How to connect 2 TVs to one antenna. How to connect two TVs to one antenna

Almost everyone knows for sure that television replaces us, or rather provides one of the opportunities to have fun. Let's say moreover, it is still quite competitive in relation to the Internet, which has become our everything. The only thing is that even if you have several TVs in the house, you can only fully watch one program on each of them. If someone wants to watch something else or in another place, then there is a need to connect two or more televisions to one receiver. It is this option, when you need to connect two or more TVs to the receiver, that we will talk about in our article.

Options for connecting 2 TVs to the receiver(s)

If we talk about connection options, there are essentially two of them. No, of course, you can come up with a great many variations, but so that they are fundamentally different from each other, there are only two.
The first is when two TVs are connected to one receiver. If I can say so, they are connected in parallel, that is, the TVs show virtually the same thing.
The second option is when we have one antenna, two receivers and two TVs. That is, the signal goes to receivers, is divided to the antenna, and then decrypted by each receiver, for each TV. As a result, each TV shows its own programs, independently of the other.
So, now let’s start looking at both options in order, with their own connection features.

Connecting 2 TVs to one receiver (one signal source)

The first option, as we would say, is simpler. It is for those cases when you need to watch the same thing. That is, one video signal will be broadcast to two TVs. These are options when you can watch the same thing in different rooms. For example, when in one room the TV has already been turned off, and in the second they are still watching TV. The only problem is that you still have to switch programs where the receiver is directly installed. This is of course inconvenient.
So, the connection diagram in this case will be quite simple. The signal from the satellite dish (antenna) goes to the receiver, where it is decrypted and then sent to the TV. In this case, it can come through RF OUT or through tulip (RCA) plugs. Just if the receiver supports the ability to output video and audio signals in different ways, you can use this. For one TV, take the signal from RF OUT, and for the second from “tulips” or Scart. In order for you to better understand what and how, we will provide several connection diagrams and provide explanations for them.
The first connection option is when one of the TVs is connected via an RF socket, that is, actually via an RF cable. We talked about installing plugs on such an antenna cable in one of our articles. But the second signal is taken from Scart.

The next option is when we want to divide the signal into 2 TVs only using an RF modulator. In this case, the modulator is the same as a tee for a power outlet. Here you can connect at least two, at least 4 TVs. Or rather, as many connections as the modulator allows.

Well, the third option, which is quite relevant for modern receivers, is when Scart or RCA and HDMI output are used. In this case, you will not even need to purchase any modulators or splitters. The ability to connect the receiver using different methods actually realizes the receiver’s ability to work with 2 different TVs at once. All you need here are the appropriate wires.

I would like to say the following again about all these connection methods. Firstly, the signal to each of the TVs will be the same, which is not suitable for some.
Secondly, the cable from the receiver to the distant TV should not exceed a length of 15 meters. Otherwise, there will be so much interference that you won’t be able to watch the video comfortably.

Connecting 2 TVs to two receivers (two signal sources)

The second option involves connecting two receivers to two TVs. This option, in our opinion, deserves more attention, since, so to speak, it is complete. Here, each of the receivers receives a signal from the dish, and then decrypts and sends the signal for processing by the TV. The advantages here are obvious. You can watch different programs on different TVs at the same time. Program switching is carried out directly from the receiver installed next to the TV. There is no need to run around and switch programs somewhere and by someone. Well, the cables for switching between the receiver and the TV here will require a much shorter length than in the option above.
The only negative is that this option is more expensive. Let's analyze the connection diagrams according to this case.
There are two options here when the receivers are equivalent, that is, if it is fashionable to say so, self-sufficient. Each of them can work without the other and there is a case when one receiver receives an RF signal, and then processes it and, through the transmission of a digital signal, transmits it to 2 receivers.
First, about the first option.
Here the RF signal must be divided before arriving at each of the receivers...

...or do this. The signal arrives at one receiver and goes on to the next...

The point here is simple. Each of the receivers receives a similar signal and works with it separately. In principle, it turns out like one receiver, one TV, the connection diagram is the same. Unless there is one antenna for two.
Another option for connecting two TVs and two receivers was implemented by the Tricolor company. In this case, the GS e501 and GS c591 receivers work as follows.

The main receiver receives the signal, receives it on the receiver, or rather even two, and decrypts it. Next, the digital signal is transmitted to the second receiver. In this case, the second receiver is deprived of a receiver, which allows the manufacturer to save somewhat on the cost of such a connection, and therefore slightly reduce the price for the user.

To summarize...

So, if we summarize the topic of connecting two TVs to one and two receivers, then we can say that each of the options is possible. The only thing here is to decide what suits you. After all, it is this condition that will become the starting point for the implementation of connection diagrams. It should be noted that in addition to the connection diagram, receivers need configuration. Here it is necessary that the signal from the antenna arrives at the proper level, that is, the circuit is not a panacea for solving the problem. It does not relieve you of the need to configure receivers and this must be understood.

A TV splitter is a special antenna divider. They are used in cases where there is more than one TV in the room and the signal needs to be distributed consistently between different consumers. A television splitter with an amplifier can serve a large number of devices at once (from 3 and above).

And if we talk about such devices, in general, they are necessary for frequency separation of channels. And also such devices additionally have built-in protection against incorrect pulse voltages and currents that may arise in the cable cores during a thunderstorm. The splitter also protects against interference from power transmission lines and contact networks of electric vehicles.

The best splitters are those that include transformers with high resistance and higher frequency. But they are quite expensive and technologically weak. Typically, they are only able to split the signal in two directions. When you need more, a splitter with resistors in series would be a good solution.

There are television crabs with 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 outputs under the F connector for general and satellite television. They are characterized by high throughput.

Popular TV splitters:

  1. RTM type SAH 204F. 2-way splitter (isolation 28 dB, pass loss 3.6 dB).
  2. TLC type SAH 306F. Directions - 3 (isolation 28 dB, transmission loss 5.8 dB).
  3. Tbtec type HST 0408/F. 4-way splitter (isolation 32 dB, pass loss 7.2 dB).

The power division ratio can be equal (in most cases) or unequal.

How to choose

When choosing a television splitter, you must be guided by the following parameters:

  • what frequency are the received channels;
  • how many TVs are planned to be connected;
  • cable cross-section by diameter;
  • How experienced is the installer?

Action plan during the selection process:

  1. Using the menu of your TV, you need to find out the frequency of all received channels. Having determined the channel with the highest frequency, you should make sure that the upper limit of the splitter’s range is greater than this indicator.
  2. Count all available television devices, and also think about the prospects. Based on this, you need to choose a splitter with a number of outputs that exceeds the number of household appliances.
  3. In addition, you should evaluate the attenuation of the splitter, the unit of measurement of which is decibels. This value can be found on the device body or in the included instructions. The lower this indicator, the more valuable the device is.
  4. Appearance and dimensions. If the separator is in a visible place, it is important that it looks aesthetically pleasing. And if it is located inside the cable box, then it would be nice to pick up a small splitter.
  5. How to pin. Of course, it is possible for it to simply hang on the wires. But it’s better to fix it on the surface - it will be more reliable and prettier. This means you need to check that it has holes for fastening.
  6. There can be many connection methods. You need to focus on the type of cables used, as well as whether it is possible to solder.
  7. When making a purchase, it is important not to confuse a splitter with a diplexer or coupler.

If you take these points into account, then no further problems should arise during operation.

How to connect

There are different connection methods:

  • a splitter with a screw clamp can be combined with cables of any diameter and does not require soldering skills;
  • a device with threaded connections is compatible only with thin cables, but also does not require soldering;
  • a device with coaxial sockets can be connected to any cables using regular antenna plugs;
  • splitters that require soldering.

And the connection technology itself includes several simple steps:

  1. Decide on the appropriate surface and attach the separator to it.
  2. Remove the plugs from each connector on the antenna splitter.
  3. Using a coaxial cable, connect the input to the TV and the jack.
  4. Connect a common TV cable.

The whole process takes about a quarter of an hour.

It is important, when buying a splitter “for growth” (perhaps more TVs will appear in the future), temporarily drown out the excess unused outputs with a resistor that will absorb excess voltage in the circuit (up to 75 Ohms).

When the image is no longer satisfactory

It happens that after introducing a splitter, the image quality on several TVs deteriorates. Some people get out of this situation by connecting a Polish antenna with an amplifier. And the second solution to the problem is to purchase a television splitter with an amplifier. The last method is good if before this the TV showed without any complaints and, in fact, there were no complaints about the antenna.

But a TV technician can give you more precise advice in this situation. It has devices for measuring signal strength. This is important to do because the image may also be distorted if there is too much signal in the background.

There are 3 ways to implement additional devices that increase signal strength:

  1. At high load transfer rates of the splitter, you can use one intermediate amplifier at the input to the splitter.
  2. If overload is likely, it is better to give preference to separate amplifiers at each output. And it is set independently at each output.
  3. Combined reinforcement. One is placed at the entrance and additional separate ones at the exits.

Splitters are widely popular devices these days. If there is more than one TV in the house, then you cannot do without such a device. Some craftsmen make such devices themselves. Someone, wanting to save money, buys Chinese splitters. But the safest thing to do is buy this item from a trusted manufacturer, and use the services of a teleworker for installation.

Technology in our time gives a person a lot of opportunities. Not so long ago, having a TV in our home that showed several channels was considered an achievement. Nowadays, TV can show hundreds of channels, but this is no longer enough. Many users want to install two TVs at once that receive satellite signals and get a high-quality image.

When purchasing and installing a satellite television set at home, few people know that this set is intended for one TV. And since the tastes of residents do not coincide when watching programs and films, many have two or even three televisions. And in this case, the owners of several televisions are faced with the problem of connecting this equipment to one antenna and dividing the signal between them.

There are two options with which you can watch TV simultaneously with another:

  • Connection using 2 receivers;
  • And using the RF module.

There is a very simple way to connect one satellite dish to two TVs, but few people will like this method. This method involves using one receiver. In this method, the first device is connected to the first TV through tulips, and the third device, that is, the RF module, is connected to the second output to a tuner, which allows you to connect other monitors.

But, unfortunately, such a connection has a huge number of disadvantages. Channel control can only be done in the room where the tuner is located. And at the same time, 2 TVs show the same channels. The image quality also decreases.

Diagram for connecting a satellite dish to 2 TVs

There is an option to connect 2 TVs using a splitter or splinter, which divides the antenna signal into 2 TVs. For such work, modern equipment is used and for this reason we will not need a soldering iron, tin and rosin.

These branching patterns use screw sockets. The stripped end is inserted into the nut, and the second with a similar plug is connected to the TV. We insert the central antenna cable into a special hole in the splinter screw socket, and tighten the nut and tightly press the copper sheath of the cable to the device body.

Before carrying out work, disconnect the device from the network until final connection.

Connection instructions, step by step:

  • We buy a special cable, as much as necessary, at least 12 meters long, the image quality depends on the correct choice of cable, and a splinter with two outputs;
  • If the satellite dish is already connected to one of the TVs, then insert this end into the output port on the separator and tighten the nut;
  • Next, we cut off a small piece of cable from the coil and put the ends of a standard plug on it (the so-called head) and crimp them;
  • We perform the same crimping on the remaining section of the cable; it will make it possible to connect the signal splitter and the TV in another room;
  • We insert the plugs into the corresponding connectors on the splinter body and connect to the TV;
  • We hide the section that goes to another room under the baseboard so as not to step on it;
  • In order to shorten the length of this cable, you can drill a hole in the wall between the rooms.

After connecting the antenna to 2 TVs, we check the image quality and if it is distorted or intermittent, then we check the connection or redo the crimping.

How to connect 2 TVs to one tuner

To successfully connect 2 TVs to one satellite, you need to have the right tool.


  • The simplest cable stripping tool;
  • Satellite dish or standard antenna;
  • Tuner;
  • Splitter or splinter for 2 outputs;
  • 2 TVs;
  • A set of necessary cables.

If one TV is located, for example, in the living room, and the second in another room, then we connect the nearest TV with a receiver and a purchased cable. We turn on the TV in the hall and start tuning.

We perform the following actions:

  • Press the menu button;
  • We determine and mark the desired source for the signal;
  • In the found source, mark the connector to which the TV is connected;
  • We search for programs;
  • After the search is complete, we remove channels with low-quality images from the list.

Now we’ll tell you how to connect a second TV to the tuner. We measure the minimum distance from TV to TV. We run the cable along the baseboard so as not to touch it when walking around the rooms.

Next, we take a high-frequency or regular television-type cable, which is connected to the output on the back panel of the tuner, the other end to the antenna input, which is located on the TV. After connecting, all that remains is to configure the TV.

Optimal connection of two TVs to one satellite dish

In order to properly connect 2 TVs to one satellite and make it possible to view different channels on these TVs, you need to connect each of them to its own tuner. Once the signal reaches the tuner, the signal can be divided as you wish and you can view your favorite channels without disturbing the other occupant of the house.

All channels are switched on the tuner - this makes it possible to watch different channels on two TVs at the same time.

Making such a connection is not cheap, but there is no such method.

A separate such device is installed in each room. The connection is made in a chain. When connected in a chain, all devices are connected to the loop-through output.

How to install a satellite dish on 2 TVs (video)

After you read our article, you realized that there are many options for connecting. Each of them has not only its own characteristics, but also certain difficulties. Based on this, we can say that for some it will be easier to occupy their free time and cope with the task on their own, while others will decide to spend money and turn to the experts. In any case, both options have a right to exist.

Satellite dish for 2 TVs: how to connect correctly

Thanks to modern technologies, 2 TVs can show from one satellite dish Technology in our time gives a person a lot of opportunities. Not so long ago, having a TV in our home that showed several channels was considered an achievement. Nowadays, TV can show hundreds of channels, but this is no longer enough. Many users want to install two TVs at once that receive satellite signals and get a high-quality image.

Satellite TV for 2 TVs: which option is unacceptable

When purchasing and installing a satellite television set at home, few people know that this set is intended for one TV. And since the tastes of residents do not coincide when watching programs and films, many have two or even three televisions. And in this case, the owners of several televisions are faced with the problem of connecting this equipment to one antenna and dividing the signal between them.

Before buying a satellite dish, you should consult with the seller about the possibility of connecting to two TVs

There are two options with which you can watch TV simultaneously with another:

  • Connection using 2 receivers;
  • And using the RF module.

There is a very simple way to connect one satellite dish to two TVs, but few people will like this method. This method involves using one receiver. In this method, the first device is connected to the first TV through tulips, and the third device, that is, the RF module, is connected to the second output to a tuner, which allows you to connect other monitors.

But, unfortunately, such a connection has a huge number of disadvantages. Channel control can only be done in the room where the tuner is located. And at the same time, 2 TVs show the same channels. The image quality also decreases.

Diagram for connecting a satellite dish to 2 TVs

There is an option to connect 2 TVs using a splitter or splinter, which divides the antenna signal into 2 TVs. For such work, modern equipment is used and for this reason we will not need a soldering iron, tin and rosin.

These branching patterns use screw sockets. The stripped end is inserted into the nut, and the second with a similar plug is connected to the TV. We insert the central antenna cable into a special hole in the splinter screw socket, and tighten the nut and tightly press the copper sheath of the cable to the device body.

Before carrying out work, disconnect the device from the network until final connection.

The connection diagram for a satellite dish to two TVs may differ slightly depending on the selected model

Connection instructions, step by step:

  • We buy a special cable, as much as necessary, at least 12 meters long, the image quality depends on the correct choice of cable, and a splinter with two outputs;
  • If the satellite dish is already connected to one of the TVs, then insert this end into the output port on the separator and tighten the nut;
  • Next, we cut off a small piece of cable from the coil and put the ends of a standard plug on it (the so-called head) and crimp them;
  • We perform the same crimping on the remaining section of the cable; it will make it possible to connect the signal splitter and the TV in another room;
  • We insert the plugs into the corresponding connectors on the splinter body and connect to the TV;
  • We hide the section that goes to another room under the baseboard so as not to step on it;
  • In order to shorten the length of this cable, you can drill a hole in the wall between the rooms.

After connecting the antenna to 2 TVs, we check the image quality and if it is distorted or intermittent, then we check the connection or redo the crimping.

How to connect 2 TVs to one tuner

To successfully connect 2 TVs to one satellite, you need to have the right tool.


  • The simplest cable stripping tool;
  • Satellite dish or standard antenna;
  • Tuner;
  • Splitter or splinter for 2 outputs;
  • 2 TVs;
  • A set of necessary cables.

If one TV is located, for example, in the living room, and the second in another room, then we connect the nearest TV with a receiver and a purchased cable. We turn on the TV in the hall and start tuning.

The tuner has special connectors for connecting two TVs

We perform the following actions:

  • Press the menu button;
  • We determine and mark the desired source for the signal;
  • In the found source, mark the connector to which the TV is connected;
  • We search for programs;
  • After the search is complete, we remove channels with low-quality images from the list.

Now we’ll tell you how to connect a second TV to the tuner. We measure the minimum distance from TV to TV. We run the cable along the baseboard so as not to touch it when walking around the rooms.

Next, we take a high-frequency or regular television-type cable, which is connected to the output on the back panel of the tuner, the other end to the antenna input, which is located on the TV. After connecting, all that remains is to configure the TV.

Optimal connection of two TVs to one satellite dish

In order to properly connect 2 TVs to one satellite and make it possible to view different channels on these TVs, you need to connect each of them to its own tuner. Once the signal reaches the tuner, the signal can be divided as you wish and you can view your favorite channels without disturbing the other occupant of the house.

To connect two TVs to one satellite dish, you can use special adapters

All channels are switched on the tuner - this makes it possible to watch different channels on two TVs at the same time.

Making such a connection is not cheap, but there is no such method.

A separate such device is installed in each room. The connection is made in a chain. When connected in a chain, all devices are connected to the loop-through output.

How to install a satellite dish on 2 TVs (video)

After you read our article, you realized that there are many options for connecting. Each of them has not only its own characteristics, but also certain difficulties. Based on this, we can say that for some it will be easier to occupy their free time and cope with the task on their own, while others will decide to spend money and turn to the experts. In any case, both options have a right to exist.