How to set an HTML anchor. HTML anchor on page

Comments in HTML code are used to temporarily disable the code (as a rule, simply deleting the code is inconvenient for the reason that you may have to restore it) and as a hint for yourself or for people who will understand your code. The text inside the comment is not displayed by the browser on the page.

Comments can be used anywhere on a page except the tag, which provides a title for the document.

Below is an example of using a comment tag inside an HTML page:

Example of using a comment tag Conditional comments

Conditional comments are used to write special code intended for a specific browser ( Internet Explorer). Other browsers ignore this code as a regular comment.

For example:


The code is executed only when the specified condition is met. In this case, if the browser Internet Explorer 7, then you need to execute the code that we will place inside the tag.

Other examples: Instructions for all Internet Explorer Instructions for all IE less than or equal to 6 Instructions for all IE greater than or equal to 7

Meaning of operators:

HTML5 Shiv

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions do not support HTML 5 elements. Despite the fact that the share Internet Explorer of these versions is safely approaching 0.1% by the end of 2016, some customers require development taking into account the support of these browsers.

In order for earlier versions Internet Explorer recognized tags HTML 5, the HTML5 Shiv plugin was written (script in the programming language Javascript). To ensure support for these browsers, place the following code * before the closing tag on each page of your site:

Example of connecting HTML5 Shiv for IE Visible page content.

In this example we have created a conditional comment that is intended for browsers Internet Explorer, whose version is less than the ninth (if lt IE 9). Inside the comment we have placed a script that connects from a third-party resource (absolute link).

The tag is used to define a client-side script (usually in the language JavaScript). The element contains script text, or it points to an external script file via the src attribute (similar to the element ). If the element refers to an external script, then the element must be empty. The tag must have a closing tag, regardless of where the script is contained (inside the tag, or specified as a URL for an external script).

* - As part of the study of HTML and CSS, we will not consider methods for connecting scripts to HTML documents. The example is for educational purposes in order to broaden your horizons and understand what almost any page on the Internet consists of.

HTML creating a bookmark (anchor)

HTML bookmark or their more common name anchor (eng. anchor) are used to allow visitors to click on a specific link to go to a specified part of the web page. The use of bookmarks is appropriate on sites that have long pages to build clear navigation.

Let's take a look at what is required to create an anchor:

  • First, we need to decide where we want our user to go, let’s say this is the first level heading element () at the beginning of the page.
  • Using the global attribute, we set a unique identifier for the element.
  • The Internet has long become an integral part of everyday life. People enjoy visiting various websites to read news, share photos, spend some time watching funny videos, or do shopping.

    And even as the era of mobile technology and apps dawns, techniques for creating beautiful, eye-catching web pages continue to improve. Few users realize what goes on behind the scenes of their favorite browser and what happens when they pay on the site with their credit card. But in fact, behind all this there are thousands of lines of code that have been developed and improved over the years to provide the most convenient and enjoyable experience from using the web service. HTML anchor, hyperlink, markup, titles - these and many other concepts will be further described in this article.

    Web Page Basics

    In order to create sites and pages on the Internet that could open and look the same in dozens of different browsers on several platforms simultaneously, it was necessary to create a single specification for this kind of documents. This specification became HTML (from the English HyperText Markup Language).
    Translated, this means “hypertext markup language”. And this term very accurately describes its purpose. The structure of an HTML document does not describe the content of a web page itself - it only “marks out” various sections, giving them certain attributes or properties. This markup allows a document to look the same from browser to browser, and is also the key to the current data transfer protocols on the World Wide Web - HTTP and HTTPS.

    HTML Document Structure

    Any HTML document is based on an even number of tags. These are special marks that give the content inside certain properties. The key feature of tags is that they must be placed in pairs - the first tag is the “opening” one, and it must always be followed by the “closing” one.

    This way, the browser knows exactly what the boundaries of the attributes specified by the tag are. However, the tag can be empty (without any content inside it). An example of the latter is the line break element. Tags that do not contain any text or other data inside do not need to be closed. Tags can be used to give text a specific color or style, or to embed special elements (tables, media files, links) into a document.

    HTML anchor and links in the document

    You can use links to allow site visitors to navigate between different pages or within the same page. Hyperlinks are used to navigate within one site or several. They usually serve to communicate between two completely different resource sections.

    One of the rules of good website design is the need to combine in one place only content that is homogeneous in type or purpose. If the page becomes very large or is divided into logical sections, then it makes sense to give the user the ability to quickly move between sections of the page. And here the so-called HTML anchor will be very useful. This technique is often used when designing a title to connect it with the target piece of information. This type of navigation is also extremely convenient to use for advertising purposes, directing the user to certain content, bypassing all others.

    To use the HTML anchor with smooth scrolling, the developer needs to embed a reference to JavaScript libraries into the document structure.

    How to create

    In order to place an HTML anchor on a page, a standard link tag is used. This is one of the main tags in the structure of an HTML document.
    It may have a number of attributes, such as href or name, that indicate the type of link described by this tag. An HTML anchor link is distinguished from a hyperlink by the use of the "#" symbol. After it, you must specify a unique name for the anchor so that the browser can uniquely determine the target for the transition. It is extremely important not to forget that you cannot assign two identical names within the same document, but this is acceptable on different pages of the site.

    An example of creating an anchor in the document structure

    So how do you put an HTML anchor on a page? First you need to select the section of the document that will serve. It can be a subheading within large text. Such subheadings are usually highlighted with a tag.

    The anchor identifier is usually set in the opening tag, and the “id=” attribute is used to describe it. This is followed by the unique name of the anchor itself. This attribute can be contained in almost any opening tag. Once the HTML anchor on the page is named, all that remains for us is to create a link to it in another part of the document or in another document.

    Such subheadings are usually highlighted with a tag. The anchor identifier is usually set in the opening tag, and the “id=” attribute is used to describe it. This is followed by the unique name of the anchor itself. This attribute can be contained in almost any opening tag. Once the html anchor name is set, all that remains is to create a link to it in another part of the document or in another document. A link to an anchor within the same document is often called local, while a link to different documents is called absolute.

    However, it is difficult to achieve smooth transitions between anchors using HTML alone. But this approach will lead to the user getting confused in navigating on a page or between pages and thereby spoiling his impression of using the resource. In the case of local anchors, it is much preferable to use an HTML anchor with smooth scrolling so that the site visitor can visually follow the direction in which the administration is leading him through the resource.

    To create this effect, you need to resort to JavaScript. The principle of the small script will be as follows - first of all, we need to block the standard behavior of the HTML anchor on the page. This is necessary so that the browser does not decide to redirect the visitor to the link on its own. After this, our script processes the identifier contained in the tag . The HTML anchor name is saved and searched through the document to find the destination for our animation. When the target is found, the script calculates the distance from the beginning of the page to the top of the element we linked to. This distance will be used to smoothly animate the scrolling of the page. We just have to determine the scrolling speed for ourselves.

    Special rule

    When laying out web pages, designers should always remember that it is wrong to overload the page with information, as this can degrade its perception. And if you need to give the user the opportunity to quickly navigate to an important part of the page, then there is nothing easier and better for this purpose than using an HTML anchor. Animation of the transition between different sections of the page is implemented with a few lines of JavaScript code, and its effect is significant - the user will always be aware of what part of the document he is in and where he needs to go next.

    An anchor is a very useful tool that allows you to organize a document and make it easier for the user to read. Like all HTML tools, this tag follows a standard syntax, and working with it does not cause any difficulties.

    This principle is used to create active lists, links to points with the desired description in the text, or bookmarks. A page structured with anchors creates a pleasant impression and is easy to read.

    How to make an anchor

    The anchor is very simple to make. The first step is to create the required label in the body of the document. It is to this label that the link on the page will cling and take the reader to this point.

    The label is created in a standard way for the HTML language. You can use the name tool, or you can set the id of the element and refer to it.

    Examples of using name and idName tool

    The label name specified in quotes must be unique and different from other names on the page. Otherwise the algorithm will get confused.

    Filling the space between tags in this case is not necessary, but is encouraged. This makes it easier to navigate the code.

    Tool id

    This method is even simpler. It is enough to assign an id number to a specific element on the page.

    In this case, the h1 heading became our anchor.

    Example of a link inside a page

    It is necessary to refer to point 1. The code is as follows:

    Sometimes you get into a situation where you need to link to a specific point on another page contained on a given site. For example, when describing the features of cooking chicken in the oven, you need to go to the website page where the rules for using the oven were described. At the same time, after clicking on the link, you need to go to a specific rule to speed up the perception of the text. In this case, you should create a structure like this:

    Here /adress-stranici is the name of the page on the server that describes the operating modes and to which the reader should be sent.

    Punkt1 is the mode you need to learn on this page.

    Wordpress anchor allows you to break an article into logical sections in the form of links (anchors). Creating a summary of the entire page helps readers quickly move to a particular section, while improving usability, ease of use, professionalism and other aspects.

    How to make a WordPress anchor and what tools are there for this.

    In practice, it is advisable to use such anchors if the article is large enough so that at the very beginning you can familiarize yourself with a summary of all sections and, if necessary, immediately get to the desired one.

    There are 3 simplest and most accessible options for solving this problem.

    Of course, there are other possibilities (php, framework, javascript), but this can be left to those who like testing and programming.

    You can check the operation of such anchors by clicking on each link at the beginning of the post.
    And now, in order.

    How to add an anchor in wordpress using html code.

    This is done in the html code mode of any editor you use in your WordPress engine. Let's say I have a third level heading Third level heading and for quick access to this title, I need to put an anchor at the beginning of the article.

    To do this, you need to add an empty anchor link to this header and come up with an identifier (id) for it.
    For example , and this id must be inserted at the beginning of the header Third level heading

    A WordPress anchor can be placed anywhere on the page and navigation through these anchors can be done with scrolling to any place in the article.

    How to add an anchor in wordpress using the Better Anchor Links plugin

    Pros and cons of this option.

    Automatic creation of anchor in h1-h6 tags and content at the beginning of the page
    + basic and custom css anchor styles
    + own widget
    + create your own header
    + “return to content” next to the title (link if necessary).

    In practice, everything looks quite simple. As soon as a tag of any of the h1-h6 headings appears in the text, the plugin immediately automatically inserts an anchor.

    - has not been updated for a long time
    — narrow focus of the plugin (only for anchor links)

    You can download the plugin on the WordPress website

    Anchor WordPress using TinyMCE Advanced visual editor

    And the third, in my opinion, the most practical is to install an editor TinyMCE Advanced, which is capable of solving many problems not only with content and its formatting, but also with anchors.

    Let's skip the installation issue and immediately take a look at the appearance of the settings of this editor.

    Main features of the editor

    Firstly, the editor itself has wider functionality (15 additional buttons) than the editor installed by default in WordPress.
    Secondly, the functionality is configured by dragging the desired buttons onto the work surface.
    Thirdly, the version is always up to date

    As for directly installing anchor links, first you need to add a special button to the editor’s working panel.

    A wordpress anchor is created by dragging an anchor button to the desired location on the page, and then simply linking to this anchor with an id. You can come up with whatever name you want for the id.

    It is important that each anchor must have a different id.

    For better clarity, I recorded a video on working with WordPress anchor links.

    We recently added a new feature that will make interacting with your site not only more convenient, but also interesting. So what is it? Anchors, or " Anchor links" is a method of site navigation that allows you to quickly move from one place on the page to another.

    Why is this convenient?

    If you use the Internet frequently, you've likely already encountered the simple navigation that anchor links provide on long-scrolling sites like Pinterest or Flickr.

    With a site with anchor links, you don't have to waste time scrolling down the page or navigating through pages to find the information you need. Just click once on the anchor link, and you will immediately be taken exactly where you need to be: to the top of the page, down, or to another page. This feature is especially useful for navigating and moving through long pages, as well as for creating a “Back to Top” button.

    How to Make an Anchor Link in the Wix Editor

    To add an anchor link to a site, you need to follow two simple steps: First, you need to “drop an anchor,” that is, mark the destination where a site visitor should go by clicking on the link. Then you need to add a link to the starting point from where the user will “travel” to the intended anchor. Seems complicated? In the Wix editor, this can be done in a couple of clicks:

      Open the editor and click Add to Menu.

      Click Buttons & Menu and select the Anchor option.

      In the “Anchors” settings, specify the name of the anchor depending on its position on the page.

      Drag the anchor to where you want it to lead.

      Once you have all your anchors in place, create links for them. You can create a menu that allows you to move from anchor to anchor, or use icons and other clickable elements.

      Click on the element you want to link to the anchor and click Link To.

