How to put page numbers from page 2. How to number pages in Word

Why is this particular text editor so popular? The thing is that Word contains a large number of tools for working with text and at the same time is extremely convenient and simple. But despite its apparent simplicity, many users working with this editor have many questions. The most common questions are related to page numbering.

Numbering the pages of a Microsoft Office Word document is not that difficult. Just go to the desired section and set the necessary parameters. But what if, for example, you need to number a document from the second page in this one? Let's look into this issue.

It all starts with opening the desired text document. Having opened the document, you need to go to the section " Insert". Here click on the tab " Page number" and select the desired location of the number on the page.

Now in the "tab" Page number"select item" Page Number Format". A window will open in which you need to check the box next to " begin with". Since we are considering numbering from the second page, we select page 2. It looks like this.

Let's consider a slightly different situation. You have a ready-made Microsoft Office Word text document and you need to make sure that the numbering starts from the second page, but the second page of the document must have its own serial number. This is quite easy to do. Again, go to the section " Insert"and here we go to the tab" Page number". Select the required type of numbering and click on it. After this, a new panel will appear that looks something like this.

We are looking for the item " Special header and footer for the first page" and put a check mark next to it. After this. After these actions, the number on the first page will disappear and the numbering will start from the second page. All this is shown more clearly in the screenshot.

If you need to number a Microsoft Office Word document starting from the second page, then this is quite simple. Just use the tips given in this article.

People who use a computer for work and study periodically face the need to create or edit electronic text documents. There is often a need for correct formatting, but not knowing how to correctly number pages in Word jeopardizes the completion of the work. For these purposes, Microsoft Word of various versions is used (as part of the Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 office software packages). We have provided you with detailed information describing an important stage for the correct execution of the document - numbering in Word.

In Word 2007 and 2013, continuous page numbering is automatically created for a text file. But if the section headers and footers differ, then the markup can be automatically added only to the selected or current sections. You can add a feature such as a new countdown for different sections. To place it, adhering to a certain order throughout the document, this procedure must be repeated for each subsection separately.

  1. To do this, find the "Insert" menu.
  2. Go to "Numbers".
  3. Click the Format button.
  4. In the “Start from” field, enter the value of the first sheet number of this section. If you wish, you can change the format of its writing.

It is more convenient to mark up text sheets when using the “Insert” menu. Use it and the “Numbers” submenu.

  1. In the “Numbers” window, “Position” drop-down list, select a header or footer.
  2. The Alignment drop-down list gives you the ability to choose an arrangement relative to the edges of the sheet.
  3. To configure markup parameters, click on the “Format” button and select marking features.

The title page of Word does not always have to have a designation. This situation arises when the counting of a text file should not begin from the first sheet, as happens when printing a report or abstract.

  1. Go to the header and footer editing section. Double-click on the top or bottom field.
  2. In the “Options” subsection, check the box for the topmost item “Special footer for the first...”.
  3. Close the editor for this subsection.
  4. When formatting a document, its countdown will begin immediately from the second sheet.

From the third page

For a text file that does not require continuous numbering starting from the first page, you can use a break. This technique is suitable if there is not only a title page, but also a content or outline of the document. In Word, it is possible to set header and footer parameters separately for each section. While in the "Work with Headers and Footers" menu, disable the "Same as previous section" function.

  1. Go to the "Insert" section and select "Break".
  2. All text behind the cursor will automatically move to a new empty sheet.
  3. An additional section is created for the text.

How to put page numbers in the footer

First, some information about what headers and footers are. This is the free upper or lower part of the sheet on which text or tables are located. They may contain information such as the work's title, author's name, creation date, and numbering. On the header and footer field you can place not only text information, but also add a stamp or logo.

The location on each subsequent sheet may differ from the previous one, depending on the need. In this case, they are formatted only in the “Working with Headers and Footers” constructor and in the edited text they appear as a background located in the margins. Using Word 2010, to get to the “Work with Headers and Footers” menu, double-click the left mouse button on the bottom or top field.

In the "Working with Headers and Footers" group there are separate commands for the bottom and top positions. By clicking on one of them, you can see a list of ready-made templates taking into account any preferences. To account for the number of printed sheets, templates from the “Number” submenu are often used, where you can choose the location of the field with the number, as well as its appearance.

In frame

In Word 2010, pages are numbered using a special “Frame” object. To apply it, you need to enter the header-footer editing mode, use “Insert – Express Blocks – Field” and select Page from the list of fields. Determine its format and click OK. Changing the format is done through the menu “Insert – Header and Footer – Number – Number Format”.

What does continuous numbering mean?

In a text file, automatic numbering can be carried out: throughout the entire volume of the document or separately for each specific section. End-to-end means that for each page, not including the first, one more value will be added than was on the previous one. Counting is performed in both Arabic and Roman numerals (regular or small). Sometimes uppercase and lowercase Latin letters are used.

The numbering of a text file can begin with any integer, with the exception of negative ones, and is placed at the top or on the bottom line of the footer. For documents that are supposed to be printed on both sides of the sheet, you can set numbering on even and odd sides; it is called mirroring. If necessary, you can refuse to enter a value on the first page of text. Numeric or alphabetic reference values ​​are displayed only for the "Markup" document viewing mode.

How to remove incorrect page layout

How can I remove the numbering if it turns out to be unnecessary? Deletion occurs only when working with headers and footers. You need to remove a numeric or alphabetic value on one page of a document to remove all others. But if the parameters “separate headers and footers of even and odd pages” are set, then the numbers will be deleted separately for each stage. If the document was divided into sections, for example, an abstract, then the numbering is removed separately for each part.

Numerical or letter designations that were set using the “Insert” menu, then “Numbers”, it is advisable to delete them along with the frame. To perform this operation, click on the number and a field frame will appear. Then click on the frame itself so that markers appear. To complete the deletion, press the “Delete” button on your keyboard.

Page numbering is one of the most common tasks that users encounter when creating text documents. As a rule, regular page numbering does not cause difficulties. But, if the user is faced with the need to number pages in Word from page 2, then this very often causes problems. In this article we will talk about how you can solve this problem in the text editor Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016.

Step No. 1. Do the usual page numbering.

In order to number pages in Word from page 2, you must first do the usual page numbering. To do this, go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “Page Numbering” button there.

After this, a menu will appear with several options for placing page numbering. In this menu you need to select the numbering option that suits you. For example, you can choose to place the numbering at top left, top center, top right, etc.

After choosing where to place the numbering, page numbers will appear on the pages of the document. This means you can proceed to the next step.

Step No. 2. Turn off the display of the first page number.

Now, in order to number pages in Word from page 2, you need to disable the display of the page number on the first page of the document. To do this, go to the “Page Layout” tab and click on the small button to the right of “Page Settings”.

This will open a window with page settings settings. In this window, you need to enable the “Distinguish headers and footers on the first page” function and save the settings by clicking on the “Ok” button.

As a result, the page number will disappear from the first page of your document, and the second page will receive number 2. If this option for numbering pages from page 2 suits you, then you can finish here. If you need page 2 to get number 1, then follow the next step.

Step No. 3. Start page numbering from scratch.

Most users who need to number pages in Word from page 2 want page 2 of the document to be numbered 1. Fortunately, implementing this numbering option is quite simple. To do this, you need to go to the “Insert” tab, click on the “Page Number” button and select the “Page Number Format” menu item.

One of the most common tasks you can encounter. Whatever you do: an essay, coursework, report or just text - you definitely need to number all the pages. For what? Even if no one demands this from you and you are making a document for yourself, when printing (and during further work with sheets) you can easily mix up the sheets. It’s good if there are 3-5 of them, but what if there are 50? Can you imagine how long it will take to unravel everything?

Therefore, in this article I want to consider the question: how to number pages in Word (in the 2013 version), as well as how to number all pages except the first. Let's look at everything step by step, as usual.

1) First you need to open the “INSERT” tab in the top menu. Next, the “page numbers” tab will appear on the right; after clicking on it, you can select the type of numbering: for example, bottom or top, which side, etc. For more details, see the screenshot below (clickable).

2) For the numbering to be approved in the document, click the “close header and footer window” button.

3) The result is obvious: all pages will be numbered according to the options you choose.

4) Now let's number all the pages except the first. Often on the first page of reports and abstracts (and in diplomas too) there is a title page with the author of the work, with the teachers who checked the work, so there is no need to number it (many simply cover it with putty).

To remove a number from this page, double-click on the number with the left mouse button (the title page should be the first, by the way) and in the options that open, check the “special footer for the first page.” Next, on the first page you will lose the number, there you can indicate something unique that will not be repeated on other pages of the document. See screenshot below.

Summer is almost here - it’s time not only for vacations and relaxation, but also a busy time for students and students. Exams, diplomas, coursework - all this requires constant work with texts and electronic documents.

It would seem that nothing could be simpler: just sit and press the keys on the keyboard, typing your text little by little. Yes, just typing a text is very easy, but in order to successfully pass a coursework, for example, it also needs to be beautifully designed!

The most common question and at the same time difficulty is how to number pages in Word. It may seem that everything is quite simple. And indeed, if you need to put a number on each sheet, starting from the first to the last, then this should not cause any difficulties. What if, say, you need to number pages in Word, starting from the third or fifth, for example, and the first ones should remain without a serial number?

We think that even a fairly experienced user will not be able to cope with such a task. And even more so for a student or schoolchild whose head is already boiling from exam fever. In this article we will tell you in detail and in order how all this can be done. Let's start with the simplest and gradually complicate the problem and give answers to it.

Our examples are based on Microsoft Word 2007, the most popular version today. But these tips are also suitable for later versions: Word 2010 or 2013 and 2016. The menu items and names will be similar or even completely the same.

So, let's go!

First, let's watch the video tutorials, and then we will analyze everything in detail in the text version.

How to number pages in Word 2007-2016 from first to last

This is the simplest task and the solution will be as simple as the saying “in two clicks”.

After you have typed all the text of the document (although this is not necessary, and you can do everything before typing), in the top ribbon menu go to “Insert” and click “Page Number”.