themselves. Blogging is considered a rather interesting and popular activity among young people - maintaining your own blog on the Internet.What is a blog? Why is it so popular today? How to promote a blog?A blog, in essence, is an online journal or diary, the information in which is updated daily. It can consist not only of texts, but also of multimedia, graphics, photos and video materials. For example, scientific or tourism materials contain more different photographs and videos. Corporate blogs may consist of important information for partners and sponsors. Such sites may contain graphic information and so on.

Personal blogs are popular today, where a person can simply talk about his life and adventures, reality, so to speak. Naturally, in order to interest the public you need to either be already famous or post really interesting information.

There are a lot of blogs today, they can be dedicated to a specific topic or simply be general. Today personal blog Almost everyone has it public figure, stars, actors, and also ordinary people, who have something to surprise you. Today, maintaining your own blog is not just entertainment or a hobby, but also a good way to start earning decent money.

If you think that it’s enough just to create a blog, and it will immediately become interesting and popular, and you will have a whole bunch subscribers, you are deeply mistaken. Creating a blog is just the tip of the iceberg; in order to make a profit and subscribers, you need to work every day to promote it and fill it with useful and fresh information.

You can learn how to create cool and high-quality websites by taking part in ours, where I will teach you how to make them from scratch, as well as optimize them and fill them with useful information.

Since Ancient Rome, there has been an opinion that the crowd constantly demands “bread and circuses,” and a well-made blog can provide these spectacles in full, and provide you with a good “piece of bread.” Main question, which stands before every novice blogger - how to promote a blog?

Basic principles of promoting your own blog

Modern youth very often devote their future to working in information sphere, so the issue of blog promotion is very popular today. Pledge successful blog– popular information, video or photo, depending on what kind of blog you have.

To quickly and efficiently promote own blog, you must first attract public attention. The easiest way to attract him to you is through a scandal. Unfortunately, it is scandalous bloggers who gain the fastest a large number of views and transitions, since their behavior provokes a person to view. Every time interest in such characters fades, they again do something and attract people's attention.

Why do you need to promote a blog? And how to promote a blog?

Who is a blogger? Essentially, this is a person who sells something, promoting and advertising his product, or works for someone, promoting his product/service.

You need to understand that simply creating and promoting a blog is not enough. After all, an occupation of this kind should generate income, preferably a considerable one. If you receive more than 500 visitors per day, you may be interested in various companies and agencies that will be happy to pay you a certain amount for advertising on the resource, clicking on links, and so on.

Another thing is if you sell any services/products and promote your product yourself, profit will come to you for clicking on the link and purchasing certain products.

Tips for promoting blogs: how to promote a blog and avoid mistakes?

If you listen to professionals in the field of blogging, you can prevent many mistakes that beginners often make; of course, this is reflected in the blog itself, in its popularity, and so on. Let's look at what advice successful bloggers give to become successful:

  • First and most importantly, you should pay a lot of attention to writing good, readable articles. It is important to correctly set and select keywords, metadata and tags to make it easier for search engines to find you. The more responsibly you take this task, the higher you will be in the TOP of search engines, which means that you will be able to be seen more people.
  • Take care to place social media buttons. What is it for? This is a direct way to get a large number of visitors and readers.
  • Allow people to participate in the conversation and leave comments without having to register. Typically, the registration process discourages visitors and they simply leave your site.
  • It is advisable to allow you to log in from an existing social network account. In this case, registration is not necessary, and therefore people will treat your resource more positively.
  • Be sure to provide ratings for texts and comments. This will allow your subscribers to express their opinions and enter into dialogue. This step will allow you to win people’s favorable attitude towards you and your service.
  • Alternatively, we advise you to post on home page, in a place convenient for you and users, the activity column. This way, it will be more convenient and easier for people to respond to new posts and publications.
  • It’s good if your website has a chat, for example, like on Facebook. This will allow your subscribers to get to know each other and communicate with each other, which, naturally, will only benefit your blog.
  • It is advisable to get acquainted and communicate with everyone, so that visitors do not think that you are inattentive to them or that the notes of one of the users are not interesting to you. You can even meet in real life and discuss common topics and interests. For example, organize a small, friendly meeting of all blog participants once a month. Believe me, people will be interested in this.

Ways to promote a blog online. Or how to promote a blog on the Internet?

There are many different options promoting your blog: paid and free. I would like to say right away that the second option requires more time and effort than the first. Let's take a brief look at all the ways to promote a blog.

This is one of the very first, oldest and proven blogging services. Many famous bloggers today began their activities here, redoing existing texts; today, of course, no one does this anymore, since plagiarism does not work in your favor.

The essence of the work is simple. You write an article in a regular Word editor, check it for spelling and uniqueness, insert graphics, format it according to all the rules, and then publish it on LiveJournal. Next, the post should be announced in the blogging community.

The point is simple, the main thing is to plan and think through everything correctly. It is important to post only interesting, truthful and exciting material. Good content is the key to your success and profit.

This is already a new generation resource where you can also run your personal blog quite successfully. First, you can add your friends to the channel, and then invite strangers. The main thing is to present your blog correctly:

  • Decide on a topic.
  • Select a name.
  • Set up an interesting avatar.
  • Write a short description.
  • Create original and unique content that could attract attention and arouse interest. The person himself must want to subscribe to your channel.

What's good about Telegram? Not available here smart tapes and therefore, any message - audio, graphic or text - will be seen by the subscriber immediately after publication.

Unique interesting text

What is a person looking for online? Of course, relevant and up-to-date information that will benefit the reader will be easy to read and understand. Perhaps you are hoping to simply copy the finished text from your competitors and post it on your own, but, unfortunately, this is where your blog will cease to exist. So how to promote a blog and write good text? Firstly, search engines have a categorically bad attitude towards plagiarism, and they can even ban you for such theft.

Secondly, if you do pass the test, it is unlikely that your resource will see many subscribers, since you will not be included in the top ten, or even twenty, in the TOP of search engines. If you yourself cannot or do not know how to create unique content, you can turn to copywriters for help or buy articles on special services. Naturally, this costs money, since intellectual property is also a commodity that must be paid for.

A good and correct comment is a step towards success!

You can go the other way - find a couple of popular blogs on your topic online, and leave beautiful, adequate comments, agree with the author, or vice versa - express your opinion. This way, you will make friends with already famous bloggers and will be able to establish partnerships to develop joint projects.

Naturally, you won’t immediately get a large number of subscribers, but with patience and daily work, you can achieve certain peaks.

There is really one nuance here; some bloggers, in order to protect their resource from spammers, can use Nofollow tag. This means that only the owner of the site and those people who reach it and can click through will be able to see your comment.

Browse thematic forums

A very good option for increasing traffic if you don’t know how to promote a blog , active participation in various forums on your topic. Firstly, you communicate with other people, learn something new and interesting for yourself, and also get new ideas for own projects. Secondly, over time, people will begin to recognize you online, you will have subscribers, and interest will increase. The main thing is to leave beautiful and useful comments, since simple chatter can interest few people.

Try to hold interesting competitions and promotions

Human beings are inherently passionate; we all love to take part in interesting events, and even more so, receive gifts and prizes. Why not come up with an interesting competition for your subscribers. For example, bring a friend and get a prize or something like that, you can come up with a lot of things, the main thing is to attract people’s attention and interest them.

By the way, most well-known and already promoted bloggers also do not neglect this option; who cares about new subscribers?

View sharing method

Not good effective way, to be honest, but you can try. What is its essence? You watch an advertisement for a site for a while, and then go to it, in return, other people are shown an advertisement for your site. But the views may just be one-time views, and they will not be considered targeted.

That is, they can simply get to your site random people, who, of course, will view the information, but are unlikely to return to it again. Of course, there will be times when some visitors will stay and stay tuned for what's new by subscribing to your news feed. Therefore, if you have not yet come up with or chosen a 100% method, how to promote a blog on the Internet , then the presented option may well help you at first.

Internal SEO promotion

Probably the most important and effective way to increase the ratings of your site on the Internet is SEO optimization. The higher you are in the TOP of search engines, the more views you get, because, as a rule, a person looks at the first 2–3 links from above, and there he already finds the information he needs.

What does such promotion mean? Firstly, this correct use and use keywords. They can be selected using special services. You don’t need to take a lot of such keys, since spammed text is also not very convenient to read, and it is poorly perceived by search engines.

The text should have a certain structure, bulleted lists and headings. This article looks beautiful and is easy to read and understand. Additionally, it is best to write and convey information in a simple and in clear language, ordinary people will read you.

Exchange of links on the topic

Rest assured that you are not the only one on the Internet dealing with your chosen topic. There may be dozens or hundreds of similar webmasters, so you can try exchanging links with them. What will this give you? You will receive additional thematic materials, and will also be able to enter into a partnership with them and start new projects together.

Register in online article directories

Quite a popular, and most importantly, progressive method of promoting a resource on the Internet. You can register at free catalogs and paid.

As a rule, newcomers register for free, those who do not yet have the capital for high-quality promotion or have decided to try themselves in copywriting.

Paid promotion includes the purchase of special links or placement space unique articles at special sites.

If you decide to post your articles on a trust resource, you need to understand that it must be 100% unique, written according to all the rules, simply and competently. Uniqueness can also be checked using special services, they are freely available.

In such articles it is worth leaving links to your resource; about two or three such links are enough for one article. Just make them beautiful, not just “look here” or “more details”, but, for example, make a link using key phrase, so it will be more correct and better perceived by search engines.

Articles must strictly correspond to the topic of your blog. If your blog is dedicated to construction and repairs, it would be stupid to write about diets or latest news in the world of gadgets.

Paid ways to promote blogs

If all previous methods of blog promotion could be attributed to free methods, then the following options can be combined into a group of paid ones.

Purchasing external links

A fairly effective way in which link exchanges can help you. These exchanges have special sites where you can post your own articles for a fee.

Sites should be chosen based on a topic or at least similar to it, so as not to confuse search engines, firstly, and so that a person can immediately find it.

Purchasing space for posting texts

Here you will have to work with article exchanges. The mechanism of operation of such exchanges is similar to the previous one, only you need to buy a place to post not a link, but an article. Links will need to be placed in the text, just do it correctly so that it leads to the corresponding thematic page.

Banner advertising

Placing small pictures or animations on websites for a fee, by clicking on which you can go to your website and get acquainted with the information presented on it, is called banner advertising.

Such banners come in a variety of sizes, types and formats and are produced using many technologies. They can be used to achieve all sorts of advertising goals. The main thing is to be able to place the banner correctly and profitably so that it is truly practical.

Such banner networks There are a large number, so you can choose the one that offers the most favorable conditions.

Affiliate programs

If you are running a business on the Internet, then great solution There will be affiliate programs for you. What prospects do they open up for you? Having found good partners, the promotion of your business will go with a bang, you just need to keep an eye on the ratings.

Of course, for a partnership to be successful, it is necessary to provide partners with good commissions, naturally not at a loss to yourself. You can create an affiliate program using aggregators - special services that help you create a program of any complexity. There are quite a large number of such aggregators, so it’s easy to find them; the main thing is to attract partners and promote the project.

Quite an effective and popular method for promotion. Its essence is that you create a small animated picture where the product or service is not named, but only described favorably, in this way you provoke a person to click on the advertisement and get to your website, where he can learn more about your services and so on. Further.

As a rule, a teaser consists of two parts - a small successful text and animation. Today, there are many popular and proven teaser networks where everyone can be accommodated for small fee. The most popular of them are Teasernet, Redtram and Pay-Click.

Purchasing advertising in the newsletter

The presented option is also quite effective and has good returns. To get a large and permanent audience in such mailings, you should publish landing pages to increase subscribers, who can then be monetized.

You need to find a resource similar in topic to yours, and then contact its owner. Next, send him an offer to post your content using their mailing list. You can also offer barter - you will advertise with him, and he with you.

There is, however, one “but” - you will not have guarantees that your partner will actually put your link by posting the article on their site. Therefore it is better to work with paid systems, it’s more reliable.

I hope there is no need to explain how popular this service is and how many people are there. Therefore, promotion through this resource can be the most profitable and effective.

With the help of Twitter, you can not only successfully declare yourself, but also earn a little money, but that’s not about that now, we’re only interested in promotion now. The cost of placement is quite reasonable, and therefore you do not need to have a lot of capital. Tweets can be messages, presentations, or advice on purchasing a specific product/service.

Promotion on social networks

For many users, social networks are a way to communicate with friends and peers, and for an experienced networker, this is a good platform for promotion. Since the majority of modern youth are in such networks, they can act as your target visitors, reposting and reposting your article.

For a fee, you buy a special link - a post that is provided forever. A post is a short piece of text with an advertiser’s link. The Rotapost service is best suited for these purposes.

Useful sources of information on the topic “How to promote a blog”

If you are a beginner, and everything we are talking about here today is new to you, then in addition to our article, it will be useful for you to read other literature about blogging, its promotion, and so on. In addition to various publications on the Internet and articles, there is also a lot of printed literature, where everything is explained and told very well.

Here, for example, are some of the most successful books:

  • L. Grokhovsky with his leadership will help you understand all the issues from the inside. Excellent desk book for a beginner.
  • A. Babaev in his book about contextual advertising, will introduce you to in the best ways monetization.
  • Aliona Hilt will share various life hacks and secrets of promotion on Instagram from her own many years of experience.
  • Evgeniy Litvin will tell you how to make a personal blog truly profitable.

It is the people who have succeeded in this business who can truly give practical and good advice. If earlier blogging was considered only a hobby, today it has grown into a way to earn money. Like any other job, you should like your business and then you will succeed.

Emotions, artistry, the ability to attract attention and present material in a high-quality manner are the four pillars on which your success rests in any field, not just information. After all, the ability to speak well and beautifully has never hurt anyone.

Well, we told you about how to promote a blog online in a variety of ways. You can choose the one that suits you best. Perhaps you are using some other methods? It would be nice to hear about them!

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Hello friends.

Let's continue talking about blogging. In the last article we discussed the topic, and today we will talk about blog promotion.

I think you understand perfectly well that no matter how cool your blog is, you will never be able to make money from it if no one knows about your blog. You can be an excellent expert in your topic, write mega useful and interesting articles, make a beautiful and user-friendly website, but if there are no readers on your blog, all this will not bring any results. Therefore, any blog needs visitors or, in professional terms, traffic. But here you also need to understand that traffic is different. Does your blog need quality traffic, that is, visitors who are interested in your topic. And before you start promoting your website, write down a portrait of your target audience and determine where it is. Catch fish where they are found!

And only after you have written down a portrait of your target audience should you start promoting your blog.

How to make your blog known and people interested in your topic regularly visit it, we will talk in this video.

Watch the video and leave comments!

Thanks to these simple ways you can promote your blog. If you have any questions, write them in the comments. I will definitely answer them. Also share how you promote your blog, which methods are the most effective.

Have you created a blog for yourself and make new entries there every day? Do you want other people to visit your blog and leave their comments there? Do you want to have regular readers? If the answer is yes, then this article will be very useful to you, since below are tips that will help in relatively short time, increase traffic to your blog. If it is truly of interest to visitors, then the implementation of these simple recommendations, will certainly contribute not only to the emergence of a new contingent of readers, but also to the growth of regular commentators.

It is relatively easy to get people to visit your blog - the blogosphere is a place where everything is very well organized in terms of mutual linking.

For example, if you are an active blogger who takes part in the life of another online diary by commenting on certain posts, then you will have at least one new visitor. Well, if your comments appear not in one blog, but in several, then depending on their promotion, traffic to your blog will increase in direct proportion to your activity.

The conclusion follows from this - if you want visitors-commentators to appear on your blog, then make sure that, firstly, there is something to comment on your blog, and, secondly, try to leave your mark on other networks diaries that you regard as friendly.

For some reason, this obvious advice is most often ignored by many novice bloggers - this is due, first of all, to the factor of indecision, which is observed to a greater or lesser extent in many people. Therefore, overcome the fear of commenting on other people’s posts and your blog will receive the first readers who, with a high degree of probability, will come to you more than once.

This, so to speak, is the first advice and it is the most important - activity and activity again!

Other ways to get new visitors can be divided into three groups:

  • Adjusting the settings of the platform on which the blog is hosted.

    Don’t be surprised - even after being a little smarter with available settings in the platform, you can get new visitors. Say something specifically about different useful settings of this or that engine, it is possible only after the engine itself has been named (and there are many of them!).

    For example, if Your blog is located on the Google Blogger platform (, then you should pay attention to the change or presence of the following parameters:

  • - Make sure is activated .

    To do this, go to the tab Settings, and then - Publishing on Blogger. By activating this function you will receive (immediately after you publish a post) a certain number of visitors.

    The point is that the service, in real time, broadcasts a list of blogs to which authors have added new messages - accordingly, after activating the above option, your blog will be included in the list from In Blogger, this setting is called " ping" - other blogging platforms also have a similar option.

  • - Blogger has a very useful thing - Navbar.

    If your blog is posted on this platform, then you have probably seen such a narrow strip running through the entire top part pages - that's it Navbar.

    It would seem - what is this gadget for? Why, for example, is there a button " next blog"?

    It turns out that the system is designed in such a way that those Blogger users who did not turn off the broadcast Navbar, are included in the list from which it is randomly loaded new blog, if the blogger clicked on this button.

    So the presence Navbar could potentially bring in a new visitor - there are an incredible number of people who like to click on this button (I think you have clicked it yourself more than once :-).

  • - Blogger settings allow you to add a “send this message by email” button to the end of each post.

    It’s better to activate this function - what if someone likes your post so much that they decide to send it to their friend?
    The letter will contain the address of your blog - the result, as they say, is obvious, i.e. You will get one more visitor.

  • - Publish your blog by page of posts, rather than as an archive (by day or month).

    The Blogger service, for example, allows you to do this. Organizing a blog in this way will give you the following: each post will have a permanent link, the title of the message will be included in the page file name and, most importantly, search engines will begin to index your blog better.

    As a result, you receive some traffic from search engines, and this, you see, is a very powerful argument for taking advantage of this recommendation.

  • - Another way to promote your blog is to include a website channel.

    Adding your blog content to news feeds, to which people subscribe, is without a doubt a real chance to increase traffic to your resource! The most popular formats channels - Atom And RSS. Well, about how to properly create a channel - read special article on website.

  • - The last thing that can be recommended from technical tricks is adding your blog to Blogger directories.

    However, this is already obvious - registration in catalogs is useful, and registration in the Blogger list will give another plus, because after registration, your blog will be visible from Navbar(remember the function " next blog"?).

  • The second method of increasing blog traffic can be called “proper content delivery.”
  • - First of all, run your blog the way you want, and not the way someone advises you.

    A blog is exclusively your project, or more precisely, a blog is your personal media. Therefore, the answer to the question " What communication style is typical for my visitors?"will help you create content that your target audience will enjoy reading.

  • - It seems that advice like “write interestingly” would be unnecessary - and it’s clear that content is content and how interesting it is determines its value.

    But don’t forget - even very useful materials can be uninteresting. The style of writing posts should be catchy. You know how to write originally, right?

  • - For delivery search engines you can influence by correct positioning of content - this rule will always apply and should be remembered every time you publish a new entry.

    What in in this case is meant by " correct positioning"?

    First of all, make up good name for a post - it should be short and succinct at the same time. Learning to write headlines, You will be able to increase the number of pages of your blog that fall into the crescent of search results - this is an axiom.

    Beyond headings, don't forget about the potential of tags - every blogging platform provides this feature.

    Place good tags and the effect will not be long in coming. Remember that in addition to global search engines, which always belittle the role of blogs and rarely give their content first place popular queries, there are also search engines that focus exclusively on blogs. These search engines are used by a considerable number of people - after all, many people know that in blogs you can find very valuable and, most importantly, fresh information! That's why, blog optimization for the above type of search engines - a direct path to the top of their results.

    Proper placement of tags will help your posts be found for a number of key queries.

    After experimenting with Google's blog search engine (, you will see the effectiveness this method promoting your page.

  • The third method of blog promotion is, of course, advertising.

    You can advertise your blog in any way - it all depends solely on your imagination. At the same time, the financial side should not confuse you - you can successfully advertise your blog without spending a cent on it!

  • - If you are actively corresponding with e-mail with a large number of people, then adding a link to your blog at the end of the letter - great way get visitors.

    Mail programs allow you to add a link signature to all letters that you send - be sure to figure out how this can be done in your mail client. This is a very simple advertising trick - they will definitely click!

    And also - if you use ICQ, then don’t be too lazy to put the address of your blog in a special column with personal data - conversion statistics show that very often, people come not from links, but from address bar browser - give them the opportunity to paste the address of your blog there!

  • - Registration in directories, perhaps, can also be attributed to an advertising move - there are a huge number of blog directories and people who are interested in this topic actually go to them.

    The most famous catalog is Technorati ( - Your blog simply has to get there!

    In addition to this giant, there are other projects, for example,, etc.

    In short, register wherever you can - besides the fact that the link may be clicked, there is another reason why you need to do this - external links to the blog affect search results- the more incoming links, the better.

  • - Biz Stone (Google employee and author of several books on blogging) advises using the BlogSnob service (

    What it is?

    In short, it is a network of free text advertising on blogs. More specifically, this is an exchange of advertising within the system - participants of this service participate in the classic advertising exchange affiliate program. Ads can be customized to your taste and by broadcasting advertisements for someone else’s blog, you can be sure that yours is also advertised somewhere.

  • - Linking to other blogs directly increases traffic.

    You will exclaim incredulously" Yes really!"and you will be wrong - after all, a blogger who checks the log of transitions to his page sees where the visitor came from! It follows that having seen the address of your blog, he will definitely come to visit you and, perhaps, put a reply link.

  • - The method of sending the url of your blog to other bloggers deserves special attention - here you need to be careful and remember that when sending out messages you can slide into banal spam, which few people welcome.

    Therefore, just send best messages and don't focus on blogs that already have good traffic.

    Concluding the topic, we note that the above methods of blog promotion are not exhaustive - this was a kind of educational program that is necessary for any novice blogger. In subsequent publications, the site will talk about a number of other promotion technologies that are known today.

  • If you already have your own blog. If you regularly post useful articles on it, then it’s time to think about promoting it. After all, what’s the point of having a blog if no one visits it and no one reads it except you and your two friends?

    If you are wondering how to promote a blog, then you have come to exactly the right place. There are two scenarios for blog development.

    First. You regularly write and post new articles on your blog. After some time, the blog will be noticed by search engines and will begin to provide free organic (search) traffic.

    Second. Your approach to maintaining and promoting a blog should not be as some kind of hobby, but as a full-fledged business. I believe that blogging is a business just like any other.

    Do you want your blog to bring you not only pleasure, but also money? If the answer is yes, then let's get started!

    If for some reason you don’t have a blog yet, then you should! For what purposes are you creating it? If this personal blog, then show your face. Post a photo and information about yourself. If the blog is intended to promote a business, then also tell us about the business in more detail. People love to read interesting stories!

    SEO blog optimization

    Even if you are a complete beginner, you should still learn at least basic SEO skills. You need to understand how basic search engine optimization algorithms work. After all, in order to read your useful article, it still needs to be somehow found among many others.

    To optimize your blog and articles, use this simple checklist:

    Be sure to include a Title and Description in each article. It is by the title that search engines understand what you are talking about. we're talking about in the article. Until now, the title is the determining factor in ranking.

    This is how the title and description are displayed in Yandex

    2. Keyword

    Determine the keyword under which the new article will be written. Be sure to include it in the TITLE and H1. Try to use the keyword in the first paragraph of the article. There is no need to try to cram as many keywords into the text as possible. By doing this you can only harm yourself. Search engines getting smarter every day, they are already using artificial intelligence and detect such manipulations with ease. Better focus on the quality of the article.

    3. Internal links

    When writing a new article, try to always refer to publications that were written previously on your blog. Place links only to articles that are relevant to the topic. This way, the blog visitor will be able to read other publications on your blog. This is the so-called behavioral factor.

    Search engines see that the visitor visited the article, read it and became interested in other materials, which means the resource was useful to him. Search engine optimization is made up of these hundreds of nuances.


    Set up your robots.txt and show search engines what can be indexed on your blog and what cannot. If you use WordPress, then it has extra files, which are best closed from indexing. This file will also help avoid duplicate pages.

    If you don’t want to create your own file, you can download mine. It is fully optimized for WordPress. The only thing you will need to do is change lines 18 and 85. Instead of, be sure to indicate your domain.

    5. Site map

    Over time, the blog accumulates great amount content. To make it easy for search engines to crawl your blog, create a sitemap (sitemap.xml). Go to the blog admin area and find the “Plugins” menu. Click on “add new” and insert Google into the search bar XML Sitemaps. Then do as shown in the picture below.

    Installation free plugin Google XML Sitemaps

    6. Correct URLs

    Make the url display clear for everyone. Pay attention to how your blog entries are displayed. If they look like this:, then you should reconfigure them. Don't forget to use a 301 redirect. If you have a new blog and there are no articles on it yet, then install this plugin “Cyr to Lat enhanced”. The installation is the same as in point 5.

    7. Download speed

    The loading speed of the blog and its pages is now important factor during promotion. The page should not take too long to load, either on the computer or on mobile phone. If you have problems with loading speed, then people will not wait long and will leave your blog for another. Google states that 40% of visitors leave a site if a page takes more than 3 seconds to load.

    Such sites lose their positions in the search results and are replaced by faster and more adapted ones. Now my blog has these speed indicators. There is still work to be done.

    Free service PageSpeed ​​Insights shows your site's loading speed on both mobile and desktop.

    You can check your loading speed using a service from Google - PageSpeed ​​Insights.

    If the speed is below 60 and you don’t know how to fix it, then simply change the template theme to another one. Choose an adaptive design for mobile devices. Then measure the speed again.

    8. Social signals

    Place social media buttons under each article on your blog. At the end of the article, ask readers to click on these buttons. This will help your content spread across the web and attract new visitors. We remember that every little thing like this bears fruit!

    9. Blog control panel

    Be sure to add your blog to Yandex Webmaster and Google Webmasters. In the control panel you can see important information on the blog. Number of pages indexed, presence of errors, if any, and various useful recommendations. Also there you will need to add your file with robots.txt and sitemap /sitemap.xml. Don't wait until search robot will find these files himself, help him quickly find out about your blog.

    Promoting your blog with quality content

    All these technical aspects, of course, have a positive effect on search engine optimization. But the most important and determining factor is content.

    What a blogger needs to focus on is creating quality and useful content. Your articles should be interesting and useful. You can only determine the criteria for the usefulness of articles yourself. Let's look at what you need to do to promote your blog for free using content.

    1. Types of content

    The content can be completely different, the more ideas you have, the more you can produce it. And the more content you have on your blog, the more visitors will come to you. More visitors more money You can from the blog.

    2. Detailed Guides

    When a person begins to be interested in a new topic, he needs detailed guides for newbies. You can write in any niche step by step guides. For example, " ". If you are an expert in your niche, then write guides for professionals. Such people also need new knowledge.

    3. Reviews

    Make your own reviews of the products or services you use. Share them with your readers. People love to discover something new. By doing reviews, you can already start earning money by connecting to affiliate programs. Reviews are one of the most quick ways making money on your blog.

    4. Interview

    A great way to get noticed is to interview an expert in your niche. This way, you can attract both a new audience and the audience of the expert you interview. Find all the experts in your niche and try to record audio podcasts with them, for example.

    5. Reports

    You can make a report every month and post it on your blog. For example, I plan to keep monthly financial reports on my blog. In them I will describe in detail what I did in a particular month and how much I earned.

    This is not done for the sake of boasting, but in order to record your results. On at this stage my blog brings me 0 rubles, but my goal is to earn $10,000 or 650,000 rubles per month just from one blog. And I myself will be interested in watching the development. Plus, it will pique the interest of other people, which will attract new readers to me.

    6. Infographics

    Infographics are becoming very popular. It is readily shared on social networks, which has a positive effect on brand promotion. This is the same instruction, only presented in the form of one large picture. High-quality infographics are expensive, but the investment can pay off over time.

    7. Video tutorials

    Every day more and more people watch the video. Shoot videos and post them on your blog. The longer a visitor stays on the blog, the better. The video can be posted, for example, on YouTube. YouTube is the second search engine in the world! Due to this, you can attract free traffic to your blog.

    8. News and trends

    Follow news and trends in your niche. If you are one of the first to write an article about a new event, then there is a high probability that the article will appear in the top results of search engines. This will happen due to low competition for new keywords.

    Make a content plan

    To promote a blog, you need consistency. Make your list of topics for the month. Then determine the release date of the new blog article. For example, once a week on Thursday. Now follow this schedule constantly.

    In order for a blog to attract many visitors, it must become an authoritative resource in the “eyes” of search engines. A blog with at least 250-300 quality articles can already be considered authoritative.

    Now let's do the math. There are approximately 52 weeks in a year. If you write one article a week, then in a year you will have only 52 articles. If you write 7 articles a week, then in a year there will be 364 articles. What pace to choose is up to you. But remember, one article per week is the minimum! Over time, experience will appear and you can safely publish 7 articles a week.

    Content Distribution

    Start distributing your content online from day one. Today, there are many more opportunities for blog promotion than 10 years ago. Social networks are an example of this. On social networks you can find your audience in just a few minutes and tell them about yourself.

    Pick just one social network and focus on it. For example, VKontakte. Add an article to the site and immediately share it on social networks. Additionally, create a group and duplicate content there. Do not be shy! Over time, you will have your own audience of fans who will follow your activities.

    1. Targeted advertising

    If you have a budget, you can set up targeted advertising. Paid advertising will speed up the recruitment of your subscriber base. Your own base is what you will earn money from. Big earnings on a blog lie in your base!

    2. E-mail newsletter

    Place the collection form email addresses on my blog. Offer readers something useful in exchange for mail. So, you will significantly increase your subscriber base, and for free.

    Having your own database is also useful because when a new article is published on your blog, you can inform all your subscribers about it in just a few minutes by sending just one letter or message.

    3. Guest posts

    Find bloggers in your niche. Invite them to post your article on their blog with a link back to you. Everyone needs something new and quality content. This will give you an influx of new readers and backlink from a reputable resource.


    Never confuse it with spam! Find all blogs, forums and groups where your audience may be located. Begin to actively participate in these communities. Provide links to your blog. Always try to be useful and you will be noticed!


    Content is king! Search engines first look at how well an article meets a user’s query. If your articles are useful and unique, then they themselves will appear in the first positions in search results.

    Don't worry if your blog is not technically perfect. Focus on creating content. Be active and never stop!

    What methods do you use to promote your blog?

