How to connect a denn digital terrestrial television receiver. How to connect a digital set-top box to your TV

TV), it's time to move on to the most important part - at a construction site digital television . How to set up digital television yourself? Read more about this.

I will show the example of a receiver Mystery MMP-71DT2, and like me, his software is completely identical to Rolson. If you have a different console, the principle will be the same, but you may have to look at the instructions.

How to connect everything

First, let's connect antenna to the receiver, and the receiver to the TV. Preferably through HDMI cable, so the image quality will be as clear as possible. If there is none, then through ordinary “tulips”, they usually come complete with the console. Look at the connectors in the instructions, you will get something like this. If the antenna has an amplifier, first turn it off, then you can always turn it on.

We launch all this equipment, set-top box, antenna, TV. Select the desired video input. If everything is done correctly, you will see start menu, like this:

How to set up digital television through “auto search”

By default, the set-top box is not configured for anything, and you yourself will need to catch the channels that are broadcast in your region. The easiest way is to run an auto search.

After launching the auto search, the set-top box will think for a long time, and should find something in the end. Important: since each one is transmitted at the same frequency, you will catch channels not one at a time, but in packs of ten at once. So be patient. If in analog TV channels are caught one at a time, then a few minutes may pass, and the set-top box will search. But then all 10-20 channels will pop up immediately.

After the search is over, the set-top box will prompt you to add the found channels. If you find all 20 pieces, congratulations, the process is complete!

List of tuned channels, TV Guide function

How to check signal quality when setting up digital TV

Check that the signal is strong enough and everything is set up well.

It's very easy to do. You should have an INFO button on your set-top box, triple press displays data on signal quality and intensity. Look in the instructions, it may be called differently, but it will do the same thing:

The higher the signal, the better. Optimal - from 60% onwards

If both indicators are high, above 60%, everything is fine.

Check on both multiplexes, say, on Channel One and TNT.

Since different multiplexes are transmitted, you can catch the first one well, and the second one poorly, or vice versa. Your task is to rotate the antenna so that both are caught well.

But in practice it happens a little differently. For example, you can catch duplicates. When identical channels will occupy several places at once. It doesn't seem critical, but it's annoying. How to treat, I.

What to do if you caught duplicates or didn’t catch anything

The second option is when not everything was caught, or nothing was caught. This will help us fine tuning And manual mode. We read about it. However, if you live in a city and there are towers near you, then in 90% of cases an auto search is enough for you.


As you can see, setting up digital television dvb DIY t2 is not a difficult task. And you certainly shouldn’t call a specialist who will do the same thing for you for a thousand rubles)

Free audio/video signal receiver DENN DDT100, from Chinese manufacturer VVK guarantees, without large investments Money, stable viewing of digital channels of the DVB-T2, DVB-T standard with decoding into MPEG2, MPEG4 formats. When a signal is input from the HDMI interface to digital tv image resolution can reach 1920x1080 p. Reception/transmission of programs is carried out in the frequency range 177.5 – 865 MHz. Collaboration modern processor and the device’s sensitive tuner can improve the quality of a “noisy” signal.

Availability in the scheme USB interface 2.0 allows you to expand the capabilities of the device. After connection external media via the above port to the set-top box, the user has access to new functions:

  • Changing playback modes of recorded files, entering a “pause” when viewing, fast rewinding the recording content in different directions(Time Shift).
  • Replacement of basic installation files for new software.
  • Play media file formats defined by technical capabilities device (Player).
  • Programming is required to record the number of channels and time periods using a timer recording (PVR).

When the “Player” option is activated, the set-top box is capable of producing audio/video file formats: AVI, MKV, MPEG, AAC, MP3, OGG, MP3, AAC, WMA, OGG, FLAC, JPEG, BMP, PNG. For hearing-impaired viewers, it is possible to accompany the video screening with subtitles and teletext. For ease of use, a Russified menu is attached. The Electronic Program Guide (EPG) allows you to prioritize your TV listings for the upcoming week.

DENN DDT100 receiver, remote control with two AAA batteries, RCA 3x3 composite cable, instructions and warranty card are included in the package purchased by the buyer. Appearance The case, made of budget black plastic, has a standard, inconspicuous design. Compact dimensions The device was allowed to place on the front panel only a USB port, an IR signal receiver from the remote control, led indicator state of the receiver modes. Rear panel communication sockets are shown antenna input(RF IN) HDMI interface, RCA composite audio/video output connectors, voltage power cable input point.

Features of DENN DDT100
  • The ability of the tuner to receive and store up to 999 channels.
  • Supports the function of changing the aspect ratio of the picture: 4:3, 16:9.
  • Dimensions: 112 x 100 x 30 mm.

Possibility of using an adapter (HDMI-VGA) to supply a signal to a CRT monitor, good quality images, convenient menu algorithm refer to competitive advantages consoles. Didn't like it problematic work BY individual models, the need to use an expensive antenna to maintain signal sensitivity, lack of RF output for a high-frequency signal.

All of Europe, America and Japan have switched to digital television. Russia is also rapidly developing the progress of terrestrial digital TV. Many people purchased this receiver, some hired specialists to connect and configure it, and others connected and configured it themselves, so in this article we will tell you how to connect a digital set-top box to a TV. And that’s right, we wrote about this earlier.

With the advent of digital television, even in the most distant corners of our country, digital channels, which are also broadcast in central Russia. That is, the channels that are broadcast in Moscow, the same channels will be broadcast in Chukotka. The quality has certainly changed for the better compared to analogue broadcasting. There are TVs that support digital broadcasting DVB-T2. Very convenient, connected tv cable to the TV and that’s it, no more wires, and the digital TV set-top box shows in perfect quality. But if you have a TV that does not support digital television, then do not despair, you can simply purchase a digital receiver.

This is what it looks like, which opens the door to the world of terrestrial digital television.

This is what all the connectors look like digital set-top box, on the back side.

And here are the TV connectors. The digital receiver is easy to connect to your TV.

And so, let's start, after you have purchased a digital television set-top box, come home. Having unpacked it, install it next to the TV, insert batteries into the remote control, then connect the power supply to the set-top box at 220V. Next, let’s look at what cords we’ll use to connect it; of course, it’s correct to connect it with an HDMI cable; the image will be much cleaner and better. But if suddenly, for some reason, such an output is not available on the TV or receiver, do not be upset. “Comb” or “tulips” also work well. “Tulips” - there’s nowhere easier to connect, you insert three plugs into the set-top box, and from the other end you also insert three plugs into the TV, insert everything according to color. “Comb” - here the connection is even simpler, you just need to insert the “comb” into the TV and set-top box at both ends.

It also happens that there are no “tulips” on the TV and no “comb” on the set-top box, or vice versa, but there is also a cord that has a “comb” on one side and “tulips” on the other, and it won’t be too difficult to connect either. We've dealt with this point, let's move on. After connecting the receiver to the TV, insert antenna plug into the antenna socket of the set-top box. Then we turn on the TV and use the remote control to switch it to AV/TV.

On LCD TVs or plasma panels, when you press the button on AV, a small menu appears, with the words AV, SCART, HDMI, etc. Select the inscription that you connected to the TV, for example, if you connected “tulips” then select AV, if you connected a “comb”, then select the SCART line, and if you connected it with an HDMI cable, then select the appropriate item.

The modern world can no longer be imagined without digital TV. This signal transmission has been used for quite some time to broadcast television and radio channels in many countries in Europe, America and Asia. In Russia, the process of transition from analogue to digital TV has been delayed.

The digital signal arriving through the receiver antenna allows you to watch more TV channels throughout the country without loss of quality or interference. In this case, the signal itself can arrive either to an antenna that is attached to set-top box, and directly to the TV. It all depends on how modern model of this device you have.

With devices that support DVB-T2, everything is simple. In order to connect to digital TV, just insert the cable into the appropriate connector and do a simple task. If your TV is outdated and does not support receiving this type of signal, then in order to view it you should purchase a special set-top box. It is inexpensive, but some people may have problems connecting and setting it up, so today we will talk about how to do this.

What is needed for this

To connect digital TV you will need:

  • TV;
  • Set-top box (receiver);
  • Antenna.

Your TV should have an input into which you can insert an antenna, a tulip-type connector, and an input with video output (scart). If you have a scart connector together hdmi input, then no need to worry. It is also suitable for connecting a receiver. It's just that your model is newer.

Before buying a receiver, you should figure out which one is better and find out what parameters you should pay attention to in order to choose the most optimal model. If you don't understand much about technology, and spend your free time If you don’t want to study all these nuances, you can contact a company that provides television broadcasting services in your city and get advice from their specialists. In addition, you can take advantage of promotional offers from the service provider. Often, if you connect to their services, you can receive a receiver as a gift.

A receiver is essentially an adapter that allows you to receive and transmit a signal to your device. He can receive it through the following sources:

  • Satellite dish;
  • Antenna;
  • Through the Internet;
  • Using other sources.

Connecting a digital set-top box

To connect the receiver directly, you should follow these steps:

  1. Take the TV box out of the box and remove it from protective film. It is necessary to remove the film. Otherwise, the receiver may overheat and break.
  2. Take the TV cable and cut off the protective sheath, thus exposing 1-15 millimeters of the cable on both sides. The sheath should be stripped very carefully so as not to damage the shielding film, which is designed to protect the center conductor.
  3. Carefully peel back the shiny protective film and screw the f-connectors to the wires.
  4. Connect the TV to the set-top box using a cable.
  5. Insert the wires into the tulip-type connectors on the TV and set-top box.
  6. . The antenna itself should be installed on the external wall of the house or on your balcony, if it is not glazed. At the same time, make sure that it is not touched by tree branches or power cables.

This completes the process of connecting the TV set-top box. Next, to watch the TV channels available in your region, you should configure it.

In our country, many people still use televisions that were produced back in the Soviet years or in the early 90s. Connecting a receiver to such devices is not so easy - they do not have tulip-type connectors. Additionally, some models have scart outputs, but these only accept component signals.

These problems can be solved in two ways:

  • Find a circuit for an adapter from the A/V input to scart and solder it yourself;
  • Purchase a special adapter from the store to which you can attach an RCA cable from the set-top box or an adapter cable.

There are even more ancient models of TVs of the “Electron” type that do not provide any inputs at all, except for an antenna connector. A modulated signal enters the TV through this connector. high frequency, therefore, in order to watch digital TV on a device of this type, you will need to additionally purchase a modulator that will be equipped with RCA connectors.

Receiver setup

In order to set up digital channels on your TV, after connecting the set-top box to it, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. On the remote remote control press the "Menu" button.
  2. In the window that opens, go to the settings menu.
  3. You need to select Russia as the country if it is not the default.
  4. Now you need to select the signal standard. By default, DTV-T/DTV-T2 is installed, that is, analog and digital TV, respectively. If you leave it this way, the TV will search for both channels.
  5. You will be prompted to perform automatic or manual setting. Select Automatic and press the “OK” button on the remote control.
  6. Now you need to wait a while until all available free and pay TV channels will be discovered. When you complete your search, click “Save.”

This is one of the most simple ways set up digital TV at home. If the TV finds few channels or does not find them at all, then you should use manual tuning.

To do this, you need to delete all the channels that were found for this. After the channels are deleted, you should repeat the same steps as for automatic search, but instead of auto-tuning select manual search. A window will appear in front of you in which you should set the frequency on which digital channels are broadcast in your city. You can find out this frequency on the Internet or by contacting your service provider. You may also need to change the search range for the search to begin.

After the TV channels of the first multiplex have been found, you will need to find out the frequency for the second multiplex in your city and start the manual search again. Thanks to this, you will be able to watch more channels.

Checking the signal quality

To make sure that you did everything correctly and everything is working well, you should check the quality of signal reception. This is not difficult to do. The receiver must have a button called INFO. By clicking on it three times, a window will appear on the screen with information about signal quality, channel number, frequency and encoding. If two existing indicators above 60%, it means everything is fine and the signal level is quite acceptable.

Perhaps in your model of TV set-top box this button will be called something else. To find out what this button is called for you, look at the instructions and read the purpose of the buttons.

If your TV receives several multiplexes, be sure to check the signal quality on each of them. This is due to the fact that each of them is transmitted and received using different transmitters, so it is quite possible that the signal will be good in one multiplex, but not in the second.